USD21143S - Design for an easel - Google Patents

Design for an easel Download PDF


Publication number
USD21143S US D21143 S USD21143 S US D21143S
United States
Prior art keywords
side pieces
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Application number
Calvin H. Maish
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No. 21.143. Patented Nov. 3, 1891.
SPECIFICATION forming part of Design No. 21,143, dated November 8, 1891. Application filed August 31, 1891 Serial No. 404,343- Term of patent 14 years.
To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, CALVIN H. MAISH, a citizen of the United States, residing at Carson City, in the county of Ormsby and State of Nevada, have invented and produced a new and original Design for Easels, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the-accompanying drawings, forming a part thereof.
This design relates to the ornamentation of easels, and more particularly to that class which is adapted to support a music-portfolio.
The leading features of the design consist in the ornamental work which appears upon the side pieces of the easel and the frame supported between the upper ends of the same, of the ornamental tops and feet of the side pieces, of the ornamentations of the crosspieces connecting the lower portions of the side pieces, of the ornamental support and stays, of the ornamental figure sustained between the cross-pieces, the ornamentation of the cover of the portfolio, and the scroll-work secured at various places.
In the drawings, Figure 1 is a front elevation, and Fig. 2 is a perspective view, of an easel, illustrating the design.
Referring to the drawings by letter, A A designate the side pieces;- I3 I), the crosspieces secured between the lower ends of the side pieces; 0, the portfolio secured midway between the side pieces, and D the cover for the same, adapted to form a shelf; E, the frame supported between the upper ends of the side pieces; F, the support, and G G the stays adapted to sustain the several parts in their adjusted positions.
The side pieces A A are ornamented on their front faces, which are slightly curved trans versely by the indentations or flutes a, extending nearly their entire length, and which are crossed at intervals by the diagonal bands a Their upper ends are ornamented by the conical-shaped tops I) and their lower ends by the clawfeet o, the shanks of the latter being twisted.
The cross-pieces l3 13 are ornamented by the bands of floral representations 1) b and the bands I) b of pyramidal projections. Vertically between the cross-pieces is supported the lyre-shaped ornament C. The corners formed by the joining of the cross-pieces are ornamented by the triangular-shaped pieces of scroll-work c c.
The outer edge of the face of the portfoliocovcr D is formed into the shape of a frame and is ornamented by the band d of pyramidal projections, inside of which is a band e of floral representations. Inside of the band c is another band of irregular fiutings.
H is the picture of a face ornamenting the space inside of the inner band. From the lower edge of the eovera ledge I projects, the outer face of which is slightly rounded and is ornamented by the flutings f.
The outer face of the frame E is ornamented in a manner similar to that of the side pieces.
K is the picture of a landscape ornamenting the interior of the frame.
L is a triangular-shaped piece of scrollwork ornamenting the top of the frame.
The upper end of the support F is formed of the ornamental scroll-work an.
Having thus described my invention, what I claim, and desire to secure by Letters Paten t, is
The design for an easehashercin described and shown.
In testimony whereof I afiix my signature in presence of two witnesses.
CALVIN ll, MAlSll. W itncsses:



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