JP4755325B2 - Bioactive composition derived from silk protein hydrolyzate - Google Patents

Bioactive composition derived from silk protein hydrolyzate Download PDF


Publication number
JP4755325B2 JP31889797A JP31889797A JP4755325B2 JP 4755325 B2 JP4755325 B2 JP 4755325B2 JP 31889797 A JP31889797 A JP 31889797A JP 31889797 A JP31889797 A JP 31889797A JP 4755325 B2 JP4755325 B2 JP 4755325B2
Prior art keywords
essential oil
silk protein
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Expired - Lifetime
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JPH11139986A (en
豊 渡邊
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Gifu Prefecture
Ichimaru Pharcos Co Ltd
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Gifu Prefecture
Ichimaru Pharcos Co Ltd
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Application filed by Gifu Prefecture, Ichimaru Pharcos Co Ltd filed Critical Gifu Prefecture
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Publication of JP4755325B2 publication Critical patent/JP4755325B2/en
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  • Medicines That Contain Protein Lipid Enzymes And Other Medicines (AREA)
  • Medicines Containing Material From Animals Or Micro-Organisms (AREA)
  • Coloring Foods And Improving Nutritive Qualities (AREA)
  • Non-Alcoholic Beverages (AREA)


原料とする具体的な植物(生薬)としては、例えば、アイ(藍葉),アオカズラ(清風藤),アオツヅラフジ(木防巳),アオノリュウゼツラン,アカシア,アカスグリ果実,アカブドウ,アカメガシワ(赤芽柏),アカネ(茜草根),アカヤジオウ(地黄),アギ(阿魏),アキニレ(榔楡皮),アケビ(木通),アサ(麻子仁),アサガオ(牽牛子),アシタバ(明日葉),アズキ(赤小豆),アセンヤク(阿仙薬),アセロラ,アニス果実,アベマキ果実,アボカド,アマ,アマチャ(甘茶),アマチャヅル,アマドコロ(玉竹),アミガサユリ(貝母),アーモンド(へん桃),アルテア,アルニカ,アロエ(蘆薈),アロエベラ,アンジェリカ,アンズ(杏仁),アンソッコウ(安息香),イガコウゾリナ(地胆頭),イタドリ(虎杖根),イチゴ,イチジク(無花果)又はその葉,イチビ(冬葵子),イチヤクソウ,イチョウ(銀杏葉,銀杏),イトヒメハギ(遠志),イナゴマメ,イネ種子又は種皮,イノンド種子,イブキジャコウソウ,イラクサ,イランイラン,ウイキョウ(茴香),ウキヤガラ(三稜),ウグイスカグラ果実,ウコン(鬱金),ウスバサイシン(細辛), ウスベニアオイ,ウスベニタチアオイ,,ウツボグサ(夏枯草),ウド,ウメ(烏梅)又はその果肉,ウラジロガシ,ウワウルシ,ウンシュウミカン(陳皮),エストラゴン,エゾウコギ(蝦夷五加),エチナシ(ホソバムラサキバレンギク), エノキ,エビスグサ(決明子),エルダーベリー果実,エレミ,エンジュ(槐花,槐花米),オウギ(黄耆),オウレン(黄連),オオカラスウリ(カロニン),オオツヅラフジ(防己),オオバコ(車前子,車前草),オオハシバミ(榛子),オオバナオケラ(白朮),オオバヤシャブシ果実,オオミサンザシ(山査子),オウヒササノユキ,オオムギ(大麦),オグルマ(旋覆),オクラ果実,オケラ(白朮),オタネニンジン(人参),オトギリソウ(弟切草),オドリコソウ(続断),オナモミ(蒼耳子),オニグルミ,オニノヤガラ(天麻),オニユリ(百合),オニノス,オヒョウ(裂葉楡),オミナエシ(敗醤),オランダイチゴ,オランダガラシ,オランダゼリ,オランダパセリ,オランダミツバ,オリーブ,オレガノ,オレンジ果実又は果皮,カイケイジオウ(熟地黄),海藻[緑藻,褐藻,紅藻],カカオ種子,カキ又はその葉(柿蒂),カギカズラ(釣藤鈎),カシア,カジノキ果実(楮実),ガジュツ(莪朮),カシワ(槲樹,槲葉),カスカリラ,カニクサ(金沙藤),カノコソウ(吉草根),カバノキ,カボチャ,カポックノキ種子,カホクサンショウ(蜀椒),ガマ(蒲黄),カミツレ,カミヤツデ(通草),カラスウリ(王瓜),カラスビシャク(半夏),カラスムギ,ガラナ種実,カラヤ,カリテ,カリン(木瓜),ガルシニア,カワヤナギ,カワラタケ,カワラヨモギ(茵チン蒿),カンスイ(甘遂),カンゾウ(甘草),カンタラアサ,カンデリラ,カントウ,カンナ,キイチゴ,キウイ果実,キカラスウリ(瓜呂根),キキョウ(桔梗,桔梗根),キク(菊花),キササゲ(梓実),ギシギシ(羊蹄根),キジツ(枳実), キズタ,キダチアロエ,キダチハッカ,キナノキ,キハダ(黄柏),キバナオウギ(黄耆),ギムネマ・シルベスタ,キャベツ,キャベブ未熟果,キュウリ,キラジャ・サポナリア,キラヤ,キンカン果実,キンマ,キンミズヒキ(仙鶴草),グアバ果実,グアユーレ,クェルクス・インフェクトリア(没食子),ククイナッツ,クコ(枸杞,枸杞子,枸杞葉,地骨皮),クサスギカズラ(天門冬),クズ(葛根),クスノキ,グースベリー果実,クチナシ(山梔子),クヌギ(樸ソウ),クマザサ,クマツヅラ(馬鞭草),クララ(苦参),クランベリー果実,クリ又はその渋皮,クルクリゴ・ラチフォリア果実,クレソン,グレープフルーツ果実,クロウメモドキ,クロガネモチ(救必応),クロバナヒキオコシ(延命草),クローブ,クロレラ,クワ(桑葉,桑白皮),ケイ,ケイガイ(荊芥,荊芥穂),ケイシ(桂枝),ケイトウ(鶏冠花,鶏冠子),ケイリンサイシン(細辛),ゲッケイジュ(月桂樹),ゲンチアナ,ゲンノショウコ(老鸛草),コエンドロ果実,コウシンバラ(月季花),コウスイハッカ,コウゾ果実,コウチャ(紅茶),コウホネ(川骨),コウホン(藁本,唐藁本),コウリャン,コエンドロ果実,コケモモ(越橘),コガネバナ(黄ゴン),コゴメバオトギリソウ,ココヤシ果実,ゴシュユ(呉茱萸),ゴショイチゴ(覆盆子),コショウ(胡椒),コパイババルサム,コーヒー豆,コブシ(辛夷),ゴボウ(牛蒡,牛蒡子),コボタンヅル,ゴマ(胡麻),ゴマノハグサ(玄参),ゴミシ(五実子), コムギ(小麦),米又は米ぬか(赤糠,白糠)・米油,コーラ・アクミナタ種子,コーラ・ベラ種子,コロハ果実,コロンボ,コンズランゴ,コンニャク, コンブ,コンフリー(鰭張草),サイザル,サイザルアサ,サキシマボタンズル(威霊仙),サクラの花・葉・果実・樹皮(桜皮),サクランボ,ザクロ,ササ,ササノユキ,ササユリ(百合),サザンカ,サジオモダカ(沢瀉),サツマイモ,サトウキビ,サトウダイコン,サネカズラ,サネブトナツメ(酸棗仁),サフラン(番紅花,西紅花),ザボン果実,サボンソウ,サーモンベリー果実,サラシナショウマ(升麻),サルビア,サワギキョウ(山梗菜),サワグルミ葉,サンキライ(山帰来),サンザシ(山査子),サンシチニンジン(三七人参),サンシュユ(山茱萸),サンショウ(山椒),サンズコン(山豆根),シア,シアノキ果実,シイタケ,ジオウ(地黄),シオン(紫苑),ジギタリス,シクンシ(使君子),シシウド(羌活, 独活,唐独活),シソ・アオジソ・チリメンジソ・カタメンジソ(紫蘇葉,紫蘇子),シダレカンバ(白樺皮),シタン,シナノキ,シナレンギョウ(連翹),シマカンギク(菊花),シモツケソウ,ジャガイモ,シャクヤク(芍薬),シャジン(沙参),ジャノヒゲ(麦門冬),シラカシ種子,シロゴチョウの種子,シロバナイリス,シロバナタンポポ,シロバナツタの花,シロミナンテン(南天実),ジュズダマ,シュロ果実,ショウガ(生姜),ショウブ(菖蒲,菖蒲根),ショズク果実,シラカバ,シンコナサクシルブラ,シンナモン,スイカ(西瓜),スイカズラ(金銀花,忍冬),スイバ(酸模),スイムベリー果実,ストロベリー果実,スギナ(問荊),ステビア,スモモ果実,セイヨウアカマツの球果,セイヨウオトギリソウ,セイヨウカラマツ,セイヨウキヅタ,セイヨウグルミ,セイヨウサンザシ,セイヨウタンポポ,セイヨウトチノキ,セイヨウナシ果実,セイヨウナツユキソウ,セイヨウネズ,セイヨウノコギリソウ(ミルフォイル),セイヨウニワトコ,セイヨウネズ,セイヨウハッカ,セイヨウフウチョウボク,セイヨウヤドリギ,セイヨウヤマハッカ,セイヨウバラ,セイヨウワサビ,セキショウ(石菖根),セージ,ゼニアオイ,セネガ,セリ,セロリ,センキュウ(川キュウ),センダン,センナ果実又は葉,センニンソウ(大蓼),センブリ(当薬),ソウカ(草果),ソバ種実,ソメモノイモ,ダイオウ(大黄),大根,大豆,ダイダイ(橙皮,枳実),タイム,タカトウダイ(大戟),タカワラビ(狗脊),ダークスィートチェリー果実,タチアオイ,タチジャコウソウ(百里香),タチバナ(橘皮),タチヤナギ,タマリンド種子,タマネギ,タムシバ(辛夷),タラノキ又はその根皮,タンジン(丹参),タンポポ(蒲公英), ダンマル,チェリー果実,チガヤ又はその根(茅根),チクセツニンジン(竹節人参),チコリ,チョウジ(丁子,丁香),チョウセンゴミシ(五味子),チョウセンダイオウ(大黄),チョウセンニレ(蕪夷),チョウセンニンジン(人参),チョウセンヨモギ(艾葉),チョレイマイタケ(猪苓),ツキミソウ,ツバキ,ツボクサ,ツメクサ(漆姑草),ツユクサ(鴨跖草),ツルアズキ(赤小豆),ツルドクダミ(何首烏),ツルナ(蕃杏),ツルニンジン(四葉参),ツワブキ,デイコ,テウチグルミ,デュベリー果実,テングサ,テンダイウヤク(烏薬),トウガ(冬瓜子),トウガラシ(番椒),トウキ(当帰),トウキンセンカ,トウモロコシ又はトウモロコシ毛(南蛮毛),トウネズミモチ(女貞子),トウリンドウ(竜胆),ドクダミ(十薬),トコン(吐根),トシシ,トチバニンジン(竹節人参),トチュウ(杜仲,杜仲葉),トマト,トラガント,トリアカンソス種子,トルメンチラ,ドロノキ,トロロアオイ,ナイゼリアベリー果実,ナガイモ(山薬),ナギイカダ,ナギナタコウジュ,ナズナ,ナタネ,ナツミカン,ナツメ(大棗),ナニワイバラ(金桜子),ナルコユリ(黄精),ナンキンマメ(落花生),