200817272 (1) 九、發明說明 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係有關一種高架搬運車的投入退出裝置,特別 是藉由自動進行搬運車往移動軌的投入退出,可縮短退出 * 時間,並確保安全,而且可進行在本線停止時間的縮短之 ' 高架搬運車的投入退出裝置。 【先前技術】 以往,在半導體製造工廠等的無塵室中,爲了抑制用 來搬運卡匣等的搬運物時所產生的塵埃,而使用無人搬運 車。 做爲這種工程之間的搬運裝置有:使無人搬運車在地 上移動的RGV (有軌式地上搬運車);以及使無人搬運 車在高架部移動的OHV (有軌式高架搬運車)。 由於RGV在地上移動,因此往維修區的脫離,係使 用轉盤或升降器往橫向脫離的形態而脫離,因此,亦可以 手動來進行退出。 然而,由於OHV在高架部運轉,故依賴於手動使之 ' 從生產線退出,將有導致升降(垂直移動)操作等之動作 變爲複雜,且有安全確保變爲困難,並且在退出時花費太 多時間,而有所謂的本線停止時間變長之問題。 【發明內容】 [發明所欲解決之課題] -5- 200817272 (2) 本發明係有鑑於上述以往的高架搬運車所具有的問題 點,目的在於提供一種:藉由自動進行往移動軌的搬運車 的投入退出,在縮短退出時間之同時,可確保安全,且能 進行本線停止時間的縮短之高架搬運車的投入退出裝置。 ^ [用以解決課題之手段] 爲了達成上述目的,本發明之高架搬運車的投入退出 裝置,係將沿著高架敷設的移動軌上行走的無人搬運車, 投入或退出該移動軌,其特徵爲具備有:設置於移動軌的 缺口部;可分離地裝設於該缺口部的位移軌;在往缺口部 的裝設位置和該側方的橫位移位置之間,移動前述位移軌 的位移裝置;並設於位移軌,當位移軌朝向橫位移位置移 動時,裝設於移動軌的缺口部之輔助位移軌;與朝向前述 橫位移位置移動的位移軌連接,在該位移軌之間,進行搬 運車的移載之升降軌;以及在與位移軌的連接位置和地上 部之間,使該升降軌升降的升降裝置。 此時,可具備:具有與下降至地上部的升降軌連接, 在該升降軌之間進行搬運車的移載之台車軌的維修台車。 又,可於移動軌的缺口部之上游側和下游側上,分別 設置有用來檢測出搬運車的進入之搬運車檢測感測器。 而且,可於移動軌的缺口部之上游側和下游側上,分 別設置有在位移裝置動作前動作,使臂部朝向移動軌上突 出的搬運車阻擋部。 又,可於位移軌上設置用來檢測位移軌上有無搬運車 -6- 200817272 (3) 的位移軌感測器,並且設置有:藉 位移軌進行每一動作時確認有無搬 則不進行下一個動作的連動機構。 而且,可於位移軌上設置用來 車的位移軌感測器,並且設置有: 在位移軌進行每一動作時確認有無 ,則不進行下一個動作的連動機構 [發明之效果] 根據本發明之高架搬運車的投 高架敷設的移動軌上行走的無人搬 動軌,由於其係具備有:設置於移 地裝設於該缺口部的位移軌;在往 側方的橫位移位置之間,移動前述 設於位移軌,當位移軌朝向橫位移 動軌的缺口部之輔助位移軌;與朝 的位移軌連接,在該位移軌之間, 降軌;以及在與位移軌的連接位置 降軌升降的升降裝置,因此在將載 橫位移位置移動之同時,將搬運車 該升降軌降到地上部,可使搬運車 架的移動軌脫離,又,以相反的順 車投入至移動軌,藉此,可在短時 軌的投入退出。 著該位移軌感測器,在 運車,當有搬運車時, 檢測位移軌上有無搬運 藉著該位移軌感測器, 搬運車,當有搬運車時 入退出裝置,係將沿著 運車,投入或退出該移 動軌的缺口部;可分離 缺口部的裝設位置和該 位移軌的位移裝置;並 位置移動時,裝設於移 向前述橫位移位置移動 進行搬運車的移載之升 和地上部之間,使該升 置搬運車的位移軌朝向 移載至升降軌,藉由使 容易自動地從敷設於高 序自動且容易地將搬運 間內進行搬運車往移動 200817272 (4) 此時,藉由具備:具有與下降至地上部的升降軌連接 ,在該升降軌之間進行搬運車的移載之台車軌的維修台車 ,使從移動果取出之搬運車的搬運等的拿取變爲容易,並 且使下降至地上部的升降軌快速地返回至最上部位置。 4 又,藉由在移動軌的缺口部之上游側和下游側上,分 * 別設置有用來檢測出搬運車的進入之搬運車檢測感測器, 可監視位移裝置在動作中,搬運車係否有進入缺口部附近 〇 而且,藉由於移動軌的缺口部之上游側和下游側上, 分別設置:在位移裝置動作前動作,使臂部朝向移動軌上 突出的搬運車阻擋部,可機械性阻止位移裝置在動作中已 進入缺口部附近的搬運車。 又,藉由於位移軌上設置用來檢測位移軌上有無搬運 車的位移軌感測器,並且設置有:藉著該位移軌感測器, 在位移軌進行每一動作時確認有無搬運車,當有搬運車時 ,則不進行下一個動作的連動機構,可更安全地進行搬運 車對於移動軌的投入退出。 而且,藉由於位移軌上設置用來檢測位移軌上有無搬 運車的位移軌感測器,並且設置有:藉著該位移軌感測器 ,在位移軌進行每一動作時確認有無搬運車,當有搬運車 時,則不進行下一個動作的連動機構,可更安全地進行搬 運車對於移動軌的投入退出。 【實施方式】 -8 - 200817272 (5) 以下,依據圖面,說明本發明的高架搬運車之投入退 出裝置的實施形態。 第1圖至第5圖係本發明之高架搬運車的投入退出裝 置之一實施例。 4 該高架搬運車的投入退出裝置,係將沿著高架敷設的 - 移動軌1上行走的無人搬運車2,自動地投入或退出該移 動軌1。 然後,該高架搬運車的投入退出裝置,係具備有:設 置於移動軌1的缺口部3 ;可分離地裝設於該缺口部3的 位移軌4 ;在往缺口部3的裝設位置和該側方的橫位移位 置之間,移動前述位移軌4的位移裝置5 ;並設於位移軌 4,當位移軌4朝向橫位移位置移動時,裝設於移動軌1 的缺口部3之輔助位移軌6 ;與朝向前述橫位移位置移動 的位移軌4連接,在該位移軌4之間,進行搬運車的移載 之升降軌7 ;以及在與位移軌4的連接位置和地上部之間 ,使該升降軌7升降的升降裝置8。 移動軌1係沿著高架敷設成環狀,在投入退出搬運車 2的部份上,設有缺口 3,缺口 3的缺口爲搬運車2 —台 ' 寬度左右的長度。 在該移動軌1的缺口部3之上游側和下游側,分別設 置有:用來檢測其他搬運車的進入之搬運車檢測感測器9 ;以及在位移裝置5動作前動作,使手臂1 〇 a突出至移動 軌1上的搬運車阻擋部1 0。 搬運車檢測感測器9係由光感測器等所構成,是用來 -9 - 200817272 (6) 監視當位移裝置5在動作中時,其他搬運車進入缺口部3 前後的特定區間,在檢測時,介由控制器(省略圖示), 可緊急停止已進入的搬運車。 又,搬運車阻擋部1 〇係如第5圖所示,在位移裝置 1 5動作之前動作,藉由使手臂1 〇a朝向移動軌1上突出, - 可機械性的停止當位移裝置5在動作中時,進入缺口部3 附近的搬運車。 位移軌4係如第3圖所示,搬運車在一般移動時,被 裝設在缺口部3,雖構成移動軌1的一部份,但是在搬運 車2的投入退出之際,如第4圖所示,可移動到該側方的 橫位移位置,並從移動軌1分離而設計。 如第1圖所示,在位移軌4設置有用來檢測該位移軌 4上有無搬運車之位移軌感測器4 1,並且在該位移軌感測 器41上,確認在位移軌4的每一個動作時,有無搬運車 2,當有搬運車2時,就不移動到下一個動作的連動機構 (省略圖示)。 又,在位移軌4的側方,如第3圖至第4圖所示,以 與該位移軌4並列之方式,設置有輔助位移軌6。 輔助位移軌6係當位移軌4朝向橫位移位置移動時’ 被裝設在移動軌1的缺口部3,在防止移動軌1上的搬運 車落下之同時,可在搬運車的移動軌1上移動。 此等位移軌4或輔助位移軌6的移動,如第4圖所示 ,係藉由由滾珠螺絲或齒條齒輪所構成的位移裝置5來進 行。 -10- 200817272 (7) 此外,位移裝置5在本實施例中,雖然分別設置在位 移軌4和輔助位移軌6,但亦可以一台的升降裝置,使位 移軌4和輔助位移軌6 —體移動。 另外,升降軌7如第1圖至第2圖所示,係配設在與 朝向橫位移位置移動的位移軌4連接的位置上,在朝向橫 位移位置移動的位移軌4之間,進行搬運車2的移載。 升降軌7係藉由由滾珠螺絲或齒條齒輪所構成的升降 裝置8,在與位移軌4的連接位置和地上部之間升降。 在升降軌7設置有用來檢測該升降軌7上的搬運車2 之有無的升降軌感測器7 1,並且在該升降軌感測器7 1上 ,於升降軌7的每一動作時,確認有無搬運車2,當確認 有搬運車2時,不會移動到下一個動作的連動機構(省略 圖示)。 又,在地上部配設有維修台車1 1,該維修台車1 1係 與下降到地上部的升降軌7連接,而具備在與該升降軌7 之間,具備進行搬運車2之移載的台車軌(省略圖示)。 此外,升降軌7和位移軌4之間的搬運車2之移動, 可藉由無人搬運車2的自動移動來進行,又,升降軌7和 台車軌之間的搬運車2之移動,係解除剎車而以人力進行 〇 然後,說明本實施例之高架搬運車的投入退出裝置的 動作。 首先,參照第1圖,說明投入搬運車時的動作。 在移動軌1上停止搬運車的旋轉,在地上部’將載置 -11 - 200817272 (8) 到維修台車1 1的搬運車2朝向升降軌7移載,使升降軌 7上升到移動軌1的高度。 另外,在移動軌1側,藉由搬運車檢測感測器9,確 認在缺口部3的前後是否沒有其他的搬運車,並且使搬運 ' 車阻擋部1 〇動作,而機械性的阻止其他的搬運車進入缺 - 口部 3。 