USD15385S - Design for a heating-stove - Google Patents

Design for a heating-stove Download PDF


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USD15385S US D15385 S USD15385 S US D15385S
United States
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Patented Sept. 9, 1884.
ll. (*LAY llA-Stltlhl, (ll 'llHJY, NEW YORK.
Applieaih n filed June 11, Iss4.
Qt; all 10/10/12 N Hwy concern .le it known that l, l[. (HAY lhxsr'on, a citizen of the United States, residing in the city oflroy, in the county of .llensselacr and Sta-to of New York, have invented and produced a new and original Design for I-leating- Stoves, of which the thllon'ing is a specification, reference being had to the accompany ing cut, print, or engraving of a stove having said design.
lhis invention embraces several new and distinct parts and combinations ofparts, which go to make up the whole design, as shown in the aforesaid print and hereinafter specified.
One distinguishing feature of this design is the shape and. ornamentation ot'thc hody portion, consisting of the top section, A, middle section, l3, and hase-sw-tion (L The design for the circular upper section, A, consists of the flat top surface, (1, having a pipe-collar, a, the convex. border-molding I), having the ornaments I), the overhanging rim 0, the downwardly-conieal part (I, concavely curved part c, and downwardlytapering portion f, having the row of alternating ornaments f" j.
The design for the middle circular section, 15, consists of the downwardly-flaring top part, g, having the ornaments g, the overhanging rim h, the conveXly-curvedsurface t, the mid ring j, and the lower convexly-cnrved surface, Ir, having the ornaments 7c.
The design for the base-section (3 consists of the shape and ornamentation of the registerring I, quadrilateral top plate, on, having recessed rounded corners m, the upright quad rilateral portion a, having the recessed corners a, front door, 9, and side panel, 1), and the quadrilateral bottom plate, 0,having the recessed rounded corners 0.
The design for the feed-door 1) consists of the convexly-cnrved trapezoidal panel (1, having the border 2', corner-rosettes s, and the Term of patent 1 years.
ornamentation consisting of the cent l'nl ornament, quadrant orin'unent u, and the intermediate extensions, 0 v.
The design for the legs consists ol the ('envexly and coneavely curved surface 1 having the central ornament, .1, qmnlrant orna ments y, intermediate ornaments, 3 and the border The Whole design embraces the shape and ornamentation otthe sections A ll (1, door D, and the legs.
it. In a design for a stove, the shape and ornamentation of the body portion, consisting of the sections A, l and 1", as set forth.
2. 111 a design [or a store, the shape and ornamentation of the upper section, A, con sisting of the parts (I u" I I) w and d .1' ,r as set forth.
In a design for a store. the shape and ornamentation of the middle section, 15, consistingofthe parts 5 I1, 1, and 7c 1.", as set forth.
4. In a design for a store, the shape and ornamentation ot the base-section (l, consisting of the parts I, m 221,11 n, p ,1), and 0 0', as set forth.
5. In a design for a stove, the shape and ornamentation ot' the door D, consisting of the parts q r s 1 a o r, as set forth.
6. In a design for a stove, the shape and ornamentation of the legs, consisting of the parts w .r 1 y s, as described.
7. A design for a stove, consisting of the sections A. 1 0, door I), and the legs, shaped and ornamented as set forth.
In t estimony whereot'l hereunto set my hand, in the presence of two subscribing witnesses, this 14th day of J nnc, 1884.
01mm. as 11. BENEDICIT, Unnsrnn BASCOAF.



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