經濟部屮央標準局β工消费合作杜印製 Λ 6 _ Η 6_ 五、發明説明() 1 本發明係有關於一種去腥除臭之清潔皂之組成物,特 別偽指一種藉由聚糊精(CYCLODEXTRIH)作為載體,經與肥 皂配方混合所製出之清潔皂。 按,目前常用之清潔用品除了肥皂(SOAP)外,尚有清 5 潔劑(DETERGENT),這些産品使用時通常強調清潔、保養( 潤虜)的功能.箸重在去污的效果。就個別而言,肥皂可 諝最簡單古老之清潔用品,其係取油類、脂肪、猷脂等油 性物質與含有氫氣離子的鹾性化合物(例如俗稱燒鹼的氫 氧化納)一起放在水中煮沸,最後形成柔細、半固體狀之. 10 物,即為肥皂(CwH3,C00Na,金颺離子可以是納、鉀或胺 離子)。 肥皂之具有清潔作用,偽因其特殊之分子構造,如第 一圖所示,其主體為長鏈狀的碩氫化合物.,碩氫鐽結物本 身不溶於水,為疏水性(HYDROPHOBIC),而長鑲的一端卻 15 有一部份結構是親水性構造(HYDROPHILIC)。當肥皂分子 介於水與污垢面時,-端溶在水中,S —端則與油脂或空 氣親近。肥皂可使油脂乳化,讓油脂溶於肥皂水中,並圍 住空氣分子形成肥皂泡沫,使得原先不溶於水的污垢,因 為肥皂的作用,無法再附箸於人體皮虜或物品的表面,而 20 溶入肥皂泡沫中,最後隨箸吧皂水被沖走。 合成清潔劑亦是運用相同之原理來達到清潔的效果, 惟以磺酸納(SODIUM SULFONATES, —SOaONa)取代納、鉀 或胺離子,長的硪氫鏈結非直鏈式而是分枝狀,其一端句 溶於油脂,另一端含有磺酸納則可溶於水中;但無論肥皂 -第 0 3.頁一---—-- 本紙張尺度遑用中Βϋ家楳半(CNS)T4規格(2〗0><297公龙) 8丨· 4.】0,000» (H) (請先間讀背而之注意事項丹填寫本頁) 經濟部十央標準局β工消"合作社印製 LOi^SU Λ 6 _H_6_ 五、發明説明() 1 或合成清潔劑均以強調清潔去污之功效,對於一些難聞特 殊之異味,並無法徹底除去,常僅能以濃郁之香料掩蓋腥 臭不偷之味,而這些餘味常殘留附箸在人體皮膚上,久而 ' 久之,形成難掩之體味,迪成摘人生活上不小的困擾。特 5 別是對於經常要接觸這些異味者,例如魚市場小販,汽車 修理廠工人等等。 一般易於附#於人體皮»上之異味,如第一表所示, 計有魚腥臭,其主要由氨、甲胺、三甲胺、比各定、比畢 定、甲硫醇等共同混合形成;另有腐爛洋賊味,其成份主 10 要為甲硫醇;韭、耢、絲之臭味則主要因硫化丙烯(Ally 1 Sulfide)化合物及硫甘醇引起;尚有蛋腐敗味,刖因硫化 氫之故:其他辣味、Μ味.其化學構成份則有鄰甲氧基酚 (0 - M e t h ο X y P h e η ο 1)、|| 酣(S h a g a ο 1)、Μ 酮(Z i π g t r ο n e) 、及薑醇(Gingerol):另外還有刺激性之尿味,其成份為 15 氨;及石油、汽柴油等,這些則主要由脂肪族化合物( Aliphatic Coupounds)形成所致:最後尚有人體本身産生 之足臭及腋臭,其主要之化學成份則羼有機酸;這些異味 均是生活中常會接觸之物所産生者,或人體本身之代謝産 物;而於曰常生活中,當我們處理完廚房事務,或修理調 20 整汽機車零件.之後,經常有因雙手不潔,但經洗手數次仍殘 留有香辛、油污餘味之經驗,常有不潔之感;對於那些經 常要碰觸這些物品之人,所造成之困擾為想當然耳。或許 有利用除臭劑或香水來掩飾者,惟這些産品常有不足或适 得其反之憾。蓋除臭劑主要針對人體汗臭發展而得,通常 --—---- 本紙》•尺度遑用肀國·家»毕(CN5)T4規怙(210x2沉公放) 81. 4. 10,000¾ (H) (請先閲請背而之注意事項孙塥离本頁) Λ 6 Η 6 經濟部十央標準局员工消«·合作杜印32. 五、發明説明() 1 具防腐作用,有肋於控制細菌滋長,但對於其他異味,如 恝、薑辛辣味,魚腥味或汽柴油味有其不能處;至於香水 ,則利用酒精揮發之效,將香料之香味在人體週圍形成氛 圍,但並非帶走異味,時間一長,香臭味間反倒形成莫名 5 難狀之怪味,因此,如何先除去異味再予賦香,常是人際 間重要之課題。當然能吸收或帶離異味之物不在少數,例 如乙二醇、木炭、矽膠、漂土、及能殺死微生物之甲酚、 石磺酸等等,惟或有不適用於人體者,或具毒性,或颺硬 物;平常,我們是不可能拿這些來作去除手上或身上異味 10 之用。 有鑑於此,本發明人積其長年浸淫於肥皂等清潔用品 製造開發之經驗,眼見上述傅統清潔洗Μ無法逹到真正去 除異味之功用/因而本著創新突破,精益求精的研發精神 ,終於研究出一種結合去腥除臭及清潔之皂體的組成物, 15 俾能彌補習用清潔皂未能徹底去除異味之缺憾。 尤其,本發明人為了希望能賦予肥皂新的功效,亦即 去腥除臭之能力,而又不違背清潔去污之主要功能,希望 能找到一種添加物必須具有與肥皂充份混合,安定不起化 學作用,能趿收捕捉異味分子,無毒性,易於製造取得, 20 經濟價廉等特質者,於經實驗比對許多化學物質之後,本 發明人發現習用於化W品業,作為色素、番料安定劑及乳 化劑之聚糊精具有本發明所要求之待性。 即,本發明之主要目的,在於提供一種去腥除臭之清 潔皂的組成物,藉由聚糊精之捕捉吸載分子能力得以去除 (請先間諳背而之注意亊項#填寫本頁) 裝. 訂_ 線< 本紙張尺度遑用中規格(210X297 81. 4. ]0,000張(Η) L017&0 A 6 It 6 經濟部屮央橾準局A工消伢合作社印製 五、發明説明() 1 殘留人體皮虜上之魚腥臭、辛辣味(想、1、蒜)、汗奥及 柴汽油等不易去除之異味。 緣是,為達成上述之目的,本發明去腥除奥之清潔皂 的組成物,待擞在於利用聚糊精大分子之待性,及其待殊 5 之璟狀結構,並其分子本身所具有之易於吸附捕獲分子之 強凡得瓦力,當成本發明中吸載奥味分子之載體,及其對 水份之撤溶解性,使能與肥皂混合榭拌,以製成兼具去污 清潔及除臭賦香效果之皂體。 蓋聚糊精一般常用於食品工業,作為苦澀味之減輕, 10 抗氧化腐敗及風味調和之用;蓮用於K藥上,則有增加溶 解度、減少苦味、防止氣化揮發及減少刺激性之功用;而 其他諸如殺蟲劑及塑膝裂造業亦均有利用聚糊精作為安定 劑者;而在化钕品業則誠如上述,主要作為色素、香料安 定劑及乳化劑;在這些蓮用上,聚糊精所扮演的角色均颶 15 安定作用,主要在利用其本身之持性包覆分子,並藉以穩 定分子;惟這些蓮用原理均不同於本發明強調在去除腥臭 之功效,本發明是結合一般洗劑,利用聚糊精良好吸收捕 捉分子之能力,作為載體,將附著於人體皮虜上之異味帶 離清除,與上述安定、包覆掩蓋異味之運用大相逕庭。 20 蓋本發明之另一目的乃在研發一種具琿保功能,不破 萌自然環境,而能自然分解之除臭去腥物質。 聚糊精,或稱環狀糊精(CYCLO-DEXTRIN,簡稱CD), 如第二圖所示,是由六至八個葡萄糖(GLUCOSE, 分子以α — 1,4鍵結而成的環狀多醏化合物,如第三圖所 (請先閲讀背而之注意事項再項寫本K) 裝- 訂* 線· 遑 度 尺 % 紙 本 很 τ4 s) (CH 螵 家 國 81. 4. 10,000張(H) L017S0 Λ 6η 6 五、發明説明() 15 經濟部+央橾準局贝工消件合作社印製 20 示,工業上萃取製造乃是利用滕粉與酵素CGTase(由偏錄 性徹生物抽取提製之酵素)作用而生成,主要之生成物依 據涵萄糖之分子數目六、七、八個,分別稱為α —聚糊精 (a - CD) , /3 -聚湖精(/3 — CD)及 γ -聚糊精(7 — CD)。 聚糊精之結構如第三圖所示,並配合參照第二圖,本 發明偽利用聚糊精之環狀構迪,用以對臭味分子行吸附捕 捉作用,蓋依據葡Μ糖分子數多寡,所合成之聚糊精其内 徑亦分別有所不同,如第四圖所示,逭些大小不同的内徑 對於吸附捕捉不同分子具有程度上的強弱,但均不影潘吸 載捕捉、包覆分子之特性。 如第二表所示為聚糊精的一般物理化學性質,首先, 我們了解構成聚糊精之》萄糖分子颶環狀六硝醛醣,形成 之聚糊精分子S頗大,分別依葡萄糖分子數為每莫耳973 克、1135克及129 7克,由於聚糊精分子置甚為龐大,因此 對於臭味分子具有強之凡得瓦力(Van derWaals forces) ,其環狀構造内徑與臭味分子接觸面相當大.其内徑直徑 約5〜10 A,深度為7〜8 A,總容積約為174〜47 2 A8,由 於分子與分子間具有大凡得瓦力,一般分子進入孔内,不 易再逸出,如第五圖所示為聚糊精吸附捕捉分子之示意圖 ,聚糊精於捕獲分子之後,随著肥皂水被沖走,藉由此種 作用,聚糊精即可將臭味分子帶離皮膚表面,並達成去除 異味之目的。 針對聚糊精除腥臭味之能力,發明人以多次實驗以證‘ 實其確能逹極卓越之功效,、首先,利用感官評鑑的方法, 第Q4M-—~—— (請先閲讀背而之注意事項再填寫本頁) 裝. 訂_ -線< 卜紙張尺度遑用中困國家楳1|MCNS)1M規格(2丨0X297公;!t) 81. 4. 10,000¾ (Η) 五、發明説明() 15 Λ 6 Η 6 經濟部中央楳準局B3C工消费合作社印31 20 選擇20位嗅覺蚕敏之溯試者,實驗當天並禁食任何可能影 蜜嗅覺的異味食物,利用四個試驗瓶,請配合參閲第三表 ,其中甲試驗瓶中裝有氛氣,代表尿臭味,乙試驗瓶中裝 有氛氣及聚糊精UB ,丙試驗瓶中装甲胺,代表魚腥臭味 ,丁試驗瓶中裝甲胺及聚糊精lga ,四試驗瓶分別密封, 間隔一段時間,分別讓所有受拥者試間四試驗瓶,其結果 如第四表中所示,從該表中可發現,添加聚糊精,確實可 産生卓越的除臭功效,而證實聚糊精具有吸收奥源之基本 能力。 為了得到更具公信力之證明,發明人再實施儀器檢测 ,利用檢知管測試魚腥臭及腐爛洋趙臭兩臭源,與聚糊精 作用,在不同時間後,臭源之消減程度,以測試聚糊精之 除臭效果,其Φ測試所使用之檢知管為扣X ^ ‘V夕社所生 産,測試魚腥臭者偽為代號Ρ 5 類180檢知管,其S敏 感測範圍為0.5-60ΡΡΙΠ ,而測試腐爛洋想臭者偽為代號 乂乎凡凡力义夕y 7 1檢知管,其®敏威測範圍為0 . 25-70 ppm ,請配合參閲第三表,該表左方為魚腥臭的檢測結 果,右方為腐爛洋趙臭的檢潮結果,由該表中可得知,聚 糊精可促使臭源濃度隨時間快速遞減,因而證實聚糊精對 臭源分子具有捕捉吸附能力,造成其優良的除臭效果。 聚糊精對水之親和力不大,亦即僅撖溶於水中,如第 五表及第六表所示,第五表為聚糊精在各種溫度下對水之 溶解度(g/lQGnil),並同時參閲第六表之圖示,顯示溫度^ 與聚糊精之水溶解度成正比、現象;當室溫2510時,溶解度 (請先閲讀背而之注意事項再填寫本頁) 裝· 訂· 線· 第0 8具- 卜紙張尺度遑用中《«家楳毕(CNS)>M規格(210X297公址> 81. 