200933797 九、發明說明 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明’係有關於真空處理裝置及基板處理方法。 【先前技術】 於先前技術中,作爲在電漿顯示器用等之大型基板上 成膜之真空處理裝置,係存在有所謂的縱型搬送式之真空 Ο 處理裝置(例如,參考專利文獻1)。此裝置,係爲具備 有3個的成膜室、和基板載體、和裝載鎖定室的縱型真空 處理裝置,在裝載鎖定室以及3個的成膜室中,係被設置 有往路、返路之2個的搬送路徑,同時,使基板載體對於 此些之搬送路徑而進行橫移動,並在最後部之成膜室中, 具備有將其從成爲往路之第1搬送路徑而移載至成爲返路 之第2搬送路徑處的移載機構。亦即是,在此裝置中,係 被構成爲於各成膜處理之每一者中設置有真空處理室,並 〇 在基板上層積3個的膜。 [專利文獻1]日本特開2005-340425號公報(參考申 請項1以及圖1 ) 【發明內容】 [發明所欲解決之課題] 在上述成膜裝置中,若是構成爲在2個的搬送路徑之 間安裝加熱裝置,並在最後部之真空處理室中具備有移載 機構,則係能夠成爲省空間化、低成本化。 -5- 200933797 然而,伴隨著基板的更進一步之大型化,係期望有更 省空間之緊緻的裝置。又,在上述成膜裝置中,由於處理 路徑係僅有一路徑,因此,係無法進行在中間之處理室處 的路徑變更。故而,當各成膜室之成膜時間爲相異的情況 時,在成膜時間較長之成膜室的運作中,於其他之成膜室 處會產生等待時間,而有著使得作爲裝置全體之運作率下 降的情況之問題。又,由於係在最後部之成膜室處具備有 G 移載機構,因此,若是不將基板搬送至此最後部之成膜室 處,則基板載體係無法變更搬送路徑。由於此,係無法使 基板載體從往路而移動至返路,就算是在其他的成膜室處 並沒有異常,當對最後部之成膜室作維修的情況時,會有 著無法使裝置運作之問題。 因此,本發明之課題,係有鑑於上述先前技術之問題 點,而以提供一種更爲緊緻化之真空處裡裝置爲目的。又 ,係以提供一種運作性爲高,功能性優良之真空處理裝置 ® 爲目的。進而,本發明之其他課題,係以提供一種使用此 真空處理裝置,而能夠不延長工作時間(Tact Time )地 對基板作處理之基板處理方法爲目的。 [用以解決課題之手段] 本發明之真空處理裝置,係爲一種將對於被處理基板 而進行特定之處理的處理室以串聯而作複數連接所成的真 空處理裝置,其特徵爲,在前述真空處理裝置中,係被設 置有:第1基板搬送路徑,係涵蓋真空處理裝置之複數的 200933797 處理室間而被設置;和第2基板搬送路徑,係對於第1基 板搬送路徑而被並聯設置,並在搬送基板的同時,進行在 各處理室處之特定之處理,且,在複數之處理室中,於至 少2個的處理室處,係被設置有用以使基板在第1基板搬 送路徑與第2基板搬送路徑之間作移動的搬送路徑變更手 段。 本發明之真空處理裝置,由於係藉由在至少2個的處 〇 理室處設置搬送路徑變更手段,而在被設置有此搬送路徑 變更手段之處理室中,就算是於基板搬送時基板係存在於 第1基板搬送路徑上,亦能夠藉由被進行特定之處理的第 2基板搬送路徑來作移動,因此,能夠將相同之處理進行 複數次。故而,由於係並不需要設置複數之進行相同處理 的處理室,因此,本發明之裝置係爲緊緻。例如,當以A 膜、B膜、A膜之順序而形成3層的情況時,於先前技術 之縱型搬送式的真空處理裝置中,係需要以A膜用處理 © 室、B膜用處理室以及A膜用處理室之順序而連接之3個 的成膜處理室,但是,在本發明中,係成爲只需要A膜 用處理室與B膜用處理室之2個的成膜處理室即可。 在前述處理室中,係以在被作了串聯連接之最後部的 處理室處、和最後部的處理室以外之至少1個的處理室處 ,被設置有前述搬送路徑變更手段爲理想》藉由不僅是在 最後部之處理室,而亦在並非爲最後部之成膜處理室處設 置前述搬送路徑變更手段,由於針對相同之膜,係可在1 個的成膜處理室中來作形成,因此,在實施將相同之膜作 200933797 複數形成的成膜方法的情況時,對於1個真空處理裝置, 係不需要設置複數之成膜處理室。於此情況,由於爲了構 成成膜處理室,係需要大型之電源或是成膜手段等,因此 ,若是能夠省略成膜處理室,則能夠更爲緊緻化,且設備 係爲少,而能夠更進而低成本化。 前述真空處理裝置,係以如同下述一般爲理想:具備 有裝載鎖定室、和加熱室、和第1成膜處理室、和第2成 ❹ 膜處理室,在第1成膜處理室與第2成膜處理室處,係被 設置有前述搬送路徑變更手段,同時,第1成膜處理室與 第2成膜處理室,係以形成相互相異之膜的方式而被構成 。若藉由此種構成,則藉由2個的成膜處理室,係能夠形 成3層之膜。 本發明之基板處理方法,係爲使用真空處理裝置,而 在各處理室間對於基板進行特定之處理的基板處理方法, 且爲經由第1基板搬送路徑以及第2基板搬送路徑而將基 © 板搬入至各處理室中,並在各處理室中進行特定之處理的 基板處理方法,該真空處理裝置,係將對於基板而進行特 定之處理的處理室以串聯而作複數連接,並被設置有:第 1基板搬送路徑,係涵蓋此複數之處理室間而被設置;和 第2基板搬送路徑,係對於第1基板搬送路徑而被並聯設 置,並在搬送前述基板的同時,對於在各處理室處之基板 而進行特定之處理,且,前述複數之處理室中,於至少2 個的處理室處,係被設置有用以使基板在第1基板搬送路 徑與第2基板搬送路徑之間作移動的搬送路徑變更手段, -8- 200933797 該基板處理方法,其特徵爲,具備有:在一處理室中,對 於第1基板而進行特定之處理的第1基板處理工程;和在 一處理室中,對於第2基板而進行特定之處理的第2基板 處理工程;和在其他的處理室中,對於在前述第1基板處 理工程中而被進行了特定之處理的第1基板、以及第3基 板,而分別進行特定之處理的其他基板處理工程;和在一 處理室中,對於在前述其他基板處理工程中而被進行了特 ❹ 定的處理之第3基板,進行特定之處理的第3基板處理工 程,前述其他基板處理工程,係在前述第2基板處理工程 中而被進行,且,在前述其他基板處理工程中,係藉由被 設置在前述其他處理室中之搬送路徑變更手段,而將被搬 入至前述其他處理室內之第1基板以及第3基板的至少一 個,在前述第1基板搬送路徑與前述第2基板搬送路徑間 作移動。 若藉由本發明之基板處理方法,則在一之處理室中對 ❹ 於1個的基板而進行特定之處理的期間中,由於係能夠在 其他之處理室中而對剩餘之2個的基板作成膜,因此,在 工作時間中係不存在有浪費,而能夠以高運轉率來進行多 層成膜。 於此情況中,具體而言,前述其他基板處理工程,係 具備有:將前述第1基板經由第1基板搬送路徑而搬入至 前述其他處理室中,而後,先藉由前述搬送路徑變更手段 來從前述第1基板搬送路徑而移動至前述第2基板搬送路 徑,再進行特定之處理,並在特定之處理結束後,經由前 -9- 200933797 述第2基板搬送路徑來從前述其他處理室而搬出之工程; 和將前述第3基板經由前述第1基板搬送路徑而搬入至前 述其他處理室中,而後,先藉由前述搬送路徑變更手段來 從前述第1基板搬送路徑而移動至前述第2基板搬送路徑 ,再進行特定之處理,並在特定之處理結束後,經由前述 第2基板搬送路徑來搬入至前述一之處理裝置之工程。又 或是,前述其他基板處理工程,係包含有:將前述第1基 〇 板經由第1基板搬送路徑而搬入至前述其他處理室中,而 後,先藉由前述搬送路徑變更手段來從前述第1基板搬送 路徑而移動至前述第2基板搬送路徑,再進行特定之處理 ,並在特定之處理結束後,藉由前述搬送路徑變更手段而 從前述第2基板搬送路徑來移動至前述第1基板搬送路徑 之工程;和將前述第3基板經由前述第2基板搬送路徑而 搬入至前述其他處理室中,而進行特定之處理,並在特定 之處理結束後,經由前述第2基板搬送路徑來搬入至前述 〇 一之處理裝置之工程。若藉由此種方法,則能夠不延長工 作時間地而進行成膜。 又,本發明之另外的基板處理方法,係爲使用真空處 理裝置,而在各處理室間對於基板進行特定之處理的基板 處理方法,且爲將基板搬入至最前部之處理室,並經由第 1基板搬送路徑以及第2基板搬送路徑來將基板搬入至各 處理室內,而在各處理室中進行特定之處理的基板處理方 法,該真空處理裝置,係將對於基板而進行特定之處理的 處理室以串聯而作複數連接,並被設置有:第1基板搬送 -10- 200933797 路徑,係涵蓋此複數之處理室間而被設置;和第2基板搬 送路徑,係對於第1基板搬送路徑而被並聯設置,並在搬 送前述基板的同時,對於在各處理室中之基板而進行特定 之處理,且,前述複數之處理室中,於至少2個的處理室 處,係被設置有用以使基板在第1基板搬送路徑與第2基 板搬送路徑之間作移動的搬送路徑變更手段,該基板處理 方法,其特徵爲:在特定之處理室中,進行兩次以上之藉 〇 由搬送路徑變更手段來在第1基板搬送路徑以及第2基板 搬送路徑之間作移動,同時,於此特定之處理室中,進行 2次以上的特定之處理。若藉由本發明之基板處理方法, 則藉由使用上述真空處理裝置,並藉由搬送路徑變更手段 而進行2次以上之在第1基板搬送路徑以及第2基板搬送 路徑之間作移動,能夠在相同之處理室內進行2次之特定 的處理。 [發明之效果] 本發明之真空處理裝置,由於處理室係爲少,因此, 係更爲緊緻。且,由於係在2個以上的處理室中被設置有 搬送路徑變更手段,因此,能夠實施各種之成膜方法,故 而,能夠得到功能性係爲優良且運轉性亦爲優良之優秀的 效果。又,若藉由使用有本發明之真空處理裝置的基板處 理方法,則係能夠得到使用更爲緊緻之裝置而並不延長工 作時間地進行成膜之優秀的效果。 -11 - 200933797 【實施方式】 圖1,係爲展示本發明之縱型真空處理裝置的構成之 模式剖面圖。縱型真空處理裝置1,係一面將基板s藉由 框狀之基板載體2來作略垂直保持,一面對於基板S而進 行處理之縱型搬送式的真空處理裝置,並依序具備有裝載 鎖定室11、和加熱室12、和第1成膜室13、和第2成膜 室1 4。於各室間,係被設置有閘閥1 0,而各室係能夠分 © 別獨立地在真空中進行處理。 在縱型真空處理裝置1中,係從裝載鎖定室11起而 涵蓋第2成膜室14地被設置有將基板作搬送之相互平行 的第1搬送路徑15以及第2搬送路徑16。第2搬送路徑 16,係被設置在設置於第1成膜室13以及第2成膜室14 處之成膜手段131以及141側。在第1搬送路徑15以及 第2搬送路徑16處,係分別被鋪設有2根之軌道,基板 載體2,係以在此軌道上而藉由被設置於基板載體底部之 〇 車輪來作移動的方式而被構成。於此情況,由於係在基板 載體2之下面處設置有齒條,同時,在裝載鎖定室11、 加熱室12、第1成膜室13、以及第2成膜室14處設置有 藉由馬達之旋轉力而旋轉之小齒輪,因此,此齒條與小齒 輪係咬合,而馬達之驅動力係傳達至基板載體2處,而基 板載體2係被搬送。 裝載鎖定室11,係被設置有未圖示之真空幫浦,而 被構成爲能夠將裝載鎖定室11內作真空排氣,直到成爲 特定之真空度爲止,並將該真空度作保持。 -12- 200933797 加熱室12,係被設置有未圖示之真空幫浦,而被構 成爲能夠將加熱室12內作真空排氣,直到成爲特定之真 空度爲止,並將該真空度作保持,同時,能夠藉由加熱手 段121,而將在第2搬送路徑16又或是第1搬送路徑15 上之基板昇溫至特定之溫度。 在第1成膜室13以及第2成膜室14處,係被設置有 未圖示之真空幫浦,而被構成爲能夠將第1成膜室13以 〇 及第2成膜室14內作真空排氣,直到成爲特定之真空度 爲止,並將該真空度作保持。又,於第1成膜室13中, 係被設置有成膜手段131,在第2成膜室14中,係被設 置有第2成膜手段141。作爲成膜手段,係可使用週知之 成膜手段,例如,當藉由濺鍍法而進行成膜的情況時,係 設置標靶以及濺鏟氣體導入手段,而被構成爲可進行成膜 。又,當藉由CVD法而進行成膜的情況時,係設置成膜 氣體導入手段,而被構成爲可進行成膜。藉由此些之成膜 ® 手段131以及141所被進行成膜者,係爲存在於第2搬送 路徑16上之成膜位置132以及142處之基板S,而第1 搬送路徑15上之基板係並不被成膜。 更進而,在第1成膜室13以及第2成膜室14處,係 被設置有可將基板載體2在第1搬送路徑15以及第2搬 送路徑16之間作移動之路徑變更手段17。路徑變更手段 17,其詳細內容雖係並未被圖示,但是,例如,係在被設 置於基板載體2之外框處的保持部上來支持基板載體2’ 並使基板載體2在第1搬送路徑15以及第2搬送路徑16 -13- 200933797 之間作平行移動,而構成爲能夠對搬送路徑作變更。 在本發明之縱型真空處理裝置中,係能夠經由如同上 述一般地被構成之基板載體2來將基板S在各第1搬送路 徑15以及第2搬送路徑16上作搬送,並在各室內對於基 板S進行特定之處理。又,在第1成膜室中,由於就算是 當基板S存在於第1搬送路徑15上的情況時,亦能夠藉 由路徑變更手段17而將基板S移動至第2搬送路徑16上 〇 ,並進行特定之處理,因此,在將同一之成膜進行複數次 的成膜方法中,係能夠將進行同一之成膜的成膜室作省略 。亦即是,在先前技術之真空處理裝置中,由於係僅在最 後部之處理室處設置有路徑變更手段,因此,係在從最前 部之裝載鎖定室起直到最後部之第2成膜室爲止而於第2 搬送路徑上使基板通過且一連串之處理工程結束後,再藉 由路徑變更手段來變更爲第1搬送路徑,而使其移動至第 1搬送路徑上。基板,在被移動至第1搬送路徑後,係無 ® 法回到第2搬送路徑,故而,係無法進行例如在途中而再 度地回到第2搬送路徑處並反覆進行同一之成膜工程的操 作。故而,係需要與成膜方法之處理工程數相同數量的處 理室。但是,於本發明中,由於在途中之處理室處亦被設 置有路徑變更手段17,因此,就算是在第1搬送路徑15 上存在有基板S,當欲進行特定之處理的情況時,係能夠 藉由路徑變更手段17而將基板移動至第2搬送路徑16處 並進行特定之處理。故而,由於係能夠藉由較成膜工程數 爲更少之數量的處理室數來形成同一之膜,因此’本發明 -14- 200933797 之真空處理裝置1,相較於先前技術’係成爲更爲緊緻化 之裝置構成。 針對使用有本發明之縱型真空處理裝置的成膜方法, 於以下作說明。 若使用本發明之縱型真空處理裝置1,則係將基板在 第2搬送路徑16上作搬送’並從裝載鎖定室11而搬入, 而在第1成膜室13以及第2成膜室14處進行成膜’而後 ❹ ,在第2成膜室14處,藉由路徑變更手段17而將基板移 動至第1搬送路徑15,並使其通過第2成膜室14、第1 成膜室13、加熱室12以及裝載鎖定室11而將基板取出 ,藉由此,能夠在基板S上形成2層之膜。 又,更進而,若是使用本發明之縱型真空處理裝置1 ,則亦能夠形成於圖2中所示之3層的膜。圖2,係爲成 膜厚之基板S的剖面模式圖,在基板S上,係依序被成膜 有第1膜31、和第2膜32、和第3膜33。第1膜31與 ® 第3膜33係爲相同之膜,僅有第2膜32係成爲相異之膜 。又,第2膜32,相較於第1膜31以及第3膜33,其需 要之成膜時間係爲長。例如,在圖中,第2膜3 2,相較 於第1膜31以及第3膜33,由於膜厚係爲厚,因此成膜 時間係爲長。針對使用真空處理裝置1來形成此種3層之 膜構造的方法,使用圖3來作詳細說明。 圖3(a)係爲在使用本發明之真空處理裝置1來形 成3層之膜的情況時之時機圖,圖3(b)係爲展示在真 空處理裝置1內之基板S的搬送路徑之模式圖。在時機圖 -15- 200933797 中,縱軸係爲基板Si之位置,橫軸係展示時間。另外, 於此,關於裝載鎖定室11,係省略之。 在t=0時,基板S1係從第1搬送路徑15而被搬入 至加熱室12中,若是在t=tl時被加熱至了特定之溫度 ,則經由第1搬送路徑15而被搬入至第1成膜室13中。 接下來,在t=t2〜t3之間,基板S1係在第1成膜室13 中藉由路徑變更手段17而被從第1搬送路徑15而移動至 〇 第2搬送路徑16,並在t=t3〜t4之間,被成膜有第1膜 31。而後,基板S1,係在t=t4〜t5時被搬入至第2成膜 室14,並從t=t5起而開始第2膜32之成膜。在t=t6 處之成膜結束後時,基板S1係在t=t6〜t7中藉由路徑變 更手段17而從第2搬送路徑16而移動至第1搬送路徑 15,而後,經由第1搬送路徑15而從第2成膜室14而被 搬送至第1成膜室13。在第1成膜室13中,基板S1,係 在t=t8〜t9處,藉由路徑變更手段17而被從第1搬送路 © 徑15而移動至第2搬送路徑16,並從t=t9起,而開始 第3膜33之成膜。若是在t=tl0而結束成膜,則基板S1 係在t=tlO〜til處被搬出至加熱室12。藉由此種成膜方 法,在基板上,係在t=t3〜t4之間而被形成第1膜31、 並在t=t5〜t6處被形成較第1膜31以及第3膜33爲更 厚之第2膜32,而在t=t9〜tlO處形成與第1膜相同之 第3膜。 如此這般,若是使用本發明之縱型真空處理裝置1, 則在成膜與第1膜31相同之第3膜33的情況時,並不需 -16- 200933797 要設置用以成膜第3膜之成膜室,便可在相同之第1成膜 室13處而於基板S上成膜3層之膜。故而’在本真空處 理裝置1中,就算是在進行3層成膜的情況時’亦不需要 具備3個的成膜室,而僅需要具備2個即可’因此,在成 爲緊緻化的同時,亦能夠以低成本來製作。 於上述,雖係僅注目於一枚之基板S1而作了說明, 但是,於下,係使用圖4以及圖5(a),來針對亦包含 Ο 有其他之基板的動作之本發明的第1成膜方法來作詳細說 明。 圖4,係爲用以說明使用有本發明之縱型真空處理裝 置的成膜方法之圖,並對於在加熱室12和第1成膜室13 和第2成膜室14中之基板S1〜S5的搬送路徑而於時間( 1)〜(Π)之每一時間中作了展示的模式圖。另外,於 圖4(1)以後之圖中,除了代表基板之參考符號與代表 處理室之參考符號以外,係作省略。又,圖5(a),係 ® 爲對應於圖4並展示基板S1〜S5之搬送狀態的時機圖, 在與圖4(1)〜(11)相對應之場所,係附加有(1)〜 (11)。以下,以圖4爲中心來作說明。 於圖4(1)中,具體而言,基板S3,係爲已在第1 成膜室13中被成膜有第1膜31,並被設置在第2搬送路 徑16中之第2成膜室14的成膜位置142處,而正被成膜 有第2膜32的狀態。基板S2,係爲已在第1成膜室13 中被成膜有第1膜31,且在第2成膜室14處被成膜有第 2膜32’而後,被設置在第2搬送路徑16中之第丨成膜 -17- 200933797 室13的成膜位置132處,而正被成膜有第3膜33的狀態 。基板S1,係從裝載鎖定室11而經由第1搬送路徑而被 搬送至加熱室12處,並在加熱室12中被加熱至特定之溫 度,而被作保持。 若是結束了基板S1之加熱、和對於基板S2之第3膜 33的成膜,則在加熱室12與第1成膜室13之間的閘閥 係被開放,而基板S2係被搬入至加熱室12,且基板S1 〇 係被搬入至第1成膜室13(參考圖4(2))。 接下來,由於基板S2係從第1膜31而被成膜至了第 3膜33,因此,係直接從加熱室12而被搬出至裝載鎖定 室11。基板S1,係藉由路徑變更手段17,而從第1搬送 路徑15而移動至第2搬送路徑16,並被設置在成膜位置 132處。被設置在成膜位置132處之基板S1,係被開始第 1膜31之成膜(參考圖4(3))。 在基板S1之成膜中,若是從圖4(1)之時間點起而 © 對於第2膜32成膜中之基板S3的成膜結束,則基板S3 ,係藉由路徑變更手段17,而從第2搬送路徑16中之成 膜位置142起而被移動至第1搬送路徑15(參考圖4(4 ))。 若是基板S1之成膜結束,則在第2成膜室14與第1 成膜室1 3之間的閘閥係被開放,基板S3係經由第1搬送 路徑15而被搬入至第1成膜室13,且基板S1係經由第2 搬送路徑16而被搬入至第2成膜室14(參考圖4(5)) -18- 200933797 而後,基板si’係被設置在第2成膜室14之成膜位 置142處,並被開始成膜。基板S3,係藉由路徑變更手 段17,而被從第1搬送路徑15而移動至第2搬送路徑16 ,並被設置在成膜位置132處,在基板S3處,係於第1 成膜室13中而開始第3膜33之成膜。在對於此基板S3 之第3膜33的成膜中,基板S4係經由第1搬送路徑15 而從裝載鎖定室11而被搬送至加熱室12處(參考圖4( ❹ 6 ))。 若是結束了基板S4之加熱、和對於基板S3之第3膜 33的成膜,則在加熱室12與第1成膜室13之間的閘閥 係被開放,而基板S3係經由第2搬送路徑16而被搬出至 加熱室12,且基板S4係經由第1搬送路徑而被搬入至第 1成膜室13 (參考圖4 ( 7))。 由於基板S3係從第1膜31而被成膜至了第3膜33 ,因此,係直接從加熱室12而被搬出至裝載鎖定室11。 ® 基板S4,係藉由路徑變更手段17,而被從第1搬送路徑 15而移動至第2搬送路徑16,並被設置在成膜位置132 處,對於基板S4之第1膜31之成膜係開始。