1321548 (1) 九、發明說明 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明是關於利用壓縮空氣等流體使對象物浮起的浮 起裝置及搬送裝置。 【先前技術】 習知技術,已提案有幾種利用壓縮空氣等流體使對象 物浮起的浮起裝置及搬送裝置。其中多數的浮起裝置,具 •備有流體可通過的噴嘴或多孔質的構件。噴出在浮起裝置 ’和對象物之間的流體會產生壓力,利用該壓力使對象物浮 起。其相關技術是揭示在國際專利申請公開第 W003/06096 1號小冊或日本特許出願公開 2000-62950號 公報。 【發明內容】 於浮起裝置中,可使對象物浮起的力(浮升力)的來 源,是流動在浮起裝置和對象物之間的流體壓力。壓力若 是根據位置有所不同時,則會產生不均勻的浮升力。若過 度不均勻時,則對象物會產生彎曲,恐怕會導致對象物失 去平衡而從浮起裝置上脫離或傾翻。 本發明是有鑑於上述問題點而爲的發明,目的在於提 供一種利用流體可使均勻浮升力施加於對象物的浮起裝置 及搬送裝置。 根據本發明的第1形式時,利用流體將具有平面狀下 -5- (2) (2)1321548 面的對象物浮起用的浮起裝置,具備有:具平面狀上面的 基部;及形成在上述基部於上述上面具有開口部,被配置 成可產生空間使上述流體以均勻壓力流動在上述開口部所 包圍的上述上面的區域和上述對象物的上述下面之間的上 述流體噴出用的噴出孔。 其中,上述噴出孔最好是至少在上述基部的上述上面 附近,朝上述區域的內側傾斜。此外,上述浮起裝置,最 好是又具備有複數組的上述基部和上述噴出孔,各上述上 面是排列形成爲單一平面。另外,最好是又具備有可使通 過上述噴出孔的上述流體成爲均勻化的均勻化手段。再加 上’上述均勻化手段’最好是可使配置在上述噴出孔內部 的上述噴出孔寬度保持成均等的手段,或者是,被配置成 可連通於上述噴出孔的複數節流孔(throttle )。或者,上 述噴出孔最好是由矩形環狀或一對L字形或二組平行的直 線狀所成群的任一形狀。 根據本發明的第2形式時,利用流體將具有平面狀下 面的封象物浮起後搬送用的搬送裝置,具備有:具平面狀 上面的基部;形成在上述基部於上述上面具有開口部,被 配置成可產生空間使上述流體以均勻壓力流動在上述開口 部所包圍的上述上面的區域和上述對象物的上述下面之間 的上述流體噴出用的噴出孔;及上述對象物驅動用的驅動 手段。 其中’上述噴出孔最好是至少在上述基部的上述上面 附近’朝上述區域的內側傾斜。此外,上述搬送裝置最好 (3) (3)1321548 是又具備有複數組的上述基部和上述噴出孔,各上述上面 是排列形成爲單一平面。另外,最好是又具備有可使通過 上述噴出孔的上述流體成爲均勻化的均勻化手段。再加 上,上述均勻化手段,最好是可使配置在上述噴出孔內部 的上述噴出孔寬度保持成均等的手段,或者是被配置成可 連通於上述噴出孔的複數節流孔(throttle )。或者,上述 噴出孔最好是由矩形環狀或一對L字形或二組平行的直線 狀所成群的任一形狀。 【實施方式】 [發明實施形態] [第1實施形態] 第1圖爲表示本發明第1實施形態相關的搬送裝置1 的槪赂構成透視圖,第2圖爲表示搬送裝置1的槪略構成 平面圖,第3圖爲第2圖從箭頭符號III所示方向看的箭 頭方向視圖。 搬送裝置1是利用流體將具有平面狀部位的對象物浮 起後搬送用的裝置。對象物是指整體爲平面狀的物體,例 如最好是LCD (液晶顯示器)用的玻璃基板等,但並不一 定要整體爲平面狀的物體,只要其下面的至少一部份爲平 面狀的物體即可。爲讓對象物浮起例如是利用如空氣般的 流體。對象物W’如第1圖所示,是由搬送裝置1使其朝 垂直方向浮起,朝水平方向的一方向AR1搬送。搬送裝置 1具備有浮起裝置3和驅動手段5。 (4) 1321548 對象物W,若是爲LCD用的薄玻璃基板等需要在無 . 塵環境下進行搬送的物體時,上述搬送裝置1是可使用在 4 無塵室內等無塵環境下。以下,爲了方便說明,以對象物 W爲玻璃基板W時的例子進行說明。 上述浮起裝置3,具備有具平面狀上面的基部7於該 基部7,設有可噴出壓縮空氣的環狀流體噴出孔9。 流體噴出孔9是於上述基部7的上面設置成其開口部 φ 11大致包圍著上述基部7上面當中指定的區域(第2圖中 斜線所示區域)1 3。 於此,針對浮起裝置3進行更詳細的說明。 第4(a)圖爲浮起裝置3的剖面圖(表示第2圖的 IVA-IVB剖線剖面圖),第 4 ( b )圖爲表示對應第 4 (a)圖的浮起裝置3的壓力分佈圖。 上述流體噴出孔9,如第1圖、第2圖、第4(a)圖 所示,呈現長條形狹窄寬度的環狀狹縫的形狀。此外,上 φ 述流體噴出孔9,具有從上述開口部11起算的指定深度。 另外’上述流體噴出孔9是在上述基部7的至少上面 附近,傾斜成朝向上述區域1 3的內側。即,從上面的上 方看時,上述噴出孔9的淺部位是接近上述區域13,上述 上述流體噴出孔9的深部位是看起來較遠。 再加上,於上述區域13的外側,設有緣部15以環狀 包圍著上述區域13。緣部15從上方看時,具有較窄的寬 度。 搬送裝置1,具備有複數的上述浮起裝置3。各浮起 -8- (5) 1321548 裝置3的各基部7是排列在搬送裝置1的基台(未圖示) . 上。複數的基部7,例如是排列成於水平方向彼此接近, . 各上面形成爲單一平面。 另,上述緣部15,至少是在上述玻璃基板W的搬送 方向AR1形成爲狹窄。此外,上述各基部7,至少是於搬 送方向AR1,形成爲彼此接近。 更詳細地說,從上方看時,浮起裝置3的基部7是形 φ 成爲長方形。基部7的長度方向是和搬送方向AR1—致, 基部7的寬度方向是和上述搬送裝置1的寬度方向一致 (參照第1圖、第2圖)。 此外,如第4(a)圖所示,基部7,具備有:下側構 件1 9 ;及重疊在下側構件1 9上面的內側構件2 1和外側構 件2 3。下側構件1 9是於其上面具有環狀溝槽1 7。外側構 件23是配置成包圍著內側構件2 1。藉由外側構件23和內 側構件2 Γ彼此的稍微分離,使流體噴出孔9形成在兩者 φ 之間。上述溝槽1 7和上述流體噴出孔9是形成彼此連通 著。內側構件2 1的上面爲區域1 3,外側構件2 3的上面爲 緣部15。 另,第4(a)圖雖然是第2圖的IV A-IVB剖線所示 方向的基部7剖面圖,但同樣也是IVC-IVD剖線所示方向 的基部7剖面圖。 壓縮空氣是從未圖示的壓縮空氣供應裝置供應至上述 下側構件19的溝槽17,該供應的壓縮空氣是從上述流體 噴出孔9噴出。 -9 - (6) 1321548 其次’針對驅動手段5進行以下說明。驅動手段5是 • 一種爲了搬送由上述浮起裝置3浮起的玻璃基板W而將 . 上述玻璃基板…朝水平方向加以驅動的手段。 上述驅動手段5,如第1圖或第2圖所示,具備有複 數的滾輪27。該等各滾輪27是於上述搬送裝置的兩側, 排列配置在玻璃基板W的搬送方向。此外,未圖示的馬 達等致動器是透過鍊條等動力傳達構件(未圖示),使該 φ 等各滾輪27連結成可驅動。藉此,使各滾輪27以相同的 旋轉速度形成旋轉。 上述各滾輪27的上端部是位於1個水平面上,將上 述玻璃基板W載置在上述各滾輪27而以上述各滾輪27 的旋轉來搬送上述玻璃基板W。 此外’如第3圖所示,上述各滾輪27的上端部是設 置成比上述基部7的上面還稍微位於上側。 另,驅動手段5,除了如上述般以滾輪構成以外,還 φ 能夠以可用輸送皮帶構成。或者,將驅動手段5構成爲以 夾持來搬送玻璃基板W。 接著,針對搬送裝置1的動作進行說明。 如第1圖所示,在由搬送裝置1搬送著玻璃基板W 的狀態下,由上述浮起裝置3使玻璃基板W形成浮升 著。 因此,以下是針對該浮升狀態進行詳細說明。 如第4(a)圖所示,壓縮空氣是通過流體噴出孔9被 噴出在基部7的上面。 -10- (7) (7)1321548 從環狀流體噴出孔9噴出的壓縮空氣,是形成爲環狀 的氣幕。噴出的壓縮空氣,如第4(b)圖所示,在開口部 11所包圍的區域13和玻璃基板W下面之間,產生可使上 述壓縮空氣以均勻壓力流動的空間 A。藉由以具有均勻壓 力的空間A支撐著上述玻璃基板W,使上述玻璃基板W 浮起。 根據浮起裝置3時,流體噴出孔9的開口部11是設 置成大致包圍著上述基部7上面當中的區域13,因此當玻 璃基板W載置在上述基部7從上述開口部11噴出壓縮空 氣時,透過上述流體噴出孔9就會形成有環狀的氣幕。 接著,藉由以具有均勻壓力的空間A支撐著上述玻璃 基板W,就能夠使上述玻璃基板W獲得均勻的浮升力。 如上述因玻璃基板W是受到大致均勻的浮升力,所 以即使玻璃基板W的剛性小,還是能夠幾乎不彎曲地浮 起。 此外,浮起裝置3又和習知技術般依賴流路壓損來支 撐玻璃基板的狀況不同,是由具有均勻壓力的空間A支撐 著玻璃基板W。所以,是以較少的壓縮空氣噴出量使玻璃 基板W浮得較高,因此,就能夠使玻璃基板W和基部7 之間的距離變大,藉此能夠避免玻璃基板W接觸到上述 基部7。 另外,根據浮起裝置3時,由於是由具有均勻壓力的 空間A以均勻的力量支撐著玻璃基板W,因此即使是剛性 小的薄板狀玻璃基板W的端部偏離上述空間A,但上述端 -11 - (8) 1321548 部還是難以接觸到上述基部7。 . 此外’根據浮起裝置3時,以流體噴出孔9的開口部 • 11設置成大致包圍著上述基部7上面當中的區域13,如 此形成的簡素構成就能夠形成具有均勻壓力的空間A。 再加上,根據浮起裝置3時,上述流體噴出孔9是於 上述基部7的至少上面附近,朝上述區域13的內側開口 在上述基部7。因此’上述區域13上的空間a的壓力就 φ 更容易成爲均勻。 另外’根據浮起裝置3時’由於上述流體噴出孔9是 形成爲長條形狹窄寬度的環狀,因此形成有上述流體噴出 孔9時的基部7加工容易。此外,異物不容易堵塞流體噴 出孔9。 根據浮起裝置3時,因緣部1 5爲狹窄寬度,所以能 夠鄰接基部7配置成非常接近基部7。相對於此,具有均 句壓力的空間A是爲大面積。於緣部〗5上,玻璃基板w φ 是不會受到浮升力,但玻璃基板W移動時,能夠馬上到 達鄰接的基部7上。因此,能夠避免上述玻璃基板%的 端部彎曲’能夠避免上述玻璃基板W的端部接觸到上述 基部7。 上述浮起裝置3的流體噴出孔9是於上述基部7的上 面具有開口部11,並且,在對象物平面狀的下面朝向上述 基部7放置在上述基部7上時,構成爲於上述開口部u 所包圍的區域產生有可使流體以均勻壓力流動的空間。 流體噴出孔9,也可變形成如第5圖所示的流體噴出 -12- (9)1321548 孔9a或第6圖所示的流體噴出孔9b。第5圖變 體噴出孔9a是朝向基部7a的上面(玻璃基板W 大致成直角。第6圖變形例的流體噴出孔9b是 爲小圓形狀,複數的流體噴出孔9 b是彼此相鄰。 此外,上述搬送裝置1是針對玻璃基板W 向搬送時的例子進行了說明,但在玻璃基板W 斜於水平方向的方向搬送時,同樣也可應用上述 裝置1。 [第2實施形態] 第7圖爲表示本發明第2實施形態相關的搬 使用的浮起裝置50的槪略構成透視圖,第8圖;i 圖的 VIIIA-VIIIA剖線、VIIIB-VIIIB剖線剖面 對應第4(a)圖的圖面。第9圖爲表示浮起裝濯 解狀態透視圖。 第2實施形態相關搬送裝置的浮起裝置50, 第1實施形態相關的浮起裝置3不同之處,是其 使通過流體噴出孔9的流體成爲均勻化的手段。 的構成,浮起裝置50是和浮起裝置3大致相同 是藉由將流體噴出孔9的寬度形成均等,以使通 出孔9的流體成爲均勻化。 浮起裝置50的流體噴出孔9是配備在第1 側構件2 1 )和第2構件(外側構件2 3 a )之間。 小突起5 1是一體形成在內側構件2 1、外側構件 形例的流 的下面) 各個形成 朝水平方 朝若干傾 上述搬送 送裝置所 $表示第7 圖’其是 [50的分 其和上述 具備有可 至於其他 。奕起5 1 過流體噴 構件(內 複數的微 23a當中 -13- (10) 1321548 至少一方的構件上,藉此規定流體噴出孔9的寬度。 . 舉例說明,下側構件(和第1實施形態相關的下側構 件同樣構成的下側構件)1 9是形成爲矩形板狀,於該下側 構件19的上面設有矩形環狀溝槽17。 內側構件(和第1實施形態相關的內側構件同樣構成 的內側構件)21是形成爲各腳長度(4個斜邊長度)彼此 相等的等斜邊四角錐梯形。 φ 外側構件23 a是以內側構件21相同厚度(高度)形 成爲「口」字形。於外側構件2 3 a的4個內側斜面5 3 — 體設有微小突起5 1。 更詳細地說,是於外側構件2 3 a的第1個斜面5 3 A的 長度方向大致中央部,設有朝斜面高度方向(空氣流動方 向)細長延伸的狹窄寬度突起51A。同樣地,於第1個斜 面53A鄰接的第2個斜面53B也設有突起51B,於第2個 斜面53B鄰接的第3個斜面53C也設有突起51C,於第1 φ 個斜面53A及第3個斜面53C鄰接的第4個斜面53D也 設有突起51D。 接著,在用螺栓等緊固構件將內側構件2 1和外側構 件2 3 a組裝在下側構件1 9完成浮起裝置5 0的狀態下,外 側構件23a內側的各斜面53 (53A、53B、53C、53D)是 隔著指定的些許距離(相當於各突起51高度的距離), 對內側構件21的各斜面55 (55A、55B、55C、55D)成平 行配置。