4. 10,000¾ (Η) LOiL 顿 Λ 6 η 6 五、發明説明() 15 經 濟 部 屮 央 m 準 M) A 工 消 合 作 杜 印 製 20 在13〜30g間,聚糊精對水之低溶解度,使得製造時,利 用少許水搜伴,易於捎得所需之糊狀物型態,侔便於與半 固體狀之肥皂充分混合;本發明人為確定此項特性,特將 室溫溫度控制在30Ό,相對濕度為85%時,拥試聚糊精之 趿濕性(%、W/VO,如第七表所示,由表中發現,聚糊精 不易趿附水分子,在第一天時即便速最大吸水置,俟後便 不再增加,歴經10天之後,僅吸收水份11〜18g間;因此 在運用聚糊精為皂體成份時,可以利用此項待性,在加入 少許水份後,使之能與肥皂充份混合,而在製成成品時, 於室溫下亦不易潮解。 鑑於本發明主要用於人體皮虜之清潔,因此一些有毒 物質自然不能考慮;如第八表所示,聚糊精經以口服、靜 脈注射及皮下注射三種不同方式對老鼠進行急性毒性測試 (11〇3。),口服之最大劑量高達8,000〜1 6 , 000 «^/1^: 靜脈注射劑量亦高達200〜4,000 ag/kg ;而皮下注射之 劑量亦有2 , 4 0 0〜 4 , 00 0 Bg/kg之高單位;另以每日經口 服方式餵食老鼠,以〇.1,〇.4及1.62/1^/日之量,經長達 六個月之慢性毒性試驗後,確信聚糊精在外用塗敷下絶不 危害人體健康,符合前述所要求之待性。 由於聚糊精本身完全由葡萄糖構成,再無其他構成元 素,分子構成簡單,其與異味分子間僅以凡得瓦力聚合, 並無鍵結、氧化還原等變化,亦即在自然琿境中,易於進 入生物鏈中分解,循環利用,頗符合時代之科學理念。' 依據上述之特性,Η就本發明去腥除臭之清潔皂的組 (請先闖讀背而之注意事項#塥寫本頁) 裝- 訂· 線-Produced by the β-Consumer Cooperation Co., Ltd. of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Du Λ 6 _ Η 6_ V. Description of the invention (1) The present invention relates to a composition of a cleansing soap for deodorizing and deodorizing. A cleansing soap prepared by mixing CYCLODEXTRIH as a carrier with soap formula. According to the current cleaning products in addition to soap (SOAP), there are still detergents (DETERGENT), these products are usually emphasized when cleaning, maintenance (moisturizing) function. The dust is the effect of decontamination. Individually, soap can be the simplest and oldest cleaning product. It takes oily substances such as oils, fats, and fats together with hydrogen-containing ion-based compounds (such as sodium hydroxide commonly known as caustic soda) and boils it in water. , And finally formed into a soft, semi-solid. 10 things, that is soap (CwH3, C00Na, Jinyang ions can be sodium, potassium or amine ions). Soap has a cleaning effect, because of its special molecular structure, as shown in the first picture, its main body is a long-chain hydrogen compound. The hydrogen compound itself is insoluble in water and is hydrophobic (HYDROPHOBIC), However, one end of the long insert has a part of the structure that is hydrophilic (HYDROPHILIC). When the soap molecule is between the water and the dirt surface, the-end dissolves in the water, and the S-end is close to grease or air. Soap can emulsify the fat, dissolve the fat in soapy water, and surround the air molecules to form soap bubbles, making the original water-insoluble dirt, because of the action of soap, it can no longer be attached to the surface of human skin or objects, and 20 Dissolved in the soap bubble, and finally washed away with soap bar soap. Synthetic cleaners also use the same principle to achieve the cleaning effect, except that sodium sulfonate (SODIUM SULFONATES, —SOaONa) replaces sodium, potassium, or amine ions, and the long hydrogen chain is not linear but branched. , One end of the sentence is soluble in grease, and the other end contains sodium sulfonate, but it is soluble in water; Specifications (2〗 0> < 297 male dragon) 8 丨 · 4.】 0,000 »(H) (please read the back-to-back precautions and fill in this page) Shi Gong Standard Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs β 工 消 " Cooperative Printed LOi ^ SU Λ 6 _H_6_ 5. Description of the invention () 1 or synthetic detergents emphasize the effect of cleaning and decontamination. For some unpleasant special odors, they cannot be completely removed. Often they can only cover up the smell with rich spices The smell is not stealing, and these aftertastes often remain on the human skin. Over time, over time, they form an indisputable body odor, and Dicheng picks up a lot of troubles in people's lives. Special 5 is especially for those who often come into contact with these odors, such as fish market vendors, car repair shop workers and so on. It is generally easy to attach to the odor on the human skin. As shown in the first table, it is considered to be fishy odor, which is mainly formed by the combination of ammonia, methylamine, trimethylamine, bigodine, bipyridine, and methyl mercaptan. ; There is another rotten thief smell, the main component of which is mainly 10 methyl mercaptan; the odor of leek, silk, silk is mainly caused by the propylene sulfide (Ally 1 Sulfide) compound and thioglycol; there is still the smell of egg corruption Because of hydrogen sulfide: other spicy, Μ flavor. Its chemical components are o-methoxyphenol (0-M eth ο X y P he η ο 1), || 酣 (S haga ο 1), Μ Ketone (Z i π gtr ο ne), and ginger alcohol (Gingerol): There is also a pungent odor of urine, its composition is 15 ammonia; and