基板S1, 若是對於基板S1之第2膜32的成膜結束’則係藉由路徑 變更手段17,而從第2搬送路徑16中之成膜位置142起 而被移動至第1搬送路徑15(參考圖4(8))。 而後,若是對於基板S4之成膜結束,則在第2成膜 室14與第1成膜室13之間的閘閥係被開放,基板S4係 經由第2搬送路徑16而被搬入至第2成膜室14’且基板 -19- 200933797 si係經由第1搬送路徑15而被搬入至第1成膜室13(參 考圖4 ( 9 ))。 基板S1,係藉由路徑變更手段17,而在第1成膜室 13中被從第1搬送路徑15而移動至第2搬送路徑16,並 被設置在成膜位置132處,而開始第3膜33之成膜。基 板S4,係被設置在第2成膜室14之成膜位置142處,並 被開始成膜。在對於此基板S1之第3膜33的成膜中,基 Ο 板S5係經由第1搬送路徑15而從裝載鎖定室11而被搬 送至加熱室12處(參考圖4(10))。 最後,若是結束了基板S5之加熱、和對於基板S1之 第3膜33的成膜,則在加熱室12與第1成膜室13之間 的閘閥係被開放,而基板S1係經由第2搬送路徑16而被 搬出至加熱室12,且基板S5係經由第1搬送路徑15而 被搬入至第1成膜室13。基板S5,係藉由路徑變更手段 17,而從第1搬送路徑15而移動至第2搬送路徑16(參 Ο 考圖4(11))。而後,由於基板S1係從第1膜31而被 成膜至了第3膜33,因此,係直接從加熱室12而被搬出 至裝載鎖定室11。另外,不用說,不只是基板S1〜S3, 針對基板S4以及S5,亦與基板S1〜S3同樣的而被作了 3層成膜。 如此這般,本發明之縱型真空處理裝置,由於係能夠 藉由路徑變更手段17而變更基板搬送路徑,因此,在身 爲縱型搬送裝置的狀況下,在對於基板S1〜S5而於第2 成膜室14處來在基板上將成膜時間爲長之第2膜32作成 -20- 200933797 膜的期間中,能夠在第1成膜室中,於其他之基板上而成 膜第1膜31以及第3膜33。故而,不會延長工作時間, 而使用由2個的成膜室所成之處理裝置來成膜3層構造之 膜。 以下,針對使用有本發明之縱型真空處理裝置的第2 成膜方法,使用圖6而作說明。 第2成膜方法,與上述之第1成膜方法,基板S之搬 Ο 送路徑係爲相異,但是,係能夠同樣地形成於圖2中所示 之膜。圖6(a)係爲在使用本發明之裝置來形成3層之 膜的情況時之時機圖,圖6(b)係爲展示基板的搬送路 徑之模式圖。在時機圖中,縱軸係爲基板S之位置,橫軸 係展示時間。另外,於此,關於裝載鎖定室11,亦係省 略之。 在t=0時,基板S1係從第2搬送路徑16而被搬入 至加熱室12中,若是被加熱至了特定之溫度,則在t=tl © 〜t2處,基板S1係經由第2搬送路徑16而被搬入至第1 成膜室13中。接下來,從t=t2起,在基板S1處,係於 第1成膜室中而被成膜第1膜31。在t=t3處而成膜結束 後,基板S1,係在t=t3〜t4時從第1成膜室13而被搬 送至第2成膜室14,並從t=t4起而開始第2膜32之成 膜。在t=t5處而成膜結束後時,基板S1係在t=t5〜t6 中藉由路徑變更手段17而從第2搬送路徑16而移動至第 1搬送路徑15,而後,從第2成膜室14而被搬送至第1 成膜室13。接下來,基板S1,係在t=t7〜t8處,而於第 -21 - 200933797 1成膜室13中,藉由路徑變更手段17而被從第i搬送路 徑15而移動至第2搬送路徑16,並從t=t8起,而開始 第3膜33之成膜。若是在t=t9處而成膜結束,則基板 S1係在t=t9〜tlO中藉由路徑變更手段17而從第2搬送 路徑16而移動至第1搬送路徑15,而後,在t=tl0〜til 中’基板S1,係被搬出至加熱室12。 藉由此種成膜方法,在基板上,係在t=t2〜t3處而 〇 被形成第1膜31、並在t=t4〜t5處被形成較第1膜以及 第3膜爲更厚之第2膜32,而在t=t8〜t9處形成與第1 膜相同之第3膜3 3。 針對此膜之形成方法,使用圖7以及圖5(b),而 亦包含有其他基板之動作地來作詳細說明。 圖7,係爲用以說明使用有本發明之縱型真空處理裝 置的成膜方法之圖,並對於在加熱室12和第1成膜室13 和第2成膜室14中之基板S1〜S5的基板之搬送路徑,而 〇 於時間(1)〜(11)之每一時間中作了展示的模式圖。 另外,於圖7(1)以後之圖中,除了代表基板之參考符 號與代表處理室之參考符號以外,係作省略。又,圖5( b),係爲對應於圖7並展示基板S1〜S5之搬送以及成膜 狀態的時機圖,在與圖7(1)〜(11)相對應之場所, 係附加有(1 )〜(1 1 )。以下,以圖7爲中心來作說明 〇 於圖7(1)中,基板S3,係爲已在第1成膜室13中 被成膜有第1膜31,之後被設置在第2搬送路徑16中之 -22- 200933797 第2成膜室14的成膜位置142處,而正被成膜有第2膜 32的狀態。基板S2,係爲已在第1成膜室13中被成膜有 第1膜31,且在第2成膜室14處被成膜有第2膜32,而 後,在第1成膜室13處被成膜有第3膜33,並藉由路徑 變更手段17而從第2搬送路徑16而移動至第1搬送路徑 17的狀態。基板S1,係從裝載鎖定室11而經由第2搬送 路徑16而被搬送至加熱室12處,並在加熱室12中被加 © 熱至特定之溫度,而被作保持。 若是結束了基板S1之加熱、和基板S2之移動,則在 加熱室12與第1成膜室13之間的閘閥係被開放,而基板 S2係經由第1搬送路徑15而被搬出至加熱室12,且基板 S1係經由第2搬送路徑16而被搬入至第1成膜室13(參 考圖7 ( 2))。 接下來,基板S1,係被設置在成膜位置132處,並 被開始第1膜31之成膜。由於基板S2係從第1膜31而 Ο 被成膜至了第3膜33,因此,係直接從加熱室12而被搬 出至裝載鎖定室11。在基板S1之成膜中,若是從圖7(1 )之時間點起而對於第2膜32成膜中之基板S3的成膜結 束,則基板S3,係藉由路徑變更手段17,而從第2搬送 路徑16中之成膜位置142起而被移動至第1搬送路徑15 (參考圖7 ( 3 ))。 若是基板S1之成膜結束,則在第2成膜室14與第1 成膜室13之間的閘閥係被開放,基板S3係經由第1搬送 路徑15而被搬入至第1成膜室13,且基板S1係經由第2 -23- 200933797 搬送路徑16而被搬入至第2成膜室14(參考圖7(4)) 〇 而後,基板S1,係被設置在第2成膜室14之成膜位 置142處,並被開始成膜。基板S3,係藉由路徑變更手 段17,而被從第1搬送路徑15而移動至第2搬送路徑16 ,並被設置在成膜位置132處,而開始第3膜33之成膜 。在對於此基板S1之第2膜32的成膜中,基板S4係經 ❹ 由第2搬送路徑16而從裝載鎖定室11而被搬送至加熱室 12處(參考圖7(5))。 基板S3,若是對於基板S3之第3膜33的成膜結束 ,則係藉由路徑變更手段17’而從第2搬送路徑16而被 移動至第1搬送路徑15(參考圖7(6))。 若是結束了基板S3之路徑變更、和基板S4之加熱, 則在加熱室1 2與第1成膜室1 3之間的閘閥係被開放’而 基板S3係經由第1搬送路徑15而被搬出至加熱室12’ 〇 且基板S4係經由第2搬送路徑而被搬入至第1成膜室13 中,並被開始成膜。又,基板S1’若是對於基板si之第 2膜32的成膜結束’則係藉由路徑變更手段17’而從第 2搬送路徑16而被移動至第1搬送路徑15 (參考圖7(7 ))° 由於基板S3係從第1膜31而被成膜至了第3膜33 ,因此,係經由第1搬送路徑15而從加熱室12而被搬出 至裝載鎖定室11。若是對於基板S4之第1膜31的成膜 結束,則在第2成膜室14與第1成膜室1 3之間的閘閥係 -24- 200933797 被開放,基板S4係經由第2搬送路徑16而被搬入至第2 成膜室14,並在成膜位置142處開始成膜。且,基板S1 係經由第1搬送路徑15而被搬入至第1成膜室13中(參 考圖7 ( 8 ))。 基板S1,係藉由路徑變更手段17,而在第1成膜室 13中被從第1搬送路徑15而移動至第2搬送路徑16,並 被設置在成膜位置132處’而開始第3膜33之成膜。在 ❹ 對於基板S4之第2膜32的成膜中,基板S5係經由第2 搬送路徑16而從裝載鎖定室11而被搬送至加熱室12處 ,並被開始加熱(參考圖7 ( 9 ))。 基板S1,若是對於基板S1之第3膜33的成膜結束 ,則係藉由路徑變更手段17,而在第1成膜室13中從第 2搬送路徑16而被移動至第1搬送路徑15(參考圖7( 10 ) ) 0 最後,若是結束了基板S5之加熱、和基板S1之移動 〇 ,則在加熱室1 2與第1成膜室1 3之間的閘閥係被開放, 而基板S1係經由第1搬送路徑15而被搬出至加熱室12 ,且基板S5係經由第2搬送路徑16而被搬入至第1成膜 室13中。基板S4,係藉由路徑變更手段17,而從第2搬 送路徑16而移動至第1搬送路徑15(參考圖7(11)) 。而後,由於基板S1係從第1膜31而被成膜至了第3膜 33,因此,係直接從加熱室12而被搬出至裝載鎖定室11 。另外,不用說,不只是基板S1〜S3,針對基板S4以及 S5,亦與基板S1〜S3同樣的而被作了 3層成膜。 -25- 200933797 如此這般,本發明之縱型真空處理裝置,由於係能夠 藉由路徑變更手段17而變更基板搬送路徑,因此,在身 爲縱型搬送裝置的狀況下,當於第2成膜室14處來在基 板上將成膜時間爲長之第2膜32作成膜的期間中,能夠 在第1成膜室中,於其他之基板上而成膜第1膜31以及 第3膜33。故而,不會延長工作時間,而能夠使用由2 個的成膜室所成之處理裝置來成膜3層構造之膜。 〇 又,更進而,作爲第3成膜方法,在第2成膜方法中 ,雖係從第2搬送路徑16而將基板搬入並進行了成膜, 但是,就算是從第1搬送路徑15來將基板作搬入,亦能 夠同樣的使用如圖1中所示之處理裝置來進行3層成膜。 使用圖8,對於此點作說明。 圖8(a)係爲在使用本發明之裝置來形成3層之膜 的情況時之時機圖,圖8(b)係爲展示基板的搬送路徑 之模式圖。在時機圖中,縱軸係爲基板S之位置,橫軸係 G 展示時間。另外,於此,關於裝載鎖定室11,亦係省略 之。 在t=0時,基板S1係從第1搬送路徑15而被搬入 至加熱室12中,若是被加熱至了特定之溫度,則在t=tl 〜t2處,經由第1搬送路徑15而被搬入至第1成膜室13 中。接下來,基板S1,係在t=t2〜t3處,而於第1成膜 室13中,藉由路徑變更手段17而被從第1搬送路徑15 而移動至第2搬送路徑16,並從t=t3起,而開始第1膜 31之成膜。若是在t=t4處成膜結束,則基板S1,係藉 -26- 200933797 由路徑變更手段17,而從第2搬送路徑16而被移動至第 1搬送路徑15。於移動結束後,在t=t5〜t6處,基板S1 係從第1成膜室13而被搬送至第2成膜室14,並在t = t6〜t7處,藉由路徑變更手段17而被從第1搬送路徑15 而移動至第2搬送路徑16,並從t=t7起,而開始第2膜 32之成膜。在t=t8處而成膜結束後,基板si,係在t = t8〜t9處,從第2成膜室14而被搬送至第1成膜室13。 © 接下來,在t=t9處,於第1成膜室13中,對於基板S1 而開始第3膜33之成膜。若是在t=tl0而結束成膜,則 基板S1係在t=tl0〜til處經由第2搬送路徑16而被搬 出至加熱室1 2。 藉由此種成膜方法,在基板上,係在t=t3〜t4處而 被形成第1膜31、並在t=t7〜t8處被形成較第1膜以及 第3膜爲更厚之第2膜32,而在t=t9〜tlO處形成與第1 膜相同之第3膜33。 © 另外,於圖8中,雖係省略展示其他基板之搬送路徑 的圖,但是,如圖5(c)中所示一般,於此情況中,亦 能夠藉由與於圖5(a)中所示之第1成膜方法以及於圖5 (b)中所示之第2成膜方法同樣的工作時間來進行成膜 〇 亦即是,在本發明之各成膜方法中,藉由在第1成膜 室13處亦設置路徑變更手段17,由於亦能夠將第1搬送 路徑15上之基板S移動至第2搬送路徑16處,因此,在 第1成膜室13中’係可進行2次成膜。於此情況,由於 -27- 200933797 第2膜32之成膜時間爲長,因此,在第2膜32之成膜中 ’由於係能夠成膜第1膜31以及第3膜33,故而在成膜 工程中所浪費的時間係爲少。 又’在本發明之真空處理裝置1中,雖係將加熱手段 設置在加熱室12中,但是,亦可在未被設置有路徑變更 手段17之室中的第1搬送路徑15以及第2搬送路徑16 之間設置加熱手段。 ❹ 又,在上述實施形態中,雖係在真空處理裝置1之第 1成膜室13以及第2成膜室14中設置有路徑變更手段17 ,但是,只要在最後部之處理室、和於成膜工程中而將相 同之處理進行2次的處理室中,分別設置路徑變更手段 17即可。例如,就算不是成膜處理,當實施具有2次之 電漿暴露工程一般之成膜方法的情況時,只要在真空處理 裝置1中設置電漿產生室,並在此電漿產生室中設置路徑 變更手段1 7即可。 〇 在上述之本發明的各成膜方法中,基板之搬入♦搬出 的時機,係亦可依成膜方法或是膜之種類等,而經由裝置 之構成來作變更。 又,當僅欲選擇性地在基板上成膜1層的情況時,亦 可將基板S從裝載鎖定室11而在第2搬送路徑16上作搬 送,並僅在第1成膜室13處進行成膜,而後,藉由路徑 變更手段17而將基板S從第2搬送路徑16而移動至第1 搬送路徑15,並使其通過第1成膜室13、加熱室12以及 裝載鎖定室11而將基板S取出,藉由此,亦能夠在基板 -28- 200933797 S上形成1層之膜。故而,若藉由本發明之縱型真空處理 裝置1,則能夠因應於成膜工程而使裝置之動作變化。又 ,當設置有2室之第2成膜室的情況時,就算是一端之第 2成膜室係在維修中,亦能夠在第1成膜室13側之第2 成膜室處進行成膜,並經由此成膜室之路徑變更手段17 來將基板S從第2搬送路徑16來移動至第1搬送路徑15 ,而藉由此來繼續運轉。 ❹ [實施例1] 於本實施例中,係在圖1所示之縱型真空處理裝置1 中,藉由與圖5同樣之成膜方法,來在基板上作了成膜。 作爲成膜手段131,係將Mo標靶以與被設置在成膜位置 132處之基板相對向的方式來作設置,同時,作爲濺鍍氣 體,而將Ar氣體導入至第1成膜室內,而構成之。作爲 成膜手段141,係將A1標靶以與被設置在成膜位置142 ❹ 處之基板相對向的方式來作設置,同時,作爲濺鍍氣體, 而將Ar氣體導入至第2成膜室內,而構成之。作爲基板 ’係使用有2200mmx2400mmxt0_7mm之玻璃基板。 首先’將基板S1從第1搬送路徑15而搬入至加熱室 12中,並在加熱至特定之溫度(約1〇〇 °c)後,將基板 S1經由第1搬送路徑15而搬入至第1成膜室13中。接 下來’將基板S1,在第1成膜室13中藉由路徑變更手段 17而從第1搬送路徑15而移動至第2搬送路徑16,而後 ,導入濺鍍氣體,而開始Mo膜之成膜。在經過約1〇秒 -29- 200933797 後,結束成膜,並進行了第1成膜室之排氣。接下來,將 基板S1搬入至第2成膜室14,並導入濺鍍氣體,而開始 A1膜之成膜。在經過約50秒並結束了 A1膜之成膜後, 將基板S1藉由路徑變更手段17而從第2搬送路徑16而 移動至第1搬送路徑15,之後,進行了第2成膜室14內 部之排氣。接下來,將基板S1從第2成膜室14而搬送至 第1成膜室13。在第1成膜室13中,將基板S1藉由路 〇 徑變更手段17而從第1搬送路徑15而移動至第2搬送路 徑16,並導入濺鍍氣體,而再度開始Mo膜之成膜。在經 過約10秒後,結束成膜,並在進行了排氣後,將基板S1 搬出至加熱室12。藉由此種成膜方法,在基板上,係被 形成有:作爲第1膜31之Mo膜、和作爲第2膜32之A1 膜、和作爲第3膜33之Mo膜。各膜之厚度,係分別爲 約50nm、約3 00nm、約50nm。又,對於其他之基板,亦 能夠分別在基板上而成膜了 3層構造之膜。 ❹ [實施例2] 在本實施例中,與實施例1之間,除了在第1成膜室 中係於作爲濺鍍氣體之Ar氣體中適量混合有N2氣體之點 以外’同樣地進行了成膜。在基板上,係被形成有:作爲 第1膜31之氮化Mo膜 '和作爲第2膜32之A1膜、和 作爲第3膜33之氮化Mo膜。各膜之厚度,係分別爲約 5〇nm、約300nm、約50nm。於此情況,由於係能夠在成 膜前所進行之濺鍍壓力調整的時間中,來使基板作移動, -30- 200933797 因此,在成膜中,工作時間係爲相同。 [產業上之利用可能性] 若藉由本發明之縱型真空處理裝置,則就算是大型的 基板,亦能夠進行處理,因此,係能夠利用在顯示器製造 領域中。 Q 【圖式簡單說明】 [圖1]展示本發明之真空處理裝置1的構成之模式圖 〇 [圖2]使用本發明之成膜方法而成膜後的基板之剖面 模式圖。 [圖3]用以對本發明之成膜方法作說明之(a)時機圖 和(b)展示基板之搬送路徑的模式圖。 [圖4]用以說明在本發明之成膜方法中的基板之搬送 〇 路徑的模式圖。 [圖5]係爲用以對本發明之成膜方法作說明之時機圖 ,(a)係展示第1成膜方法的情況,(b)係展示第2成 膜方法的情況,(c)係展示第3成膜方法的情況。 [圖6]用以對本發明之第2成膜方法作說明之(a)時 機圖和(b)展示基板之搬送路徑的模式圖。 [圖7]用以說明在本發明之第2成膜方法中的基板之 搬送路徑的模式圖。 [圖8]用以對本發明之第3成膜方法作說明之(a)時 200933797 機圖和(b)展示基板之搬送路徑的模式圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 1 :真空處理裝置 2 :基板載體 11 :裝載鎖定室 1 2 :加熱室 Q 13 :第1成膜室 14 :第2成膜室 15 :第1搬送路徑 1 6 :第2搬送路徑 17 :路徑變更手段 S :基板 ❹ -32-200933797 IX. [Technical Field] The present invention relates to a vacuum processing apparatus and a substrate processing method. [Prior Art] In the prior art, As a vacuum processing device for forming a film on a large substrate such as a plasma display, There is a so-called vertical transfer type vacuum Ο processing device (for example, Refer to Patent Document 1). This device, It is equipped with three film forming chambers. And substrate carrier, And a vertical vacuum processing unit for loading the lock chamber, In the load lock chamber and the three film forming chambers, Is set up, there is a way, The transfer route of the two of the return roads, Simultaneously, The substrate carrier is laterally moved for the transport paths, And in the final film forming room, There is a transfer mechanism that transfers the first transfer path from the forward path to the second transfer path that becomes the return path. That is, In this device, The system is configured to provide a vacuum processing chamber in each of the film forming processes. And 层 laminate three films on the substrate. [Patent Document 1] Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2005-340425 (refer to claim 1 and FIG. 1) [Problems to be Solved by the Invention] In the film forming apparatus described