201134713 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係關於自行車,特別係關於一種驅動獨輪自行 車,其一車輪為驅動輪且為操縱輪,且具備由二個以上的 齒輪所構成之齒輪機構;以及關於一種利用該驅動獨輪自 行車而成的二輪自行車、三輪自行車、五輪自行車等的自 行車。 【先前技術】 今曰廣泛地普及的鏈條式自行車,係在1876年被亨 利.約翰.勞森(Henry John Lawson )首先販賣,之後, 雖被加以各種的改良,但是重要零件的配置、使自行車推 進的基本的機構,幾乎沒有改變,由前端的操縱輪、位於 後方的驅動輪、以及被設於兩者中間的鏈輪(spr〇cket),係 經由鏈條,來構成將踏板的人力變換為後輪的旋轉的形 式。其完成度高,新的自行車的嘗試亦無法超越而至今曰。 不侷限於此,自行車的使用上的目的、要求的多樣性 k尚對此有夕數的提案被完成。但是,其中並未衍生 出可以替代上述璉條式自行車的技術。此係、因為構成現在 的自行車的零件、構件是適當的,作為由人力來驅動的道 具而吕’ #重量及尺寸(scale)可良好地發揮機㊣。若欲於 前述的自行車加人新機能、便㈣,則其重量、尺寸會變 成超過由人力來進行驅動的道具的料’不但操縱上不便 且喪失使用便利性,亦被認為是具有新機能的自行車未被 201134713 實現的理由。 此處’專利文獻1中揭示一種鏈條式的單轴車輪車 輛,其縮小調整車體的姿態時之搭乘者的搖動。 [先前技術文獻] (專利文獻) 專利文獻1 :日本特開2001 — 30972號 【發明内容】 [發明所欲解決的問題] 然而,上述專利文獻1的技術係鏈條式的車輛,並未 注重縮小重量、尺寸的課題。 對此,本發明係有鑑於上述的技術性課題,其目的在 於提供一種自行車,採用齒輪機構,縮小重量、尺寸,相 較於先前的自行車,大幅縮小縱向距離,並可於此縮小後 的空間’附加對應新的使用目的之機能。 [解決問題之技術手段] 本發明的第一態樣的自行 為了解決上述技術性課題 車’其特徵在於具備: 握把; 龍頭’其固著於上述握把; 前叉,其前端部向二方向分又; 車架; 頭管,其被固著於上述車架 ’在該頭管的内部中 上 201134713 述龍頭的下端與上述前 相同的方式,連結在一 又的上部,係以向左右方向的旋轉 起’用以保持該龍頭與上述前又; 管軸孔, 近的左右兩邊 、被〇又於上述刚又分叉而向下延伸的終端附 輪轂,其中空且一侧具有輪轂管; 車輪其在上述輪轂上裝設輪幅、輪框、橡膠内胎及 輪胎而形成; 管狀軸承,其構成如下,亦即形成有上述車輪之上述 輪敎的中空孔’暫時設置在上述前叉的上述管轴孔處,該 管狀軸承,插通上述管轴孔、上述輪轂的中空孔及另一側 的上述管軸孔,且該管狀軸承的兩端被固著於左右兩邊的 上述管軸孔’且該管狀軸承更具有中空孔; 曲柄軸,其旋轉自如地插通上述管狀軸承的^空孔; 曲柄’其被固著於上述曲柄軸的左右端; 踏板,其旋轉自如地被裝設於上述曲柄的兩終端; 齒輪機構,其由第一齒輪、第二齒輪、第三齒輪及第 四齒輪所構成;該第一齒輪,其被固著於上述曲柄軸的一 側,且位於上述分叉後的一側的前叉的外側;第二齒輪, 其與上述第一齒輪嚙合,被固著於連動軸的一端,該連動 軸藉由設於上述前叉處的軸承而被支持成旋轉自如,且該 第二齒輪位於上述分叉後的一側的前又的外側;第三齒 輪’其被固著於上述連動轴的另一端,與上述第二齒輪連 動,且位於上述分叉後的一側的前又的内側;及第四齒輪, 其被固著於上述輪轂管,與上述第三齒輪嚙合,且位於上 201134713 述分叉後的一側的前又的内側; 垂直管’其被固著於上述車架; 座墊管’其被固著於上述垂直管;以及 座墊,其被固著於上述座墊桿; 並且,上述管狀軸承的中空孔,旋轉自如地保持上述 曲柄轴,上述管狀軸承的外周支持上述輪轂,而上述車輪 整體的重力會集中於上述輪轂, 藉此,施加於上述踏板上的人力,會經由上述曲柄、 曲柄轴、及由第一齒輪至第四齒輪所構成之齒輪機構,傳 至上述輪轂’而賦予上述車輪轉矩。 本發明的第二態樣之自行車,係針對第一態樣,其中: 水平叉和垂直又,更被配設在上述車架上,而後輪則被配 設在該水平叉和垂直叉的交叉終端。 本發明的第二態樣之自行車,係針對第一態樣,其中: 貨架’經由連、结部而#皮配設在上述車架上,在該貨架,被 裝設獨立且轉動自如的二個後輪。 本發明的第四態樣之自行車,係針對第三態樣,其中: 上述後輪係旋轉自如地被保持在車軸的—側,該車轴插通 已被設在貨架處的軸支持部,而摩擦板則被裝設在車軸的 另一端,壓抵板係以銷作為軸而被保持成可開閉自如,該 壓抵板裝設有煞車片,梯形壓抵板被連接至回復彈簧該 回復彈簧的-端以固定銷而被固《,梯形壓抵板,係經由 拉桿、支持板而被連接至煞車桿,若煞車桿被操作,則藉 由拉桿被拉動,梯形壓抵板移動,壓抵板以銷為中心而開 201134713 啟,藉此,煞車片抵接於摩擦板’於是煞車力發生作用。 本發明的第五態樣之自行車,係針對第一態樣,其中: 貨架被配設在上述車架上,該貨架,被裝設獨立且轉動自 如的二個後輪,並具備固定構件來取代上述垂直管,上述 座墊,係藉由該固定構件而成為可於上述車架上移動/ 如,作成可調節座墊位置。 本發明的第六態樣之自行車,係針對第一態樣,其中: 人員接送車,經由連結部而被連接至上述車架上該人員 接送車,係具備由獨立且轉動自如的二輪所構成之中輪、 及由獨立且轉動自如的二輪所構成之後輪,且該中輪亦左 右旋轉自如,進而,上述中輪被配設有彈簧懸吊。 本發明的第七態樣之自行車,係針對第一態樣,其中: 垂直叉,更被配設在上述車架上,而後輪則被配設在該垂 直又的,上述車架和龍頭,設有鉸鏈,藉由該鉸鏈, 作成可摺疊上述車架和龍頭。 [功效] 若依據申請專利範圍第i項之自行車,因採用齒輪機 構,縮小重量、尺寸,相較於先前的自行車,大幅縮小縱 向距離,可於此被縮小的空間,附加對應新的使用目的之 機能。亦即,實現了一種想要將自行車重量、尺寸皆減少 之終極的驅動獨輪自行車。若依據申請專利範圍第1項之 自行車,實現了一種驅動獨輪自行車,其具有以下的特徵, 亦即車輪為驅動輪且為操縱輪,與驅動輪的輪轂同心地構 成曲柄軸,進而,不使用鏈條,而藉由第一至第四齒輪的 201134713 =’來提高車輪的旋轉倍數等;而且,於握把之後的適 曰rj又處 < 置座塾’整的說來’具備用於使自行車行進的 機能。 f依據中請專利範圍第2項之自行車’實現了一種二 輪自#車’其為了實現更進—步的安m縱,裝設有後輪。 此處,藉由齒輪機構的採用,相較於先前的鍵條機構,能 謀求機構的簡化以及降低成本。 。若依據申請專利範圍第3項之自行車,則亦附有握把 操作的機能’只需要將裝設有獨立且旋轉自如的二輪而成 的貨架,裝設於車架上即可,貨架的使用上的自由度高, :配口目的來作形狀、大小的設定。進而,在貨架下等處, 沒有先前技術般的鏈條機構,因此可將重心設成較低,不 僅是貨架和後部構造體’可保持該三輪自行車的整體安定 與平衡。 若依據申請專利範圍第4項之自行車,後部連接車, 作為貨物、人員運送車來使用時,重量也會增加,僅靠前 輪的煞車無法對應,但是根據此第4項之自行車,其問題 會被解決。 若依據申請專利範圍第5項之自行車’於車架上附加 座墊和籃+,全長短、輕巧’使用方便,且機能與普通的 自仃車無異’具有速度對應能力’所裝設的藍子具有不遜 於通常的自行車的籃子的容量,且最大的特徵在於重心低 而取得平衡。X ’座位可相對於曲柄軸來變更角度,腳不 方便的人能以容易踩踏自行車的姿勢來騎乘。 201134713 若依據申請專利範圍第6項 圍第1項之自行車為基本 订,以申請專利範 、奎桩人昌桩卞鱼* 有'舌用被縮短的縱向距離, 連接人員接送車來作為後部構造體,人 中輪與後輪總共四輪,分、車,係具備 輪刀別獨立而旋轉自如 右旋轉自⑹,不管路面的狀況為 定性。此型式的五輪自行車 縣仃走的女 使用於配送、物品販賣等。 疋人員接送,當然地可 若依據申請專利範圍第7 疊成小型,提高攜帶性4即,* =二將自行車摺 作為手提行李而攜帶進電車、 ㈣候,可 可簡單地指疊成為可與其:行:車=且駕車出門時,亦 的大小。 起積載於汽車行李箱内 【實施方式】 以下,一邊參照圖式,— 佳實施形態。X,本發明 車:本發明的自行車的較 述,在不脫離本發明的要旨的=並不被限定於以下的救 的乾圍’可適當地變化。 首先,進行用語的定義。「 行車的i目給「 直」’係指從前面來看自 仃皁的視線。「驅動獨輪自 y 的v 丁皁」,係指相對於裝設於後方 旳知条4,位於前方位置的 递髀 产上 仃車的稱呼。而且,「後部構 k體」,係指在裝設於驅動獨 等的作業主體中,安裝有 π上的相、監、組合框 的總稱。「齒輪倍率」,传=四輪等的車輪而成的車體 '、私曲柄軸旋轉一圈客驅動輪的旋 201134713 轉圈數的倍率。 (第一實施形態) 本發明的第一實施形態,係關於/種驅動獨輪自行 車,其接受施加於踏板、曲柄上的人力’經由齒輪機構, 而賦予輪轂和車輪旋轉力為特徵的。此驅動獨輪自行車係 一輪驅動,其一輪為驅動輪且為操縱輪’藉由齒輪機構而 具有齒輪倍數。 在第1圖中係表示本發明的第一實施形態的驅動獨輪 自行車的構成,在第2圖中係表示驅動獨輪自行車的齒輪 機構及周邊構件的部分剖面圖,在第3圖中係表示驅動獨 輪自行車的齒輪機構及周邊構件的立體圖,以下說明其構 成及作用。 如這些圖所示,驅動獨輪自行車,具有握把丨、固著 於該握把1上的龍頭2、以及頭管4,在該頭管4之中,上 述龍頭2的下端與前又3的上部,係以向左右方向的旋轉 相同的方式,連結在一起,並被保持於上述頭管4。上述 則叉3分叉且在向下延伸的終端附近的左右,設有管轴孔 25»於形成中空的輪轂27上,裝設輪幅15、輪框ο、未 圖不的橡膠内胎及輪胎14等而形成車輪9,且將第四齒輪 24固定於該輪轂管27a上而加以設置。進而,將形成有前 述車輪9之輪轂27的中空孔,暫時設置於前叉3所具有的 管轴孔25處,然後在該處,以下述的順序,插通管狀軸承 17。亦即,將管狀軸承17插通管轴孔25、輪轂27的中空 孔及另一側的管軸孔25,並將管狀軸承17的兩端固著於 201134713 左右的管軸孔25。接著,使 狀軸承17的中空孔,進而將 旋轉自如地插通管 的-側,進而將曲柄"固著於曲lb固― 你路把 、柄軸1()的左右端。接著, 踏板12疑轉自如地裝設於曲柄U的兩终端。 另外,關於管狀轴承17 ’其作用係擔負以下的角色, 亦即.相對於二個相異的旋轉 自如地保持曲柄軸10,1外二中空孔係旋轉 ”周係用以支持輪轂27,而前輪 整體的重力會集中於該輪轂27。 與上述第一齒輪19鳴合而設有第二齒輪20,但第二 齒輪係固著於已旋轉自如地裝設於前《3處的連動: 22上進而,第二齒輪23係以與第二齒輪包爽前又3的 方式’位於内側’且該連動軸22固著於第三齒輪Μ的中 。因此第一齒輪2〇與第三齒輪23係連動。進而,第 三齒輪23係與上述第四齒輪24嚙合,此係意指施加於踏 板的人力’會經由曲柄u、曲柄車由1〇、第一齒輪19、第 二齒輪20、第三齒輪23、第四齒輪24所構成的齒輪機構 8’傳至輪轂27’而賦予車輪轉矩。 座墊5係設於握把1後方的適當位置,於設置時,首 先,以相對於頭管4呈適當的距離與角度的方式來裝設車 架7,然後將垂直管16裝設於該車架7上,接著將座墊管 6裝設於該垂直管16中,進而將座墊5固著於座墊管6上 來加以設置。另外,座塾管6,相對於車架7的垂直管16, 可上下移動。 對於此驅動獨輪自行車,操縱者若踩踏踏板12,則其 201134713 力量會從曲柄軸10通過齒輪機構8,而從輪轂27賦予車 輪9旋轉而使自行車前進,且操縱者利用握把操作向左右 打般而行進。本實施开> 態係關於一種如上述所述的以人力 行走的驅動獨輪自行車,該獨輪兼作 > 、 此處,參照第2圖及第3圖,更詳述齒輪機構8。 於前又3的分叉後的各終端,設有管軸孔25,於該管 軸孔25’暫時設置要形成於車輪9的中心之輪轂27的中 空孔,然後於該處以下述的順序,插通管狀軸承17。首先, 通過-側的管軸孔25、輪較27的十空孔及另一側的管軸 孔25,將管狀軸承17的兩端固著於左右的管轴孔&另 外’形成於前述輪轂27的—側的輪轂管27&,固著有第四 保^ Μ。進而’前述管狀料17的中空孔係旋轉自如地 接著, 曲柄輛10的-側固著第-齒輪19。 旋轉自在曲柄軸1〇的兩終端’裝設曲柄11,且將踏板12 於:Γ二T曲柄11的前端…的管一, 管狀1内,旋轉自如地支持管狀軸承17,而 …7的中空孔係旋轉自如地保持曲柄軸10。 柄:::前二3外側之第1輪19的中心部,被固著於曲 2。鳴合:S第:Γ19係與位於前叉3外側之第二齒輪 被插通… 2〇的中心部’係被固著於旋轉自如地 又二:的的軸承21之中的連動轴22的-端。位於前 Θ側的第三齒輪> 的另一域笛 的中心部,係被固著於連動軸22 第四I ^二齒輪23,係與已被固著於輪轂管27a上的 弟四齒輪24嚙人。而日 早e 27a上的 口 ,第四齒輪24的中心部係被固著 12 201134713 於輪轂官27a。如前所述,曲柄u係被固著於曲柄軸ι〇 的兩端。 如此的構成中,施加於踏板12上的力,經由曲柄Η 傳至曲柄軸10,曲柄軸1〇藉由其旋轉力而旋轉。若曲柄 軸旋轉,則被固著於該曲柄軸1〇上的第一齒輪"旋 轉’與該第一齒輪19响合之第二齒輪20,藉由其旋轉力 而旋轉。若第二齒輪20旋轉’則與該第二齒輪20固著的 連動軸22藉由其旋轉力而旋轉,於是,被固著於該連動軸 22上的第三齒輪23旋轉。若第三齒輪23旋轉,則與該第 三齒輪23喃合之第四齒輪24旋轉,進而,被固著於該第 四齒輪24處之輪穀27旋轉。此輪較27係經由輪幅15、 f框13而被連接於車輪9,因此,車輪9會進行旋轉。亦 p ’在本構成中,踩踏踏板12的力量,經由曲柄η傳至 曲柄軸10,曲柄轴 曲柄軸10的紅轉力’經由第-齒輪19、第二 第三齒輪23、第四絲24,傳至純27,於是 車輪9會進行旋轉。 亍的^拖當然地第三齒輪21 ’亦可作成具備如第4圖所 1讓/構之構成。亦即’如第4圖所示,齒輪21a, = =21d進入之凹部m,該凹部…設有軸_ 爪°P 2 1 d係以該軸2 1 c為办 經由連動軸2 2而被值、: 向殼部…側施力⑼能)。 方 的旋轉力,若為向圖中所示的旋轉 万向,則爪部2ld抵接殼邱91 ^ a 傳達向齒輪21a,第三齒輪/的凸°P21f,於是旋轉力被 ^2而被傳達的旋轉另—方面’經由連動 為向圖中所示的旋轉方向的相反 13 201134713 方向的情況,因爪部2 1 d被壓入凹部2 1 b,殼部2 1 e的凸 部21f與爪部21d未抵接’於是旋轉力不會被傳達至齒輪 21a 第二齒輪21不旋轉。因此,經由連動軸22,僅於使 車輪9向前進方向旋轉的旋轉力被傳達的情況,第三齒輪 21向該方向旋轉’而不向相反的方向旋轉,因此,將踏板 12向相反方向踩踏的情況’亦即,即使是欲向後退的方向 旋轉的情況’其旋轉力不會傳至輪轂27,而不會阻礙前進。 如以上說明,本發明的第—實施形態的自行車的特徵 在於具備:握把1;龍頭2,其固著於握把1;前又3,其 前端部向二方向分叉;車架7;頭管4,其被固著於車架了, 於其内部中,龍頭2的下端與前叉3的上部係以向左右方 向的旋轉相同的方式,連結在一起,,並保持該龍頭2與 刖叉3,官軸孔25,其被設於前又3分叉而向下延伸的終 端附近的左右兩邊;輪轂27,其中空且一側具有輪轂管 27a;車輪9,其在輪轂27處,裝設輪幅15、輪框13、橡 膠内胎及輪胎14而形成;管狀軸承17,其構成如下,亦 即形成有車輪9之輪轂27的中空孔,暫時設置在前叉3的 管軸孔25處’該管狀軸承17,插通管軸孔25、輪轂”的 中空孔及另一側的管軸孔25,且其兩端被固著於左右的管 軸孔25,更具有中空孔;管狀軸承17,其旋轉自如地插通 管狀軸承17的中空孔;曲柄U,其被固著於曲柄轴10的 左右端,踏板12’其旋轉自如地被裝設於曲柄η的兩終 端;齒輪機構8,其由第—齒輪19 1二齒輪2〇、第三齒 輪23及第四齒輪24所構成;垂直管16,其被固著於車架 14 201134713 7上;座墊桿6,其被固定於垂直管16中;以及座墊5, 其被固著於座墊桿6上;並且,該第一齒輪19,其被固著 於曲柄軸10的一側;該第二齒輪2〇,其與第一齒輪19嚙 合’被固著於已旋轉自如地裝設於前叉3處之連動軸22的 一端’且位於上述分叉後的前叉3的外側;該第三齒輪23, 其被固著於連動軸22的另一端,與第二齒輪20連動;該 第四齒輪24,其被固著於輪轂管27a,與第三齒輪23嚙合; 而且’管狀軸承1 7,其中空孔旋轉自如地保持曲柄軸1 〇, 其外周支持輪轂27,而車輪9整體的重力會集中於該輪轂 27’管狀軸承17插通該輪轂27的中空孔,施加於踏板12 的人力’經由曲柄11、曲柄軸1〇、及由第一齒輪19至第 四齒輪24所構成之齒輪機構8,傳至輪轂27,而賦予車輪 9轉矩。 在第一實施形態中,實現了一種想要將自行車重量、 尺寸皆減少之終極的驅動獨輪自行車。亦即實現了 一種驅 動獨輪自行車,其具有以下特徵:車輪9為驅動輪且為操 縱輪’與驅動輪的輪轂27同心地構成曲柄軸,進而, 不使用鏈條’且藉由第一至第四齒輪19、2〇、23、24的喷 合’來提高車輪9的旋轉倍數等等;而且,於握把丨之後 的適當高度處設置座墊5,整的說來,具備用於使自行車 行進的機能。 藉此,相較於先前的自行車,可大幅縮小驅動獨輪自 行車的縱方向距離。而且,可以提供一種自行車’其係對 應新的使用目的而對此被縮小後的空間附加新的機能而成 15 201134713 之人員運送車亦即看護人谨关电 更人運送車、幼稚園兒童接送自行 車、觀光客用人力車等;進而,關於承載物品,提供配送 用自行車、附有購物1的自行車、適合其他用途的附有貨 架的自行車。關於這些用途’於之後的第三至第五實施形 態中加以敘述。 又,前輪驅動的自行車,常可見於古董車’作是里採 用-種藉由車輪的大小來提高自行車的速度的方法1 此’第一實施形態之驅動獨於‘ ^ 獨輪自仃車,不需要加大驅動輪 而可藉由提高齒輪倍率來提高速度1而,該齒輪機構, 係於前又的裡外連通齒輪,而為大小二對以上的組合之齒 輪機構,可求得高齒輪比。 另外’一般而言’可預見齒輪機構8的各齒輪會有纏 繞騎乘者的服裝、接觸腳部的肌膚的情況,對此,= 罩设置於齒輪機構8上。但為了便於說明’圖式中係表示 未設置覆罩的樣子。 (第二實施形態) 發月的第—實施形態’係關於以第一實施形態的驅 浦輪自行車為基本的:輪自行車。料,於前述的第一 貫施形態之糜動猫仏ό > ^ 動獨輪自仃車上設置後輪,而成為一種更提 高行走安定性的二輪自行車。 "在第5圖中係表示說明本發明第二實施形態的二輪自 : 成另外,對於與第一實施形態相同的構成,標 記相同符號而省略重複的說明。 16 201134713 如第5圖所不’垂直管116、頭管丨〇4被配設於車架 107上。座墊105被固著於座墊桿1〇6上,座墊桿1〇6被 固定於垂直管116中。座墊桿i 06,相對於垂直管116可上 下移動。握把101係被固著於龍頭102,龍頭102的下端 與前叉3的上部’係於頭管1〇4之中,以向左右方向的旋 轉相同的方式,連結在一起。亦即,龍頭丨〇2與前又3, 在頭管104之中連結在一起,且相對於頭管1 〇4,被保持 成可旋轉自如。前叉103係向下方分又為二股,在其終端 附近,前輪109經由與第一實施形態相同的構成的齒輪機 構8 ’被連結成可旋轉自如。另外’此齒輪機構8的詳細 構成’係如先前第2圖及第3圖所示,因此在此省略重複 的說明。 曲柄11’分別被固著於曲柄軸10的兩終端上,進而, 踏板12’旋轉自如地被安裝在各曲柄I:的終端。而且, 前輪109,係成為以下的構成:已被固著於在此未圖示的 輪轂上之輪幅15’被固著於輪框113,且在該輪框I〗]的 周圍’裝設未圖不的内胎、輪胎114。水平又垂直叉 151’攸車架107延伸,後輪152旋轉自如地裝設於其前端 交叉的位置。後輪152’也成為以下的構成:已被固著於 未圖示的輪轂上之輪幅15’被固著於輪框113,且在該輪 框113的周圍,裝設未圖示的内胎、輪胎丨14。 如此’在第二實施形態的二輪自行車中,採用第一實 施形態的驅動獨輪自行車,大幅地縮小縱向距離,於被確 保的空間中裝設後輪,來提高行走安定性。 17 201134713 中,在此種構成中,龍頭102與前叉1〇3,係於頭管ι〇4 破保持成可旋轉自如,兩者被設定成可隨時連動於握 把1 0 1的备电 / 角度。踩踏踏板12的力量’係經由齒輪機構8而 ? 4達至未圖示的輪轂、前輪109,於是自行車可藉由其 所產生的旋轉力而前進。齒輪機構的詳細的動作,係參照 先則的第2、3圖而如前所述。亦即,若參照第2、3圖來 進行概略說明,踩踏踏板12的力量,經由曲柄u而被傳 達至曲柄軸10,曲柄軸10的旋轉力,經由第一齒輪19、 第二齒輪20、第三齒輪23、第四齒輪24,傳至輪轂η, 於是前輪109會進行旋轉。 如以上說明,本發明的第二實施形態的自行車,其特 徵在於:以第一實施形態的驅動獨輪自行車為基本,進而 將水平又150和垂直又151配設於車架1〇7,並將後輪Η] 配設於該水平叉150和垂直叉151的交又終端。 相杈於則述第一實施形態的自行車(驅動獨輪自行 車)’為了實現更進一步的安定操縱,此第二實施形態係作 成裝設有後輪152之二輪自行車’但藉由齒輪機構8的採 用,可簡化前進機構,更進一步地降低成本。 (第三實施形態) 本發明第三實施形態’係關於一種三輪自行車,其以 第一實施形態的驅動獨輪自行車為基本,另裝設貨架而構 成,該貨架具有分離式的二個後輪。 18 201134713 現打的日本道路交通法規中,規定自行車的長度不可 超過丨9〇cm。自行車的通常長度的自行車,大多約為丨⑽⑽ 左右,在普通自行車的後驅動輪的後方附加貨架車等,則 其長度會超過容許範圍,冑此,㈣案一種的現行被製作 出來的一輪自行車,其為後輪驅動,在貨架的兩側裝設車 輪,而貨架下具有被分離的車軸。而且,踏板的動力,係 藉由分割成二條的鏈條,分別嚙合已固著於前述二個車軸 上的齒輪,而成為使後輪轉動的構造。但是,此三輪車的 問題在於.其貨架或後部構造體的大小、形狀、使用目的 之限制等會產生各式各樣的不方便,因而貨架小,其使 用對象限於老人用或身障者用^進而,這些機構的採用, 會妨礙前進機構的簡化,導致成本提高。本發明係根據附 加於驅動獨輪車的思考’使貨架和後部構造的尺寸、形狀 元全自由且毛配、運送、物品販賣、老人看護、其他使 用目的方面的自由度咼。進而,該推進機構的簡化更會導 致成本降低。 然而,第三實施形態的三輪自行車,係使用第一實施 形態的驅動獨輪自行車,亦附有握把操作的機能,將二輪 裝設於被分離的左右兩邊而成的貨架車,只要裝設於該驅 動獨輪自行車的頭管或連接於頭管之車架上即可,貨架使 用上的自由度高,可配合目的來作形狀、大小的設定。進 而,在貨架下等處,沒有前述的鏈條機構,因此可將重心 設成較低,不僅是貨架和後部構造體,可保持該三輪自行 車的整體安定與平衡。以下,詳述之。 19 201134713 在第6 ®巾係表示說*明本發明第三實施形態的三輪自 打車的構成。$外,對於與第一實施形態相同的構成,標 記相同符號而省略重複的說明。此處,表示裝設有貨架來 作為後部構造體的例子,並加以說明。 如第6圖所不’垂直管216、頭管204,被配設於車架 207上。座墊205被固著於座塾桿2〇6上,座塾桿2〇6被 固定於垂直管216中。握把201係被固著於龍頭202上, 龍頭202的下部與前又2〇3的上部,係於頭管2〇4之中, 以向左右方向的旋轉相同的方式,連結在一起。 結, 亦即’龍頭202與前又2〇3,係於頭管2()4之中被連 並在頭管2〇4之中被保持成可旋轉自如。又,前又2〇3 係向下方刀叉為一股’在其終端附近,前㉟2〇9經由與第 一實施形態相同的構成的齒輪機構8,被連結成可旋轉自 如。另外’此齒輪機構8的詳細構成,係如先前第2圖及 第3圖所示,因此省略重複的說明。 曲柄11 ’分別被固著於曲柄軸1〇的兩終端,進而, 踏板12’旋轉自如地被安裝在各曲柄u的終端。而且, 前輪,係成為以下的構成:已被固著於在此未圖示的 輪數上之輪巾畐15’被固著於輪框213,且在該輪框213的 周圍’裝設未圖示的内胎、輪胎214。貨架255,經由連结 部254而被連結至車架2〇7’由左右二輪所構成的後輪 252,旋轉自如地被裝設在貨架252。