USD14486S - Design for a heating-stove - Google Patents

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USD14486S US D14486 S USD14486 S US D14486S
United States
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H. Clay Bascom
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[17465 OF P"; 14 1486 DESIGN.
No. 14,486. Patented Dec. 18 1883.
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,PECIFICATION forming part of Design No. 14,486, dated December 18, 1883.
Application tiled November .3, 1883.
To all whom, it may concern.
Be it: known that I, H. CLAY BASCOM, of Troy, in the county of Rensselaer and State of New York, have invented a certain new and useful Design for Heating-Stoves; and I do hereby declare that the following is a full, clear, and exact description thereof, reference being had to the accompanying cut, print, or engraving of a stove having said new design.
My design embraces a stove which in hori zontal section has an oblong form, and verti cally is composed of a base, an ash-pit section, a fire-pot section, a combustionchamber section, a magazine-section, and a top.
The design for the base A consists, substantially, of a fiat rectangular plate, a, having smooth vertical edges (1, that terminate in an outward and downward inclined band, a". Be low said band a is adepending flange, (1, which has an irregular ornamental outline at its lower edge, and upon its face is provided with ornamental figures, either in relief or intaglio. At each corner of said flange (1 is a sustaining-leg, a, which has the outline and surface ornamentation, all substantially as shown in the annexed cut.
The design for theash-pit section B consists of vertical walls that are arranged in an oblong form, and each of the same is provided with a panel, I), which is ornamented substantially as shown, and may constitute a hinged door. The top of said ash pit section is formed by a substantially flat projecting plate, I), the edge of which I) is smooth and oven hangs the walls of said section, and has a slight outward as well as a downward inclination. The design for this section also embraces a horizontal rail, [1", which extends from the front corners of the same, midway between its upper and lower ends, forward and across the front, all substantially as shown in the annexed cut.
The design for the tire-pot section C consists of four corner-posts, c, that have the form of a right angle in horizontal section, and between the same, upon the front,and at each end of said section, are provided mica doors 0, each of which has two light-opcnings,that are substantially square, with cut-away corners. The frames of said doors are extended outward, so as to form of each a raised panel hav- Term of patent, 7 years.
ingbevelcd beaded edges 0, which are plain, while surrounding each of said lightopeuings is a beveled ornamented edge, c". From the front side, at the lower end of said section G, a plate or hearth, 0, extends forward to or be yond the front edge of the plate I), and has its edges 0 which are smooth, rounded outward and downward, while its surface within said edges is ornamented. At the upper end of each side of said section C isa horizontal ornamental band, c, which separates the same from the combustion-chainber section next above. all substantially as shown in the annexed en graving.
The combustion'cliamber section I) is similar to tire-pot sect ion t, before described; but its doors (I have each four light-openings. .-\t the upper end of said section I) an ornamental band, (2', extendshorizontallyacross each side between the corner-posts c,and above the same is a horizontal plate, 1%, which projects outward, and has a plain nearly vertical overhanging edge, (1. The upper surface of said plate is curved upward and inward and is ornamented, all S\lllSlfllliiflll 'flS shown in the annexed print.
The inagazi lie-section E has in horizontal section the general rectangular shape of the other sections, but is somewhat smallcrthanthe coinhustioirchambcr section. It has four plain right-angled corner-posts,e,which extend from the plate (1 upward to the projecting top plate, F, and at their upper ends curve outward to the edgef of the same. Between said cornerposts, at each end and in front, is a panel, 0', which is ornamented by incised or raised lines, and at the upper edge of the same is an outward and upward curving band, 6', having a plain surface, all substantially as shown in the annexed cut.
The top plate, F, has a plain, nearly vertical overhanging edge, f, from which there is a narrow horizontal ledge, f from which a plain band,f, slopes upward and inward. Above the bandf is an inward and upward sloping ornamental band, f,and above the sainea rectangular elevated central part, f, which has a convex ornamented surface and plain inward and downward inclining edges f all substantially as shown in the annexed print.
Above the plate F is located an ornamental horizontal handle, G, which is supported at its center by an ornamental post, 1 all as represented in the annexed drawing.
llaving thus described the nature of my invention, what. I claim as new isl. The design foraheating-stove, embracing the sections, A, ll, (1 l). E, and I substantially as shown.
The design for a base A embracing the plate (I, having the edges (1' a", and depending tlange a, subshuitially as shown.
5. The design for an ash-pit section. B, elubracing the panels 1). plate I). having the over hanging edge I), and the rail b, substantially as shown.
4. The design for the fire-pot section 0. embracing, the corner-posts c, the mica doors 0, having the beaded edges 0-, and beveled edge light-openings 0",the hearth 0*,havingtheornamented upper face and rounded edge a and the ornamental hand c,substantiall v as shown.
5. The design for the eombustionehamber section D, embracing the corner-posts 0, panels a, and concave hand a, substantially as shown.
(3. The design for the inagazine-seotion E, embraeing the eornenposts, r, panels 0', and concave hand a, substantially as shown.
7. The design for the top plate, F. embi'ae ing the overhanging edgef, the ledgef', the inclined baudf, the ornamental band and the elevated eentral part, 1" f substantially as shown.
The design for the handle (1 and Support ing-post g, substantially as shown.
ln testimony that I elaiin the foregoingl have hereunto set my hand this 3d day of November, 1883.
Uni-muss II. BENEDICT, Cmas'rnn BASCOM.



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