201016570 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明是關於:在複數個處理裝置間存有複數個被搬 運物之搬運途徑的場合中,用來控制在上述搬運途徑上搬 運被搬運物之搬運裝置的搬運控制裝置及搬運控制方法。 【先前技術】 傳統上’存在著具有複數個處理裝置的處理設備。在 複數個處理裝置間,存有複數個被搬運物的搬運途徑。而 處理設備具有用來在上述搬運途徑上搬運被搬運物的搬運 裝置。而該處理設備,可使複數個被搬運物對應於一個搬 運裝置。 在上述的處理設備中,爲了實現效率良好的處理,對 於要將哪一個被搬運物搬運至哪一個處理裝置,則必須適 當地控制搬運裝置。 在傳統的搬運控制方法中,搬運裝置是依據「根據被 搬運物對搬運裝置的到達順序、到達時刻、搬運時間及等 待時間等所預約」的順序、或依據「根據負荷狀況等所預 先排程」的順序,來搬運被搬運物。 此外’在傳統的搬運控制方法中,被搬運物是被積存 於儲存匣且集中複數個後才搬運。 舉例來說,在日本特開平9—30617號公報中記載一 種:藉由與被搬運物的搬運同步,並由控制裝置對下一個 控制裝置輸出搬運指示資料的方式,而迅速地將被搬運物 -5- 201016570 搬運至搬運機器的搬運系統。該搬運系統具備:堆高式起 重機、軌道式台車、承接用輸送機、及入出庫用輸送機, 而作爲在自動倉庫内搬運被搬運物的搬運裝置。起重機控 制裝置控制起重機,台車控制裝置控制軌道式台車,而輸 送機控制裝置控制各輸送機。而各控制裝置、與產生用來 指示搬運作業之資料(搬運指示資料)的倉管電腦,是以 同一個通訊迴路所連接。 由倉管電腦所輸出的搬運指示資料,是經由通訊迴路 而從控制裝置朝控制裝置依序輸出,各控制裝置是依據搬 運指示資料來控制搬運裝置而執行搬運作業。 【發明內容】 〔發明欲解決之課題〕 在前述的傳統搬運控制方法中,由於是將複數個被搬 運物積存於儲存匣且集中後才搬運,故在被搬運物之更迭 較少步驟中可提高搬運效率。但是,在被搬運物之更迭較 多的步驟中,反而使搬運效率下降。在被搬運物之更迭較 多的步驟中,並非將複數個被搬運物搭載儲存匣後搬運, 而是逐個對被搬運物進行,也就是採用所謂的逐片式搬運 方法來搬運的作法可提高搬運效率。 但是,在逐個搬運被搬運物之逐片式的搬運線中’由 於演算處理資料量暴增,受限於演算處理所需的時間而難 以縮短產距時間。此外,就演算處理裝置而言也需要大型 的裝置。 -6- 201016570 舉例來說,在液晶面板製造工場,生產管理系統管理 著所有的作業順序。但是,倘若1片1片地搬運基板後進 行處理,由於生產管理系統與逐片搬運控制系統之間的通 訊量大增,而使得生產管理系統難以管理所有作業處理的 順序。 有鑑於此,本發明的目的是提供一種:即使在所謂的 逐片搬運線中,不會使演算處理資料量暴增,不需要大型 的裝置作爲演算處理裝置,演算處理所需的時間也不會增 長的搬運控制裝置、及搬運控制方法。 〔解決課題手段〕 本發明的搬運控制裝置,是在「於複數個處理裝置間 存在有複數個被搬運物的搬運途徑,且具有複數個沿著前 述搬運途徑搬運被搬運物的搬運裝置,並使複數個被搬運 物對應於一個前述搬運裝置」的處理設備中,用來控制前 述搬運裝置的搬運控制裝置。搬運控制裝置具備用來控制 前述各搬運裝置的控制手段。前述控制手段,是從高階系 統接收分類條件,根據該分類條件而產生分類資訊,並判 斷生產批量是否已開始,倘若該生產批量已開始,便判斷 :前述處理設備之被搬運物的搬出埠中是否有閒置的搬出 埠;和生產批量是否已完成;及是否有高優先度的分類條 件,倘若生產批量已完成,且存有閒置的搬出埠時,便依 據高優先度的分類條件,將分類資訊指派給前述搬出埠, 並依據該分類資訊來控制前述搬運裝置。 201016570 本發明的搬運控制方法,是在「於複數個處理裝置間 存在有複數個被搬運物的搬運途徑,且具有複數個沿著前 述搬運途徑搬運被搬運物的搬運裝置,並使複數個被搬運 物對應於一個前述搬運裝置」的處理設備.中,用來控制前 述搬運裝置的搬運控制方法。根據前述的搬運控制方法, 從高階系統取得分類條件,根據該分類條件產生分類資訊 ,判斷生產批量是否已開始,倘若該生產批量已開始,便 判斷:前述處理設備之被搬運物的搬出埠中是否有閒置的 搬出埠;和生產批量是否已完成;及是否有高優先度的分 類條件,倘若生產批量已完成,且存有閒置的搬出埠時, 依據高優先度的分類條件,將分類資訊指派給前述搬出埠 ,依據該該分類資訊來控制前述搬運裝置。 〔發明效果〕 根據本發明的搬運控制裝置,控制手段是從高階系統 接收分類條件,並決定該將各被搬運物中的哪一個被搬運 物搬運到哪一個搬運埠。因此,控制手段即使無法從高階 系統取得對各個被搬運物的指示,也能因應於處理結果將 被處理物單獨地搬運至搬運埠,故能提高搬運效率。 根據本發明的搬運控制方法’是從高階系統取得分類 條件,而決定該將各被搬運物中的哪一個被搬運物搬運到 哪一個搬運埠。因此,即使無法針對各個被搬運物從高階 系統取得指示,也能因應於處理結果將被處理物搬運至搬 運埠,故能提高搬運效率。 -8 - 201016570 【實施方式】 以下’根據圖面說明本發明的一種實施形態。 〔搬運控制裝置的構造〕 第1圖’是顯示本實施形態之搬運控制裝置構造的區 塊圖。 本實施形態的搬運控制裝置,如第1圖所示,具有從 生產管理系統(高階系統)1接收指示的搬運控制系統( 控制手段)2。搬運控制系統2,是控制複數個機器控制盤 3—1、3-2、…、3—n,並透過機器控制盤3-1、3-2、 …、3— n來控制複數個處理裝置及搬運裝置的動作。而, 複數個處理裝置及搬運裝置構成處理設備。 第2圖,是顯示採用本實施形態之搬運控制裝置的處 理設備的構造,其中(a )爲俯視圖,(b )爲側視圖。 採用本實施形態之搬運控制裝置的處理設備,如第2 (a)圖所示,被搬運物是從作爲出入口 105的搬出搬入 埠A〜E投入。被搬運物,是藉由輸送機(搬運裝置)106 、107,而在複數個處理裝置(作業裝置)101〜104之間 搬運。 輸送機107,如第2(b)圖所示,是由:具有堆高功 能的輸送機(以下’稱爲堆高型輸送機:FCV )、與具有 縱向搬運(升降)功能的輸送機(以下,稱爲縱向搬運輸 送機:縱向CV )所形成。堆高型輸送機(FCV ),是水 平地搬運被搬運物,並在處理裝置101〜104之間執行被 201016570 搬運物的收授。 在該處理設備中,處理程序A的處理裝置101與處理 程序D的處理裝置104是上下堆疊所配置。此外,處理程 序B的處理裝置102與處理程序C的處理裝置103是上下 堆疊所配置。上述的各處理裝置101〜104,是面向堆高型 輸送機(FCV )所設置。接著,在搬運線的起始端與終端 設置有緩衝區108。此外,在處理裝置101與處理裝置 104之間設置有緩衝區109。不僅如此,在處理裝置102 與處理裝置103之間設置有緩衝區 Π0。上述的緩衝區 108、109、110是面向縱向搬運輸送機(縱向CV)所設置 。從任何一個處理裝置被搬運到下一個處理裝置之過程中 的被搬運物,可暫時地滯留於上述的緩衝區108 '109、 110° 該處理設備,是藉由以本實施形態的搬運控制裝置來 控制輸送機106、107,而將各被搬運物搬運至各處理裝置 101〜104及各緩衝區108〜110的任意場所,並由各處理 裝置101〜104對各搬運物實施特定處理(檢査)。 第3圖,是顯示實施本實施形態之搬運控制方法的處 理設備之構造的區塊圖。 如第3圖所示,在處理設備中,於複數個處理裝置 101〜104之間存有複數個被搬運物的搬運途徑。處理設備 具有:沿著搬運途徑搬運被搬運物的複數個搬運裝置。此 外,是使複數個被搬運物對應於一個搬運裝置。 在上述的處理設備中,是根據從高階系統所取得之處 -10- 201016570 理裝置101〜104(步驟A〜D)間的搬運資訊,使搬運線 内的被搬運物(譬如:FPD或半導體所使用的玻璃基板等 )在處理裝置〜104間依序搬運。本實施形態的搬運 控制方法,可改善上述處理設備的搬運效率。 在該處理設備中,被投入出入口 105的被搬運物,是 依序被搬運至各處理裝置101〜104,並在施以特定處理後 ’再度回到出入口 1〇5。在該處理設備中,被搬運物可對 應於在各處理裝置的處理結果(譬如:檢査結果),而變 Ο 更下一個搬運場所(目標)的處理裝置(步驟)。此外, 在該處理設備中,由於被搬運物有時會被重複搬運至同一 - 個處理裝置(譬如:檢査裝置),因此在各處理裝置間的 - 搬運途徑中,存在大量的分岐與合流。 本實施形態的搬運控制方法,特別適用於一次搬運1 片被搬運物的逐片搬運線。在逐片搬運線中,同時搬運控 制之被搬運物的數量暴增,故在傳統的搬運控制方法中非 φ 常難以控制。 〔搬運控制裝置的動作(搬運控制方法)〕 第4圖,是顯示本實施形態之搬運控制裝置的搬運控 制系統之動作的流程圖。 在該搬運控制裝置中,搬運控制系統2是執行第4圖 所示的處理。 在步驟st 1中,收納著複數個被搬運物的儲存匣到達 步驟(處理設備)。在步驟st2中,從生產管理系統(高 -11 - 201016570 階系統)1接收作業流程,並使處理進入步驟st3及步驟 st4。 