USD137889S - Kartveli etal airplane - Google Patents

Kartveli etal airplane Download PDF


Publication number
USD137889S US D137889 S USD137889 S US D137889S
United States
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etal airplane
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Harry H. Haase
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May 9, 1944. KARTVELJ ETAL Des. 137,889
AIRPLANE Filed Sept. 20, 1941 2 Sheets-Sheet 1 In van for;
Patented May 9, 1944 Des. 137,8 89
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR AN AiRPLAN E Alexander Kartveli, Hempstead, and Harry H.
Haase, Hollis, N. Y., assignors to Republic Aviation Corporation, a corporation of Delaware Application September 20, 1941, Serial No. 103,438
Term of patent 14 years Cl. D71-1) To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that we, Alexander Kartveli and Harry H. Haase, citizens of the United States and residents, respectively, of Hempstead, county of Nassau, State of New York, and Hollis, county of Queens, State of New York, have invented a new, original and ornamental Design for Airplanes, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, forming a part thereof.
In these drawings,
Figure 1 is a front elevational view of an airplane showing our new design;
Figure 2 is a side elevational view thereof;
Figure 3 is a top plan view thereof, a portion of the wing being broken away for convenience of illustration, and
Figure 4 is a three-quarter perspective view thereof, a portion of one of the propellers being broken away for convenience of illustration.
We claim:
The ornamental design for an airplane, substantially as shown.



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