1295206 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 斷/門一種藉由雷射光束將板狀的金屬材料切 畊/開孔荨之台射加工方法及使用於該加工方法加 【先前技術】碩。 雷射加工係從鐵、不鏽鋼、鋁、銅等金屬,以至於陶 瓷、樹脂、木材廣泛的材料皆能加工。其中,金屬材料 使用於作為外觀設計用的情形,而有施予鏡面處理w晴 finish)或毛絲面(Hairline)處拜等表面處理。以這種設 計用為目的而表面處理過的材料,理所當然只要表面一二 傷就會失去其商品價值。因此,設計用的^屬材料係^ 在表面及背面貼上保護薄片的狀態下,以供輪送、切斷加 工、彎曲加工等動作。 特別是,雷射加工係藉由雷射光束的熱來溶解金屬, 且對其強勁地噴上辅助氣體而吹跑溶解物的複雜加工,故 #有時被吹跑的熔解物會成為細微的火花並附著在材料的表 面及背面。此外,材料雖以固定在加工台上的狀態下施行 雷射加工,但該加工台係以儘可能不要被雷射光束溶解、 或即使被熔解也不要與材料熔著成一體的方式,為了儘量 減少與材料的接觸面積而使與材料接觸的前端部係為銳利 的形狀,故材料背面非常容易損傷,因此,以在貼上保護 薄片之狀態下加工為佳。 ' 但是’在材料背面(非雷射光束照射面)貼上保護薄 片並施行雷射加工時.,因雷射光束的熱所溶解的流動金屬 318360 5 1295206 溶液會受到保護薄片的影響而變為低逮。結果,會有 ..金屬作為渣滓(d_)附著在材料#面的問題。第w圖 ..係顯示以板厚3咖的不鑛鋼(SUS3〇4)作為材料,在二 背面設— 置有貼上保護薄片的部分與不貼上保護薄片的部 分,而實施雷射加工時邊滓的附著狀態。如帛圖所示, 得知僅有背面貝占上保護薄片的部分有附著渔津的情形。”由 於該渣滓非常硬,去除時需要大量的時間與成本,故通 施行先暫時剝下材料背面的保護薄片並實施雷射加… •射加工後,再度貼上保護薄片並實施,曲加工之作業。田 目此,揭示有藉由在金屬材料背面貼上具有含有财敎 可再剝離的黏著層之工程紙,而防止雷射加4 渣净附者之加工方法(例如專利文獻〇。 ★㈣方:,在材料的表面(雷射光束照射面)貼上保 捲起的:顳裳於強勁地喷上輔助氣體,故有保護薄片剝離 捲起的問<。苐U圖係為顯示貼於表面的保 料 剝離捲起之情形的圖。若保護薄片從材物 不僅無树到保護表面*受損傷的效果,更起 保護薄片接觸到喷嘴,導致㈣喷嘴前端與材料表面= :=丨:無法量測正確的距離,且由於偏離預定的距離, 加工不良’及因加工錯誤致使加工機停止等問題。 因此,為使保護薄片不剝離捲起, 輸出僅去除保護薄片後,再度返回加工路經,:= 雷射光束輸出切斷材料,即有切接者再以冋 如專利文獻2)。 P有戶“-度切副」的技細 318360 6 1295206 此外,為使材料表面的保護薄片不剝離捲起,而有在 一喷嘴設置第一氣體通路與第二氣體通路,且讓施加至第二 -氣體通路的輔助氣體之壓力較施加至第一氣體通路的辅助 氣體之壓力還高的技術(例如專利文獻3)。藉由雷射光束 與從第一氣體通路喷射的輔助氣體,加工表面貼有保護薄 片的材料,同時,藉由第二氣體通路喷出的辅助氣體,以 壓力將保護薄片壓住於材料表面,俾使保護薄片不剝離捲 起七 _ 專利文獻1 :日本特開平卜198461號公報 專利文獻2 :日本特開平7·236984號公報 專利文獻3 :日本特開2〇〇1-21269〇號公報 【發明内容】 (發明欲解決的課題) 、,於專利文獻1所揭示的技射,黏著層必須含有財埶 性粒子,故成本增加係無法避免。保護薄片為消耗品,二 •於而!力抑制成本增加,故最好如一般用於工業製品上, 單白勺树月曰原材料設置普通黏著層的廉價保護薄片來 H—使用該種-般的保護薄片,就會導致潰滓 此於專利文獻2所開示的技術中,由於二度追 加工路控,故當铁降 片不剝離捲起it力Γ時間大幅增加外,為使保護 種程度的u,、 護薄片的去除寬度也需有 的露出邱八:/ 會有材料表面沒有被保護薄片覆 J °出邠分变大的問題。 318360 1295206 ^此外,於專利文獻3所揭示的技術中,為以壓力將保 蔓薄片C住於材料表面,需要使用比普通加工更多的輔助 氣體,故其運轉費用會變為一倍以上。此外,必須設置第 一與第二兩個路徑的特殊喷嘴此點也會使成本增加。再 且,雖然切斷良好時喷嘴噴射的氣體係從切斷溝渠朝被加 工物下部通過’但於因無設定適當的加工條件或加工程式 等情形導致產生切斷不良的情形中,會有無形成切斷溝渠 的情形,此時,從設定成高壓的第二氣體通路所喷射的輔 助乳體會逆流至設定成低壓的第一氣體通路内。此時,因 切斷產生的飛錢物(spatter :熔解金屬變為飛揚的火花) 連同上述逆流氣體-起侵入喷嘴的内部,造成污染加工鏡 頭的問題。該飛濺物的侵人,由於對加工鏡頭的附著係產 ^於非常短的—瞬間’故使用壓力計或流量計檢測逆流的 方法過慢,無法處理。 北本發㈣為解決上料題而研創者,故能在材料表面 ,或背面貼上保護薄片的狀態下實施雷射加工。 (解決課題的手段) 卜於本發明的雷射加工方法中,藉由照射雷射光束且喷 上辅助氣體對板狀的金屬材料騎切斷/開孔加工的雷射 口=方法’在前述板狀的金屬材料背面貼上具有由分子量 萬以下的兩分子有機材料製成,且將該分子量Μ、 耳度設為t〔 m〕時,滿屈Mxt<7《αα、 mm η ^ t=7.5的为子量及厚度的保 隻溥片之狀悲下施行加工者。 (發明的效果) 318360 8 1295206 =本㈣中’藉由在材料f貼由且 的向分子有機材料及厚 ^由具有預疋分子1 射加工’故能防止材料背面的指狀態下實施雷 提供作為施加鏡面處理或毛絲面;;^抑=查津的產生, 亦即作為無損害商品價_ 除渣净所耗費的大量時間與成本。 減去 【實施方式】 實施形態1 工方實施本發明的實施形態1彻 工透鏡二'’雷射光束3係透過加工頭2内的加 助氣體10 ΓΓ工頭前端的喷嘴6照射至材料7。此外,辅 Λ 也從加工頭2前端的噴嘴6喷至材料7。屮々k 材料7係為板狀的金屬材料,JL背面貼、b " , 片13的機狀材/4下°^貫施形11係為在材料7背面貼上保護薄 ,乃1j的狀悲下實施雷射加工。 if此在貼上一般作為工業用販賣的保護薄片並施行 : 的情形中,藉由雷射光束的熱所熔融的流動金屬 =會因保護原材料的影響而變為低速,溶融金屬會作為 ,面°㈣人施行的實驗結果,對在材料 月、上保5蒦薄片的狀態下實施雷射加工時的涪滓 得,吏用的保護薄片之原材料的分子量與使用的片 之厚度兩者的參數關係。 第2圖係變化貼在材料背面的保護薄片原材料的分子 318360 9 1295206 里與保護薄片的厚度時,確認有無附著渣滓的實驗結果。 一該實驗的加工條件如下所示。 加工條件1 材料:不鏽鋼(SUS304) t3mm 加工透鏡··焦距距離7.5inch 喷嘴開口徑:01.7mm 雷射光束輸出:4〇0〇W 雷射光束波長:1〇.6μηι •力口 工速度:4〇〇〇mm/min 辅助氣體種類:氮氣 輔助氣體壓力:1.2Mpa 焦點位置:材料表面往下3mm 喷嘴一材料間距離:lmm 、〜^述加工條件係與無貼上保護薄片的情形中無產生洁 適合條件相同的條件’故貼上保護薄片也無須特別 馨文更加1條件。此外’ M於本:欠實驗 t於需要實㈣材料表面保護功能,故為以上度此 :,於保㈣片原材料的分子量,準備5萬以上者,關 料的分子量的材料係未確認。在此,所謂的分子 U平均分子量之意。此外’保護薄片的黏著層係與一 、又作!工業用販賣的保護薄片的黏著層相同。 能下中οχ的判定基準係在背面貼上保護薄片的狀 心下只細运射加工時,材料 。一為〇,材料背面附著的渣淳高^ 318360 10 1295206 尚且,在本次的實驗結果中,〇的最大潰淨高 度為未滿0.lmm,x的最大逢滓高度為imm以上兩者的 夠非常明確的判斷。亦即,第2圖中的〇號及X號 的差為有意義的差。 =第2圖所示’保護薄片的厚度在2 〇 μηι以上的範圍, 分子,超過30萬時未能得到〇的區域,經常成為附著渣淨 的狀態。此外’分子量超過5萬的範圍,即使厚度超過 14〇Mm的範圍,亦得不到〇的區域,亦即得不到無附著渣 滓的狀態。亦即,得知為良好加工不要附著料,需將保 護薄片原材料的分子量減小,且將保護薄片的厚度變薄。 減:保護薄片原材料的分子量越小,或厚度越薄,就越 今易藉由雷射光束的熱來氣化,故能防止因雷射光束的熱 熔融的流動金屬熔液因保護薄片的影響而變為低速,其^ 果,熔融金屬將難以作為渣滓附著於材料背面。 八 在此’分子量在5萬至30萬的範圍中,〇與>< 的邊界, #係將保護薄片原材料的分子量設為M,保護薄片的厚度設 為ί〔 m〕時,變為大致滿足Mxt= 7 5的曲線,該曲線的 下侧係變為〇的區域。因此,分子量為5萬至3〇萬的範圍 中,只要分子量Μ與厚度t〔 m〕的關係滿足Mxt$ 7 5, 則能貫現第2圖中〇號的範圍,亦即能實現無渣滓附著的 狀態。一般作為工業用販賣的保護薄片,通常,厚度係在 50μιη以上,而原材料的分子量也使用3〇萬左右的聚乙烯 (polyethylene),故在第2圖中χ的區域不附著渣滓而施 行雷射加工可說是非常困難。 318360 11 1295206 • 如此,在材料背面貼上由具有滿足上述關係的分子量 ‘子度之尚分子有機材料製成的保護薄片之狀態下實施雷 .=、:雷射加工方法中’能防止材料背面的損傷,同時 | /一滓的產生,提供作為施加鏡面處理或毛絲面處理等 f面處理的材料設計性,亦即作為無損害商品價值的f Z ’同時,能肖m去耗滓所耗費的A量時間與成本。此 由於保護薄片原材料的分子量及保護薄片的厚度 為適當的值二可’故也能抑制保護薄板的成本增加。/、 a / :、、、:而第2圖中雖顯示關於不鏽鋼(SUS304) t3mm :仃的’驗結果’但關於板厚lmm、2mm施行同樣的實驗 也能得到同樣的結果。此外,對於和不鏽鋼同樣重視設計 ^的其他材質之銘或銅進行同樣的實驗也獲得相同結果。 =此,本只鉍形怨的加工方法不論金屬材料的厚度或金屬 、種類皆能適用,而可謂能得到上述的效果者。 實施形態2 第圖係,、、、員示用以貫施本發明的實施形態2的雷射加 工方:去。與第1圖相同的地方係附註相同的符號並省略說 月第3圖(a)中,在材料7表面係貼上表面用的保護薄 片14本貝施形悲係為在材料7表面貼上保護薄片μ的 狀態下實施雷射加工。保護薄片14的原材料與一般作為工 業用販買的原材料相同。 此外如第3圖(b)所示,輔助氣體1 〇並非從複數 们喷出口噴上’或與雷射光束3的照射口分開設置,而是 從田射光束3照射口的喷嘴6開口的一個地方噴出。再且, 318360 12 1295206 不使用以第一次的雷射光束照射僅去除保護薄片或者將保 護薄片與材料燒接在一起,並在保護薄片不會剝離捲起之 後以第二次的雷射光束來切斷加工之這種稱為「二度切割」 的手法,而是藉由-次的雷射光束照射施行切斷貼在材料」 7與材料的保護薄片14之加工等。 