USD24976S - Design for a wine-room fixture - Google Patents

Design for a wine-room fixture Download PDF


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USD24976S US D24976 S USD24976 S US D24976S
United States
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The Lirunswick
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OR D24197b DESIGN.
Patented Dec. 10,1895.
SPECIFICATION forming part of Design No. 24,976, dated December 10, 1895.
Application filed March 26,1895. Serial No. 543,284. Term of patent 7 years.
To all whom it may concern:
to it known that I, EDWIN ItINGoLD, ofUineinnati, in the county of llamilton and State of Ohio, have invented a certain new and useful Design for a Wine-Room Fixture; and Ido hereby declare that the following is a full, clear, and exact description of the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming part of. this specification.
My invention relates to a design for the wall-fixture and the fronts of the small apartments, usually combined therewith, of a wine-room, located within a modern cafe or drinking establishment.
In the accompanyingdrawing, which forms part of this specification, I have shown my new design in front view or elevation.
The small rooms or apartments seen at ach end are rectangular in plan, and usually about square. They project out at right angles from one of the side walls of the cafe, and the said wall is covered for a portion of its height and in between the two apartments by the wall-fixture portion A of the design shown. This wall-fixture is in paneled cabinet-work, as shown, in the upper portion of which are framed three oval mirrors, the middle one, B, of which has its longer axis horizontal, and the other two of which, C C, are arranged reverselyi. (2., so that their longer axes are in vertical lines and, as shown, the longer axis of each mirror is about equal to the shorter one of the glass B, so that the extreme lower and upper portions of the three horizontally-disposed mirrors are, respectively, in line. The topmost portion of the oval frame of each mirror is formed or provided with a carved ornament, each of those of the smaller glasses U C being slightly smaller (as seen at f f) than that g of the middle glass B. These details are not, howcver, very essential, the characteristic novel features of this wall-fixture portion of the general design residing in the reverse an rangcmcnt of the three oval mirror members, as shown.
The fronts of the apartments, formed by the cabinet-work, are duplicates, and each comprises the two similar members D of paneled work, the corner-posts of the apartnent extending above the tops of the 1nem- Hers D, as shown, and the tops of each member D curved downwardly and to the same extent.
The door arranged to fill the space between the more adjacent portions of the two mem bers D D has its lower half or portion paneled to -match approximately the substantially rectangular paneling of the members I), but has an oval panel c at its upper portion.
The posts of each apartment are surmounted with an ornamental top piece 1', and the adjacent inner edges or the stile-like port ions of the members I) are similarly surmounted with much smaller ornaments, harmonizing in shape with the configuration of the ornaments 1'. These details of the apartmentfront are not, however, very essential, the novel characteristic feature residing in the appearance due to the two paneled members D D, having the downwardly and inwardly curved tops,the corner-posts of said members, and the intermediate door member with its oval top panel 9, all as shown and described. 7 5
Although the more striking and unique feature of the entire wine-room-fixture design lies in the three-mirror wall-fixture portion hereinbefore described, the apartmentfronts are also newand unique in appearance.
Having now so fully shown and described my invention that others can produce my new design, what I claim, and desire to se cure by Letters Patent, is
1. The herein shown and described new design of the wall-fixture portion of the wineroom; the characteristic feature of which lies in the paneled cabinet work surface, surmounted by the three, oval mirrors B, and (l,
(.7; all as set forth. o
2. The herein shown and described new de sign of apartment front of the wine-room portion of the fixture; the characteristic feature of which is the novel appearance, resulting from the paneled members D, I), with their 5 curved tops and cm'ner-posts; and the intermediate door member, with its upper, oval, panel; as set forth.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 20th day of December, 1894.
In presence of ADoLF VoLLnEn, JULIUS Italian.



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