然後,藉由位移軌感測器4 1,確認在位移軌4上沒 有搬運車,而使位移軌4從移動軌1的缺口部位置,朝向 其側方之橫位移位置移動,並且將輔助位移軌6裝設在移 動軌1的缺口部3。 藉由位移軌4朝向橫位移位置移動,而雖連接有該位 移軌4和前述升降軌7,但爲了確實進行兩者的軌之定位 ,而投入由汽缸所構成的定位裝置1 2。 然後,將無人搬運車2從升降軌7移動到位移軌4之 後,解除定位裝置1 2,而使輔助位移軌6從移動軌1朝 向外側移動,並且將位移軌4裝設在原來的移動軌1的缺 口部位置。 裝設在缺口部位置的位移軌4,爲了確實進行與移動 * 軌1的位置定位,而在其前後投入由汽缸所構成的定位裝 置13。 然後,使升降軌7下降,並恢復到原來的位置,同時 解除搬運車檢測感測器9和搬運車阻擋部1 〇。 然後,位移軌4上的搬運車2,依據旋轉的指示而開 始旋轉,並結束搬運車2的投入動作。 -12- 200817272 (9) 此外,由於在各個機器施加連動,因此,當沒有開始 已經決定的步驟時,下一個裝置便不動作, 特別是,在位移軌感測器4 1和升降軌感測器7 1每一 動作時,確認有無搬運車2,當有搬運車2時,不會移動 ^ 到下一個動作,在安全性方面可更加的確保。 - 然後,參照第2圖,說明搬運車從移動軌退出的動作 〇 在移動軌1上停止搬運車的旋轉,在地上部,藉由升 降軌感測器7 1確認升降軌7沒有搬運車之後,使升降軌 7上升到移動軌1的高度。 另外,在移動軌1側,將退出的搬運車2移動到位移 軌4上而停止。 然後,藉由搬運車檢測感測器9,確認在缺口部3的 前後,是否沒有其他的搬運車,並且使搬運車阻擋部1〇 動作,而機械性的阻止其他的搬運車進入缺口部3。 然後,取下定位裝置1 3,使位移軌4從移動軌1的 缺口部位置,朝向其側方之橫位移位置移動,並且將輔助 位移軌6裝設在移動軌1的缺口部3。 位移軌4藉由朝向橫位移位置移動,雖連接有該位移 軌4和升降軌7,但爲了確實進行兩者的軌之定位’而投 入定位裝置1 2。 然後,從位移軌4將搬運車2移動到升降軌7之後’ 解除定位裝置1 2,使輔助位移軌6從移動軌向外移動’ 並且將位移軌4裝設在原來的移動軌1之缺口部位置。 -13- 200817272 (10) 再者,當解除搬運車檢測感測器9和搬運車阻擋部 1 〇之同時,使升降軌7降到地上部,將升降軌7上的搬 運車2移到維修台車1 1,結束搬運車2的退出動作。 而且,本發明之高架搬運車的投入退出裝置,係將沿 ^ 著高架敷設的移動軌1上行走的無人搬運車2,投入或退 - 出該移動軌1,由於係具備有:設置於移動軌1的缺口部 3 ;可分離地裝設於該缺口部3的位移軌4 ;在往缺口部3 的裝設位置、和該側方的橫位移位置之間,移動前述位移 軌4的位移裝置5 ;並設於位移軌4,當位移軌4朝向橫 位移位置移動時,裝設於移動軌1的缺口部3之輔助位移 軌6 ;與朝向前述橫位移位置移動的位移軌4連接,在該 位移軌4之間,進行搬運車2的移載之升降軌7 ;以及在 與位移軌4的連接位置和地上部之間,使該升降軌7升降 的升降裝置8,因此在將載置搬運車2的位移軌4朝向橫 位移位置移動之同時,將搬運車2移載至升降軌7,藉由 使該升降軌7降到地上部,可使搬運車2容易自動地從敷 設於高架的移動軌4脫離,又,以相反的順序自動且容易 地將搬運車2投入至移動軌1,藉此,可在短時間內進行 搬運車2往移動軌1的投入退出。 然後,當位移軌4朝向橫位移位置移動之後,由於輔 助位移軌6裝設於移動軌1的缺口部3,在投入退出作業 中,移動軌1可使搬運車移動,藉此,可縮短本線停止時 間。 此時,藉由具備:具有與下降至地上部的升降軌7連 -14- 200817272 (11) 接,在該升降軌7之間進行搬運車的移載之台車軌的維修 台車1 1,使從移動軌1取出之搬運車2的搬運等的拿取 變爲容,並且使下降至地上部的升降軌7快速地返回至最 上部位置。 ' 又,藉由在移動軌1的缺口部3之上游側和下游側上 - ,分別設置有用來檢測出搬運車的進入之搬運車檢測感測 器9,可監視位移裝置5在動作中時,搬運車是否進入缺 口部3附近。 而且,藉由於移動軌1的缺口部3之上游側和下游側 上,分別設置:在位移裝置5動作前動作,使臂部朝向移 動軌1上突出的搬運車阻擋部1 0,可機械性阻止位移裝 置5在動作中時,已進入缺口部3附近的搬運車。 又,藉由於位移軌4上設置用來檢測位移軌4上有無 搬運車2的位移軌感測器41,並且設置有:藉著該位移 軌感測器4 1,在位移軌4進行每一動作時,確認有無搬 運車,當有搬運車2時,不進行下一個動作的連動機構, 可更安全地進行搬運車2對於移動軌1的投入退出。 而且,藉由於位移軌1上設置用來檢測位移軌7上有 無搬運車2的位移軌感測器7 1,並且設置有:藉著該位 移軌感測器71,在位移軌7進行每一動作時,確認有無 搬運車2,當有搬運車2時,則不進行下一個動作的連動 機構,可更安全地進行搬運車2對於移動軌1的投入退出 〇 以上,雖依據該實施例,對於本發明之高架搬運車的 -15- 200817272 (12) 投入退出裝置進行說明,但本發明係不限定在記載於上述 實施例的構成,適當組合記載於實施例的構成等,在不脫 離其旨趣的範圍內,可適當變更其之構成。 ^ [產業上利用的可能性] - 本發明之高架搬運車的投入退出裝置,係藉由自動進 行搬運車往移動軌的投入退出,由於具有在可縮短退出時 間之同時,具有所謂確保安全且縮短本線停止時間,因此 ’例如適合使用於無塵室的高架搬運車之投入退出裝置的 用途。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖係本發明之高架搬運車的投入退出裝置之一實 施例,(a )係搬運車投入時的平面圖,(b )係該側面圖 〇 第2圖係該高架搬運車的投入退出裝置,(a)係搬 運車退出時的平面圖,(b )係該側面圖。 第3圖係省略表示該高架搬運車的投入退出裝置的升 降軌之斜視圖。 第4圖係省略表示該高架搬運車的投入退出裝置的升 降軌、和輔助升降軌之移動的斜視圖。 第5圖係表示搬運車阻擋部的斜視圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 -16- 200817272 (13) 1 :移動軌 2 :搬運車 3 :缺口部 4 :位移軌 5 :位移裝置 6 :輔助位移軌 7 :升降軌 8 :升降裝置 9 :搬運車檢測感測器 1 〇 :搬運車阻擋部 1 0 a :手臂 1 1 :維修台車 1 2 :定位裝置 1 3 :定位裝置 41 =位移軌感測器 7 1 :升降軌感測器 -17200817272 (1) IX. INSTRUCTIONS OF THE INVENTION [Technical Fields According to the Invention] The present invention relates to an input and exit device for an overhead transport vehicle, and in particular, by automatically performing an input and exit of a transport vehicle to a moving rail, the exit time can be shortened, and It is safe and can be used to reduce the stop time of the line. [Prior Art] Conventionally, in a clean room such as a semiconductor manufacturing plant, an unmanned vehicle is used to suppress dust generated when a carrier such as a cassette is transported. As a transport device between such projects, there are RGVs (rail-type ground transport vehicles) that move the unmanned vehicles on the ground, and OHV (rail-type overhead transport vehicles) that move the unmanned vehicles on the overhead portion. Since the RGV moves on the ground, the detachment to the maintenance area is released by the use of the turntable or the lifter to be laterally disengaged, and therefore, it is also possible to manually exit. However, since the OHV is operated in the overhead portion, it is complicated to perform the operation such as the lifting (vertical movement) operation, and the safety is ensured