USD34724S - Design for a stove - Google Patents

Design for a stove Download PDF


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USD34724S US D34724 S USD34724 S US D34724S
United States
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Oiaijio Jtalilinl george Thompson
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DESIGN 1 No. 34,724. Patented July 2, I901. G. THOMPSON.
(Application filed. my 7, 1696.)
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Witnesses: lnventor' I I Attorney.
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DES l G N. No. 34,724. Patented July 2, I901.
(Application filed Kay 7, 1896,)
3 Sheets-Sheet 2.
I) n-nrnlunnnllll I'Illl] W itnesses: Inventor.
No. 34,724. Patented July 2, 190i.
(Application filed May 7, 1896.)
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SPECIFICATION forming part of Design No. 34,724, dated July 2, 1901.
Application filed May '7, 1896. Serial No, 590,625- Term of patent '7 years,
To do whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, GEORGE THOMPSON, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of the city of Vincennes, in the county of Knox and State of Indiana, have invented and produced a new and original Design for Stoves, of which the following is a specification, reference being bad to the accompanying drawings, forming a part thereof.
The several features of my design will be apparent from the following description and claim.
In the accompanying drawings, in which similar letters of reference indicate corresponding parts, Figure l is a front elevation of a stove embodying mydesign. Fig. 2 is a side elevation of the same. Fig. 3 is a rear elevation thereof.
For the purpose of illustrating my design I have shown it as applied to a heat-radiating stove.
I will now proceed to further describe my design in detail.
Upon the stove-base A (in the present instance containing the fire-boX) the ornamentation consists of a series of scallop and scroll work of a beautiful design and so formed as to reflect the rays of light in a marked and attractive manner. This ornamentation eX- tends substantially over the entire surface of the base. That part of the design which is at the corners A of the base is carried down onto the leg A in continuous lines, thereby making the legs appear as one with the base in the general design. The design of the front and of the drawer participates in the character of the design present on the corners of the base and legs, regard being had to the lines of the circular draft-door A The design on said corners and front and legs is somewhat more massive and emphatic than the more delicate linework on the sides and rear A of the base. Above the base a handsome guard and foot iron B receives crossmarkings B partaking somewhat of the appearance of claws, but conventional in pat tern, and this claw-like ornamentation is carried up onto the supports 13 of this guard and is there modified with other minor ele ments of design.
The lower portion of the cylindrical barrel of the stove has an open-work of a scroll and ogee pattern, as shown, of a graceful and attractive nature. Next above this design is a ring D, carrying another design. The outer lower portion of this ring, especially at the sides and back thereof, carries a design intended to carry out and form continuations of certain of the upper curves and ornamentations of the part 0 of the stove. The front part of this ring D is provided with a panel affording suitable space for any desired name. Above this is a continuation E of the stovebarrel, the rear portion E of which is plain, with the exception of handsome bands E The front portion E is handsomely decorated with scroll and curved-line work, in which regard is had for the handle E air or damper holes E, and year-plate E A very attractivo vertical beading E of curved and open work bounds the side edges of the ornamentation of portion E This beading E has longitudinal rows of circular ornamental figures. At the upper end of the barrel occurs a top ring F, for the most part polished and lustrous, but crossed atintervals by groups F of lines, as shown. The upper side of the ring F has a concentric swelled part F carrying scrollwork and in turn surmounted by the open portion F On the top of the latter stands the base of an urn G.
The various novel features of design heretofore enumerated combine to form a general design of an attractive, striking, and impressive character, having strong originality and individuality.
What I claim as new and of my invention, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is-
The design for a stove, substantially as shown and described.
Vincennes, Indiana, April 22, 1896.



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