亦即,後輪252,係 構成:將左右的車輪分離,且使左右車輪的旋轉任其自然。 藉由如此的後輪252的構成,提高了行走安定性。 、 20 201134713 如此的構成中’龍頭202與前又203,係於頭管2〇4 中,被保持成可旋轉自如,兩者被設定成可隨時連動於握 把201的角度。踩踏踏板12的力量,係經由齒輪機構8而 被傳達至未圖示的輪轂、前輪209,於是自行車可藉由其 所產生的旋轉力而前進。齒輪機構的詳細的動作,係參照 先前的第2、3圖而如前所述。亦即,若參照第2、3圖來 進行概略說明,踩踏踏板12的力量,經由曲柄n而被傳 達至曲柄軸1〇,曲柄轴1〇的旋轉力,經由第一齒輪 第二齒輪20、第三齒輪23、第四齒輪24,傳至輪轂 於是前輪209會進行旋轉。 在第7圖中係表示說明貨架255周邊的構成。如第7 圖所示’纟貨架255中設有軸支持部25?,車軸256係藉 由此轴支持部257而被支持成可旋轉自如。而且,車軸256 係被連結於後輪252。藉由如此的構成,左右的後輪 係獨立且被支持成可旋轉自如。 在第8圖中係表示說明後輪252的煞車機構。如第8 圖所示,車軸256,係旋轉自如地被保持於軸支持部257, 後輪252被裝設於車軸256的一端,摩擦板258則被裝設 在車軸256的另-端。壓抵板262 ’係以銷263作為軸, 被保持成可開閉自如,該壓抵板262裝設有煞車片259。 梯形壓抵板261 ’被連接至回復彈簧26〇,該回復彈簧26〇 的一端以固定銷266而被固定,梯形壓抵板261經由拉桿 264而被連接至煞車桿265。拉桿264係藉由支持板的 孔而可作往復運動。 21 201134713 在如此的構成中’若煞車桿265被操作,則拉桿264 向圖中箭號方向被拉動,於是梯形壓抵板261向圖中箭號 方向移動。藉此’壓抵板262以銷263為中心而開啟,藉 此’煞車片259抵接於摩擦板258,煞車力發生作用。後 部連接車’被使用作為貨物、人員運送車之際,重量會增 加’僅靠前輪的煞車無法對應’但以上係解決此問題的後 輪用的煞車機構。 如以上說明,本發明的第三實施形態的自行車的特徵 在於:以第一實施形態的驅動獨輪自行車為基本,貨架255 經由連結部254而被配設在車架上,該貨架255裝設有獨 立且轉動自如的二個後輪252。 進而,可採用如下的煞車系統。亦即,可採用一種煞 車系統,其構成為:後輪252係旋轉自如地被保持於車軸 256(已插通被設於貨架255上的軸支持部257)的一端,摩 擦板258則被裝設在車軸256的另一端’壓抵板262,係 以銷263作為軸,被保持成可開閉自如,而煞車片259則 被裝設在該壓抵板262上,梯形壓抵板261,被連接在回 復彈菁260上,該回復彈簧26〇的一端以固定銷㈣而被 固定,梯形壓抵板261經由拉桿264而被連接至煞車桿 265 ’拉桿264係藉由支持板267的孔而可作往復運動,若 煞車桿265被操作’則藉由拉桿264被拉動,梯形麗抵板 261移動’壓抵板262以銷263為中心而開啟,藉此,煞 車片259抵接於摩擦板258,於是煞車力發生作用。 如此’在第三實施形態中,為了可安定操縱而裝設二 22 201134713 個後輪252。藉此’不用輔助輪而可於同處安裝貨架車, 且其尺寸、重量皆可將先前的自行車小型、輕量地製作, 其機能係如前所述’小型化而使用方便,且相對於貨架的 貨物的重量,亦具有更優於先前的耐性。又,實現了 一種 .可將貨架車的重心設定成較低,自行車的操縱上亦可獲得 . 更安全的構成。可對應貨物的配送、收貨,或者商品的販 賣等等的目的。將貨架作為人員運送車的情況時,亦可發 揮作為幼稚園兒童接送車、看護人運送車的機能。此時, 前述後輪252的煞車機構亦有助益於安全行走。 L笫四貫施形態) 本發明第四實施形態係關於一種以第一實施形態的马 動獨輪自行車為基本,裝設貨架、可變更座墊位置的三奉 自行車。 •老人、病人等,無力者用的三輪自行車的特徵,可肩 出.直接於第一實施形態的驅動獨輪自行車上,附加座考 及靖物用的藍子,其全長短、輕巧,使用方便,且機能# 普通的自行車無變異’具有速度對應能力,裝設的藍子, 有不遜於通㈣自灯車籃子的容量,最大的特徵在於重心 低而取得平衡。又,座位可相對於曲柄軸而變更角度, 容易踩踏自行車的姿 詳述之。 』水以下 在第9圖中係表示說明本發明第四實 行車的構成H對於 W —輪自 與第—貫施形態相同的構成,標 23 201134713 記相同符號而省略重複的說明。 如第9圖所示,頭管3〇4被配設在車架3〇7上。座墊 3〇5利用固定構件36〇而可相對於車架被裝設於任意 位置。亦即,座墊305可相對於曲柄軸來變更角度,而可 設定成使腳不方便的人能以容易踩踏自行車的姿勢來騎 乘。亦即,可設定成使老人、病人等無力車能容易操縱。 握把301,係被固著於龍頭3〇2,龍頭3〇2的下部與前 叉303的上部,係在頭管3〇4之中,以向左右方向的旋轉 相同的方式,連結在一起。亦即,龍頭3〇2與前叉3〇3, 係相對於頭管204被保持成可旋轉自如。前又3〇3,係向 下方为又為二股,在其終端附近,前輪3〇9經由與第—實 施形態相同的構成的齒輪機構8,被連結成可旋轉自如。 另外,此齒輪機構8的詳細構成,係如先前第2圖及第3 圖所示’因此省略重複的說明。 曲柄11,分別被固著於曲柄軸10的兩終端上,進而’ 踏板12,旋轉自如地被安裝在各曲柄u的終端。而且, 前輪309,係成為以下的構成:已被固著於在此未圖示的 輪轂上之輪幅15,被固著於輪框313,且在該輪框313的 周圍,裝設未圖示的内胎、輪胎314。籃子361被連結在 車架307上,由左右獨立且可旋轉的二輪所構成的後輪 352,旋轉自如地安裝在籃子361。亦即,後輪352,係構 成:將左右的車輪分離,且使左右車輪的旋轉任其自然。 藉此’提高了行走安定性。 如此的構成中,龍頭302與前又3〇3,係於頭管3〇4 24 201134713 被保持成可旋轉自如,兩者被設定成 把301的角度。踩踏踏板12的力量,俜&時連動於握 被傳達至未圖示的輪較、…。9,於=齒輪機構8而 所所產生的旌赫a 、 行車可藉由其 產生的方疋轉力而前進。窗輪機構的詳 照先前的帛2、3圖而如前所述。亦即, 作’係, 來進行概略說明,踩踏踏板12的力量,W/2、3圖 值揸5土, 在由曲柄11而被 專達至曲柄軸10’曲柄轴1〇的旋轉力’經由第—齒輪心 —齒輪2G、第三齒輪23、第四齒輪24,傳;輪較27, 於是前輪309會進行旋轉。此前輪烟的旋轉成為㈣力, 二輪自行車前進,而因後輪352為分離式,亦即獨立且旋 轉自如’所以確保了行走安定性。 如以上說明,本發明的第四實施形態的自行車,其特 徵在於:以第一實施形態的驅動獨輪自行車為基本,貨架 361被配設在車架307上,獨立且旋轉自如的二個後輪 352,被裝設在該貨架361,並具備固定構件36〇來取代垂 直1,座塾305係藉由該固定構件360而成為可在車架go? 上移動自如,作成可調節座墊位置。 老人等’由於腳的病症而有伴隨膝等的疼痛的疾病的 情況時’有肌肉不活動則患部更惡化的矛盾現象。對此, 不用以腳支持體重便可進行移動的手段也就是此第四實施 形態的三輪自行車’確實有用。自行車支撐體重,而藉由 踩踏踏板便產生強化肌肉或防止退化的效果。第四實施形 態的三輪自行車,係以坐姿踩踏踏板,可改變座墊位置的 距離、角度,因此’可依腳的疼痛程度、病症,適當地改 25 201134713 變設定。 (第五實施形態) 本發明第五實施形態,係關於一種五輪自行車,其以 第一實施形態的驅動獨輪自行車為基本,經由連結部來連 結人員接送車而構成’該人員接送車作為後部構造體,其 具備一個中輪與二個後輪總共四輪。亦即,此形態是以驅 動獨輪自行車為基本’有效地活用空置空間,且連結作為 後部構造體的人員接送車而構成。 在此第五實施形態的五輪自行車中,利用前輪後輪、 以及位於中間的中輪,而成為三處(前、中、後)接地,雖 然有於斜坡等的凹面、&面等之中產生—處不接地的可能 性,但該五輪自行車為三處接地的前輪驅動,又,座墊位 置係位於人員接送車的前方,因&,操縱者的體重可確實 地使刖輪接地’進而,®中輪使用彈簧懸吊,接地的三處 即使不為水平亦可’而可解決此問題。進而,因後部的二 輪係設置成左右獨立,”輪可左右旋轉自如,所以在前 輪轉f時可引導彎曲。即使作為被連接於後部的後部構造201134713 VI. Description of the Invention: Technical Field The present invention relates to a bicycle, and more particularly to a driving unicycle bicycle, wherein one wheel is a driving wheel and is a steering wheel, and is composed of two or more gears. A gear mechanism; and a bicycle for a two-wheel bicycle, a three-wheel bicycle, a five-wheel bicycle, etc., which utilizes the driving bicycle. [Prior Art] The chain bicycle that was widely used in the future was first sold by Henry John Lawson in 1876. After various improvements, the configuration of important parts and bicycles were made. The basic mechanism of propulsion has hardly changed. The steering wheel at the front end, the driving wheel at the rear, and the sprocket set between the two are formed by the chain to convert the manpower of the pedal into The form of the rotation of the rear wheel. Its completion is high, and the new bicycles can't be surpassed. It is not limited to this, and the purpose of the use of the bicycle and the diversity of the requirements are still completed. However, there is no technology that can replace the above-described purlin bicycle. In this case, since the components and members constituting the current bicycle are suitable, the weight and the scale can be well-functioned as a vehicle driven by human power. If you want to add a new function to the bicycle mentioned above, then the weight and size will become more than the props driven by manpower. 'Not only is it inconvenient to operate and it is easy to use, it is also considered to have new functions. The reason why the bicycle was not realized by 201134713. Here, Patent Document 1 discloses a chain type single-axle vehicle that reduces the shaking of a rider when adjusting the posture of the vehicle body. [Prior Art Document] (Patent Document) Patent Document 1: Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2001-30972 [Invention] [Problems to be Solved by the Invention] However, the technique of the above-described Patent Document 1 is a chain type vehicle, and does not pay attention to reduction. The subject of weight and size. In view of the above, the present invention has been made in view of the above-described technical problems, and an object thereof is to provide a bicycle that uses a gear mechanism to reduce weight and size, and which greatly reduces the longitudinal distance compared to the prior bicycle, and can reduce the space thereafter. 'Additional function corresponding to the new purpose of use. [Technical means for solving the problem] According to a first aspect of the present invention, in order to solve the above-described technical problem, a vehicle is characterized in that: a grip; a faucet' is fixed to the grip; and a front fork having a front end portion The direction of the frame; the head tube, which is fixed to the frame, in the interior of the head tube, 201134713, the lower end of the faucet is connected in the same manner as the above, and is connected to the left and right. The rotation of the direction is used to hold the faucet and the front and the front; the tube shaft hole, the left and right sides of the tube, the end of the shackle and the terminal end of the shovel which extends downwardly and further downwardly, and the wheel hub is empty and has a hub tube on one side The wheel is formed by mounting a spoke, a wheel frame, a rubber inner tube and a tire on the hub; the tubular bearing is configured as follows, that is, a hollow hole formed in the rim of the wheel is temporarily disposed on the front fork In the tube shaft hole, the tubular bearing is inserted through the tube shaft hole, the hollow hole of the hub and the tube shaft hole on the other side, and both ends of the tubular bearing are fixed to the tube shaft hole on the left and right sides 'The tubular bearing further has a hollow hole; the crank shaft is rotatably inserted into the hollow hole of the tubular bearing; the crank 'is fixed to the left and right ends of the crank shaft; the pedal is rotatably mounted a two-terminal end of the crank; a gear mechanism, which is composed of a first gear, a second gear, a third gear, and a fourth gear; the first gear is fixed to one side of the crank shaft and located at the above a second gear that meshes with the first gear and is fixed to one end of the linkage shaft, the linkage shaft being supported by a bearing provided at the front fork Rotating freely, and the second gear is located on the front outer side of the side after the bifurcation; the third gear ' is fixed to the other end of the linkage shaft, is interlocked with the second gear, and is located at the fork a rear side of the rear side; and a fourth gear fixed to the hub tube, meshing with the third gear, and located on the front side of the side after the branching of 201134713; vertical tube 'It is fixed in the above car a seat cushion tube 'which is fixed to the vertical tube; and a seat cushion that is fixed to the seat cushion rod; and a hollow hole of the tubular bearing that rotatably holds the crank shaft, the tubular bearing The outer circumference supports the above-mentioned hub, and the gravity of the entire wheel is concentrated on the hub, whereby the manpower applied to the pedal passes through the crank, the crankshaft, and the gear mechanism composed of the first gear to the fourth gear. , passed to the above-mentioned hub' to give the above wheel torque. The bicycle of the second aspect of the present invention is directed to the first aspect, wherein: the horizontal fork and the vertical are further disposed on the frame, and the rear wheel is disposed on the intersection of the horizontal fork and the vertical fork. terminal. A bicycle according to a second aspect of the present invention is directed to the first aspect, wherein: the shelf is disposed on the frame via a joint and a knot, and the shelf is independently and rotatably mounted. Rear wheel. A bicycle according to a fourth aspect of the present invention is directed to the third aspect, wherein: the rear wheel train is rotatably held on a side of the axle, and the axle is inserted into a shaft support portion that has been disposed at the shelf. The friction plate is mounted on the other end of the axle, and the pressing plate is held openably and closably with the pin as a shaft. The pressing plate is provided with a brake piece, and the trapezoidal pressing plate is connected to the return spring. The end of the spring is fixed by a fixing pin, and the trapezoidal pressing plate is connected to the brake lever via the pull rod and the support plate. If the brake lever is operated, the pull rod is pulled, and the trapezoidal pressing plate moves, pressing The board is opened at 201134713 with the