JP3874477B2 - Melanin production promoter containing chitosan derivative - Google Patents
Melanin production promoter containing chitosan derivative Download PDFInfo
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原料とする具体的な植物(生薬)としては、例えば、アーモンド(へん桃),アイ(藍葉),アオカズラ(清風藤),アオツヅラフジ(木防巳),アカシア,アカスグリ果実,アカブドウ,アカメガシワ(赤芽柏),アカネ(茜草根),アカヤジオウ・ジオウ(地黄),アギ(阿魏),アキニレ(榔楡皮),アケビ(木通),アサ(麻子仁),マルバアサガオ又はアサガオ(牽牛子),アシタバ(明日葉),アズキ(赤小豆),アセロラ,アセンヤク(阿仙薬),アニス,アベマキ果実,アボカド,アマ,アマチャ(甘茶),アマチャヅル,アマドコロ(玉竹),アミガサユリ(貝母),アルテア,アルニカ,アロエ(蘆薈),アロエベラ,アンジェリカ,アンズ・ホンアンズ(杏仁),アンソッコウ(安息香),イガコウゾリナ(地胆頭),イタドリ(虎杖根),イチゴ,イチジク(無花果)又はその葉,イチビ(冬葵子),イチヤクソウ,イチョウ(銀杏葉,銀杏),イトヒメハギ(遠志),イナゴマメ,イネ種子又は種皮,イノンド種子,イブキジャコウソウ,イラクサ,イランイラン,ウイキョウ(茴香),ウキヤガラ(三稜),ウグイスカグラ果実,ヒメウイキョウ,ウコン(鬱金),ウスバサイシン・ケイリンサイシン(細辛),ウスベニアオイ,ウスベニタチアオイ,ウツボグサ(夏枯草),ウド又はシシウド(羌活,独活,唐独活),ウメ(烏梅)又はその果肉,ウラジロガシ,ウワウルシ,ウンシュウミカン(陳皮),エストラゴン,エゾウコギ(蝦夷五加),エノキ,エビスグサ(決明子),エルダーベリー果実,エレミ,エンジュ(槐花,槐花米),オウギ・キバナオウギ(黄耆),オウレン(黄連),オオカラスウリ(カロニン),オオツヅラフジ(防己),オオバコ(車前子,車前草),オオハシバミ(榛子),オオバナオケラ・オケラ(白朮),オオバヤシャブシ果実,オオミサンザシ・サンザシ(山査子),オオムギ(大麦),オグルマ(旋覆),オクラ果実,オタネニンジン・トチバニンジ (人参),オトギリソウ・コゴメバオトギリソウ・セイヨウオトギリソウ(弟切草),オドリコソウ(続断),オナモミ(蒼耳子),オニグルミ,オニノヤガラ(天麻),オニユリ・ササユリ・ハカタユリ(百合),オノニス,オヒョウ(裂葉楡),オミナエシ(敗醤),オランダイチゴ,オランダカラシ(クレソン),オランダゼリ,オランダミツバ,オリーブ,オレガノ,オレンジ果実又は果皮,カイケイジオウ(熟地黄),カカオ種子,カキ又はその葉(柿蒂),カギカズラ(釣藤鈎),カシア,カジノキ果実(楮実),ガジュツ(莪朮),カシワ(槲樹,槲葉),カスカリラ,カニクサ(金沙藤),カノコソウ(吉草根),カバノキ又はシダレカンバ(白樺),カボチャ,カポックノキ種子,カホクサンショウ(蜀椒),ガマ(蒲黄),カミツレ・ローマカミツレ,カミヤツデ(通草),カラスウリ(王瓜),カラスビシャク(半夏),カラスムギ,ガラナ種子,カラヤ,カリン(木瓜),カワヤナギ,カワラタケ,カワラヨモギ(茵チン蒿),カンスイ(甘遂),カンゾウ(甘草),カンデリラ,カントウ,カンナ,キイチゴ,キウイ果実,キカラスウリ(瓜呂根),キキョウ(桔梗,桔梗根),キク(菊花),キササゲ(梓実),ギシギシ(羊蹄根),キジツ(枳実),キズタ,キダチアロエ,キダチハッカ,キナノキ,キハダ(黄柏),ギムネマ・シルベスタ,キャベツ,キャベブ未熟果,キュウリ,キラジャ・サポナリア,キラヤ,キンカン果実,キンマ,キンミズヒキ(仙鶴草),グアバ果実,グアユーレ,クェルクス・インフェクトリア(没食子),ククイナッツ,クコ(枸杞,枸杞子,枸杞葉,地骨皮),クサスギカズラ(天門冬),クズ(葛根),クスノキ,グースベリー果実,クチナシ(山梔子),クヌギ(樸ソウ),クマザサ,クマツヅラ(馬鞭草),クララ(苦参),クランベリー果実,クリ又はその渋皮,クルクリゴ・ラチフォリア果実,グレープフルーツ果実,クロウメモドキ,クロガネモチ(救必応),クローブ(丁子,丁香),ケイガイ(荊芥,荊芥穂),ケイトウ(鶏冠花,鶏冠子),ゲッケイジュ(月桂樹),ゲンチアナ,ゲンノショウコ(老鸛草),コウシンバラ(月季花),コウスイハッカ(メリッサ),コウゾ果実,コウチャ(紅茶),コウホネ(川骨),コウホン(藁本,唐藁本),コウリャン,コエンドロ果実,コガネバナ(黄ゴン),コケモモ(越橘),ココヤシ果実,ゴシュユ(呉茱萸),ゴショイチゴ(覆盆子),コショウ(胡椒),コパイババルサム,コーヒー豆,コブシ・タムシバ・モクレン(辛夷),ゴボウ(牛蒡,牛蒡子),コボタンヅル,ゴマ(胡麻),ゴマノハグサ(玄参),コムギ(小麦),米・米糠(赤糠,白糠)・コメ油,コーラ・アクミナタ種子,コーラ・ベラ種子,コロハ果実,コロンボ,コンズランゴ,コンブ,コンニャク,コンフリー(鰭張草),サキシマボタンヅル(威霊仙),サクラの葉・花・果実・樹皮(桜皮),サクランボ,ザクロ,ササ,ササユリ(百合),サザンカ,サジオモダカ(沢瀉),サツマイモ,サトウキビ,サトウダイコン,サネブトナツメ(酸棗仁),サフラン(番紅花,西紅花),ザボン果実,サボンソウ,サーモンベリー果実,サラシナショウマ(升麻),サルビア(セージ),サワギキョウ(山梗菜),サンザシ(山ザ子),サンシチニンジン(三七人参),サンシュユ(山茱萸),サンショウ(山椒),サンズコン(山豆根),シア(カリテ),シアノキ果実,シイタケ(椎茸),シオン(紫苑),ジキタリス,シクンシ(使君子),シソ・アオジソ・チリメンジソ・カタメンジソ(紫蘇葉,紫蘇子),シタン,シナノキ,シナレンギョウ(連翹),シマカンギク(菊花),シモツケソウ,ジャガイモ,シャクヤク(芍薬),シャジン(沙参),ジャノヒゲ(麦門冬),ジュズダマ,シュロ果実,ショウガ(生姜),ショウブ(菖蒲,菖蒲根),ショズク果実,シラカシ種子,シロゴチョウの種子,シロバナイリス,シロバナツタの花,シロミナンテン(南天実),シンコナサクシルブラ,シンナモン,スイカ(西瓜),スイカズラ(金銀花,忍冬),スイバ(酸模),スイムベリー果実,ストロベリー果実,スギナ(問荊),ステビア,スモモ果実,セイヨウアカマツの球果,セイヨウカラマツ,セイヨウキズタ,セイヨウグルミ,セイヨウサンザシ,セイヨウタンポポ,セイヨウトチノキ(マロニエ),セイヨウナシ果実,セイヨウナツユキソウ,セイヨウニワトコ,セイヨウネズ,セイヨウノコギリソウ(ミルフォイル),セイヨウバラ,セイヨウフウチョウボク,セイヨウヤドリギ,セイヨウハッカ・セイヨウヤマハッカ,セイヨウワサビ,セキショウ(石菖根),ゼニアオイ,ヒロハセネガ,セネガ,セネガ,セリ,セロリ,センキュウ(川キュウ),センダン,センブリ(当薬),センナ果実又は葉,センニンソウ(大蓼),ソウカ(草果),ソバ種実,ソメモノイモ,ダイオウ(大黄),大根,大豆,ダイダイ(橙皮,枳実),タカトウダイ(大戟),タカワラビ(狗脊),ダークスィートチェリー果実,タチアオイ,タチジャコウソウ(タイム,百里香),タチバナ(橘皮),タチヤナギ,タマリンド種子,タマネギ,タムシバ(辛夷),タラノキ又はその根皮,タンジン(丹参),タンポポ(蒲公英)又はシロバナタンポポ・モウコタンポポ,ダンマル,チェリー果実,チガヤ又はその根(茅根),チクセツニンジン(竹節人参),チコリ,チョウセンゴミシ(五味子),チョウセンダイオウ(大黄),チョウセンニレ(蕪夷),チョウセンニンジン(人参),チョウセンヨモギ(艾葉),チョレイマイタケ(猪苓),ツキミソウ,ツバキ,ツボクサ,ツメクサ(漆姑草),ツユクサ(鴨跖草),ツルアズキ(赤小豆),ツルドクダミ(何首烏),ツルナ(蕃杏),ツルニンジン(四葉参),ツワブキ,デイコ,テウチグルミ,デュベリー果実,テングサ,テンダイウヤク(烏薬),トウガ(冬瓜子),トウガラシ(番椒),トウキ(当帰),トウキンセンカ(マリーゴールド),トウモロコシ又はトウモロコシ毛(南蛮毛),トウネズミモチ(女貞子),トウリンドウ(竜胆),ドクダミ(十薬),トコン(吐根),トチバニンジン(竹節人参),トチュウ(杜仲,杜仲葉),トマト,トラガント,トリアカンソス種子,トルメンチラ,ドロノキ,トロロアオイ,ナイゼリアベリー果実,ナガイモ・ヤマノイモ(山薬),ナギイカダ(ブッチャーブルーム),ナギナタコウジュ,ナズナ,ナタネ,ナツミカン,ナツメ(大棗),ナニワイバラ(金桜子),ナルコユリ(黄精),ナンキンマメ(落花生),ナンテン(南天実),ニガキ(苦木),ニガヨモギ(苦艾),ニクズク,ニッケイ(桂皮),ニラ(韮子),ニワトコ(接骨木)の果実・花又は茎葉,ニンニク(大蒜),ヌルデ(五倍子),ネギ,ノアザミ(大薊),ノイバラ(営実),ノコギリソウ,ノダケ(前胡),ノバラ,ノモモ,パーム,パイナップル果実,ハイビスカス(ブッソウゲ,フウリンブッソウゲ,ローゼル),ハカタユリ(百合),ハカマウラボシ(骨砕補),ハクセン(白癬皮),ハクルベリー果実,ハコベ(繁縷),ハシバミ(榛子),ハシリドコロ(ロート根),バジル,ハス(蓮肉,蓮子),パセリ(オランダゼリ),ハダカムギ,バタタ,ハチク・マダケ(竹茹),パチョリー,ハッカ(薄荷,薄荷葉),ハトムギ(ヨクイニン),ハナスゲ(知母),バナナ,ハナハッカ,バニラビンズ,パパイヤ,ハハコグサ(鼠麹草),ハブ草,パプリカ,ハマゴウ・ミツバハマゴウ(蔓荊子),ハマスゲ(香附子),ハマビシ(シツ莉子),ハマナス(マイカイ花),ハマボウフウ(浜防風),ハマメリス,バラ(薔薇),パリエタリア,ハルニレ(楡皮,楡白皮,楡葉),パンノキ,ヒオウギ(射干),ヒカゲツルニンジン(党参),ピーカンナッツ,ヒガンバナ(石蒜,蔓珠沙華),ヒキオコシ(延命草),ヒシ(菱実),ピスタチオ,ビート,ヒトツバ(石葦),ヒナタイノコズチ(牛膝),ヒノキ,ヒバ,ヒマシ,ヒマワリ,ピーマン,ヒメガマ(香蒲),ヒメマツタケ,ピメンタ果実,ビャクシ,ヒユ果実,ビロウドアオイ,ヒロハオキナグサ(白頭翁),ビワ(枇杷,枇杷葉),ビンロウ(大服皮,檳榔子),フウトウカズラ(南籐),フキ,フキタンポポ(款冬花,款冬葉),フジバカマ(蘭草),フジマメ(扁豆),ブドウ果実又は果皮・葉,ブナ,フユムシナツクサタケ(冬虫夏草),ブラジルカンゾウ,ブラックカーラント果実,ブラックベリー,プラム果実,フルセラリア,ブルーベリー(セイヨウヒメスノキ),プルーン,ブロンドサイリウム,ブンドウ(緑豆),ヘチマ,ベニバナ(紅花),ベラドンナ,ベリー果実,ボイセンベリー果実,ボウフウ(防風),ホウレンソウ,ホオズキ(登呂根),ホオノキ(厚朴,和厚朴),ボケ(木瓜),ホソバナオケラ(蒼朮),ホソババレンギク,ボダイジュ(菩醍樹),ボタン(牡丹,牡丹皮),ホップ,ホホバ,ホワートルベリー果実,ホンシメジ,マイズルテンナンショウ(天南星),マオウ(麻黄),マカデミアナッツ,マクリ(海人草),マグワ(桑白皮,桑葉),マダケ(竹茹),マタタビ(木天蓼),マツカサ,松葉,マツホド(茯苓),マヨラム(ハナハッカ),マルバノジャジン(苦参),マルベリー果実,マルメロ,マロニエ,マンゴー,マンゴスチン,マンシュウグルミ,マンダリン果実,マンネンタケ(霊芝),ミカン属植物果実(枳実),ミシマサイコ(柴胡),ミゾカクシ(半辺蓮),ミソハギ(千屈菜),ミツガシワ,ミツバ,ミツバハマゴウ(蔓荊子),ミドリハッカ,ミモザ,ミョウガ,ミラクルフルーツ果実,ミルラ,ミロバラン,ムクゲ(木槿),ムクノキ,ムクロジ,ムラサキ(紫根),ムラサキトウモロコシ,メハジキ(益母草),メボウギ,メラロイカ,メリッサ,メリロート,メロン果実,モウコヨモギ,モウソウチク,モッコウ(木香),モミジバダイオウ,モモの葉(桃葉),果実,種(桃仁),モヤシ,モレロチェリー果実,モロヘイヤ(黄麻),ヤカワムラサキイモ,ヤクチ(益智),ヤグルマソウ(ヤグルマギク),,ヤグルマハッカ,ヤシャブシ(矢車),ヤチヤナギ,ヤツデ(八角金盤),ヤドリギ(柳寄生),ヤナギタデの葉,ヤブガラシ,ヤブコウジ(紫金牛),ヤマゴボウ(商陸),ヤマハンノキ(山榛),ヤマモモ(楊梅皮),ヤマヨモギ, ユーカリ,ユキノシタ(虎耳草),ユッカ・フレビフォリア,ユズ果実,ユリ,ヨロイグサ,ヨモギ(艾葉),ライム果実,ライムギ,ラカンカ果実,ラズベリー葉・果実,ラベンダー,リュウガン(竜眼肉),リョクチャ(緑茶),リンゴ果実,リンドウ,ルバス・スアビシムス(甜涼),レタス,レッドカーラント果実,レモン果実,レモングラス,レンギョウ(連翹),レンゲソウ,ロウヤシ,ローガンベリー果実,ログウッド,ローズマリー(マンネンロウ),ローズヒップ(ノバラ),ワカメ,ワサビ,ワレモコウ(地楡)などが挙げられる。