在此’在貼上-般作為工業用販賣的保護薄片並施行 雷射加工的情形中,由於強勁地噴上辅助氣體,故保護薄 片剝離捲起。發明人施行的實驗結果,得知對於在材料表 面貼上保護薄片的狀態下實施雷射加工時的保護薄片之剝 離/捲起而言’保護薄片的黏著力與從喷嘴噴出的辅助氣體 之壓力的兩個參數關係很重要。 第4圖係變化材料表面貼上的保護薄片的黏著力與從 助氣體:壓力’並確認保護薄片有無剝離/ 外實施形態!的加工條件相^件除了輔助讀的遷力 丨弟4圖中〇χ的判定基準,係在從材料的切斷溝渠離 ㈣^完全無義捲起者設為◦, 起者設^ = 上的區域’只要有一點剝離或捲 的功用St,係將保護薄片在達到保護姆^ 用之叫,亦無接觸噴嘴的範圍設為〇。 伴圖所示’從噴嘴噴出的辅助氣體的壓力越大, 保4薄片的黏著力銶兩叔丄 ^ 土々呢八 而,將噴嘴嘖關係係能想成呈線形。從 薄片的黏著力:體的壓力設為p〔Mpa〕,保護 认·、、、 〔N/20_〕,則在材料表面貼上保 318360 13 1295206 護薄片的狀態下實施雷射加工時,為了不使保護薄片剝離/ ,捲起,…的關係若為第4圖〇的區域則較宜,亦即 : ,足下列的關係即可。 1兩 P/F—·〜N〕 (公式」) -般而言’輔助氣體的壓力係以材料的原材料與板厚 等加工條件所決定,故對於辅助氣體的墨力只要選擇具有 滿足(公式1)的黏著力之保護薄片即可。 此外,發明人施行的實驗結果,得知對於在材料表面 貼上保護缚片的狀態下實施雷射加工哼的保護薄片之剝離 要保著力與㈣的開口徑兩者的參 很重要。 第5圖係變化材料表面貼上的保護薄片加工時的㈣ 寬度與喷嘴的開口徑時,確認保護薄片有無剝離/捲起的實 驗結果。在此,所謂的保護薄片的炫融寬度,係為加工時 保護缚片被除去的寬度。第6圖係顯示在材料表面貼上保1295206 IX. Description of the invention: [Technical field of the invention] A method for processing a plate-shaped metal material by a laser beam and a hole-cutting method, and a method for processing the same, and prior art large. Laser processing is made from metals such as iron, stainless steel, aluminum, and copper, so that ceramics, resins, and wood can be processed. Among them, the metal material is used in the case of designing, and the surface treatment is performed by applying a mirror finish or a hairline. Materials that have been surface treated for this purpose are, of course, lost their commercial value as long as they are scratched. Therefore, in the state in which the protective sheet is attached to the front surface and the back surface, the design is used for the rotation, cutting, bending, and the like. In particular, laser processing relies on the heat of the laser beam to dissolve the metal, and it is strongly sprayed with the auxiliary gas to blow away the complicated processing of the dissolved matter, so that the melt that is sometimes blown away becomes subtle. The spark is attached to the surface and back of the material. In addition, although the material is subjected to laser processing while being fixed on the processing table, the processing table is not to be dissolved by the laser beam as much as possible, or even if it is melted, it is not integrated with the material, in order to Since the contact area with the material is reduced and the front end portion in contact with the material has a sharp shape, the back surface of the material is easily damaged. Therefore, it is preferable to process the protective sheet in a state where the protective sheet is attached. 'But' when the protective sheet is attached to the back of the material (non-laser beam irradiation surface) and laser processing is performed, the flowing metal 318360 5 1295206 solution dissolved by the heat of the laser beam is affected by the protective sheet. Low catch. As a result, there is a problem that the metal acts as a dross (d_) attached to the surface of the material #. The wth figure shows that the non-mineral steel (SUS3〇4) having a thickness of 3 coffee is used as a material, and the portion on which the protective sheet is attached and the portion to which the protective sheet is not attached are disposed on the second back surface, and the laser is applied. The attachment state of the edge when processing. As shown in the figure, it is known that only the portion of the back sheet that covers the protective sheet is attached to the fish. "Because the dross is very hard, it takes a lot of time and cost to remove it. Therefore, the protective sheet on the back of the material is temporarily peeled off and the laser is applied. After the shot processing, the protective sheet is attached again and processed. This is a method of preventing the laser-added slag from being attached to the back surface of a metal material by attaching an engineering paper having a re-peelable adhesive layer on the back side of the metal material (for example, the patent document 〇. (4) Side: On the surface of the material (the surface of the laser beam irradiated), it is affixed with a roll: the slap is strongly sprayed with the auxiliary gas, so there is a problem that the protective sheet is peeled off and rolled up. A diagram of the situation in which the protective material is peeled off from the surface. If the protective sheet is not only from the tree to the protective surface*, the protective sheet is in contact with the nozzle, resulting in (4) nozzle front end and material surface = :=丨: The correct distance cannot be measured, and the machining is poor due to the deviation from the predetermined distance, and the machining machine is stopped due to machining