SI9400425A - A method and powder mixture for repairing oxide based refractory bodies - Google Patents

A method and powder mixture for repairing oxide based refractory bodies Download PDF


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SI9400425A SI9400425A SI9400425A SI9400425A SI 9400425 A SI9400425 A SI 9400425A SI 9400425 A SI9400425 A SI 9400425A SI 9400425 A SI9400425 A SI 9400425A SI 9400425 A SI9400425 A SI 9400425A
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powder mixture
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Alexandre Zivkovic
Jean-Pierre Meynckens
Bernard Somerhausen
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Application filed by Glaverbel filed Critical Glaverbel
Publication of SI9400425A publication Critical patent/SI9400425A/en



    • C04B35/00Shaped ceramic products characterised by their composition; Ceramics compositions; Processing powders of inorganic compounds preparatory to the manufacturing of ceramic products
    • C04B35/622Forming processes; Processing powders of inorganic compounds preparatory to the manufacturing of ceramic products
    • C04B35/64Burning or sintering processes
    • C04B35/65Reaction sintering of free metal- or free silicon-containing compositions
    • C04B35/651Thermite type sintering, e.g. combustion sintering
    • C04B35/00Shaped ceramic products characterised by their composition; Ceramics compositions; Processing powders of inorganic compounds preparatory to the manufacturing of ceramic products
    • C04B35/01Shaped ceramic products characterised by their composition; Ceramics compositions; Processing powders of inorganic compounds preparatory to the manufacturing of ceramic products based on oxide ceramics
    • C04B35/03Shaped ceramic products characterised by their composition; Ceramics compositions; Processing powders of inorganic compounds preparatory to the manufacturing of ceramic products based on oxide ceramics based on magnesium oxide, calcium oxide or oxide mixtures derived from dolomite
    • C04B35/04Shaped ceramic products characterised by their composition; Ceramics compositions; Processing powders of inorganic compounds preparatory to the manufacturing of ceramic products based on oxide ceramics based on magnesium oxide, calcium oxide or oxide mixtures derived from dolomite based on magnesium oxide
    • C04B35/043Refractories from grain sized mixtures
    • C04B35/00Shaped ceramic products characterised by their composition; Ceramics compositions; Processing powders of inorganic compounds preparatory to the manufacturing of ceramic products
    • C04B35/622Forming processes; Processing powders of inorganic compounds preparatory to the manufacturing of ceramic products
    • C04B35/64Burning or sintering processes
    • C04B35/65Reaction sintering of free metal- or free silicon-containing compositions
    • F27D1/00Casings; Linings; Walls; Roofs
    • F27D1/16Making or repairing linings increasing the durability of linings or breaking away linings
    • F27D1/1636Repairing linings by projecting or spraying refractory materials on the lining
    • F27D1/00Casings; Linings; Walls; Roofs
    • F27D1/16Making or repairing linings increasing the durability of linings or breaking away linings
    • F27D1/1636Repairing linings by projecting or spraying refractory materials on the lining
    • F27D1/1642Repairing linings by projecting or spraying refractory materials on the lining using a gunning apparatus
    • F27D1/1647Repairing linings by projecting or spraying refractory materials on the lining using a gunning apparatus the projected materials being partly melted, e.g. by exothermic reactions of metals (Al, Si) with oxygen


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Ceramic Engineering (AREA)
  • Manufacturing & Machinery (AREA)
  • Chemical Kinetics & Catalysis (AREA)
  • Materials Engineering (AREA)
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  • Organic Chemistry (AREA)
  • Inorganic Chemistry (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Combustion & Propulsion (AREA)
  • Furnace Housings, Linings, Walls, And Ceilings (AREA)
  • Ceramic Products (AREA)
  • Compositions Of Oxide Ceramics (AREA)


Predloženi izum se nanaša na postopek za repariranje žarovzdržnega telesa na osnovi oksidov s postopkom keramičnega varjenja.The present invention relates to a method for repairing an oxide-based refractory body by a ceramic welding process.