在步驟st3中,將作業流程予以展開而成爲作業資訊 ,並將作業資訊指派至各處理裝置(作業裝置)。而作業 資訊是被蓄積於作業資訊資料庫。 另外,在步驟st4中,從生產管理系統(高階系統)1 接收分類資訊,並使處理進入步驟st 5及步驟st6。 在步驟st5中,將分類資訊予以展開,並將分類資訊 指派至各儲存匣。而分類資訊是被蓄積於分類資訊資料庫 〇 在步驟st6中,是根據步驟st3所蓄積的作業資訊, 製作成儲存匣内之各個被搬運物(譬如:基板)的作業流 程,並使處理進入步驟st7。在步驟st7中,則根據作業 流程來搬運被搬運物(基板),並使處理進入步驟st8。 在步驟st8中,是對應於作業處理結果,並根據作業 流程來決定下一個搬運場所(目標),並使處理進入步驟 st9。在步驟st9中,判斷截至步驟st8爲止所執行的處理 是否爲最終處理,倘若是最終處理便使處理進入步驟stlO ,倘若非最終處理便使處理回到步驟st7。 在步驟stlO中,根據在步驟st5所蓄積的分類資訊, 並依據分類條件將被搬運物(基板)搬運至分類用儲存匣 第5(a)圖,是顯示在本實施形態之搬運控制裝置的 搬運控制系統中作業資訊之產生動作的流程圖。 -12- 201016570 如第5(a)圖所示,在產生作業資訊之際, 驟stll中搬運控制系統2接收了作業流程,處理 驟stl2及步驟stl3。在本說明書中,是將用來 運控制系統從生產管理系統接收作業流程之範例 圖,顯示於第 7(a)圖中。如第 7(a)圖所示 程是由:譬如「生產批量資訊」、「品種代碼」 ID」、「現行作業代碼」、「分類代碼」、「後 碼」、「後續作業方法ID」所形成。而對應於f 之搬運物(基板)的流程範例,則以第7 ( b )圖 在步驟st 12中,產生生產批量資訊,並使處 驟st 14。在步驟st 14中,判斷是否已接收生產 資訊,倘若接收了生產批量完成資訊,便使處理 st 1 5。倘若尙未接收生產批量完成資訊,便使處 步驟st 1 4。生產批量完成資訊如第5 ( b )圖所示 譬如「管理ID」、「品種代碼」、「批量ID」 代碼」、「分類代碼」所形成。 在步驟stl5中,添加批量末端標誌,並使處 驟 st 1 9。 另外,在步驟st 13中,產生各線的生產批量 使處理進入步驟st丨6。生產批量資訊如第5 ( c ) 是由:譬如「管理ID」、「品種代碼」' 「批遍 「作業代碼」、「分類代碼」、「處理片數」、 數」、「破損片數」、「處理狀態」所形成。 在步驟st 1 6中,判斷是否有閒置的處理裝置 倘若在步 便進入步 表示「搬 」的區塊 ,作業流 、「批量 續作業代 % 7(a) 表示。 理進入步 批量完成 進入步驟 理停留於 ,是由: 、「作業 理進入步 資訊,並 圖所示’ t ID」、 「完成片 ,倘若存 -13- 201016570 有閒置的處理裝置’便使處理進入步驟stl7。倘若沒有閒 置的處理裝置’便使處理停留於步驟st 16。在步驟st 17 中’將生產批*量資訊指派給搬運線的處理裝置,並使處理 進入步驟stl8。在步驟stl8中,對處理裝置指派方法ID (處理内容)’並使處理進入步驟stl9。 在步驟st 19中’產生搬運指示資訊,並使處理進入步 驟st20。搬運指示資訊如第5 ( d )圖所示,是由:譬如r 搬運ID」、「基板id」、「批量末端標誌」、「開始( From )位置」、「終了( Το )位置」、「最終搬運場所」 、「處理狀態」所形成。 在步驟st20中’判斷是否能朝下一個步驟搬運,倘若 可以搬運,便使處理進入步驟st21。倘若不能搬運,便使 處理停留於步驟st2〇。在步驟st2 1中,指示被搬運物( 基板)的搬運’並使處理進入步驟st22。在步驟st22中 ’判斷是否爲批量末端’倘若爲批量末端便結束批量。倘 若非批量末端,便使處理回到步驟stl9。 第6 ( a )圖’是顯示「本實施形態之搬運控制裝置的 搬運控制系統中之分類資訊」的產生動作的流程圖。 如第6(a)圖所示’當產生分類資訊之際,一旦在步 驟st3 1中搬運控制系統2接收分類條件,便使處理進入步 驟st3 2。在本說明書中’是將用來表示「搬運控制系統從 生產管理系統接收分類條件之範例」的區塊圖,顯示於第 8 ( a )圖中。如第8 ( a )圖所示,分類條件是由:譬如「 管理ID」、「品種代碼」、「批量ID」、「代表作業代 -14- 201016570 碼」、「代表分類代碼」、「優先度」、「基板資訊」、 「搬運基板片數」、「處理狀態」所形成。而對應於第7 (a )之搬運物(基板)的流程範例,則以第7 ( b )圖表 示。 在步驟st32中,產生分類資訊,並使處理進入步驟 st33。分類資訊如第6(b)圖所示,是由:譬如「管理 ID」、「品種代碼」、「批量ID」、「代表作業代碼」 、「代表分類代碼」、「優先度」、「基板資訊」、「搬 出基板片數」、「處理狀態」所形成。 在步驟s 13 3中,判斷是否有閒置的璋,倘若有閒置的 埠,便使處理進入步驟st3 4。倘若沒有閒置的埠,便使處 理停留於步驟st33。 在步驟st34中,判斷生產批量是否已開始,倘若已開 始,便使處理進入步驟st35。倘若尙未開始,便使處理停 留於步驟st3 4。 在步驟st3 5中,判斷生產批量是否已完成,倘若已完 成,便使處理進入步驟st36。倘若尙未完成,便使處理停 留於步驟st35。 在步驟st36中,判斷是否有高優先度的分類條件,倘 若有高優先度的分類條件,便使處理進入步驟st37。倘若 沒有高優先度的分類條件,便使處理停留於步驟st3 6。 在步驟st37中,對埠指派分類資訊,並完成處理。 【圖式簡單說明】 -15- 201016570 第1圖:是顯示本發明的搬運控制裝置之其中一種實 施形態的構造的區塊圖。 第2圖:是顯示採用前述搬運控制裝置之處理設備的 構造,其中(a )爲俯視圖,(b )爲側視圖。 第3圖:是顯示採用本發明之搬運控制方法的一種實 施形態之處理設備的構造的區塊圖。 第4圖:是顯示前述搬運控制裝置的搬運控制系統之 動作的流程圖。 第5圖:(a)是顯示前述搬運控制裝置的搬運控制 系統之作業資訊的產生動作的流程圖,(b)是顯示生產 批量完成資訊之項目例的表格,(c)是顯示生產批量資 訊之項目例的表格’ (d)是顯示搬運指示資訊之項目例 的表格。 第6圖:(a)是顯示前述搬運控制裝置的搬運控制 系統之分類資訊的產生動作的流程圖,(b)是顯示分類 資訊之項目例的表格。 第7圖:(a)是顯示前述搬運控制裝置從生產管理 系統接收之作業流程例的區塊圖,(b )是對應於(a )之 搬運物的流程範例圖。 第8圖:(a)是顯示前述搬運控制裝置從生產管理 系統接收之分類條件例的區塊圖,(b)是對應於(a)之 搬運物的流程範例圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 -16- 201016570201016570 6. TECHNOLOGICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION [Technical Field] The present invention relates to controlling the conveyance of a conveyed object on the conveyance path when a plurality of conveyance paths of the conveyed objects are stored between a plurality of processing apparatuses The conveyance control device and the conveyance control method of the conveyance device. [Prior Art] Conventionally, there is a processing apparatus having a plurality of processing means. There are a plurality of transport paths for the objects to be transported between the plurality of processing devices. The processing apparatus has a transport device for transporting the object to be transported on the transport path. In the processing apparatus, a plurality of objects to be transported can correspond to one transporting device. In the above-described processing apparatus, in order to realize efficient processing, it is