即,各突起51的前端部是和內側構件21的各斜 面55形成接觸,藉此決定流體噴出孔9的寬度(內側構 -14 - (11) (11)1321548 件2 1的斜面 5 5和外側構件2 3 a的斜面5 3之間的距 離)。 從第7圖中可理解得知,將內側構件21和外側構件 23a組裝在下側構件19所構成的浮起裝置50 (基部7)的 大致外觀,是成爲上面中央部形成有矩形環狀開口部(流 體噴出孔9的開口部)11的長方體形狀。 另,於浮起裝置50,各突起51是形成爲細長的四角 柱狀,但也可形成爲其他的形態(例如小的長方體形狀或 圓柱狀),突起的位置也可位於斜面的端部而不位於中央 部,此外,1個斜面也可設有複數的突起。 再加上,只要設有可使內側構件21和外側構件23a 組裝在下側構件1 9時能夠達到良好精度的流體噴出孔9 之所需最小限度的突起即可。例如:也可於第9圖所示的 外側構件2 3 a,省略第3個斜面5 3 C的突起5 1 C,又可省 略第4個斜面53D的突起51D。 此外,於浮起裝置50,只在外側構件23a設有突起’ 但也可只在內側構件21 (斜面55)設有突起’又可在內 側構件2 1和外側構件2 3 a的雙方設有突起。即,如上 述,可於外側構件2 3 a、內側構件2 1當中的至少一方設有 突起。 根據浮起裝置50,因流體噴出孔9的寬度是由突起 51加以規定,所以容易形成有良好精度的流體噴出孔9寬 度,因此能夠提供組裝容易的浮起裝置50。 即,於本件發明相關的浮起裝置中,若流體噴出孔9 -15- (12) 1321548 寬度.精度差且不均等時,則從流體噴出孔9噴出的空氣 會有所偏差等,如此一來將難以穩定形成具有均句壓力 空間A。換句話說,流體噴出孔9的寬度精度對於讓對 物浮起時的性能影響大。 第1實施形態相關的浮起裝置3 ’爲獲得良好的流 噴出孔9的寬度精度,在內側構件21和外側構件2 3 a 裝於下側構件19時,例如:於流體噴出孔9的部份事 設有墊片(shim ),將內側構件2 1和外側構件23 a組 在下側構件1 9後,去除上述墊片(shim ),藉此獲得 備有寬度精度良好之流體噴出孔9的浮起裝置3,但如 述使用墊片(shim )的方法是需要較多的組裝時間。 浮起裝置50是在外側構件23a設有突起51,利用 起51決定流體噴出孔9的寬度,因此組裝時不需要使 墊片(shim ),就容易形成有良好精度的流體噴出孔9 度。 另,外側構件2 3 a,例如是利用樹脂射出成型形成 但外側構件23 a的突起5 1是形成爲不會產生過熔低陷 形態。 外側構件23 a以射出成型來形成時,容易一體構成 備有斜面53及突起51的外側構件23,可使浮起裝置 的零件數量變少,能夠更進一步降低組裝工數。另,內 構件2 1或下側構件1 9也是以利用樹脂射出成型構成 佳。 接著’針對第2實施形態相關的浮起裝置50的變 里 的 象 體 組 先 裝 具 上 突 用 寬 , 的 具 50 側 爲 形 -16- (13) 1321548 例的浮起裝置6 1進行說明。 . 第10圖、第11圖是表示浮起裝置61的分解狀態 . 圖’第12圖爲第11圖從箭頭符號Xu所示方向的箭頭方 向視圖’是表示浮起裝置61的組裝狀態圖,第13圖爲第 12圖從箭頭符號XIII所示方向的箭頭方向視圖。 浮起裝置61’具備有浮起裝置50的下側構件19和內 側構件2 1經一體化的內側構件6 2。內側構件6 2是將溝槽 φ 17取代成在相當於浮起裝置50的下側構件19的部位在浮 起裝置50的內側構件2 1的根部,設有空氣供應至流體噴 出孔9用的複數貫通孔63。 浮起裝置61具備有支撐構件65。支撐構件65是在其 當中的一面具有朝長度方向延伸的開口溝槽66,形成爲對 其長度方向成垂直平面切割的剖面爲C字形。內側構件 62和外側構件23a是設置在支撐構件65上,形成爲覆蓋 著開口溝槽66。複數組的內側構件62和外側構件23a是 φ 排列在支撐構件65的長度方向,於相鄰的外側構件23a 之間設有間隔件67。支撐構件65的長度方向端部是以蓋 構件69覆蓋著,藉此於支撐構件65的內部形成空間68。 於該空間68’當供應有來自未圖示空氣壓供應源的壓 縮空氣時’從流體噴出孔9就會噴出壓縮空氣,如第12 圖所示,使對象物W浮起。 另’也可省略間隔件6 7,只有內側構件62及外側構 件23a排列設置在支撐構件65。 如上述’浮起裝置661是由內側構件62等組裝在支 -17- (14) 1321548 撐構件65上所構成,因此容易形成普遍使用性高的長尺 .度浮起裝置61。即,不用刻意準備長度不同規格化的好幾 . 種浮起裝置,於製作時就能夠容易變更長度。因此,可利 用在根據需求形成尺寸的搬送裝置上。 不過’上述各浮起裝置3、50、61,如第14圖(表示 外側構件的槪略形態圖)所示,將外側構件23 a形成爲 「口」字形,但也可如第15圖所示組合2個「L」字形構 φ 件來構成外側構件2 3 a,又也可如第1 6圖所示組合4個 「I」字形構件來構成外側構件2 3 a。再加上,也可組合1 個「3」字形構件和1個「I」字形構件來構成外側構件 23a ° [第3實施形態] 第17圖爲表示本發明第3實施形態相關的搬送裝置 所使用的浮起裝置80的槪略構成剖面圖,其是對應第8 φ 圖的圖面。第〗8圖爲表示中間構件81的槪略構成透視 圖。 第3實施形態相關的搬送裝置所使用的浮起裝置8 〇 , 和上述第1實施形態相關的浮起裝置3不同之處是具備有 可使通過流體噴出孔9的流體成爲均勻化的手段。第3實 施形態,其可使流體成爲均勻化的手段構成是和第2實施 形態不同。於第3實施形態,可使流體成爲均勻化的手段 是複數的節流孔(throttle ) 82。至於其他的構成,浮起裝 置 80是和浮起裝置3大致相同。複數的節流孔 -18- (15) (15)1321548 (throttle) 82是以減少流體的偏差來使通過流體噴出孔9 的流體成爲均勻化。 舉例說明,浮起裝置8 0是在內側構件2 1及外側構件 2 3 a和下側構件1 9之間,夾入設有薄板狀的中間構件(樹 脂等非透氣性的中間構件)8 1,於中間構件8 1的對應於 流體噴出孔9的位置,設有比流體噴出孔9的寬度還小直 徑的複數貫通孔8 3排列成「口」字形,由該等各貫通孔 83構成上述節流孔(throttle) 82。上述各貫通孔83是形 成爲小直徑,因此例如以光蝕刻加工形成。 另,上述中間構件81也可採用多孔質材等具透氣性 的構件來構成節流孔(throttle) 82。上述多孔質材是以柔 軟材料爲佳。 根據浮起裝置80時,因是於流體噴出孔9設有節流 孔(throttle) 82,所以即使流體噴出孔9的寬度精度若干 變差,還是能夠避免從流體噴出孔9噴出的空氣量產生偏 差,能夠穩定形成具有均勻壓力的空間A。 因此,不必使用墊片(shim ),只要將中間構件8 1 和內側構件2 1和外側構件23組裝在下側構件1 9,就能夠 容易組成浮起裝置80。 不過,與第2實施形態的浮起裝置50可變形成浮起 裝置61的例子相同,第3實施形態的浮起裝置80也可變 形成下述的浮起裝置90。 第19圖爲表示本發明第3實施形態相關浮起裝置80 變形例的浮起裝置90的剖面圖,其是對應第13圖的圖 -19- (16) 1321548 面。 浮起裝置90具備有支撐構件65。支撐構件65是在其 .當中的一面具有開口溝槽66»中間構件81是設置在支撐 構件6 5上,形成爲覆蓋著開口溝槽66。於中間構件8 1上 設置內側構件62,外側構件23a是設置成包圍著該內側構 件62。此外,根據需求於相鄰的外側構件23a之間設有間 隔件6 7。 φ 另,對於浮起裝置80或浮起裝置90,同樣地也可如 第1 5圖或第1 6圖所示,是以分割的外側構件2 3 a來構 成。此外,對於第1實施形態相關的浮起裝置3,同樣地 也可考慮變形爲如第1 3圖所示的變形例。再加上,也可 考慮構成爲具備有突起51和節流孔(throttle)的浮起裝 置。 本發明雖然是參照最佳實施形態進行了說明,但本發 明並不限定於上述實施形態。具有本技術領域之通常技術 φ 的人員,是可根據上述揭示內容,透過實施形態的修正甚 至於變形來實施本發明。 [產業上之可利用性] 本發明是可提供一種利用流體將均勻的浮升力施加於 對象物使對象物浮起的浮起裝置及搬送裝置。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖爲表示本發明第1實施形態相關的搬送裝置槪 -20- (17) (17)1321548 略透視圖。 第2圖爲表示搬送裝置槪略平面圖。 第3圖爲第2圖從箭頭符號III所示方向的箭頭方向 視圖。 第4(a)圖爲浮起裝置剖面圖(表示第2圖的IV A-IVB剖線剖面圖),第4 ( b )圖爲表示對應第4 ( a )圖 的浮起裝置壓力分佈圖。 第5圖爲表示流體噴出孔的變形例。 第6圖爲表示流體噴出孔的變形例。 第7圖爲表示本發明第2實施形態相關的搬送裝置所 使用的浮起裝置槪略透視圖。 第 8圖爲表示第 7圖的 VIIIA-VIIIA剖線、¥1118-V111Β剖線剖面圖,其是對應第4 ( a )圖的圖面。 第9圖爲表示浮起裝置分解狀態透視圖。 第10圖爲表示浮起裝置分解狀態圖。 第11圖爲表示浮起裝置分解狀態圖。 第12圖爲第11圖從箭頭符號XII所示方向的箭頭方 向視圖,其是表示浮起裝置組裝狀態圖。 第13圖爲第12圖從箭頭符號XIII所示方向的箭頭 方向視圖。 第1 4圖爲表示外側構件槪略形態圖。 第1 5圖爲表示外側構件槪略形態圖。 第1 6圖爲表示外側構件槪略形態圖。 第17圖爲表示本發明第3實施形態相關的搬送裝置 -21 - (18) (18)1321548 所使用的浮起裝置槪略剖面圖,其是對應第8圖的圖面。 第1 8圖爲表示中間構件槪略透視圖。 第19圖爲表示本發明第3實施形態相關浮起裝置變 形例的浮起裝置剖面圖,其是對應第1 3圖的圖面。 【主要元件符號說明】 1 =搬送裝置 3 :浮起裝置 5 :驅動手段 7 :基部 7a :基部(變形例) 9 :流體噴出孔 9a :流體噴出孔(變形例) 9b :流體噴出孔(變形例) 1 1 :開口部 1 3 :區域 15 :緣部 17 :溝槽 1 9 :下側構件 21 :內側構件 23 :外側構件 23 a :外側構件(第2實施形態) 27 :滾輪 50 :浮起裝置(第2實施形態) -22- (19)1321548 51 :突起 \ 5 1 A~5 1 D :突起 5 3 :斜面(外側構件的斜面) 5 3 A~5 3 D :斜面(外側構件的斜面) 5 5 :斜面(內側構件的斜面) 5 5A~5 5D :斜面(內側構件的斜面) 6 1 :浮起裝置(變形例)1321548 (1) Description of the Invention [Technical Field] The present invention relates to a floating device and a conveying device that float an object by a fluid such as compressed air. [Prior Art] Conventionally, there have been proposed several floating devices and conveying devices that use a fluid such as compressed air to float an object. Most of these floating devices have a nozzle through which fluid can pass or a porous member. The fluid ejected between the floating device' and the object generates pressure, and the object is used to float the object. The related art is disclosed in the International Patent Application Publication No. W003/06096 No. 1 or Japanese Patent Application No. 2000-62950. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In the floating device, the source of the force (lifting force) at which the object can float is the fluid pressure flowing between the floating device and the object. If the pressure varies depending on the position, uneven lifting force will occur. If the degree is excessively uneven, the object may be bent, which may cause the object to lose balance and detach or tip over from the floating device. The present invention has been made in view of the above problems, and an object of the invention is to provide a floating device and a conveying device which can apply a uniform lifting force to an object by a fluid. According to the first aspect of the present invention, the floating device for floating an object having a planar lower -5 - (2) (2) 1321548 surface is provided with a base having a planar upper surface; The base portion has an opening on the upper surface, and is disposed so as to generate a space for the fluid to flow at a uniform pressure between the upper surface region surrounded by the opening portion and the lower surface of the object and the discharge hole for fluid discharge. . Preferably, the discharge hole is inclined toward the inner side of the region at least in the vicinity of the upper surface of the base portion. Further, it is preferable that the floating device further includes the base portion having the plurality of arrays and the discharge holes, and each of the upper surfaces is arranged in a single plane. Further, it is preferable to further provide a means for homogenizing the fluid which can be made uniform through the discharge holes. Further, it is preferable that the above-mentioned means for homogenizing is such that the width of the discharge hole disposed inside the discharge hole can be kept uniform, or a plurality of orifices (throttle) that can be connected to the discharge hole can be connected. ). Alternatively, the discharge holes are preferably any of a group of rectangular rings or a pair of L-shapes or two sets of parallel straight lines. According to the second aspect of the present invention, the transfer device for transporting the imaged object having the planar lower surface by the fluid is provided with a base portion having a planar upper surface, and the base portion has an opening portion on the upper surface. a discharge hole for discharging the fluid between the region above the opening surrounded by the opening and the lower surface of the object, and the drive for driving the object; means. Preferably, the discharge hole is inclined toward the inner side of the region at least in the vicinity of the upper surface of the base portion. Further, it is preferable that the conveying means (3) and (3) 1321548 further include the base portion having the plurality of arrays and the discharge holes, and each of the upper surfaces is arranged in a single plane. Further, it is preferable to further provide a means for homogenizing the fluid which can pass through the discharge holes. Further, it is preferable that the uniformizing means is a means for maintaining the width of the discharge hole disposed inside the discharge hole to be uniform, or a plurality of throttle holes arranged to communicate with the discharge hole. . Alternatively, the discharge holes are preferably any one of a rectangular ring shape or a pair of L-shapes or two sets of parallel straight lines. [Embodiment] [First Embodiment] Fig. 1 is a perspective view showing a configuration of a conveying device 1 according to a first embodiment of the present invention, and Fig. 2 is a schematic view showing a configuration of the conveying device 1. The plan view, Fig. 3 is a view of the arrow direction seen from the direction indicated by the arrow symbol III in Fig. 2. The conveying device 1 is a device that floats and transports an object having a planar portion by a fluid. The object refers to an object that is entirely planar, and is preferably, for example, a glass substrate for an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), but does not necessarily have to be a planar object as a whole, as long as at least a portion of the lower surface thereof is planar. The object is fine. In order to float the object, for example, a fluid such as air is used. As shown in Fig. 1, the object W' is transported by the transport device 1 in the vertical direction, and is transported in one direction AR1 in the horizontal direction. The conveying device 1 is provided with a floating device 3 and a driving means 5. (4) 1321548 When the object W is to be transported in a dust-free environment, such as a thin glass substrate for LCD, the transfer device 1 can be used in a dust-free environment such as a clean room. Hereinafter, for convenience of explanation, an example in which the object W is the glass substrate W will be described. The floating device 3 is provided with a base portion 7 having a planar upper surface on the base portion 7, and is provided with an annular fluid discharge hole 9 through which compressed air can be ejected. The fluid ejection hole 9 is provided on the upper surface of the base portion 7 such that the opening portion φ 11 substantially surrounds a predetermined region (a region indicated by a hatched line in Fig. 2) 13 of the upper surface of the base portion 7. Here, the floating device 3 will be described in more detail. Fig. 4(a) is a cross-sectional view of the floating device 3 (showing a sectional view taken along line IVA-IVB of Fig. 2), and Fig. 4(b) is a view showing the floating device 3 corresponding to the fourth (a) figure. Pressure map. As shown in Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 4(a), the fluid ejection hole 9 has a shape of an annular