errors. Therefore, in order to prevent the protective sheet from being peeled off, the output is only removed. After the sheet is protected, it is returned to the processing path again:: = The laser beam output cuts off the material, that is, the cut-off person is further referred to as Patent Document 2). P has the function of "--cutting pair" 318360 6 1295206 In order to prevent the protective sheet on the surface of the material from being peeled off, the first gas passage and the second gas passage are disposed in one nozzle, and the pressure of the auxiliary gas applied to the second gas passage is applied to the first gas passage. A technique in which the pressure of the assist gas is also high (for example, Patent Document 3). The surface of the protective sheet is coated with the laser beam and the auxiliary gas ejected from the first gas passage, and the auxiliary gas ejected by the second gas passage presses the protective sheet against the surface of the material by pressure.俾 保护 保护 保护 保护 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION (Problems to be Solved by the Invention) In the technique disclosed in Patent Document 1, the adhesive layer must contain valuable particles, so that an increase in cost cannot be avoided. The protective sheet is a consumable item, two. The force suppression cost increases, so it is best to use it as an industrial product. The single-layered tree-shaped enamel raw material is provided with an inexpensive protective sheet of a common adhesive layer. H-using this kind of protective sheet will cause collapse. In the technique disclosed in Patent Document 2, since the second-stage chasing process is controlled, when the time of the iron drop is not peeled off, the time for the protection is large, and the width of the protective sheet is required to be removed. Some reveal Qiu Ba: / There will be a problem that the surface of the material is not covered by the protective sheet. 318360 1295206 Further, in the technique disclosed in Patent Document 3, in order to live the surface of the material on the surface of the material by pressure, it is necessary to use more auxiliary gas than ordinary processing, so that the operation cost is more than doubled. In addition, special nozzles must be set for the first and second paths. This also increases the cost. Further, although the gas system jetted by the nozzle is cut from the cut ditch to the lower portion of the workpiece when the cutting is good, there is no formation in the case where the cutting failure occurs due to the absence of setting of appropriate processing conditions or processing programs. In the case where the ditch is cut, at this time, the auxiliary emulsion injected from the second gas passage set to the high pressure flows back into the first gas passage set to the low pressure. At this time, the flying matter (spatter: the molten metal becomes a flying spark) due to the cutting off, together with the above-mentioned counterflow gas, invades the inside of the nozzle, causing a problem of contaminating the processing lens. The intrusion of the spatter is due to the fact that the attachment to the processing lens is very short-instantaneous, so the method of detecting the backflow using a pressure gauge or a flow meter is too slow to be processed. Beibenfa (4) is a researcher who solves the problem of feeding, so laser processing can be performed on the surface of the material or on the back side with a protective sheet. (Means for Solving the Problem) In the laser processing method of the present invention, the laser beam is irradiated by the laser beam and the auxiliary gas is sprayed on the plate-shaped metal material by the cutting/opening process. The back side of the plate-shaped metal material is made of two molecules of an organic material having a molecular weight of 10,000 or less, and when the molecular weight is Μ and the earness is t[ m], the full-flex Mxt < 7 "αα, mm η ^ t = 7.5 is for the sub-quantity and the thickness of the smear of the smear. (Effects of the Invention) 318360 8 1295206 = In the above (4), by providing a material to the molecular organic material and the thickness of the material to be pretreated, it is possible to prevent the back side of the material from being subjected to the lightning supply. As the application of mirror treatment or wool surface;; ^ = = the production of the inspection, that is, as a non-damaged commodity price _ slag net spent a lot of time and cost. (Embodiment) Embodiment 1 The first embodiment of the present invention implements the first embodiment of the present invention. The laser lens 2' is irradiated to the material 7 through the nozzle 6 at the tip end of the working head. Further, the auxiliary 喷 is also sprayed from the nozzle 6 at the front end of the processing head 2 to the material 7.