necessary to appropriately control the conveying apparatus as to which processing apparatus to transport the object to be transported. In the conventional conveyance control method, the conveyance device is pre-arranged in accordance with the "reservation order of the conveyance device, the arrival time, the conveyance time, and the waiting time, etc." The order is to transport the objects to be transported. Further, in the conventional conveyance control method, the articles to be transported are stored in the storage hopper and are collected in a plurality of places. For example, Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. Hei 9-30617 discloses a method of quickly transporting a conveyed object by synchronizing with the conveyance of the object to be transported and outputting the conveyance instruction data to the next control device by the control device. -5- 201016570 Handling system that is transported to the handling machine. The transport system includes a stacker type hoist, a rail type vehicle, a receiving conveyor, and a conveyor for loading and unloading, and is a transport device that transports the object to be transported in the automatic warehouse. The crane control device controls the crane, the trolley control device controls the rail type trolley, and the conveyor control device controls each conveyor. The control unit and the warehouse computer that generates the information (handling instruction data) for instructing the handling operation are connected by the same communication circuit. The conveyance instruction data outputted by the warehouse management computer is sequentially outputted from the control device to the control device via the communication circuit, and each control device controls the conveyance device based on the transportation instruction data to perform the transportation operation. [Problem to be Solved by the Invention] In the above-described conventional conveyance control method, since a plurality of articles to be conveyed are stored in a storage hopper and are concentrated, the article can be transported in a smaller number of steps of the object to be transported. Improve handling efficiency. However, in the step of changing the number of objects to be transported, the handling efficiency is rather lowered. In the step of changing the number of objects to be transported, the plurality of objects to be transported are not stored and transported, but are carried out one by one, that is, the method of transporting by the so-called one-piece transport method can be improved. Handling efficiency. However, in the piece-by-piece conveyance line for transporting the articles to be transported one by one, the amount of data to be processed is greatly increased, and it is difficult to shorten the production time due to the time required for the calculation processing. In addition, large-scale devices are also required for the arithmetic processing device. -6- 201016570 For example, in the LCD panel manufacturing plant, the production management system manages all the job sequences. However, if the substrate is handled one by one, the communication between the production management system and the one-by-one handling control system is greatly increased, making it difficult for the production management system to manage the order of all the processing. In view of the above, it is an object of the present invention to provide that even in a so-called one-by-one conveyance line, the amount of calculation processing data is not increased, and a large-scale device is not required as a calculation processing device, and the time required for the calculation processing is not A handling control device and a handling control method that will increase. [Means for Solving the Problem] The transport control device according to the present invention is a transport device that