ナンテン(南天実),ニガキ(苦木),ニガヨモギ(苦艾),ニクズク,ニッケイ(桂皮),ニラ(韮子),ニワトコ(接骨木),ニンジン,ニンニク(大蒜),ヌルデ(五倍子),ネギ,ネナシカズラ,ノアザミ(大薊),ノイバラ(営実),ノコギリソウ,ノダケ(前胡),ノバラ,ノモモ,パーム,パイナップル果実,ハイビスカス,ハカタユリ(百合),ハカマウラボシ(骨砕補),ハクセン(白蘚皮),ハクルベリー果実,ハコベ(繁縷),ハシバミ(榛子),ハシリドコロ(ロート根),バジル,ハス(蓮肉,蓮子),パセリ,ハダカムギ,バタタ,ハチク(竹茹),パチョリー,ハッカ(薄荷,薄荷葉),ハトムギ(ヨクイニン),ハナスゲ(知母),バナナ,ハナハッカ,バニラビンズ,パパイヤ,ハハコグサ(鼠麹草),ハブ草,パプリカ,ハマゴウ(蔓荊子),ハマスゲ(香附子),ハマビシ(シツ莉子),ハマナス(マイ瑰花),ハマボウフウ(浜防風),ハマメリス,バラ(薔薇),パリエタリア,ハルニレ(楡皮,楡白皮,楡葉),パンノキ,ヒオウギ(射干),ヒカゲツルニンジン(党参),ピーカンナッツ,ヒガンバナ(石蒜,蔓珠沙華),ヒキオコシ(延命草),ヒシ(菱実),ピスタチオ,ビート,ヒトツバ(石葦),ヒナタイノコズチ(牛膝),ビナンカズラ,ヒノキ,ヒバ,ヒマシ,ヒマワリ,ピーマン,ヒメウイキョウ,ヒメガマ(香蒲),ヒメマツタケ,ピメンタ果実,ビャクシ,ビャッキョウ,ヒユ果実,ビロウドアオイ,ヒロハオキナグサ(白頭翁),ヒロハセネガ(セネガ),ビワ(枇杷,枇杷葉),ビンロウ(大腹皮,檳榔子),フウトウカズラ(南藤),フウリンブッソウゲ,フキ(款冬花),フキタンポポ(款冬花,款冬葉),フクリンリュウゼツラン,フジバカマ(蘭草),フジマメ(扁豆),ブッソウゲ,ブッチャーブルーム,ブドウ果実または種皮・種子・葉,ブナ,フユムシナツクサタケ(冬虫夏草),ブラジルカンゾウ,ブラックカーラント果実,ブラックベリー果実,プラム果実,フルセラリア,ブルーベリー果実,プルーン,ブロンドサイリウム,ブンドウ(緑豆),ヘチマ,ベニバナ(紅花),ヘネケン,ベラドンナ,ベリー果実,ボイセンベリー果実,ボウフウ(防風),ホウレンソウ,ホオズキ(登呂根),ホオノキ(厚朴,和厚朴),ボケ(木瓜),ホソバオケラ(蒼朮),ホソババレンギク,ボダイジュ,ボタン(牡丹皮),ホップ,ホホバ,ホワートルベリー果実,ホンアンズ(杏仁),ホンシメジ,マイズルテンナンショウ(天南星),マオウ(麻黄),マカデミアナッツ,マクリ(海人草),マグワ(桑葉,桑白皮),マダケ(竹茹),マタタビ(木天蓼),マツカサ,マツバ(松葉),マツブサ,マツホド(茯苓),マメダオシ,マヨラム,マリーゴールド,マルバアサガオ,マルバノジャジン(杏参),マルベリー果実,マルメロ,マロニエ,マンゴー,マンゴスチン,マンシュウグルミ,マンダリン果実,マンネンタケ(霊芝),マンネンロウ,ミカン属植物果実(枳実),ミシマサイコ(柴胡),ミゾカクシ(半辺蓮),ミソハギ(千屈菜),ミツガシワ,ミツバ,ミツバハマゴウ(蔓荊子),ミドリハッカ,ミモザ,ミョウガ,ミラクルフルーツ果実,ミルラ,ミロバラン,ムクゲ(木槿),ムクノキ,ムクロジ,ムラサキ(紫根),ムラサキトウモロコシ,メハジキ(益母草),メボウキ,メラロイカ,メリッサ,メリロート,メロン果実,モウコタンポポ,モウコヨモギ,モウソウチク,モクレン(辛夷),モッコウ(木香),モミジバダイオウ,モモの果実・種(桃仁)又は葉(桃葉),モヤシ,モレロチェリー果実,モロヘイヤ(黄麻),ヤカワムラサキイモ,ヤクチ(益智),ヤグルマギク,ヤグルマソウ,ヤグルマハッカ,ヤシャブシ(矢車),ヤチヤナギ,ヤツデ(八角金盤),ヤドリギ(柳寄生),ヤナギタデの葉,ヤブガラシ,ヤブコウジ(紫金牛),ヤマゴボウ(商陸),ヤマノイモ(山薬),ヤマハンノキ(山榛),ヤマモモ(楊梅皮),ヤマヨモギ,ユーカリ,ユッカ・ブレビフォリア,ユキノシタ(虎耳草),ユズ果実,ユリ,ヨモギ(艾葉),ヨロイグサ,ライム果実,ライムギ,落花生,ラカンカ果実,ラズベリー葉・果実,ラベンダー,リュウガン(竜眼肉),リョクチャ(緑茶),リンゴ果実,リンドウ,ルバス・スアビシムス(甜涼),レタス,レッドカーラント果実,レモン果実,レモングラス,レンギョウ(連翹),レンゲソウ,ロウヤシ,ローガンベリー果実,ログウッド,ローズヒップ,ローズマリー,ローゼル,ローマカミツレ,ワカメ,ワサビ,ワレモコウ(地楡)などがある。
p−アミノ安息香酸誘導体,サルチル酸誘導体,アントラニル酸誘導体,クマリン誘導体,アミノ酸系化合物,ベンゾトリアゾール誘導体,テトラゾール誘導体,イミダゾリン誘導体,ピリミジン誘導体,ジオキサン誘導体,カンファー誘導体,フラン誘導体,ピロン誘導体,核酸誘導体,アラントイン誘導体,ニコチン酸誘導体,ビタミンB6誘導体,オキシベンゾン,ベンゾフェノン,アルブチン,グアイアズレン,シコニン,バイカリン,バイカレイン,ベルベリン, ネオヘリオパン,ウロカニン酸誘導体,エスカロール,酸化亜鉛,タルク,カオリンなど。
樹脂 :Sephadex G-25 fine(ファルマシア社製)
カラムサイズ :φ2.6cm×91cm
溶出液 :0.4%炭酸アンモニウム
流量 :1.0ml/分
マウスの腹腔内に、5%羊赤血球浮遊液0.5mlを投与、4日後に脾臓を摘出し脾臓細胞浮遊液(2×106 個/0.2ml)を調整した。この浮遊液に被験物質を添加し37℃で24時間培養し、培養液中に産生される羊赤血球に対する抗体量を測定した。抗体量の測定は、培養上清液50μlにベロナール緩衝液450μlを加え、さらに、1.7%羊赤血球溶液及び1/25希釈補体溶液を各々500μl加え37℃で1時間反応させた。これにより、培養上清液中に存在する抗体量に比例して溶血が起こり、溶血により生じたヘモグロビン量の評価を波長540nmでの吸光度を測定することにより行った。結果は、540nmでの吸光度を被験物質を添加しない対照の吸光度で除した値で示した。従って、値が1より大きいほど抗体産生能に対する効果が大きいことを表す。本発明による絹蛋白質分解物と、これをカラム分画して得られた5画分の抗体産生能に対する効果を上記のように調べ、その結果を表1に示した。

Figure 0004755325
ブラックマイクロプレ−ト(スミロン社製)に精製水100μl/well分注し、適宜希釈した試料20μl、20,000倍希釈した西洋ワサビ製パーオキシダーゼ(HRP:タゴ社製)25μlを添加し攪はんした。更に、発光試薬B(発光試薬セット:和光純薬工業(株)製)を25μl添加し再度攪はんした。ブラックマイクロプレートを化学発光測定装置(ルミネッセンサーJNR AB−2100:アトー社製)にセットし、装置付属のポンプで発光試薬25μlを添加と同時に発光量を20秒間測定した。試料を加えないときの発光量から試料を加えたときの発光量を減じ、更にそれを、試料を加えないときの発光量で割ることにより、化学発光抑制率を算出した。本発明で得られた絹蛋白質分解物の抗酸化作用を上記のように評価し、その結果を図3に示した。また、用いた絹蛋白質分解物量と化学発光抑制率の相関式から50%抑制量(IC50)を算出し、同様に求めた5画分の値と共に表2に示した。
Figure 0004755325
H.Tokuda et al.の方法(Cancer Lett.,40,309(1988))によるエプスタイン−バールウイルス早期抗原(EBV−EA)発現抑制試験により評価した。つまり、上咽頭癌患者由来でEBウイルスが潜在感染しているラジ細胞は、発癌プロモーターを作用させるとEBウイルスが活性化され早期抗原(EA)を産生する。このEA産生細胞数を計数することで発癌プロモーション作用を評価することが出来る。また、この時共存させることにより典型的発癌プロモーターである12−O−テトラデカノイルフォルボール−13−アセテート(TPA)によるEBウイルスの活性化を抑制しEA産生細胞数を減少させる物質を、抗発癌プロモーターと、その作用を抗発癌プロモーション作用と評価できる。上記方法により実施した、絹蛋白質分解物の発癌プロモーション作用の評価結果を示した(表3)。
Figure 0004755325
1.絹蛋白質分解物の乾燥末 10
2.植物抽出末(ドクダミ,ニンジン,シソ) 30
3.ローヤルゼリー粉末 5
4.コラーゲン末 5
5.乳糖 25
6.トウモロコシデンプン 20
7.ヒドロキシプロピルセルロース 4
8.ステアリン酸マグネシウム 1
1.絹蛋白質分解物の乾燥末 4
2.ハチミツ 15
3.クエン酸 0.1
4.dl−リンゴ酸 0.1
5.植物抽出液(クロレラ,シンナモン) 20
6.D−ソルビトール液(70%) 10
7.安息香酸ナトリウム 0.05
8.香料 適量
9.精製水 100とする残余
1.ブドウ糖液糖 33
2.グレープフルーツ果汁 65
3.絹蛋白質分解物の乾燥末 0.5
4.香料 適量
5.酸味料 適量
1.ソルビット 2
2.1,3−ブチレングリコール 2
3.ポリエチレングリコール1000 1
4.ポリオキシエチレンオレイルエーテル(25E.O.) 2
5.エタノール 10
6.絹蛋白質分解物の乾燥末 1
7.植物抽出液(アロエ,ハマメリス) 3
8.pH調整剤 適量
9.防腐剤 適量
10.精製水 100とする残余
1.スクワラン 3
2.ワセリン 1
3.ステアリルアルコール 0.3
4.ソルビタンモノステアレート 1.5
5.ポリオキシエチレン(20)ソルビタンモノオレート 3
6.1,3−ブチレングリコール 5
7.絹蛋白質分解物の乾燥末 0.5
8.水溶性コラーゲン 1
9.防腐剤 適量
10.精製水 100とする残余
1.スクワラン 20
2.ミツロウ 5
3.精製ホホバ油 5
4.グリセリンモノステアレート 2
5.ソルビタンモノステアレート 2
6.ポリオキシエチレン(20)ソルビタンモノステアレート 2
7.グリセリン 5
8.絹蛋白質分解物の乾燥末 0.3
9.牛胎盤エキス 2
10.防腐剤 適量
11.精製水 100とする残余
1.ラウリン酸カリウム 15
2.ミリスチン酸カリウム 5
3.プロピレングリコール 5
4.絹蛋白質分解物の乾燥末 3
5.pH調整剤 適量
6.防腐剤 適量
7.精製水 100とする残余
1.ラウリル硫酸トリエタノールアミン 5
2.ポリオキシエチレンラウリルエーテル硫酸Na 12
3.1,3-ブチレングリコール 4
4.ラウリン酸ジエタノールアミド 2
5.エデト酸二ナトリウム 0.1
6.絹蛋白質分解物の乾燥末 2
7.ヒドロキシプロピルキトサン 0.4
8.香料,防腐剤 適量
9.精製水 100とする残余
1.塩化ステアリルトリメチルアンモニウム 2
2.セトステアリルアルコール 2
3.ポリオキシエチレンラノリンエーテル 3
4.プロピレングリコール 5
5.絹蛋白質分解物の乾燥末 2
6.pH調整剤 適量
7.防腐剤 適量
8.精製水 100とする残余
1.エタノール 50
2.オレイン酸エチル 1
3.ポリオキシエチレン(40)硬化ヒマシ油 2
5.絹蛋白質分解物の乾燥末 0.5
6.精製水 100とする残余
1.炭酸水素ナトリウム 56
2.無水硫酸ナトリウム 30
3.ホウ砂 2
4.絹蛋白質分解物の乾燥末 10
5.植物抽出末(カミツレ,トウキ) 2
1.精製ホホバ油 5
2.ポルオキシエチレンソルビタンモノラウレート 20
3.グリセリンモノステアレート 5
4.流動パラフィン 2
5.ラウリン酸ジエタノールアミド 3
6.絹蛋白質分解物の乾燥末 10