above, If it is configured to install a heating device between the two transport paths, And in the last vacuum processing room, there is a transfer mechanism. Can be space-saving, Cost reduction. -5- 200933797 However, With the further enlargement of the substrate, It is desirable to have a more space-saving and compact device. also, In the above film forming apparatus, Since the processing path has only one path, therefore, It is not possible to make a path change at the processing room in the middle. Therefore, When the film forming time of each film forming chamber is different, In the operation of a film forming chamber with a long film forming time, Waiting time will occur at other film forming rooms. There is a problem that the operating rate of the entire device is lowered. also, Since there is a G transfer mechanism at the film forming chamber at the end, therefore, If the substrate is not transported to the film forming chamber at the last part, The substrate carrier cannot change the transport path. Because of this, It is impossible to move the substrate carrier from the way to the return path. Even if there are no abnormalities in other film forming rooms, When repairing the last film forming chamber, There is a problem that the device cannot be operated. therefore, The subject of the present invention, In view of the above prior art problems, In order to provide a more compact vacuum device. Again, To provide a high level of operability, A vacuum treatment unit with excellent functionality ® for the purpose. and then, Other problems of the present invention, To provide a vacuum treatment device, The substrate processing method capable of processing the substrate without extending the working time (Tact Time) is for the purpose. [Means for Solving the Problem] The vacuum processing apparatus of the present invention, It is a vacuum processing device in which a plurality of processing chambers for performing specific processing on a substrate to be processed are connected in series. Its characteristic is that In the aforementioned vacuum processing apparatus, The system is set up with: First substrate transport path, It is set up in the 200933797 processing room covering a plurality of vacuum processing devices; And the second substrate transport path, They are arranged in parallel for the first substrate transport path. And while transporting the substrate, Perform specific processing at each processing chamber, And, In a plurality of processing rooms, At least 2 processing rooms, A transport path changing means for moving the substrate between the first substrate transport path and the second substrate transport path is provided. The vacuum processing device of the present invention, Since the transport path changing means is provided at at least two of the processing rooms, In the processing room in which the transport path changing means is provided, Even when the substrate is transported, the substrate is present on the first substrate transport path. It is also possible to move by the second substrate transport path that is subjected to the specific processing. therefore, The same process can be performed multiple times. Therefore, Since it is not necessary to set a plurality of processing chambers for the same processing, therefore, The device of the present invention is compact. E.g, When using A film, B film, When the order of the A film forms three layers, In the prior art vertical transfer type vacuum processing apparatus, Need to be treated with A film © room, Three film forming processing chambers connected in the order of the processing chamber for the B film and the processing chamber for the A film, but, In the present invention, It suffices that it is a film forming processing chamber which requires only two processing chambers for the A film and the processing chamber for the B film. In the aforementioned processing room, At the processing room at the end of the series connection, And at least one processing chamber other than the last processing chamber, It is desirable to provide the above-described transport path changing means by using not only the processing room at the last part, The transport path changing means is also provided at the film forming processing chamber which is not the last part. Due to the same film, It can be formed in one film forming processing chamber. therefore, In the case of performing a film forming method in which the same film is formed as a plural number of 200933797, For a vacuum processing unit, It is not necessary to provide a plurality of film forming processing chambers. In this case, Because in order to form a film forming processing chamber, It requires a large power supply or a film forming method. Therefore, If the film forming process chamber can be omitted, Can be more compact, And the equipment is small, And it can be further reduced in cost. The aforementioned vacuum processing device, It is ideal as follows: With a load lock room, And a heating room, And the first film forming processing chamber, And the second ❹ membrane treatment room, In the first film forming processing chamber and the second film forming processing chamber, The transport path changing means is provided. Simultaneously, a first film forming processing chamber and a second film forming processing chamber, It is constructed in such a manner as to form mutually different films. If by this kind of composition, Then by two film forming processing chambers, It is capable of forming a three-layer film. The substrate processing method of the present invention, Is to use a vacuum processing device, a substrate processing method for performing specific processing on a substrate between processing chambers, And the base plate is carried into each processing chamber via the first substrate transfer path and the second substrate transfer path. And a substrate processing method for performing specific processing in each processing chamber, The vacuum processing device, The processing chambers that perform specific processing on the substrate are connected in series in series. And is set with: First substrate transport path, Is set up to cover the processing room of this plural; And the second substrate transport path, The first substrate transport path is connected in parallel, And while transporting the aforementioned substrate, For the specific processing of the substrate at each processing chamber, And, In the foregoing plurality of processing chambers, At least 2 processing rooms, A transport path changing means for moving the substrate between the first substrate transport path and the second substrate transport path is provided. -8- 200933797 The substrate processing method, Its characteristic is that Have: In a processing room, a first substrate processing process for performing specific processing on the first substrate; And in a processing room, a second substrate processing process for performing specific processing on the second substrate; And in other processing rooms, a first substrate that has been subjected to a specific treatment in the first substrate processing project, And the third substrate, Other substrate processing projects that perform specific processing separately; And in a processing room, For the third substrate which has been subjected to special treatment in the other substrate processing works described above, The third substrate processing process for performing specific processing, The other substrate processing projects mentioned above, It is carried out in the second substrate processing project described above, And, In the other substrate processing projects mentioned above, By means of a transport path changing means provided in the other processing chambers described above, And at least one of the first substrate and the third substrate to be transferred into the other processing chambers, The first substrate transfer path and the second substrate transfer path are moved. According to the substrate processing method of the present invention, In a process in which a specific process is performed on one substrate in one processing chamber, Since the remaining two substrates can be formed in other processing chambers, therefore, There is no waste in working hours, It is possible to perform multi-layer film formation at a high operation rate. In this case, in particular, The other substrate processing projects mentioned above, The system has: The first substrate is carried into the other processing chamber via the first substrate transfer path. then, First, the transport path changing means moves from the first substrate transport path to the second substrate transport path. Then carry out specific processing, And after the specific processing is over, a work carried out from the other processing chamber