to become difficult, and it takes too much to exit, depending on the manual withdrawal from the production line. More time, there is a problem that the so-called line stop time becomes longer. [Problem to be Solved by the Invention] -5-200817272 (2) The present invention has been made in view of the problems of the conventional overhead transport vehicle described above, and an object of the present invention is to provide an automatic transport to a moving rail. When the vehicle is put in and out, the exit and exit device of the overhead transport vehicle can be secured while ensuring safety and ensuring the shortening of the line stop time. ^ [Means for Solving the Problem] In order to achieve the above object, the loading and unloading device of the overhead transport vehicle of the present invention is configured to put or withdraw an unmanned transport vehicle that travels along a moving rail that is laid on an elevated rail, and is characterized in that it is inserted or withdrawn from the moving rail. The present invention includes: a notch portion provided on the moving rail; a displacement rail detachably mounted on the notch portion; and a displacement of the displacement rail between the mounting position of the notch portion and the lateral displacement position of the side portion And arranged on the displacement rail, when the displacement rail moves toward the lateral displacement position, the auxiliary displacement rail mounted on the notch portion of the moving rail; and the displacement rail that moves toward the lateral displacement position, between the displacement rails, a lifting rail for carrying out the transfer of the truck; and a lifting device for lifting the lifting rail between the connecting position with the displacement rail and the ground. In this case, it is possible to provide a maintenance trolley having a rail that is connected to a lifting rail that is lowered to the ground and that is transported between the lifting rails. Further, on the upstream side and the downstream side of the notch portion of the moving rail, a transport vehicle detecting sensor for detecting entry of the transport vehicle may be provided. Further, on the upstream side and the downstream side of the notch portion of the moving rail, a transport vehicle blocking portion that operates before the displacement device operates to project the arm portion toward the moving rail can be provided. Further, a displacement rail sensor for detecting the presence or absence of the transport vehicle -6-200817272 (3) on the displacement rail may be provided on the displacement rail, and a displacement rail sensor may be provided for confirming whether or not the movement is performed by the displacement rail. A linkage mechanism for an action. Further, a displacement rail sensor for the vehicle can be provided on the displacement rail, and: a linkage mechanism that does not perform the next operation when the movement of the displacement rail is performed for each operation is performed. [Effect of the invention] According to the present invention The unmanned moving rail that travels on the moving rail that is placed on the elevated overhead of the overhead transport vehicle is provided with: a displacement rail that is disposed on the moving portion and is disposed at the lateral displacement position; Moving the auxiliary displacement rail disposed on the displacement rail, when the displacement rail is oriented toward the notch portion of the transverse movement rail; connecting with the moving rail, moving the rail, derailing; and derailing at the connection position with the displacement rail The lifting and lowering device can lower the moving rail of the truck to the ground while moving the load-shifting position, so that the moving rail of the transporting frame can be disengaged, and the opposite rail is put into the moving rail. Therefore, it can be exited in the short-term track. The displacement