petroleum, gasoline and diesel, etc., these are mainly composed of aliphatic compounds (Aliphatic Coupounds) Caused by formation: Finally, there are foot odor and armpit odor produced by the human body, and the main chemical components are organic acids; these odors are generated by things that are often in contact with life, or metabolites of the human body itself; and Yu Yue In normal life, when we finish the kitchen affairs, or repair the parts of the 20 auto locomotive. After that, there were often unclean hands, but the experience of spiciness and oily aftertaste after washing the hands several times, often felt unclean; for those who often touch these objects, the trouble caused by them is taken for granted. There may be those who use deodorants or perfumes to cover up, but these products often have deficiencies or vice versa. The cover deodorant is mainly developed for the development of human sweat and odor, usually ------- this paper》 • Standard for the use of Guoguo · Home »Bi (CN5) T4 regulation (210x2 Shen Gongfang) 81. 4. 10,000 ¾ (H) (please read the back-to-back notes first, Sun Yali leaves this page) Λ 6 Η 6 Shiyang Central Bureau of Economics, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Consumer Affairs «· Cooperation Du Yin 32. Fifth, invention description () 1 has antiseptic effect, Beneficial to control the growth of bacteria, but it has no place for other odors, such as ginger, ginger spicy taste, fishy smell or gasoline and diesel smell; as for perfume, the effect of alcohol volatilization is used to form the fragrance of the fragrance around the human body. However, it does not take away the odor. After a long period of time, the inexplicable strange odor will form between the odor and the smell. Therefore, how to remove the odor and then give the fragrance is often an important issue in the interpersonal relationship. Of course, there are not many things that can absorb or take off odors, such as ethylene glycol, charcoal, silica gel, bleaching earth, and cresols that can kill microorganisms, stone sulfonic acid, etc., but may not be suitable for the human body, or have Toxicity, or hardening; usually, we can't use these to remove odor10 on our hands or body. In view of this, the inventor has accumulated his years of experience in the manufacture and development of cleaning products such as soap, and sees that the above-mentioned Fu Tong cleaning and washing can not achieve the function of truly removing odors. Therefore, in the spirit of innovative breakthroughs and excellence in research and development, finally A composition combining soapy deodorant and cleansing soap body was developed, which can make up for the shortcomings of conventional cleaning soaps that cannot completely remove odor. In particular, in order to hope that the present invention can give soap new functions, that is, the ability to remove fishy smell and deodorize, without violating the main function of cleaning and decontamination, I hope to find an additive that must be fully mixed with soap and stable. It plays a chemical role, can capture odor molecules, non-toxic, easy to manufacture and obtain, 20 economic and cheap qualities. After comparing many chemical substances through experiments, the inventor found that it is used in the chemical industry as a pigment, The polydextrin of the stabilizer and emulsifier has the hospitality required by the present invention. That is, the main purpose of the present invention is to provide a deodorizing and deodorizing cleansing soap composition, which can be removed by the ability of polydextrin to capture and load molecules (please first understand and remember 亊 项 #fill this page ) Packing. Order _ Line < Medium size (210X297 81. 4.) 0,000 sheets (Η) L017 & 0 A 6 It 6 This paper is printed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs Description of the invention (1) Residual odors such as fishy smell, spicy smell (think, 1, garlic), sweat and gasoline, etc. on the human skin. The reason is that in order to achieve the above purpose, the present invention removes fishy smell The composition of the clean soap is to use the polydextrin macromolecule's hospitality and its special structure 5 and its molecule itself is easy to adsorb and capture the powerful force of the capture molecule, when the cost In the invention, the carrier containing Austrian taste molecules and its water-removing solubility can be mixed with soap to make a soap body which has the functions of decontamination, cleaning, deodorization