TW201016224A - A new method of treating burned skin in a form of spraying medicament and Chinese medicine compound used in emergency treatment procedure - Google Patents

A new method of treating burned skin in a form of spraying medicament and Chinese medicine compound used in emergency treatment procedure Download PDF


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TW201016224A TW97140245A TW97140245A TW201016224A TW 201016224 A TW201016224 A TW 201016224A TW 97140245 A TW97140245 A TW 97140245A TW 97140245 A TW97140245 A TW 97140245A TW 201016224 A TW201016224 A TW 201016224A
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chinese medicine
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Jiong-Hui Liang
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Jiong-Hui Liang
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Application filed by Jiong-Hui Liang filed Critical Jiong-Hui Liang
Priority to TW97140245A priority Critical patent/TW201016224A/en
Publication of TW201016224A publication Critical patent/TW201016224A/en



  • Medicines Containing Plant Substances (AREA)


The present invention provides a new method of treating burned skin in a form of spraying medicament and a Chinese medicine compound used in emergency treatment procedure. The compound includes: Cortex Eucommiae, Epimidium brevicornum Maxim., Coicis Semen, Achyranthes bidentata Bl., Angelica Sinensis Diels, Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii, Radix Linderae, Cortex Acanthopanacis, Atractylodisa Rhizoma, Radix Ledebouriellae, Citri Reticulatae Viride Pericarpium, Doubleteeth Pubescent Angelica Root, Tree Peony Bark , Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort., Radix Angelicae dahuricae, Comman Floweringquince Fruit, Radix Paeonige albae, Shikonin, Fructus Lycii, Carthami Flos, Aconitum carmichaeli Debx, Kusnezoff Monkshood Root, Fructus Citri Sarcodactylis, Ginseng root, Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae Rhizorma, Himalayan Teasdel Root, Glabrous Greenbrier Rhizome, Chinensis Galla, Pine Nodular Branch, Cinnamomum, Aucklandiae Radix, Clove, Santalum album L., Semen Alpiniae Katsumadai, Amomi Fructus, Desertliving Cistanche, frankincense, Myrrha, Rehmanniae Preparata Radix, Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium, Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome, Red Yeast Rice, Notoginseng Radix, etc., in which the medicines are added with sugar, honey, wine, and the resulting mixture are aged and boiled. The selection and formula of invented Chinese medicine compound are obtained experimentally so that original orally-taken wine medicine can be used for treatment of burned skin with the advantages of rapid pain relief, reduction of inflammation and swelling, isolation of infection, healing on blistered epidermis tissue cells joined by dermis tissue cells, preventing the occurrence of sequel caused by prolapsed, and beautifying skin layer. The use of invented compound revolutionizes current treatment methods on burned injuries with dressing pattern of spraying wine medicament, replacing dressing patterns of coating ointment or latex, renewing dressing and replacement patterns, accelerating skin recovery, prevention on peeling off of skin, reducing patient's pain, for completing the process of treatment. The use of invented compound also updates current emergency procedure of "flushing, removing clothes, soaking, covering, and sending to hospital" to "spraying, covering, and sending to hospital."