又、その他の藻類、例えば、緑藻類(クラミドモナス属:クラミドモナス,アカユキモ,ドゥナリエラ属:ドゥナリエラ,クロロコッカス属:クロロコッカス,クワノミモ属:クワノミモ,ボルボックス属:オオヒゲマワリ,ボルボックス,パルメラ属,ヨツメモ属,アオミドロ属:ヒザオリ,アオミドロ,ツルギミドロ属,ヒビミドロ属:ヒビミドロ,アオサ属:アナアオサ,アミアオサ,ナガアオサ,カワノリ属:カワノリ,フリッチエラ属,シオグサ属:オオシオグサ,アサミドリシオグサ,カワシオグサ,マリモ,バロニア属:タマゴバロニア,タマバロニア,マガタマモ属:マガタマモ,イワヅタ属:フサイワヅタ,スリコギヅタ,ヘライワヅタ,クロキヅタ,ハネモ属,ミル属:ミル,クロミル,サキブチミル,ナガミル,ヒラミル,カサノリ属:カサノリ,ジュズモ属:フトジュズモ,タマジュズモ,ミゾジュズモ,ミカヅキモ属,コレカエテ属,ツヅミモ属,キッコウグサ属:キッコウグサ,ヒトエグサ属:ヒトエグサ,ヒロハノヒトエグサ,ウスヒトエグサ,モツキヒトエ,サヤミドロ属,クンショウモ属,スミレモ属:スミレモ,ホシミドロ属,フシナシミドロ属など)、藍藻類(スイゼンジノリ属:スイゼンジノリ,アオコ属,ネンジュモ属:カワタケ,イシクラゲ,ハッサイ,ユレモ属,ラセンモ(スピルリナ)属:スピルリナ,トリコデスミウム(アイアカシオ)属など)、褐藻類(ピラエラ属:ピラエラ,シオミドロ属:ナガミシオミドロ,イソブドウ属:イソブドウ,イソガワラ属:イソガワラ,クロガシラ属:グンセンクロガシラ,カシラザキ属:カシラザキ,ムチモ属:ムチモ,ヒラムチモ,ケベリグサ,アミジグサ属:アミジグサ,サキビロアミジ,サナダグサ属:サナダグサ,フクリンアミジ, コモングサ属:コモングサ, ヤハズグサ属:エゾヤハズ,ヤハズグサ,ウラボシヤハズ,ジガミグサ属:ジガミグサ,ウミウチワ属:ウミウチワ,コナウミウチワ,アカバウミウチワ,ナミマクラ属:ヒルナミマクラ,ソメワケグサ属:ソメワケグサ, ナバリモ属:ナバリモ,チャソウメン属:モツキチャソウメン,マツモ属:マツモ,ナガマツモ属:ナガマツモ,オキナワモズク属:オキナワモズク,ニセフトモズク属:ニセフトモズク,フトモズク属:フトモズク,イシモズク属:イシモズク,クロモ属:クロモ,ニセモズク属:ニセモズク,モズク属:モズク,イシゲ属:イシゲ,イロロ,イチメガサ属:イチメガサ,ケヤリ属:ケヤリ,ウミボッス属:ウミボッス,ウルシグサ属:ウルシグサ,ケウルシグサ,タバコグサ,コンブモドキ属:コンブモドキ,ハバモドキ属:ハバモドキ,ハバノリ属:ハバノリ,セイヨウハバノリ属:セイヨウハバノリ,コモンブクロ属:コモンブクロ,エゾブクロ属:エゾブクロ,フクロノリ属:フクロノリ,ワタモ,チシマフクロノリ属:チシマフクロノリ,カゴメノリ属:カゴメノリ,ムラリドリ属:ムラチドリ,サメズグサ属:サメズグサ,イワヒゲ属:イワヒゲ,ヨコジマノリ属:ヨコジマノリ,カヤモノリ属:カヤモノリ,ウイキョウモ属:ウイキョウモ,ツルモ属:ツルモ,アナメ属:アナメ,スジメ属:スジメ,ミスジコンブ属:ミスジコンブ,アツバミスジコンブ,コンブ属:ガツガラコンブ,カキジマコンブ,オニコンブ,ゴヘイコンブ,ナガコンブ,エンドウコンブ,オオチヂミコンブ,トロロコンブ属:トロロコンブ,アントクメ属:アントクメ,カジメ属:カジメ,ツルアラメ,クロメ,キクイシコンブ属:キクイシコンブ,ネジレコンブ属:ネジレコンブ,クロシオメ属:クロシオメ,ネコアシコンブ属:ネコアシコンブ,アラメ属:アラメ,アイヌワカメ属:アイヌワカメ,チガイソ,オニワカメエゾイシゲ属:エゾイシゲ,ヤバネモク属:ヤバネモク,ラッパモク属:ラッパモク,ジョロモク属:ウガノモク,ジョロモク,ヒエモク,ホンダワラ属:タマナシモク,イソモク,ナガシマモク,アカモク,シダモク,ホンダワラ,ネジモク,ナラサモ,マメタワラ,タツクリ,ヤツマタモク,ウミトラノオ,オオバモク,フシズシモク,ハハキモク,トゲモク,ヨレモク,ノコギリモク,オオバノコギリモク,スギモク属:スギモク,ウキモ属:オオウキモ,ブルウキモ属:ブルウキモ,カヤモノリ属:カヤモノリなど)、紅藻類(ウシケノリ属:ウシケノリ,フノリノウシケ, アマノリ属:アサクサノリ,スサビノリ,ウップルイノリ,オニアマノリ,タサ,フイリタサ,ベニタサ,ロドコルトン属:ミルノベニ, アケボノモズク属:アケボノモズク, コナハダ属:ハイコナハダ,ヨゴレコナハダ,アオコナハダ, ウミゾウメン属:ウミゾウメン,ツクモノリ,カモガシラノリ,ベニモズク属:ベニモズク,ホソベニモズク,カサマツ属:カサマツ, フサノリ属:フサノリ,ニセフサノリ属:ニセフサノリ,ソデガラミ属:ソデガラミ, ガラガラ属:ガラガラ,ヒラガラガラ, ヒロハタマイタダキ属:ヒロハタマイタダキ, タマイタダキ属:タマイタダキ, カギケノリ属:カギノリ,カギケノリ,テングサ属:ヒメテングサ,ハイテングサ,オオブサ,ナンブグサ,コヒラ,ヨヒラ,キヌクサ,ヒビロウド属:ヒビロウド,ヒメヒビロウド, イソムメモドキ属:イソムメモドキ, ミチガエソウ属:ミチガエソウ, リュウモンソウ属:リュウモンソウ,ヘラリュウモン, ニセカレキグサ属:ニセカレキグサ, オキツバラ属:オオバオキツバラ, アカバ属:アカバ,マルバアカバ, ナミノハナ属:ホソバナミノハナ,ナミノハナ, サンゴモドキ属:ガラガラモドキ, シオグサゴロモ属:シオグサゴロモ, イワノカワ属:エツキイワノカワ,カイノカワ属:カイノカワ, カニノテ属:カニノテ,サンゴモ属:サンゴモ,ムカデノリ属:ムカデノリ,スジムカデ,カタノリ,ヒラムカデ,キョウノヒモ,サクラノリ,ニクムカデ,タンバノリ,ツルツル,イソノハナ属:ヌラクサ,クロヌラクサ,オオムカデノリ, ヒラキントキ属:ヒラキントキ, マタボウ属:マタボウ,キントキ属:チャボキントキ,キントキ,マツノリ,コメノリ,トサカマツ,ヒトツマツ,カクレイト属:オオバキントキ,イトフノリ属:イトフノリ,ナガオバネ属:ナガオバネ,フノリ属:ハナフノリ,フクロフノリ,マフノリ,カレキグサ属:カレキグサ,トサカモドキ属:ホソバノトサカモドキ,クロトサカモドキ,ネザシノトサカモドキ,キヌハダ属:キヌハダ,エゾトサカ属:エゾトサカ,ツカサノリ属:エナシカリメニア,オオツカサノリ,ハナガタカリメニア, ホウノオ属:ホウノオ, ヒカゲノイト属:ヒカゲノイト,ウスギヌ,ニクホウノオ属:ニクホウノオ,ベニスナゴ属:ベニスナゴ,ススカケベニ属:ススカケベニ,オカムラグサ属:ヤマダグサ,ミリン属:ミリン,ホソバミリン,トサカノリ属:キクトサカ,エゾナメシ属:エゾナメシ,イソモッカ属:イソモッカ,ユカリ属:ユカリ,ホソユカリ,イバラノリ属:イバラノリ,サイダイバラ,タチイバラ,カギイバラノリ,キジノオ属:キジノオ,イソダンツウ属:イソダンツウ,アツバノリ属:アツバノリ, オゴノリ属:オゴノリ,ツルシラモ,シラモ,オオオゴノリ,ミゾオコノリ,カバノリ,テングサモドキ属:ハチジョウテングサモドキ, フシクレノリ属:フシクレノリ,ナミイワタケ属:ナミイワタケ, カイメンソウ属:カイメンソウ, オキツノリ属:オキツノリ,サイミ属:イタニグサ,サイミ,ハリガネ, ハスジグサ属:ハスジグサ,スギノリ属:イカノアシ,ホソイボノリ,ノボノリ,クロハギンナンソウ属:クロハギンナンソウ,アカバギンナンソウ属:アカバギンナンソウ, ヒシブクロ属:ヒシブクロ,マダラグサ属:トゲマダラ,エツキマダラ,タオヤギソウ属:タオヤギソウ,ハナサクラ, フクロツナギ属:フクロツナギ,スジコノリ,ハナノエダ属:ハナノエダ,ヒラタオヤギ属:ヒラタオヤギ,ダルス属:ダルス,マサゴシバリ,アナダルス,ウエバグサ属:ウエバグサ,ベニフクロノリ属:ベニフクロノリ,フシツナギ属:フシツナギ,ヒメフシツナギ,ヒロハフシツナギ,ワツナギソウ属:ヒラワツナギソウ,ウスバワツナギソウ,イギス属:イギス,ケイギス,ハリイギス,ハネイギス,アミクサ,エゴノリ属:エゴノリ,フトイギス,サエダ属:サエダ,チリモミジ属:チリモミジ, コノハノリ科:ハブタエノリ,コノハノリ,スズシロノリ,ウスベニ属:ウスベニ, ハスジギヌ属:ハスジギヌ, ナガコノハノリ属:ナガコノハノリ,スジギヌ属:スジギヌ,アツバスジギヌ,ハイウスバノリ属:カギウスバノリ,ヤレウスバノリ,スジウスバノリ,ハイウスバノリ,ウスバノリモドキ属:ウスバノリモドキ,アヤニシキ属:アヤニシキ,アヤギヌ属:アヤギヌ,ダジア属:エナシダジア,シマダジア属:イソハギ,シマダジア,ダジモドキ属:ダジモモドキ,イトグサ属:モロイトグサ,フトイグサ, マクリ属:マクリ,ヤナギノリ属:ハナヤナギ,ユナ,ヤナギノリ,モツレユナ,ベニヤナギコリ,モサヤナギ,ササバヤナギノリ,ソゾ属:クロソゾ,コブソゾ,ハネソゾ,ソゾノハナ,ハネグサ属:ハネグサ,ケハネグサ,コザネモ属:コザネモ,イソムラサキ,ホソコザネモ,ヒメゴケ属:ヒメゴケ,クロヒメゴケ, ヒオドシグ属:キクヒオドシ,ヒオドシグサ,ウスバヒオドシ,アイソメグサ属:アイソメグサ,スジナシグサ属:スジナシグサ,イソバショウ属:イソバショウ,フジマツモ属:フジマツモ,ノコギリヒバ属:ハケサキノコギリヒバ, カワモズク属:カワモズク,アオカワモズク,ヒメカワモズク,イデユコゴメ属:イデユコゴメ,オキチモズク属:オキチモズク,イトグサ属,チノリモ属:チノリモ,チスジノリ属:チスジノリなど)、車軸藻類(シャジクモ属,シラタマモ属,ホシツリモ属:ホシツリモ,リクノタムヌス属,フラスコモ属:ヒメフラスコモ,チャボフラスコモ,トリペラ属など)、黄色藻類(ヒカリモ属:ヒカリモなど)など。
D−ガラクトピラノシル−グルコン酸5.0gをTEMED緩衝液(50mMテトラメチレンジアミン、PH4.7)30mlに溶解し、カルボジイミドハイドロクロライド(EDC) 5.0gを加えて30分間攪拌する。次にこのEDC溶液に、キトサン〔焼津水産化学工業(株)社製、脱アセチル化度33%〕10gを溶解したTEMED緩衝液120mlを加えて3日間攪拌する。この間、3.3gのEDCを数回に分けて添加する。その後、透析により低分子成分を除去し、洗浄、乾燥して本発明のキトサン誘導体(キトサン-ラクトース誘導体:ラクトースの誘導率約31.5%、13C−NMRにて確認)を約12.5g得た。
キトサン〔焼津水産化学工業(株)社製、脱アセチル化度85%〕l0gに水150mlを加え、攪拌、分散後、水酸化ナトリウム水溶液にてpHを11に調整した後、70℃に加温する。次に、過酸化水素(濃度約35%)5.25mlを加え、3時間反応させ、反応終了後、反応液を除去して、水洗、乾燥し、低分子キトサン(脱アセチル化度 89%)を約8.0g得た。次に、この低分子キトサン1.0gを300mlのフラスコに入れ、メタノール/l%酢酸水溶液=1/1の混合溶液50mlを加えて溶解後、マルトース5.0gを加えて溶解後、更にシアノ水素化ホウ素ナトリウム2.5gを加え、5時間反応させた。反応終了後、アセトン/水=5/1の混合溶液300ml及びエーテル300mlにて洗浄、乾燥して本発明のキトサン誘導体(キトサン-マルトース誘導体:マルトースの誘導率約42.5%)を約1.7g得た。