and aromatization. It is commonly used in the food industry to reduce the bitterness, 10 anti-oxidative spoilage and flavor For the use of lotus; lotus used in K medicine has the functions of increasing solubility, reducing bitterness, preventing gasification and volatilization, and reducing irritation; and other industries such as insecticides and plastic knee cracking also use polydextrin as Stabilizers; while in the neodymium industry, as mentioned above, they are mainly used as pigments, fragrance stabilizers and emulsifiers; in these lotus applications, the role of polydextrins is 15 stabilizers, mainly in the use of its own Persistent coating molecules, and thereby stabilizing molecules; however, these lotus principles are different from the effect of the present invention to emphasize the removal of odor, the present invention is combined with a general lotion, using polydextrin to absorb the ability of capturing molecules as a carrier To remove the odor attached to the human skin, which is very different from the above-mentioned application of stabilizing and covering the odor. 20 cover Another purpose of the present invention is to develop a function that protects the human body without breaking the natural environment. Naturally deodorizing and deodorizing substances. Polydextrin, or cyclic dextrin (CYCLO-DEXTRIN, referred to as CD), as shown in the second figure, is composed of six to eight glucose (GLUCOSE, the molecule is α — 1,4 ring-shaped poly compound, as shown in the third picture (please read the precautions first and then write K))-Binding * Thread · Scale%% The paper is very τ4 s) ( CH 鞵 家 国 81. 4. 10,000 sheets (H) L017S0 Λ 6η 6 V. Description of the invention () 15 Printed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs + Central Government Bureau of Industry and Commerce Co., Ltd. 20 shows that industrial extraction is made with powder It is produced by the action of the enzyme CGTase (enzyme extracted by partial bioremediation). The main products are six, seven, and eight according to the number of glucose molecules, which are called α-polydextrin (a-CD ), / 3-juhujing (/ 3-CD) and γ-polydextrin (7-CD). The structure of polydextrin is shown in the third figure, and with reference to the second figure, the present invention pseudo uses the cyclic structure of polydextrin to adsorb and capture the odor molecules, according to the number of glucose molecules The inner diameters of the synthesized polydextrins are also different. As shown in the fourth figure, some inner diameters of different sizes have a degree of strength for the adsorption and capture of different molecules, but they do not affect the pan load capture 1. The characteristics of coated molecules. As shown in the second table, the general physical and chemical properties of polydextrin. First, we understand the composition of the polydextrin. The glucose molecule and the cyclic hexanitroaldehyde sugar, the formed polydextrin molecule S is quite large, depending on glucose. The number of molecules is 973 grams per mole, 1135 grams and 129 7 grams. Due to the large size of polydextrin molecules, it has strong van der Waal forces for odor molecules. Its inner diameter of the ring structure The contact surface with odorous molecules is quite large. The inner diameter is about 5 ~ 10 A, the depth is 7 ~ 8 A, and the total volume is about 174 ~ 47 2 A8. Due to the great deval force between molecules, the general molecules enter In the hole, it is not easy to escape. As shown in the fifth figure, it is a schematic diagram of polydextrin adsorbing the capture molecule. After the polydextrin is captured by the molecule, as the soapy water is washed away, by this action, the polydextrin is It can take odor molecules away from the skin surface and achieve the purpose of removing odor. With regard to the ability of polydextrin to remove fishy odor, the inventor has demonstrated through many experiments that it can indeed achieve extremely excellent effects. First, the method of sensory evaluation is used, the first Q4M --- ~ (please read first Contrary to the precautions, please fill out this page) Packing. Order _ -line < paper size used in troubled countries 1 | MCNS) 1M specification (2 丨 0X297;! T) 81. 4. 