slit having a narrow and narrow width. Further, the upper φ fluid discharge hole 9 has a predetermined depth from the opening portion 11. Further, the fluid discharge hole 9 is inclined toward the inner side of the region 13 in the vicinity of at least the upper surface of the base portion 7. That is, when viewed from the upper side, the shallow portion of the discharge hole 9 is close to the region 13, and the deep portion of the fluid discharge hole 9 is farther. Further, on the outer side of the above region 13, an edge portion 15 is provided to surround the region 13 in an annular shape. The rim portion 15 has a narrow width when viewed from above. The transport device 1 includes a plurality of the above-described floating devices 3. Each of the bases 7 of the apparatus 3 is arranged on the base (not shown) of the transport apparatus 1. The plurality of bases 7, for example, are arranged to be close to each other in the horizontal direction, and each of the upper surfaces is formed as a single plane. Further, the edge portion 15 is formed to be narrow at least in the transport direction AR1 of the glass substrate W. Further, each of the base portions 7 described above is formed to be close to each other at least in the conveyance direction AR1. More specifically, when viewed from above, the base portion 7 of the floating device 3 has a shape φ which is a rectangle. The longitudinal direction of the base portion 7 is the same as the transport direction AR1, and the width direction of the base portion 7 coincides with the width direction of the transporting device 1 (see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). Further, as shown in Fig. 4(a), the base portion 7 is provided with a lower side member 19; and an inner member 2 1 and an outer side member 23 which are superposed on the upper surface of the lower side member 19. The lower side member 19 has an annular groove 17 on its upper side. The outer member 23 is configured to surround the inner member 21. The fluid ejection holes 9 are formed between the two φ by the slight separation of the outer member 23 and the inner member 2 Γ from each other. The groove 17 and the fluid ejection hole 9 described above are formed to communicate with each other. The upper surface of the inner member 2 1 is the region 13 and the upper surface of the outer member 23 is the edge portion 15. Further, Fig. 4(a) is a cross-sectional view of the base portion 7 in the direction indicated by the line A-IVB in Fig. 2, but is also a cross-sectional view of the base portion 7 in the direction indicated by the line IVC-IVD. The compressed air is supplied from a compressed air supply device (not shown) to the groove 17 of the lower member 19, and the supplied compressed air is ejected from the fluid discharge hole 9. -9 - (6) 1321548 Next, the following description will be made regarding the driving means 5. The driving means 5 is a means for driving the glass substrate ... in the horizontal direction in order to convey the glass substrate W which is floated by the floating device 3. The driving means 5 is provided with a plurality of rollers 27 as shown in Fig. 1 or Fig. 2 . The rollers 27 are arranged on the both sides of the conveying device in the conveying direction of the glass substrate W. Further, an actuator such as a motor (not shown) is transmitted through a power transmission member (not shown) such as a chain to connect the rollers 27 such as φ. Thereby, the respective rollers 27 are rotated at the same rotational speed. The upper end portions of the respective rollers 27 are located on one horizontal surface, and the glass substrate W is placed on the respective rollers 27, and the glass substrate W is conveyed by the rotation of the respective rollers 27. Further, as shown in Fig. 3, the upper end portions of the respective rollers 27 are disposed slightly above the upper surface of the base portion 7. Further, the driving means 5 is constituted by a roller as described above, and φ can be constituted by a usable conveying belt. Alternatively, the driving means 5 is configured to convey the glass substrate W by being sandwiched. Next, the operation of the transport device 1 will be described. As shown in Fig. 1, in the state in which the glass substrate W is transported by the transport device 1, the glass substrate W is floated by the floating device 3. Therefore, the following is a detailed description of the floating state. As shown in Fig. 4(a), compressed air is ejected from the upper surface of the base portion 7 through the fluid ejection hole 9. -10- (7) (7) 1321548 The compressed air ejected from the annular fluid ejection hole 9 is an air curtain formed in a ring shape. The compressed air to be ejected, as shown in Fig. 4(b), creates a space A between the region 13 surrounded by the opening portion 11 and the lower surface of the glass substrate W to allow the compressed air to flow at a uniform pressure. The glass substrate W is floated by supporting the glass substrate W with a space A having a uniform pressure. According to the floating device 3, the opening portion 11 of the fluid ejection hole 9 is provided so as to substantially surround the region 13 in the upper surface of the base portion 7. Therefore, when the glass substrate W is placed on the base portion 7 to discharge compressed air from the opening portion 11, An annular air curtain is formed through the fluid ejection hole 9. Then, by supporting the glass substrate W in a space A having a uniform