7.植物抽出液(シャクヤク,アロエベラ,チンピ) 10
8.精製水 100とする残余
【図1】絹分解物のSephadex G-25 による分画チャートを示す。
  The present invention is derived from silk proteinImmunostimulatorAbout. More specifically, it can be obtained by allowing a proteolytic enzyme or the like to act on silk protein.Immunostimulant comprising a peptide having a molecular weight of 300 to 5,000 as an active ingredientIt is about.
  Of the present inventionImmunostimulatorHas an anti-carcinogenic promotion action in addition to an excellent immunostimulatory action that strengthens the immune function or restores the lowered immune ability.
  According to the inventionImmunostimulatorIs extremely safe and can be formulated into daily-use product forms such as health-oriented food and drinks, luxury goods, livestock and pet feeds, and cosmetics (including bath preparations). It can be expected to have effects such as prevention, reduction or improvement of infection, autoimmune disease, allergy, arteriosclerosis, ischemic disease, aging of cells, stains and freckles. In addition, it can be formulated into oral pharmaceuticals, topical pharmaceuticals, medical preparations such as injections, infusions, suppositories, etc., and is effective in maintaining the beauty and health of humans, pet animals, etc., and improving the constitution.
  Specific examples of food and drink applications include health-oriented food and drinks such as tablets, beverages, and granules, livestock feed, pet food, and the like for the purpose of maintaining nutrition such as nutritional supplementation (nutritional supplement).
  Cosmetics include, for example, lotion, milky lotion, cream, ointment, shaving mousse, oil, pack, shampoo, rinse, treatment, hair tonic, hair conditioner, hair restorer, permanent solution, hair dye. Skin care and hair care preparations such as body soaps, or bath preparations (any form such as liquid, powder, granule, solid, etc. may be used).
  In addition to these, sanitary products, wet tissue paper and paper towels, cotton, scratches, cuts, burns, scratches, inflammation, eczema, pimples, acne, rough skin, etc. It can also be applied to preparations and gauze impregnated with them, adhesive bandages, eye care agents, inhalants, mouth washes, gargles, dentifrices and the like.
[Prior art]
  Traditionally, Western medicine has played a major role in the treatment of adult diseases such as cancer and stroke. On the other hand, dealing with such diseases in preventive medicine is becoming more and more important in the coming age.
  We are inherently exposed to the invasion of viruses and microorganisms from the outside, and live in a situation where foreign self-substances (eg, cancer, self-dead cells, etc.) appear inside. We can survive in this situation because we have a mechanism to eliminate such foreign substances and defend ourselves. Therefore, such a decrease or abnormality in the body defense ability (immunity ability) causes various diseases.
  Generally, stress, infectious diseases (measles, influenza, AIDS, etc.), chemical exposure, etc. are considered to be the factors that lead to such a decline in immunity, and they decrease with age.
  On the other hand, in our eating habits, what has been seen as a problem in health management in recent years is the effect of active oxygen generated in the living body, which seems to be due to various synthetic food additives and residual agricultural chemicals. Living organisms work to remove this harmful active oxygen by enzymes, etc., but when this removal function decreases due to aging etc., even normal cells and organs may be damaged, resulting in various diseases and There are concerns about aging of the organization. For these reasons, the usefulness of foods containing a large amount of components having an antioxidant action, such as vitamin E and vitamin C, has been pointed out.
  Furthermore, there is a high level of interest because air pollution and ozone layer destruction, which are identified as familiar environmental problems, can cause health problems. In particular, the destruction of the ozone layer increases harmful ultraviolet rays and causes serious problems such as spots, freckles, and skin cancer. For this reason, some regions encourage clothing or sunglasses that do not expose the skin as much as possible and call for protection.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
  The object of the present invention has been made in view of these circumstances, and is to provide a physiologically active composition useful for maintaining our beauty and health.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
  For this reason, in the present invention,ImmunostimulatorI will provide a. It can be made from a material called silk. That is, a specific peptide obtained from this material is used as an active ingredient, and it has effects useful for maintaining beauty and health, such as an immunostimulatory action and an anti-carcinogenic promotion action.