pin as the center. Therefore, the brake piece abuts against the friction plate, so the braking force acts. A bicycle according to a fifth aspect of the present invention is directed to the first aspect, wherein: the shelf is disposed on the frame, the shelf is provided with two independent and rotatable rear wheels, and is provided with a fixing member. Instead of the vertical tube, the seat cushion is movable on the frame by the fixing member, and the seat cushion position can be adjusted. A bicycle according to a sixth aspect of the present invention is directed to the first aspect, wherein: the person pick-up vehicle is connected to the person on the frame via the connecting portion, and the person is provided with two wheels that are independent and rotatable. The intermediate wheel and the second wheel are independently and rotatable, and the middle wheel is also rotatable left and right. Further, the middle wheel is suspended by a spring. A bicycle according to a seventh aspect of the present invention is directed to the first aspect, wherein: a vertical fork is further disposed on the frame, and a rear wheel is disposed on the vertical frame, the frame and the faucet. A hinge is provided by which the frame and the faucet are foldable. [Efficacy] If the bicycle according to the i-th article of the patent application scope is reduced in weight and size by using a gear mechanism, the longitudinal distance is greatly reduced compared with the previous bicycle, and the reduced space can be added to the new use purpose. The function. That is, the ultimate driving unicycle that wants to reduce the weight and size of the bicycle is realized. According to the bicycle of claim 1 of the patent application, a driving unicycle is realized, which has the following characteristics, that is, the wheel is a driving wheel and is a steering wheel, and the crankshaft is concentrically formed with the hub of the driving wheel, and further, Use the chain, and increase the rotation multiple of the wheel by the 201134713 = ' of the first to fourth gears; and, after the grip, the appropriate rj is again <Settings 塾 'The whole thing' has the function for making the bicycle travel. f According to the bicycle of item 2 of the scope of the patent application, a two-wheeled self-vehicle was realized, which was equipped with a rear wheel for achieving a further advancement. Here, by the use of the gear mechanism, the simplification of the mechanism and the cost reduction can be achieved compared to the previous key bar mechanism. . If the bicycle is in accordance with the third paragraph of the patent application, the function of the grip operation is also attached. 'It is only necessary to install the independent and rotatable two-wheeled shelf, which can be installed on the frame, and the use of the shelf. The degree of freedom on the top is high: the purpose of the mouth is set for the shape and size. Further, under the shelf, there is no prior art chain mechanism, so the center of gravity can be set lower, and not only the shelf and the rear structure can maintain the overall stability and balance of the three-wheeled bicycle. If the bicycle is used in accordance with the fourth paragraph of the patent application, the rear is connected to the vehicle, and the weight is also increased when used as a cargo or personnel transport vehicle. The bicycle on the front wheel cannot be used. However, according to the bicycle of the fourth item, the problem will be solved. If the bicycle according to the fifth paragraph of the patent application scope is attached to the frame with a seat cushion and a basket +, the short length and light weight are convenient to use, and the function is the same as that of the ordinary self-propelled vehicle. The blues have a capacity that is not inferior to the basket of a typical bicycle, and the biggest feature is that the center of gravity is low and balanced. The X's seat can be angled relative to the crankshaft, and people with inconvenient feet can ride in a position where they can easily step on the bicycle. 201134713 If the bicycle according to the first item of the sixth paragraph of the patent application scope is the basic one, apply for the patent, the Kui Pile, the Changji squid*, the longitudinal distance that the tongue is shortened, and the connecting person to pick up the car as the rear structure. Body, the middle wheel and the rear wheel are a total of four rounds, divided into cars, with the wheel cutter independent and rotating freely from the right (6), regardless of the condition of the road is qualitative. This type of five-wheeled bicycle is used by women in the county for distribution, sale of goods, etc.疋 Personnel pick-up, of course, can be based on the 7th of the patent application scope to increase the portability, that is, *=2, the bicycle is folded into the trolley as a hand baggage, (4), the coke can simply be folded to become: Line: Car = and when driving out, the size is also. The stowage is carried in the trunk of a car. [Embodiment] Hereinafter, a preferred embodiment will be described with reference to the drawings. X, the present invention: The bicycle of the present invention can be appropriately changed without departing from the gist of the present invention. First, the definition of the term is used. "I want to give "straight" to the sight of the soap from the front. "V-soap for driving a single wheel from y" refers to the name of the delivery vehicle that is placed in the front position relative to the rear 旳 旳 4. In addition, the "rear structure" refers to a general term for a phase, a monitor, and a combination frame that are mounted on a π-operating main body. "Gear ratio", the body of the wheel that is transmitted to the wheel of four wheels, and the rotation of the number of turns of the passenger drive wheel of the private crankshaft. (First Embodiment) A first embodiment of the present invention relates to a unicycle driving a unicycle that receives a force applied to a pedal or a crank via a gear mechanism to impart a rotational force to the hub and the wheel. This drive unicycle is a one-wheel drive, one of which is a drive wheel and the steering wheel' has a gear multiplier by a gear mechanism. Fig. 1 is a view showing a configuration of a drive unicycle according to a first embodiment of the present invention, and Fig. 2 is a partial cross-sectional view showing a gear mechanism for driving a unicycle bicycle and peripheral members, and Fig. 3 is a view A perspective view showing a gear mechanism for driving a unicycle bicycle and peripheral members, and its configuration and operation will be described below. As shown in these figures, the unicycle is driven, having a grip 丨, a faucet 2 fixed to the grip 1, and a head tube 4, in which the lower end of the faucet 2 and the front 3 are The upper portion is joined together in the same manner as the rotation in the left-right direction, and is held by the head pipe 4. In the above, the fork 3 is branched and disposed on the left and right sides near the terminal extending downward, and the tube shaft hole 25» is provided on the hollow hub 27, and the spoke 15, the wheel frame ο, the rubber inner tube and the tire which are not shown are installed. The wheel 9 is formed by 14 and the like, and the fourth gear 24 is fixed to the hub tube 27a and provided. Further, the hollow hole in which the hub 27 of the wheel 9 is formed is temporarily placed at the tube hole 25 of the front fork 3, and then the tubular bearing 17 is inserted in the following order. That is, the tubular bearing 17 is inserted through the tube shaft hole 25, the hollow hole of the hub 27, and the tube shaft hole 25 on the other side, and both ends of the tubular bearing 17 are fixed to the tube shaft hole 25 of about 201134713. Next, the hollow hole of the bearing 17 is further rotatably inserted into the side of the tube, and the crank is fixed to the left and right ends of the shank and the shank 1 (). Next, the pedal 12 is arbitrarily mounted on the two terminals of the crank U. In addition, the tubular bearing 17' functions as the following function, that is, the crankshaft 10 is held freely with respect to two different rotations, and the outer two hollow holes are rotated to "support the hub 27," The gravity of the entire front wheel is concentrated on the hub 27. The second gear 20 is provided in the first gear 19, but the second gear is fixed to the former "3 linkage": 22 Further, the second gear 23 is 'inside' in a manner to be in front of the second gear, and the interlocking shaft 22 is fixed in the third gear 。. Therefore, the first gear 2 〇 and the third gear 23 Further, the third gear 23 meshes with the fourth gear 24, which means that the manpower applied to the pedal will pass through the crank u, the crankshaft, the first gear 19, the second gear 20, and the first gear The gear mechanism 8' formed by the three gears 23 and the fourth gear 24 is transmitted to the hub 27' to impart wheel torque. The seat cushion 5 is disposed at an appropriate position behind the grip 1, and is firstly disposed relative to the head. The tube 4 is mounted at an appropriate distance and angle to mount the frame 7, and then will hang The tube 16 is mounted on the frame 7, and then the seat tube 6 is installed in the vertical tube 16, and the seat cushion 5 is fixed to the seat tube 6 to be disposed. In addition, the seat tube 6 is relatively The vertical tube 16 of the frame 7 can be moved up and down. For this driving unicycle, if the operator steps on the pedal 12, its 201134713 force will pass from the crankshaft 10 through the gear mechanism 8, and the wheel 27 will be rotated from the hub 27. The bicycle is advanced, and the operator travels by using the grip operation to the right and left. The present embodiment relates to a driving unicycle that is manually driven as described above, and the unicycle doubles > Referring to Figures 2 and 3, the gear mechanism 8 will be described in more detail. The front end and the rear forked terminals are provided with a pipe shaft hole 25, and the pipe shaft hole 25' is temporarily disposed to be formed on the wheel 9. The hollow hole of the center hub 27 is then inserted into the tubular bearing 17 in the following order. First, the tube hole 25 through the side, the ten hole of the wheel 27, and the tube hole on the other side. 25, the ends of the tubular bearing 17 are fixed to the left and right tube shaft holes & The hub tube 27& on the side of the hub 27 is fixed with a fourth seal. Further, the hollow hole of the tubular material 17 is rotatably attached, and the first gear 19 is fixed to the side of the crankstock 10. The crank 11 is attached to the two ends of the crankshaft 1〇, and the pedal 12 is placed in the tube 1 of the front end of the crankshaft 11 in the tubular body 1, and the tubular bearing 17 is rotatably supported, and the hollow hole of the ... 