USD30524S - Design for a covered dish - Google Patents

Design for a covered dish Download PDF


Publication number
USD30524S US D30524 S USD30524 S US D30524S
United States
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covered dish
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DT-SOZ E D9552 OR D 309524 DES G N No. 30,524. Patented Apr. ll, I899.
(Applicatlen filed Jan 1, 1899.)
wf/yww/ m: NQIU'JS vmws so warm nap. wAsuwmum u c UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE.
Alll tllNhl lllDT, ()l NEW YURK, N. Y.
SPECIFICATION forming part of Design No. 30,524, dated April 11, 1899.
Application filed January ll, 1899. Serial Nn- 701,88'7- Term of patent 7 years.
Be it known that l, (.lnAELEs J. Ai|EEN lrnl'ilrr, a citizen of the United States, residing in the city of New York, county of New York, and State of New York, have invented and produced a new and original Design fora Govered Dish, of whichthe followingisa specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, forming a part thereof, like letters referring to like parts in each figure of the same.
In the said drawings, Figure 1 is a side VlGW ofa covered dish embodyingmy design. Fig. 3 is a plan VlOW of the cover. Fig. 3 is a plan view of the dish with cover removed. Fig. -1- is a Vertical section of ihe dish and cover, taken on the line 4: El of Fig. 3.
The dish is of oval form in plan. The brim A, projecting at an oblique angle from its upper edge, has a series of four indentations l3 repeated four times around its periphery, thus giving the said periphery a wave-like contour, with three small waves and one large one alternated. A radial depression D runs from each indentation to the ledge 0, formed by the upper edge of the dish proper. This ledge projects slightly above the brim at the place where the two'aro joined and is Wave-like,
having a parallel contour to the periphery of said brim, the undulations extending down the inwardly-iuclined walls of the dish and merging in the bottom thereof. The bottom is provided upon the outside with a base it, corresponding in contour to the ledge U. The lower edge of the cover F rests upon the inner edge of the brim A, si'irrounding the projecting ledge C, to which it corresponds in outline, and has ridges or raised portions (1 running upwardly toward the handle ll at the center, tapering and merging in the surface of the cover near said handle. The handle of the cover is of oval shape and has a depression h in its upper side. The handles I of the dish proper, at either end of the same, are formed by projecting portions of the brim and are of undulating outline.
\Yhat I claim is The design for a covered dish herein shown and described.
Signed at the city of New York this 4th day of January, 1899.



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