屮々k material 7 is a plate-shaped metal material, JL back paste, b ", sheet 13 machine material / 4 lower ° ^ ° shape 11 is attached to the back of the material 7 protective thin, is 1j Laser processing is carried out under the sorrow. If this is attached to a protective sheet that is generally sold as an industrial product, the flow metal that is melted by the heat of the laser beam will become low speed due to the influence of the protective material, and the molten metal will act as a surface. ° (4) The results of the experiment performed by the person, the parameters of the molecular weight of the raw material of the protective sheet and the thickness of the sheet used when the laser processing is performed in the state of the material and the sheet is kept at 5 蒦. relationship. Fig. 2 shows the experimental results of the presence or absence of adhering dross when the thickness of the protective sheet is changed in the 318360 9 1295206 of the protective sheet material attached to the back of the material. The processing conditions for this experiment are as follows. Processing condition 1 Material: Stainless steel (SUS304) t3mm Machined lens ··Focus distance 7.5 inch Nozzle opening diameter: 01.7mm Laser beam output: 4〇0〇W Laser beam wavelength: 1〇.6μηι • Forced work speed: 4 〇〇〇mm/min Auxiliary gas type: Nitrogen assisted gas pressure: 1.2Mpa Focus position: 3mm of material surface down No. of nozzle-material distance: lmm, ~^ The processing conditions are not generated in the case of no protective sheet attached It is suitable for the conditions with the same conditions. Therefore, it is not necessary to have a special condition to attach the protective sheet. In addition, 'M is in this: The experiment is not necessary for the surface protection function of the material (4). Therefore, the molecular weight of the raw material of Yubao (4) is more than 50,000, and the material of the molecular weight of the material is not confirmed. Here, the so-called molecular average molecular weight means. In addition, the adhesive layer of the protective sheet is combined with one and another! The protective sheet for industrial use has the same adhesive layer. The criterion for the judgment of the lower part is the material when the fine processing is performed under the shape of the protective sheet on the back side. One is 〇, the slag height attached to the back of the material is high 318360 10 1295206 Also, in this experimental result, the maximum collapse height of 〇 is less than 0.1 mm, and the maximum 滓 height of x is above imm. Very clear judgment. That is, the difference between the apostrophe and the X number in Fig. 2 is a meaningful difference. = As shown in Fig. 2, the thickness of the protective sheet is in the range of 2 〇 μηι or more, and the area where the numerator is less than 300,000 times is not obtained, and the slag is often cleaned. Further, in the range where the molecular weight exceeds 50,000, even if the thickness exceeds the range of 14 〇Mm, the region where ruthenium is not obtained, that is, the state in which no slag is adhered is not obtained. That is, it is known that it is necessary to adhere the material for good processing, and it is necessary to reduce the molecular weight of the protective sheet raw material and to thin the thickness of the protective sheet. Less: The smaller the molecular weight of the protective sheet material, or the thinner the thickness, the easier it is to vaporize by the heat of the laser beam, so that the molten metal melt due to the thermal fusion of the laser beam can be prevented from being affected by the protective sheet. It becomes a low speed, and it is difficult for the molten metal to adhere to the back surface of the material as dross. In the case where the molecular weight is in the range of 50,000 to 300,000, the boundary of 〇 and ><, the molecular weight of the protective sheet material is M, and the thickness of the protective sheet is ί [m]. A curve of Mxt=75 is roughly satisfied, and the lower side of the curve becomes a region of 〇. Therefore, in the range of the molecular weight of 50,000 to 30,000, as long as the relationship between the molecular weight Μ and the thickness t[m] satisfies Mxt$7 5, the range of the nickname in Fig. 2 can be achieved, that is, the residue can be realized. The state of attachment. Generally, as a protective sheet for industrial use, the thickness is usually 50 μm or more, and the molecular weight of the raw material is also about 300,000 pieces of polyethylene. Therefore, in the area of the crucible in FIG. 2, the residue is not attached to the laser and laser is applied. Processing can be said to be very difficult. 