by the second substrate transport path described in the above -9-200933797; And moving the third substrate into the other processing chamber via the first substrate transport path, then, First, the transport path changing means moves from the first substrate transport path to the second substrate transport path. Then carry out specific processing, And after the specific processing is over, The process of carrying in the processing device of the above one is carried out via the second substrate transfer path. Or, The other substrate processing projects mentioned above, The system contains: The first base plate is carried into the other processing chamber via the first substrate transfer path. Then, First, the transport path changing means moves from the first substrate transport path to the second substrate transport path. Then carry out specific processing, And after the specific processing is over, a process of moving from the second substrate transport path to the first substrate transport path by the transport path changing means; And loading the third substrate into the other processing chamber via the second substrate transport path, And to carry out specific processing, And after the specific processing is over, The work of the processing device of the first one is carried through the second substrate transfer path. If by this method, It is possible to form a film without extending the working time. also, Another substrate processing method of the present invention, Is to use a vacuum treatment device, a substrate processing method for performing specific processing on a substrate between processing chambers, And to carry the substrate into the frontmost processing chamber, The substrate is carried into each processing chamber via the first substrate transport path and the second substrate transport path. a substrate processing method for performing specific processing in each processing chamber, The vacuum processing device, The processing chambers for performing specific processing on the substrate are connected in series in series. And is set with: The first substrate transport -10- 200933797 path, Is set up to cover the processing room of this plural; And the second substrate transport path, The first substrate transfer path is provided in parallel, And while transporting the aforementioned substrate, Specific processing is performed on the substrates in the respective processing chambers, And, In the foregoing plurality of processing chambers, In at least 2 processing rooms, A transport path changing means for moving the substrate between the first substrate transport path and the second substrate transport path is provided. The substrate processing method, Its characteristics are: In a specific processing room, Two or more borrowings are carried out 〇 The transport path changing means moves between the first substrate transport path and the second substrate transport path. Simultaneously, In this particular processing room, Perform 2 or more specific treatments. According to the substrate processing method of the present invention, By using the above vacuum processing device, By the transfer path changing means, the first substrate transfer path and the second substrate transfer path are moved twice or more. It is possible to perform two specific treatments in the same processing chamber. [Effects of the Invention] The vacuum processing apparatus of the present invention, Because the processing room is small, therefore, The system is more compact. And, Since the transport path changing means is provided in two or more processing chambers, therefore, Able to implement various film forming methods, Therefore, Excellent effects such as excellent functionality and excellent workability can be obtained. also, If the substrate processing method using the vacuum processing apparatus of the present invention is used, This makes it possible to obtain an excellent effect of film formation using a more compact device without extending the working time. -11 - 200933797 [Embodiment] Figure 1, It is a schematic sectional view showing the configuration of the vertical vacuum processing apparatus of the present invention. Vertical vacuum processing device 1, The substrate s is held vertically by the substrate carrier 2 in a frame shape. A vertical transfer type vacuum processing apparatus that processes the substrate S, And a loading lock chamber 11 is provided in sequence. And a heating chamber 12, And the first film forming chamber 13, And the second film forming chamber 14 . In each room, Is provided with a gate valve 10, Each chamber can be processed separately in vacuum. In the vertical vacuum processing apparatus 1, The first transport path 15 and the second transport path 16 which are parallel to each other for transporting the substrate are provided in the second film forming chamber 14 from the load lock chamber 11. Second transport path 16, The film forming means 131 and 141 are provided on the first film forming chamber 13 and the second film forming chamber 14 side. At the first transport path 15 and the second transport path 16, The system is paved with two tracks, Substrate carrier 2, It is constructed by moving on the track and by the wheel provided on the bottom of the substrate carrier. In this case, Since the rack is provided under the substrate carrier 2, Simultaneously, In the load lock chamber 11, Heating chamber 12, The first film forming chamber 13, And a second pinion chamber 14 is provided with a pinion gear that is rotated by a rotational force of the motor, therefore, This rack is engaged with the small gear train. The driving force of the motor is transmitted to the substrate carrier 2, The substrate carrier 2 is transported. Loading the lock chamber 11, It is provided with a vacuum pump not shown, And configured to be capable of evacuating the inside of the load lock chamber 11 Until it becomes a specific vacuum, The vacuum is maintained. -12- 200933797 Heating chamber 12, It is provided with a vacuum pump not shown, And configured to be capable of vacuuming the inside of the heating chamber 12, Until it becomes a specific vacuum, And maintain the vacuum, Simultaneously, By heating the hand 121, On the other hand, the substrate on the second transfer path 16 or the first transfer path 15 is heated to a specific temperature. In the first film forming chamber 13 and the second film forming chamber 14, It is provided with a vacuum pump not shown, Further, it is configured to evacuate the first film forming chamber 13 and the second film forming chamber 14 by vacuum. Until it becomes a specific vacuum, The vacuum is maintained. also, In the first film forming chamber 13, Is provided with a film forming means 131, In the second film forming chamber 14, The second film forming means 141 is provided. As a film forming means, It is possible to use well-known film formation methods. E.g, When film formation is performed by sputtering, Set the target and the shovel gas introduction method. It is configured to form a film. also, When film formation is performed by the CVD method, Membrane gas introduction means It is configured to form a film. By the film formation ® means 131 and 141, the film is formed, The substrate S is present at the film formation positions 132 and 142 on the second transfer path 16, On the other hand, the substrate on the first transfer path 15 is not formed into a film. Furthermore, In the first film forming chamber 13 and the second film forming chamber 14, A path changing means 17 for moving the substrate carrier 2 between the first transport path 15 and the second transport path 16 is provided. Path change means 17, Although the details are not shown, but, E.g, The substrate carrier 2' is supported by the holding portion provided at the outer frame of the substrate carrier 2, and the substrate carrier 2 is moved in parallel between the first transport path 15 and the second transport path 16-13-200933797. The configuration is such that the transport path can be changed. In the vertical vacuum processing apparatus of the present invention, The substrate S can be transported on each of the first transport path 15 and the second transport path 16 via the substrate carrier 2 which is generally configured as described above. The substrate S is subjected to specific processing in each room. also, In the first film forming chamber, Even when the substrate S is present on the first transport path 15, It is also possible to move the substrate S to the second transport path 16 by the path changing means 17, And carry out specific processing, therefore, In the film forming method in which the same film formation is performed plural times, It is possible to omit the film forming chamber in which the same film formation is performed. That