  As a raw material, a protein called silk fibroin prepared from silk can be used. The production method can be produced by acid, alkali and enzyme direct or bioreactor degradation. For example, it can be manufactured as follows.
  Silk is first heated to 80 ° C or higher and sterilized by heating. This is heated and dissolved in a high-concentration salt solution such as lithium bromide, magnesium nitrate, and calcium chloride, and then desalted by dialysis, reverse osmosis, or the like, and then a protease is allowed to act. As the proteolytic enzyme to be used, trypsin, chymotrypsin, papain, pepsin, rennin, pancreatin, elastase, carboxypeptidase, aminopeptidase, dipeptidase, alcalase, etc. can be used. In the ratio of 37 ° C. and pH 7. In that case, it decomposes | disassembles aseptically over 24 hours preferably. Thereafter, the temperature is raised to 80 ° C. or higher to inactivate the enzyme, and then centrifugal separation is performed to remove the precipitate, thereby obtaining a degradation product derived from silk protein. This is powdered by spray drying, freeze drying or the like.
  Furthermore, it can also refine | purify by the gel filtration method and the ion exchange method according to a use. The peptide thus obtained is composed of many kinds of amino acids such as cysteine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, lysine, arginine, glycine, alanine, leucine, and proline, and the molecular weight is mainly 300 to 5,000.
  According to the inventionImmunostimulatorCan be used as is, but as necessary, various ingredients and additives used in pharmaceuticals, quasi-drugs, cosmetics, bath preparations, foods, beverages, etc. The products suitable for the application can be arbitrarily selected and used in combination to make each product form easy to use.
[1] Various fats and oils
Avocado oil, almond oil, fennel oil, egoma oil, olive oil, orange oil, orange rafa oil, sesame oil, cacao butter, chamomile oil, carrot oil, cucumber oil, beef tallow, beef tallow fatty acid, cucumber nut oil, safflower oil, shea oil , Soybean oil, camellia oil, corn oil, rapeseed oil, persic oil, castor oil, cottonseed oil, peanut oil, turtle oil, mink oil, egg yolk oil, cocoa butter, palm oil, palm kernel oil, owl, palm oil, beef tallow, Pork fat, milk fat, or hydrogenated products (hardened oil, etc.) of these fats and oils.
[2] Wax
Beeswax, carnauba wax, whale wax, lanolin, liquid lanolin, reduced lanolin, hard lanolin, candelilla wax, montan wax, shellac wax.
[3] Mineral oil
Liquid paraffin, petrolatum, paraffin, ozokelide, ceresin, micro-cristan wax, squalene, squalane, pristane, etc.
[4] Fatty acids
Natural fatty acids such as lauric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, behenic acid, oleic acid, 12-hydroxystearic acid, undecylenic acid, tall oil, lanolin fatty acid, isononanoic acid, caproic acid, 2-ethylbutanoic acid, isopentanoic acid , Synthetic fatty acids such as 2-methylpentanoic acid, 2-ethylhexanoic acid and isopentanoic acid.
[5] alcohols
Natural alcohols such as ethanol, isopyropanol, lauryl alcohol, cetanol, stearyl alcohol, oleyl alcohol, lanolin alcohol, cholesterol and phytosterol, and synthetic alcohols such as 2-hexyldecanol, isostearyl alcohol and 2-octyldodecanol.
[6] Polyhydric alcohols
Ethylene oxide, ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, triethylene glycol, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether, ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, diethylene glycol monomethyl ether, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, polyethylene glycol, propylene oxide, propylene glycol, polypropylene glycol, 1,3-butylene glycol , Glycerin, pentaerythritol, sorbitol, mannitol, etc.
[7] Esters
Isopropyl myristate, isopropyl palmitate, butyl stearate, hexyl laurate, myristyl myristate, oleyl oleate, decyl oleate, octyldodecyl myristate, hexyldecyl dimethyloctanoate, cetyl lactate, myristyl lactate, diethyl phthalate, phthalate Dibutyl acid, lanolin acetate, ethylene glycol monostearate, propylene glycol monostearate, propylene glycol dioleate, etc.
[8] Metal soaps
Aluminum stearate, magnesium stearate, zinc stearate, calcium stearate, zinc palmitate, magnesium myristate, zinc laurate, zinc undecylenate, etc.
[9] Gums, sugars and water-soluble polymer compounds
Gum arabic, benzoin rubber, danmar gum, guaiac gum, Irish moss, Karaya gum, tragacanth gum, carob gum, quince seed, agar, casein, lactose, fructose, sucrose and its esters, trehalose and its derivatives, dextrin, gelatin, pectin, starch, Carrageenan, carboxymethyl chitin or chitosan, hydroxyalkyl (C2 to C4) chitin or chitosan to which alkylene (C2 to C4) oxide such as ethylene oxide is added, low molecular chitin or chitosan, chitosan salt, sulfated chitin or chitosan, phosphorus Oxidized chitin or chitosan, alginic acid and its salt, hyaluronic acid and its salt, chondroitin sulfate and its salt, heparin, ethylcellulose, methylcellulose, carboxymethylcellulose, carbo Polyethylenic oxide such as siethyl cellulose, sodium carboxyethyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, nitrocellulose, crystalline cellulose, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl methyl ether, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, polyvinyl methacrylate, polyacrylate, polyethylene oxide and polypropylene oxide or Its cross-linked polymer, carboxyvinyl polymer, polyethyleneimine, etc.
[10] Surfactant
Anionic surfactant (carboxylate, sulfonate, sulfate ester salt, phosphate ester salt), cationic surfactant (amine salt, quaternary ammonium salt), amphoteric surfactant: carboxylic acid type amphoteric surfactant ( Amino type, betaine type), sulfate ester type amphoteric surfactant, sulfonic acid type amphoteric surfactant, phosphate ester type amphoteric surfactant, nonionic surfactant (ether type nonionic surfactant, ether ester type non) Ionic surfactants, ester-type nonionic surfactants, block polymer-type nonionic surfactants, nitrogen-containing nonionic surfactants), other surfactants (natural surfactants, derivatives of protein hydrolysates, Polymeric surfactants, surfactants containing titanium and silicon, fluorocarbon surfactants).
[11] Various vitamins
Vitamin A group: retinol, retinal (vitamin A1), dehydroretinal (vitamin A2), carotene, lycopene (provitamin A), vitamin B group: thiamine hydrochloride, thiamine sulfate (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), Pyridoxine (vitamin B6), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), folic acid, nicotinic acids, pantothenic acids, biotins, choline, inositols, vitamin C group: ascorbic acid and its derivatives, vitamin D group: ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) , Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), dihydrotaxosterol, vitamin E group: tocopherol and its derivatives, ubiquinones, vitamin K group: phytonadione (vitamin K1), menaquinone (vitamin K2), menadione (vitamin K3), me Diol (vitamin K4), other essential fatty acids (vitamin F), carnitine, ferulic acid, .gamma.-oryzanol, orotic acid, vitamin P such (rutin, eriocitrin, hesperidin), and vitamin U.
[12] Various amino acids
Valine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, lysine, glycine, alanine, asparagine, glutamine, serine, cysteine, cystine, tyrosine, proline, hydroxyproline, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, hydroxylysine, arginine, ornithine, histidine And amino acid derivatives such as sulfates, phosphates, nitrates, citrates, or pyrrolidone carboxylic acids.
[13] Various additives derived from plant or animal materials
  These are processed in a conventional manner according to the type and form of the product to be added (eg grinding, milling, washing, hydrolysis, fermentation, purification, pressing, extraction, fractionation, filtration, drying, pulverization , Granulation, dissolution, sterilization, pH adjustment, deodorization, decolorization, etc., can be arbitrarily selected and combined), and selected from various materials. The solvent used for the extraction may be selected in consideration of the intended purpose and type of the product to be provided, or the processing performed later. Usually, water, a water-soluble organic solvent (for example, ethanol, propylene glycol) , 1,3-butylene glycol, etc.) is preferably used. However, when it is not preferable to contain an organic solvent depending on the use, it is sufficient to use only water or ethanol that can be easily removed after extraction, and it may be used alone or in any mixture with water. The thing extracted and extracted may be sufficient.
  In addition, when using additives derived from plant or animal-based raw materials for systemic or topical external preparations and cosmetics, not only the protection of skin and hair, but also moisturizing, improving touch and texture, imparting flexibility, Stimulation relaxation, stress reduction by fragrance, cell activation (cell aging prevention), suppression of inflammation, improvement of skin quality / hair quality, prevention of rough skin and its improvement, hair growth, hair growth, hair loss prevention, glossiness, cleansing effect In addition to cosmetic effects such as fatigue relief, blood flow promotion, and bathing effects, effects such as flavoring, deodorization, thickening, antiseptic, and buffering can also be expected.
  In edible products, nutritional supplementation, fatigue recovery, tonicity, cell activation (cell aging prevention) and other health and beauty effects, as well as improved taste, color tone, aroma, gloss, stabilization, thickening, It can be used for antiseptic purposes. In addition to this, we expect various cosmetic and pharmaceutical effects of each of the raw materials known so far, and by combining these, we aim to enhance the target effect, or are multifunctional It is also possible to make the product expected to be effective.
