USD32793S - Design for a lock-nut - Google Patents

Design for a lock-nut Download PDF


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USD32793S US D32793 S USD32793 S US D32793S
United States
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08-399. OR 032.793 EX DES I G N. No. 32,793. Patented June 5, I900.
- W. H. HUBER.
(Applimtinn and July 94, 1890.)
ml wmm unuu co, Momma nun-mm n c UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE.
SIECIFIGATION formingpart of Design No. 32,793, dated June 5, 1900.
Application filed July 24,1899- Serial N 725,027- Term of patent 7 years.
To all whom it may concern.-
Be it known that I, WILLIAM H. FAUBER, a citizen of the United States, residing in the city of Chicago, county of Cook, and State of Illinois, have invented a new and original Design for Lock-Nuts, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanyingdrawings,formingapart thereof.
In the drawings, Figure l is a front elevation of a lock-nut embodying my invention. Fig. 2 is a side elevation thereof. Fig. 3 isa rear elevation of the same. Fig. 4 is a crosssection of the nut taken on a right line passing through the center of the same.
The essential or characteristic feature of a lock-nut embodying my novel design consists of a ring-like body having a central opeuing of considerable diameter and provided with a flat marginal flange, which flange has inner and outer faces, which are parallel, and acylindric edge surface perpendicular to said in ner and outer faces of the flange. Said central opening is surrounded by a. cylindric flange, the axis of which is perpendicular to the plane of the marginal flange. Said cylindric flange is of greater length than the thickness of the material forming the nutand is joined to the marginal flange by an annular web or body, which is curved outwardly from the marginal flange and forms an annular rib or head on the outer surface of the nut and an annular groove on the inner surface thereof, as most clearly shown in the cross-sectional view, Fig. 4. The part of said bead nearest to the marginal flange is concave, while the part of the groove on the inner side of the ring opposite said concave partof the ring and nearest the flange is convex. The inner end of said cylindric flange is located in the plane of the inner surface of the marginal flange, and the excess of length of said flange beyond the thickness of the material forming the nut projects outside of the plane of the outer surface of the mar ginal flange. Said flange is truly cylindrical at its inner end, while the part adjacent to the connecting-web is outwardly flaring and forms the radially inner part of the external bead. Said flange is provided at its inner end with interior screw-threads, and the marginal flange is pro'vided on opposite sides of the center of the nut with two apertures.
I claim as my invention- The design for a lock-nut, substantially as herein shown and described.
\VILLIAM ll. l AUl-i ER.
Witnesses WILLIAM L. HALL, R. (lu'rnenn'r VIVIAN.



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