7 is accommodated. The crankshaft 10 is rotatably held. The shank::: the center portion of the first wheel 19 on the outer side of the first two sides is fixed to the song 2. The singularity: S: Γ19 series and the second side outside the front fork 3 The gear is inserted... The center portion of the 2 turns is fixed to the end of the interlocking shaft 22 among the bearings 21 that are freely rotatable. The center portion of the other field flute of the third gear > located on the front side is fixed to the interlocking shaft 22, the fourth I^two gear 23, and the fourth gear that has been fixed to the hub tube 27a. 24 bones. On the morning of the e 27a, the center of the fourth gear 24 is fixed 12 201134713 on the hub officer 27a. As described above, the crank u is fixed to both ends of the crankshaft 〇. In such a configuration, the force applied to the pedal 12 is transmitted to the crankshaft 10 via the crankshaft, and the crankshaft 1〇 is rotated by the rotational force thereof. When the crank shaft rotates, the first gear fixed to the crank shaft 1 & 'rotates' the second gear 20 that is coupled with the first gear 19 and rotates by the rotational force thereof. When the second gear 20 rotates, the interlocking shaft 22 fixed to the second gear 20 is rotated by the rotational force thereof, so that the third gear 23 fixed to the interlocking shaft 22 rotates. When the third gear 23 rotates, the fourth gear 24 that is tempered with the third gear 23 rotates, and the valleys 27 fixed to the fourth gear 24 rotate. Since this wheel is connected to the wheel 9 via the spokes 15 and the f frame 13, the wheel 9 is rotated. Also in this configuration, the force of stepping on the pedal 12 is transmitted to the crankshaft 10 via the crank η, and the red-rotation force ' of the crankshaft crankshaft 10 passes through the first gear 19, the second third gear 23, and the fourth wire 24 Pass to pure 27, so the wheel 9 will rotate. The third gear 21' can of course be configured to have a configuration as shown in Fig. 4. That is, as shown in Fig. 4, the gear 21a, ==21d enters the recess m, and the recess ... is provided with the shaft _ claw °P 2 1 d, and the shaft 2 1 c is connected via the linkage shaft 2 2 Value,: Apply force to the side of the shell (9). When the square rotational force is in the direction of rotation shown in the drawing, the claw portion 2ld abuts against the casing 91^a and transmits to the gear 21a, the third gear/the convexity P21f, and the rotational force is The rotation of the other aspect is the case where the linkage is the opposite direction of the rotation direction shown in the figure 13 201134713, since the claw portion 2 1 d is pressed into the concave portion 2 1 b, the convex portion 21f of the shell portion 2 1 e is The claw portion 21d is not abutted' so that the rotational force is not transmitted to the gear 21a and the second gear 21 does not rotate. Therefore, when the rotational force that causes the wheel 9 to rotate in the forward direction is transmitted via the interlocking shaft 22, the third gear 21 rotates in this direction without rotating in the opposite direction, and therefore, the pedal 12 is stepped in the opposite direction. The case 'that is, even if it is intended to rotate in the backward direction', the rotational force is not transmitted to the hub 27, and the advancement is not hindered. As described above, the bicycle according to the first embodiment of the present invention includes: a grip 1; a faucet 2 fixed to the grip 1; a front 3, a front end portion bifurcated in two directions; a frame 7; The head pipe 4 is fixed to the frame, and in the interior thereof, the lower end of the faucet 2 and the upper portion of the front fork 3 are coupled together in the same manner as the rotation in the left-right direction, and the faucet 2 is held a frog 3, a shaft hole 25, which is disposed on the left and right sides near the terminal which is extended by the front and 3 branches, and extends downward; the hub 27, which is empty and has a hub tube 27a on one side, and a wheel 9 at the hub 27 The wheel frame 15, the wheel frame 13, the rubber inner tube and the tire 14 are formed; the tubular bearing 17 is configured as follows, that is, a hollow hole in which the hub 27 of the wheel 9 is formed, and is temporarily disposed in the tube shaft hole of the front fork 3. 25 hollow holes of the tubular bearing 17, inserted into the shaft hole 25, the hub and the tube hole 25 of the other side, and the two ends thereof are fixed to the left and right tube shaft holes 25, and have hollow holes; a tubular bearing 17 that is rotatably inserted through a hollow hole of the tubular bearing 17; a crank U that is fixed to the left of the crankshaft 10 The pedal 12' is rotatably mounted on the two ends of the crank η; the gear mechanism 8 is composed of the first gear 19 1 two gears 2 〇, the third gear 23 and the fourth gear 24; the vertical tube 16 , which is fixed to the frame 14 201134713 7; the seat cushion 6 is fixed in the vertical tube 16; and the seat cushion 5 is fixed to the seat cushion rod 6; and the first gear 19 It is fixed to one side of the crankshaft 10; the second gear 2 is engaged with the first gear 19 and is fixed to one end of the linkage shaft 22 that is rotatably mounted at the front fork 3' And located on the outer side of the bifurcated front fork 3; the third gear 23 is fixed to the other end of the linkage shaft 22 and interlocked with the second gear 20; the fourth gear 24 is fixed to the hub The tube 27a is engaged with the third gear 23; and the 'tubular bearing 17', wherein the hole rotatably holds the crank shaft 1 〇, the outer circumference of which supports the hub 27, and the gravity of the entire wheel 9 concentrates on the hub 27' tubular bearing 17 is inserted through the hollow hole of the hub 27, and the human force applied to the pedal 12 passes through the crank 11, the crankshaft 1〇, and The gear mechanism 8 formed by a gear 19 to the fourth gear 24 is transmitted to the hub 27 to impart torque to the wheel 9. In the first embodiment, an ultimate drive that wants to reduce the weight and size of the bicycle is realized. A unicycle, that is to say a drive unicycle, which has the following features: the wheel 9 is a drive wheel and the crankshaft is formed concentrically with the hub 27 of the drive wheel, and thus, without the use of a chain' The first to fourth gears 19, 2〇, 23, 24 are sprayed together to increase the number of rotations of the wheel 9 and the like; moreover, the seat cushion 5 is provided at an appropriate height after the grip ,, and, as a whole, The function used to make the bicycle travel. Thereby, the longitudinal distance of the driving unicycle can be greatly reduced compared to the previous bicycle. Moreover, it is possible to provide a bicycle that is equipped with a new function for the reduced space corresponding to the new purpose of use. 15 201134713 The personnel transport vehicle, that is, the caregiver, the electric transporter, the kindergarten child transport bicycle A rickshaw for sightseeing, etc., and a bicycle for distribution, a bicycle with a shopping item 1, and a bicycle with a shelf suitable for other uses. These uses will be described later in the third to fifth embodiments. Moreover, the front-wheel-drive bicycle is often found in the antique car's method of using the wheel to increase the speed of the bicycle. The first embodiment is driven by the single-wheel drive. It is possible to increase the speed by increasing the gear ratio without increasing the drive wheel. The gear mechanism is connected to the front and rear communication gears, and the gear mechanism of a combination of two or more pairs can obtain a high gear. ratio. Further, it is generally expected that the gears of the gear mechanism 8 may wrap around the rider's clothing and contact the skin of the foot, and the cover is provided on the gear mechanism 8. However, for the sake of convenience, the figure indicates that the cover is not provided. (Second Embodiment) The first embodiment of the month of the month is based on the wheel bicycle according to the first embodiment: a wheel bicycle. In the above-mentioned first embodiment, the squirrel cat squirrel > ^ singular wheel is set on the rear wheel, and becomes a two-wheeled bicycle that improves the stability of walking. In the fifth embodiment, the second embodiment of the second embodiment of the present invention will be described. The same components as those of the first embodiment are denoted by the same reference numerals, and the description thereof will not be repeated. 