24時間前培養したB16メラノーマ細胞を新鮮な培地に移し、これに試料を2%添加し、2日間培養する。次に培養処理した細胞をトリプシンで処理し、1N-NaOH,10%DMSO溶液で加熱溶解後、475nmにおける吸光度を測定する。尚、試料の代わりに、ブランクとして蒸留水を用い、又、同時に試料を添加した細胞をMTT還元法(Tim Mosmann;Journal of Immunological Methods p55−63(1983)参考)にて活性を測定し、ブランク細胞のMTT還元活性を1単位として、試料負荷細胞のMTT還元活性を算出した。試料のメラニン量を、吸光度/MTT還元活性(1単位)として算出し、ブランク細胞のメラニン生成量に対する促進作用を求めた。結果は図2に示した。
(処方例2)ローション 重量%
1.1,3-ブチレングリコール 15.0
2.ポリエチレングリコール400 10.0
3.エタノール 10.0
4.ポリオキシエチレン(60)硬化ヒマシ油 2.0
5.製造例2の3%キトサン誘導体水溶液 2.0
6.pH調整剤 適量
7.香料 適量
8.精製水 100とする残余
(処方例3)ピールオフパック 重量%
1.グリセリン 5.0
2.プロピレングリコール 4.0
3.ポリビニルアルコール 15.0
4.エタノール 8.0
5.ポリオキシエチレングリコール 1.0
6.製造例1の2%キトサン誘導体水溶液 3.0
7.香料 適量
8.精製水 100とする残余
(処方例4)コールドクリーム 重量%
1.サラシミツロウ 11.0
2.流動パラフィン 22.0
3.ラノリン 10.0
4.アーモンド油 15.0
5.ホウ砂 0.5
6.製造例2の2%キトサン誘導体水溶液 2.0
7.香料 適量
8.精製水 100とする残余
(処方例5)シャンプー 重量%
1.ラウリル硫酸トリエタノールアミン 5.0
2.ポリオキシエチレンラウリルエーテル硫酸ナトリウム 12.0
3.1,3-ブチレングリコール 4.0
4.ラウリン酸ジエタノールアミド 2.0
5.エデト酸二ナトリウム 0.1
6.製造例1の3%キトサン誘導体30%エタノール水溶液 4.0
7.香料 適量
8.精製水 100とする残余
(処方例6)ボディーソープ 重量%
1.ラウリン酸カリウム 15.0
2.ミリスチン酸カリウム 5.0
3.プロピレングリコール 5.0
4.製造例2の2%キトサン誘導体水溶液 4.0
5.pH調整剤 適量
6.香料 適量
7.精製水 100とする残余
(処方例7)リンス 重量%
1.塩化ステアリルトリメチルアンモニウム 2.0
2.セトステアリルアルコール 2.0
3.ポリオキシエチレンラノリンエーテル 3.0
4.プロピレングリコール 5.0
5.製造例1の2%キトサン誘導体水溶液 2.0
6.製造例2の2%キトサン誘導体水溶液 2.0
7.pH調整剤 適量
8.香料 適量
9.精製水 100とする残余
(処方例8)ヘアーリキッド 重量%
1.エタノール 29.0
2.ポリオキシプロピレンブチルエーテルリン酸 10.0
3.ポリオキシプロピレンモノブチルエーテル 5.0
4.トリエタノールアミン 1.0
5.製造例1の2%キトサン誘導体水溶液 1.0
6.製造例2の2%キトサン誘導体50%エタノール水溶液 2.0
7.香料 適量
8.精製水 100とする残余
(処方例9)ヘアートニック 重量%
1.エタノール 40.0
2.オレイン酸エチル 2.0
3.ポリオキシエチレン(40)硬化ヒマシ油 2.0
4.製造例1の3%キトサン誘導体水溶液 2.0
5.香料 適量
6.精製水 100とする残余
(処方例10)顆粒浴用剤 重量%
1.炭酸水素ナトリウム 60.0
2.無水硫酸ナトリウム 30.0
3.ホウ砂 7.0
4.製造例1のキトサン誘導体粉末 3.0
有 効:塗布部分の色調が周囲に比べて暗色度が増した。
無 効:変化なし。
The present invention relates to a novel melanin production promoter containing a chitosan derivative obtained by reacting chitosan with a saccharide having a reducing end and its application.
The field of application can be used in general for various external preparations (including preparations used for animals), specifically, capsule, powder, granule, solid, liquid, gel, or cellular. 1) Pharmaceuticals, 2) Quasi-drugs, 3) Topical or systemic skin cosmetics, 4) Medicinal and / or cosmetic preparations applied to the scalp and hair (eg shampoos, rinses, treatments) Agents, permanent liquids, hair dyes, hair styling agents, hair styling agents, hair growth and hair nourishing agents, etc.), 5) bathing agents used in bath water, 6) other deodorant / deodorants, hygiene products, sanitary cotton , Wet tissue and so on.
[Prior art]
Factors that determine human skin color include the amount of melanin in the epidermis, blood flow in capillaries, food-derived pigment (carotene), and the thickness of the stratum corneum. Among these, the most important factors are One is melanin pigment.
This melanin pigment is produced in melanosomes, which are organelles in pigment cells (melanocytes) present in the basal layer of the epidermis, the hair root, and the outer root sheath. In the process of melanin pigment production, tyrosinase acts on tyrosine in pigment cells (melanocytes) to oxidize tyrosine, convert it into dopa and dopaquinone, and further auto-oxidize to produce dopachrome and 5,6-dihydroxyindole. After that, it polymerizes and eventually becomes a melanin pigment. The produced melanin is secreted from the dendrites of pigment cells (melanocytes) to the basal cells, and the basal cells divide and become spiny cells, then rises, reaches the stratum corneum, and then drops off with detachment of the stratum corneum. Go.
Therefore, melanin exists as the main pigment (color) of vertebrate skin, hair, fur and feathers, and the deposition of melanin is the main mechanism of normal coloration of skin and hair, such as sunlight and other It protects the living body from UV damage caused by the light source.
However, when human skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays for a long time, erythema, edema, urticaria, liver spot (spot), sparrow egg spot (sobacas) and skin aging (skin atrophy, wrinkles, dry skin symptoms, skin abnormalities) It is well known that it has adverse effects on health in the short and long term, such as keratinization, senile pigment spots, melanosis, and the risk of skin cancer. In addition, whites and the like are more likely to have sunlight skin cancer, and there is a high risk of melanoma (skin cancer). If a colored person is exposed to sunlight for a long time, the risk of skin cancer and promotion of skin aging increases.
Therefore, some younger generations tend to prefer tanned skin color. Some methods include the use of natural light in a limited range (suntan area) or a specially designed ultraviolet light source. Has been made.
Further, in the case of Japanese hair, black or brownish hair is preferred, but as a result of aging, white hair appears a lot. This is because melanin is remarkably reduced due to a decrease in the number and activity of melanocytes present in the hair bulb and the like, and it cannot be said that it is not preferable from a cosmetic and psychological viewpoint.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
If melanin synthesis can be increased or promoted by any method, the skin color can be darkened without the danger of excessive ultraviolet irradiation. In addition, it becomes possible to prevent whitening of the hair.
