USD7954S - Design for cooking-stove - Google Patents

Design for cooking-stove Download PDF


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USD7954S US D7954 S USD7954 S US D7954S
United States
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Nicholas S. Yedder
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Stovesf-anq furnaces.
Cooking Stovgnd Ranges.
z/ va/fwc v DESIGN..
EDDER & F, RITCHIE. asking-Stains.
Patented Dec. 22,1874.
Specification forming part of Design No. 7.954, dated December 22,1874; application tiled Decemler 14, 1874. [Term of Patent 7 years] To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that we, NICHOLASS. VEDDER, of the city of Troy, inthe county of Rensselaer and State ot' New York, and FRANCIS RITCHIE, of the same place, have jointly invented and produced a new and original Design for Cooking-Stoves, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying photographic representation of a cooking-stove, which embodies our said new design.
One part of this invention consists of the design for the compound panel ornament A, composed of the oblong longitudinal curved cushion-like tablet b, having concave ends and acute corners; the pair of vine-scrolls c c', extended along the top ot' the tablet; theextended scrollvine d, with branches e e and central leaf-clusters f along the lower side of the tablet, and the scroll-vines g g' at the ends of the said tablet, and all shaped and arranged together so as to appear substantially as represented in the aforesaid photograph.
Another part consists of the design for the panel-border ornamentation H, consisting of the series of raised ovate figures i, with rounded ovate projections j thereon, and all pointing outward, and set apart from each other, with intervening raised tapering forms 7c projecting inward, and having rounded knobs l at their inner ends, and all shaped and arranged together, as clearly shown in the aforesaid photographic representation.
Another part consists of the design for the panel-border S of the doors, as formed of the outer broad convex molding q,- the inner row of compound ornamentations H, made up of the parts i, j, k, and l, as above specified, and the intermediate lnoldin g rr', all shaped and arranged together, as shown in the accompanying photograph.
Another part consists of the design for the large oven-door, as formed by the compound central ornament A, the smooth surface t, and the border S on that door, all composed, shaped, and disposed substantially as above speeiiied, and shown in the photograph aforesaid.
Another part consists of the design for the end door or panel U of the fire-chamber, as
composed of the central ornament M, plain surface c, and border S curved on the side u, all composedl and shaped as above specified, and shown in the aforesaid photograph.
Another part consists of the design for the side plate W, as composed of the lower forwardly-extended portion thereof, having the compound ornament X, shaped as shown, and.
arranged on the plain surfaceof the panel Y, and the panel-borderz composed of the series of ornamentations H and outer molding a., and having its bottom, rear side, and top straight and at right angles to each other, and the front side h reversely curved, and parallel, or nearly so, to the ogee-shaped front end m of the lower part of the said side plate, and all formed and disposed so as to appear substantially as shown in the aforesaid photographic representation.
Another part consists of the design for the upper front portion of the stove, as composed of the upper rectangular side panels B B, having ornamental border-moldings; the central upper door C, having the oblong register-apertures s, and curved toward the bottom, and surrounded by the border molding, as shown, and the lower doors D D, having the outside broad convex molding q, and the oblong vertical rectangular draft-openings w w, and the horizontallyextended oblong rectangular panels so m, with ornalnented borders, all shaped and disposed tdgether so as to appear as represented in the aforesaid photograph.
le do not herein claim the design of the panel or foot ornament M, nor the design of the door N, nor the design ot' the panel l, nor the design for the legs.
NVhat We claim as our joint invention is l. The design for the compound panel ornament A, composed of the tablet b, vine-scrolls c c', scroltvine d, branches e c', loaves j', and scroll-vines g g', all shaped and arranged together substantially as shown and described.
2. The design for the panel-border ornamentation H, composed of the series of figures i j and intervening forms k l, all shaped and arranged together as specified and shown.
3. The design for the panel-border S, formed by the outer convex molding q, the series of ornamentations H, and intervening molding r,
all composed, shaped, and arranged together as described and shown.
4. The design for the large oven-door formed by the com pound central ornament A, the compound border S, and the plain surface t, all composed, shaped, and arranged substantially as described.
5. The design for the door or panel U, composed of the compound central ornament M, compound border S, curved on the side u, and the plain surface c, all composed, shaped, and arranged as specified and shown.
6. The design for the side plate W, consisting of the compound ornament X, panel Y, and compound panel-border Z, having its front end h curved to correspond with the ogeeshape of the front end m of the lower part of the side plate, and all composedshaped,` and arranged together as shown and described.
7 The design for the upper front portion of the stove, as composed ofthe side panels B B, with ornamented borders, central curved projecting door C, with draftapertures s and or- -namented border, and the lower doors D D,



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