rail sensor is in the transport vehicle, when there is a transport vehicle, detecting whether there is any transport on the displacement rail by means of the displacement rail sensor, the transport truck, and when the transport vehicle enters and exits the device, the transport will follow The vehicle inputs or withdraws the notch portion of the moving rail; the installation position of the notch portion and the displacement device of the displacement rail are separable; and when the position is moved, the loading is performed by moving to the lateral displacement position to move the truck. Between the lift and the ground, the displacement rail of the lift truck is moved toward the lift rail, and the transport carriage is automatically and easily moved from the high-order and easy to move in the high-order. 200817272 (4 In this case, the maintenance vehicle having the rails that are connected to the lift rails that are lowered to the ground, and the transport rails are transported between the lift rails, and the conveyance vehicles that are taken out from the moving fruit are provided. Picking becomes easy, and the lifting rail that descends to the ground is quickly returned to the uppermost position. 4 Further, by means of the transport vehicle detection sensor for detecting the entry of the transport vehicle on the upstream side and the downstream side of the notch portion of the moving rail, the shifting device can be monitored during the operation, and the vehicle is transported. Whether there is access to the vicinity of the notch portion, and by means of the upstream side and the downstream side of the notch portion of the moving rail, respectively, it is provided that the arm portion is directed toward the moving rail to protrude from the moving vehicle block portion before the displacement device operates, and is mechanically The sexual displacement preventing device has entered the transport vehicle near the notch during operation. Moreover, since the displacement rail sensor for detecting the presence or absence of the transport vehicle on the displacement rail is provided on the displacement rail, and the displacement rail sensor is provided, the presence or absence of the transport vehicle is confirmed during each movement of the displacement rail. When there is a transport vehicle, the interlocking mechanism for the next operation is not performed, and the transporting and exiting of the transport vehicle to the moving rail can be performed more safely. Moreover, by means of a displacement rail sensor for detecting the presence or absence of the transport vehicle on the displacement rail, and by means of: by means of the displacement rail sensor, it is confirmed whether there is a transport vehicle during each movement of the displacement rail, When there is a transport vehicle, the interlocking mechanism for the next operation is not performed, and the transporting and exiting of the transport vehicle to the moving rail can be performed more safely. [Embodiment] -8 - 200817272 (5) Hereinafter, an embodiment of an input/unload device for an overhead transport vehicle according to the present invention will be described based on the drawings. Figs. 1 to 5 are views showing an embodiment of an input/exit device of the overhead transport vehicle of the present invention. 4 The loading and unloading device of the overhead transport vehicle automatically inserts or exits the mobile rail 1 along the unmanned transport vehicle 2 that is traveling along the elevated rail-moving rail 1. Then, the loading/unloading device of the overhead transport vehicle is provided with a notch portion 3 provided on the moving rail 1, a displacement rail 4 detachably attached to the notch portion 3, and a mounting position to the notch portion 3 and Between the lateral displacement positions of the side, the displacement device 5 of the displacement rail 4 is moved; and is disposed on the displacement rail 4, and is assisted