16 201134713 As shown in Fig. 5, the vertical pipe 116 and the head pipe 4 are disposed on the frame 107. The seat cushion 105 is fixed to the seat cushion bar 1〇6, and the seat cushion bar 1〇6 is fixed in the vertical pipe 116. The seat cushion i 06 is movable up and down with respect to the vertical tube 116. The grip 101 is fixed to the faucet 102, and the lower end of the faucet 102 and the upper portion of the front fork 3 are attached to the head pipe 1〇4, and are joined together in the same manner as the rotation in the left-right direction. That is, the faucet 2 and the front 3 are joined together in the head pipe 104, and are held rotatable relative to the head pipe 1 〇4. The front fork 103 is divided into two lower portions, and the front wheel 109 is rotatably coupled via a gear mechanism 8' having the same configuration as that of the first embodiment in the vicinity of the terminal. Further, the detailed configuration of the gear mechanism 8 is as shown in the previous Figs. 2 and 3, and therefore the overlapping description will be omitted. The cranks 11' are respectively fixed to the both ends of the crankshaft 10, and further, the pedals 12' are rotatably attached to the terminals of the respective cranks I:. Further, the front wheel 109 has a configuration in which a spoke 15' that has been fixed to a hub (not shown) is fixed to the wheel frame 113, and is mounted around the wheel frame I]. Inner tube and tire 114 not shown. The horizontal and vertical forks 151' extend the frame 107, and the rear wheels 152 are rotatably mounted at positions where the leading ends thereof intersect. The rear wheel 152' also has a configuration in which a spoke 15' that has been fixed to a hub (not shown) is fixed to the wheel frame 113, and a tube (not shown) is attached around the wheel frame 113. , tires 丨 14. As described above, in the two-wheeled bicycle of the second embodiment, the unicycle is driven by the first embodiment, the longitudinal distance is greatly reduced, and the rear wheel is installed in the secured space to improve the walking stability. 17 201134713, in this configuration, the faucet 102 and the front fork 1〇3 are rotatably held in the head tube ι〇4, and the two are set to be ready to be connected to the grip 1 1 1 / Angle. The force of stepping on the pedal 12 reaches the hub and the front wheel 109 (not shown) via the gear mechanism 8, so that the bicycle can advance by the rotational force generated by the bicycle. The detailed operation of the gear mechanism is as described above with reference to the first and third figures. That is, as will be briefly described with reference to FIGS. 2 and 3, the force of the stepping pedal 12 is transmitted to the crankshaft 10 via the crank u, and the rotational force of the crankshaft 10 passes through the first gear 19 and the second gear 20, The third gear 23 and the fourth gear 24 are transmitted to the hub n, and the front wheel 109 is rotated. As described above, the bicycle according to the second embodiment of the present invention is characterized in that, according to the driven unicycle bicycle of the first embodiment, the horizontal 150 and the vertical 151 are disposed on the frame 1〇7, and The rear wheel rim] is disposed at the intersection of the horizontal fork 150 and the vertical fork 151. In contrast to the bicycle (driving unicycle) of the first embodiment, in order to achieve further stability control, the second embodiment is constructed as a two-wheeled bicycle equipped with a rear wheel 152, but by the gear mechanism 8. Adoption can simplify the advancement mechanism and further reduce costs. (Third Embodiment) A third embodiment of the present invention relates to a three-wheeled bicycle which is constructed by additionally mounting a unicycle bicycle according to the first embodiment, and having two separate rear wheels. . 18 201134713 The current Japanese road traffic regulations stipulate that the length of the bicycle should not exceed 〇9〇cm. The bicycles of the usual length of bicycles are mostly about 丨(10)(10). When a rear-mounted drive wheel is attached to the rear of the ordinary bicycle, the length of the bicycle will exceed the allowable range. Therefore, the current one-wheeled bicycle of the type (4) It is a rear-wheel drive with wheels on both sides of the shelf and a separate axle under the shelf. Further, the power of the pedal is a structure in which the rear wheel is rotated by meshing the gears which are fixed to the two axles by the two divided chains. However, the problem with this tricycle is that the size and shape of the shelf or the rear structure, the limitation of the purpose of use, etc., result in various inconveniences, so that the shelf is small, and the object of use is limited to the elderly or the disabled. The adoption of these institutions will hinder the simplification of the forward agencies and lead to increased costs. The present invention is based on the considerations attached to driving a wheelbarrow to make the size and shape of the shelf and rear structure free and hairy, transported, sold, cared for the elderly, and other purposes of use. Furthermore, the simplification of the propulsion mechanism leads to lower costs. However, in the three-wheeled bicycle according to the third embodiment, the driving unicycle bicycle of the first embodiment is used, and the function of the grip operation is attached, and the two wheels are mounted on the left and right sides of the separated side, as long as they are installed. The head pipe of the driving unicycle or the frame connected to the head pipe can be used, and the degree of freedom in use of the shelf is high, and the shape and size can be set for the purpose. Further, under the shelf, etc., without the aforementioned chain mechanism, the center of gravity can be set lower, not only the shelf and the rear structure, but also the overall stability and balance of the three-wheeled bicycle can be maintained. The details are as follows. 19 201134713 In the sixth edition, the structure of the three-wheeled self-driving vehicle according to the third embodiment of the present invention is shown. The same components as those in the first embodiment are denoted by the same reference numerals and the description thereof will not be repeated. Here, an example in which a shelf is mounted as a rear structure will be described. As shown in Fig. 6, the vertical pipe 216 and the head pipe 204 are disposed on the frame 207. The seat cushion 205 is fixed to the seat mast 2〇6, and the seat mast 2〇6 is fixed in the vertical tube 216. The grip 201 is fixed to the faucet 202, and the lower portion of the faucet 202 and the upper portion of the front portion 2〇3 are attached to the head tube 2〇4, and are coupled together in the same manner as the rotation in the left-right direction. The knot, that is, the faucet 202 and the front and the second 〇3, are connected in the head pipe 2 () 4 and held in the head pipe 2 〇 4 to be rotatable. Further, the front and the second cymbals are slidably arranged in the vicinity of the terminal, and the front 352 〇 9 is rotatably connected via the gear mechanism 8 having the same configuration as that of the first embodiment. Further, the detailed configuration of the gear mechanism 8 is as shown in the previous Figs. 2 and 3, and therefore the overlapping description will be omitted. The cranks 11' are respectively fixed to the two terminals of the crankshaft 1'', and the pedals 12' are rotatably attached to the terminals of the respective cranks u. Further, the front wheel has a configuration in which the wheel pocket 15' that has been fixed to the number of wheels (not shown) is fixed to the wheel frame 213, and is installed around the wheel frame 213. The inner tube and tire 214 are shown. The shelf 255 is coupled to the rear frame 252 of the frame 2〇7' by the left and right wheels via the connecting portion 254, and is rotatably mounted on the shelf 252. That is, the rear wheel 252 is configured to separate the left and right wheels and to make the rotation of the left and right wheels natural. With such a configuration of the rear wheel 252, the walking stability is improved. 20 201134713 In such a configuration, the 'faucet 202 and the front 203 are held in the head tube 2〇4 and are rotatably held, and both are set to be at an angle that can be interlocked with the grip 201 at any time. The force of stepping on the pedal 12 is transmitted to the hub and the front wheel 209 (not shown) via the gear mechanism 8, so that the bicycle can advance by the rotational force generated by the bicycle. The detailed operation of the gear mechanism is as described above with reference to the previous figures 2 and 3. That is, as will be briefly described with reference to FIGS. 2 and 3, the force of the stepping pedal 12 is transmitted to the crankshaft 1〇 via the crank n, and the rotational force of the crankshaft 1〇 passes through the first gear second gear 20, The third gear 23 and the fourth gear 24 are transmitted to the hub, and the front wheel 209 is rotated. In the seventh drawing, the configuration of the periphery of the shelf 255 is shown. As shown in Fig. 7, the yoke 255 is provided with a shaft support portion 25, and the axle 256 is rotatably supported by the shaft support portion 257. Further, the axle 256 is coupled to the rear wheel 252. With such a configuration, the left and right rear wheels are independent and supported to be rotatable. In Fig. 8, a brake mechanism for explaining the rear wheel 252 is shown. As shown in Fig. 8, the axle 256 is rotatably held by the shaft support portion 257, the rear wheel 252 is attached to one end of the axle 256, and the friction plate 258 is attached to the other end of the axle 256. The pressing plate 262' is held openably and closably with a pin 263 as a shaft, and the pressing plate 262 is provided with a brake piece 259. The trapezoidal pressing plate 261' is connected to the return spring 26'', one end of which is fixed by a fixing pin 266, and the trapezoidal pressing plate 261 is connected to the brake lever 265 via the tie rod 264. The tie rod 264 is reciprocable by the hole of the support plate. 21 201134713 In such a configuration, when the lever 265 is operated, the lever 264 is pulled in the direction of the arrow in the figure, and the trapezoidal pressing plate 261 is moved in the direction of the arrow in the figure. Thereby, the pressing plate 262 is opened centering on the pin 263, whereby the braking piece 259 abuts against the friction plate 258, and the braking force acts. When the rear connecting vehicle is used as a cargo or a person transporting the vehicle, the weight will increase. 