USD15184S - Design for a heating-stove - Google Patents

Design for a heating-stove Download PDF


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USD15184S US D15184 S USD15184 S US D15184S
United States
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Nicholas Ixkayeu
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SPECIFICATION forming part. of Design No. 15.184, dated August 5, 1884.
A pplitzation tiled June ttt, lr'i'tit.
To rz/ triton: f/ m/rf/ Concern:
Iv it known that I, Nnnonts lhrtrian, ot Ilot-luister` in the county oll Monroe and State ot' New York, have invented a lvsifgn l'or llvatingvStores. ol' whieh thv tollowing is a spevitieation.
y design relates to that part ienlar type ot' stoves commonly known in thv art as "nmgzr zine" stoves, which possess eertain distinctive vharaeteristivs in t'orm and appearance.
)ly design vmlnztves a ltodiv nl' ovtagonnl t`orln in eross-seetion. or, in other words, ol' thv l'orm ol' an elongated rectangle, haring' t he eornvrs ehaml'ervd or beveled ina Vertical direet ion. ',l`herv are .several seet ions one above anothvr, det-,reusingl in .size slleet`^ssirelyliefert-ing te the details ot` the design, represents :1 hase portion provided with legs .-tt the eorners. llorizontalty it is olsnhstan tially reetangnlar torni, the eorners heine herY elvd or eut away. The outer t'aevs of the leg portions fl, hear in relivt ornaments in t'ortn otl a Maltese cross, together with minor ornantvntal lines, such as shown. 'lfhv intermediate Vertical portions between thv legs bear rosvtttfs c and ornamental figures d,
Above thv base AY there is what is known as a bottoni plate," B, tor-mint;v the base ot' the body portion proper. lt is essentiallyv the same outline horizontally as the leg,r portion, and is beaded or molded on the outer edge, as shown, On the t'ront, and on each ol` the two ends, it. bears a panel, e, having' in relief thereon ornamental rosettes and other ornamental figures, such as represented. At eaeh of the t'our corners the portion (l bears smaller panels j', having in relief ornamental figures oorresponding` in style with those on the panels c.
Art eaeh end ornamental brackets y rise from the ash-pit section (l, supporting at their upper ends a horizontal har, la, the ends of which are fashioned into ornainental knobs. At the top ofthe ashvpit` section there is a horizontal top plate l) projecting outward beyond the lower svction and extending;l downward at the outer edge. At the front ot' this plate D, provided with an ornamental plate, is the rail E, following,` its edge, as relnesented.
Ahove the plate l) there rises the main or hotly portion, consisting ot'a gratesecton, F,
Term ot' patent Il; yearsA and the tire-pot seet ion t i. rl'hvse sections have essentialliy the same ontline or marginal form as the seetions helow. 'l`he ashfpit section has at the lront` and at the two ends ormunental doort'ralnes ll, ot` an open or skeleton t'orm, to receive transparent lights or panes. Theg'rate sevtion l? has ornamental panels l aty the oor ners. rl`hv lirepot` section tl has at the front and end doors K. similar in t'orm and appear- ;tneo 1o those olthv grate-sect ion. lt' also has at vach ot`thv l'onr corners a skeleton door, It, to receive a transparent pane. ',lhesv doors L are ol' a ltorni or eontig'ltration eer-responding with that ol` t hv other doors hel'ore intatttionvd. rlhesv doors` applied to the foul' corners olthv lrepot svt-tion eonstitnte a marked feature ol' my design.
Attore thv doors ot` the lire-pot, on thv front and side l'aevs, and on vavh ot thv l'our Corners, are formed panels 3l, vneirelvd hy an ornamental. heading;y or molding', and hearingr in le livt` ornamental designs Composed ol` Vines and ilowers entwined in the manner represented. Almvvthesv panels, and (Wei-hanging the faves of the body portion, is an ornamental plate, N, arched or curved upward at the middle on the front` and rear sides. the edges oi` this platte are turned dtitwnward to present faces which are made ot` a ilat form and commonly burnished and plated. Al the l'ront an ornamental plate, N', is placed beneath the arched portion ot' the plate N. The doors K at the front are also arched upward at the middle, the curvature corresponding substantially with that of the plate N. Openings or panels I are formed on the tops ot' these doors, and constitute a marked feature of the design. Above this plate are paneled faces O, bearing figures such as represented in the photograph. These paneled surfaces are surmounted by a projecting' cornice or molding, l. From this molding there rises what is commonly denominated the magazinesection7 Q, bearing on the front or panels It, and each of those at the end a tile with an ornamental surface, the ornamentation eonsistiirgr in the present instance of a ltlaltesv cross arranged centrally thereon, and of vines and leaves grouped and entwined about said Central figure. At the t'ront the tile It is di` and on each ot'the two sides rectangular frames IOO 'l`hl rmtr sihut' thv` tlrsigil is formati with :tn upright snmkc-th'xtf, V, tut' Substantially rmftnng'ulalr form in (-1'u. s-st-ution. lmiwis muy hr mmhplain tir with Urmumntzltimi.
.\t tltt- (nl. nl' thtA smoke-1h10 thrrcy iszl Ituri/.ouml plato, nrxminontrtl hy intaglio tigurs, :1S Shmrn. rl`h(I snmkc-tiutA is also shown with 11 neckI X, t-xttnding rraxwrztrtl Lhcrutrom in :t curved linnn, als shown. From this nrck thm-tcxttnds :t snmkwpipt-` ur Othow, Y, (fnrvcd in :u1 ulnrztrd dirvction und trimmttnt'utl h r igllrrs in rniitt'thcrcmi, :1s shtmxl.
Having thus tlrsrl'ilwt] my invmxtiml. what l claim is A dcsgu t'ur :L stove, Snhstnntiully such :15v herein described und shown.
\\"il tlfsscs:
(t1-:1). I3. Sicrmcx, Il. tt. liillixrs.
The rml'



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