is, In prior art vacuum processing devices, Since the path change means is provided only at the last processing chamber, therefore, After passing the substrate on the second transport path from the loading lock chamber at the forefront to the second film forming chamber at the rear, and after a series of processing works, The route is changed to the first transport path by the route change means. It is moved to the first transport path. Substrate, After being moved to the first transport path, The system does not return to the second transport path. Therefore, For example, it is not possible to return to the second transport path again on the way, and repeat the same film formation process. Therefore, It is necessary to have the same number of processing chambers as the processing number of the film forming method. but, In the present invention, Since the path changing means 17 is also provided at the processing room on the way, therefore, Even if the substrate S exists on the first transport path 15, When you want to do a specific treatment, The substrate can be moved to the second transport path 16 by the path changing means 17, and the specific processing can be performed. Therefore, Since the same film can be formed by a smaller number of processing chambers than the number of film forming processes, Therefore, the vacuum processing apparatus 1 of the present invention -14-200933797, Compared to the prior art, it is a more compact device. For a film forming method using the vertical vacuum processing apparatus of the present invention, It is explained below. If the vertical vacuum processing apparatus 1 of the present invention is used, Then, the substrate is transported on the second transport path 16 and carried in from the load lock chamber 11. On the other hand, film formation is performed at the first film forming chamber 13 and the second film forming chamber 14, and then ❹, At the second film forming chamber 14, The substrate is moved to the first transport path 15 by the path changing means 17, And passing it through the second film forming chamber 14, The first film forming chamber 13, The heating chamber 12 and the load lock chamber 11 take out the substrate, By this, A film of two layers can be formed on the substrate S. also, Furthermore, If the vertical vacuum processing device 1 of the present invention is used, It is also possible to form a three-layer film as shown in FIG. 2. figure 2, a cross-sectional pattern diagram of the substrate S having a film thickness, On the substrate S, The film is sequentially formed, and the first film 31 is And the second film 32, And the third film 33. The first film 31 and the third film 33 are the same film. Only the second film 32 is a different film. also, Second film 32, Compared to the first film 31 and the third film 33, The filming time required for it is long. E.g, In the picture, The second film 3 2, Compared to the first film 31 and the third film 33, Since the film thickness is thick, Therefore, the film formation time is long. A method of forming a film structure of such a three-layer using the vacuum processing apparatus 1, A detailed description will be given using FIG. 3. Fig. 3 (a) is a timing chart in the case of forming a three-layer film using the vacuum processing apparatus 1 of the present invention, Fig. 3 (b) is a schematic view showing a transport path of the substrate S in the vacuum processing apparatus 1. In the timing chart -15- 200933797, The vertical axis is the position of the substrate Si, The horizontal axis shows the time. In addition, herein, Regarding the load lock chamber 11, It is omitted. At t=0, The substrate S1 is carried into the heating chamber 12 from the first transfer path 15 If it is heated to a specific temperature at t=tl, Then, it is carried into the first film forming chamber 13 via the first transport path 15 . Next, Between t=t2~t3, The substrate S1 is moved from the first transport path 15 to the second transport path 16 by the path changing means 17 in the first film forming chamber 13. And between t=t3~t4, The first film 31 is formed by film formation. then, Substrate S1, When it is t=t4 to t5, it is carried into the second film forming chamber 14, The film formation of the second film 32 is started from t = t5. At the end of film formation at t=t6, The substrate S1 is moved from the second transport path 16 to the first transport path 15 by the path changing means 17 at t = t6 to t7. then, The first deposition chamber 15 is transported from the second film forming chamber 14 to the first film forming chamber 13. In the first film forming chamber 13, Substrate S1, At t=t8~t9, The path change means 17 is moved from the first transport path © the path 15 to the second transport path 16, And from t=t9, The film formation of the third film 33 is started. If the film formation is finished at t=tl0, Then, the substrate S1 is carried out to the heating chamber 12 at t=tlO~til. With this film formation method, On the substrate, The first film 31 is formed between t=t3 and t4. Further, a second film 32 which is thicker than the first film 31 and the third film 33 is formed at t=t5 to t6. On the other hand, a third film similar to the first film was formed at t = t9 to t10. So, If the vertical vacuum processing apparatus 1 of the present invention is used, In the case of forming the third film 33 which is the same as the first film 31, No need -16- 200933797 To set up the film forming chamber for filming the third film, A film of three layers can be formed on the substrate S at the same first film forming chamber 13. Therefore, in the present vacuum processing apparatus 1, Even when three layers of film are formed, it is not necessary to have three film forming chambers. And only need to have 2, so While becoming compact, It can also be produced at low cost. Above, Although it is described only by focusing on one substrate S1, but, Next, Using Figure 4 and Figure 5(a), The first film forming method of the present invention which also includes the operation of another substrate will be described in detail. Figure 4, It is a diagram for explaining a film forming method using the vertical vacuum processing apparatus of the present invention, A schematic diagram showing each of the times (1) to (Π) in the transport paths of the substrates S1 to S5 in the heating chamber 12 and the first film forming chamber 13 and the second film forming chamber 14 . In addition, In the figure of Figure 4 (1) and later, In addition to the reference symbols representing the substrate and the reference symbols representing the processing chamber, The system is omitted. also, Figure 5 (a), The system is a timing chart corresponding to FIG. 4 and showing the transport state of the substrates S1 to S5. In the place corresponding to Figures 4(1) to (11), Attached are (1) ~ (11). the following, The description will be made centering on FIG. In Figure 4(1), in particular, Substrate S3, The first film 31 is formed in the first film forming chamber 13 and is formed. The film forming position 142 of the second film forming chamber 14 in the second transport path 16 is provided. On the other hand, the second film 32 is being formed. Substrate S2, The first film 31 is formed in the first film forming chamber 13 and is formed. Further, a second film 32' is formed in the second film forming chamber 14, and then It is provided at the film formation position 132 of the chamber 13 of the second film formation path -17-200933797 in the second transfer path 16. On the other hand, the third film 33 is being formed. Substrate S1, The load lock chamber 11 is transported to the heating chamber 12 via the first transport path. And heated to a specific temperature in the heating chamber 12, And being kept. If the heating of the substrate S1 is finished, And film formation on the third film 33 of the substrate S2, Then, the gate valve between the heating chamber 12 and the first film forming chamber 13 is opened. The substrate S2 is carried into the heating chamber 12, Further, the substrate S1 is carried into the first film forming chamber 13 (refer to Fig. 4 (2)). Next, Since the substrate S2 is formed from the first film 31 to the third film 33, therefore, It is carried out directly from the heating chamber 12 to the load lock chamber 11. Substrate S1, By means of the path change means 17, The first transport path 15 is moved to the second transport path 16, It is placed at the film formation position 132. The substrate S1 disposed at the film formation position 132, The film formation of the first film 31 is started (refer to Fig. 4 (3)). In the film formation of the substrate S1, When the film formation of the substrate S3 in the film formation of the second film 32 is completed from the time point of