by the notch portion 3 of the moving rail 1 when the displacement rail 4 moves toward the lateral displacement position. a displacement rail 6; connected to a displacement rail 4 that moves toward the aforementioned lateral displacement position, between which the lifting rail 7 for transporting the truck is carried out; and between the connection position with the displacement rail 4 and the ground portion A lifting device 8 for lifting and lowering the lifting rail 7. The moving rail 1 is laid in an annular shape along the elevated frame, and a notch 3 is provided in a portion that is put into and out of the transport vehicle 2, and the notch of the notch 3 is a length of the width of the transporting vehicle 2'. On the upstream side and the downstream side of the notch portion 3 of the moving rail 1, there are respectively provided a transport vehicle detecting sensor 9 for detecting the entry of other transport vehicles; and an action before the displacement device 5 is actuated, so that the arm 1 is 〇 a protrudes to the truck block 10 on the moving rail 1. The vehicle detection sensor 9 is composed of a photo sensor or the like and is used for -9 - 200817272 (6) monitoring a specific section before and after the other truck enters the notch portion 3 when the displacement device 5 is in operation. During the test, the entered truck can be stopped urgently via the controller (not shown). Further, as shown in Fig. 5, the transport vehicle blocking portion 1 operates before the displacement device 15 operates, and by causing the arm 1 〇a to protrude toward the moving rail 1, - mechanically stopping when the displacement device 5 is When it is in operation, it enters the transport vehicle near the notch part 3. As shown in FIG. 3, the shift rail 4 is installed in the notch portion 3 when moving normally, and constitutes a part of the moving rail 1, but when the truck 2 is put into and out, as in the fourth As shown in the figure, it can be moved to the lateral displacement position of the side and designed to be separated from the moving rail 1. As shown in Fig. 1, a displacement rail sensor 4 for detecting the presence or absence of a transport vehicle on the displacement rail 4 is provided on the displacement rail 4, and on the displacement rail sensor 41, it is confirmed on each of the displacement rails 4. When there is one transport, there is no transport vehicle 2, and when there is a transport vehicle 2, it does not move to the interlocking mechanism (not shown) of the next operation. Further, on the side of the displacement rail 4, as shown in Figs. 3 to 4, an auxiliary displacement rail 6 is provided in parallel with the displacement rail 4. The auxiliary displacement rail 6 is mounted on the notch portion 3 of the moving rail 1 when the displacement rail 4 is moved toward the lateral displacement position, and can be placed on the moving rail 1 of the truck while preventing the carriage on the moving rail 1 from falling. mobile. The movement of the displacement rail 4 or the auxiliary displacement rail 6, as shown in Fig. 4, is performed by a displacement device 5 composed of a ball screw or a rack gear. -10- 200817272 (7) In addition, in the present embodiment, the displacement device 5 is provided on the displacement rail 4 and the auxiliary displacement rail 6, respectively, but it is also possible to provide a lifting device for the displacement rail 4 and the auxiliary displacement rail 6 Body movement. Further, as shown in FIGS. 1 to 2, the lifting rail 7 is disposed at a position connected to the displacement rail 4 that moves toward the lateral displacement position, and is transported between the displacement rails 4 that move toward the lateral displacement position. Transfer of the car 2. The elevating rail 7 is moved up and down between the connection position with the displacement rail 4 and the ground portion by a lifting device 8 composed of a ball screw or a rack gear. The lifting