transports a plurality of objects to be transported between a plurality of processing devices, and has a plurality of transport devices that transport the objects to be transported along the transport path. A conveyance control device for controlling the conveyance device is provided in a processing device that corresponds to a plurality of objects to be conveyed in one of the conveyance devices. The conveyance control device includes control means for controlling each of the conveyance devices. The foregoing control means receives the classification condition from the high-order system, generates classification information according to the classification condition, and determines whether the production batch has started. If the production batch has started, it is determined that the object to be transported of the processing device is removed. Whether there are idle moving out; and whether the production batch has been completed; and whether there are high priority classification conditions, if the production batch has been completed and there are idle moving out, it will be classified according to the high priority classification condition. The information is assigned to the aforementioned carry-out port, and the aforementioned transport device is controlled based on the classified information. 201016570 The transportation control method of the present invention is a transportation method in which a plurality of objects to be transported are present between a plurality of processing apparatuses, and a plurality of transport apparatuses that transport the objects to be transported along the transport path, and a plurality of The conveyance corresponds to a conveyance control method of the conveyance device. According to the above-described conveyance control method, the classification condition is obtained from the high-order system, the classification information is generated based on the classification condition, and it is judged whether or not the production lot has started. If the production lot has started, it is judged that the conveyed object of the processing device is carried out. Whether there are idle moving out; and whether the production batch has been completed; and whether there is a high priority classification condition, if the production batch has been completed and there are idle moving out, the classified information will be classified according to the high priority classification condition. The transfer device is assigned to the aforementioned transport device, and the transport device is controlled based on the classified information. [Effect of the Invention] According to the conveyance control device of the present invention, the control means receives the classification condition from the high-order system, and determines which of the conveyed objects in each of the conveyed objects is transported to which conveyance. Therefore, even if the control means cannot obtain an instruction for each object to be transported from the high-order system, the object to be processed can be separately transported to the transporter in accordance with the result of the processing, so that the transport efficiency can be improved. According to the conveyance control method of the present invention, the classification condition is obtained from the high-order system, and it is determined which of the conveyed objects in each of the conveyed objects is transported to which conveyance. Therefore, even if it is not possible to obtain an instruction from the high-order system for each object to be transported, the object to be processed can be transported to the transporter in accordance with the result of the processing, so that the transport efficiency can be improved. -8 - 201016570 [Embodiment] Hereinafter, an embodiment of the present invention will be described based on the drawings. [Structure of conveyance