'The brakes of the front wheels alone cannot correspond.' However, the above is a brake mechanism for the rear wheels that solves this problem. As described above, the bicycle according to the third embodiment of the present invention is characterized in that, in the driving unicycle according to the first embodiment, the rack 255 is disposed on the frame via the connecting portion 254, and the rack 255 is installed. There are two rear wheels 252 that are independent and rotatable. Further, the following brake system can be employed. That is, a brake system can be employed in which the rear wheel 252 is rotatably held at one end of the axle 256 (which has been inserted into the shaft support portion 257 provided on the shelf 255), and the friction plate 258 is loaded. The other end of the axle 256 is pressed against the plate 262, and the pin 263 is used as a shaft to be opened and closed, and the brake shoe 259 is mounted on the pressing plate 262, and the trapezoidal pressing plate 261 is Connected to the return spring 260, one end of the return spring 26〇 is fixed by a fixing pin (4), and the trapezoidal pressing plate 261 is connected to the brake lever 265 via the pull rod 264. The pull rod 264 is supported by the hole of the support plate 267. The reciprocating motion can be performed. If the lever 265 is operated, the lever 264 is pulled, and the trapezoidal resisting plate 261 is moved. The pressing plate 262 is opened with the pin 263 as a center, whereby the braking piece 259 abuts against the friction plate. 258, so the car force played a role. Thus, in the third embodiment, two 22 201134713 rear wheels 252 are installed for stable operation. By using the auxiliary wheel, the truck can be installed in the same place, and the size and weight of the bicycle can be made small and lightweight. The function of the bicycle is as described above, which is easy to use and is relatively easy to use. The weight of the goods on the shelf is also better than the previous resistance. Moreover, a kind can be realized. The center of gravity of the rack car can be set lower, and the bicycle can be obtained by manipulation. A safer structure. It can be used for the purpose of delivery, receipt, or sale of goods. When the shelf is used as a personnel transport vehicle, it can also be used as a function for kindergarten children's shuttle buses and caretakers. At this time, the braking mechanism of the rear wheel 252 described above also contributes to safe walking. The fourth embodiment of the present invention relates to a three-bike bicycle in which a shelf and a seat cushion position can be changed based on the horse-drawn unicycle of the first embodiment. • The characteristics of the three-wheeled bicycle used by the elderly, the patient, etc., can be shouldered. Directly on the driving unicycle of the first embodiment, the blue test for the seat test and the Jing object is short, light and easy to use. And the function # ordinary bicycle without variation 'has the speed corresponding ability, installed blue, is not inferior to the (four) from the lamp basket capacity, the biggest feature is that the center of gravity is low and balanced. Further, the seat can be changed in angle with respect to the crankshaft, and it is easy to step on the bicycle. In the ninth diagram, the configuration H of the fourth embodiment of the present invention is the same as that of the first embodiment of the present invention, and the same reference numerals are used for the reference numeral 23 201134713, and the overlapping description will be omitted. As shown in Fig. 9, the head pipe 3〇4 is disposed on the frame 3〇7. The seat cushion 3〇5 is attached to any position with respect to the frame by the fixing member 36〇. That is, the seat cushion 305 can be changed in angle with respect to the crankshaft, and can be set so that a person who is inconvenient in the foot can ride in a posture in which the bicycle is easily stepped on. That is, it can be set so that the powerless car such as an elderly person or a patient can be easily manipulated. The grip 301 is fixed to the faucet 3〇2, and the lower portion of the faucet 3〇2 and the upper portion of the front fork 303 are attached to the head tube 3〇4, and are coupled together in the same manner as the rotation in the left-right direction. . That is, the faucet 3〇2 and the front fork 3〇3 are held rotatably with respect to the head pipe 204. The front side is 3〇3, and the lower side is two sets. In the vicinity of the terminal, the front wheel 3〇9 is rotatably connected via the gear mechanism 8 having the same configuration as the first embodiment. Further, the detailed configuration of the gear mechanism 8 is as shown in the previous Figs. 2 and 3, and therefore the overlapping description will be omitted. The cranks 11 are respectively fixed to the both ends of the crankshaft 10, and the pedals 12 are rotatably attached to the terminals of the respective cranks u. Further, the front wheel 309 has a configuration in which a spoke 15 that has been fixed to a hub (not shown) is fixed to the wheel frame 313, and is installed around the wheel frame 313. Inner tube and tire 314. The basket 361 is coupled to the frame 307, and the rear wheel 352 composed of two wheels that are independently independent and rotatable is rotatably attached to the basket 361. That is, the rear wheel 352 is configured to separate the left and right wheels and to allow the rotation of the left and right wheels to be natural. This has improved walking stability. In such a configuration, the faucet 302 and the front 3 〇 3 are held rotatably by the head tube 3 〇 4 24 201134713, and both are set to an angle of 301. When the pedal 12 is stepped on, the grip is transmitted to the grip, which is not shown. 9. The 旌 a, which is generated by the gear mechanism 8, can be advanced by the square force generated by it. The window wheel mechanism is detailed as previously described in Figures 2 and 3. That is, as a schematic diagram, the power of stepping on the pedal 12, the W/2, 3 map value 揸5 soil, and the rotational force of the crankshaft 1' crankshaft shaft 1' by the crank 11' Through the first gear-gear 2G, the third gear 23, and the fourth gear 24, the wheel is compared with 27, and the front wheel 309 is rotated. The rotation of the previous cigarette becomes (four) force, the two-wheeled bicycle advances, and since the rear wheel 352 is separated, that is, it is independent and rotatable freely, so the walking stability is ensured. As described above, the bicycle according to the fourth embodiment of the present invention is characterized in that, in the bicycle of the first embodiment, the rack 361 is disposed on the frame 307, and the two are independently and rotatably The wheel 352 is mounted on the shelf 361 and has a fixing member 36 取代 instead of the vertical 1 , and the seat 305 is movable on the frame go by the fixing member 360 to make an adjustable seat cushion position. . In the case of a disease in which the pain is caused by the pain of the knee, etc., the patient's condition is worse. In this regard, the means for moving without using the foot to support the weight, that is, the three-wheeled bicycle of the fourth embodiment is indeed useful. The bicycle supports the weight and the effect of strengthening the muscles or preventing degradation by pedaling the pedals. In the fourth embodiment, the three-wheeled bicycle is stepped on the pedal in a sitting position, and the distance and angle of the seat cushion position can be changed. Therefore, depending on the degree of pain or illness of the foot, the setting can be appropriately changed. (Fifth Embodiment) A fifth embodiment of the present invention relates to a five-wheeled bicycle, which is based on a driving unicycle according to the first embodiment, and connects a person to pick up a vehicle via a connecting portion to constitute a rear passenger car. The structure has a middle wheel and two rear wheels for a total of four rounds. In other words, this configuration is based on the purpose of driving a unicycle bicycle, effectively utilizing the vacant space, and connecting the person as a rear structure to pick up the vehicle. In the five-wheeled bicycle of the fifth embodiment, the front wheel rear wheel and the middle wheel located in the middle are grounded at three places (front, middle, and rear), and are formed in a concave surface such as a slope, a surface, and the like. Produce - the possibility of not being grounded, but the five-wheeled bicycle is driven by three grounded front wheels. In addition, the seat cushion position is located in front of the personnel shuttle car. Because of the operator's weight, the wheel can be grounded reliably. Furthermore, the ® middle wheel is suspended by a spring, and the grounding of the three places can be solved even if it is not horizontal. Further, since the rear two-wheel train is provided to be left-right independent, "the wheel can be freely rotatable left and right, so that the bending can be guided when the front wheel rotates f. Even as the rear structure connected to the rear portion
體之人員接送鱼幺_& , I 单為二輪的情況’亦相同地成為三處接地。 此型式的五輪自轩击 車,不僅是人員接送車,當然地亦可使 用於配送、販啬私7 σ — °σ。又,以第一實施形態的驅動獨輪自 Γ德二* ’當與後部的貨架或後部構造體連接時,可採 、-機忐連接臂機構來取代連結部。 在第10圖中仫主_ '、表不說明本發明第五實施形態的五輪 26 201134713 自行車的構成。又,對於與第一實施形態相同構成,標記 相同符號而省略重複的說明。此處,作為後部構造體,表 示一種裝設有人員接送車的例子來進行說明。 如第10圖所示,垂直管416、頭管404,被配設於車 架407上。座墊405被固著於座墊桿406上,座墊桿406 被固定於垂直管216中。座墊管406,相對於垂直管416 可作上下移動。握把401係被固著於龍頭402,龍頭402 的下部與前叉403的上部,係在頭管404之中,以向左右 方向的旋轉相同的方式,連結在一起。 亦即’龍頭402與前叉403,係在頭管404之中,被 連結在一起,並藉由頭管4〇4而被保持成可旋轉自如。又, 前又403 ’係向下方分叉為二股,在其終端附近,前輪4〇9 經由與第一實施形態相同的構成的齒輪機構8,被連結成 可旋轉自如。另外,此齒輪機構8的詳細構成,係如先前 第2圖及第3圖所示,因此省略重複的說明。 曲柄Π,分別被固著於曲柄軸1 〇的兩終端上,進而, 踏板12,旋轉自如地被安裝在各曲柄u的終端。而且, 前輪409,係成為以下的構成:已被固著於在此未圖示的 輪轂上之輪幅15,被固著於輪框413,且在該輪框413的 周圍,裝設未圖示的内胎、輪胎414。人員接送車451,經 由連結部450而被連接在車架407上。 人員接送車451,係具備由二輪所構成的中輪452、及 由二輪所構成的後輪456(皆經由彈簧懸吊453而被配設在 該人員接送車進而,被配設有人員用以乘坐的座台454、 27 201134713 455。中輪452成為左右旋轉自如。也被設有安全帶A”、 458’而確保了安全性。如此,此五輪自行車係三處接地的 前輪驅動,又,座墊位置係位於前方…,操縱者的體 重可確實地使前輪409接地,進而,时輪452使用彈簧 懸吊453,⑽也的三處即使不為水平亦彳,而可解決安定 性的問題。進而’不但後輪456的二輪被設置成左右獨立, 且中輪452可左右旋轉自如,而作成在前輪轉彎時可引導 彎曲。 在此種構成中,龍頭402與前又4〇3,係於頭管4〇4 中’被保持成可旋轉自#,兩者被設定成可隨時連動於握 把4〇1的角度。踩踏踏板12的力量’係經由齒輪機構“ 被傳達至未圖示的輪轂、祕4〇9,於是自行車可藉由其 所產生的旋轉力而前進。齒輪機構的詳細的動作係參照 先前的第2、3圖而如前所述。亦即,若參照第2、3圖來 進行概略說明,踩踏踏板12的力量,經由曲柄u而被傳 達至曲柄軸H)’曲柄軸10的旋轉力,經由第一齒輪Η、 第二齒輪201三齒輪23、第四齒輪24,傳至輪較η, 於疋前輪409會進行旋轉。前輪4〇9的旋轉成為驅動力, 五輪自行車行走,㈣,裝設在人貝接送車451處之中輪 452、456’可獨立驅動,且中輪452成為左右旋轉自如: 因此確保了操作性。 _ ,第U圖中係表示說明二機能連接f機構的構成,該 -機錢接臂機構是用以連結驅動獨輪 構造體也就是人員接送車…亦即,可採用如。= 28 201134713 示的二機能連接臂機構來取代第1〇圖所示的連結部彻。 另^第U圖⑴係從上方來看拆下二機能連接臂 機構的蓋構件466a、466b後的狀態的圖,第u圖係 一機at連接臂機構的側面的部分剖面圖,第11圖(^ )係 表示要被裝設於設置台461a上之蓋構件邨以的圖/第^ 圖⑷係表示要被裝設於設置台祕上之蓋構件祕的 圖0 置台461a被設置於驅動獨輪自行車 461b被設置於人員接送車451側。 