rail 7 is provided with a lifting rail sensor 7 1 for detecting the presence or absence of the truck 2 on the lifting rail 7, and on the lifting rail sensor 71, during each movement of the lifting rail 7, It is confirmed whether or not the transport vehicle 2 is present, and when the transport vehicle 2 is confirmed, the interlocking mechanism (not shown) that does not move to the next operation is not performed. Further, a maintenance cart 1 1 is disposed in the ground, and the maintenance cart 11 is connected to the elevating rail 7 that has been lowered to the ground, and is provided with the transporting vehicle 2 between the lifting rail 7 and the lifting rail 7 Platform rails (omitted from illustration). Further, the movement of the transport vehicle 2 between the lift rail 7 and the shift rail 4 can be performed by the automatic movement of the automated guided vehicle 2, and the movement of the transport vehicle 2 between the lift rail 7 and the trolley rail is released. The brakes are manually carried out, and then the operation of the loading and unloading device of the overhead transport vehicle of the present embodiment will be described. First, the operation when the truck is loaded will be described with reference to Fig. 1 . The rotation of the transport vehicle is stopped on the moving rail 1, and the transport vehicle 2 on which the loading -11 - 200817272 (8) is placed on the maintenance trolley 11 is transferred toward the lifting rail 7 to raise the lifting rail 7 to the moving rail 1 the height of. Further, on the side of the moving rail 1, the vehicle detecting sensor 9 confirms whether there is no other transport vehicle in front of and behind the notch portion 3, and the transporting vehicle blocking portion 1 is operated to mechanically block other The truck enters the missing-mouth section 3. Then, by the displacement rail sensor 4 1, it is confirmed that there is no transport vehicle on the displacement rail 4, and the displacement rail 4 is moved from the position of the notch portion of the moving rail 1 toward the lateral displacement position thereof, and the auxiliary displacement is The rail 6 is mounted on the notch portion 3 of the moving rail 1. The shift rail 4 is moved toward the lateral displacement position, and the shift rail 4 and the lift rail 7 are connected. However, in order to secure the positioning of the rails of the two, the positioning device 12 composed of the cylinders is inserted. Then, after the automated guided vehicle 2 is moved from the lifting rail 7 to the displacement rail 4, the positioning device 12 is released, the auxiliary displacement rail 6 is moved from the moving rail 1 toward the outside, and the displacement rail 4 is mounted on the original moving rail. The position of the notch of 1. The displacement rail 4 installed at the position of the notch portion is provided with a positioning device 13 composed of a cylinder before and after the movement of the rail 1 is surely performed. Then, the lifting rail 7 is lowered and returned to the original position, and the truck detecting sensor 9 and the truck blocking portion 1 are released. Then, the transport vehicle 2 on the shift rail 4 starts to rotate in accordance with the instruction of the rotation, and the input operation of the transport vehicle 2 is completed. -12- 200817272 (9) In addition, since the interlocking is applied to each machine, the next device does not operate when the steps that have been decided are not started, in particular, the displacement rail sensor 4 1 and the lifting rail are sensed. When the device 7 1 is operated, it is confirmed whether or not the transport vehicle 2 is present. When the transport vehicle 2 is present, it does not move to the next operation, and the safety can be further ensured. - Referring to Fig. 2, the operation of the transport vehicle exiting from the moving rail will be described. The rotation of the transport vehicle is stopped on the