FIG. 4 (1), Then the substrate S3, By means of the path change means 17, On the other hand, the film is moved from the film forming position 142 in the second transport path 16 to the first transport path 15 (see Fig. 4 (4)). If the film formation of the substrate S1 is completed, Then, the gate valve system between the second film forming chamber 14 and the first film forming chamber 13 is opened. The substrate S3 is carried into the first film forming chamber 13 via the first transport path 15. The substrate S1 is carried into the second film forming chamber 14 via the second transport path 16 (refer to FIG. 4 (5)) -18-200933797, and then The substrate si' is disposed at the film formation position 142 of the second film forming chamber 14, And began to form a film. Substrate S3, By means of the path change means 17, And moved from the first transport path 15 to the second transport path 16, And is disposed at the film forming position 132, At the substrate S3, The film formation of the third film 33 is started in the first film forming chamber 13. In the film formation of the third film 33 of the substrate S3, The substrate S4 is transported from the load lock chamber 11 to the heating chamber 12 via the first transport path 15 (refer to FIG. 4 ( ❹ 6 )). If the heating of the substrate S4 is finished, And film formation on the third film 33 of the substrate S3, Then, the gate valve between the heating chamber 12 and the first film forming chamber 13 is opened. The substrate S3 is carried out to the heating chamber 12 via the second transport path 16. The substrate S4 is carried into the first film forming chamber 13 via the first transport path (refer to FIG. 4 (7)). Since the substrate S3 is formed from the first film 31 to the third film 33, therefore, It is carried out directly from the heating chamber 12 to the load lock chamber 11. ® substrate S4, By means of the path change means 17, The first transport path 15 is moved to the second transport path 16, And is set at the film formation position 132, The film formation of the first film 31 of the substrate S4 is started. Substrate S1, If the film formation of the second film 32 of the substrate S1 is completed, the path changing means 17 is used. The film transport position 142 in the second transport path 16 is moved to the first transport path 15 (see Fig. 4 (8)). then, If the film formation of the substrate S4 is completed, Then, the gate valve system between the second film forming chamber 14 and the first film forming chamber 13 is opened. The substrate S4 is carried into the second film forming chamber 14' via the second transport path 16 and the substrate 19 - 200933797 si is carried into the first film forming chamber 13 via the first transport path 15 (refer to FIG. 4 (9). )). Substrate S1, By means of the path change means 17, In the first film forming chamber 13, the first film transfer chamber 13 is moved to the second transport path 16 from the first transport path 15. And is disposed at the film formation position 132, The film formation of the third film 33 is started. Substrate S4, Is disposed at the film formation position 142 of the second film forming chamber 14, And began to form a film. In the film formation of the third film 33 of the substrate S1, The base plate S5 is conveyed from the load lock chamber 11 to the heating chamber 12 via the first transfer path 15 (refer to Fig. 4 (10)). At last, If the heating of the substrate S5 is finished, And film formation for the third film 33 of the substrate S1, Then, the gate valve system between the heating chamber 12 and the first film forming chamber 13 is opened. The substrate S1 is carried out to the heating chamber 12 via the second transfer path 16. The substrate S5 is carried into the first film forming chamber 13 via the first transport path 15. Substrate S5, By path change means 17, On the other hand, the first transport path 15 is moved to the second transport path 16 (see Fig. 4 (11)). then, Since the substrate S1 is formed from the first film 31 to the third film 33, therefore, It is carried out directly from the heating chamber 12 to the load lock chamber 11. In addition, Needless to say, Not only the substrates S1 to S3, For the substrates S4 and S5, Three layers of film were formed in the same manner as the substrates S1 to S3. So, The vertical vacuum processing device of the present invention, Since the substrate transfer path can be changed by the path changing means 17, therefore, In the case of a vertical transport device, In the period in which the second film 32 having a long film formation time is formed on the substrate in the second film forming chamber 14 on the substrate S1 to S5, the film is formed as a film of -20-200933797, Can be in the first film forming chamber, The first film 31 and the third film 33 are formed on the other substrates. Therefore, Will not extend working hours, On the other hand, a film of a three-layer structure was formed using a processing apparatus formed of two film forming chambers. the following, For the second film forming method using the vertical vacuum processing apparatus of the present invention, This will be described using FIG. 6. The second film forming method, And the first film forming method described above, The transfer path of the substrate S is different. but, The film can be formed similarly in the film shown in Fig. 2. Figure 6(a) is a timing chart in the case of forming a three-layer film using the apparatus of the present invention, Fig. 6(b) is a schematic view showing the conveyance path of the substrate. In the timing chart, The vertical axis is the position of the substrate S, The horizontal axis shows the time. In addition, herein, Regarding the load lock chamber 11, It is also omitted. At t=0, The substrate S1 is carried into the heating chamber 12 from the second transfer path 16 If it is heated to a specific temperature, Then at t=tl © 〜t2, The substrate S1 is carried into the first film forming chamber 13 via the second transport path 16 . Next, From t=t2, At the substrate S1, The first film 31 is formed by being formed in the first film forming chamber. After the film formation at t=t3, Substrate S1, When t=t3 to t4, it is transported from the first film forming chamber 13 to the second film forming chamber 14, The film formation of the second film 32 is started from t = t4. When the film is formed at t=t5, The substrate S1 is moved from the second transport path 16 to the first transport path 15 by the path changing means 17 at t = t5 to t6. then, The second film forming chamber 14 is transported to the first film forming chamber 13 . Next, Substrate S1, Is at t=t7~t8, In the film forming chamber 13 of the -21 - 200933797 1 The path changing means 17 is moved from the i-th transport path 15 to the second transport path 16, And from t=t8, The film formation of the third film 33 is started. If the film is finished at t=t9, Then, the substrate S1 is moved from the second transport path 16 to the first transport path 15 by the path changing means 17 at t = t9 - t10. then, In t=tl0~til 'substrate S1, It is carried out to the heating chamber 12. With this film formation method, On the substrate, At t=t2 to t3, 第 is formed into the first film 31, And a second film 32 which is thicker than the first film and the third film is formed at t=t4 to t5. On the other hand, the third film 3 3 which is the same as the first film is formed at t=t8 to t9. For the formation method of the film, Using Figure 7 and Figure 5(b), The operation of other substrates is also included for detailed description. Figure 7, It is a diagram for explaining a film forming method using the vertical vacuum processing apparatus of the present invention, The transport path of the substrates of the substrates S1 to S5 in the heating chamber 12 and the first film forming chamber 13 and the second film forming chamber 14 is And the pattern diagram shown in each time of time (1) ~ (11). In addition, In the figure after Figure 7 (1), In addition to the reference symbols representing the substrate and the reference symbols representing the processing chamber, The system is omitted. also, Figure 5 (b), It is a timing chart corresponding to FIG. 7 and showing the conveyance and film formation state of the substrates S1 to S5. In the place corresponding to Figures 7(1) to (11), Attached are (1) to (1 1 ). the following, Take the diagram of Figure 7 as the center. 