control device] Fig. 1 is a block diagram showing the structure of the conveyance control device of the embodiment. As shown in Fig. 1, the conveyance control device of the present embodiment has a conveyance control system (control means) 2 that receives an instruction from the production management system (high-order system) 1. The handling control system 2 controls a plurality of machine control disks 3-1, 3-2, ..., 3-n, and controls a plurality of processing devices through machine control disks 3-1, 3-2, ..., 3-n And the operation of the handling device. However, a plurality of processing devices and transport devices constitute a processing device. Fig. 2 is a view showing the structure of a processing apparatus using the conveyance control device of the embodiment, wherein (a) is a plan view and (b) is a side view. According to the processing apparatus of the conveyance control device of the present embodiment, as shown in the second (a), the object to be transported is loaded from the loading/unloading ports 埠A to E as the entrances and exits 105. The objects to be transported are transported between a plurality of processing apparatuses (workers) 101 to 104 by conveyors (transporting apparatuses) 106 and 107. The conveyor 107, as shown in Fig. 2(b), is a conveyor having a stacking function (hereinafter referred to as a stacker conveyor: FCV) and a conveyor having a longitudinal conveyance (elevating) function ( Hereinafter, it is referred to as a longitudinal conveyance conveyor: longitudinal CV). The stacking conveyor (FCV) transports the objects to be conveyed horizontally, and carries out the transportation of the articles to be transported between the processing apparatuses 101 to 104. In the processing apparatus, the processing device 101 of the processing program A and the processing device 104 of the processing program D are stacked on top of each other. Further, the processing device 102 of the processing program B and the processing device 103 of the processing program C are arranged in a stack of up and down. Each of the above-described processing apparatuses 101 to 104 is provided for a stacker type conveyor (FCV). Next, a buffer 108 is provided at the beginning and end of the carrier line. Further, a buffer 109 is provided between the processing device 101 and the processing device 104. Moreover, a buffer Π0 is provided between the processing device 102 and the processing device 103. The above buffer zones 108, 109, 110 are provided facing the longitudinal transport conveyor (longitudinal CV). The object to be transported from any one of the processing devices to the next processing device can be temporarily retained in the buffer zone 108'109, 110°. The processing device is the transport control device according to the present embodiment. The conveyors 106 and 107 are controlled, and each of the objects to be transported is transported to any of the processing apparatuses 101 to 104 and the respective buffers 108 to 110, and each of the processing apparatuses 101 to 104 performs specific processing (inspection). ). Fig. 3 is a block diagram showing the structure of a processing apparatus for carrying out the conveyance control method of the embodiment. As shown in Fig. 3, in the processing apparatus, a plurality of conveyance paths of the objects to be transported are stored between the plurality of processing apparatuses 101 to 104. The processing equipment includes a plurality of conveying devices that carry the objects to be transported along the transportation route. Further, a plurality of objects to be transported are associated with one transport device. In the above-described processing apparatus, the conveyed material in the transport line (for example, FPD or semiconductor) is carried out based on the transfer information between the devices 10 to 10, 2010, and the devices 101 to 104 (steps