USD28386S - Design for a heating-stove - Google Patents

Design for a heating-stove Download PDF


Publication number
USD28386S US D28386 S USD28386 S US D28386S
United States
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Edward G. Germer
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No. 28,386, Patented Mar. 15, 1898.
SPECIFICATION forming part of Design No. 28,886, dated March 15, 1898.
Application filed October 7, 1897. Serial No. 2,470. Term of patent '7 years.
To all whom it may concern.-
Be it known that I, EDWARD G. GEEnEn, a citizen of the United States, residing at the city of Erie, in the county of Erie and State of Pennsylvania, have invented a certain new and original Design for Heating-Stoves; and I do hereby declare the following to be a full, clear, and exact description of the invention, such as will enable others skilled in the art to which it appertains to make and use the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, and to the letters of reference marked thereon, forming part of this specification.
The drawing shows a perspective View of a heating-stove.
The leading features of my design consist s bstantially in the form and ornamentation :n a heating-stove embodying a stove-base rectangular in its general contour, under which there is a skirting joining the legs at the corners of the base and ornamented with scrollwork, said stove-base being surmounted by an upright generally rectangular body comprising an ashpit section having a door in front and ornamentalbrackets supporting side rails at the sides, surmounted with firepot and combustion-chainber sections provided with illuminated doors at the front and sides thereof, and a sub-top and top section ornamented with scrollwork panels.
A is the stove-base, which is substantially rectangular in its general outline, with the eorners thereof rounded and having a plain )gee band A around the lower edge thereof. The front of the base above this molding is oczupied with a name-plate panel a, with an oraamental border around the same. At the :orners of the base are corn er-panels a and at :he sides side panels a the lower portions )f which are ornamented with a band of shellwork, above which the corner and side panels TI, and a are ornamented with scrollwork.
Under the corners of the base A are seen red legs 13, the upper parts of which form the zorner-panels of the skirting C, the panels of the skirting O and on the legs B being ornamented with scrollwork c. The lower por- Zions of the legs B are curved outward and o namented with scroll and foliate work.
Jpon the top of the base A there is the ash-box section D, comprising corner-posts D, a door D in the front thereof, having a sliding draft-register and ornamented with scrollwork, and scrollwork brackets cl at the sides of the ash-box supporting ornamental rails (1. Above the ash-box section D there is a projectingmolding E, ornamented around its lower edge by plain and shellwork bands, above which, in front, is a name-plate panel 6 and at the corners and sides a plain ogee. Above this molding is the section F, designated as the fire-pot section, comprising corner-posts F and illuminated front doors f f, centrally curving outward, and illuminated doors f at the sides thereof, the stiles of these doors being ornamented with scrollwork. This section F is surmounted with a projecting band molding G, the lower edge of which is a plain ogee and the upper part a shellwork band. Above this molding G is the combustion-chamber section H, comprising corner-posts H and illuminated front doors 7L h, centrally curving outward, and illuminated side doors h, the stiles thereof being ornamented with scrollwork.
The sub-top section I of the stove surmounts the section II and comprises the corner-sections J, ornamented with scrollwork, the front panel K, the contour of the top of which is substantially circular, and the front thereof shaped like a semidome and ornam entcd with medallions and scrollwork. Each of the side panels K between the corner-sections J J consists of a scrollwork panel 70, above which there is a substantially semicircular panel 7t, ornamented with has-relief work. Above these corner-sections J and the front and side panels K and K there is a substantially vertical band L, ornamented with scrollwork.
lhe top section M surmounts the ornamental band L and comprises a lower section M, which curves upward and inward to the base of the dome-shaped upper section N, upon which is placed an urn O.
lhe lower section M of the stove-top is divided into corner-panels m and front and side panels m, ornamented with scrollwork, the lower edges of thesepanels terminating in a plain band m which overhangs the subtop section I and the ornamental band L. The upper section N of the stovestop M comprises a shellwork band or around the base gBEST AVAILABLE cop thereof, above which there is a plain band The design for a heating-stove, substann, the upper edge of which is scroll-ornatially as shown and described. mented. Above the band 02 is a curved band In testimony whereof I affix my signature niornament-ed with scrollwork, which is surin presence of two Witnesses. mounted b Y the base 0 of an ornamental 1 urn O, pro ided with serollwork and medal- EDVARD GERMER' lion ornamentation, and scrollwork handles \Vitnesses: 0 0 on the sides thereof. FRED EINFELDT,
\Vhat I claim is \VM. G. CROSBY.



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