201016224 六 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係關於一種中藥複方酒劑;特別關於一種可以内 服’同時具備治療烫傷皮膚’並革新治鮝方法與急救程序,迅 速發揮止痛、消炎、消腫,隔絕感染,使起泡之表皮層組織細 胞與真皮層組織細胞結合復原、美白之喷壤型態的一種中藥複 方酒劑。' 【先前技術】 已知燙傷治劑皆屬乳狀或膏狀藥物,如紫雲膏等,但一方 〇 面在效果方面,無法使燙傷皮膚之表皮層組織與真皮層組織在 起泡後再行結合復原;另一方面在治療方法上,必須以塗抹方 式施藥,換藥時更須經摩擦清除,才能再抹上新的藥乳或藥 膏,這種治療方式造成治療上兩方面的問題:一方面是外力施 加於患處,不但加倍患者的痛苦’更二度破壞已受損的起泡皮 膚’甚至造成皮膚脫洛’無法復原;另一方面是乳狀或膏狀藥 物容易阻絕皮膚細胞膜上供空氣與養分進出之孔道,造&受損 皮膚死亡、脫落。 【發明内容】 〇 本發明係一種可以内服,同時具備治療燙傷皮膚並革新 治療方法與急救程序之中藥複方酒劑,主要使用下列天然藥 材成分,或以該成分為複方基礎添加更多具有正面助益的其 他天然藥材,依比例及一定製程,混合浸泡而成者。 八 本發明内容包括了第一部分:(熟)杜仲8兩、淫羊霍(不 製)8兩、薏苡仁8兩、牛膝8兩、當歸5錢、晃活5錢、烏 藥5錢、五加皮5錢、蒼朮(米沿水炙)5錢、防風5錢、^ 皮(醋炒)5錢、獨活5錢、牡丹皮5錢、川芎5錢、白定5 錢、木瓜5錢、白芍5錢、紫草5錢、枸杞子5錢、紅花5 錢、川烏(製)5錢、補骨脂(鹽水炒)5錢、草烏(製)5錢、 佛手5錢、人參5錢、萆蘚8兩、續斷5錢、土获茶5錢、 201016224 3子第二,分:油松節4兩、肉桂5錢、(老)木香 蓉5錢、乳香^ :香i錢' 草豆謹5錢、砂仁5錢、肉链 兩、玉竹8由㈠兩、、沒藥2兩、熟地黃8兩(切碎)、陳皮8 蜂蜜160雨ώ刀碎)、紅麵2〇兩、川七2兩’紅糖96兩、 蜂1 160兩、白酒176〇兩。 不透製ΐί第—部分藥材經七十二小時熬煉成滴紙 與第一部分藥材混合,隔水蒸煮,酒沸立 即遂^浸泡六個,榨汁,取上清液裝瓶而成。 -各二7種ί用於内服兼具治療烫傷皮膚並革新治療方法 二 Ϊ之中藥複方酒劑,在烫傷的三十分鐘内,經任付 於患處,即迅速止痛、消炎、消腫,並隔絕感染,促 更又知的皮膚細胞復原’在送醫前即制有效的治療,〆而 縮短治療_。治療過程巾,並具有保全未破損皮膚,美白 受損皮膚之效。詳述如下: 本發明内容: 方面,有效成分促使原已起泡皮膚之表皮層組織與真皮層 組織重新結合復原,不致死亡脫落,治療時間較現行治 療方法,必須等待受損皮膚脫落,新生皮膚長成的治療 時間縮短許多。 二方面,對舊的塗抹乳、膏式的治療方法產生革命性的改革, 以噴灑敷藥的型態’將中藥複方酒劑,可立刻搶在费傷 後的三十分鐘内,不經人體接觸,隨時隨地在起泡之皮 膚上均勻喷灑,形成一層透明面膜,隔絕感染;尤其是 熱油燙傷,絕不能沖水降溫的情況下,更能發揮直接喷 灑清除油潰’同時上藥的雙管齊下的治療效果。不像舊 法必須在專業醫師與專門之燙傷中心塗抹乳膏敷藥,因 此,直接減少因為送醫途中’行車時間過久,造成患處 皮膚細胞因高溫過久而潰爛破皮,進而死亡,連帶造成 患者生命安全之威脅。爾後亦跳脫一般換藥過程,新藥 直接喷灑其上;如此,受損皮膚組織不受外力摩擦而二 201016224 度受損,患者亦免除傳統塗抹敷藥型態之疼痛。 三方面,受損皮膚被保全之後,在治療期間即發揮美白皮膚 的效果,減少黑色素沈澱,使受損皮復復原後,皮膚色 澤與旁邊的膚色不致相差太多,達到美觀的效果。 四方面’淘汰現行燙傷患者送醫之「沖脫泡蓋送」急救程序, 轉而創立新的烫傷患者送醫之「喷蓋送」急救程序,即 燙傷患者不得以水沖患處,以免造成患處皮膚之二度傷 害,而是以本發明噴灑患處至濕潤程度,並隨時保持濕 潤程度,以保全燙傷皮膚,此為「喷」;貼在皮膚上的衣 服不得脫下,以免造成受損皮膚破裂,而是以本發明喷 灑或淋上,以滲透至患處皮膚上,並隨時保持本發明濕 潤患處皮膚,如無衣服者,即以單層衛生紙蓋在患處以 本發明喷灑至濕潤程度,此為「蓋」;然後送醫就診,此 為「送」。 · 【實施方式】 在傷口上先喷灑本發明即可,並隨時保持患處有本發明 濕潤及通風透氣狀態,連續四小時,然後依上述方法,每日 喷广至四次,十四天内,皮虜之表皮層組織與真皮層組織結 合復原,最外層表皮皮屑脫落。再持續喷灑三至四個月後, 被保全之後的皮膚即可回復原本膚色與細緻的狀態。為達到 保持患處有本發明濕潤及通風透氣狀態之目的,可在噴灑本 發明^,加蓋單雜生紙,再賴本發明的方式進行治療。 戶ίΐ,本發明—種可以内服,同時具備各療费傷皮 膚並革新&療方法之中藥複方酒劑,可供現行中西醫革新其 ,法及治縣效,並触現行妨礙魏皮膚獅之「沖脱泡· 盍送」急救程序’創立新的「喷蓋送」急救程序, 心靈傷害、社會醫療資源之浪費,確 性與_價值’中請前,其技術思想 3 曾被公開使用,已符合發明專利要件, 知鈞局詳予公平合理之審查,並早日絲專利,造福社 201016224 會大眾為禱。 【圖式簡單說明】 無 【主要元件符號說明】 無201016224 六 [Technical field to which the invention belongs] The present invention relates to a traditional Chinese medicine compound liquor; in particular, a method for treating and scalding skin with both internal treatment and innovative treatment and first aid procedures, and rapidly exerting pain relief, anti-inflammatory and swelling, A traditional Chinese medicine compound liquor that insulates the infection and combines the foamed epidermal tissue cells with the dermis tissue cells to restore the whitening type. [Prior Art] It is known that the scald treatments are all milky or creamy drugs, such as Ziyun cream, but one side of the surface is not effective in terms of effect, and it is impossible to make the epidermal layer and dermis tissue of the burned skin re-foam. In combination with recovery; on the other hand, in the treatment method, it must be applied by smearing, and it is necessary to remove the friction by dressing before it can be applied with new milk or ointment. This treatment causes two problems in treatment: On the one hand, external force is applied to the affected area, which not only doubles the suffering of the patient, but also destroys the damaged foamed skin even more, and even causes the skin to be detached, which cannot be restored. On the other hand, the milky or creamy drug easily blocks the skin cell membrane. For the passage of air and nutrients, the damaged and dead skin will die and fall off. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention is a Chinese medicine compounding agent which can be taken orally, and which has the treatment of burned skin and innovative treatment methods and first-aid procedures, mainly using the following natural medicinal ingredients, or adding more positive support to the compound base. Other natural medicinal materials of Yi, according to the proportion and a custom process, mixed soaked. The contents of the eight inventions include the first part: (cooked) Eucommia 8 two, Epimedium Huo (not made) 8 two, Huanren 8 two, Achyranthes 8 two, Angelica 5 money, Shake live 5 money, Wu medicine 5 money, Five plus skin 5 money, Atractylodes (rice along the water) 5 money, wind 5 money, ^ skin (vinegar fried) 5 money, live 5 money, peony skin 5 money, Chuanxi 5 money, Bai Ding 5 money, papaya 5 Money, white 芍 5 money, comfrey 5 money, scorpion 5 money, safflower 5 money, Chuanwu (system) 5 money, psoralen (salt fried) 5 money, grass black (system) 5 money, bergamot 5 money Ginseng 5 money, 萆藓 8 two, continuation of 5 money, soil won tea 5 money, 201016224 3 second, points: oil pine festival 4 two, cinnamon 5 money, (old) wood fragrant 5 money, frankincense ^ :香伊钱' Grass Beans 5 money, Amomum 5 money, meat chain two, Yuzhu 8 by (a) two, myrrh 2 2, Rehmannia glutinosa 8 2 (chopped), dried tangerine peel 8 honey 160 rain ώ 碎), red noodles 2 〇 2, Sichuan 7 2 two 'red sugar 96 two, bee 1 160 two, white wine 176 〇 two. Imperfect ΐ 第 - Part of the medicinal material is smelted into a drop of paper for 72 hours. It is mixed with the first part of the medicinal material. - Each of the 7 kinds of ί is used for internal treatment and treatment of scalded skin and innovative treatment methods. The Chinese herbal medicine compound is used in the 30 minutes of scald, and it is quickly relieved of pain, inflammation and swelling. And isolate the infection, promote more and more known skin cell recovery 'before giving the doctor an effective treatment, and shorten the treatment _. The treatment process towel has the effect of preserving unbroken skin and whitening damaged skin. The details are as follows: In the aspect of the invention, the active ingredient causes the epidermal layer tissue of the original foamed skin to recombine with the dermis layer tissue, and does not cause death and fall off. The treatment time is longer than the current treatment method, and must wait for the damaged skin to fall off, and the newborn skin The treatment time of Changcheng is much shorter. On the other hand, the revolutionary reform of the old smear and cream treatment methods, with the type of spray application, will be able to immediately take the Chinese medicine compound liquor for 30 minutes after the injury, without the human body. Contact, spray evenly on the foaming skin anytime and anywhere, form a transparent mask, isolate the infection; especially hot oil burns, never flush with water, can play the direct spray to clear the oil collapse 'at the same time The two-pronged treatment effect. Unlike the old law, it is necessary to apply cream application to professional doctors and specialized scald centers. Therefore, it is directly reduced because the driving time is too long, causing the skin cells of the affected