USD17350S - Pesign for a font of printing-type - Google Patents

Pesign for a font of printing-type Download PDF


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USD17350S US D17350 S USD17350 S US D17350S
United States
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Caul Scitilautcstadtlak
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SPECIFICATION forming part of Design No. 17,350. dated May 17, 188'? Application filed February 10, [886. Serial No. 191.520.
form of pniont 7 you rs.
To (4Z5 whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, CARL SGIUMUBSTADTER, Jr., a citizen of the United States, residing in the city ofSt. Louis, Missouri, have invented and produced a. new and original Design for a Font of Printing 'lypo, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying impression, forming part thereof.
The distinctive fcntu res or characteristics of the design as carried out in the forms of the various letters may be described in detail as follows:
One feature of the designis the extension of a portion of the letters above and below the line and in giving such extensions an angular backward or curved appearance, as seen in the illustration, and in the pointed terminals of the letters. .7
The leading or characteristic feature of my design is found in the letters 0 E L, the lower portion or bar, a, of which forms a compound curve extending downward and toward the right, a portion of the same being concave on the under side.
Another featn re of my design appears in the letters E and F, in which the middle bar, 01, is inclined sharply upward to the right and provided with a pointed terminal.
Still another feature of the design appears in the letters J and S, in which the lower curved bar extends downward and to the left, as indicated atf; and another feature in the letter M, in which the middle standard curves at the top to the right and lelt, as indicated at h, the curves flowing freely and unbroken into the standards 17, which latter extend below the line and outwardly and end in a concave and pointed terminal.
which the middle standard curves Another feature of the design is found in the letter L, the vertical standard of which is a compound curve tcrminntiugat the top in the curved bar 9, extending to the right.
I claim-- 1. In a design for a font of printing-type herein shown and described, the letters 0, 1 and L each having the lower portion extend ing downward to the rightnnd slightly concave on its under side.
2. In a design for a font of misting-type herein shown and described, the letters E and F, in which the middle bar is inclined sharply upward to the right and provided with a pointed terminal, the E having also the oppositely-inclined lower bar, a.
3. In a design for a. font of printingtype herein shown and described, the letters J and S, in which the lower curved bur extends downward to the left, as shown atf, said lettors being composed of unifornilydleavy bars, and the J having a straight main bar.
4. In a design for a; font of printing-type herein shown and described, the letter M, in to the right and left smoothly and unbroken into the downward and outwardly extending standards, which project below the line and have the concave and pointed terminals, as shown.
5. The design fora font of typehe'rein shown and described, the same consisting of upper and lower case letters having backward angular or curved appearance, curved and pointed terminals on the line, above the line, and below the line, substantially as described.
O. D. MoonY, J. W. Home.



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