Accordingly, the present inventors have studied various natural extracts for those that have an action of promoting melanin production and are safe, and have conducted studies on novel substances and their actions.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
That is, the present inventors searched for substances that meet the above circumstances, and chitosan derivatives obtained by reacting chitosan or reduced molecular weight chitosan with a saccharide having a reducing end produced melanin. It has been confirmed that it has an accelerating action, and can be applied to skin cosmetics and hair cosmetics, and has been found to be safe and extremely effective, thereby completing the present invention. The process leading to the present invention will be described below.
In addition, although it describes below about the saccharide | sugar which has chitosan of this invention, a reducing terminal, a manufacturing method, etc., it is not limited to these.
The chitosan of the present invention is usually obtained by deacetylating chitin obtained from shells such as crab and shrimp by alkali treatment, enzyme treatment, etc., and the degree of deacetylation is not particularly limited, but usually the degree of deacetylation is 50 % Or more is preferable.
The low molecular weight chitosan is, for example, a method in which chitosan is treated with concentrated hydrochloric acid or chlorine gas, sodium perborate, hydrogen peroxide, or a method in which chitin is treated with an acid or an alkali to simultaneously deacetylate and decompose glycosides. Alternatively, those obtained by hydrolysis with an enzyme such as chitinase may be used.
Saccharides having a reducing end include aldoses, ketoses, such as glucose, galactose, mannose, arabinose, xylose, erythrose and glyceraldehyde, heptulose, hexulose, pentulose, glucosamine, N-acetylglucosamine, galactosamine, etc. Amino sugars, deoxy sugars, branched sugars, etc. are raised as monosaccharides. Natural sugars such as disaccharides to polysaccharides comprising these monosaccharides, such as maltose, isomaltose, maltotriose, lactose or various oligosaccharides, pullulan, inulin, amylose, amylopectin, dextran, dextrin, starch, etc. And their decomposition products, isomerization products and derivatives (COOH group induction, etc.) can be used, and one or more of these saccharides can be used in the reaction.
The chitosan derivative of the present invention is an amino group at the 2-position of glucoseamine, which is a constituent sugar of chitosan, and a saccharide having a reducing end to sodium cyanoborohydride (NaCNBH). Three Or amine borane reducing agents such as ammonia borane (NH Three BH Three ), Monomethylamine borane "CH Three (NH 2 BH Three ) "Or the like, and an amide bond is formed between a saccharide having a ring-opened carboxyl group terminal and / or a saccharide having a carboxyl terminal terminal released in the molecule.
In addition, this amide bond formation requires SOCl at the free carboxyl group end of these saccharides. 2 , Esterify with p-nitrophenol, or acid chloride with phosphorus pentoxide to activate the carboxyl group and react with the amino group at the 2-position of glucoseamine, the constituent sugar of chitosan. Chitosan derivatives can also be obtained, and if necessary, a coupling agent can be used. It is also possible to form a amide bond at the same time as releasing a carboxyl group by using a reducing agent in combination with a system containing chitosan and a saccharide having a reducing end.
Moreover, as a method of activating the free carboxyl group of a saccharide having a reducing end, for example, D-galactopyranosyl-gluconic acid of a disaccharide is exemplified, and the carboxyl group is activated in the form of p-nitrophenyl ester, After separating the activated compound, it is reacted with the free amino group of chitosan. This reaction is carried out in a solvent such as dimethylformamide (DMF), tetrahydrofuran (THF), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or the like at room temperature or under cooling, and the reaction time is completed in several hours to several days.
Next, as a coupling agent, considering reactivity and selectivity, carbodiimide coupling agents such as N, N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC), 1-ethyl-3- (3-dimethylaminopropyl) Carbodiimide hydrochloride (ECC) or the like can be used, and one or more of these coupling agents can be used in the reaction.
In addition, as a reducing agent, considering the reactivity and selectivity, sodium cyanoborohydride (NaCNBH Three Or amine borane reducing agents such as ammonia borane (NH Three BH Three ), Monomethylamine borane "CH Three NH 2 BH Three ", Dimethylamine borane" (CH Three ) 2 NHBH Three ) ”, Trimethylamine borane“ (CH Three ) Three NBH Three ) ", Pyridine borane (C Five H Five NBH Three Etc.), and one or more of these reducing agents can be used in the reaction.
In addition, use is made of derivatives in which, for example, oxyethylene, oxypropylene addition, carboxymethylation, phosphorylation, sulfation, dihydropropylation, etc. are performed on the hydroxyl group or amino group of the chitosan compound into which sugar side chains have been introduced. May be.
The chitosan derivative obtained as described above can be further purified by solvent washing, precipitation formation, or gel filtration, ion exchange column chromatography, activated carbon exchange column chromatography, cellulose dialysis membrane, or the like.
In addition, although the substitution rate of the amino group of the chitosan derivative of this invention is used in 0.1 to 100% of range, the substitution rate of 0.5 to 50% is used suitably in order to obtain higher antibacterial activity.
Further, the chitosan derivative of the present invention may be prepared by arbitrarily drying, concentrating or diluting depending on the melanin production promoter to be applied, and further the dosage form and form of skin cosmetics and hair cosmetics.
The chitosan derivative of the present invention can be used as it is as a novel melanin production accelerator as it is, and can be further blended into skin cosmetics and hair cosmetics, but the blending amount is not particularly specified, but various uses It varies slightly depending on the type or quality of the product and the degree of expected action. Usually, it is 0.01 (w / v%) or more, preferably 0.05 (w / v%) or more. If the blending amount is less than 0.01 (w / v%), the effect cannot be expected sufficiently.
In addition, the melanin production promoter containing the chitosan derivative of the present invention, and the skin cosmetics and hair cosmetics, in addition to the above essential components, can be used as long as they do not impair the effects of the present invention. In addition, components and additives used in preparations such as quasi-drugs, cosmetics, and foods and beverages can be arbitrarily selected and used in combination.
(1) Various fats and oils
Avocado oil, almond oil, fennel oil, egoma oil, olive oil, orange oil, orange rafa oil, sesame oil, cacao butter, chamomile oil, carrot oil, cucumber oil, beef tallow, beef tallow fatty acid, cucumber nut oil, safflower oil, shea fat , Soybean oil, camellia oil, corn oil, rapeseed oil, persic oil, castor oil, cottonseed oil, peanut oil, turtle oil, mink oil, egg yolk oil, cocoa butter, palm oil, palm kernel oil, owl, coconut oil, beef tallow, Pork fat, or hydrogenated products (hardened oil, etc.) of these fats and oils.
(2) Wax
Beeswax, carnauba wax, whale wax, lanolin, liquid lanolin, reduced lanolin, hard lanolin, candelilla wax, montan wax, shellac wax.
(3) Mineral oil
Liquid paraffin, petrolatum, paraffin, ozokelide, ceresin, micro-cristan wax, squalene, squalane, pristane, etc.
(4) Fatty acids
Natural fatty acids such as lauric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, behenic acid, oleic acid, 12-hydroxystearic acid, undecylenic acid, tall oil, lanolin fatty acid, isononanoic acid, caproic acid, 2-ethylbutanoic acid, isopentanoic acid , Synthetic fatty acids such as 2-methylpentanoic acid, 2-ethylhexanoic acid and isopentanoic acid.
(5) Alcohols
Natural alcohols such as ethanol, isopropanol, lauryl alcohol, cetanol, stearyl alcohol, oleyl alcohol, lanolin alcohol, cholesterol, phytosterol, synthetic alcohols such as 2-hexyldecanol, isostearyl alcohol, 2-octyldodecanol.
(6) Polyhydric alcohols
Ethylene oxide, ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, triethylene glycol, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether, ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, diethylene glycol monomethyl ether, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, polyethylene glycol, propylene oxide, propylene glycol, polypropylene glycol, 1,3-butylene glycol , Glycerin, pentaerythritol, sorbitol, mannitol, etc.
(7) Esters
Isopropyl myristate, isopropyl palmitate, butyl stearate, hexyl laurate, myristyl myristate, oleyl oleate, decyl oleate, octyldodecyl myristate, hexyldecyl dimethyloctanoate, cetyl lactate, myristyl lactate, diethyl phthalate, phthalate Dibutyl acid, lanolin acetate, ethylene glycol monostearate, propylene glycol monostearate, propylene glycol dioleate, etc.
(8) Metal soap
Aluminum stearate, magnesium stearate, zinc stearate, calcium stearate, zinc palmitate, magnesium myristate, zinc laurate, zinc undecylenate, etc.
(9) Gums, sugars and water-soluble polymer compounds
Gum arabic, benzoin gum, danmar gum, guaiac gum, irish moss, karaya gum, tragacanth gum, carob gum, quinseed, agar, casein, lactose, fructose, sucrose and its esters, trehalose and its derivatives, dextrin, gelatin, pectin, starch, Carrageenan, carboxymethyl chitin or chitosan, alkylene oxides such as ethylene oxide (C 2 ~ C Four ) Oxide-added hydroxyalkyl (C 2 ~ C Four ) Chitin or chitosan, low molecular chitin or chitosan, chitosan salt, sulfated chitin or chitosan, phosphorylated chitin or chitosan, alginic acid and its salt, hyaluronic acid and its salt, chondroitin sulfate and its salt, heparin, ethylcellulose, methylcellulose, carboxy Polyalkylene such as methyl cellulose, carboxyethyl cellulose, sodium carboxyethyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, nitrocellulose, crystalline cellulose, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl methyl ether, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, polyvinyl methacrylate, polyacrylate, polyethylene oxide and polypropylene oxide Oxide or its cross-linked polymer, carboxyvinyl polymer, polyester Tylene imine.
(10) Surfactant
Anionic surfactant (alkyl carboxylate, alkyl sulfonate, alkyl sulfate ester salt, alkyl phosphate ester salt), cationic surfactant (alkylamine salt, alkyl quaternary ammonium salt), amphoteric surfactant: carboxylic acid Type amphoteric surfactant (amino type, betaine type), sulfate type amphoteric surfactant, sulfonic acid type amphoteric surfactant, phosphate ester type amphoteric surfactant, nonionic surfactant (ether type nonionic surfactant) Agents, ether ester type nonionic surfactants, ester type nonionic surfactants, block polymer type nonionic surfactants, nitrogen-containing type nonionic surfactants), other surfactants (natural surfactants, proteins) Hydrolyzed derivatives, polymer surfactants, surfactants containing titanium and silicon, fluorocarbon surfactants Such as.
(11) Various vitamins
Vitamin A group: retinol, retinal (vitamin A 1 ), Dehydroretinal (vitamin A 2 ), Carotene, lycopene (provitamin A), vitamin B group: thiamine hydrochloride, thiamine sulfate (vitamin B) 1 ), Riboflavin (vitamin B 2 ), Pyridoxine (vitamin B 6 ), Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B) 12 ), Folic acid, nicotinic acids, pantothenic acids, biotins, choline, inositols, vitamin C group: ascorbic acid and its derivatives, vitamin D group: ergocalciferol (vitamin D 2 ), Cholecalciferol (vitamin D Three ), Dihydrotaxosterol, vitamin E group: tocopherol and its derivatives, ubiquinones, vitamin K group: phytonadione (vitamin K) 1 ), Menaquinone (vitamin K) 2 ), Menadione (Vitamin K) Three ), Menadiol (vitamin K Four ), Other essential fatty acids (vitamin F), carnitine, ferulic acid, γ-oryzanol, orotic acid, vitamin Ps (rutin, eriocitrin, hesperidin), vitamin U and the like.
(12) Various amino acids
Valine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, lysine, glycine, alanine, asparagine, glutamine, serine, cysteine, cystine, tyrosine, proline, hydroxyproline, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, hydroxylysine, arginine, ornithine, histidine And amino acid derivatives such as sulfates, phosphates, nitrates, citrates, or pyrrolidone carboxylic acids.
(13) Various additives derived from plant or animal materials
These are processed in a conventional manner according to the type and form of the product to be added (eg grinding, milling, washing, hydrolysis, fermentation, purification, pressing, extraction, fractionation, filtration, drying, pulverization , Granulation, dissolution, sterilization, pH adjustment, deodorization, decolorization, etc., can be arbitrarily selected and combined), and selected from various materials.