pressure, it is possible to obtain a uniform floating force of the glass substrate W. As described above, since the glass substrate W receives a substantially uniform floating force, even if the rigidity of the glass substrate W is small, it can be floated almost without bending. Further, the floating device 3 is different from the state in which the glass substrate is supported by the flow path pressure loss as in the prior art, and the glass substrate W is supported by the space A having a uniform pressure. Therefore, the glass substrate W is floated higher with a smaller amount of compressed air ejection, and therefore, the distance between the glass substrate W and the base portion 7 can be increased, whereby the glass substrate W can be prevented from contacting the base portion 7 . Further, according to the floating device 3, since the glass substrate W is supported by the space A having a uniform pressure with a uniform force, even if the end portion of the thin plate-shaped glass substrate W having a small rigidity deviates from the space A, the above end -11 - (8) 1321548 is still difficult to access the above base 7. Further, according to the floating device 3, the opening portion 11 of the fluid ejection hole 9 is provided so as to substantially surround the region 13 in the upper surface of the base portion 7, and thus a simple configuration is formed to form the space A having uniform pressure. Further, according to the floating device 3, the fluid ejection hole 9 is opened in the vicinity of at least the upper surface of the base portion 7 toward the inside of the region 13 at the base portion 7. Therefore, the pressure of the space a on the above-mentioned region 13 is more likely to be uniform. In addition, since the fluid discharge hole 9 is formed in an annular shape having an elongated narrow width when the floating device 3 is used, the base portion 7 when the fluid discharge hole 9 is formed is easy to process. Further, the foreign matter does not easily block the fluid discharge hole 9. According to the floating device 3, since the edge portion 15 has a narrow width, the base portion 7 can be placed in close proximity to the base portion 7. On the other hand, the space A having the uniform sentence pressure is a large area. In the edge portion 5, the glass substrate w φ does not receive the lifting force, but when the glass substrate W moves, it can immediately reach the adjacent base portion 7. Therefore, it is possible to prevent the end portion of the glass substrate from being bent, and it is possible to prevent the end portion of the glass substrate W from coming into contact with the base portion 7. The fluid ejection hole 9 of the floating device 3 has an opening 11 on the upper surface of the base portion 7, and is formed in the opening portion u when the lower surface of the object is placed on the base portion 7 toward the base portion 7. The enclosed area creates a space that allows the fluid to flow at a uniform pressure. The fluid ejection hole 9 can also be formed into a fluid ejection hole -12-(9) 1321548 hole 9a as shown in Fig. 5 or a fluid ejection hole 9b as shown in Fig. 6. In the fifth embodiment, the ejection hole 9a faces the upper surface of the base portion 7a (the glass substrate W is substantially at right angles. The fluid ejection hole 9b in the modification of Fig. 6 has a small circular shape, and the plurality of fluid ejection holes 9b are adjacent to each other. In addition, the conveyance device 1 is described as an example in which the glass substrate W is conveyed. However, when the glass substrate W is conveyed in a direction oblique to the horizontal direction, the above-described apparatus 1 can be applied similarly. [Second embodiment] No. 7 Fig. 8 is a perspective view showing a schematic configuration of a floating device 50 for use according to a second embodiment of the present invention, and Fig. 8 is a sectional view taken along the line VIIIA-VIIIA and VIIIB-VIIIB of Fig. 4 corresponds to the fourth (a). Fig. 9 is a perspective view showing a state in which the floating device is in a state of being lifted. In the second embodiment, the floating device 50 according to the first embodiment differs from the floating device 3 according to the first embodiment in that it passes through The fluid in the fluid ejection hole 9 is a means for homogenizing. The floating device 50 is substantially the same as the floating device 3 by forming the width of the fluid ejection hole 9 to be uniform so that the fluid flowing through the hole 9 is uniform. The fluid ejection hole of the floating device 50 9 is provided between the first side member 2 1 ) and the second member (outer member 2 3 a ). The small protrusions 5 1 are integrally formed on the lower side of the flow of the inner member 2 1 and the outer member shape). Each of the formations is inclined toward the horizontal side, and the above-mentioned conveyance means $ indicates the seventh figure 'which is [50 points and the above There are others available. Lifting 5 1 through the fluid-spraying member (the inner plurality of micro-23a among the members of at least one of -13-(10) 1321548, thereby defining the width of the fluid ejection hole 9. For example, the lower member (and the first embodiment) The lower member (1) having the same shape as the lower member is formed into a rectangular plate shape, and a rectangular annular groove 17 is provided on the upper surface of the lower member 19. The inner member (the