〇 In Figure 7(1), Substrate S3, The first film 31 is formed in the first film forming chamber 13 and is formed. Thereafter, it is disposed at the film formation position 142 of the second film forming chamber 14 at -22-200933797 in the second transport path 16. On the other hand, the second film 32 is being formed. Substrate S2, The first film 31 is formed in the first film forming chamber 13 and is formed. Further, a second film 32 is formed in the second film forming chamber 14 Then, The third film 33 is formed in the first film forming chamber 13 The path is changed from the second transport path 16 to the first transport path 17 by the path changing means 17. Substrate S1, The load lock chamber 11 is transported to the heating chamber 12 via the second transport path 16. And is heated in the heating chamber 12 to a specific temperature, And being kept. If the heating of the substrate S1 is finished, And the movement of the substrate S2, Then, the gate valve system between the heating chamber 12 and the first film forming chamber 13 is opened. The substrate S2 is carried out to the heating chamber 12 via the first transport path 15. The substrate S1 is carried into the first film forming chamber 13 via the second transport path 16 (refer to Fig. 7 (2)). Next, Substrate S1, Is disposed at the film forming position 132, The film formation of the first film 31 is started. Since the substrate S2 is formed from the first film 31 and is formed into the third film 33, therefore, It is carried out directly from the heating chamber 12 to the load lock chamber 11. In the film formation of the substrate S1, When the film formation of the substrate S3 in the film formation of the second film 32 is completed from the time point of Fig. 7 (1), Then the substrate S3, By means of the path change means 17, On the other hand, the film is moved from the film formation position 142 in the second conveyance path 16 to the first conveyance path 15 (refer to Fig. 7 (3)). If the film formation of the substrate S1 is completed, Then, the gate valve system between the second film forming chamber 14 and the first film forming chamber 13 is opened. The substrate S3 is carried into the first film forming chamber 13 via the first transport path 15. The substrate S1 is carried into the second film forming chamber 14 via the second -23-200933797 transport path 16 (refer to FIG. 7(4)), and then Substrate S1, The film is disposed at the film formation position 142 of the second film forming chamber 14, And began to form a film. Substrate S3, By means of the path change means 17, And moved from the first transport path 15 to the second transport path 16, And is disposed at the film forming position 132, The film formation of the third film 33 is started. In the film formation of the second film 32 of the substrate S1, The substrate S4 is transported from the load lock chamber 11 to the heating chamber 12 by the second transport path 16 (refer to Fig. 7 (5)). Substrate S3, If the film formation of the third film 33 of the substrate S3 is completed, Then, the path is changed from the second transport path 16 to the first transport path 15 by the path changing means 17' (refer to Fig. 7 (6)). If the path of the substrate S3 is changed, And the heating of the substrate S4, Then, the gate valve system between the heating chamber 12 and the first film forming chamber 13 is opened, and the substrate S3 is carried out to the heating chamber 12' via the first transport path 15 and the substrate S4 is passed through the second transport path. And being carried into the first film forming chamber 13, And began to form a film. also, When the formation of the second film 32 of the substrate si is completed, the substrate S1 is moved from the second transport path 16 to the first transport path 15 by the path changing means 17' (refer to FIG. 7 (7)). ° Since the substrate S3 is formed from the first film 31 to the third film 33, therefore, It is carried out from the heating chamber 12 to the load lock chamber 11 via the first transport path 15. When the film formation of the first film 31 of the substrate S4 is completed, Then, the gate valve system -24-200933797 between the second film forming chamber 14 and the first film forming chamber 13 is opened. The substrate S4 is carried into the second film forming chamber 14 via the second transport path 16 . Film formation begins at film formation location 142. And, The substrate S1 is carried into the first film forming chamber 13 via the first transport path 15 (refer to Fig. 7 (8)). Substrate S1, By means of the path change means 17, In the first film forming chamber 13, the first film transfer chamber 13 is moved to the second transport path 16 from the first transport path 15. The film formation of the third film 33 is started at the film formation position 132. In the film formation of the second film 32 of the substrate S4, The substrate S5 is transported from the load lock chamber 11 to the heating chamber 12 via the second transport path 16 . And heating is started (refer to Figure 7 (9)). Substrate S1, If the film formation of the third film 33 of the substrate S1 is completed, By means of the path changing means 17, In the first film forming chamber 13, the second transport path 16 is moved to the first transport path 15 (refer to Fig. 7 (10)). If the heating of the substrate S5 is finished, And the movement of the substrate S1, Then, the gate valve system between the heating chamber 12 and the first film forming chamber 13 is opened. The substrate S1 is carried out to the heating chamber 12 via the first transport path 15 . The substrate S5 is carried into the first film forming chamber 13 via the second transport path 16. Substrate S4, By means of the path change means 17, On the other hand, the second transport path 16 is moved to the first transport path 15 (refer to Fig. 7 (11)). then, Since the substrate S1 is formed from the first film 31 to the third film 33, therefore, It is carried out directly from the heating chamber 12 to the load lock chamber 11. In addition, Needless to say, Not only the substrates S1 to S3, For the substrates S4 and S5, Three layers of film were formed in the same manner as the substrates S1 to S3. -25- 200933797 So, The vertical vacuum processing device of the present invention, Since the substrate transfer path can be changed by the path changing means 17, therefore, In the case of a vertical transport device, In the period in which the second film 32 having a long film formation time is formed on the substrate in the second film forming chamber 14 Can be in the first film forming chamber, The first film 31 and the third film 33 are formed on other substrates. Therefore, Will not extend working hours, On the other hand, it is possible to form a film having a three-layer structure using a processing apparatus formed of two film forming chambers. Oh, again, Furthermore, As the third film forming method, In the second film forming method, Though the substrate is carried in from the second transfer path 16 and film formation is performed, but, Even if the substrate is carried in from the first transport path 15, It is also possible to use the same processing apparatus as shown in Fig. 1 to perform three-layer film formation. Using Figure 8, Explain this point. Figure 8(a) is a timing chart in the case of forming a three-layer film using the apparatus of the present invention, Fig. 8(b) is a schematic view showing a transport path of the substrate. In the timing chart, The vertical axis is the position of the substrate S, The horizontal axis G shows the time. In addition, herein, Regarding the load lock chamber 11, It is also omitted. At t=0, The substrate S1 is carried into the heating chamber 12 from the first transfer path 15 If it is heated to a specific temperature, Then at t=tl~t2, The first transfer path 15 is carried into the first film forming chamber 13 . Next, Substrate S1, Is at t=t2~t3, In the first film forming chamber 13, The path change means 17 is moved from the first transport path 15 to the second transport path 16, And from t=t3, The film formation of the first film 31 is started. If the film formation ends at t=t4, Then the substrate S1, By -26- 200933797 by path change means 17, On the other hand, the second transport path 16 is moved to the first transport path 15. After the end of the move, At t=t5~t6, The substrate S1 is transported from the first film forming chamber 13 to the second film forming chamber 14, And at t = t6~t7, The path change means 17 is moved from the first transport path 15 to the second transport path 16, And from t=t7, The film formation of the second film 32 is started. After the film is formed at t=t8, Substrate si, Is at t = t8~t9, The second film forming chamber 14 is transported to the first film forming chamber 13 . © Next, At t=t9, In the first film forming chamber 13, Film formation of the third film 33 is started on the substrate S1. If the film formation is finished at t=tl0, Then, the substrate S1 is carried out to the heating chamber 12 via the second transport path 16 at t = t10 to til. With this film formation