USD18012S - Design for a cooking stove or range - Google Patents

Design for a cooking stove or range Download PDF


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USD18012S US D18012 S USD18012 S US D18012S
United States
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Joski Ii Lkon Gobixllllx
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D7-341 EX OR D 189012 DESIGN.
No. 18,012. Patented Jan. 10, 1888.
SPECIFICATION forming part of Design N0. 18,012, dated January 10,1888.
Application filed August 3, ih's'i. Serial No. 246,057. Term of patent 7 yearn.
To all whom. it may concern.-
Be it known that I, Josnru Lnox GOHEILLE, acitizen of theUnitcd States,rcsiding at Cleveland, in the county of Ouyahoga and State of Ohio, have invented and produced a new and original Designfor Domestic Cooking Stove or Range; and 1 do declare the following to bee. full, clear, and exact description of the invention, reference being had to the accompanying IO drd'wing, which forms a part of this specifics tiou.
This design includes the ornamentation of the several parts of a domestic cooking stove or range, and is illustrated in the accompanyiug drawing, which forms a part of this specification, and in which the figure is n perspective view of my design for a stove.
As shown in the drawing, the ovendoor A has a central figure surrounded by a border of uniform width composed of and ornamented by a. series of shallow contiguous depressions of polygonal form, producing a cellular appearance. The central fign re is composed of a rectangular portion with smooth convex sides and edges. In the center of said figure is a cross formed by a depressed ground of small circles prcsenlinga. mottled appearance. The partsoutside the cross are of contrasting color, and are ornamented by a. depressed line-trac- 0 log of the character shown. To one side of the said rectangular figure is an angular portion composed of a. ground presenting a mottled appearance and carrying a raised vinelike and floral figure and a knob for opening 5 the door. A fillet of the style shown at a follows the contour of the said border both on the outside and on the inside.
In shape the door is larger at one side than at the other, and above the smaller end of said door is the fire door, of ashnpe corresponding to a square with one corner cut oil". The ornamentation of this door is substantially the some as that of the oven-door. A border similsr to the one on the large door surrounds a central frame of contrasting color inolosing a ground which presents a mottled appearance, andavinolikeand floral figure thereon. This border constitutes one of the leading features of my design. It appears on both the stovedoors and also on the reservoir. The front and sides of the stove, where not ornamented, are smooth. On each side of the large door is a floral ornament in the form of a narrow vertical band of leaves extending upwardly.
The reservoir is placed at the rear of the stove propenundhas a skirting the contour of which is shaped as shown. A raised panel is laced in the center of the end of the reservoir-casing, (which end corresponds to the side of the stove,) and consists of a rectangular cen tral frame of polished metal containing a trac lug of leaves and tcndrils somewhat in the shape of the figure 8 on a ground presenting a mottled upper-trance. Outside the central frame is a border of uniform width composed of and ornamented by a. series of shallow contiguous depressions of polygonal form similar in appearance to the border on the doors. A narrow fillet of the character shown surrounds the said panel, the ground upon which it rests being smooth and unornamented, except near the bottom, where a raised floral design is placed.
The shelf below the oven-door is ornamented by tracery of vine-like character and a contrastlug smooth border surrounded bylines placed at right angles to one another. The hearth-plate is surrounded by a line trnccry having intersectinglines at the corners andleafdesign on the lines intermediate the corners and depressed letters inclosed within the said line trscery. The edge of the said heurtlrplate is smooth, and by contrastwith the other parts produces the appearance of a. broad band of shining inatcrial. The said contrasting edge extends all around the hearthplate or fire-bottom, and abruptly rises at F and again bends horizon tally at G,teru1inating finally under the smaller door. Above the hearth-plate are two doors, both provided with a. register, the lower or grate door having three small windows above its register. The appearance of this door is almost square, withheavy beveling on three sides and a ledge, as shown, on the bottom. The ornamentation con'sistsot' abeadingshowu and the raised designs on the sides of the register-openings. The upper door is placed on a chute, and is set at an angle of forty'five degrees to the plane of the top plate. The ornamentation consists of floral designs sur- 100 rounding the register-openings and others of the character shown on the register-plate.
'lhedeslgn for the lower portionof thestove embraces a skirting having an irregular or undulatinglower edge comprising theinclines m, the rounded parts it, and the level center part, 0. The skirting on the four sides of the stove extends from leg to leg, and where it meets the leg it forms an angle or point, p. to The ornamentation on the ends of the skirting comprises a star and florets and leaves placed on a smooth ground. Above theinclined contour in m are depressed portions having raised vine-like designs, with broad leaves at in on a ground presenting a mottled appearance, the same style of designs being placed over the rounded parts and a double leaf, as shown in the rectangular frame D. A scalloped fillet extends from r to r. The edges of the legs are indented on their upper portions to correspond with the pointed ends of the skirting, and are ornamented by a raised shell-like fig are surrounded byasmooth border, the lower part of thelegs being curved inwardly and then flaring outwardly, and a leaf design being placed on the foot, a plain ground on the eoncave part, and a smooth band passing down the sides of each leg.
\Vhat I claim iso 1. In a design for a stove, the oven-door comprising an unbroken border of uniform width composed of a series of irregular celllike contiguous depressions, the rectangular panel bearing the cross-like ornamentation and surrounded by the line tracer-y, and the adjacent angular portion with the vine-like design thereon, substantially as shown.
2. In a design for a stove, the fire-door B, comprising the bordera', the centrally-located head 1/, and the raised vine-like figure 0 there- 40 in, substantially set forth.
ii. The design 'for the reservoir, comprising the skirting a, the raised vine-like figure I), the panel e", and the center a, substantially as deserilmd and illustrated.
t. The design for a stove, the body thereof comprising the base having a skirting and legs, the ovcndoor and liredoor of irregular shape, and the reservoir, each having a central panel surrounded by a border of uniform width composed of irregular cell-like contiguons depressions, the front end with the gratedoor and the draft-door above the hcarthplate and the top, as described and shown.
5. In a design for a stove, the leg'base comprising the ornamental skirting pointed at each end, and the ornamentation and configuration of the legs, the said legs having upper edges indented, and the shell like figures thereon, substantially as set forth. 6:
6. In a design for a stove, the legs thereof having the edges indented at their upper portions, presenting the appearance of two triangles joined at their open apiees and surrounded by a border of uniform width, and 63 having within this border a raised sheltlike ornamentation, and the lower outward portion of the legs being surrounded by a smooth band inelosing a leaf-like ornamentation and having a mottled field above, substantially as described and illustrated.
In testimony whereof I aifix my signature in presence of two witnesses.
\Vit nesses:
F. H. Gorr, O. V. HULL.



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