A to D) obtained from the high-order system. The glass substrate or the like used is sequentially transported between the processing apparatuses 104 to 104. According to the conveyance control method of the embodiment, the conveyance efficiency of the processing apparatus can be improved. In the processing apparatus, the objects to be transported to and from the entrances and exits 105 are sequentially transported to the respective processing apparatuses 101 to 104, and are returned to the entrances and exits 1 to 5 after being subjected to the specific processing. In the processing apparatus, the object to be transported can correspond to the processing result (e.g., inspection result) of each processing apparatus, and the processing apparatus (step) of the next transportation place (target) can be changed. Further, in this processing apparatus, since the objects to be transported are repeatedly transported to the same processing apparatus (for example, an inspection apparatus), there is a large amount of branching and joining in the transportation path between the processing apparatuses. The conveyance control method of the present embodiment is particularly suitable for a sheet-by-piece conveyance line that conveys one piece of the object to be conveyed at a time. In the piece-by-piece conveying line, the number of objects to be conveyed and controlled at the same time is soaring, so it is often difficult to control in the conventional handling control method. [Operation of the conveyance control device (transportation control method)] Fig. 4 is a flowchart showing the operation of the conveyance control system of the conveyance control device according to the embodiment. In the conveyance control device, the conveyance control system 2 executes the processing shown in Fig. 4. In step st1, a storage hopper arrival step (processing apparatus) of a plurality of articles to be transported is stored. In step st2, the job flow is received from the production management system (high-11 - 201016570 system) 1 and the process proceeds to step st3 and step st4. In step st3, the work flow is expanded to become job information, and the job information is assigned to each processing device (work device). The job information is accumulated in the job information database. Further, in step st4, the classification information is received from the production management system (high-order system) 1, and the processing proceeds to step st5 and step st6. In step st5, the classification information is expanded and the classification information is assigned to each storage. The classification information is stored in the classified information database. In step st6, the operation information accumulated in step st3 is created, and the operation flow of each object to be transported (for example, the substrate) is stored, and the processing is entered. Step st7. In step st7, the object to be transported (substrate) is transported in accordance with the work flow, and the process proceeds to step st8. In step st8, the next processing place (target) is determined in accordance with the job flow in accordance with the job processing result, and the process proceeds to step st9. In the step st9, it is judged whether or not the processing executed up to the step st8 is the final processing, and if it is the final processing, the processing proceeds to the step st10, and if it is not the final processing, the processing returns to the step st7. In step st0O, based on the classification information accumulated in step st5, the object to be transported (substrate) is transported to the sorting storage unit 5(a) in accordance with the classification condition, and is displayed in the conveyance control device of the present embodiment. A flow chart of the operation of generating job information in the handling control system. -12- 201016570 As