如這些圖所示,設 側的車架407,設置台 設置台461a中,具備以軸柱464為中心而可自由改變角度 的擺動子463,擺動子463經由連結棒462而被連接於設 置台461b側的旋轉盤465 〇擺動子463係以軸柱464為旋 轉中心’如第η圖U)中的虛線所示,向左右旋轉自如。 又,旋轉盤465係相對於設置台4611)旋轉自如,例如,用 以牽引人員接送車之驅動獨輪自行車,即使於行走中因某 些情況失去平衡’垂直方向的角度發生傾斜,^員接送車 可因二機能連接臂的圓盤的旋轉來吸收該角度變化,防止 人員接送車的角度發生變化即防止傾斜。 如以上說明,本發明的第五實施形態的自行車,其特 徵在於:以第一實施形態的驅動獨輪自行車為基本,人員 接送車451經由連結部450而被連接在車架4〇7上,該人 員接送車451係具備由獨立且旋轉自如的二輪所構成之中 輪452、及由獨立且轉動自如的二輪所構成之後輪456,且 該中輪452亦左右旋轉自如,進而,中輪452配設有彈簧 29 201134713 懸吊4 5 3。 依此’若依據第五實施形態的五輪自行車,以第一實 施形態的驅動獨輪自行車為基本,有效活用被縮短的縱向 距離’且連接人員接送車451來作為後部構造體;並且, 人員接送車451 ’係具備中輪452與後輪456的四個輪子, 因分別獨立且旋轉自如,而且,中輪452係左右旋轉自如, 所以不管路面的狀況為何,可確保行走的安定性。此型式 的五輪自行車,不僅是人員接送,當然地可使用於配送、 物品販賣等。 (第六實施形態) 本發明的第六實施形態,係關於以第一實施形態的驅 動獨輪自行車為基本,可摺疊的二輪自行車。又,為了實 現安定操縱’在此第六實施形態巾,係作成裝設有後輪的 二輪自行車,但藉由齒輪機構的採用,其尺寸、重量皆可 作成比先前的自行車更小型、輕量化,其機能係如前所述, 小型化且使用方便,自行車的操作上更可獲得安全。 在第12圖中係表示說明本發明第六實施形態的摺疊 式二輪自行車的構成。另外,對於與第—實施形態相同的 構成,標記相同符號而省略重複的說明。 如第12圖所示,鉸鏈551被設在車架507中的二處, 在通常的使用態樣下’藉由補強包體55〇,㈣551係被 包覆而隱m吏此補強包冑55G肖圖中箭號的方向滑 移’則较鏈551外露,成為可指疊。座墊5G5被裝設在補 30 201134713 強包體550上。握把501係被固著於龍頭5〇2,龍頭502 的下端’係於頭管5 04之中’被保持成可旋轉自如。 前叉503係向下方分又為二股,於其終端附近,前輪 509,經由與第一實施形態相同的構成的齒輪機構8,被安 裝成旋轉自如。此齒輪機構8的詳細構成,係如先前第2 圖及第3圖所示,因此在此省略重複的說明。垂直又553 係被设置在車架507上,後輪則旋轉自如地被裝設在垂直 叉553的終端。未圖示的内胎、輪胎514,被裝設在輪框 上0 在第13圖中係表示說明頭管5〇4的部分剖面圖,如第 13圖所不,龍頭502被插入頭管5〇4中,龍頭5〇2設有鉸 鏈554。頭管5()4藉由螺鎖固定部555而成為可對折。頭 官504被對折,若—側向圓中箭號所示的方向滑移,則绞 鏈554外露,成為可摺疊該鉸鏈554。 在此種構成中,龍頭5〇2,係在頭管5〇4令被保持 成旋轉自% ’且被設定城可連動於握把501的角度。踩踏 踏板丄2的力量’係經由齒輪機構8而被傳達至未圖示的輪 轂、則輪509’於是自行車係藉由其所產生的旋轉力而前 進。齒輪機構的詳細的動作,係參照先前的第2、3圖而如 前所述。亦即,若來昭 參"、、第2、3圖來進行概略說明,踩踏 板12的力量,# _ a & j 係厶由曲柄11而被傳達至曲柄軸10, 轴1 0的旋輕六 柄 ,,坐由第一齒輪19、第二齒輪20、第三音 輪23、第四齒於 一齒 ^ 輪24,傳至輪轂27,於是前輪5〇9會 旋轉。則輪509的始絲, I進仃 的旋轉成為驅動力,於是二輪自行車 31 201134713 摺疊時,採以下的順序。亦即,將補強包體550向圖 中箭號的方向滑移,使鉸鏈55 1露出,順著該鉸鏈55 1摺 疊車架507。進而,將頭管504於螺鎖固定部555分割, 將一側向圖中箭號的方向滑移,使鉸鏈5 5 4露出,順著該 鉸鏈554摺疊龍頭502。 如以上說明,本發明的第六實施形態的自行車,其特 徵在於:以第一實施形態的驅動獨輪自行車為基本,進而 將垂直叉553配設在車架507上,後輪552被配設在垂直 叉553的終端,鉸鏈551、554被設在車架5〇7及龍頭5〇2 中’而作成可藉由該鉸鏈551、554來摺疊車架5〇7和龍頭 502 ° 伋此’右依據第六實施形態,加上第一、二實施形鲅 的效果,可將自行車摺疊成小型,提高攜帶性。亦即,本 實施形態的二輪自行車,係於戶外運動等的時候,可作為 手提行李而攜帶進電車、汽車等’且駕車出門日夺,亦 單地摺疊成為可與其他行李一起積載於汽車行李箱: 小之摺疊二輪自行車。 、 上述各實施形態中所說明的自行車,不被限定於 ^輪自行車’而可-般地適用於更具備有多數車輪的自 ' 32 201134713 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖係本發明的第一實施形態的驅動獨輪自行車 構成圖。 ^ 第2圖係本發明的第一實施形態的驅動獨輪自行車的 齒輪機構及周邊構件的部分剖面圖。 第3圊係本發明的第一實施形態的驅動獨輪自行車的 齒輪機構及周邊構件的立體圖。 第4圖係表示可採用於本發明的第—實施形態的驅動 獨輪自行車的齒輪中之棘輪機構的構成的圖。 第5圖係本發明的第二實施形態的二輪自行車的構成 圖。 第6圖係本發明的第三實施形態的三輪自行車的構成 圖。 第7圖係本發明的第三實施形態的三輪自行車的貨架 周邊的構成圖。 第8圖係表示本發明的第三實施形態的三輪自行車的 後輪的煞車系統的構成的圖。 第9圖係本發明的第四實施形態的三輪自行車的構成 圖。 第1〇圖係本發明的第五實施形態的五輪自行車的構 成圖。 第Π圖(a)至(d)係表示二機能連接臂機構的構成 的圖。 33 201134713 第12圖係本發明的第六實施形態的摺疊式二輪自行 車的構成圖。 第1 3圖係本發明第六實施形態的摺疊式二輪自行車 的頭管的部分剖面圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 1 :握把 2 :龍頭 3 :前叉 4 :頭管 5 :座墊 6 :座墊管 7 :車架 8 :齒輪機構 9 :車輪 1 0 :曲柄軸 11 :曲柄 12 :踏板 13 :輪框 14 :輪胎 1 5 :輪輻 1 6 :垂直管 1 7 :管狀轴承 18 :軸承 19 :第一齒輪 20 :第二齒輪 21 :軸承 21a :齒輪 2 1 b :凹部 21c :軸 2 1 d :爪部 2 1 e :殼部 2 1 f :凸部 22 :連動轴 23 :第三齒輪 24 :第四齒輪 25 :管軸孔 26 :軸承 2 7 .輪數 27a :輪穀管 34 201134713 101 103 105 107 113 116 151 201 203 205 207 213 216 254 256 258 260 262 264 266 301 303 305 握把 102 : 龍頭 前叉 104 : 頭管 座墊 106 : 座塾管 車架 109 : 車輪 輪框 114 : 輪胎 垂直管 150 : 水平叉 垂直叉 152 : 後輪 握把 202 : 龍頭 前叉 204 : 頭管 座墊 206 : 座塾管 車架 209 : 車輪 輪框 214 : 輪胎 垂直管 252 : 後輪 連結部 255 : 貨架 車轴 257 : 轴支持部 摩擦板 259 : 煞車片 回復彈簀 261 : 梯形壓抵板 壓抵板 263 : 銷 拉桿 265 : 煞車桿 固定鎖 267 : 支持板 握把 302 : 龍頭 前叉 304 : 頭管 座墊 307 : 車架 車輪 313 : 輪框 35 309 201134713 3 14 :輪胎 360 :固定構件 401 :握把 403 :前叉 405 :座墊 407 ··車架 413 :輪框 416 :垂直管 451 :人員接送車 453 :彈簧懸吊 455 :座台 457 :安全帶 461a :設置台 462 :連結棒 464 :軸柱 466a :蓋構件 501 :握把 503 :前叉 505 :座墊 509 :車輪 5 1 4 :輪胎 551 :鉸鏈 553 :垂直叉 352 :後輪 361 :籃子 402 :龍頭 404 :頭管 406 :座墊管 409 :車輪 4 1 4 :輪胎 4 5 0 :連結部 452 :中輪 454 :座台 4 5 6 .後輪 458 :安全帶 461b :設置台 463 :活動子 465 :旋轉盤 466b ··蓋構件 502 :龍頭 504 :頭管 507 :車架 513 :輪框 550 :補強包體 552 :後輪 554 :鉸鏈 555 :螺鎖固定部 36The personnel of the body pick up the fishing rod _&, I is the case of the second round, and the same is the grounding of three places. This type of five-wheeled self-propelled car is not only a person to pick up the car, but of course it can also be used for distribution and sales. 7 σ — °σ. Further, in the case where the drive unicycle of the first embodiment is connected to the rear shelf or the rear structure, the arm mechanism can be replaced with the link mechanism. In the tenth diagram, the configuration of the bicycle of the fifth wheel 26 201134713 of the fifth embodiment of the present invention is not described. The same configurations as those in the first embodiment are denoted by the same reference numerals and the description thereof will not be repeated. Here, as a rear structure, an example in which a person pick-up and drop-off vehicle is installed will be described. As shown in Fig. 10, the vertical pipe 416 and the head pipe 404 are disposed on the frame 407. The seat cushion 405 is fixed to the seat cushion rod 406, and the seat cushion rod 406 is fixed in the vertical tube 216. The cushion tube 406 is movable up and down with respect to the vertical tube 416. The grip 401 is fixed to the faucet 402, and the lower portion of the faucet 402 and the upper portion of the front fork 403 are attached to the head pipe 404, and are coupled together in the same manner as the rotation in the left-right direction. That is, the 'faucet 402 and the front fork 403 are attached to the head pipe 404, and are held rotatably by the head pipe 4〇4. Further, the front 403' is branched downward into two, and the front wheel 4〇9 is rotatably coupled via the gear mechanism 8 having the same configuration as that of the first embodiment in the vicinity of the terminal. Further, the detailed configuration of the gear mechanism 8 is as shown in the previous FIGS. 2 and 3, and therefore the overlapping description will be omitted. The cranks are respectively fixed to the two terminals of the crankshaft 1 ,, and the pedals 12 are rotatably attached to the terminals of the respective cranks u. Further, the front wheel 409 has a configuration in which a spoke 15 that has been fixed to a hub (not shown) is fixed to the wheel frame 413, and is installed around the wheel frame 413. Inner tube, tire 414. The person shuttle bus 451 is connected to the frame 407 via the connecting portion 450. The person shuttle bus 451 is provided with a middle wheel 452 composed of two wheels and a rear wheel 456 composed of two wheels (all of which are disposed in the person shuttle bus via the spring suspension 453, and are equipped with personnel for use. The seat 454, 27 201134713 455. The middle wheel 452 is free to rotate left and right. It is also equipped with seat belts A" and 458' to ensure safety. Thus, the five-wheel bicycle is driven by three front wheels, and The seat cushion position is located in front... The weight of the operator can surely ground the front wheel 409. Further, the hour wheel 452 uses the spring suspension 453, and the three places of (10) can solve the stability problem even if it is not horizontal. Furthermore, not only the two wheels of the rear wheel 456 are set to be left and right independent, but the middle wheel 452 can be freely rotated left and right, and can be guided to bend when the front wheel turns. In this configuration, the faucet 402 and the front are 4〇3, It is held in the head tube 4〇4 to be rotatable from #, and both are set to be at any angle to the grip 4〇1. The force of the pedal 12 is transmitted to the unillustrated via the gear mechanism. The wheel, the secret 4〇9, so it’s The vehicle can be advanced by the rotational force generated by the vehicle. The detailed operation of the gear mechanism is as described above with reference to the previous Figs. 2 and 3, that is, as described with reference to Figs. 2 and 3, the pedaling is performed. The force of the pedal 12 is transmitted to the crankshaft H) 'the rotational force of the crankshaft 10 via the crank u, and is transmitted to the wheel η via the first gear Η, the second gear 201, the third gear 23, and the fourth gear 24, The front wheel 409 will rotate. The rotation of the front wheel 4〇9 becomes the driving force, the five-wheeled bicycle travels, and (4), the wheel 452, 456' is independently driven when the safari shuttle 451 is installed, and the middle wheel 452 is freely rotatable left and right: thus ensuring operability . _ , U is a diagram showing the structure of the two-function connection f mechanism, which is used to connect and drive the uni-wheel structure, that is, the person to pick up the car... that is, it can be used. = 28 201134713 The two-function connecting arm mechanism is shown to replace the connecting part shown in Fig. 1 . Fig. 9 is a view showing a state in which the cover members 466a and 466b of the two-function connecting arm mechanism are removed from the upper side, and Fig. u is a partial sectional view showing the side of the one-connecting arm mechanism, Fig. 11 (^) is a diagram showing the cover member to be mounted on the installation table 461a. Fig. 4(4) shows the cover member to be mounted on the installation table. The table 461a is placed on the drive. The unicycle 461b is placed on the side of the personnel shuttle 451. As shown in these figures, the side frame 407 and the installation table installation base 461a are provided with a swing 463 that is freely changeable around the shaft 464, and the swing 463 is connected to the installation table via the connecting rod 462. The rotating disk 465 of the 461b side 〇 the oscillating member 463 is rotatable to the left and right as indicated by a broken line in the center of rotation of the shaft 464 as shown in FIG. Moreover, the rotating disk 465 is rotatable relative to the setting table 4611), for example, a driving unicycle for pulling a person to pick up the car, even if the balance is lost due to some situations during walking, the angle of the vertical direction is inclined, The car can absorb the change of the angle due to the rotation of the disc of the two functional connecting arms, preventing the angle of the person picking up the car from changing, that is, preventing the tilt. As described above, the bicycle according to the fifth embodiment of the present invention is characterized in that the passenger shuttle car 451 is connected to the frame 4〇7 via the connecting portion 450, basically