The solvent used for the extraction may be selected in consideration of the intended purpose and type of the product to be provided, or the processing performed later. Usually, water, a water-soluble organic solvent (for example, ethanol, propylene glycol) , 1,3-butylene glycol, etc.) is preferably used. However, when it is not preferable to contain an organic solvent depending on the use, it is sufficient to use only water or ethanol that is easy to remove after extraction, and it may be used alone or in any mixture with water. The thing extracted and extracted may be sufficient.
In addition, when applying additives derived from plant or animal-based raw materials to systemic or topical external preparations and cosmetics, not only the protection of skin and hair, but also moisturization, improvement of touch / feel, provision of flexibility, stimulation Relaxation, stress relief by fragrance, cell activation (cell aging prevention), suppression of inflammation, improvement of skin / hair quality, prevention of rough skin and its improvement, hair growth, hair growth, hair loss prevention, glossiness, cleansing effect, In addition to cosmetic effects such as fatigue relief, blood flow promotion, and bathing effects, effects such as flavoring, deodorization, thickening, antiseptic and buffering can also be expected.
Specific plants (herbal medicines) used as raw materials include, for example, almond (amynna), ai (aiba), aokazura (Keifu Fuji), aotsu-rafuji (wooden moth), acacia, red-currant fruit, red grape, red bud , Akane (Rhizome Root), Akaiyasio Jiou (Ghihuang), Agi (Atsu), Akinire (Crustacea), Akebi (Kitsu), Asa (Asako Jin), Maruba Asagao or Asagao (Toshigyu), Ashitaba ( Tomorrow), azuki bean (red bean), acerola, asenyaku (Asenyaku), anise, abemaki fruit, avocado, flax, achacha (Amacha), achacharu, amadokoro (tamatake), amigasayuri (shellfish mother), altea, arunika, aloe (蘆薈), aloe vera, angelica, apricot honanzu (Anzujin), Ansokkou (benzoic incense), igakozorina (Gallhead), Japanese knotweed (tiger cane root), strawberry, fig (no flower fruit) or its leaves, ichibi ( Citron), Ichiyakusou, Ginkgo (Ginkgo leaves, Ginkgo), Itohimehagi (distant), Carob, rice seed or seed coat, Inondo seed, Ibukizasou, nettle, Ylang-ylang, Fennel (Tsukuka), Ukiyagara (Three ridges) Fruits, Japanese cypress, turmeric (Usukin), Usubasaishin Keirinsaishin (spicy), Usbeniaoi, Usubenitachiaoi, Nezubusa (Summer hay), Udo or Shishido (Cultivation of activity, Independence of activity, Tang Dynasty), Ume (Plum) Flesh, Vulture, Uwaurushi, Satsumikan (Chest), Estragon, Ezoukogi (Kagogoka), Enoki, Ebisugusa (Keiko), Elderberry fruit, Eremi, Enju (Shihana, Satsuma rice), Ogi Kibanaougi (Yellow) ), Ouren (Huang Ren), Ookarisuri (Karonin), Otsuka Rafuji (Preventive Self), Psyllium (car front child, car front) ), Toucan's beetle (榛子), Ovana okera okera (white birch), Obaya chabushi fruit, Oha hawthorn hawthorn (Yamakoko), Barley (barley), Oguruma (turnover), Okra fruit, Panax ginseng, Tochibaninji (Ginseng), Hypericum perforatum Scarlet moth, Hypericum perforatum (cutting younger brother), Odorikosou (continuous), Onamomi (Circle ear), Onigurumi, Onino Yagara (Tempa), Onyuri Sasayuri Hakatayuri (lily), Ononis, Halibut Soy sauce), Dutch strawberry, Dutch mustard (watercress), Dutch jellies, Dutch honey bees, olives, oregano, orange fruit or fruit peel, kaikaijiou (ripening yellow), cacao seeds, oysters or their leaves (bamboo shoots), scallops (fishing wisteria)鈎) 、 Cassia 、 Casino berries (fruit) 、 Gadgets (莪 朮) 、 Kashiwa (Kashiwagi 、 槲 葉) 、 Casscarilla 、 Cascal Nigusa (Kinshato), valerian (Yakusa-root), birch or weeping birch (white birch), pumpkin, kapok seed, kahoku salamander (navy blue), gama (yellow), chamomile, roman chamomile, camilla deer (weed), crow lily (king)瓜), crow birch (half-summer), oats, guarana seeds, karaya, karin (wood persimmon), kawayanagi, kawaratake, kawara mugwort, kansui (kansai), licorice (licorice), candelilla, kanto, kanna, raspberry , Kiwi fruit, Kikarasuuri (Gurone), Oyster (Kikkyo, Kikyo Root), Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum flower), Kisage (Kashimi), Gishigishi (Yotei), Kijitsu (Kakimi), Kizuta, Kidachi Aloe, Kidachihakka, Kinanoki, Yellowfin tuna, Gymnema sylvestre, cabbage, cabbage immature fruit, cucumber, Kiraja saponaria, kiraya, kumquat fruit, betel, kimme Ki (Sengakurusa), Guava fruit, Guayule, Quercus infectria (garlic), Kukui nuts, wolfberry (bamboo shoots, coconut leaves, cocoon leaves, ground bone skin), Kusasugikazura (Tenmon winter), Kudzu (Kazunori), Kusunoki, Goose Berry fruit, gardenia (Yamako), Kunugi (Kusou), Kumazasa, Kumatsutsura (horse whip grass), Clara (bitter), cranberry fruit, chestnut or its astringent skin, Curkurigo latifolia fruit, grapefruit fruit, buckthorn, blackhead ), Cloves (clove, clove), keigai (butterfly, cocoon), celosia (chicken flower, chicken clover), gecko (bay laurel), gentiana, gennoshouko (old lady), koshinbara (moon flower) (Melissa), Kozo fruit, Kocha (tea), Kouhone (riverbone), Kohon (Kakimoto, Karamoto), Kouliang, Cilantro fruit, Koganebana (yellow) ), Cowberry (Etsutachibana), Coconut fruit, Goshuyu (Kurean), Goshostrawberry (Golden bonsai), Pepper (Pepper), Copaiba balsam, Coffee bean, Kobushi, Tamshiba, Mokuren (Hot pepper), Burdock (Beef bowl, Gyudon) ), Coconut lees, sesame seeds, sesame seeds (genus ginseng), wheat (wheat), rice and rice bran (red cocoon, white birch) and rice oil, cola acminata seeds, cola vera seeds, colombia fruit, colombo, condurango, Kombu, Konjac, Comfrey (Sardine), Saxima button eel (wei Sen-sen), Sakura leaves / flowers / fruits / bark (cherry bark), cherries, pomegranate, Sasa, Sasayuri (lily), Sasanka, Sasodamodaka , Sweet potato, sugarcane, sugar beet, sunflower jujube (acid sour), saffron (banban flower, west safflower), pomelo fruit, bonito, salmon berry fruit, white pepper Rubia (Sage), Sagaki Kyo (Yamabana), Hawthorn (Yamazako), Sanshichininjin (Thirty-seven Ginseng), Sanshuyu (Yamatake), Sansho (Yamatake), Sandskon (Yamazune), Shia (Kalite), Cyanoki fruit, shiitake mushroom, shion (purple spider), jikitarisu, shikunshi (messenger), perilla, ajizo, chillimenzo, catamendizo (purple leaf, shisoko), rosewood, linden tree, syringen (ream), pelicans (chrysanthemum) , Shimotsuke, Potato, Peonies (Shakuyaku), Shajin (Sanjin), Janohige (Wheat Gate Winter), Juzudama, Palm Fruit, Ginger (Ginger), Shobu (Koji, Sone), Shozuk Fruit, Shirakashi Seed, Shirogocho Seed , Shirobanairisu, Shirobanatsuta flower, Shirominanten (Nan Tenji), Cinconacill bra, Sinnamon, Watermelon (Sairan), Honeysuckle (Gin silver flower, Shinobi), Sorrel (Acid), Swimberry fruit, Strawberry fruit, Horsetail (Question), Stevia, Plum fruit, Scots pine cone, Japanese larch, Japanese walnut, Japanese walnut, Japanese hawthorn, Japanese dandelion, Japanese horse chestnut (Maroni), Japanese pear Fruit, Azalea, Elderberry, Apricot, Achillea millefolium (milfoil), Rose, Anemone albicans, Mistletoe serrata, Prunus japonica, Prunus japonica, Horseradish, Sekisho (Ishigane root), Zeniaoi, Hirohasenega Celery, Celery, Senkyu (river cucumber), Sendan, Senburi (Otani), Senna fruit or leaf, Sennin (Daisatsu), Soka (grass), Buckwheat seed, Somer potato, Daio (Japanese yellow), Radish, Soybean, Daidai (orange , Fruit), Takatodai (Daikan), Takara-bi (dark spine), dark sweet cherry fruit, hollyhock, red-headed pearl millet (thyme, perilla), tachibana (tachibana bark), tachiyanagi, tamarind seeds, onion, ramshiba (hot pepper), taranoki Or its root bark, tanjin (dansang), dandelion (Sanko) or Shirobana dandelion mouko dandelion, danmaru, cherry fruit, chigaya or its root (sone root), chiketsujinjin (bamboo ginseng), chicory, ginseng (season) Ginseng (Dahi), Ginseng (セ ン), Ginseng (Ginseng), Ginseng (ギ 艾), Choreimaitake (猪苓), Japanese camellia, camellia, camellia, clover (lacquered licorice), camellia (duck moth) Grass), Tsuruzuki (red bean), Tsurudokudami (what neck rice cake), Tsuruna (Apricot apricot), Tsuruninjin (Four leaf ginseng), Tsuwabuki, Deiko, Te Chigurumi, Duberry fruit, Tengusa, Tendai-yaku (glaze), Toga (winter cocoon), Pepper (banban), Toki (toll), Toki-Senka (Marigold), corn or corn hair (southern cocoon hair) Sadako), Torindo (Ryuboku), Dokudami (10 medicines), Tokon (Nuke root), Tochibaninjin (Bamboo ginseng), Tochu (Tsunachu, Tochunakaba), Tomato, Tragacanth, Triacanthus seeds, Tormentilla, Doronoki, Torooaoi, Nai Zeriaberry fruit, Chinese yam (Yakuyaku), Nagai Kada (Butcher Bloom), Naginata Koju, Nazuna, Rapeseed, Natsumi, Natsume (Otsuchi), Naniwaibara (Golden Cherry), Narco Lily (Yellow), Nankin Bean (peanut), Nanten (Minami Tenmi), Nigaki (Nagi), Nigamugigi (Anniversary), Nikuzuku, Nikkei (Kizuna), Japanese leek (Zushi), Niwatoko ( (Bone grafts) fruits / flowers / stems and leaves, garlic (large persimmon), nulde (pentapod), leek, white thistle (large persimmon), wild rose (fruiting), yarrow, nodake (maehu), wild rose, peach, palm, pineapple fruit, Hibiscus (Bususu, Furinbusou, Roselle), Yuri Hakata (Lily), Hakamauraboshi (Ocean crust), Hakusen (Spirea skin), Hakuruberry fruit, Jacobe (breeding), Hazel (Eggard), Hashiridokoro (Roth root), Basil, Lotus (Lotus, lotus), parsley (holly jelly), hadakamugi, batata, beech mushroom (bamboo shoot), patchouli, mint (thin load, thin load leaf), pearl barley (yokuinin), hanasuge (knowing mother), banana, hanahakka, Vanilla Bins, Papaya, Haksugosa (Herbus Clover), Hub Grass, Paprika, Hamago-Hamigo-Hamago (Venus), Hamasuge (Katsukiko), Hamabishi (Shitushi-ko), Hermanus (Ma Ikai Flower), Hamabou Fu (Hama Wind), Hamelis, Rose (Rose), Parietalia, Harunire (Crustacea, Birch Skin, Bamboo Leaves), Panoki, Hagigi (Garden-dried), Hyacinth Carrot (People), Pecan Nuts, Higanbana (Stone) Japanese cypress, vine pearl shahua), Japanese cypress (prolonged herb), Japanese cypress (hijimi), pistachio, beet, human camellia (cypress), Japanese cypress (cow knee), Japanese cypress, cypress, castor, sunflower, green pepper, Japanese cypress ), Japanese apricot, Pimenta fruit, Scotch, Japanese apricot fruit, Yellow-tailed oyster, White-bellied oyster (Bald eagle), Biwa (Bamboo shoots, Bamboo leaves), Binrow (Large clothes, lion), Japanese sweet potato (South wicker), Japanese cypress, Japanese cypress Flowers, subsidized winter leaves), Fujibacama (Orchid grass), Fuji bean (Tsuname), grape fruits or pericarps / leaves, beech, Fusumina satsuma (Cycium colander), Brazilian daylily, black currant fruit, Luck berry, plum fruit, flucellaria, blueberry (Prunus serrata), prunes, blond psyllium, bundo (mung bean), loofah, safflower (safflower), belladonna, berry fruit, boysenberry fruit, scallop (windbreak), spinach, physalis ( Toro), Honoki (Akki, Japanese Kokaku), Bokeh (Kiso), Hosobanaokera (Amber), Hosobabarengiku, Bodaiju (Aoki), Button (peony, Peony skin), Hop, Jojoba, White berry fruit, Honshimeji , Mizurutennansho (Tennansei), Maou (mao), Macadamia nuts, Macri (marine grass), Muwa (mulberry white skin, mulberry leaf), Madake (bamboo cocoon), Matatabi (wooden moth), Matsukasa, Matsuba, Matsuhodo (茯苓), Mayorum (Hanahakka), Malvanojadine (bitter), Mulberry fruit, Quince, Maronier, Mango, Mangosteen, Ma Prunus mandarin, Mandarin fruit, Mannentake (Ganoderma lucidum), Citrus genus fruit (fruit), Mishimashiko (Shibahu), Mizokakushi (half-sided lotus), Misohagi (Senka-na), Mitsugashi, Mitsuba, Mitsubahamago , Green mint, mimosa, myoga, miracle fruit fruit, myrrh, mylobaran, mugwort (mushroom), myrtle, mugwort, purple violet, purple maize, yellow-spotted maize (benthic herb), meburogi, melaroika, melissa, mellow fruit, melon fruit, Mosouchiku, Mokko (woody incense), Japanese maple leaf, peach leaf (peach leaf), fruit, seed (peach seed), coconut palm, morello cherry fruit, morohaya (burlap), yakawa musakiimo, yakuchi (masashichi), cornflower ( Cornflower), cornflower mint, yashabushi (arrow wheel), yachiyanagi, starfish (octagonal gold plate), mistletoe (willow) Raw), willow leaves, japonica, yabukouji (purple gold beef), pokeweed (commercial land), Japanese alder (Yamamuro), Japanese yam (Yamamugi), Japanese mugwort, eucalyptus, Yukinoshita (Tiger ear grass), Yucca flavifolia, yuzu fruit , Lily, sagebrush, mugwort (bamboo leaf), lime fruit, rye, lacanca fruit, raspberry leaf / fruit, lavender, longan (long-eye meat), ryokcha (green tea), apple fruit, gentian, lubus suabisimus (cool), lettuce, Red currant fruit, lemon fruit, lemongrass, forsythia, forsythia, wax palm, loganberry fruit, logwood, rosemary (mannenrou), rosehip (nobara), wakame, wasabi, dressing Can be mentioned.