shown in Fig. 5(a), when the operation information is generated, the conveyance control system 2 receives the operation flow in step stll, and the processing step ttl2 and the step st13. In this specification, an example of the process used to receive the operational control system from the production management system is shown in Figure 7(a). For example, the process shown in Figure 7(a) is: for example, "Production Batch Information", "Category Code" ID", "Current Job Code", "Classification Code", "Last Code" and "Follow-up Method ID" form. On the other hand, in the flow example corresponding to the carrier (substrate) of f, the production batch information is generated in step st12 in the seventh step (b), and the step st 14 is generated. In step st14, it is judged whether or not the production information has been received, and if the production lot completion information is received, the processing st 1 5 is performed. If the production batch completion information is not received, the step st 1 4 is made. The production batch completion information is formed as shown in Figure 5 (b), such as "Management ID", "Category Code", "Batch ID" Code, and "Classification Code". In step stl5, the batch end flag is added and the step st 1 9 is performed. Further, in step st13, the production lot of each line is generated, and the process proceeds to step st丨6. The production batch information, such as section 5 (c), is derived from: for example, "management ID", "variety code", "batch of job code", "class code", "number of processed pieces", number", "number of broken pieces" , "Processing Status" is formed. In step st16, it is judged whether or not the idle processing device enters the block indicating "move" in the step, and the job flow and the "continued batch generation % 7 (a) are indicated. The reason for staying is: ", the operation is step-by-step information, and the figure shows the 't ID", "Complete the film, if there is an idle processing device - 1316, 201016570", the process proceeds to step stl7. If there is no idle The processing device 'waits the process to stay at step st 16. In step st 17, 'the production batch amount information is assigned to the processing device of the carrier line, and the process proceeds to step st8. In step st8, the processing device is assigned a method. ID (processing content) 'and the process proceeds to step stl9. In step st19, 'the conveyance instruction information is generated, and the process proceeds to step st20. The conveyance instruction information is as shown in Fig. 5(d), and is conveyed by, for example, r ID, "Substrate id", "Batch End Mark", "Start (From) Position", "End (Το) Position", "Final Handling Location", "Processing Status". In step st20, it is judged whether or not it can be carried to the next step, and if it is possible to carry it, the process proceeds to step st21. If it cannot be handled, the process is stopped at step st2. In step st2 1, the conveyance of the object to be transported (substrate) is instructed, and the process proceeds to step st22. In step st22, it is judged whether or not it is a batch end. If it is a batch end, the batch is ended. If it is not a batch end, the process is returned to step stl9. The sixth diagram (a) is a flowchart showing the operation of generating the "classification information in the conveyance control system of the conveyance control device of the present embodiment". As shown in Fig. 6(a), when the classification information is generated, once the conveyance control system 2 receives the classification condition in step st3.1, the processing proceeds to step st3 2. In the present specification, 'is a block diagram showing an example of the "transportation control system receiving classification conditions from the production management system", which is shown in Fig. 8(a). As shown in Figure 8 (a), the