318360 11 1295206 • In this way, a protective sheet made of a molecular organic material having a molecular weight of the above relationship is attached to the back surface of the material. The damage, at the same time, is generated by the material design of the f-face treatment such as mirror treatment or wool surface treatment, that is, f Z ' as a non-damaged product value. Amount of time and cost. Since the molecular weight of the protective sheet raw material and the thickness of the protective sheet are appropriately 2, the cost increase of the protective sheet can be suppressed. /, a / :, , : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : In addition, the same results were obtained for the same experiment with the same material or copper as the stainless steel. = This is the only way to obtain the above-mentioned effects, regardless of the thickness of the metal material, the metal or the type. (Embodiment 2) The figure is a diagram showing the laser processing unit of Embodiment 2 for carrying out the present invention: The same points as in Fig. 1 are denoted by the same reference numerals and the description is omitted. In the third figure (a), the surface of the material 7 is attached with a protective sheet 14 on the surface of the material 7 to be attached to the surface of the material 7. Laser processing is performed in a state where the sheet μ is protected. The raw material of the protective sheet 14 is the same as that generally used as a commercially available raw material. Further, as shown in Fig. 3(b), the auxiliary gas 1 is not sprayed from the plurality of discharge ports or disposed separately from the irradiation port of the laser beam 3, but is opened from the nozzle 6 of the field beam 3 irradiation port. A place to squirt. Furthermore, 318360 12 1295206 does not use the first laser beam illumination to remove only the protective sheet or to burn the protective sheet together with the material, and after the protective sheet does not peel off and roll up with a second laser beam This is a technique called "secondary cutting" which cuts the processing, and the cutting of the material "7" and the protective sheet 14 of the material is performed by the laser beam irradiation. Here, in the case where the protective sheet sold as an industrial product is attached and subjected to laser processing, since the auxiliary gas is strongly sprayed, the protective sheet is peeled off and rolled up. As a result of the experiment carried out by the inventors, it was found that the adhesion of the protective sheet and the pressure of the auxiliary gas ejected from the nozzle for the peeling/rolling of the protective sheet when the laser processing is performed in the state where the protective sheet is attached to the surface of the material is known. The two parameter relationships are important. Fig. 4 is the adhesion of the protective sheet attached to the surface of the varying material and the assisting gas: pressure' and confirming whether or not the protective sheet is peeled off/outer embodiment! The processing conditions are in addition to the reference criteria for the 读 丨 4 4 , , , , , , , , , , , , , 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四The area 'as long as there is a little peeling or rolling function St, the protective sheet is used to reach the protection, and the range of no contact nozzle is set to 〇. As shown in the accompanying drawings, the greater the pressure of the auxiliary gas ejected from the nozzle, the more the adhesion of the 4 sheets is, and the relationship between the nozzles and the nozzles is considered to be linear. From the adhesion of the sheet: the pressure of the body is set to p [Mpa], and the protection is recognized, and the [N/20_] is applied to the surface of the material with the 318360 13 1295206 protective sheet. It is preferable to prevent the protective sheet from being peeled off, rolled up, and the relationship of the sheet is the area shown in Fig. 4, that is, the following relationship is sufficient. 1 two P/F—·~N] (Formula) - Generally speaking, the pressure of the auxiliary gas is determined by the processing conditions such as the raw material and the thickness of the material. Therefore, the ink force of the auxiliary gas is selected to satisfy (the formula). 