Silicijevi, cirkonijevi, aluminijevi in magnezijevi oksidi se uporabljajo kot industrijski žarovzdržni oksidi. Zlasti aluminijevi in magnezijevi oksidi se sedaj uporabljajo v metalurški industriji, kjer jih izberejo zaradi njihove obstojnosti proti visoki temperaturi, proti eroziji in proti koroziji z materiali, kot so staljena kovina, žlindra in pena.Silicon, zirconium, aluminum and magnesium oxides are used as industrial refractory oxides. In particular, aluminum and magnesium oxides are now used in the metallurgical industry, where they are selected for their resistance to high temperature, erosion and corrosion by materials such as molten metal, slag and foam.

Žarovzdržni materiali na osnovi magnezijevega oksida, sicer znani kot bazični žarovzdržni materiali, lahko tvorijo oblogo livne ponve za transport staljenega jekla. Take obloge postanejo odrgnjene zaradi staljenega jekla in žlindre pri uporabi. Erozija obloge nastopi zlasti na nivoju tekočine. Tako je od časa do časa potrebno reparirati taka žarovzdržna telesa na osnovi oksidov.Magnesium oxide-based refractory materials, otherwise known as basic refractory materials, can form a casting pan for molten steel. Such linings become torn off due to molten steel and slag when used. Lining erosion occurs especially at the fluid level. Thus, from time to time, such oxide-based refractory bodies need to be repaired.

Predlagali so repariranje žarovzdržnih teles z uporabo tehnike keramičnega varjenja. Pri tej tehniki vzdržujejo žarovzdržno telo, ki ga je treba reparirati, pri zvišani temperaturi in praškasto zmes brizgajo v prisotnosti kisika, pri čemer ta praškasta zmes obsega delce žarovzdržnega materiala in delce goriva, ki reagirajo eksotermno s kisikom in tvorijo žarovzdržen oksid. Po tej metodi se žarovzdržna masa razvije in prilepi na žarovzdržno telo pri mestu repariranja. Tehnika keramičnega varjenja je prikazana v BG 1,330,894 (Glaverbel) in GB 2,170,191 (Glaverbel). Delci goriva so delci, ki imajo tako sestavo in granulometrijo, da reagirajo eksotermno s kisikom ob tvorbi žarovzdržnega oksida in ob sproščanju potrebne toplote za taljenje, vsaj površinsko, brizganih žarovzdržnih delcev.They suggested repairing refractory bodies using a ceramic welding technique. In this technique, they maintain the refractory body to be repaired at an elevated temperature and the powder mixture is sprayed in the presence of oxygen, the powder mixture comprising particles of refractory material and fuel particles which react exothermically with oxygen to form refractory oxide. According to this method, the refractory mass develops and adheres to the refractory body at the point of repair. Ceramic welding techniques are shown in BG 1,330,894 (Glaverbel) and GB 2,170,191 (Glaverbel). Fuel particles are particles that are of such composition and granulometry that they react exothermically with oxygen to form a refractory oxide and to release the heat required to melt, at least superficially, the refractory injected particles.

Vendar so ugotovili, daje lahko, kadar za repariranje žarovzdržnega telesa na osnovi oksidov, zlasti žarovzdržnega telesa na osnovi oksidov z visokim tališčem, kot magnezijevega oksida, uporabijo praškasto zmes, ki obstoji iz delcev oksida in delcev goriva, dobljena žarovzdržna masa porozna. Če gre za znatno navidezno poroznost, reparirna masa ni uporabna za določene uporabe, zlasti če je reparirna masa podvržena eroziji ali koroziji s staljenimi materiali.However, they have found that when a powder mixture consisting of oxide particles and fuel particles can be used to repair a refractory oxide-based body, in particular a refractory oxide body with high melting point, as magnesium oxide, the resulting refractory mass is porous. In the case of significant apparent porosity, the repair mass is not usable for certain applications, especially if the repair mass is subject to erosion or corrosion by molten materials.

Zato je predmet predloženega izuma, da zagotovimo postopek za repariranje žarovzdržnih teles na osnovi oksidov, ki omogoča, da se tvori žarovzdržna reparirna masa s sprejemljivo poroznostjo.Therefore, it is an object of the present invention to provide a process for the repair of oxide-based refractory bodies that allows the formation of refractory refractory mass with acceptable porosity.