Seaweeds include seaweed [Green algae: Chlorella vulgaris, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Chlorella ellipsoidia, Usbaaonori, Susiaoonori, Hiraaoori, Boaonori, Hosoedaonori], Seaweed [Brown algae: , Hirome, Aowakame, Macrocystis pirifera, Macrocystis integrofolia, Neocitus Ruetkeana, Hijiki, Hibamata], Seaweed [Red algae: Hijirimen, Maxa (Tengusa), Hiluxa, Onyxa, Ochusa, Kataobagusa, Yatabegusa, Yuikiri, Japanese pterosa, Tokakanori, Togekininsai, Amakusarinin, Kirinsai, Bakishinrinin, Tsunomata, Oobatsunomata, Tochaka (Yahazunomata), Ezotsunomata, Typical examples include Togettsu no Mata, Hirakotoji, Kotoji No Mata, Sugi Nori, Shikinori, Kainori, Ibotsunamata, Yareus Banori, Kagius Banori, Susius Banori, and Heius Banori].
In addition, other algae, for example, green algae (Chlamydomonas: Chlamydomonas, Akayukimo, Dunariella: Dunaliella, Chlorococcus: Chlorococcus, Kuwanomimo: Kuwanomimo, Volbox: Ohigemawari, Volbox, Palmera, Yotsumeo, Aomido: Hizaori, Aoumikuro, Tsurumimidro, Hibidoro: Hibidoro, Aosa: Anaaaosa, Amiaosa, Nagaaosa, Kawanori: Kawanori, Friccella, Shiogusa: Ooshiogusa, Asamirishigusa, Kawasiogusa, Marimo, Maragolia Magama genus: Magamata, Iwagata: Fusaikawa, Surichogita, Heraiwata, Kurokita, Hanemo, Genus Mill: Mill, Chromel, Sakibutimil, Nagamil, Hira Genus: Casanori: Casanori, Jusmo: Jujusmo, Tamajusmo, Mizojusmo, Mikazukiki, Korekaete, Tsutsumimo, Kikougususa, Kyukougusa, Hitogususa: Homogusa, Hirohatohigususa, Umushimoe, Sakaki Sumiremo: Sumiremo, Hosimidro, Fuchinashimidoru, etc.), cyanobacteria (Suizenjinori: Suizinoriori, Aoko, Enjumo: Kawatake, Ishikurage, Hassai, Yuremo, Rasenmo (Spirulina): Spirulina, Trichodesmium (Aiacio) Genus), brown algae (Piraera: Piraela, Shiomidro: Nagamisiomidro, Isogrape: Isogrape, Isogawara: Isogawara, Kurogashira: Gunsenkurogashira, Kashirazaki: Kashira Zaki, Muchimo: Muchimo, Hiramchimo, Keberigusa, Ajigusa: Ajijigusa, Sakibiro Amiji, Sanadagusa: Sanadagusa, Fukurinamiji, Commongusa: Commongusa, Yahazugusa Umichiwa, Akaba Umichiwa, Nami-makura: Hirami-makura, Somae-kegusa: Someraceae, Navarimo: Navarimo, Chasomen-genus: Otsuka-chasumen, Matsumo-genus: Matsumo, Nagamatsu-moe Genus: Futomozuku, Ishimozuku: Ishimozuku, Kuromo: Black, Nisemozuku: Nisemozuku, Mozuku: Mozuku, Ishigeu: Ishige, Iroro, Chimegasa genus: Ichimegasa, Quercus genus: Quercus, Cyprinus genus: Umibosu, Urushigusa: Urushigusa, Keraushigusa, Tobacco crickets, Crested genus: Crested genus , Ezobukuro: Ezobukuro, Fukuronori: Fukuronori, Cotton, Chishima Fukuronori: Chishima Fukuronori, Kagomenori: Kagomenori, Muraridori: Murachidori, Shazugusa: Shazugusa, Iwahage, Yokomono, Genus Genus genus: genus phyllum, genus cirrus: genus cirrus, genus turtle: shark, genus sujime: sujime, misjikonbu genus: misjikonbu, atsubamisujikonbu, genus kombu: Tsurugara Kombu, Oyster Kombu, Oni Kombu, Gohei Kombu, Naga Kombu, Pea Kombu, Ochijimikombu, Toro Kombu Genus: Trollo Kombu, Antokume Genus: Antokume, Kajime Genus: Kajime, Tsuruarame, Kurome, Kikushikikombu Genus: Kishishima Kombu , Nekoashikonbu, Nekoashikonbu, Arame genus: Alame, Ainuwakame genus: Ainuwakame, Chigaiso, Oniwakame Ezoishige genus: Ezoi Shige, Yabanomoku: Yabanemoku, Rappamom: Rappamom, Joromoku, Joromoku, Jiromoku Tamanashimoku, Isomoku, Nagashimamoku, Akamoku, Shidamoku, Honda Walla, Nejimoku, Narasamo, Mametawara, Tatsukuri, Yasumamamoku, Umitorano , Obermok, Fusizushimoku, Hahamoku, Togemoku, Yoremok, Sawtooth Moku, Oba nokogirimok, Sugimoku: Sugimoku, Ukimo: Ouukimo, Burukimo: Burukimo, Kayanomori, Bossi : Asakusanori, Susabinori, Uppuinori, Onimanori, Tasa, Huirittasa, Benitasa, Rhodocorton: Milnobeni, Akebonomozuku: Akebonomozuku, Konahadamo: Hikonahada, Yogorekonahada, Uzoumawamoku , Hosobenimozu, Kasamatsu: Kasamatsu, Fusanori: Fusanori, Nisefusanori: Nisefusanori, Sodegarami: Sodegarami, Ragara Rattle, Rattle, Hirohata Tadaki: Hirohata Tadaki, Tamai Tadaki: Tamai Tadaki, Kaikekenori: Kaginori, Kaikekenori, Tengusa: Himetengusa, Hytengusa, Oobusa, Nambugusa, Kohira, Hirohimu : Isommedo, Michigaesou: Michigaesou, Ryumonsou genus: Ryumonsou, Heraryumon, Nisekarekigusa: Nisekarekigusa, Okitsubara: Oobakitsubara, Akiba: Abacus, Marubaakaba, Naminohanasomoga : Shiogusagoromo, Iwanokawa genus: Etsukiikawanokawa, Kainokawa: Kainokawa, Kaninote: Kaninote, Coral Coral, centipede genus: centipede, striped caddy, katanori, hiram cadet, cypress, cherry blossom, nikumu cade, tanbanori, tsurutsuru, isonohana , Pine, rice bran, pine, pine, cacreate: Oobakintoki, Itofonori: Itohnori, Nagaobane: Nagaobane, Funori: Hanafori , Nezushinosakamodoki, Kinuhada: Kinuhada, Ezotosaka: Ezotosaka, Tsukasanori: Enashikarimenia, Otsukasanori, Hanagakarimenia, Genus Urono: Honoo, Hikagenoit: Hikagenoit, Usuginu, Nikuhounou: Nikuhounoo, Benisunago: Venice Nago, Susukabeni: Susukabeni, Okarugusa: Yamadagusa, Mirin: Mirin, Hosobamiri, Ezozoe Genus: Isomocca, Yukari Genus: Yukari, Hosoyukari, Ibaranori: Ibaranori, Saidaibara, Tachiibara, Kagiibaranori, Kizino-no-Ogiri: Isodantsu: Isodantsu, Atsunori-genus: Atsubanori, Ogori-no-Ori, Noshira-o Birch, Alaska spp .: Bee Crested Alaska, Fushikenori: Fushikenori, Namiiwatake: Namiiwatake, Cyprus C., Cyprinus: Cyprinus, Saimi: Cyprinus, Saimi, Harigane, Lotus Jigusa: Lotus Jigusa, Sugi nori: Ikanoashi, Hosoibonori, Novonori, Kurogyanganso: Akagiginanso : Hoshibukuro, Madaragusa: Togemadara, Etsumadara, Taoyagisou: Taoyagisou, Hanasakura, Fukutsunagi: Fukutsunagi, Sugikonori, Hananoeda: Hananoeda, Hiratakayagi, Darusu, Dasu Genus: Benifukuronori, Fushitsunagi: Fushitsunagi, Himefushitsunagi, Hirohafushitsunagi, Otsunagisou Genus: Hirawatsugisou, Usuwawatsunagisou, Igis genus: Igis, Hygis, Harrigis, Hanegis, Amixa, Egonori: Egonori, Fuyugisu, Saeda: Saeda, Chirimomididae: Chirimomiji, Conophyllae: Habutaenori, Konohanori, Suzuronori, Usbenigenus Genus: Sugiginu, Atsubasiginu, Haiusbanori: Kagiosbanori, Yaleusbanori, Suususbanori, Haiusbanori, Usubanorimodoki: Usubanorimodoki, Ayanishiki: Ayanisiki, Aegidaia, Daeda : Dajimomodoki, Engussa: Moloitogusa, Futogususa, Makuri genus: Makri, Willow genus: Hanayanagi, Yuna, Yanagiri, Motsureuna, Veneer Nagicoli, Mosanagi, Sasabayanagori, Sozo: Black zozo, Kobsozo, Hanesozo, Sozonohana, Hanegusa: Hanegusa, Kehanegusa, Kozanemo Isomagusa: Isomagusa, Susugashigusa: Susugashigusa, Isobashogusu: Isobasho, Fujimatsumo: Fujimatsumo, Sawweed Hira: Hakusakimokorihiba, Kawamozuku, Akakawamokoku, Himekomokoku Genus, Chinorimo: Chinorimo, Chisujinori: Chisujinori, etc.), Axial Algae (Shajikumo, Shiratamamo, Hoshitsurimo: Hoshitsurimo) , Rikunotamnus genus, Flask genus: Hime flask mo, Chabo flask mo, Tripera genus, etc.), Yellow algae (Hikarimo genus: Hikarimo etc.), etc.