1) The protective sheet of adhesion can be used. Further, as a result of the experiment conducted by the inventors, it has been found that the separation of the protective sheet which is subjected to laser processing in the state in which the protective sheet is attached to the surface of the material is important to both the holding force and the opening diameter of (4). Fig. 5 is a graph showing the results of the peeling/rolling of the protective sheet when the width of the protective sheet attached to the surface of the variable material was processed and the opening diameter of the nozzle was measured. Here, the width of the so-called protective sheet is the width at which the protective sheet is removed during processing. Figure 6 shows the surface of the material
的狀態下,施行雷射加工的材料7之情況。第6 圖⑷係表面的照片,第6圖(b)係第6圖(a) A—A 剖面的模式圖。如第6圖所示,在加工溝渠的周邊保護薄 片14係被除去,而保護薄片的溶融寬度變為較加工溝罕寬 度還寬。保護薄片的熔融寬度幾乎依據材料的切斷溝準寬 二和保護薄片的熱特性有關,而變為材料 、斷溝木1度約1.5倍左右。該實驗的加工條件 嘴開口徑之外係與實施形態1的加工條件1相同。’、、 第5圖中〇x的判定基準,基本上,加工後的保護薄 318360 14 1295206 片係在達成保護材料表面不受損傷的功用、且無接觸喷嘴In the state of the laser processing material 7 is performed. Figure 6 (4) is a photograph of the surface, and Figure 6 (b) is a pattern of the A-A section of Figure 6 (a). As shown in Fig. 6, the protective sheet 14 is removed at the periphery of the processing trench, and the melting width of the protective sheet becomes wider than the width of the processing groove. The melting width of the protective sheet is almost dependent on the thermal width of the protective sheet, and is about 1.5 times that of the material and the broken groove. The processing conditions of this experiment were the same as those of the processing condition 1 of the first embodiment except for the nozzle opening diameter. ???, the determination criterion of 〇x in Fig. 5, basically, the processed protective film 318360 14 1295206 is a function of achieving the surface of the protective material without damage, and the contactless nozzle
St況了 ΐ為?’標準為’在從材料的切斷溝渠離開3mm '的以、’二全無剝離捲起者設為〇,在從切斷溝渠離 广_^上的區域’只要有—點娜捲起者設為X。 如弟5圖所示,為了尤西立 t M 為了不要產生剝離,保護薄片的熔融 見度越大,贺嘴的開口徑貧雲相 m 就而越大,其關係係能想成呈線 =攸而,將保護薄片的炫融寬度設為一〕,將使用 的喷嘴開口徑設為D〔 mm〕,則/从 I 66此& nr — > 、 則在材料表面貼上保護薄片 Ο::::,雷射加工時,為了不使保護薄片剝離从 G輿D的關係只聲為第5圖〇的 的關係。 ◦的以切可,亦可滿足下列 D/G^2 (公式 2) 7般而言,保護薄片的炫融寬度係以材料的材質鱼板 工條件所決定’故對於保護薄片 。要= 擇具有滿足(公式2)的開口徑之嘴嘴即可。,度,、要選 > 、在此’各加工參數係存在如以下的適當值 斷溝渠寬度係依據材料的㈣與板厚,存在能用以良好 工的適當值。第7圖係顯示用以良 (口 的夂把同a立丄 . 加不鏽鋼(SUS304) 的各板;之適當的切斷溝渠寬度之圖表。一 厂 越厚則加m寬度需越寬。此外 ;_ σ,板尽 定則喷嘴的鬥π句勒+ 右辅助氣體的壓力固 屢力越大::於:屮㈣右1嘴開口徑固定則輔助氣體的 辦大,故:: 體流量變多會導致運轉費用 小。此外,嘴嘴的開口徑與辅助氣體體的壓力減 孔體的Μ力之間,依據材 318360 15 1295206 料的材質與板厚’係存在用以良好加工的關係。第8圖係 顯示雷射加工不鏽鋼(SUS304)的各板厚時,用以良好加 工的噴嘴開口徑與输助氣體壓力的關係之圖表。二般而° 言,板厚越厚則噴嘴開口徑需變大且輔助氣體壓力須提 高。還有,由於最後須剝離贴上的保護薄片,考慮到/屆時 的容易剝離性,故最好能儘量減小保護薄片的黏著力二才 從而,若使用從第4圖及第5圖的實驗結果得來的(公 式1)、(公式2),則保護薄片不會產生剝離/捲起,且能求 得極力抑制運轉費之實施有效率的雷射加工的適當加=條 件0 '、 例如,考慮在不鏽鋼(SUS3〇4) tlmm的材料表面貼 上保濩薄片的狀態下實施雷射加工時。此時,為了較第7 圖有更良好的加工,切斷溝渠寬度係為〇 3mm至〇 7mm。 由=得知保護薄片的溶融寬度係變為較材料的切斷溝渠寬 度還大,且雖依據保護薄片的熱特性但係實 料切斷溝渠寬度的約u倍,故變為0.45_至1〇=^ 右。從而,考慮保護薄片的熔融寬度最大的1〇5mm之情 形中、,由(公式2),喷嘴的開口徑需要2.lmm以上。在 1 ’為極力抑制輔助氣體的運轉費帛,係最好儘量減小喷 勺開口裎’故當使用開口徑2. lmm的喷嘴,則相較8 =助氣體的壓力需要〇.9〔_以上。在此,為極力抑 助氣體的運轉費用,係最好儘量減小輔助氣體的壓 ’故當使用0.9〔MPa〕的辅助氣體屢力,則由(公式㈠, 、上的保護薄片之黏著力f要2.7〔 N/20mm〕以上。如 318360 16 1295206 :Si近最後要剝除,故最好_片的黏 書刀接近2.7〔 N/20mm〕的值。 依據上述,能夠導出在表面 μ 合產生4丨丨雜拄j: 、保濩薄片的狀態下不 曰產生亲]雔捲起,且極力抑絲 不鏽鋼(S侧4) tlmm的材料㈣費用並加工 樣的思考方式,可求得不會產生保護 4片域力抑制運轉費㈣加工條件。 加工於材料背面貼上的狀態下實施雷射加工的雷射 藉由滿足上述關係她 保護著力,能防止材料表面的損傷,同時抑制 理等夺面# ’丨捲起’而能提供施加鏡面處理或毛絲面處 值^:”二?材料設計性’亦即提供作為無損害商品價 等問題°。’ ”迴避保護薄片再貼上的工時與加工不良 ,度及定保護薄片铺融寬 _ 虹也旎付到同樣的效果。 π:且喑t材料的板厚、切斷溝渠寬度、保護薄片的溶 W見又、開口徑、輔助氣體的壓力及保護薄片的黏著 之:尋求不會產生保護薄片的剝離,且極綱 運轉費用之4有效率的雷射加I的適#加件。 實施形態3 卞 第9圖係_ - 、 ' "F用以實施本發明的實施形態3的雷射加St. What is it? It is set in the area of the sho Set to X. As shown in Figure 5, in order to avoid the peeling of the yaseli t M, the greater the degree of melting of the protective sheet, the larger the opening diameter of the mouthpiece is, and the greater the relationship, the relationship can be considered as a line = In other words, the width of the protective sheet is set to one, and the nozzle opening diameter to be used is D [mm], then / from I 66 this & nr - >, the protective sheet is attached to the surface of the material. :::: In the case of the laser processing, the relationship between the G and D is not the relationship of the fifth figure. It is also possible to satisfy the following D/G^2 (Formula 2). In general, the width of the protective sheet is determined by the condition of the material of the