USD16946S - Design for a font of printing-type - Google Patents

Design for a font of printing-type Download PDF


Publication number
USD16946S US D16946 S USD16946 S US D16946S
United States
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Carl Hohraurstadter
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No. 16,946. Patented Oct. 19, 1886.
@2150 "1 at- 0H m KBMNOQPQ F2 swvgy $3 2 r/"WU,
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SPECIFICATION forming part of Design No. 16,946, dated October 19, 1886.
Application-filed l-chrnary 10, i880. Serial No. 191519. Term of patent 7 years.
To all whom, it may concern.-
Beitknown that I, CARLSoHRAuEsTAnTER, J r.,a citizen ofthe United States, residing in the city of St. Louis, Missouri, have invented and produced a new and original Design for a Font of Printing Type, of which the following is a full, clear, and exact description, reference being had to the nr-eoinpanyi ng impressioinforming part thereof.
The leading or characteristicfeature of my design consists in the uniformly-solid broadfaced bars and standards composing the letters, each of the said bars and standards having an enlarged, slightly-concaved, and pointed terminal. This fcatnrcis found in most of the letters, lmtis found particularlyin thcletters A E F M T Z, each having a horizontally-projecting bar at the top thereof, as well as in the letters ELV \VZ, each having a horizontallyprojecting bar at the bottom thereof, the said horizontal bars being each provided with an enlarged, slightly-coneaved, and pointed tcrminal.
Still another feature characteristic of the design appears in the M and \V, in which the closure of the two middle or inclined standards is found at a point removed from the bottom and top, respeotivel y, of the outer or vertical standards, the said closure terminating in oppositelypointing ceriphs.
Another feature is found in the inclined bar of the letter N, which meets the second standard of the letter at a point somewhat above the bottom thereof; and still another feature in the U, which has the upwardly-curved bottom passing into the outwardly-inclined straight standards; and another feature in the letters K X Y, in which the inclined bars have the slightly-concavcd terminals pointed with ceriphs.
These features are preserved in the numerals, punctuation-marks, 850., as shown.
\Vhat I claim is- 1. The design for a font of11rinting-type herein shown and described, the snineconsisting of the letters A E F M T Z, each having a horizontally-projecting bar at the top thereof, and the letters ELV WZ. each having ahori zontally-projecting bar at the bottom thereof, the said horizontal bar being of the uniformlysolid broad-faced character of the letter to which it belongs, andhaving an enlarged terminal slightly concaved and pointed.
2. Thedesign for a font of printing-type herein shown and described, the same consist ing of the letters A E F M T Z, each having a horizontally-projecting bar at the top thereof, the said bar having an enlarged terminal with an inclined outer face and concave on its inner side, as shown.
3. The design for a font of printing-type herein shown and described, the same consisting of the letters M and W, each having the closure of the inclined standards at a point removed from the top and bottom, respectively, of the vertical standards, the said closure terminating in oppositely-pointing ceriphs, and the inclined standards having the horizontally-projecting bars, as shown.
4. The design for a font of printingtype herein shown and described, the same consisting of the letter U, having the uniformly-solid broad-faced standards and enlarged terminals slightly concaved and pointed, and having the curved bottom passing into the said standards, the latter being straight and outwardly inclined.
5. The design for a font of printing-type herein shown and described, the same consisting of the letters K, X, and Y, in which the inclined bars have slightly-conoaved terminals finished with ceriphs at right angles to the bars, the bars being of the uniformly broad faced character described.
C. D. Moom', J. B. HOK E.



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