Specific plants (herbal medicines) used as raw materials include, for example, Ai (blue leaves), Aokazura (Keifu Fuji), Aotsuki-rafuji (Kiho-bamboo), Aonori Agave, Acacia, Akasuguri fruits, Red grapes, Akamegasiwa (red buds), Akane (茜 (grass root), red gecko (earth yellow), agi (Atsu), Akinire (crust), akebi (Kido), Asa (Asako Jin), morning glory (Toshiboshi), Ashitaba (Tomorrow), azuki (Red Azuki) , Asenyaku (Asenyaku), Acerola, Anise fruit, Abemaki fruit, Avocado, Ama, Achacha (Amacha), Achacharu, Amadokororo (Tamatake), Amigasayuri (shellfish mother), Almond (Tencho), Altea, Arnica, Aloe (蘆薈), Aloe vera, Angelica, Apricot, Ansokkou (benzoic acid), Igakozolina (Gallhead), Japanese knotweed (Tiger root), Strawberry, Fig (no flower fruit) or its leaves, Ichibi (winter lion), Ichi Yakuso, Ginkgo (Ginkgo Leaves, Ginkgo), Carpenter (Garden), Carob, Rice Seed or Seed, Inond Seed, Ikuki Sou, Nettle, Iran Iran, Fennel (Yuka), Ukiyara (Sanryo), Uguisukagura Fruit, Turmeric ( (Usukin), Usubasaishin (Spicy), Usabunia, Usubeitachiaoi, Nepenthes (Summer hay), Udo, Ume (Plum) or its flesh, Vulgari, Uwaurushi, Unsumikan (Chest), Estragon, Ezoukogi ), Echinacea (Prunus japonicus), Enoki, Ebisugusa (Keiko), Elderberry fruit, Elemi, Enju (Hanabana, Suzuka rice), Ogi (Yellow cocoon), Ouren (Yoren), Okarasuuri (Karonin), Oo Tsurugafuji (prevention), psyllium (car front child, car front grass), toucan beetle (lion lion), Ovana okera (white birch), psyllium Bushi fruit, Hawthorn (Yamako), Ohisanoyuki, Barley (barley), Oguruma (overturned), Okra fruit, Okera (white birch), Panax ginseng (carrot), Hypericum perennial (cutting grass), Odorikosou (continuous), Onamomi Child), Onigurumi, Onino Yagara (Tempa), Onyuri (Yuri), Oninos, Halibut (Shiyo), Ominaeshi (Defeated Soy Sauce), Dutch Strawberry, Dutch Pepper, Dutch Jelly, Dutch Parsley, Dutch Mitsuba, Olive, Oregano, Orange Fruit or pericarp, silkworm (mature ground yellow), seaweed [green algae, brown algae, red algae], cacao seeds, oysters or their leaves (bamboo shoots), scallops (Katsufuji potatoes), cassia, casino berries (fruit berries), gadgets (Amber), Kashiwa (Bamboo Tree, Bamboo Leaves), Cascarilla, Crab (Kinshato), Valerian (Valentine Root), Birch, Pumpkin, Capockonoki Seed, Kahoku Salamander (椒), Gama (Yellow Yellow), Chamomile, Kamiyatsude (Tongweed), Crows (Wolf), Crow Bishaku (Halfsummer), Crowed Wheat, Guarana Seed, Karaya, Karite, Karin (Kiso), Garcinia, Kawayanagi, Kawaratake, Kawara Momogi (茵 Chin 蒿), Kansui (sweet tasting), licorice (licorice), Kantara asa, candelilla, kanto, canna, kistrawberry, kiwi fruit, kikarasuuri (guro-root), kiku-kyo (kikyo, bellflower root), chrysanthemum (chrysanthemum), Catalpa (fruit), scallop (sheep), pheasant (fruit), squirrel, yellow aloe vera, yellow mint, linden, yellowfin (yellow japonicus), yellow butterfly (yellow japonicus), gymnema sylvesta, cabbage, cabbage immature fruit, cucumber, kiraja Saponaria, kiraya, kumquat fruit, betel, goldfish (Sengakurusaku), guava fruit, guayule, quercus infectria (gallicy), Cuinut, wolfberry (bamboo shoots, coconut tree, cocoon leaf, crustal skin), Japanese cedar casserole (Tenmon winter), kudu (kuzune), camphor tree, gooseberry fruit, gardenia (mountain lion), kunugi (bamboo grass), kumazasa, pine moth (horse whip) Grass), Clara (bitter gins), cranberry fruit, chestnut or its astringent skin, curkrigo latifolia fruit, watercress, grapefruit fruit, buckthorn, black-headed beetle (emergency), black-bellied kokoshi (life-prolonging grass), clove, chlorella, mulberry (mulberry leaf) , Mulberry white skin), Kay, Keigai (Kashiwa, Koho), Keishi (Katsurae), Keito (chicken flower, chicken crown), Keirinsaishin (fine spicy), bay bay (Laurel tree), Gentian, Gentianshoko ), Cilantro fruit, koshinbara (monthly flower), kouseihakka, kozo fruit, kocha (tea), kohone (river bone), kohhon (Tsubakimoto, Karatsumoto), Koryang Cilantro fruit, Cowberry (Etsutachibana), Scarlet moth (Yellow Gon), Kogomebaotogiriso, Coconut palm fruit, Goshuyu (Golden cucumber), Gaucho strawberry (Golden bonsai), Pepper (Pepper), Copaiba balsam, Coffee bean, Kobushi (Hot potato), Burdock (Beef bowl, beef eggplant), coconut lees, sesame (sesame seeds), sesame seeds (genus ginseng), garbage (goblin), wheat (wheat), rice or rice bran (red rice bran, white birch), rice oil, cola acuminata seed, cola・ Bella seeds, fenugreek fruit, colombo, conzurango, konjac, kombu, comfrey (birch grass), sisal, sisal asa, saxima buttonzul (wei Sen-sen), cherry blossoms, leaves, fruits, bark (cherry bark), cherries , Pomegranate, Sasa, Sasanoyuki, Sasayuri (Yuri), Sasanka, Sadamodaka (Sawada), Sweet potato, Sugarcane, Sugar beet, Saneka zutsu, Sanebutjutsu ), Saffron (banban flower, west red flower), pomelo fruit, savonso, salmon berry fruit, salamander, salvia, ragweed (mountain curd), sawagurumi leaf, sankirai (mountain return), hawthorn (mountain checker), sanshichi Carrot (37 ginseng), Sanshuyu (Yamamuro), Sansho (Yamamuro), Sandskon (Yamadone), Shea, Cyano fruit, Shiitake mushroom, Giant (jio yellow), Zion (purple mushroom), Digitalis, Sikunshi (Amiko), Shishiudo (Kai-Kai, Katsu-kun, Tang-zhu), Perilla, Ajizo, Chiri-miso, Katamen-jiso (Shiyo, Shiso), Weeping birch (White birch), Rosewood, Blossoms, Chinese syringa (Rhinoceros), Astragalus (Chrysanthemum), Japanese potato, Japanese potato, Peonies (glaze), shajin (shasan), janohi (wheat gate winter), shirakashi seeds, white butterfly seeds, white squirrels, white dandelion, white Natsuta flower, white minten (southern berry), juzudama, palm fruit, ginger (ginger), shobu (bamboo shoot, root), shozu fruit, birch, cinchona sill bra, cinnamon, watermelon (western bud), honeysuckle (gold and silver flower) , Shinobu), sorrel (acid model), swimberry fruit, strawberry fruit, horsetail (question), stevia, plum fruit, pine cones, Hypericum pertussis, larch, larch, ivy, walnut, hawthorn, dandelion, Horse chestnut, pear fruit, psyllium serrata, psyllium serrata, millefol, elderberry, squirrel serrata, mint moth, butterfly, mistletoe, serrata, rose, horseradish Cormorant (stone root), sage, mallow, senega, seri, celery, nematode (river cucumber), sendan, senna fruit or leaf, ginseng (large persimmon), senburi (medicinal herb), buckwheat seed, Somer potato, Daiou (daihuang), radish, soybean, Daidai (orange peel, fruit), Thyme, Takatodai (daikon), Takarabi (dark spine), dark sweet cherry fruit, hollyhock, Tachikakuso (Marika), Tachibana (Tachibana peel) ) 、 Tachiyanagi 、 Tamarind seed 、 Onion 、 Tum Shiba (Pepper) 、 Taranoki or its root bark 、 Tangine (Tanjin) 、 Tanpopo (Tongkang) 、 Danmaru 、 Cherry fruit 、 Tigaya or its root (Sone root) 、 Chixsetunjin (Bamboo ginseng) , Chicory, clove (clove, clove), ginseng (gomi), ginseng (large yellow), ginseng (carp), ginseng (carrot), chowse Japanese mugwort (bamboo leaves), choreimaitake (bamboo shoots), camellia, camellia, camellia, tsumekusa (lacquered vines), tsuyukusa (duck vines), tsurumazuki (red bean), tsurugakudami (what neck rice cake), tsuruna (bamboo apricot), tsuruninjin (Nippon ginseng), Japanese apricot, Deco, Teuchigurumi, Duberry fruit, Tengusa, Tendaiyaku (glaze), Toga (winter coconut), Pepper (Ganban), Toki (Tokai), Tokinsenka, corn or corn hair ), Japanese hornworm (Sadako), Torindo (Ryuboku), Dokudami (10 medicines), Tokon (Tongan), Toshishi, Tochibaninjin (Takebana Ginseng), Tochu (Tochu, Tochu), Tomato, Tragacanth, Triacanthus seed, Tormentilla, Dronoki, Trolley, Neiseria berry fruit, Chinese yam, Chinese cabbage, Naginata Koju, Nazuna, Rapeseed, Natsumikan, Jujube (Otsuchi), Naniwaibara (Golden Cherry), Narco Yuri (Yellow), Peanut (Peanut), Nanten (Nami Tenmi), Nigaki (Nagi), Nigorimugi (Anniversary), Nikuzuku, Nikkei (Kinshika), Japanese leek (Reiko) ), Elderberry (bone graft), carrot, garlic (large cocoon), nullde (penta), leek, pear, Japanese thistle (large moth), wild rose (fruit), yarrow, maize (frontal husk), wild rose, peach, palm, pineapple Fruit, hibiscus, lily, lily, hakama (white crust), hakusen (white husk), hakuruberry fruit, hakobe (breeding), hazel (coconut), hashiridokoro (roth root), basil, lotus (lotus, Renko), parsley, sand squirrel, batata, honeybee (patches), patchouli, mint (thin load, light load leaf), pearl barley (yokuinin), Hanasuge (knowing mother), banana, hana mint, vanilla bins, papaya, mint moth (鼠) Grass), Hubgrass, Paprika, Hamago (Vulgaria), Hamasuge (Katsukiko), Hamabishi (Shitsuko), Hamanasu (My cocoon flower), Hamaboufu (Hamafufu), Hamamelis, Rose (Rose), Parietalia, Harunire ( Husk, husk skin, cocoon leaf), breadfruit, Japanese cypress (hibuki), mushroom carrot (participant), pecan nut, ganbanana (stone wall, vine pearl shahua), hikikoshi (long life grass), Japanese cypress (hijimi), Pistachio, Beet, Hitotsuba (Ishizuchi), Hinata Taikozuchi (cow knee), Binankazura, Hinoki, Hiba, Castor, Sunflower, Pepper, Himekikyo, Himegaima (Kaori), Japanese matsutake, Pimenta fruit, Bikushi, Bikkyo, Ayu fruit Aoi, Hirohakinagusa (Bald eagle), Hiroha Senega (Senega), loquat (枇杷, 枇杷葉), betel nut (big belly skin, coconut), Futsukazura (Nanto), Furinbussouge, Ki (Fun winter flower), Fukidanpopo (Fun winter flower, Fen winter leaf), Fukurin agave, Fujibakama (Orchid), Fuji bean (Apricot), Busouge, Butcher bloom, Grape fruit or seed coat / seed / leaves, Beech ), Brazilian licorice, black currant fruit, blackberry fruit, plum fruit, fluceraria, blueberry fruit, prunes, blond psyllium, bundo (mung bean), loofah, safflower (safflower), henken, belladonna, berry fruit, boysenberry fruit, Bofu (windproof), spinach, physalis (Torone), honoki (shoku, Japanese welcoming), bokeh (wooden moss), hosobaokera (salmon), josobabarengiku, bodaiju, button (peony skin), hops, jojoba, whirlberry Fruit, Hong apricot, Honshimeji, Mizurutennansho (heaven) South star), mao (mao), macadamia nut, macri (marine grass), mugwa (mulberry leaf, mulberry white skin), mushroom (bamboo moth), matababi (wood tengu), matsukasa, matsuba (matsuba), pine bush, matsuhod (茯苓), mamedaosi, maryoram, marigold, marubaasagao, malvanojadine (apricot ginseng), mulberry fruit, quince, maronier, mango, mangosteen, mansuguru, mandarin fruit, mannentake (ganoderma), mannenro, mandarin plant fruit (枳 fruit), Mishimasaiko (Shibahu), Mizokakushi (Harenen), Misohagi (Chinese cucumber), Mitsugashiwa, Mitsuba, Mitsubahamago (Vulgaris), Midorihakka, Mimosa, Myouga, Miracle fruit fruit, Myrrh, Milobaran, Mukhuge (Kiso), Mukunoki, Mukuroji, Murasaki (purple root), Murasaki maize, Mejiki (beneficial mother grass), Mebouki, Melaroika, Me Sassa, Melilot, Melon fruit, Mouko dandelion, Mouko mugwort, Moso bamboo, magnolia (powder), mokko (woody incense), peach fruit, peach fruit / seed (peach seed) or leaf (peach leaf), coconut, morello cherry fruit, Morohaya (Yellow), Yakawamurasakiimo, Yakuchi (Masashi), Cornflower, Cornflower, Yagurumahakka, Yashabushi (Yakha), Yachiyanagi, Millipede (octagonal gold plate), Mistletoe (willow parasite), Willow tree leaf, Yabukoji (Purple gold beef), pokeweed (commercial land), Japanese yam (mountain medicine), mountain alder (mountain), bayberry (bamboo ume skin), sagebrush, eucalyptus, yucca brevifolia, yukinoshita (tiger ear grass), yuzu fruit, lily, Artemisia (bamboo leaf), euglena, lime fruit, rye, peanut, lacanca fruit, raspberry leaf / fruit, lavender, longan (longan) Ryokucha (green tea), apple fruit, gentian, lubus suabisimus (cool), lettuce, red currant fruit, lemon fruit, lemongrass, forsythia, forsythia, wax palm, loganberry fruit, logwood, rosehip, There are rosemary, roselle, roman chamomile, wakame, wasabi, and bittersweet.
In addition, animal-derived raw materials include chicken crown extract, cattle / human placenta extract, pig / cow stomach and duodenum or intestinal extract or degradation product, pig / cow spleen extract or degradation product , Extracts of porcine and bovine brain cells or their degradation products, water-soluble collagen, collagen derivatives such as acylated collagen, collagen hydrolysates, elastin, elastin hydrolysates, water-soluble elastin derivatives, keratin and their degradation products , Silk protein and its degradation products, porcine and bovine blood cell protein degradation products (globin peptides), porcine and bovine hemoglobin degradation products (hemin, hematin, heme, protoheme, heme iron, etc.), casein degradation products, chicken egg, fish meat and its Decomposition products.
[14] Microbial culture metabolites
Yeast metabolites, yeast extract, rice fermented extract, rice bran fermented extract, Euglena extract, lactic acid fermented milk powder or trehalose or its derivatives.
[15] α-hydroxy acid
Glycolic acid, citric acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, lactic acid, etc.
[16] Inorganic pigment
Silica, magnesium silicate, talc, kaolin, bentonite, mica, titanium mica, bismuth oxychloride, zirconium oxide, magnesium oxide, zinc oxide, titanium oxide, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, yellow iron oxide, red iron oxide, black iron oxide , Gunjo, chromium oxide, chromium hydroxide, carbon black, calamine, etc.
[17] UV absorber / blocker
p-aminobenzoic acid derivatives, salicylic acid derivatives, anthranilic acid derivatives, coumarin derivatives, amino acid compounds, benzotriazole derivatives, tetrazole derivatives, imidazoline derivatives, pyrimidine derivatives, dioxane derivatives, camphor derivatives, furan derivatives, pyrone derivatives, nucleic acid derivatives, Allantoin derivatives, nicotinic acid derivatives, vitamin B6 derivatives, oxybenzone, benzophenone, arbutin, guaiazulene, shikonin, baicalin, baicalein, berberine, neoheliopan, urocanic acid derivatives, escalol, zinc oxide, talc, kaolin, etc.
[18] Tyrosinase activity inhibitor
Ascorbic acid or its derivative, hydroquinone or its glycoside, kojic acid or its derivative, placenta extract, silk peptide, plant extract (mulberry, mugwort, firewood, honeysuckle, yellowfin, dokudami, matsuhod, pearl barley, oleander, Hop, hawthorn, eucalyptus, yarrow, altea, keihi, mankeishi, hamamelis, yamagua, life-grass, bellflower, toshishi, seiyu, gyoza, mao, senkyu, dokkatsu, psycho, boufuu, hamakoufu, ogon, peonies, peonies , Gennoshouko, Kakkon, Liquorice, Pagoda, Aloe, Shouma, Safflower, Green Tea, Black Tea, Asen, etc.).
[19] Melanin pigment reduction / degradation
Hydroquinone monobenzyl ether, phenylmercury hexachlorophene, mercuric oxide, mercuric chloride, hydrogen peroxide, zinc peroxide, etc.
[20] Promoting turnover / cell activation
Hydroquinone, Lactic acid bacteria extract, Placenta extract, Ganoderma extract, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Allantoin, Spleen extract, Thymus extract, Yeast extract, Fermented milk extract, Plant extract (Aloe, Ogon, Horsetail, Gentian, Burdock, Shikon, Carrot, Hamamelis, Hops, Yokuinin, Odorikosou, Assembly, Toki, Tokinsenka, Achacha, Hypericum, Cucumber, Ginger, Rosemary, Parsley, etc.).
[21] astringent
Lactic acid, tartaric acid, succinic acid, citric acid, allantoin, zinc chloride, zinc sulfate, zinc oxide, calamine, zinc p-phenolsulfonate, potassium aluminum sulfate, resorcin, ferric chloride, tannic acid (including catechin compounds), etc. .
[22] Active oxygen scavenger
SOD, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, etc.
[23] antioxidants
Ascorbic acid and its salts, stearic acid ester, tocopherol and its ester derivatives, nordihydrogua ceretenoic acid, butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), butylhydroxyanisole (BHA), hydroxytyrosol, parahydroxyanisole, propyl gallate, sesamol , Sesamorin, gossypol, etc.
[24] Lipid peroxide production inhibitor
β-carotene, plant extract (sesame cultured cells, amacha, hypericum, clams, clove, melissa, enamel, birch, sage, rosemary, nanami, kina, ages, ginkgo, green tea, etc.)
[25] anti-inflammatory agents
Ictamol, indomethacin, kaolin, salicylic acid, sodium salicylate, methyl salicylate, acetylsalicylic acid, diphenhydramine hydrochloride, d or dl-camphor, hydrocortisone, guaiazulene, camazulene, chlorpheniramine maleate, glycyrrhizic acid and its salts, glycyrrhetinic acid and its salts, etc. .
[26] Disinfectant / disinfectant
Acrinol, sulfur, benzalkonium chloride, benzethonium chloride, methylrosaniline chloride, cresol, calcium gluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, sulfamine, mercurochrome, lactoferrin or hydrolysates thereof.