Presenetljivo smo odkrili, da ta smoter lahko dosežemo z vdelavo specifične količine silicijevega karbida v praškasto zmes, kadar delce goriva izberemo izmed delcev magnezija, aluminija, silicija in njihovih zmesi. To je v nasprotju s splošno sprejetim principom ujemanja sestave žarovzdržne reparirne mase s sestavo površine žarovzdržnega materiala, ki ga repariramo. Nadalje se silicijev karbid smatra kot inerten material pri tem postopku keramičnega varjenja in ga ne omoči tekoča faza, ki nastaja med reakcijo. Učinek silicijevega karbida na poroznost mase je zato nekoliko presenetljiv.It has been surprisingly discovered that this purpose can be achieved by incorporating a specific amount of silicon carbide into the powder mixture when the fuel particles are selected from magnesium, aluminum, silicon particles and mixtures thereof. This is contrary to the generally accepted principle of matching the composition of the refractory with the surface of the refractory being repaired. Furthermore, silicon carbide is considered to be an inert material in this ceramic welding process and is not wetted by the liquid phase produced during the reaction. The effect of silicon carbide on the porosity of the mass is therefore somewhat surprising.

Smatramo, čeprav se ne želimo vezati s teorijo, da dodatni delci silicijevega karbida prevajajo toploto v žarovzdržno reparirno maso in da po daljšem času povzroči podaljšano izpostavljanje visokim temperaturam razpad delcev silicijevega karbida, tako da nastaja elementarni ogljik, za katerega je znano, da zagotovi žarovzdržni reparirni masi dobro odpornost proti žlindrni koroziji.Although we do not wish to be bound by the theory that additional silicon carbide particles transfer heat to the refractory mass and, after a long time, cause prolonged exposure to high temperatures, the decomposition of silicon carbide particles produces a carbon known to provide refractory repellent mass good resistance to slag corrosion.

Tako gre pri prvem vidiku izuma za postopek za repariranje žarovzdržnega telesa na osnovi oksidov z brizganjem praškaste zmesi proti površini tega telesa pri zvišani temperaturi in v prisotnosti kisika, pri čemer ta praškasta zmes obsega delce žarovzdržnih oksidov in delce goriva, ki reagirajo eksotermno s kisikom, da se tvori žarovzdržni oksid, označen s tem, da delce goriva izberemo izmed magnezija, aluminija, silicija in njihovih zmesi in da praškasta zmes dodatno vsebuje do 10 mas.% delcev silicijevega karbida.Thus, the first aspect of the invention is a method for repairing a refractory oxide-based body by spraying a powder mixture against the surface of said body at elevated temperature and in the presence of oxygen, wherein said powder mixture comprises refractory oxide particles and fuel particles that react exothermically with oxygen, to form a refractory oxide, characterized in that the fuel particles are selected from magnesium, aluminum, silicon and mixtures thereof, and that the powder mixture further comprises up to 10% by weight of silicon carbide particles.

Nivo silicijevega karbida v praškasti zmesi je prednostno vsaj 1 mas.%. Če je vključeno preveč silicijevega karbida, smo ugotovili, da se lahko zgodi, da se sploh ne tvori reparirna masa, ker reparirni material odteče z mesta repariranja. Ne da bi se želeli vezati s teorijo, lahko pričakujemo, da utegne biti to zaradi retencije preveč toplote po postopku repariranja, kar vodi do tekoče faze z nizko viskoznostjo. Če uporabimo premalo silicijevega karbida, ne dosežemo prednosti izuma v znatni meri.The level of silicon carbide in the powder mixture is preferably at least 1% by weight. If too much silicon carbide is included, we have found that it may not be possible to form a repair mass at all because the repair material drains from the repair site. Without wishing to be bound by theory, it can be expected that this may be due to the retention of too much heat after the reparation process, leading to a liquid phase with low viscosity. If too little silicon carbide is used, the advantages of the invention are not achieved to a significant extent.