inner side related to the first embodiment) The inner member 21 having the same structure is formed as an equal-diagonal square pyramidal trapezoid having the length of each leg (four oblique lengths) being equal to each other. φ The outer member 23 a is formed by the same thickness (height) of the inner member 21 The zigzag shape is provided on the four inner bevel surfaces 5 3 of the outer member 2 3 a. In more detail, the first inclined surface 5 3 A of the outer member 2 3 a is substantially central in the longitudinal direction. The portion having the narrow width projection 51A extending in the height direction of the inclined surface (air flow direction) is provided. Similarly, the second inclined surface 53B adjacent to the first inclined surface 53A is also provided with a projection 51B adjacent to the second inclined surface 53B. The third slope 53C is also set The projection 51C is also provided with a projection 51D on the fourth inclined surface 53D adjacent to the first φ inclined surface 53A and the third inclined surface 53C. Next, the inner member 2 1 and the outer member 2 3 a are assembled by fastening members such as bolts. In a state where the lower member 19 completes the floating device 50, the inclined faces 53 (53A, 53B, 53C, 53D) inside the outer member 23a are spaced apart by a predetermined distance (corresponding to the height of each projection 51). The inclined faces 55 (55A, 55B, 55C, 55D) of the inner member 21 are arranged in parallel. That is, the front end portions of the respective projections 51 come into contact with the respective inclined faces 55 of the inner member 21, thereby determining the width of the fluid ejection hole 9. (Inner configuration-14 - (11) (11) 1321548 The distance between the inclined surface 5 5 of the piece 2 1 and the inclined surface 5 3 of the outer member 2 3 a). As can be understood from Fig. 7, the inner member 21 is The outer appearance of the floating device 50 (base portion 7), which is formed by the lower member 19, is a rectangular parallelepiped shape in which a rectangular annular opening (opening of the fluid ejection hole 9) 11 is formed in the upper center portion. In addition, in the floating device 50, each of the protrusions 51 is formed into a slender square column However, it may be formed in another form (for example, a small rectangular parallelepiped shape or a cylindrical shape), and the position of the protrusion may be located at the end of the inclined surface instead of the central portion, and a plurality of protrusions may be provided for one inclined surface. Further, as long as the inner side member 21 and the outer member 23a are assembled to the lower member 19, the minimum required protrusion of the fluid ejection hole 9 can be achieved with good precision. For example, it can also be seen in Fig. 9. In the outer member 2 3 a shown, the protrusion 5 1 C of the third slope 5 3 C is omitted, and the protrusion 51D of the fourth slope 53D can be omitted. Further, in the floating device 50, only the protrusions ' are provided on the outer member 23a, but the protrusions ' may be provided only on the inner member 21 (the inclined surface 55), and may be provided on both the inner member 2 1 and the outer member 2 3 a Protrusion. That is, as described above, at least one of the outer member 2 3 a and the inner member 2 1 can be provided with a projection. According to the floating device 50, since the width of the fluid ejection hole 9 is defined by the projection 51, it is easy to form the width of the fluid ejection hole 9 with good precision, and therefore the floating device 50 which is easy to assemble can be provided. In other words, in the floating device according to the present invention, if the fluid ejection holes 9 -15 - (12) 1321548 have a poor width and are uneven in accuracy, the air ejected from the fluid ejection holes 9 may be deviated, etc. It will be difficult to form a uniform pressure space A with stability. In other words, the width accuracy of the fluid ejection hole 9 has a large influence on the performance when the object floats. In the floating device 3' according to the first embodiment, in order to obtain a good width accuracy of the flow ejection hole 9, when the inner member 21 and the outer member 2 3 a are attached to the lower member 19, for example, the portion of the fluid ejection hole 9 A shim is provided, and after the inner member 21 and the outer member 23a are grouped on the lower member 19, the shim is removed, thereby obtaining the fluid ejection hole 9 having the width precision. The device 3 is floated, but the method of using a shim as described above requires more assembly time. In the floating device 50, the protrusion 51 is provided in the outer member 23a, and the width of the fluid ejection hole 9 is determined by the protrusion 51. Therefore, it is easy to form a fluid ejection hole 9 with good precision without assembling a shim. Further, the outer member 2 3 a is formed by, for example, resin injection molding, but the projections 5 1 of the outer member 23 a are formed so as not to have an over-melting depression. When the outer member 23a is formed by injection molding, the outer member 23 having the inclined surface 53 and the projection 51 can be easily integrally formed, and the number of components of the floating device can be reduced, and the number of assembling work can be further reduced. Further, the inner member 21 or the lower member 19 is also preferably formed by injection molding using a resin. Next, the description will be given of the description of the floating device of the embodiment of the floating device 50 according to the second embodiment, in which the upper portion of the image forming unit has a width of the protrusion, and the floating device 6 1 having the shape of the first side is a 16-(13) 1321548. . 