10,000¾ (Η ) 5. Description of the invention () 15 Λ 6 Η 6 Printed by B3C Industrial and Consumer Cooperatives of the Central Bureau of Economics of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 31 20 Selected 20 tracers of olfactory silkworm sensitivities, on the day of the experiment and fasted any odorous food that may affect honey and smell For the four test bottles, please refer to the third table. The test bottle A contains atmosphere, which means urine odor, the test bottle B contains atmosphere and polydextrin UB, and the test bottle C contains methylamine, which means Fishy stench, Ding test bottle with methylamine and polydextrin lga, four test bottles are sealed separately, with a period of time, let all the recipients test four test bottles, the results are shown in the fourth table. It can be found in the table that the addition of polydextrin can indeed produce excellent deodorant effect, and it is confirmed that polydextrin has Austrian sources of basic skills. In order to obtain a more credible proof, the inventors carried out instrument testing again, using the detection tube to test the two sources of fishy odor and rotten ocean odor, and the effect of polydextrin. After different time, the degree of reduction of the odor source to To test the deodorizing effect of polydextrin, the detection tube used in the Φ test is produced by X ^ 'V Xishe. The fishy smelly person is pseudo-coded P 5 class 180 detection tube, and its S sensitive measurement range is 0.5-60PPIΠ, and those who test rotten and want to smell are pseudo-coded as Fanfanliyi y 7 1 detection tube, the range of ®minwei measurement is 0.25-70 ppm, please refer to the third table The left side of the table is the detection result of fish odor, and the right side is the result of the tide detection of the rotten Yang Zhao smell. From the table, we can see that polydextrin can promote the rapid decrease of the odor source concentration with time, thus confirming that polydextrin is The source molecule has the ability to capture and adsorb, resulting in its excellent deodorizing effect. Polydextrin has little affinity for water, that is, it is only soluble in water, as shown in the fifth table and the sixth table, the fifth table is the solubility of polydextrin in water at various temperatures (g / lQGnil), Also refer to the diagram in the sixth table, showing that the temperature ^ is proportional to the water solubility of polydextrin, the phenomenon; when the room temperature is 2510, the solubility (please read the precautions before filling in this page) · Line · No. 0 8-The paper size is used in the "« Homestory (CNS) > M specification (210X297 public address > 81. 4. 10,000¾ (Η) LOiL Dayton Λ 6 η 6 V. Description () 15 Ministry of Economic Affairs m quasi M) A Industrial and Consumer Cooperation Du Duan 20 Between 13 and 30g, the low solubility of polydextrin in water makes it easy to obtain the required use of a little water during manufacturing The shape of the paste is not easy to be fully mixed with the semi-solid soap; in order to determine this feature, the inventor controlled the room temperature at 30Ό and the relative humidity was 85%, and tried the wetness of polydextrin. Sex (%, W / VO, as shown in the seventh table, it is found from the table that polydextrin is not easy to trap water molecules, and even the fastest absorption on the first day After water is placed, it will no longer increase after 10 days. After 10 days, it only absorbs 11 ~ 18g of water; therefore, when using polydextrin as a soap component, you can take advantage of this standby, after adding a little water , So that it can be fully mixed with soap, and when it is made into a finished product, it is not easy to deliquesce at room temperature. Since the present invention is mainly used for the cleaning of human skin, some toxic substances cannot be considered naturally; as shown in Table VIII It is shown that the polydextrin has been tested for acute toxicity in rats by oral, intravenous and subcutaneous injections (11〇3.), And the maximum oral dose is up to 8,000 ~ 16,000 «^ / 1 ^: intravenous dose It is also as high as 200 ~ 4,000 ag / kg; and the dose of subcutaneous injection is also in the high unit of 2, 4 0 0 ~ 4, 0 0 0 Bg / kg; in addition, the rats are fed orally daily, with 0.1, 〇. The amount of 4 and 1.62 / 1 ^ / day, after a chronic toxicity test of up to six months, it is believed that polydextrin will not harm human health under external application and meet the hospitality required by the foregoing. It is composed entirely of glucose itself, no other constituent elements, simple molecular composition It is only polymerized with van der Waals between odor molecules, and there is no change in bonding, redox, etc., that is, in the natural Hun environment, it is easy to enter the biological chain for decomposition and recycling, which is quite in line with the scientific concept of the times. For the above characteristics, Η is a group of cleansing soap for deodorizing and deodorizing of the present invention (please read the notes first # 塥 写 此 页) 装-定 · 线-