Silicijev karbid ima prednostno majhno velikost delcev, kot manj kot 200 μτη. Z velikostjo delcev, kot se tukaj uporablja, smatramo, da ima zadevni material tako porazdelitev velikosti delcev, da vsaj 90 mas.% delcev ustreza danim mejam. Povprečna dimenzija, kot se tukaj uporablja, označuje tako dimenzijo, da ima 50 mas%. delcev manjšo dimenzijo, kot je to povprečje.Silicon carbide preferably has a small particle size of less than 200 μτη. With the particle size as used herein, it is considered that the material in question has a particle size distribution such that at least 90% by weight of the particles meet the given limits. The average dimension as used here indicates that it has a dimension of 50% by weight. particles smaller than this average.

Delci žarovzdržnih oksidov lahko obsegajo vsaj en oksid, iz katerega je narejeno žarovzdržno telo. Tako lahko delci žarovzdržnih oksidov, kadar je telo iz žarovzdržnih oksidov telo, ki vsebuje aluminijev oksid, obsegajo delce glinice. Kadar je telo iz žarovzdržnih oksidov telo, ki vsebuje magnezijev oksid, lahko delci žarovzdržnih oksidov obsegajo delce magnezije.Refractory oxide particles may comprise at least one oxide of which the refractory body is made. Thus, refractory oxide particles, where the refractory oxide body is a body containing alumina, may comprise alumina particles. When a refractory oxide body is a body containing magnesium oxide, the refractory oxide particles may comprise magnesium particles.

Prednostno glavni delež te praškaste zmesi tvorijo delci žarovzdržnih oksidov, izbranih izmed magnezije, glinice in njunih zmesi. To so oksidi, v prisotnosti katerih je eksotermna reakcija najbolj živahna, in zato obstaja višji riziko, da dobimo zelo porozno reparirno maso. Prednostno imajo oksidni žarovzdržni delci velikost pod 2,5 mm, pri čemer v bistvu ni delcev z velikostjo nad 4 mm.Preferably, the main portion of this powder mixture is formed by particles of refractory oxides selected from magnesium, alumina and mixtures thereof. These are oxides in the presence of which the exothermic reaction is most vigorous, and therefore there is a higher risk of obtaining a highly porous repair mass. Preferably, the oxide refractory particles have a particle size of less than 2.5 mm, with substantially no particles larger than 4 mm in size.

Delce goriva izberemo izmed delcev magnezija, aluminija, silicija in njihovih zmesi. Posebno prednostna je zmes aluminija in silicija. Delci goriva, uporabljeni v zmesi, imajo prednostno povprečno dimenzijo manj kot 50 μτη.Fuel particles are selected from magnesium, aluminum, silicon particles and mixtures thereof. Particularly preferred is a mixture of aluminum and silicon. The fuel particles used in the mixture preferably have an average dimension of less than 50 μτη.

Operacijo repariranja na splošno izvedemo, kadar je žarovzdržno telo vroče. S tem je omogočeno repariranje erodiranih žarovzdržnih teles, medtem ko oprema ostane v bistvu pri svoji delovni temperaturi.Reparations are generally performed when the refractory body is hot. This makes it possible to repair eroded refractory bodies while maintaining the equipment essentially at its operating temperature.

Zvišana temperatura je lahko nad 600°C, kot jo izmerimo pri površini žarovzdržnega telesa, ki ga je treba reparirati. Pri tej temperaturi bodo delci goriva goreli v prisotnosti kisika, pri čemer se bo sprostil žarovzdržen oksid in nastalo dovolj toplote, ki bo povzročila, da se bodo delci oksida skupaj s produktom gorenja goriva oblikovali v žarovzdržno reparirno maso, ki tvori repariranje.The elevated temperature may be above 600 ° C as measured on the surface of the refractory body to be repaired. At this temperature, the fuel particles will burn in the presence of oxygen, releasing the refractory oxide and generating enough heat to cause the oxide particles, together with the fuel burning product, to form into a refractory refractory mass that forms the reparation.