material, so it is for the protective sheet. To = select the mouth with the opening diameter that satisfies (Equation 2). , degree, and selection > Here, each processing parameter has an appropriate value as follows. The width of the trench is based on the material (4) and the thickness of the material, and there is an appropriate value that can be used for good work. Figure 7 shows a graph of the appropriate cut width of the ditch for the plates of the same type of stainless steel (SUS304). The thicker the first plant, the wider the m width. ;_ σ, the plate is fixed, the nozzle of the bucket π sentence + the right auxiliary gas pressure is stronger than the force:: 屮: (4) the right 1 nozzle opening diameter is fixed, the auxiliary gas is large, so:: body flow becomes more In addition, the operating cost is small. In addition, between the opening diameter of the nozzle and the pressure of the auxiliary gas body, the material and thickness of the material 318360 15 1295206 are used for good processing. Fig. 8 shows a graph showing the relationship between the nozzle opening diameter and the gas pressure of the nozzle for good processing when the thickness of the laser-processed stainless steel (SUS304) is different. In other words, the thicker the plate thickness, the larger the nozzle opening diameter is. The pressure of the auxiliary gas must be increased, and the pressure of the auxiliary gas must be increased. Also, since the protective sheet to be peeled off is finally required, considering the easy peelability at that time, it is preferable to minimize the adhesion of the protective sheet. The experimental results in Figures 4 and 5 are derived. (Formula 1), (Formula 2), the protective sheet does not cause peeling/rolling up, and it is possible to obtain an appropriate addition of the laser processing for the efficient operation of the operating cost. For example, in the case of stainless steel (SUS3〇4) When laser processing is performed on the surface of the material of tlmm with the protective sheet attached. In this case, in order to perform better processing than the seventh drawing, the width of the cut trench is 〇3 mm to 〇7 mm. = It is known that the melting width of the protective sheet is larger than the width of the cut trench of the material, and it is 0.45_ to 1 虽 depending on the thermal characteristics of the protective sheet, but the width of the cut is about u times. =^ Right. Therefore, in the case of 1〇5mm where the melting width of the protective sheet is the largest, the opening diameter of the nozzle needs to be 2.lmm or more by (Formula 2). In 1', the operation cost of the assist gas is suppressed as much as possible. It is best to reduce the opening of the spray spoon as much as possible. Therefore, when using a nozzle with an opening diameter of 2. lmm, it is necessary to compare the pressure of the auxiliary gas with 8.9 [_ above. Here, the operation of the gas is greatly suppressed. Cost, it is best to minimize the pressure of the auxiliary gas, so when using 0.9 If the auxiliary gas of MPa] is repeated, the adhesion force f of the protective sheet ((I) and above) should be 2.7 [N/20mm] or more. For example, 318360 16 1295206: Si is finally stripped, so it is best to The value of the squeegee is close to 2.7 [N/20mm]. According to the above, it is possible to derive the 丨丨 雔 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Stainless steel (S side 4) tlmm material (4) Cost and processing method of thinking, can be obtained without protection 4 pieces of field force suppression operation fee (4) Processing conditions. Processing laser processing in the state of the back of the material By satisfying the above relationship, the laser protects against the damage of the surface of the material, and at the same time suppresses the resistance of the surface, and can provide the application of mirror treatment or the surface of the wool. ^: "Two? Material design 'It is also offered as a non-damaged commodity price. ' 」 Avoiding the time and processing of the protective sheet and the processing, the degree and the thickness of the protective sheet are _ 虹 虹 旎 旎 。 虹 喑 喑 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料 材料The dissolution of the W, the opening diameter, the pressure of the auxiliary gas and the adhesion of the protective sheet: seeking to prevent the peeling of the protective sheet, and the extremely efficient operating cost of the laser plus I of the appropriate addition. Form 3 卞 Fig. 9 _ - , ' "F used to implement the laser addition of the third embodiment of the present invention