method, On the substrate, The first film 31 is formed at t=t3 to t4. And a second film 32 which is thicker than the first film and the third film is formed at t=t7 to t8, On the other hand, the third film 33 which is the same as the first film is formed at t=t9 to t10. © In addition, In Figure 8, Although the diagram showing the transport paths of other substrates is omitted, but, As shown in Figure 5(c), In this case, It is also possible to perform film formation by the same working time as the first film formation method shown in Fig. 5 (a) and the second film formation method shown in Fig. 5 (b). In each film forming method of the present invention, The path changing means 17 is also provided at the first film forming chamber 13, Since the substrate S on the first transport path 15 can also be moved to the second transport path 16, therefore, In the first film forming chamber 13, the film formation can be performed twice. In this case, Since the film formation time of the second film 32 is long from -27 to 200933797, therefore, In the film formation of the second film 32, the first film 31 and the third film 33 can be formed by the film formation. Therefore, the time wasted in the film forming process is small. Further, in the vacuum processing apparatus 1 of the present invention, Although the heating means is disposed in the heating chamber 12, but, A heating means may be provided between the first transport path 15 and the second transport path 16 in the room in which the path changing means 17 is not provided. Oh, again, In the above embodiment, The path changing means 17 is provided in the first film forming chamber 13 and the second film forming chamber 14 of the vacuum processing apparatus 1, but, As long as in the last processing room, In the processing chamber where the same treatment is performed twice in the film forming process, The path change means 17 can be separately set. E.g, Even if it is not film processing, When a general film forming method with a plasma exposure process of 2 times is implemented, As long as a plasma generating chamber is provided in the vacuum processing apparatus 1, The path changing means 1 7 may be provided in the plasma generating chamber. 〇 In each of the film forming methods of the present invention described above, When the substrate is moved in and out, It can also be based on the film formation method or the type of film, etc. It is changed by the configuration of the device. also, When it is only necessary to selectively form a layer on the substrate, The substrate S can also be transported from the load lock chamber 11 to the second transport path 16. And film formation is performed only at the first film forming chamber 13 then, The substrate S is moved from the second transport path 16 to the first transport path 15 by the path changing means 17, And passing it through the first film forming chamber 13, The heating chamber 12 and the load lock chamber 11 take out the substrate S, By this, It is also possible to form a film of one layer on the substrate -28-200933797 S. Therefore, According to the vertical vacuum processing apparatus 1 of the present invention, The action of the device can be changed in response to the film forming process. Again, When a second film forming chamber of two chambers is provided, Even if the second film forming chamber at one end is under maintenance, It is also possible to form a film in the second film forming chamber on the side of the first film forming chamber 13 . The substrate S is moved from the second transport path 16 to the first transport path 15 via the path changing means 17 of the film forming chamber. And by this, continue to operate. ❹ [Embodiment 1] In this embodiment, In the vertical vacuum processing apparatus 1 shown in Fig. 1, By the same film formation method as in Fig. 5, To form a film on the substrate. As the film forming means 131, The Mo target is disposed in such a manner as to face the substrate disposed at the film formation position 132. Simultaneously, As a sputtering gas, And introducing Ar gas into the first film forming chamber, And constitute it. As the film forming means 141, The A1 target is disposed in such a manner as to face the substrate disposed at the film formation position 142 ,, Simultaneously, As a sputtering gas, And introducing Ar gas into the second film forming chamber, And constitute it. As the substrate, a glass substrate of 2200 mm x 2400 mm x t0_7 mm was used. First, the substrate S1 is carried into the heating chamber 12 from the first transfer path 15 And after heating to a specific temperature (about 1 ° C), The substrate S1 is carried into the first film forming chamber 13 via the first transfer path 15. Next, the substrate S1, The first film forming chamber 13 is moved from the first transport path 15 to the second transport path 16 by the path changing means 17, Then, Introducing sputtering gas, The film formation of the Mo film is started. After about 1 second -29-200933797, Finish film formation, The exhaust of the first film forming chamber was performed. Next, The substrate S1 is carried into the second film forming chamber 14, And introduce a sputtering gas, And the film formation of the A1 film begins. After about 50 seconds and the film formation of the A1 film is finished, The substrate S1 is moved from the second transport path 16 to the first transport path 15 by the path changing means 17, after that, The exhaust of the inside of the second film forming chamber 14 is performed. Next, The substrate S1 is transferred from the second film forming chamber 14 to the first film forming chamber 13. In the first film forming chamber 13, The substrate S1 is moved from the first transport path 15 to the second transport path 16 by the path diameter changing means 17, And introduce a sputtering gas, The filming of the Mo film is started again. After about 10 seconds, Finish film formation, And after exhausting, The substrate S1 is carried out to the heating chamber 12. With this film formation method, On the substrate, The system is formed with: As the Mo film of the first film 31, And as the A1 film of the second film 32, And a Mo film as the third film 33. The thickness of each film, The system is about 50nm, About 300 nm, About 50nm. also, For other substrates, It is also possible to form a film having a three-layer structure on the substrate. ❹ [Embodiment 2] In this embodiment, Between the embodiment 1, Film formation was carried out in the same manner as in the case where an appropriate amount of N2 gas was mixed in the Ar gas as the sputtering gas in the first film forming chamber. On the substrate, The system is formed with: The nitrided Mo film ' as the first film 31 and the A1 film as the second film 32, And a nitrided Mo film as the third film 33. The thickness of each film, The system is about 5 〇 nm, About 300nm, About 50nm. In this case, Since it is possible to adjust the sputtering pressure before the film formation, To move the substrate, -30- 200933797 Therefore, In film formation, Working hours are the same. [Industrial Applicability] According to the vertical vacuum processing apparatus of the present invention, Even a large substrate, Can also be processed, therefore, Can be utilized in the field of display manufacturing. [Fig. 1] A schematic view showing a configuration of a vacuum processing apparatus 1 of the present invention. Fig. 2 is a schematic cross-sectional view showing a substrate formed by using the film formation method of the present invention. Fig. 3 is a schematic view showing a (a) timing chart and (b) showing a substrate transfer path of the film forming method of the present invention. Fig. 4 is a schematic view for explaining a path of transporting a substrate in the film forming method of the present invention. [Fig. 5] is a timing chart for explaining the film forming method of the present invention, (a) showing the case of the first film forming method, (b) showing the case of the second film forming method, (c) shows the case of the third film forming method. Fig. 6 is a schematic view showing a (a) timing chart and a (b) showing a substrate transfer path of the second film forming method of the present invention. Fig. 7 is a schematic view for explaining a substrate transport path in the second film forming method of the present invention. Fig. 8 is a schematic view showing a third film forming method of the present invention, (a), 200933797, and (b) showing a substrate transport path. [Main component symbol description] 1 : Vacuum processing unit 2 : Substrate carrier 11 : Load lock chamber 1 2 : Heating chamber Q 13 : First film forming chamber 14 : Second film forming chamber 15 : First transport path 1 6 : Second transport path 17 : Path change means S : Substrate ❹ -32-