moving rail 1. In the upper part, after the lift rail sensor 7 1 confirms that the lift rail 7 is not transported by the transport vehicle 7 , the lifting rail 7 is raised to the height of the moving rail 1. Further, on the side of the moving rail 1, the exiting transport vehicle 2 is moved to the shift rail 4 to be stopped. Then, the vehicle detection sensor 9 confirms whether there is no other transport vehicle before and after the cutout portion 3, and the transport vehicle barrier portion 1 is operated to mechanically prevent another transport vehicle from entering the cutout portion 3 . Then, the positioning device 13 is removed, the displacement rail 4 is moved from the position of the notch portion of the moving rail 1 toward the lateral displacement position thereof, and the auxiliary displacement rail 6 is attached to the notch portion 3 of the moving rail 1. The displacement rail 4 is moved toward the lateral displacement position, and the displacement rail 4 and the elevation rail 7 are connected, but the positioning device 12 is placed in order to surely position the rails of the two. Then, after the truck 2 is moved from the shift rail 4 to the lifting rail 7, 'the positioning device 12 is released, the auxiliary displacement rail 6 is moved outward from the moving rail' and the displacement rail 4 is installed in the gap of the original moving rail 1. Location. -13- 200817272 (10) Further, when the truck detecting sensor 9 and the truck blocking portion 1 are released, the lifting rail 7 is lowered to the ground, and the truck 2 on the lifting rail 7 is moved to the maintenance. The trolley 1 1 ends the exit operation of the transport vehicle 2. Further, in the loading and unloading device of the overhead transport vehicle of the present invention, the unmanned transport vehicle 2 that travels along the moving rail 1 that is laid on the overhead rail is put into or out of the moving rail 1, and is provided with: a notch portion 3 of the rail 1; a displacement rail 4 detachably mounted to the notch portion 3; and a displacement of the displacement rail 4 between a mounting position of the notch portion 3 and a lateral displacement position of the side portion The device 5 is disposed on the displacement rail 4, and when the displacement rail 4 moves toward the lateral displacement position, is mounted on the auxiliary displacement rail 6 of the notch portion 3 of the moving rail 1, and is connected to the displacement rail 4 that moves toward the lateral displacement position. Between the shift rails 4, a lifting rail 7 for transporting the transport vehicle 2; and a lifting device 8 for moving the lifting rail 7 between the connecting position and the ground portion of the shift rail 4, and thus When the shift rail 4 of the transport cart 2 is moved toward the lateral displacement position, the transport vehicle 2 is transferred to the lift rail 7, and by lowering the lift rail 7 to the ground, the transport vehicle 2 can be easily and automatically laid from the transport rail 2 The elevated moving rails 4 are disengaged and, in turn, are automatically and in reverse order 2 inputs to the truck to move rail 1, whereby the truck can be moved into rail 2 to 1 exit in a short time. Then, after the displacement rail 4 is moved toward the lateral displacement position, since the auxiliary displacement rail 6 is mounted on the notch portion 3 of the moving rail 1, the moving rail 1 can move the truck during the input and exit operation, whereby the line can be shortened Stop time. In this case, the maintenance cart 1 1 having the rails that are transported by the transport rails between the lift rails 7 is provided with the lift rails 7 connected to the ground level -14 - 200817272 (11) The handling of the conveyance vehicle 2 taken out from the moving rail 1 is changed, and the lifting rail 7 that has been lowered to the ground is quickly returned to the uppermost position. Further, by the upstream