USD26862S - Design for a paper-moistening brush - Google Patents

Design for a paper-moistening brush Download PDF


Publication number
USD26862S US D26862 S USD26862 S US D26862S
United States
Prior art keywords
tubular portion
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Patented Apr. 6, 1897.
(l li t ll (l li ll.
MAYtllll, Ul" ST. l.(')l"l MlSSOlTlKI.
'/l/ f// rho/:t f/ /o//f/ rouw/7W:
lle it known that I, (IEonoE E. Maronti, ot the elty of St. Louis, State of Miasouri, have invented a new andoriginal Deagn tor laperi )loistening Brushes, ot which the followingis a full, clear, and exaet description, referenee being had to the ateompanying drawings, forming a part hereot'.
Figure l is a plan Viewol'a p.t1p ernioisten ing brush embodying my design. Fig. is a side elevation of the brush shown in Fig. l. Fig. L ia a transverse soot ional View taken approximatel)Y on the line I) I) ot' Figs. l and L and looking in the direction indicated bythe arrow.
The leading feature ot' my design for paper moistening brushes eonsitsol'a brush haring a woolluxv or spong)v :qipearanee and a handle attaehed to said brush, whieh handle oonsists ot' a Sheet-metal plate doubled npon itself and forming a flaring openingl between its ends, in which opening the brush is loeated., and forming a tubular portion at its.l
(renter, the portions of said plate between p said tubular portion and Said tlaring opening being in eontaet; with each other.
The brnsh 5 has :t wooll)` or spongy appearance, and when Seen in plan view, as in Fig. l, its tree edge t3 substantially straight, and when Seen in elevation, as in Fig. i, said free edge (j is substantially oval.
The handle T Consists of a plate ot' sheet metal folded upon itself, the center of said plate forming the tubular portion S, which portion extends in a line parallel with the free edge (i of the brush, and the rivet-heads 9 appear upon the Sides of the handle, near the tubular portion S. The tubular portion o is nearly as long as the free edge o' of the t brush, and the portion ltlofthehamlle, whieh is between the tubular portion S and the brush, is redneed in width, and the side edges of Said portion are segmental or Curved. The elevations 1l are formed npon the sides ofthe portion lll and extend at right angles` to the tubular portion S. rl'he end ot' the portion ,Ill opposite the tubular portion S is somewhat widerthan the length ol'said tubular portion.
'Vlhe portions l! and lil of the handle are slibstz'intiallv rectangular in plan and are positioned relative to eaeh other in sueh a manner as to forni a flaring opening between said portions, and in whieh opening a portion of the brush is loeated.
The beads or elevations ]-l and l are formed in positions parallel with the tubular portion S and between the portion itl of the handle and the portions 1; and lil, and the rivet-heads lli and lT appear on the line which separates said portions lL and l?) from the bende` It and 1.3.
'lhe material ofthe brush extend v from between the portions lL and lil into the apat'e between the beads 1t and if.
I elaim- The design for a paper-Inoistening brn.\h, substantiall)v as herein shown and described.
ln testimony whereof I atlix my signature in presence ot' two witnesses.
GEORGE E. NAYGER. W itnesses:



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