Pri izumu gre tudi v skladu z njegovim drugim vidikom za praškasto zmes za repariranje žarovzdržnih teles na osnovi oksidov, pri čemer ta zmes vsebujeThe invention also provides, in accordance with its second aspect, a powder mixture for the repair of oxide-based refractory bodies, the composition comprising

- od 80 do 95 mas.% žarovzdržnih delcev, ki obsegajo žarovzdržni oksid; in- from 80 to 95% by weight of refractory particles comprising refractory oxide; and

- od 5 do 20 mas.% delcev goriva, ki reagirajo eksotermno s kisikom, da se tvori žarovzdržni oksid, ki je označena s tem, da te delce goriva izberemo izmed delcev magnezija, aluminija, silicija in njihovih zmesi in da ti žarovzdržni delci vključujejo do 10 mas.% - na osnovi celotne zmesi - delcev silicijevega karbida.- from 5 to 20% by weight of fuel particles which exothermically react with oxygen to form a refractory oxide, characterized in that these fuel particles are selected from magnesium, aluminum, silicon particles and mixtures thereof, and that these refractory particles include up to 10% by weight - based on the total mixture - of silicon carbide particles.

Količina vsaj 80 mas.% žarovzdržnih delcev, vključno delcev oksidov, mora biti prisotna v praškasti zmesi, da dobimo homogeno reparirno maso.An amount of at least 80% by weight of refractory particles, including oxide particles, must be present in the powder mixture to obtain a homogeneous repair mass.

Pri prednostni izvedbi zmes obsegaIn a preferred embodiment, the mixture is of scale

- od 80 do 94 mas.% delcev žarovzdržnih oksidov, izbranih izmed delcev glinice, magnezije in njunih zmesi;- from 80 to 94% by weight of refractory oxide particles selected from alumina, magnesium particles and mixtures thereof;

- od 1 do 5 mas.% delcev silicijevega karbida; in- from 1 to 5% by weight of silicon carbide particles; and

- od 5 do 15 mas.% teh delcev goriva.- from 5 to 15% by weight of these fuel particles.

Prednostno imajo žarovzdržni delci v praškasti zmesi, vključno delci silicijevega karbida, velikost vsaj 10 μτη. Če uporabimo premajhne delce, obstaja nevarnost, da se bodo izgubili med reakcijo.Preferably, the refractory particles in the powder mixture, including silicon carbide particles, have a size of at least 10 μτη. If too small particles are used, there is a risk that they will be lost during the reaction.

Koristna tehnika za to, da spravimo praškasto zmes proti površini žarovzdržnega telesa, ki ga je treba reparirati, je brizganje praškaste zmesi skupaj s plinom, ki vsebuje kisik. Na splošno se priporoča, da izvedemo brizganje delcev v prisotnosti visoke koncentracije kisika, npr. z uporabo kisika tržne kvalitete kot plinskega nosilca. Na ta način se zlahka tvori reparirna masa, ki se prilepi na površino, na katero brizgamo delce. Zaradi zelo visokih temperatur, ki jih lahko dosežemo pri reakciji keramičnega varjenja, lahko prodre skozi žlindro, ki je lahko prisotna na površini žarovzdržnega telesa, ki ga obdelujemo, in lahko zmehča ali stali površino tako, da se ustvari dobra vez med obdelano površino in novo nastalo žarovzdržno reparirno maso.A useful technique for storing the powder mixture against the surface of the refractory body to be repaired is to spray the powder mixture together with gas containing oxygen. It is generally recommended to perform particle injection in the presence of high oxygen concentration, e.g. using market-grade oxygen as a gas carrier. In this way, a repair mass is easily formed which adheres to the surface on which the particles are sprayed. Due to the very high temperatures that can be attained in the ceramic welding reaction, it can penetrate the slag, which may be present on the surface of the refractory body being machined, and may soften or stiffen the surface so as to create a good bond between the treated surface and the new the resulting refractory.

Ta postopek s pridom izvedemo ob uporabi kopja. Primerno kopje za uporabo pri postopku v smislu izuma obsega eno ali več odprtin za odvajanje praškastega toka, v danem primeru skupaj z eno ali več odprtinami za dodaten plin. Za repariranja, izvedena v vročem okolju, lahko plinske tokove odvajamo iz kopja, ki ga ohlajamo s tekočino, ki kroži skozenj. Tako ohlajanje lahko zlahka dosežemo s tem, da zagotovimo kopje z vodnim plaščem. Taka kopja so primerna za brizganje praška pri hitrostih 30 do 500 kg/h.This procedure is advantageously performed using a spear. A suitable spear for use in the process of the invention comprises one or more openings for the discharge of the powder stream, optionally together with one or more openings for the additional gas. For reparations made in hot environments, gas streams can be discharged from the spear, which is cooled by the fluid circulating through it. Such cooling can be easily achieved by providing a spear with a water jacket. Such spears are suitable for powder spraying at speeds of 30 to 500 kg / h.