29/S 本紙張尺度遑用中國國家«準(CHS) Τ4規格(210X297公龙) 81. 4. 10,000¾ (H) 五、發明説明() 15 Λ 6 Π 6 經济部屮央櫺準局员工消费合作社印製 成物作一說明,組成成份如下所述: (1 )食用牛油、椰油、棕撊硬脂等精製皂基,為 100個重量單位; (2 )富脂添加劑,0.5〜5镝重量單位; (3) 待殊去味劑,亦即聚糊精,為0.1〜10値重 量單位; (4) 高级香精,為0.1〜2fi重量單位; (5 )色料調配劑,為〇 . 05〜0.4傾重量單位; (6)水為0.05〜5豳重量單位。 該組成物與一般用於製造肥皂之組成,並無不同,只 多了去味劑,亦即聚糊精之成份,此項成份為習用洗劑所 付之闕如者。 製作流程齒述如下: (1 )調配香料,色料及其他添加成份使成為(A); (2 )將去味劑聚糊精先對加〇 . 5倍的水,然後以攪 拌機3QQrpiB高速攪拌均勻為(B)糊狀物; (3) 接下來,將(A)倒入(B)中,再以播拌機以50j:pb It拌均勻成CC); (4) 調配混合皂基及(C),再以中速报拌均匀,揉 搓擠壓成皂體(SOAP BAR)即可。 習用之肥皂製造流程僅於(1)步驟(A)成份中,即 加入皂基混合製成;本發明製迪流程中,多了 (2)及( 3 )二步驟,此二步驟主要在調配聚糊精,以期使聚糊轉 和肥皂於(4 )步驟中能充、分混合。mim- (請先間讀背而之注意事項再塥寫本頁) 本紙»尺度遑用中BB家1*1MCNS)甲4規格(210X297公釐) 81. 4. 10,000» (H)29 / S This paper uses the Chinese National Standard (CHS) Τ4 specifications (210X297 male dragon) 81. 4. 10,000¾ (H) 5. Description of invention () 15 Λ 6 Π 6 Employee of the Ministry of Economic Affairs The printed product of the consumer cooperative provides an explanation. The composition is as follows: (1) Refined soap base of edible butter, coconut oil, palm stearin, etc., which is 100 weight units; (2) Fat-rich additive, 0.5 ~ 5 Dysprosium weight unit; (3) Deodorant to be special, that is, polydextrin, 0.1 to 10 units of weight unit; (4) Advanced fragrance, 0.1 to 2fi unit of weight; (5) Color formulation agent, 〇. 05 ~ 0.4 tilt weight unit; (6) water is 0.05 ~ 5 bin weight unit. This composition is no different from the composition generally used in the manufacture of soap, except for the deodorant, that is, the component of polydextrin, which is a lack of conventional lotions. The production process is described as follows: (1) Blending spices, coloring materials and other added ingredients into (A); (2) Adding 0.5 times of water to the deodorant polydextrin first, and then mixing it with a mixer 3QQrpiB at high speed For (B) paste; (3) Next, pour (A) into (B), and then mix it with a seed mixer at 50j: pb It to form CC); (4) Mix the soap base and ( C), then mix evenly at medium speed, knead and squeeze to form a soap bar (SOAP BAR). The conventional soap manufacturing process is only in the (1) step (A) ingredients, that is, the soap base is added and mixed; in the manufacturing process of the present invention, there are two additional steps (2) and (3), these two steps are mainly in the preparation Polydextrin, in order to make the polydextrin and soap can be fully mixed in step (4). mim- (please read the precautions before writing this page) This paper »Standard BB home 1 * 1MCNS) A 4 specifications (210X297mm) 81. 4. 10,000» (H)
Olt&o Λ 6 Η 6 經濟部+央櫺準局Α工消费合作杜印製 五、發明説明() 1 組成成份中,去味劑與香料之添加重董比約為1 : 1 ,於皂體中,聚糊精首先可先扮演香料安定劑之角色,約 有1/10重的聚糊精用於包覆香料分子,因此組成成份中尚 有9/ 10的去味劑可執行趿收捕捉異味分子之功能,另外, 5 在使用時,由於香精分子揮發,逸於空氣中,臭味分子行 遞補去味劑空缺之交替勤作,使本發明更加發揮除臭之效 果。 本發明中,肥自分子以其特殊结構,對油脂行乳化作 用,行去污清潔之功能;去味劑聚糊精則吸附捕捉異味分 10 子,澈底清除殘留皮庸上之難間味道,使不潔之感盡除; 香料分子則因其揮發之特性,扮演賦香之功能;另外富脂 添加劑則具潤虜之功效;因此本發明不僅保留肥皂原有功 能,並赋予新的效益。 綜上所述,本發明確可藉所掲露之組成物,經實際清 15 潔皂之製作,以逹到預期之目的,且本案於申謓前並未見 於刊物或公開使用,於同類産品中,堪稱首創,符合專利 法所述新潁且實用之精神,並已逹到産業上實施之階段, 爰依法提出發明之專利申謓,懇謓惠予審査,並祈早賜發 明專利為播。 20 惟,以上所述者,僅為本發明之一較佳實施例,大凡 熟悉此項技藝之人士,利用本發明之精神所做成之各種變 化,仍應包含於本案專利範圍之内。 玆舉以下圖示及表列配合上述說明: ^ 第一圖偽肥皂分子之結構圖式。 (請先閲讀背而之注意事項#蜞窍本頁) 裝· 訂 線. S) CH φ( 4 家 Μ 中 用 遑 度 尺 張 紙 本 /V 規 t) 7Ϊ 29 81. 4. 10,000張(U) LOi咖 Λ 6 ______Β6_ 五、發明説明() 1 第二圖偽本發明中聚糊精分子之結構圖式。 第三圖偽本發明中聚糊精分子之環狀構造圖式。 第四圖偽本發明中聚糊精分子内徑示意圖。 第五圖係本發明聚糊精分子吸附異味分子之方式示意 5 圖。 第一表係各種異味之氣味、名稱及主要化學成份表。 第二表偽本發明中聚糊精分子之一般物理化學待性。 第三表偽利用感官評鑑聚棚精吸收臭源的能力之實驗 結果。 10 第四表偽利用儀器檢測聚糊精吸收奥源的能力之實驗 結果。 第五表偽本發明中聚糊精分子於各種溫度下對水之溶 解*度。 第六表偽本發明中聚糊精分子在3〇υ ,相對濕度85% 15 下,對水分之吸濕性。 第t表偽本發明聚糊精分子随溫度昇高,對水溶解度 增加之画式。 第八表偽聚糊精分子急性毒性試驗之結果表。 (請先閲讀背而之注意事項再蜞窍本頁) 裝< 訂· 線. 經濟部中央標準局β工消t合作杜印製 ο 2 81. 4. 