TL ° 痒I 並省略說明。如二=3圖相同的地方係附註相同的符號 弗9圖所示,在材料7背面貼上於實施形 318360 17 1295206 悲1中說明的背面用保 態2中說明的表面用伴。片片,广在表面貼上於實施形 因此,背® 3 I 、4 4片14的狀態下實施雷射加工。 以預定的值作為保護薄片料欲不同,在背面須 度,而在表面須以預ml的分子量及保護薄片的厚 輔助氣體屢力與嘖嘴開口 /等^呆護薄片的黏著力。此外, 形態^說明内容的:==條件只要設定成於實施 滓的兩㈣損傷’同時抑㈣ 轉_片的剝離,而提供作為施加鏡面處理或 =;里二面處理的材料設計性,亦即提供作為“ 值的製品,同時能削減去除潰渾⑽^ 此外,準備全部滿足背面用保護薄片要求的分子量及 厚度的參數,鱼表面用你噌$ m Γ/ 1片要求的㈣力的參數之保 ί;!:ρ使以預定的加工條件在材料背面及表面貼上後 貫^射加工’亦能防止材料的表背兩面之損傷 制潰滓的產生及保護薄片的剝離。此時,由於保護薄片只 :1種就足夠,故能削減保護薄片的製造/流通成本,同 時’可防止因為貼錯保護薄片面而產生的加工不良。 (產業上的利用可能性) 本發明的雷射加工方法及加工頭係適用於加工施加鏡 面處理或毛絲面處理等表面處理的材料之情形中。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖係顯示依據本發明實施形態1的雷射加工方法 318360 18 1295206 之構成圖。 第2圖係顯示保護薄片的分子量與保護薄片的厚度對 於_附著的影響之實驗結果。 第3圖係顯示依據本發明實施形態2的雷射加工方法 之構成圖。 、第4圖係顯示保護薄片的黏著力及使用的輔助氣體的 藶力對於保護薄片剝離的影響之實驗結果。 一第5圖係顯示保護薄片的熔融寬度及使用的喷嘴的開 口徑對於保護薄片剝離的影響之實驗結果。 第6圖⑷及(b)係顯示保護薄片的熔融寬度之說明圖。 、第7圖係顯示在SUS3〇4白勺各板厚用以良好加工的切 斷溝渠寬度之說明圖。 第8圖係顯示在SUS3〇4的各板厚用以良好加工的喷 嘴開口徑與輔助氣體壓力的關係之說明圖。 第9圖係顯示依據本發明實施形態3的雷射加工方法 之構成圖。 锐二1。圖係顯示有無習知的保護薄片對於渣滓附著的 第11圈係顯示保護薄片的剝離之說明圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 3 6 雷射光束 噴嘴 輔助氣體 2 加工頭 5 加工鏡頭 7 材料 13,14 保護薄片 318360 19 10TL ° Itching I and omitting the description. The same place as the two figures in Fig. 3 is the same symbol as the note. As shown in Fig. 9, the surface of the material 7 is attached to the surface partner described in the back surface of the embodiment 318360 17 1295206. The sheet is widely attached to the surface of the surface. Therefore, the laser processing is performed in the state of the back® 3 I and the 44 sheets 14 . The predetermined value is used as the protective sheet material to be different, and the surface must be on the back side, and the surface must be adhered with the molecular weight of the pre-ml and the thickness of the protective sheet to assist the adhesion of the sheet to the mouth opening/etc. In addition, the form = description of the content: == condition is set to implement the two (four) damage of the 滓 and at the same time (4) the detachment of the film, and provide the material design as the application of mirror treatment or =; Provided as a "value of the product, at the same time can reduce the removal of the collapse (10) ^ In addition, prepare all the parameters to meet the molecular weight and thickness required for the back protective sheet, the fish surface with your 噌 $ m Γ / 1 piece required (four) force parameters The protection of ί;!: ρ can be applied to the back and surface of the material after predetermined processing conditions, and also prevents the occurrence of damage to the surface of the back of the material and the peeling of the protective sheet. Since only one type of protective sheet is sufficient, it is possible to reduce the manufacturing/distribution cost of the protective sheet, and at the same time, it is possible to prevent processing defects caused by mislabeling the sheet surface. (Industrial Applicability) Laser of the present invention The processing method and the processing head are suitable for processing a material to which a surface treatment such as a mirror surface treatment or a hair surface treatment is applied. [Schematic Description] FIG. 1 shows a mine according to Embodiment 1 of the present invention. The processing chart of the processing method 318360 18 1295206. Fig. 2 is an experimental result showing the influence of the molecular weight of the protective sheet and the thickness of the protective sheet on the adhesion. Fig. 3 is a view showing the constitution of the laser processing method according to the second embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 4 shows the experimental results of the adhesion of the protective sheet and the influence of the assisting gas used on the peeling of the protective sheet. Fig. 5 shows the melting width of the protective sheet and the opening diameter of the nozzle used. Fig. 6 (4) and (b) are explanatory views showing the melting width of the protective sheet. Fig. 7 shows the cutting thickness of the SUS3〇4 for good processing. Fig. 8 is an explanatory view showing the relationship between the nozzle opening diameter and the assist gas pressure for good processing of each thickness of SUS3〇4. Fig. 9 is a view showing a mine according to Embodiment 3 of the present invention. Fig. 2 is a diagram showing the presence or absence of a conventional protective sheet showing the peeling of the protective sheet in the 11th cycle of the dross attachment. Element SIGNS LIST 36 laser beam assist gas nozzle 2 of the machining head 5 machining lens 13, the protective sheet material 7 3183601910