In addition, the raw materials derived from animal materials include chicken crown extract, cow / human placenta extract, pig / cow stomach, duodenum or intestinal extract or degradation product thereof, pig / cow spleen extract or its Degradation products, extracts of porcine and bovine brain tissue, water-soluble collagen, collagen derivatives such as acylated collagen, collagen hydrolysates, elastin, elastin hydrolysates, water-soluble elastin derivatives, keratins and their degradation products or their Derivatives, silk proteins and their degradation products or derivatives thereof, porcine / coagulated blood cells (globin peptides), porcine / hemoglobin degradation products (hemin, hematin, heme, protoheme, heme iron, etc.), milk, casein and Decomposition product thereof or derivatives thereof, skim milk powder and decomposition product thereof or derivatives thereof, lactoferrin or decomposition product thereof, egg component, fish decomposition product Etc..
(14) Microbial culture metabolites
Yeast metabolites, yeast extract, rice fermented extract, rice bran fermented extract, Euglena extract, lactic acid fermented milk powder, trehalose or its derivatives.
(15) α-hydroxy acid
Glycolic acid, citric acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, lactic acid, etc.
(16) Inorganic pigment
Silica, magnesium silicate, talc, kaolin, bentonite, mica, titanium mica, bismuth oxychloride, zirconium oxide, magnesium oxide, zinc oxide, titanium oxide, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, yellow iron oxide, red iron oxide, black iron oxide , Gunjo, chromium oxide, chromium hydroxide, carbon black, calamine, etc.
(17) UV absorber / blocker
p-aminobenzoic acid derivatives, salicylic acid derivatives, anthranilic acid derivatives, coumarin derivatives, amino acid compounds, benzotriazole derivatives, tetrazole derivatives, imidazoline derivatives, pyrimidine derivatives, dioxane derivatives, camphor derivatives, furan derivatives, pyrone derivatives, nucleic acid derivatives, Allantoin derivatives, nicotinic acid derivatives, vitamin B 6 Derivatives, benzophenones, oxybenzone, arbutin, guaiazulene, shikonin, baicalin, baicalein, berberine, neoheliopan, urocanic acid derivatives, escalol, zinc oxide, talc, kaolin, etc.
(18) Oxidizing agent
Hydrogen peroxide solution, sodium persulfate, ammonium persulfate, sodium perborate, urea peroxide, sodium percarbonate, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium bromate, potassium bromate, sodium pyrophosphate, sodium orthophosphate Sodium silicate hydrogen peroxide adduct, sodium sulfate sodium chloride hydrogen peroxide adduct, β-tyrosinase enzyme solution, mushroom extract and the like.
(19) Dye agent
5-aminoorthocresol, 2-amino-4-nitrophenol, 2-amino-5-nitrophenol, 1-amino-4-methylaminoanthraquinone, 3,3'-iminodiphenol, 2,4-diaminophenoxyethanol hydrochloride , 2,4-diaminophenol hydrochloride, toluene-2,5-diamine hydrochloride, nitroparaphenylenediamine hydrochloride, paraphenylenediamine hydrochloride, N-phenylparaphenylenediamine hydrochloride, metaphenylenediamine hydrochloride, orthoaminophenol, N-phenyl acetate Paraphenylenediamine, 1,4-diaminoanthraquinone, 2,6-diaminopyridine, 1,5-dihydroxynaphthalene, toluene-2,5-diamine, toluene-3,4-diamine, nitroparaphenylenediamine, paraaminophenol P-nitroorthophenylenediamine, p-phenylenediamine, p-methylaminophenol, picramic acid, sodium picramate, N, 'N-bis (4-aminophenyl) -2,5-diamino-1, -4-quinonediimine, 5- ( 2-hydroxyethylamino) 2-methylphenol, N-phenylparaphenylenediamine, metaaminophenol, metaphenylenediamine, 5-aminoorcresol sulfate, 2-amino-5-nitrophenol sulfate, orthoaminophenol sulfate, sulfuric acid Orthochloroparaphenylenediamine, 4,4'-diaminodiphenylamine sulfate, 2,4-diaminophenol sulfate, toluene-2,5-diamine sulfate, nitroparaphenylenediamine sulfate, paraaminophenol sulfate, paranitrosulfate Lutophenylenediamine, paranitrometaphenylenediamine sulfate, paraphenylenediamine sulfate, paramethylaminophenol sulfate, metaaminophenol sulfate, metaphenylenediamine sulfate, catechol, diphenylamine, α-naphthol, hydroquinone, pyrogallol, phloroglucin, gallic acid , Resorcin, tannic acid, 2-hydroxy-5-nitro-2 ', 4'-diaminoazobenzozen-5'-sodium sulfonate, hematein and the like.
(20) Turnover promotion / cell activation
Hydroquinone, Lactic acid bacteria extract, Placenta extract, Ganoderma extract, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Allantoin, Spleen extract, Thymus extract, Yeast extract, Fermented milk extract, Plant extract (Aloe, Ogon, Horsetail, Gentian, Burdock, Shikon, Carrot, (Hammamels, hops, Yokuinin, Odori-sou, assembly, Toki, Toki-Senka, Achacha, Hypericum, Cucumber, Ginger, Rosemary, Parsley, etc.)
(21) Astringent
Succinic acid, allantoin, zinc chloride, zinc sulfate, zinc oxide, calamine, zinc p-phenolsulfonate, potassium aluminum sulfate, resorcin, ferric chloride, tannic acid (including catechin compounds).
(22) Active oxygen scavenger
SOD, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, etc.
(23) Antioxidants
Ascorbic acid and salts thereof, stearic acid ester, tocopherol and ester derivatives thereof, nordihydrogua ceretenoic acid, butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), butylhydroxyanisole (BHA), hydroxytyrosol, parahydroxyanisole, propyl gallate, sesamol , Sesamorin, gossypol, etc.
(24) Lipid peroxide production inhibitor
β-carotene, plant extract (sesame cultured cells, amacha, hypericum, clams, clove, melissa, enamel, birch, sage, rosemary, nanami, kina, ages, ginkgo, green tea, etc.)
(25) Anti-inflammatory agent
Ictamol, indomethacin, kaolin, salicylic acid, sodium salicylate, methyl salicylate, acetylsalicylic acid, diphenhydramine hydrochloride, d or dl-camphor, hydrocortisone, guaiazulene, camazulene, chlorpheniramine maleate, glycyrrhizic acid and its salts, glycyrrhetinic acid and its salts, etc. .
(26) Disinfectant / disinfectant
Acrinol, sulfur, benzalkonium chloride, benzethonium chloride, methylrosaniline chloride, cresol, calcium gluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, sulfamine, mercurochrome, lactoferrin or hydrolysates thereof.
(27) Moisturizer
Glycerin, propylene glycol, 1,3-butylene glycol, hyaluronic acid and its salt, polyethylene glycol, chondroitin sulfate and its salt, water-soluble chitin or chitosan derivative, sodium lactate, etc.
(28) Hair preparation
Selenium disulfide, alkylisoquinolinium bromide, zinc pyrithione, biphenamine, thianthol, castari tincture, pepper tincture, chili pepper tincture, quinine hydrochloride, strong aqueous ammonia, potassium bromate, sodium bromate, thioglycolic acid, etc.
(29) Fragrance
Natural animal flavors such as musk, civet, castrium, ambergris, anise essential oil, angelica essential oil, ylang ylang essential oil, iris essential oil, fennel essential oil, orange essential oil, cananga essential oil, caraway essential oil, cardamom essential oil, guayakwood essential oil, cumin essential oil, black letter Essential oil, cinnamon essential oil, cinnamon essential oil, geranium essential oil, copaiba balsam essential oil, coriander essential oil, perilla essential oil, cedarwood essential oil, citronella essential oil, jasmine essential oil, gingergrass essential oil, cedar essential oil, spearmint essential oil, western peppermint essential oil, dairy perfume essential oil, Tuberose Essential Oil, Clove Essential Oil, Orange Flower Essential Oil, Winter Green Essential Oil, Truval Sam Essential Oil, Batule Essential Oil, Rose Essential Oil, Palmarosa Essential Oil, Agate Essential Oil, Hiba Essential Oil, Sandalwood Essential Oil, Petit Glen Essential Oil, Bay Essential Oil, Vetiver Essential Oil, Bergamot Essential Oil, Pe -Plant flavors such as balsam essential oil, boad rose essential oil, melamine essential oil, mandarin essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil, lime essential oil, lavender essential oil, linaloe essential oil, lemongrass essential oil, lemon essential oil, rosemary essential oil, Japanese mint essential oil, and other synthetic flavors .
(30) Dyes / colorants
Red cabbage dye, red rice dye, red dye, anato dye, squid dye, turmeric dye, enju dye, krill dye, amber dye, caramel, gold, silver, gardenia dye, corn dye, onion dye, tamarind dye, spirulina dye, Whole buckwheat pigment, cherry pigment, laver pigment, hibiscus pigment, grape juice pigment, marigold pigment, purple potato pigment, purple yam pigment, lac pigment, rutin, etc.
Others, moisturizers, hormones, sequestering agents, pH adjusters, chelating agents, antiseptic and antibacterial agents, cooling agents, stabilizers, emulsifiers, animal and vegetable proteins and their degradation products, animals and plants Saccharides and their degradation products, animal and plant glycoproteins and their degradation products, blood flow promoters, anti-inflammatory agents, antiallergic agents, cell activators, keratolytic agents, wound treatment agents, foam enhancers, thickeners, oral cavity Additives, deodorants / deodorants, bitters, seasonings, enzymes and the like can be raised, and in combination with these, various additive and synergistic effects can be expected.
In addition, the dosage form of the melanin production promoter containing the chitosan derivative of the present invention, and further the cosmetics for skin and the cosmetics for hair is arbitrary, and capsule, powder, granule, solid, liquid, gel, It can be used by blending with pharmaceuticals such as foam, emulsion, cream, ointment, sheet, etc., quasi-drugs, skin / hair cosmetics, and bath preparations.
Specifically, for example, external pharmaceutical preparations, lotions, emulsions, creams, ointments, lotions, oils, packs, and other basic cosmetics, facial cleansers and skin cleansing agents, shampoos, rinses, hair treatments, hair preparations, permanent agents Makeup cosmetics such as hair nicks, hair dyes, hair growth and nourishing hairs, foundations, lipsticks, blushers, eye shadows, eyeliner, mascara, perfumes, bath preparations, other toothpastes, cool in mouth It can be applied to various products such as agents, gargles, deodorants and deodorizers, sanitary cotton, wet tissue, or decoloration inhibitors for hair, fur, wool and other types of animal hair.
The melanin production accelerator of the present invention, and the method of addition to the skin cosmetics and hair cosmetics, may be added in advance or during the production, considering the workability. Just choose.
Hereinafter, production examples, test examples, and formulation examples will be described. However, the present invention is not limited to these examples.
(Production Example 1)
Dissolve 5.0 g of D-galactopyranosyl-gluconic acid in 30 ml of TEMED buffer (50 mM tetramethylenediamine, PH 4.7), add 5.0 g of carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) and stir for 30 minutes. Next, 120 ml of TEMED buffer solution in which 10 g of chitosan [manufactured by Yaizu Suisan Chemical Co., Ltd., deacetylation degree 33%] 10 g is dissolved is added to this EDC solution and stirred for 3 days. During this time, 3.3 g of EDC is added in several portions. Thereafter, low molecular components are removed by dialysis, washed and dried to obtain a chitosan derivative (chitosan-lactose derivative: lactose induction rate of about 31.5%, 13 About 12.5 g of C-NMR was confirmed.
