USD11884S - Design for a base-burning stove - Google Patents

Design for a base-burning stove Download PDF


Publication number
USD11884S US D11884 S USD11884 S US D11884S
United States
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Otis O. Clark
Original Assignee
Said Clark And
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SPECIFICATION formingpart of Design No. 11,884, dated July 20, 1880.
Application filed June 14, 1830. Term of patent years.
To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that NIcHoLAs S.VED1)ER, deceased, late of the city of Troy, in the county of Renssclaer and btate of New York, and TOBIAS S. HEISTER, of the village of Lansingburg, in said county and State, did, in the lifetime of said NICHOLAS S. VEDDER, jointly invent and produce a new and original Design for Base Burning Stoves; and that OTIS G. CLARK, a resident of the city of Troy, aforesaid, and DANIEL D. BUOKLIN, a resident of the aforesaid village of Lansingburg, are the executors of the last will and testament of said NICHOLAS S. VEDDER, deceased and we, the said OTIS G. GLARK, DANIEL D. BUoKLIN, and ToBIAs S. HEISTER, hereby declare that the following is aspecification of the said new design, reference being bad to the accompanying cut, print, or engraving.
One feature of this invention is the design for the legs A, composed of the upper panel portion, 11, having the row of pointed arches 1), covering the heart-shaped ornaments b the swelling middle portion, 0, havingthe moldings c and ornament c and the concavely-contracted lower portion, d, having the ornaments d, all shaped and arranged substantially as shown in the aforesaid print.
Another feature is the design for the baseplate B, the same being composed of the smooth surface inclined outer rim having the long flat faces 0, alternating with the shorter flat faces 6, and the intervening coneavelycurved faces 6 the adjoining inner and more lowly-inclined rim portion composed of the long parts f, alternating with the shorter parts f, each having the matted surfaces f and ornamental edging f and the intervening ornamented coneavely -eurved parts f, the plane surface g, and the inner molded portion having the angular projections h, with concavely-curved sides, and the eonvexly-curved intervening parts 12/, all shaped and arranged together as shown in the aforesaid out.
Another feature is the design for the footrail 0, composed of the smooth flat top and inclined sides. having the long straight portions i, alternating with and inclined obtusely to the shorter straight portions 0', and the intervening parts i curved concavely outward and convcxly inward, all substantially as represented in the accompanying engraving.
Another part is the design for the ash-pit section D,composed of the ornamented panel J', ornamental open-work j, and the panel-plates 7c, vertically concave and horizontally convex, and having the ornament Z and ornamented fillets I on the middle portion, and the compound border, composed of the outer rowof flute ornamentations, m, inner ornamented fillet, m, with rectangular drop-ornamented inwardly-projecting parts m intermediate matted ground, and star-like corner ornaments, m all shaped, arranged, and combined as shown in the aforesaid out.
Another part is the design for the fire-pot section E, composed of the ornamented rear side panel, N,lower vertical portion, O, having the incut ornamentations n, and the inclined doors P, each having the two horizontallyoblong illumination-apertures 0, with truncate corners, and the surrounding frame having the matted ground 0 and fillet ornamentations 0 all shaped and arranged together so as to appear as represented in the aforesaid print.
Another part is the design for the combustion-chamber section F, composed of the ornamented rear side panel, Q, and the doors R, having the three upper and two lower illumination-apertures p, with truncate corners, the series of angular ornaments 1) along the top, and the frame-work having the matted ground 12*, and the varied fillet ornamentations 13 all shaped and arranged so as to appear as represented in the aforesaid engraving.
Another feature is the design for the panel ornaments Gr of the upper section, the same being composed of the central figure, representing a rearing horse, q, having a mailed rider, 1", thereon displayed on the picturesque background 8, inclosed by the ornamented base part .9, columns 8 and arched top 8, all shaped and disposed so as to appear as represented in the aforesaid cut.
Another feature is the design for the borders of the panels of the upper section, ll,the same consisting of the top and bottom borders, eomposed of the series of outer or:iamentations, t, inner ornamentation, t, and intervening ground and the columns between the panels, having the angnlarly-orxnnnented base a, ornamentallyinent shaft a, and seroll leaf ornamented capital 24 all shaped and arranged as represented in the aforesaid engraving.
Another feature is the design for the orna mental top rim, l, eomposed of the smooth polished face-surface r, the series of alternate angular depressions and projeetions r along the lower edge, aml the series of narrower and more mnnerons alternate rounded depressions and projections r along the upper edge, and all shaped, arranged, and proportioned as represented in the aforesaid print.
Another part is the design for the urn U, composed of the outer semieireular lower part, 10, supporting the broader part 10, covered by the toothed band 70 heart-shaped ornament 10, side brackets, .1 21', top ornamented arch, y, inner serrate-edged areh, and intermediate part z, all shaped, ornamented, and arranged together as shown in the aforesaid cut.
\Vbat is claimed as the joint invention of the aforesaid NtcHoLAs S. VEDDER. and Tomas S. HEISTER. 1's
1. The design for the legs A, composed of the parts I) b c a 0, and d d, all shaped and combined as shown and described.
2. The design for the base-plate B, consisting of the parts 0 e c ,f /'f/'j"*f", g. and It It, all
shaped and combined as set forth.
3. The design for the foot-rail U, composed i of the parts 11,1 and i, all shaped, proper tioned, and arranged as shown and described.
l. The design for the ash-pit seetion l),eom- 4o posed of the parts .i j [0' l l m. in. "124113, all shaped and arranged as set forth.
5. The design for the lirepot section If], eon]- posed of the parts N, (J n. l 0 0'0, all shaped and arranged together as shown and specified. g
(5. The design for the eonibastion-cllamber section l ,eonsist|ng ofthe parts (3, ltp p p 1, all shaped and arrimged as set forth.
7. The design for the panel ornaments (l' for the upper section, composed of the parts 1 r .s' s s s, all shaped and combined as set forth.
6. The design for the border of the panels of the upper section, ll, consisting of the parts t t I. and u a if, all. shaped aml arranged together as shown and described.
9. The design for the top rim, 1, composed of the parts 7),2, and n, all shaped, n'oportioned, and combined as shown and s lecitied.
1h. The design for the urn U, consisting of the parts 10, '20, v0 10, .1311, y, z, and .2, all shaped and arranged together as shown and deseribed.
In testimon whereof we hereunto set our hands, in the presence of two subscribing wit- Witnesses:



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