[27] moisturizer
Glycerin, propylene glycol, 1,3-butylene glycol, hyaluronic acid or its salt, polyethylene glycol, chondroitin sulfate or its salt, water-soluble chitin or chitosan derivative, sodium lactate and the like.
[28] Hair preparation
Selenium disulfide, alkylisoquinolinium bromide, zinc pyrithione, biphenamine, thianthol, castari tincture, pepper tincture, chili pepper tincture, quinine hydrochloride, strong aqueous ammonia, potassium bromate, sodium bromate, thioglycolic acid, etc.
[29] Oxidizing agent
Hydrogen peroxide solution, sodium persulfate, ammonium persulfate, sodium perborate, urea peroxide, sodium percarbonate, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium bromate, potassium bromate, sodium pyrophosphate, sodium orthophosphate Sodium silicate hydrogen peroxide adduct, sodium sulfate sodium chloride hydrogen peroxide adduct, β-tyrosinase enzyme solution, mushroom extract and the like.
[30] Dye agent
5-aminoorthocresol, 2-amino-4-nitrophenol, 2-amino-5-nitrophenol, 1-amino-4-methylaminoanthraquinone, 3,3'-iminodiphenol, 2,4-diaminophenoxyethanol hydrochloride , 2,4-diaminophenol hydrochloride, toluene-2,5-diamine hydrochloride, nitroparaphenylenediamine hydrochloride, paraphenylenediamine hydrochloride, N-phenylparaphenylenediamine hydrochloride, metaphenylenediamine hydrochloride, orthoaminophenol, N-phenyl acetate Paraphenylenediamine, 1,4-diaminoanthraquinone, 2,6-diaminopyridine, 1,5-dihydroxynaphthalene, toluene-2,5-diamine, toluene-3,4-diamine, nitroparaphenylenediamine, paraaminophenol P-nitroorthophenylenediamine, p-phenylenediamine, p-methylaminophenol, picramic acid, sodium picramate, N, 'N-bis (4-aminophenyl) -2,5-diamino-1, -4-quinonediimine, 5- (2-hydroxyethylamino) -2-methylphenol, N-phenylparaphenylenediamine, metaaminophenol, metaphenylenediamine, 5-aminoorcresol sulfate, 2-amino-5-nitrophenol sulfate, orthoaminophenol sulfate, Orthochloroparaphenylenediamine sulfate, 4,4'-diaminodiphenylamine sulfate, 2,4-diaminophenol sulfate, toluene-2,5-diamine sulfate, nitroparaphenylenediamine sulfate, paraaminophenol sulfate, paranitrosulfate Lutophenylenediamine, paranitrometaphenylenediamine sulfate, paraphenylenediamine sulfate, paramethylaminophenol sulfate, metaaminophenol sulfate, metaphenylenediamine sulfate, catechol, diphenylamine, α-naphthol, hydroquinone, pyrogallol, phloroglucin, gallic acid , Resorcin, tannic acid, 2-hydroxy-5-nitro-2 ', 4'-diaminoazobenzozen-5'-sodium sulfonate, hematein and the like.
[31] Fragrance
Natural animal flavors such as musk, civet, castrium, ambergris, anise essential oil, angelica essential oil, ylang ylang essential oil, iris essential oil, fennel essential oil, orange essential oil, cananga essential oil, caraway essential oil, cardamom essential oil, guayakwood essential oil, cumin essential oil, black letter Essential oil, cinnamon essential oil, cinnamon essential oil, geranium essential oil, copaiba balsam essential oil, coriander essential oil, perilla essential oil, cedarwood essential oil, citronella essential oil, jasmine essential oil, gingergrass essential oil, cedar essential oil, spearmint essential oil, western peppermint essential oil, dairy perfume essential oil, Tuberose Essential Oil, Clove Essential Oil, Orange Flower Essential Oil, Winter Green Essential Oil, Truval Sam Essential Oil, Batule Essential Oil, Rose Essential Oil, Palmarosa Essential Oil, Agate Essential Oil, Hiba Essential Oil, Sandalwood Essential Oil, Petit Glen Essential Oil, Bay Essential Oil, Vetiver Essential Oil, Bergamot Essential Oil, Pe -Plant flavors such as balsam essential oil, boad rose essential oil, melamine essential oil, mandarin essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil, lime essential oil, lavender essential oil, linaloe essential oil, lemongrass essential oil, lemon essential oil, rosemary essential oil, Japanese mint essential oil, and other synthetic flavors .
[32] Dyes / colorants
Red cabbage dye, red rice dye, red dye, anato dye, squid dye, turmeric dye, enju dye, krill dye, amber dye, caramel, gold, silver, gardenia dye, corn dye, onion dye, tamarind dye, spirulina dye, Whole buckwheat pigment, cherry pigment, laver pigment, hibiscus pigment, grape juice pigment, marigold pigment, purple potato pigment, purple yam pigment, lac pigment, rutin, etc.
[33] sweeteners
Sugar, sweet tea, fructose, arabinose, galactose, xylose, stevia, mannose, erythritol, maltose, honey, glucose, miraculin, monelin, licorice extract, etc.
[34] Nutrition enhancer
(Shell calcined calcium, cyanocolabamine, yeast, wheat germ, egg yolk powder, hemicellulose, heme iron, etc.)
[35] Dairy products
Milk, cheese, fresh cream, butter, margarine, powdered milk, whey, condensed milk, etc.
[36] Other
Moisturizers, hormones, sequestering agents, pH adjusters, chelating agents, antiseptic and antibacterial agents, cooling agents, stabilizers, emulsifiers, animal and vegetable proteins and their degradation products, animal and vegetable polysaccharides and Decomposition product, animal / plant glycoprotein and decomposition product, blood flow promoter, anti-inflammatory agent / antiallergic agent, cell activator, keratolytic agent, wound treatment agent, foam enhancer, thickener, oral preparation Deodorizing / deodorizing agents, bittering agents, seasonings, enzymes, and the like can be raised, and additive and synergistic effects can be expected when used in combination.
  EXAMPLES Hereinafter, although an Example demonstrates this invention concretely, this invention is not limited at all by these.
Manufacturing method by batch method
  A 100 kg saturated calcium chloride solution and 20 kg of silk protein were placed in a reaction kettle and heated to about 100 ° C. to dissolve. Subsequently, after cooling to 37 ° C. and desalting with a reverse osmosis membrane, trypsin was allowed to act at pH 7 for 24 hours. After heating again at 90 ° C. for 1 hour to inactivate the enzyme, centrifugation was performed to remove the precipitate. This was freeze-dried to obtain about 10 kg of powder. Next, this was dissolved in a small amount of purified water, and five fractions were obtained by column fractionation (FIG. 1).
  [Column fractionation conditions]
      Resin: Sephadex G-25 fine (Pharmacia)
      Column size: φ2.6cm × 91cm
      Eluent: 0.4% ammonium carbonate
      Flow rate: 1.0 ml / min
  Separately, a silk protein degradation product was estimated to have a molecular weight of 300 to 5,000 from a calibration curve (FIG. 2) with known molecular weight substances.
  Hereinafter, obtained by the present inventionImmunostimulatorThe immunostimulatory action, antioxidant action, and anti-carcinogenic promotion action will be described.
Evaluation of immunostimulatory effect
  0.5 ml of 5% sheep erythrocyte suspension was intraperitoneally injected into the mouse, and after 4 days, the spleen was removed and the spleen cell suspension (2 × 106 Pieces / 0.2 ml). A test substance was added to this suspension and cultured at 37 ° C. for 24 hours, and the amount of antibody against sheep erythrocytes produced in the culture was measured. The antibody amount was measured by adding 450 μl of veronal buffer to 50 μl of the culture supernatant, adding 500 μl each of 1.7% sheep erythrocyte solution and 1/25 diluted complement solution, and reacting at 37 ° C. for 1 hour. As a result, hemolysis occurred in proportion to the amount of antibody present in the culture supernatant, and the amount of hemoglobin generated by the hemolysis was evaluated by measuring the absorbance at a wavelength of 540 nm. The result was shown as a value obtained by dividing the absorbance at 540 nm by the absorbance of a control to which no test substance was added. Therefore, the larger the value is, the greater the effect on antibody production ability. The silk protein degradation product according to the present invention and the effects on the antibody-producing ability of 5 fractions obtained by column fractionation were examined as described above, and the results are shown in Table 1.
[Table 1]
Figure 0004755325
  As shown in Table 1, the silk protein degradation product showed an effect of increasing the antibody production ability from a low concentration, and a remarkable effect was observed in Fr3 and 4 in the column fraction. In particular, Fr3 showed a strong effect of 1.65 times that of a control in which no test substance was added even at a low concentration of 1 μg / ml. In addition to these two fractions, a weak but effective effect was observed, and it was shown that many kinds of peptides that enhance antibody production ability exist in the silk protein degradation product.
Evaluation of antioxidant effect
  Dispense 100 μl / well of purified water into a black microplate (manufactured by Sumilon), add 20 μl of appropriately diluted sample, and 25 μl of horseradish peroxidase (HRP: manufactured by Tago) diluted 20,000 times. I did. Further, 25 μl of Luminescent Reagent B (Luminescent Reagent Set: Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd.) was added and stirred again. The black microplate was set in a chemiluminescence measuring device (Luminescence sensor JNR AB-2100: manufactured by Atto Corporation), and 25 μl of a luminescent reagent was added with a pump attached to the device, and simultaneously the luminescence was measured for 20 seconds. The chemiluminescence inhibition rate was calculated by subtracting the light emission amount when the sample was added from the light emission amount when the sample was not added and dividing it by the light emission amount when the sample was not added. The antioxidant activity of the silk protein degradation product obtained in the present invention was evaluated as described above, and the results are shown in FIG. In addition, a 50% inhibition amount (IC50) was calculated from the correlation equation between the amount of silk protein degradation product used and the chemiluminescence inhibition rate, and the values are shown in Table 2 together with the values of 5 fractions obtained in the same manner.