(Production Example 2)
150 ml of water was added to 10 g of chitosan (Yaizu Suisan Chemical Co., Ltd., deacetylation degree 85%), stirred and dispersed, adjusted to pH 11 with aqueous sodium hydroxide solution, and then heated to 70 ° C To do. Next, 5.25 ml of hydrogen peroxide (concentration: about 35%) is added and reacted for 3 hours. After the reaction is completed, the reaction solution is removed, washed with water, dried, and low molecular chitosan (deacetylation degree 89%) is added. About 8.0 g was obtained. Next, 1.0 g of this low molecular chitosan is put into a 300 ml flask, dissolved by adding 50 ml of a mixed solution of methanol / l% acetic acid aqueous solution = 1/1, dissolved by adding 5.0 g of maltose, and further cyanoborohydride. Sodium 2.5g was added and it was made to react for 5 hours. After completion of the reaction, the mixture was washed with 300 ml of a mixed solution of acetone / water = 5/1 and 300 ml of ether and dried to obtain about 1.7 g of the chitosan derivative of the present invention (chitosan-maltose derivative: maltose induction rate of about 42.5%). .
(Test 1) Tyrosinase activity promoting action test
"Test method"
Mix 1.0 ml of tyrosine solution (L-tyrosine: 0.3 mg / ml), 1.0 ml of mucklevine buffer (pH 6.5) and 0.9 ml of sample (chitosan derivative: production example 1) in a 37 ° C constant temperature bath. Then, after standing for about 10 minutes, 0.1 ml of tyrosinase solution (derived from mushrooms, 2500 units / ml) was added, and the absorbance at 475 nm was measured (A). Then, after standing for 10 minutes, the absorbance at 475 nm is measured in the same manner (A ′). At the same time, as a blank, a solvent (purified water) was added in place of the sample, and the absorbance was measured (a) and (a ′) by the same operation. It was shown in 1. The same concentration of kojic acid and arbutin was used as a control.
[Expression 2]
[Figure 1]
"Test results"
As a result, as shown in FIG. 1, it was confirmed that the chitosan derivative of the present invention has a tyrosinase activity promoting action. Similarly, the chitosan derivative of the present invention (Production Example 2) was confirmed to have a telocinase activity promoting action substantially equivalent to that of Production Example 1.
(Test 2) Test for promoting melanin production
The present inventor decided to test and evaluate the melanin production promoting action based on B16 melanoma cells.
"Test method"
B16 melanoma cells pre-cultured for 24 hours are transferred to a fresh medium, to which 2% of a sample is added and cultured for 2 days. Next, the cultured cells are treated with trypsin, heated and dissolved in 1N-NaOH, 10% DMSO solution, and the absorbance at 475 nm is measured. In addition, distilled water was used as a blank instead of the sample, and the activity of the cells to which the sample was added at the same time was measured by the MTT reduction method (Tim Mosmann; Journal of Immunological Methods p55-63 (1983)). The MTT reduction activity of the sample-loaded cells was calculated with the MTT reduction activity of the cells as 1 unit. The amount of melanin in the sample was calculated as absorbance / MTT reducing activity (1 unit), and the promoting effect on the amount of melanin produced by blank cells was determined. The results are shown in FIG.
[Figure 2]
"Test results"
As a result, as shown in FIG. 2, it was confirmed that the chitosan derivative of the present invention has a melanin production promoting action. Similarly, the chitosan derivative of the present invention (Production Example 2) was confirmed to have almost the same melanin production promoting action as Production Example 1.
(Test 3) Safety test
(1) Skin primary irritation test
The chitosan derivative of the present invention obtained in Production Examples 1 and 2 has a dry solid content concentration of about 0.5. W / V % Was applied with purified water and applied to the skin of Japanese white rabbits (female, 3 animals per group, body weight around 2.3 kg) with shaved back. Judgment was performed 24, 48, and 72 hours after application using the primary irritation scoring method with erythema and edema as indicators. The results were negative in all animals without any erythema or edema.
(Test 4) Safety test
(2) Acute toxicity test
Similarly, the chitosan derivative of the present invention obtained in Production Examples 1 and 2 has a dry solid content concentration of about 10 W / V Of 2,000 mg / kg orally administered to ddy mice (male and female, 5 mice per group, 5 weeks old) prepared in purified water to 4% and fasted for 4 hours before the test. The degree was observed over time. As a result, no abnormality was observed in all mice for 14 days, and no abnormalities were found in the results of dissection. Therefore, LD 50 Was determined to be 2,000 mg / kg or more.
(Formulation example) Manufacture of melanin production accelerator, skin cosmetics and hair cosmetics
According to said evaluation result, the example of the formulation is shown below, but each formulation example may be what was manufactured by the conventional method in manufacture of each product, and showed only the compounding quantity. The present invention is not limited to these.
(Formulation example 2) Lotion weight%
1. 1,3-Butylene glycol 15.0
2. Polyethylene glycol 400 10.0
3. Ethanol 10.0
Four. Polyoxyethylene (60) hydrogenated castor oil 2.0
5. 3% chitosan derivative aqueous solution of Production Example 2 2.0
6.pH adjusting agent
7.Perfume appropriate amount
8. Residue with 100 purified water
(Formulation example 3) Peel-off pack Weight%
1.Glycerin 5.0
2.Propylene glycol 4.0
3.Polyvinyl alcohol 15.0
4.Ethanol 8.0
5.Polyoxyethylene glycol 1.0
6. 2% chitosan derivative aqueous solution of Production Example 1 3.0
7.Perfume appropriate amount
8. Residue with 100 purified water
(Formulation example 4) Cold cream% by weight
1. Sarah Beeswax 11.0
2.liquid paraffin 22.0
3.Lanoline 10.0
4. Almond oil 15.0
5.borax 0.5
6. 2% chitosan derivative aqueous solution of Production Example 2 2.0
7.Perfume appropriate amount
8. Residue with 100 purified water
(Formulation Example 5) Shampoo Weight%
1.Lauryl sulfate triethanolamine 5.0
2. Sodium polyoxyethylene lauryl ether sulfate 12.0
3.1,3-Butylene glycol 4.0
4.Lauric acid diethanolamide 2.0
5. Edetate disodium 0.1
6. 3% chitosan derivative 30% ethanol aqueous solution of Production Example 1 4.0
7.Perfume appropriate amount
8. Residue with 100 purified water
(Formulation example 6) Body soap weight%
1.Potassium laurate 15.0
2.Potassium myristate 5.0
3.Propylene glycol 5.0
4. 2% chitosan derivative aqueous solution of Production Example 2 4.0
5. Suitable pH adjuster
6.Perfume appropriate amount
7. Residue with 100 purified water
(Formulation example 7) Rinse weight%
1. Stearyltrimethylammonium chloride 2.0
2.Cetostearyl alcohol 2.0
3.Polyoxyethylene lanolin ether 3.0
4.Propylene glycol 5.0
5. 2% chitosan derivative aqueous solution of Production Example 1 2.0
6. 2% chitosan derivative aqueous solution of Production Example 2 2.0
7.pH adjuster
8. Perfume appropriate amount
9. Residue with 100 purified water
(Formulation Example 8) Hair Liquid Weight%
1.Ethanol 29.0
2.Polyoxypropylene butyl ether phosphate 10.0
3.Polyoxypropylene monobutyl ether 5.0
4.Triethanolamine 1.0
5. 2% chitosan derivative aqueous solution of Production Example 1 1.0
6. 2% chitosan derivative 50% ethanol aqueous solution of Production Example 2 2.0
7.Perfume appropriate amount
8. Residue with 100 purified water
(Formulation example 9) Hair art weight%
1.Ethanol 40.0
2.Ethyl oleate 2.0
3.Polyoxyethylene (40) hydrogenated castor oil 2.0
4. 3% chitosan derivative aqueous solution of Production Example 1 2.0
5.Perfume appropriate amount
6. Residue with 100 purified water
(Formulation Example 10) Granule bath agent Weight%
1.Sodium bicarbonate 60.0
2.Anhydrous sodium sulfate 30.0
3. Borax 7.0
4. Chitosan derivative powder of Production Example 1 3.0
(Formulation Example 11) Coating protective agent
A gauze or liniment cloth is impregnated with a prescription solution in which an appropriate amount of 3% chitosan derivative aqueous solution, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, etc. of Production Example 1 is mixed, and attached to the wound. Alternatively, a 3% chitosan derivative aqueous solution may be directly applied locally and coated with gauze or the like.
(Test 5) Use effect test
The effect of actually using the skin cosmetic of the present invention was examined. The use test was conducted with 10 adult males and females aged 20 to 50 years without skin disease as panelists. Every day, before bathing and after waking up in the morning, twice a day, the appropriate amount of the emulsion of prescription example 1 was applied to the face and upper arm. The coating was carried out over a fixed portion over 6 months, and the color tone was evaluated every 2 months. Similarly, for 10 men aged 40 to 60 years who have no head disease and slightly white hair, after the daily shampooing, obtain the appropriate amount of prescription example 9 hairtonic for a certain part of the hair in 6 months. The application was continued and a use test was conducted by evaluating the color tone every two months. As a control, an emulsion prepared by removing the chitosan derivative of the present invention from a haetonic and the same method was used. Moreover, the evaluation method is visually performed according to the following criteria, the results are as shown in Tables 1 and 2, and the numerical values in the table represent the number of people.
"Color evaluation"
Effective: The darkness of the color tone of the coated part increased compared to the surroundings.
Slightly effective: The color tone of the coated part was slightly increased compared to the surroundings.
Invalid: No change.
[Table 1]
[Table 2]
[Test results]
As a result, as shown in Tables 1 and 2, it was confirmed that the skin cosmetics and hair cosmetics of the present invention blackened the color tone of the skin or hair.
【The invention's effect】
The chitosan derivative obtained by reacting the chitosan of the present invention with a saccharide having a reducing end has an action of promoting melanin production, and is also safe for humans or animals. Therefore, it can be applied to melanin production accelerators, and further to skin cosmetics and hair cosmetics, and can darken the color tone of skin or hair (hair, fur, feathers, etc.) without the danger of ultraviolet irradiation. it can. Further, it has an effect of preventing whitening of hair, and can be applied to an external preparation for skin in the pharmaceutical / quasi-drug or cosmetic field (including various preparations used for humans and other animals). In addition, it can be applied to various products such as hair, fur, wool, and other types of animal hair decolorization inhibitors.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a diagram showing a tyrosinase activity promoting action.
FIG. 2 is a diagram showing a melanin production promoting action.
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Priority Applications (1)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
JP33888696A JP3874477B2 (en) | 1996-12-03 | 1996-12-03 | Melanin production promoter containing chitosan derivative |
Applications Claiming Priority (1)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
JP33888696A JP3874477B2 (en) | 1996-12-03 | 1996-12-03 | Melanin production promoter containing chitosan derivative |
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JPH10167924A JPH10167924A (en) | 1998-06-23 |
JP3874477B2 true JP3874477B2 (en) | 2007-01-31 |
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JP33888696A Expired - Fee Related JP3874477B2 (en) | 1996-12-03 | 1996-12-03 | Melanin production promoter containing chitosan derivative |
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Cited By (1)
Publication number | Priority date | Publication date | Assignee | Title |
FR2951943A1 (en) * | 2009-10-30 | 2011-05-06 | Oreal | Cosmetic use of Rubus fructicosus and/or its extract as agent to reduce or prevent whitening of hair and/or body hair |
Families Citing this family (3)
Publication number | Priority date | Publication date | Assignee | Title |
JP4754178B2 (en) * | 2004-03-31 | 2011-08-24 | 学校法人東海大学 | Promotion of melanin production by lignans |
KR100953800B1 (en) * | 2007-11-21 | 2010-04-21 | (주)아모레퍼시픽 | Composition for preventing gray hair and for treatment of leukoplakia containing arrowroot |
FR2951941B1 (en) * | 2009-10-30 | 2012-01-06 | Oreal | USE OF A RUBUS IDAEUS EXTRACT TO COMBAT CANITIS |
- 1996-12-03 JP JP33888696A patent/JP3874477B2/en not_active Expired - Fee Related
Cited By (1)
Publication number | Priority date | Publication date | Assignee | Title |
FR2951943A1 (en) * | 2009-10-30 | 2011-05-06 | Oreal | Cosmetic use of Rubus fructicosus and/or its extract as agent to reduce or prevent whitening of hair and/or body hair |
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JPH10167924A (en) | 1998-06-23 |
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