side and the downstream side of the notch portion 3 of the moving rail 1, a transport vehicle detecting sensor 9 for detecting the entry of the transport vehicle is provided, and the shifting device 5 can be monitored while the shifting device 5 is in operation. Whether the truck enters the vicinity of the notch portion 3. Further, by means of the upstream side and the downstream side of the notch portion 3 of the moving rail 1, respectively, it is provided that the operation of the displacement device 5 is performed, and the arm portion is directed toward the moving rail 1 and the vehicle blocking portion 10 is mechanically movable. When the displacement device 5 is prevented from moving, the vehicle has entered the vicinity of the notch portion 3. Further, by means of the displacement rail 4, a displacement rail sensor 41 for detecting the presence or absence of the transport vehicle 2 on the displacement rail 4 is provided, and it is provided that each of the displacement rails 4 is carried by the displacement rail sensor 4 1. At the time of the operation, it is confirmed whether or not the transport vehicle is present. When the transport vehicle 2 is present, the interlocking mechanism for the next operation is not performed, and the transport and exit of the transport vehicle 2 to the transport rail 1 can be performed more safely. Moreover, by means of the displacement rail 1 there is provided a displacement rail sensor 7 1 for detecting the presence or absence of the transport carriage 2 on the displacement rail 7, and is provided with: by means of the displacement rail sensor 71, each of the displacement rails 7 is carried out In the case of the operation, it is confirmed whether or not the transport vehicle 2 is present. When the transport vehicle 2 is present, the interlocking mechanism for the next operation is not performed, and the transport vehicle 2 can be more safely loaded and unloaded for the mobile rail 1. The -15-200817272 (12) throwing and unloading device of the overhead transport vehicle of the present invention will be described. However, the present invention is not limited to the configuration described in the above embodiment, and is appropriately combined with the configuration described in the embodiment, and the like. The composition can be changed as appropriate within the scope of the purpose. ^ [Probability of Industrial Use] - The input/exit device of the overhead transport vehicle of the present invention automatically withdraws the loading and unloading of the transport vehicle to the moving rail, and has a so-called safety guarantee while reducing the exit time. Since the line stop time is shortened, it is suitable, for example, for the use of an unloading device for an overhead car used in a clean room. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is an embodiment of an input/unload device of an overhead transport vehicle according to the present invention, wherein (a) is a plan view when the transport vehicle is loaded, and (b) the side view is shown in FIG. The loading/unloading device of the truck is (a) a plan view when the truck is withdrawn, and (b) is a side view. Fig. 3 is a perspective view omitting the ascending or descending rail of the loading and unloading device of the overhead transport vehicle. Fig. 4 is a perspective view showing the movement of the descending rail of the loading/unloading device of the overhead transport vehicle and the movement of the auxiliary lifting rail. Fig. 5 is a perspective view showing the barrier portion of the truck. [Description of main component symbols] -16- 200817272 (13) 1 : Moving rail 2 : Pallet truck 3 : Notch 4 : Displacement rail 5 : Displacement device 6 : Auxiliary displacement rail 7 : Lift rail 8 : Lifting device 9 : Pallet truck Detection sensor 1 〇: truck barrier 1 0 a : arm 1 1 : maintenance trolley 1 2 : positioning device 1 3 : positioning device 41 = displacement rail sensor 7 1 : lifting rail sensor -17