Za olajšanje tvorbe pravilnega curka praška žarovzdržni delci prednostno v bistvu ne vsebujejo delcev z velikostjo nad 4 mm, najbolj prednostno ne nad 2,5 mm.To facilitate the formation of a regular powder jet, the refractory particles preferably do not substantially contain particles larger than 4 mm, most preferably not greater than 2.5 mm.

Izum je zlasti uporaben za repariranje ali vzdrževanje livnih ponev za staljeno jeklo, ker ga lahko hitro izvedemo pri visoki temperaturi med šaržami livne ponve, medtem ko so žarovzdržna telesa, ki tvorijo del takih livnih ponev, posebno prizadeta zaradi stika s staljeno kovino in žlindro. Področje, ki zahteva največje repariranje, je naravnano na linijo tekoče površine.The invention is particularly useful for repairing or maintaining molten steel casting pans because it can be quickly carried out at high temperature between casting batch bins, while refractory bodies forming part of such casting pans are particularly affected by contact with molten metal and slag. The area requiring maximum reparation is aligned with the liquid surface line.

Izum bomo sedaj nadalje opisali v naslednjih neomejevalnih primerih.The invention will now be further described in the following non-limiting examples.


Žarovzdržna reparirna masa se tvori na steni obloge - na osnovi magnezijevega oksida - livne ponve za staljeno jeklo. Zmes žarovzdržnih delcev in delcev goriva brizgamo na te opeke. Temperatura stene je okoli 850°C. Zmes brizgamo s hitrostjo 150 kg/h v tok čistega kisika. Zmes ima naslednjo sestavo:A refractory refractive mass is formed on the wall of the lining - based on magnesium oxide - a casting pan for molten steel. A mixture of refractory particles and fuel particles is sprayed onto these bricks. The wall temperature is about 850 ° C. The mixture was injected at a rate of 150 kg / h into a stream of pure oxygen. The mixture has the following composition:

MgO 87 mas.%MgO 87% by weight

SiC 5 mas.%SiC 5% by weight

Si 4 mas.%Si 4 wt.%

Al 4 mas.%Al 4 wt.%

Delci MgO imajo največjo dimenzijo približno 2 mm. Delci silicijevega karbida imajo velikost delcev 125 μτη s povprečno dimenzijo 57 μτη. Delci silicija in delci aluminija imajo največjo dimenzijo pod 45 μτη.MgO particles have a maximum dimension of about 2 mm. Silicon carbide particles have a particle size of 125 μτη with an average dimension of 57 μτη. Silicon particles and aluminum particles have a maximum dimension below 45 μτη.

PRIMER IA (primerjalni)EXAMPLE IA (Comparative)

Za primerjavo izvedemo isto repariranje na enak način, kot je opisano v primeru 1, vendar ob uporabi praškaste zmesi z naslednjo sestavo:For comparison, the same reparation is carried out in the same manner as described in Example 1, but using a powder mixture with the following composition:

MgO 92 mas.%MgO 92% by weight

Si 4 mas.%Si 4 wt.%

Al 4 mas.%Al 4 wt.%

Merimo navidezno gostoto in navidezno poroznost (t.j. odprto poroznost) žarovzdržnih reparirnih mas, tvorjenih v primerih 1 in IA, rezultati pa so naslednji:The apparent density and apparent porosity (i.e., open porosity) of the refractory refractory masses generated in cases 1 and IA are measured, and the results are as follows:


Primer št. kg/dm3 poroznost (%)Example no. kg / dm 3 porosity (%)

2,9 okoli 8%2.9 about 8%

IA 2-2,4 okoli 20%IA 2-2.4 about 20%

Pri modifikaciji primera 1 lahko repariramo žarovzdržen material, ki vsebuje aluminijev oksid, na podoben način, le da delce magnezije v praškasti zmesi nadomestimo z isto količino delcev glinice z isto granulometrijo.In the modification of Example 1, a refractory material containing aluminum oxide can be repaired in a similar manner, except that the magnesium particles in the powder mixture are replaced by the same amount of alumina particles by the same granulometry.