10,000張(U)Olt & o Λ 6 Η 6 The Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Central Government Bureau of Industry and Consumer Affairs Co-production Du Printed V. Description of the invention () 1 Among the ingredients, the ratio of deodorant to fragrance is about 1: 1, in soap In the body, polydextrin can first play the role of a fragrance stabilizer. About 1/10 of the weight of polydextrin is used to coat the fragrance molecule, so there are still 9/10 deodorants in the composition to perform the harvest The function of capturing odor molecules. In addition, during use, due to the volatilization of fragrance molecules and escape into the air, the odor molecules alternately work to supplement the vacancy of the deodorant, which makes the present invention more effective in deodorizing. In the present invention, the fat molecule has emulsification and decontamination and cleansing function of oil and fat with its special structure; the deodorant polydextrin adsorbs and captures 10 odors, and removes the unpleasant taste on the remaining skin. The sense of uncleanness is eliminated; the fragrance molecules play the function of giving fragrance due to their volatile characteristics; in addition, the fat-rich additives have the effect of moisturizing; therefore, the present invention not only retains the original functions of soap, but also gives new benefits. In summary, the present invention can indeed use the composition of the dew to make the actual soap to achieve the intended purpose, and this case was not seen in publications or public use before the application of the case, in similar products In the first place, it is a pioneer, in line with the new and practical spirit described in the Patent Law, and has reached the stage of implementation in the industry. You have filed a patent application for invention according to the law, and sincerely favor the examination, and pray that the invention patent is granted as early as broadcast. 20 However, the above is only one of the preferred embodiments of the present invention. Anyone who is familiar with this skill and using the spirit of the present invention to make various changes should still be included in the patent scope of this case. The following diagrams and tables are used in conjunction with the above description: ^ The first picture is the structure diagram of pseudo soap molecules. (Please read the back-end precautions # 蜞 ori this page first) Binding · Threading. S) CH φ (4 pieces of paper used in 4 m / V gauge) 7Ϊ 29 81. 4. 10,000 sheets ( U) LOi Coffee Λ 6 ______ Β6_ V. Description of the invention (1) The second figure is the structure diagram of the polydextrin molecule in the present invention. The third figure pseudo-cyclic structure diagram of polydextrin molecules in the present invention. The fourth figure is a schematic diagram of the inner diameter of the polydextrin molecule in the present invention. The fifth diagram is a schematic diagram of the way in which the polydextrin molecules of the present invention adsorb odor molecules 5. The first table is a list of various odors, names and main chemical components. The second table shows the general physicochemical properties of polydextrin molecules in the present invention. The third table falsely uses the sensory evaluation of the experimental results of juveniles' ability to absorb odor sources. 10 The fourth table shows the experimental results of using the instrument to detect the ability of polydextrin to absorb Austrian sources. The fifth table shows the degree of solubility of polydextrin molecules in water of the present invention at various temperatures. The sixth table shows the hygroscopicity of the polydextrin molecules in the present invention at 3〇υ and relative humidity of 85% 15. The tth table shows the formula of the polydextrin molecules of the present invention increasing in solubility with increasing temperature. Table 8 Table of results of the acute toxicity test of pseudopolydextrin molecules. (Please read the precautions before reading this page) Install &Order; Thread. Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs β Gongxiaot Cooperative Du Print ο 2 81. 4. 10,000 sheets (U)
本紙》尺度逡用+ 國家《毕(CNS)T4規怙(210X297^;#/ R 第—表 常見之異味種颜: 氣味 名 稱 歸 類 魚腥臭 氨、甲胺、三甲胺、比各定、比 畢定、甲硫酵等共同混合而成0 Amines & Mercaptan 腐斕 洋蔥味 甲硫醉(ch3sh) Mercaptan 韭、蔥 蒜臭味 硫化丙埽(Allyl Sulfide)化合 物、硫甘醇 Sulfides Th i og1yco1 蛋腐 敗味 硫化氳(h2s) Sulfides 辣味 蒹味 _甲氧基酚(〇-ilethoxy phenol) 衍生物、薑酚(Shagao丨)、薑醐 (Zingtrone)、薑醇(Gingerol) Aromatics 、Ketones 尿味 氨(nh3) Amines 石油味 汽油味 柴油味 脂肪族化合物(Aliphatic Compounds) A1i phat i cs 足臭 腋臭 有機酸、異戊酸(Isovaleric Acid) ''Pel argon i c Acid' 癸酸(Capric Acid) Organic Acids 笫二表 聚糊精的特性 a - CD J3 -0D 7" — CD 葡萄糖單位(Glucose Unit) 6 7 8 分子量(M.W.) 973 1135 1297 内徑(空洞直徑)(又) 5〜6 7〜8 9〜10 深度(空洞深度)(又)· 7〜8 7〜8 7〜8 容積(空洞容積)(又)3 〜174 〜262 〜472 旋光性 U f (H20,1%) +150.5 +162.5 +174.4 水中溶解度 (g/100m] » HeO » 25°C ) 12 〜15 1.85 〜 1.88 23 〜26 LOIV-0 第三表感官評鑑實檢結果 臭源種類 無臭味 微弱臭味 刺鼻臭味 強烈刺鼻臭味 甲試狳瓶(氨) 0人 0人 1人 1 9人 乙試礆瓶 (氨+聚糊精) 1人 1 