USD8660S - Design for stove - Google Patents

Design for stove Download PDF


Publication number
USD8660S US D8660 S USD8660 S US D8660S
United States
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William Tweeddale
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Speciiication forming part of Design No. 8,660, dated September 21,1875; application tiled June 26, 1875. [Term of Patent 14 years] To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, WILLIAM TWEEDDALE, of Brooklyn, in the county of' Kings and State of New York, have invented a new and origi nal Design for Store, of which the following is a speciiicntion The nature of my design is fully represented in the accompanying photographic illustra tion, to which reference is made.
The top plate is ornamented with the open scroll-Work A. The front plate has the scroll figures B in each upper corner, also the right-angled plain hars C and curved plain bars D, and in the center, over the arch, is an upright Ashaped figure crossed by an inverted figure of the same forni, the hars of which arc tinted and ornamented at the ends. These figures form, by so crossing, a frame or hoi-der i'or an opening in the plate, in which is placed an ornamental tile ot' bright color. The lower part ot' thc front plate is ornaniented with the raised figures G, surmounting a hase construction, Ii, in which is a tile panel, 1, of ornamental character. The inargiils of the front plate represent pillars J, which are plain for the most part, but have middle ornaments K and capitals L. The side plates ot' the stove have the interlaced and scroll ornaments M O, in the center of which is an inlaid tile ornament, P. The sides of the front projection ot' the ashchamher are ornamented by a circular rib, straight horizontal bars, and the ornamental embellishments represented at Q. The front curved corners have the ornaments R in a diamondshaped panel. The front plate ofthe ash-chamber is formed with the ornamental tracery S and the tile ornaments T-the legs with plain and ornamental straight and circular ribs or bars, and curved and curled ignres U. The platein front of the grate has plain zigzag crossbars V, with parallel middle portions and ornamental ends, the middle portions being inlaid With the ornamental tile W, and the top grate-bar is ornamented with the points X.
I claim as a design for stoves- 1. The design consisting ot' scroll tigures B in the upper corners of the front-plate, as set t'orth.
l5. The design consisting of rightangled plain hars O, the curved bars I), and the scroll tignres B in the upper corners ot' the front plate, as set forth.
3. The design consisting of upright and crossed A-shaped figures, With tinted and ornaniented liars in the center ot' the front-plate top, as set forth.
4. The design consisting of raised figures G, snrmonnting the base formation H ot' the bottom of the trout plate, as set forth.
5. The design consisting ot' plain marginal pillars J ot' the front plate, With middle ornaments K and capitals L, as set forth.
(i. The design consisting ot' interlaced and scroll ornaments on the side plates ofthe stove. as set forth.
7. The design consisting ot' circular rib, straight horizontal hars, and the ornamental embellishments Q in the sides of the ashchainhers, as set forth.
b. The design consisting of ornaments E. in the curved corner panels, as set forth.
9. The design consisting of ornamental tracery S and the tile ornaments in the front of the ash-box, as set forth.
1U. The design consisting of plain and ornamental straight and circular ribs or bars Iand curved and curled figures U on the legs, as set forth.
l1. The design consisting ot" plain zigzag cross-hars V, with parallel middle portions and ornamental ends, and the tile ornament on the plate in front of the grate, as set forth.



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