Žarovzdržne reparirne mase se tvorijo na steni obloge - na osnovi magnezijevega oksida - livne ponve za staljeno jeklo. Zmesi žarovzdržnih delcev in delcev goriva brizgamo na te opeke. Temperatura stene je okoli 850°C. Zmesi brizgamo s hitrostjo 60 kg/h v tok čistega kisika. Zmesi imajo naslednje masne sestave:Refractory refractories are formed on the wall of the lining - based on magnesium oxide - in a molten steel casting pan. Mixtures of refractory and fuel particles are sprayed onto these bricks. The wall temperature is about 850 ° C. The mixture was injected at a rate of 60 kg / h into a stream of pure oxygen. The mixtures have the following mass compositions:

Primer Example št. 2 no. 2 3 3 4 4 Si Si 4 % 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% Al Al 4 % 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% SiC SiC 2% 2% 5% 5% 10% 10% MgO MgO 90% 90% 87% 87% 82% 82%

Delci MgO imajo največjo dimenzijo približno 2 mm. Delci silicijevega karbida imajo velikost delcev 125 μτη s povprečno dimenzijo 57 μτη. Delci silicija in delci aluminija imajo največjo dimenzijo pod 45 μτη. Merimo navidezno gostoto in navidezno poroznost (t.j. odprto poroznost) žarovzdržnih reparirnih mas, tvorjenih v primerih 2-4, rezultati pa so naslednji:MgO particles have a maximum dimension of about 2 mm. Silicon carbide particles have a particle size of 125 μτη with an average dimension of 57 μτη. Silicon particles and aluminum particles have a maximum dimension below 45 μτη. Measure the apparent density and apparent porosity (i.e., the open porosity) of the refractory refractories formed in Examples 2-4, and the results are as follows:


Primer št. Example no. kg/dm3 kg / dm 3 poroznost (%) porosity (%) 2 2 2,6 2.6 14% 14% 3 3 2,7 2.7 10% 10% 4 4 2,9 2.9 8% 8%


Prašek za keramično varjenje ima naslednjo sestavo (mas.%):Powder for ceramic welding has the following composition (wt.%):

Glinica 87% silicijev karbid 5% aluminij 6% magnezij 2%Alumina 87% silicon carbide 5% aluminum 6% magnesium 2%

Uporabljena glinica je elektrokorund. Glinica ima nominalno maksimalno velikost zrn 700 μτη, silicijev karbid ima isto granulometrijo, kot je podana v primeru 1 zgoraj, delci aluminija imajo maksimalno dimenzijo pod 45 μτη in delci magnezija imajo maksimalno dimenzijo 75 μτη.The alumina used is electrocorundum. The alumina has a nominal maximum grain size of 700 μτη, silicon carbide has the same granulometry as given in Example 1 above, aluminum particles have a maximum dimension below 45 μτη and magnesium particles have a maximum dimension of 75 μτη.

Zgornjo praškasto zmes lahko uporabimo, kot je opisano v primeru 1, za repariranje Corhart (blagovna znamka) Zac žarovzdržnega bloka (sestava: glinica/cirkonij/cirkonijev oksid) v stekleni talilni kadni peči pod nivojem delovne površine taline potem, ko smo kad delno izčrpali, da smo dobili dostop do mesta repariranja.The above powder mixture can be used as described in Example 1 for Corhart reparation (trademark) Zac refractory block (composition: alumina / zirconium / zirconium) in a glass melting bath furnace below the level of the working surface of the melt after the tub has been partially exhausted to gain access to the reparation site.