5人 3人 1人 丙試聆瓶 (甲胺) 0人 0人 2人 1 8人 丁試脍瓶 (甲胺+聚糊精) 1人 1 8人 1人 0人 笫四表檢知管實松結果 經過時間 魚 腥 臭 腐爛洋 I 臭 甲檢知管 乙檢知管 丙檢知资 丁檢知管 (未加聚糊精) (添加聚糊精) (未加聚糊精) (添加聚糊精) 0分 25(p.p.m) 25(p.p.m) 25(p.p.m) 25(p.p.m) 3分 25 20 25 23 15分 21 19 25 22 30分 19 15 25 22 60分 15 12 28 21 120分 9 8 28 20 300分 3 1 23 20 第五表 對水的溶解度 (g 100ml 水) 項 目 a — CD ^ - CD r - CD 0.5 °C 6.8 0.80 9.1 15.0 8.6 1.35 18.4 20.0 10.1 1.55 23.2 25.0 13.0 1.85 30.0 30.0 16.0 2.25 38.5 40.0 25.6 3.52 63.5 45.0 32.3 4.45 77.2 50.0 43.5 5.62 93.8 60.0 66.2 9.02 129.2 70.0 87.6 15.30 163.7 80.0 109.3 25.30 198.0 90.0 131.6 39.70 " L〇i紹 第七表g权分(CDiL^MI牲 第ή表 ο 2 5The standard of this paper is used + National "CNS" T4 regulation (210X297 ^; # / R-the common odorous seeds in the table: odor names are classified as fishy smelly ammonia, methylamine, trimethylamine, ratio, ratio Bi Ding, methioate, etc. are mixed together to make 0 Amines & Mercaptan, succulent onion-flavored methionine (ch3sh), Mercaptan leek, scallion, garlic, allyl sulfide (Allyl Sulfide) compound, thioglycol Sulfides Th i og1yco1 egg H2s Sulfides spicy flavor _ methoxy phenol (〇-ilethoxy phenol) derivatives, gingerol (Shagao 丨), ginger (Zingtrone), ginger alcohol (Gingerol) Aromatics, Ketones urine odor ammonia (Nh3) Amines Aliphatic Compounds A1i phat i cs Isovaleric Acid '' Pel argon ic Acid 'Capric Acid Organic Acids 笫Characteristics of the two-table polydextrin a-CD J3 -0D 7 " — CD Glucose Unit (Glucose Unit) 6 7 8 Molecular weight (MW) 973 1135 1297 Inner diameter (void diameter) (again) 5 ~ 6 7 ~ 8 9 ~ 10 Depth (Empty Degree) (again) · 7 ~ 8 7 ~ 8 7 ~ 8 volume (void volume) (again) 3 ~ 174 ~ 262 ~ 472 optical rotation U f (H20, 1%) +150.5 +162.5 +174.4 solubility in water (g / 100m] »HeO» 25 ° C) 12 ~ 15 1.85 ~ 1.88 23 ~ 26 LOIV-0 The third table sensory evaluation test results odor source type no odor weak odor pungent odor strong pungent odor A Test bottle (ammonia) 0 person 0 person 1 person 1 9 person B test bottle (ammonia + polydextrin) 1 person 1 5 person 3 person 1 person C test bottle (methylamine) 0 person 0 person 2 person 1 8 people Ding test bottle (methylamine + polydextrin) 1 person 1 8 people 1 person 0 people 4 table inspection tube real loose results over time fishy smelly rotten ocean I stinky inspection tube B inspection tube C inspection Zhiziding inspection tube (without polydextrin) (with polydextrin) (without polydextrin) (with polydextrin) 0 points 25 (ppm) 25 (ppm) 25 (ppm) 25 (ppm) 3 points 25 20 25 23 15 points 21 19 25 22 30 points 19 15 25 22 60 points 15 12 28 21 120 points 9 8 28 20 300 points 3 1 23 20 Table 5 Solubility to water (g 100ml water) Item a — CD ^-CD r-CD 0.5 ° C 6.8 0.80 9.1 15.0 8 .6 1.35 18.4 20.0 10.1 1.55 23.2 25.0 13.0 1.85 30.0 30.0 16.0 2.25 38.5 40.0 25.6 3.52 63.5 45.0 32.3 4.45 77.2 50.0 43.5 5.62 93.8 60.0 66.2 9.02 129.2 70.0 87.6 15.30 163.7 80.0 109.3 25.30 198.0 90.0 131.6 39.70 " Seven tables g weight points (CDiL ^ MI livestock first table ο 2 5
c ϊ β^βΰ.ο^ -» mm _ .«-CD Γ R.H.=85e/« Temp=3〇ec 1 1 i Time(dqys) 8 {J0-5V6 oou/NIdixLUacnoAoCT) τ (ο-- 20- 10- 0c ϊ β ^ βΰ.ο ^-»mm _.«-CD Γ RH = 85e / «Temp = 3〇ec 1 1 i Time (dqys) 8 {J0-5V6 oou / NIdixLUacnoAoCT) τ (ο-- 20- 10- 0
GAMMA ALPHA BETA / 〆 ▲ 一辜一 ▲_ ▲一 ▲一 ▲一 ·▲_ ▲-GAMMA ALPHA BETA / 〆 ▲ Yi Guyi ▲ _ ▲ 一 ▲ 一 ▲ 一 · ▲ _ ▲-
〇 10 20 30 40 50 60 7〇 80TEMPERATURE 第八表 聚糊精急性毒性試破結果 «—CD β- -CD r _ -CD rat mouse rat mouse rat mouse 口服公 >10,000 8,032.4 >10,000 >10,000 > 8,000 >16,000 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 早 >10,000 9,235.1 >10,000 >10,000 >8,000 >16,000 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 靜脈公 842 921.2 453.3 215.8 > 2,400 > 4,000 注射 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 早 1,070 1014.8 499.5 279.4 > 2,400 > 4,000 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 皮下 S >2,400 > 4,000 注射 mg/kg mgAg 早 > 2,400 > 4,000 mg/kg mg/kg〇10 20 30 40 50 60 7〇80TEMPERATURE Table 8 Polydextrin Acute Toxicity Test Results «—CD β- -CD r _ -CD rat mouse rat mouse rat mouse Oral Administration > 10,000 8,032.4 > 10,000 > 10,000 > 8,000 > 16,000 mg / kg mg / kg mg / kg mg / kg mg / kg mg / kg early > 10,000 9,235.1 > 10,000 > 10,000 > 8,000 > 16,000 mg / kg mg / kg mg / kg mg / kg mg / kg mg / kg intravenous male 842 921.2 453.3 215.8 > 2,400 > 4,000 mg / kg mg / kg mg / kg mg / kg mg / kg mg / kg mg / kg early 1,070 1014.8 499.5 279.4 > 2,400 > 4,000 mg / kg mg / kg mg / kg mg / kg mg / kg mg / kg subcutaneous S > 2,400 > 4,000 mg / kg mgAg injection early > 2,400 > 4,000 mg / kg mg / kg