the driving wheelbarrow according to the first embodiment. The person shuttle 451 is provided with an intermediate wheel 452 composed of two wheels that are independent and rotatable, and a rear wheel 456 that is independently and rotatable, and the middle wheel 452 is also rotatable left and right. Further, the center wheel 452 is further rotatable. Equipped with spring 29 201134713 suspended 4 5 3. According to the fifth embodiment of the present invention, the five-wheeled bicycle according to the fifth embodiment is based on the driven one-wheeled bicycle of the first embodiment, and the shortened longitudinal distance is effectively utilized and the passenger shuttle bus 451 is connected as the rear structure; The car 451' has four wheels of the intermediate wheel 452 and the rear wheel 456, and is independently rotatable and freely rotatable. Moreover, the center wheel 452 is freely rotatable left and right, so that the stability of walking can be ensured regardless of the condition of the road surface. This type of five-wheeled bicycle is not only a personnel transfer, but can of course be used for distribution, sale of goods, and the like. (Sixth embodiment) A sixth embodiment of the present invention relates to a two-wheeled bicycle that is foldable based on the driven unicycle of the first embodiment. Further, in order to realize the stability control, the sixth embodiment of the present invention is a two-wheeled bicycle equipped with a rear wheel. However, the size and weight of the bicycle can be made smaller and lighter than the previous bicycle by the use of the gear mechanism. The function is as described above, miniaturized and easy to use, and the bicycle is safer to operate. Fig. 12 is a view showing the configuration of a folding two-wheeled bicycle according to a sixth embodiment of the present invention. The same components as those in the first embodiment are denoted by the same reference numerals and the description thereof will not be repeated. As shown in Fig. 12, the hinges 551 are provided at two places in the frame 507. In the normal use mode, 'by the reinforcing package 55〇, (4) the 551 series is covered, and the reinforcing package 55G is hidden. In the direction of the arrow, the direction of the arrow slips out, which is exposed to the chain 551, which becomes a stackable index. The seat cushion 5G5 is mounted on the supplement 30 201134713 strong body 550. The grip 501 is fixed to the faucet 5〇2, and the lower end □ of the faucet 502 is held in the head tube 504 and is held rotatably. The front fork 503 is divided into two lower portions, and the front wheel 509 is rotatably mounted via a gear mechanism 8 having the same configuration as that of the first embodiment in the vicinity of the terminal. The detailed configuration of the gear mechanism 8 is as shown in the previous FIGS. 2 and 3, and thus the overlapping description will be omitted. The vertical 553 system is disposed on the frame 507, and the rear wheel is rotatably mounted at the end of the vertical fork 553. The inner tube and the tire 514 (not shown) are mounted on the wheel frame. In Fig. 13, a partial cross-sectional view showing the head pipe 5〇4 is shown. As shown in Fig. 13, the faucet 502 is inserted into the head pipe 5〇. In 4, the faucet 5〇2 is provided with a hinge 554. The head pipe 5 () 4 is foldable by the screw lock fixing portion 555. The head 504 is folded in half, and if the direction of the arrow in the lateral circle slips, the hinge 554 is exposed and the hinge 554 can be folded. In this configuration, the faucet 5〇2 is held at the angle at which the head tube 5〇4 is held in rotation from %' and is set to be coupled to the grip 501. When the force of stepping on the pedal cymbal 2 is transmitted to the hub (not shown) via the gear mechanism 8, the wheel 509' advances the bicycle system by the rotational force generated by the bicycle. The detailed operation of the gear mechanism is as described above with reference to the previous Figs. 2 and 3. That is, the schematic description of the steps of the "parameters" and "the second and third figures", the force of the pedal 12, the #_ a & j system is transmitted from the crank 11 to the crankshaft 10, the axis 10 The six handles are rotated, and the first gear 19, the second gear 20, the third sound wheel 23, and the fourth tooth are transmitted to the hub 27 by the first gear 19, and the front wheel 5〇9 is rotated. Then, the rotation of the first wire of the wheel 509 and the rotation of the I drive become the driving force, so that when the two-wheeled bicycle 31 201134713 is folded, the following sequence is adopted. That is, the reinforcing body 550 is slid in the direction of the arrow in the figure to expose the hinge 55 1 , and the frame 507 is folded along the hinge 55 1 . Further, the head pipe 504 is divided by the screw fixing portion 555, and the one side is slid in the direction of the arrow in the figure to expose the hinge 545, and the faucet 502 is folded along the hinge 554. As described above, the bicycle according to the sixth embodiment of the present invention is characterized in that, in the drive of the unicycle bicycle according to the first embodiment, the vertical fork 553 is disposed on the frame 507, and the rear wheel 552 is disposed. At the end of the vertical fork 553, the hinges 551, 554 are provided in the frame 5〇7 and the faucet 5〇2' and the frame 551, 554 can be folded by the hinges 551, 554 to fold the frame 5〇7 and the faucet 502 ° According to the sixth embodiment, by adding the effects of the first and second embodiments, the bicycle can be folded into a small size to improve the portability. In other words, the two-wheeled bicycle of the present embodiment can be carried into a train, a car, etc. as a hand baggage when it is used for outdoor sports, etc., and can be folded out in a single day, and can be folded into a baggage with other baggage. Box: Small folding two-wheeled bicycle. The bicycle described in the above embodiments is not limited to the bicycle of the present invention, and is applicable to a bicycle having more than a plurality of wheels from the '32 201134713. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is the first embodiment of the present invention. A configuration diagram of a driven unicycle according to an embodiment. Fig. 2 is a partial cross-sectional view showing the gear mechanism and peripheral members of the unicycle for driving according to the first embodiment of the present invention. The third aspect is a perspective view of a gear mechanism and a peripheral member for driving a unicycle according to the first embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 4 is a view showing a configuration of a ratchet mechanism which can be used in a gear for driving a unicycle according to a first embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 5 is a view showing the configuration of a two-wheeled bicycle according to a second embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 6 is a view showing the configuration of a three-wheeled bicycle according to a third embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 7 is a view showing the configuration of the periphery of the shelf of the three-wheeled bicycle according to the third embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 8 is a view showing the configuration of a brake system of a rear wheel of a three-wheeled bicycle according to a third embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 9 is a view showing the configuration of a three-wheeled bicycle according to a fourth embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 1 is a configuration diagram of a five-wheeled bicycle according to a fifth embodiment of the present invention. Figures (a) to (d) are views showing the configuration of the two-function connecting arm mechanism. 33 201134713 Fig. 12 is a configuration diagram of a folding two-wheeled bicycle according to a sixth embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 3 is a partial cross-sectional view showing a head pipe of a folding two-wheeled bicycle according to a sixth embodiment of the present invention. [Main component symbol description] 1 : Grip 2 : Faucet 3 : Front fork 4 : Head tube 5 : Seat cushion 6 : Seat tube 7 : Frame 8 : Gear mechanism 9 : Wheel 1 0 : Crankshaft 11 : Crank 12 : Pedal 13 : Wheel frame 14 : Tire 1 5 : Spokes 1 6 : Vertical tube 1 7 : Tubular bearing 18 : Bearing 19 : First gear 20 : Second gear 21 : Bearing 21 a : Gear 2 1 b : Recess 21c : Shaft 2 1 d : Claw 2 1 e : Shell 2 1 f : Projection 22 : Linkage shaft 23 : Third gear 24 : 4th gear 25 : Tube shaft hole 26 : Bearing 2 7 . Number of wheels 27a : Wheel tube 34 201134713 101 103 105 107 113 116 151 201 203 205 207 213 216 254 256 258 260 262 264 266 301 303 305 Grip 102 : Faucet front fork 104 : Head tube cushion 106 : Seat tube frame 109 : Wheel frame 114 : Tire vertical tube 150 : Horizontal fork vertical fork 152 : Rear wheel grip 202 : Faucet front fork 204 : Head tube seat cushion 206 : Seat tube frame 209 : Wheel frame 214 : Tire vertical tube 252 : Rear wheel connection Part 255 : Shelf axle 257 : Shaft support friction plate 259 : 煞 回复 回复261 : Trapezoidal pressing plate pressing plate 263 : Pinning rod 265 : Brake lever fixing lock 267 : Support plate grip 302 : Faucet front fork 304 : Head tube seat cushion 307 : Frame wheel 313 : Wheel frame 35 309 201134713 3 14 : Tire 360 : fixing member 401 : grip 403 : front fork 405 : seat cushion 407 · · frame 413 : wheel frame 416 : vertical tube 451 : personnel shuttle car 453 : spring suspension 455 : seat 457 : seat belt 461a : setting table 462 : connecting rod 464 : shaft column 466a : cover member 501 : grip 503 : front fork 505 : seat cushion 509 : wheel 5 1 4 : tire 551 : hinge 553 : vertical fork 352 : rear wheel 361 : basket 402 : faucet 404 : head tube 406 : seat cushion tube 409 : wheel 4 1 4 : tire 4 5 0 : joint portion 452 : middle wheel 454 : seat 4 5 6 . rear wheel 458 : seat belt 461b : setting table 463 : activity Sub-465: Rotating disk 466b · Cover member 502: Faucet 504: Head tube 507: Frame 513: Wheel frame 550: Reinforcement package 552: Rear wheel 554: Hinge 555: Screw lock fixing portion 36