10 and 11 are views showing an exploded state of the floating device 61. Fig. 12 is a view showing an assembled state of the floating device 61 from the arrow direction view in the direction indicated by the arrow symbol Xu. Fig. 13 is a view in the direction of the arrow in the direction indicated by the arrow symbol XIII in Fig. 12. The floating device 61' is provided with an inner member 6 2 in which the lower member 19 of the floating device 50 and the inner member 21 are integrated. The inner member 612 is formed by replacing the groove φ 17 with the groove φ 17 at the root of the inner member 21 of the floating device 50 at a portion corresponding to the lower member 19 of the floating device 50, and is provided with air for supplying the fluid discharge hole 9. A plurality of through holes 63. The floating device 61 is provided with a support member 65. The support member 65 has an opening groove 66 extending in the longitudinal direction on one of the faces, and is formed in a C-shaped cross section which is cut in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal direction thereof. The inner member 62 and the outer member 23a are provided on the support member 65 to be formed to cover the opening groove 66. The inner member 62 and the outer member 23a of the complex array are arranged in the longitudinal direction of the support member 65, and a spacer 67 is provided between the adjacent outer members 23a. The longitudinal end portion of the support member 65 is covered with a cover member 69, whereby a space 68 is formed inside the support member 65. When the compressed air from the air pressure supply source (not shown) is supplied to the space 68', compressed air is ejected from the fluid discharge hole 9, and as shown in Fig. 12, the object W is floated. Alternatively, the spacers 67 may be omitted, and only the inner member 62 and the outer member 23a are arranged in the support member 65. As described above, the "floating device 661" is constituted by the inner member 62 or the like being assembled to the support member -17-(14) 1321548, and thus it is easy to form a long-sized floating device 61 having a high usability. That is, it is not necessary to intentionally prepare a plurality of different types of floating lengths, and it is possible to easily change the length at the time of production. Therefore, it can be utilized in a conveying device that is sized as needed. However, as shown in Fig. 14, which shows the outer member 23a in the shape of a "mouth", as shown in Fig. 15, the floating devices 3, 50, and 61 are formed as shown in Fig. 15. The outer member 23 3 a may be formed by combining two "L"-shaped members, or the four "I"-shaped members may be combined as shown in Fig. 6 to constitute the outer member 2 3 a. In addition, the "3"-shaped member and the "I"-shaped member may be combined to form the outer member 23a. [Third Embodiment] FIG. 17 is a view showing a conveying apparatus according to a third embodiment of the present invention. A schematic cross-sectional view of the floating device 80 used is a drawing corresponding to the eighth φ map. Fig. 8 is a perspective view showing a schematic configuration of the intermediate member 81. The floating device 8 使用 used in the conveying device according to the third embodiment differs from the floating device 3 according to the first embodiment in that it has a means for making the fluid passing through the fluid ejection hole 9 uniform. According to the third embodiment, the means for making the fluid uniform can be different from the second embodiment. In the third embodiment, a means for making the fluid uniform is a plurality of throttles 82. As for the other configurations, the floating device 80 is substantially the same as the floating device 3. The plurality of orifices -18-(15) (15) 1321548 (throttle) 82 are such that the fluid passing through the fluid discharge holes 9 is made uniform by reducing the deviation of the fluid. For example, the floating device 80 is between the inner member 2 1 and the outer member 2 3 a and the lower member 19, and an intermediate member (a non-breathable intermediate member such as a resin) provided with a thin plate is sandwiched. At a position corresponding to the fluid ejection hole 9 of the intermediate member 81, a plurality of through holes 8.3 having a diameter smaller than the width of the fluid ejection hole 9 are arranged in a "mouth" shape, and the through holes 83 constitute the above-mentioned Throttle 82. Since each of the through holes 83 has a small diameter, it is formed by, for example, photolithography. Further, the intermediate member 81 may be formed of a gas permeable member such as a porous material to constitute a throttle 82. The above porous material is preferably a soft material. According to the floating device 80, since the fluid discharge hole 9 is provided with a throttle 82, even if the width accuracy of the fluid ejection hole 9 is somewhat deteriorated, the amount of air ejected from the fluid ejection hole 9 can be prevented from being generated. The deviation can stably form the space A having a uniform