Claims (9)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Postopek za repariranje žarovzdržnega telesa na osnovi oksidov z brizganjem praškaste zmesi proti površini tega telesa pri zvišani temperaturi in v prisotnosti kisika, pri čemer ta praškasta zmes obsega delce žarovzdržnih oksidov in delce goriva, ki reagirajo eksotermno s kisikom, da se tvori žarovzdržni oksid, označen s tem, da delce goriva izberemo izmed magnezija, aluminija, silicija in njihovih zmesi in da praškasta zmes dodatno vsebuje do 10 mas.% delcev silicijevega karbida.A method for repairing a refractory oxide-based body by spraying a powder mixture against the surface of said body at elevated temperature and in the presence of oxygen, wherein said powder mixture comprises refractory oxide particles and fuel particles that react exothermically with oxygen to form a refractory oxide , characterized in that the fuel particles are selected from magnesium, aluminum, silicon and mixtures thereof, and that the powder mixture additionally contains up to 10% by weight of silicon carbide particles. 2. Postopek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da je vsebnost silicijevega karbida v tej praškasti zmesi vsaj 1 mas.%.Process according to claim 1, characterized in that the content of silicon carbide in this powder mixture is at least 1% by weight. 3. Postopek po zahtevku 1 ali 2, označen s tem, da ima silicijev karbid velikost delcev pod 200 μτη.Process according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the silicon carbide has a particle size below 200 μτη. 4. Postopek po kateremkoli od prejšnjih zahtevkov, označen s tem, da obsegajo delci žarovzdržnega oksida vsaj en oksid, iz katerega je žarovzdržno telo.A method according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the refractory oxide particles comprise at least one oxide from which the refractory body is. 5. Postopek po kateremkoli od prejšnjih zahtevkov, označen s tem, da telo iz žarovzdržnih oksidov izberemo izmed teles, ki vsebujejo aluminijev oksid, in teles, ki vsebujejo magnezijev oksid.Method according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the body is selected from refractory oxides from bodies containing aluminum oxide and bodies containing magnesium oxide. 6. Postopek po kateremkoli od prejšnjih zahtevkov, označen s tem, da je glavni delež te praškaste zmesi iz delcev žarovzdržnih oksidov, izbranih izmed magnezije, glinice in njunih zmesi.Process according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the main portion of this powder mixture is of refractory oxide particles selected from magnesium, alumina and mixtures thereof. 7. Postopek po kateremkoli od prejšnjih zahtevkov, označen s tem, da je žarovzdržno telo, ki gaje treba reparirati, del livne ponve za staljeno jeklo.Method according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the refractory body to be repaired is part of a molten steel pan. 8. Praškasta zmes za repariranje žarovzdržnih teles na osnovi oksidov, pri čemer ta zmes vsebuje8. Powder mixture for the repair of oxide-based refractory bodies, the mixture comprising - od 80 do 95 mas.% žarovzdržnih delcev, ki obsegajo žarovzdržni oksid; in- from 80 to 95% by weight of refractory particles comprising refractory oxide; and - od 5 do 20 mas.% delcev goriva, ki reagirajo eksotermno s kisikom, da se tvori žarovzdržni oksid, označena s tem, da te delce goriva izberemo izmed magnezija, aluminija, silicija in njihovih zmesi in da ti žarovzdržni delci vključujejo do 10 mas.% - na osnovi celotne zmesi - delcev silicijevega karbida.- from 5 to 20% by weight of fuel particles which react exothermically with oxygen to form a refractory oxide, characterized in that these fuel particles are selected from magnesium, aluminum, silicon and mixtures thereof, and that these refractory particles include up to 10 wt. .% - based on the whole mixture - silicon carbide particles. 9. Praškasta zmes po zahtevku 8, označena s tem, da obsega:Powder composition according to claim 8, characterized in that it comprises: - od 80 do 94 mas.% delcev žarovzdržnih oksidov, izbranih izmed delcev glinice, mag nezije in njunih zmesi;- from 80 to 94% by weight of refractory oxide particles selected from alumina, magnesium particles and mixtures thereof; - od 1 do 5 mas.% delcev silicijevega karbida; in- from 1 to 5% by weight of silicon carbide particles; and - od 5 do 15 mas.% teh delcev goriva.- from 5 to 15% by weight of these fuel particles. 24504-xii-94-mn24504-xii-94-mn
SI9400425A 1993-12-01 1994-12-01 A method and powder mixture for repairing oxide based refractory bodies SI9400425A (en)

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GB939324655A GB9324655D0 (en) 1993-12-01 1993-12-01 A method and powder mixture for repairing oxide based refractory bodies

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