[Table 2]
Figure 0004755325
  The silk protein degradation product was 25.2 μg and had the effect of erasing 50% of the generated active oxygen, and Fr5, which is the lowest molecular weight in the column fraction, showed a strong antioxidant effect of 7.3 μg. The other fractions were also found to have antioxidant effects, although to varying degrees.
Evaluation of anti-carcinogenic promotion effect
  It was evaluated by an Epstein-Barr virus early antigen (EBV-EA) expression suppression test by the method of H. Tokuda et al. (Cancer Lett., 40, 309 (1988)). In other words, raji cells derived from patients with nasopharyngeal cancer and latently infected with the EB virus activate the EB virus and produce an early antigen (EA) when an oncogenic promoter is acted on. Carcinogenic promotion action can be evaluated by counting the number of EA producing cells. In addition, a substance that suppresses activation of EB virus by 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA), which is a typical tumor promoter, and decreases the number of EA-producing cells by coexisting at this time, Carcinogenic promoter and its action can be evaluated as an anti-carcinogenic promotion action. The evaluation result of the carcinogenic promotion effect | action of the silk protein degradation material implemented by the said method was shown (Table 3).
[Table 3]
Figure 0004755325
  The values in the table indicate the ratio of the EA-producing cells to the total when the test substance is added to the same strain when the ratio of EA-producing cells to all cells is 100 after 24 hours of incubation with TPA (20 ng / ml). . Silk protein degradation product showed anti-carcinogenic promotion effect from low concentration, 21.6% at 10 μg / ml, and completely blocked TPA-induced EB virus activation at 100 μg / ml although cytotoxicity was observed . This is evaluated that the silk protein degradation product suppresses the carcinogenic promotion action by TPA, that is, is an anti-carcinogenic promoter having an anti-carcinogenic promotion action.
Safety test
1) Skin primary irritation test
The silk protein degradation product according to the present invention was adjusted to an aqueous solution having a concentration of 2 w / v each, and applied to the skin of a Hartley guinea pig (5 mice per group, weight of about 320 g) with hair removed on the back. Judgment was performed 24 hours after application using the primary irritation scoring method with erythema and edema as indices.
  As a result, in all animals, no erythema and edema were observed, and it was judged negative.
Safety test
2) Cumulative skin irritation test
The silk protein degradation product according to the present invention was adjusted to a 2 w / v% concentration aqueous solution as a solid content, and the skin of a Hartley guinea pig (female, 5 mice per group, around 320 g body weight) whose hair was removed on the flank 1 daily. 0.5 ml per animal was applied 5 times a week. Application was performed over 4 weeks, and hair removal was performed on the last application day of each week. Judgment was performed on the day after the last day of each week by using the primary irritation scoring method with erythema and edema as indices. As a result, in all animals, no erythema and edema were observed for 1 to 4 weeks after application.
Safety test
3) Acute toxicity test
The silk protein degradation product according to the present invention was orally administered to a ddy mouse (female, 5 mice per group, body weight 28 g) fasted for 4 hours before the test to determine the onset and degree of toxic symptoms. Observed over time. As a result, no abnormality was observed in all mice for 14 days, and the results of dissection were not abnormal. The LD50 was determined to be 2,000 mg / kg or more.
Manufacture of various edible compositions
According to the inventionImmunostimulatorUsing this, various edible compositions were produced. The reference prescription example is shown below.
1) Health food (tablets)
The composition containing the following additives was compressed into tablets.
        1. Dry powder of silk protein breakdown product 10
        2. Plant extract powder (Dokudami, carrot, perilla) 30
        3. Royal jelly powder 5
        4). Collagen powder 5
        5. Lactose 25
        6). Corn starch 20
        7). Hydroxypropyl cellulose 4
        8). Magnesium stearate 1
2) Health drink
A health drink was prepared according to the following prescription.
        1. Dried powder of silk protein breakdown product 4
        2. Honey 15
        3. Citric acid 0.1
        4). dl-malic acid 0.1
        5. Plant extract (chlorella, cinnamon) 20
        6). D-sorbitol solution (70%) 10
        7). Sodium benzoate 0.05
        8). Perfume
        9. Residue with 100 purified water
3) Fruit juice drink
A juice drink was prepared according to the following prescription.
        1. Glucose liquid sugar 33
        2. Grapefruit juice 65
        3. Dry powder of silk protein degradation product 0.5
        4). Perfume
        5. Sour seasoning
Manufacture of various cosmetic compositions
  According to the inventionImmunostimulatorVarious cosmetic compositions were produced using The reference prescription example is shown below.
1) Lotion production example
A lotion was prepared according to the following formulation.
        1. Sorbit 2
        2.1,3-Butylene glycol 2
        3. Polyethylene glycol 1000 1
        4). Polyoxyethylene oleyl ether (25E.O.) 2
        5. Ethanol 10
        6). Dry powder of silk protein degradation product 1
        7). Plant extract (Aloe, Hamamelis) 3
        8). pH adjuster
        9. Preservative appropriate amount
        Ten. Residue with 100 purified water
2) Example of milk production
An emulsion was prepared according to the following formulation.
        1. Squalane 3
        2. Vaseline 1
        3. Stearyl alcohol 0.3
        4). Sorbitan monostearate 1.5
        5. Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monooleate 3
        6.1,3-Butylene glycol 5
        7). Dry powder of silk protein degradation product 0.5
        8). Water-soluble collagen 1
        9. Preservative appropriate amount
        Ten. Residue with 100 purified water
3) Example of cream production
A cream was prepared according to the following formulation.
        1. Squalane 20
        2. Beeswax 5
        3. Refined jojoba oil 5
        4). Glycerol monostearate 2
        5. Sorbitan monostearate 2
        6). Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monostearate 2
        7). Glycerin 5
        8). Dry powder of silk protein degradation product 0.3
        9. Cow placenta extract 2
        Ten. Preservative appropriate amount
        11. Residue with 100 purified water
4) Manufacturing example of body soap
A body soap was produced according to the following formulation.
        1. Potassium laurate 15
        2. Potassium myristate 5
        3. Propylene glycol 5
        4). Dry powder of silk protein degradation product 3
        5. pH adjuster
        6). Preservative appropriate amount
        7). Residue with 100 purified water
5) Shampoo
A shampoo was produced according to the following formulation.
        1. Lauryl sulfate triethanolamine 5
        2. Polyoxyethylene lauryl ether sulfate Na 12
        3.1,3-Butylene glycol 4
        4). Lauric acid diethanolamide 2
        5. Edetate disodium 0.1
        6). Dry powder of silk protein degradation product 2
        7). Hydroxypropyl chitosan 0.4
        8). Perfume and preservatives
        9. Residue with 100 purified water
6) Rinse
A rinse was made according to the following formulation.
        1. Stearyltrimethylammonium chloride 2
        2. Cetostearyl alcohol 2
        3. Polyoxyethylene lanolin ether 3
        4). Propylene glycol 5
        5. Dry powder of silk protein degradation product 2
        6). pH adjuster
        7). Preservative appropriate amount
        8). Residue with 100 purified water
7) Hair Nick
A rinse was made according to the following formulation.
        1. Ethanol 50
        2. Ethyl oleate 1
        3. Polyoxyethylene (40) hydrogenated castor oil 2
        4). Plant extract (Cirrus, Assembly, Clam) 10
        5. Dry powder of silk protein degradation product 0.5
        6). Residue with 100 purified water
8) Example of bath preparation (A type)
A bath preparation was prepared according to the following formulation.
        1. Sodium bicarbonate 56
        2. Anhydrous sodium sulfate 30
        3. Borax 2
        4). Dry powder of silk protein breakdown product 10
        5. Plant extract powder (camomile, toki) 2
9) Example of bath preparation (B type)
A bath preparation was prepared according to the following formulation.
        1. Refined jojoba oil 5
        2. Poloxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate 20
        3. Glycerol monostearate 5
        4). Liquid paraffin 2
        5. Lauric acid diethanolamide 3
        6). Dry powder of silk protein breakdown product 10
        7). Plant extract (peony, aloe vera, chimpi) 10
        8). Residue with 100 purified water
【The invention's effect】
  According to the present invention, it is obtained by hydrolyzing protein silk fibroin obtained from silk.An immunostimulant comprising a peptide having a molecular weight of 300 to 5,000Was provided. According to the inventionImmunostimulatorIs considered to be useful for maintaining beauty and health through effective use in foods, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and the like.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 shows a fractionation chart of silk degradation product by Sephadex G-25.
FIG. 2 shows a molecular weight calibration curve with known molecular weight materials.
FIG. 3 shows the antioxidant activity of silk protein degradation products.

Claims (1)

絹蛋白質を加水分解して得られる、分子量300〜5,000のペプチドを有効成分とする免疫賦活剤An immunostimulant comprising a peptide having a molecular weight of 300 to 5,000, obtained by hydrolyzing silk protein, as an active ingredient .
JP31889797A 1997-11-04 1997-11-04 Bioactive composition derived from silk protein hydrolyzate Expired - Lifetime JP4755325B2 (en)

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JP31889797A JP4755325B2 (en) 1997-11-04 1997-11-04 Bioactive composition derived from silk protein hydrolyzate

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JP31889797A JP4755325B2 (en) 1997-11-04 1997-11-04 Bioactive composition derived from silk protein hydrolyzate

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JP2007308112A Division JP2008088185A (en) 2007-11-29 2007-11-29 Immunostimulant derived from silk protein hydrolysate

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