pressure. Therefore, it is not necessary to use a shim, and the floating device 80 can be easily formed by assembling the intermediate member 81 and the inner member 21 and the outer member 23 to the lower member 19. However, similarly to the example in which the floating device 50 of the second embodiment can form the floating device 61, the floating device 80 of the third embodiment can also be modified to form the floating device 90 described below. Fig. 19 is a cross-sectional view showing a floating device 90 according to a modification of the floating device 80 according to the third embodiment of the present invention, which corresponds to the surface of Fig. -19-(16) 1321548 of Fig. 13. The floating device 90 is provided with a support member 65. The support member 65 has an open groove 66 in one of the faces. The intermediate member 81 is disposed on the support member 65 and is formed to cover the open groove 66. An inner member 62 is disposed on the intermediate member 81, and the outer member 23a is disposed to surround the inner member 62. Further, a spacer 67 is provided between the adjacent outer members 23a as required. φ Further, the floating device 80 or the floating device 90 may be configured by the divided outer members 2 3 a as shown in Fig. 15 or Fig. 16. Further, similarly to the floating device 3 according to the first embodiment, a modification as shown in Fig. 3 can be considered. Further, it is also conceivable to constitute a floating device having a projection 51 and a throttle. The present invention has been described with reference to the preferred embodiments, but the present invention is not limited to the above embodiments. The person having ordinary skill in the art can implement the present invention by the modification of the embodiment or even the modification based on the above disclosure. [Industrial Applicability] The present invention provides a floating device and a conveying device that apply a uniform lifting force to a target object to float an object. [Brief Description of the Drawings] Fig. 1 is a perspective view showing a conveying device -20-20-(17)(17)1321548 according to the first embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 2 is a schematic plan view showing the conveying device. Fig. 3 is a view in the direction of the arrow in the direction indicated by the arrow symbol III in Fig. 2. Fig. 4(a) is a cross-sectional view of the floating device (showing a sectional view taken along line IV-IVB of Fig. 2), and Fig. 4(b) is a pressure distribution diagram showing the floating device corresponding to the fourth (a) drawing. . Fig. 5 is a view showing a modification of the fluid ejection hole. Fig. 6 is a view showing a modification of the fluid ejection hole. Fig. 7 is a schematic perspective view showing a floating device used in the conveying device according to the second embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 8 is a cross-sectional view taken along the line VIIIA-VIIIA of Fig. 7 and taken along line 1118-V111, which corresponds to the drawing of Fig. 4(a). Figure 9 is a perspective view showing the exploded state of the floating device. Fig. 10 is a view showing an exploded state of the floating device. Fig. 11 is a view showing an exploded state of the floating device. Fig. 12 is a view in the direction of arrows in the direction indicated by an arrow symbol XII in Fig. 11, which is a view showing an assembled state of the floating device. Fig. 13 is a view in the direction of the arrow in the direction indicated by the arrow symbol XIII in Fig. 12. Fig. 14 is a schematic view showing the outline of the outer member. Fig. 15 is a schematic view showing the outline of the outer member. Fig. 16 is a schematic view showing the outline of the outer member. Fig. 17 is a schematic cross-sectional view showing a floating device used in the conveying device - 21 - (18) (18) 1321548 according to the third embodiment of the present invention, which corresponds to the drawing of Fig. 8. Figure 18 is a schematic perspective view showing the intermediate member. Fig. 19 is a cross-sectional view showing a floating device according to a modification of the floating device according to the third embodiment of the present invention, which corresponds to the drawing of Fig. 13. [Description of main component symbols] 1 = conveying device 3: lifting device 5: driving means 7: base portion 7a: base portion (modified example) 9: fluid ejection hole 9a: fluid ejection hole (modified example) 9b: fluid ejection hole (deformation) Example) 1 1 : Opening 1 3 : Zone 15 : Edge 17 : Groove 1 9 : Lower member 21 : Inner member 23 : Outer member 23 a : Outer member (Second embodiment) 27 : Roller 50 : Floating Lifting device (2nd embodiment) -22- (19) 1321548 51 : Protrusion \ 5 1 A~5 1 D : Protrusion 5 3 : Bevel (inclined surface of outer member) 5 3 A~5 3 D : Bevel (outer member) Bevel) 5 5 : Bevel (inclined surface of inner member) 5 5A~5 5D : bevel (inclined surface of inner member) 6 1 : floating device (variation)
62 :內側構件(變形例) 63 :貫通孔 65 :支撐構件 66 :開口溝槽 67 :間隔件 68 :空間 6 9 :蓋構件 8 0 :浮起裝置(第3實施形態)62: inner member (modified example) 63: through hole 65: support member 66: opening groove 67: spacer 68: space 6 9 : cover member 8 0 : floating device (third embodiment)
8 1 :中間構件 82 :節流孔 8 3 :貫通孔 90 :浮起裝置(變形例) A :空間 W :對象物 AR1 :搬送方向 -23-8 1 : Intermediate member 82 : Throttle hole 8 3 : Through hole 90 : Lifting device (Modification) A : Space W : Object AR1 : Transport direction -23-