classification conditions are: for example, "management ID", "variety code", "bulk ID", "representing job generation-14-201016570 code", "representative classification code", "priority Degree, "substrate information", "number of substrates to be transported", and "processing status". The flow example corresponding to the carrier (substrate) of the seventh (a) is shown in the seventh (b) diagram. In step st32, classification information is generated, and the processing proceeds to step st33. The classification information is as shown in Figure 6(b), such as: "Management ID", "Category Code", "Batch ID", "Representational Job Code", "Representation Classification Code", "Priority", "Substrate Information, "Moving out the number of substrates", and "Processing status". In the step s 13 3, it is judged whether or not there is an idle 璋, and if there is an idle 埠, the processing is advanced to the step st3 4 . If there is no idle trick, the processing is stopped at step st33. In step st34, it is judged whether or not the production lot has started, and if it has started, the process proceeds to step st35. If 尙 has not started, the process is left in step st3 4. In step st3 5, it is judged whether or not the production lot has been completed, and if it has been completed, the process proceeds to step st36. If the defect is not completed, the process is stopped at step st35. In step st36, it is judged whether or not there is a high-priority classification condition, and if there is a high-priority classification condition, the processing proceeds to step st37. If there is no high priority classification condition, the process is left in step st3 6. In step st37, classification information is assigned to 埠 and the processing is completed. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS -15- 201016570 Fig. 1 is a block diagram showing the configuration of one embodiment of the conveyance control device of the present invention. Fig. 2 is a view showing a configuration of a processing apparatus using the above-described conveyance control device, wherein (a) is a plan view and (b) is a side view. Fig. 3 is a block diagram showing the configuration of a processing apparatus of an embodiment using the conveyance control method of the present invention. Fig. 4 is a flow chart showing the operation of the conveyance control system of the conveyance control device. Fig. 5: (a) is a flowchart showing an operation of generating operation information of the conveyance control system of the conveyance control device, (b) is a table showing an example of an item for producing batch completion information, and (c) is a table for displaying production lot information. The table of the item example '(d) is a table showing an example of the item of the conveyance instruction information. Fig. 6 is a flowchart showing the operation of generating the classification information of the conveyance control system of the conveyance control device, and (b) is a table showing an example of the item of the classification information. Fig. 7 is a block diagram showing an example of the operation flow of the conveyance control device received from the production management system, and (b) is a flow chart showing the flow of the conveyance corresponding to (a). Fig. 8 is a block diagram showing an example of classification conditions received by the conveyance control device from the production management system, and (b) is a flow chart showing an example of the conveyance corresponding to (a). [Main component symbol description] -16- 201016570
1:生產管理系統(高階系統) 2 :搬運控制系統(控制手段) 3 _ 1〜η :機器控制盤 101〜104:處理裝置(處理程序Α〜D) 1 06、1 07 :搬運裝置 17-1: Production management system (high-order system) 2: Transportation control system (control means) 3 _ 1 to η: Machine control panel 101 to 104: Processing device (processing program Α ~ D) 1 06, 1 07 : Handling device 17-