area to fester and break due to high temperature, and then die. A threat to the safety of patients. Later, he also jumped off the general dressing process, and the new drug was sprayed directly on it; thus, the damaged skin tissue was not rubbed by external force and the patient was also relieved of the pain of traditional application. In three aspects, after the damaged skin is preserved, the skin whitening effect is exerted during the treatment, and the melanin precipitation is reduced, so that after the damaged skin is restored, the skin color and the skin color next to each other are not too different, and the aesthetic effect is achieved. Four aspects of 'elimination of the current scald patients to the doctors to send out the "rushing off the cover to send" first-aid procedures, and then create a new scald patient to the doctor's "spray delivery" first-aid procedures, that is, scald patients should not wash the affected area with water, so as not to cause The second degree of injury to the skin of the affected area is to spray the affected area to the degree of moistness with the present invention, and keep it moist at all times to protect the skin from scalding. This is a "spray"; the clothes attached to the skin must not be removed to avoid damage to the skin. Rupture, but sprayed or drenched with the present invention to infiltrate the skin of the affected area, and keep the skin of the affected part of the present invention at any time. For example, if there is no clothes, the cover is applied to the affected area with a single layer of toilet paper to the extent of wetness. This is the "cover"; then I will be sent to the doctor for treatment. This is "send". · [Embodiment] Spray the invention on the wound first, and keep the affected area moist and ventilated and ventilated for at least four hours at any time. Then, according to the above method, spray it to four times a day for fourteen days. The epidermal layer of the skin is combined with the dermis layer to restore the outer layer of the epidermis. After three to four months of continuous spraying, the skin after being preserved can return to its original skin tone and meticulous state. In order to achieve the purpose of maintaining the wet, ventilated and ventilated state of the present invention, it is possible to spray the present invention, to affix a single miscellaneous paper, and to treat it in the manner of the present invention. Ϊ́ίΐ, the invention can be used internally, and has various treatments for injuring the skin and innovating & remedies the traditional Chinese medicine compound liquor, which can be used by the current Chinese and Western medicine to innovate, cure and cure the county effect, and touch the current Wei lion The "Chongqing Degassing and Sputum Delivery First Aid Procedure" created a new "spray delivery" first-aid procedure, the mental health, the waste of social medical resources, the authenticity and the value of the _ value before the technical idea 3 was publicly used, It has been in compliance with the patent requirements of the invention, and the Intellectual Property Office has given a fair and reasonable examination, and has been patented as soon as possible, and the public welfare society 201016224 will pray for the public. [Simple diagram description] None [Main component symbol description] None

Claims (1)

201016224 七、'專利瓦 ------------—__i 1. 一種可以内服,又可以喷灑型態外敷烫傷皮膚,促使起泡受 損的表皮層細胞組織與真皮層細胞組織結合復原,兼具使皮 膚表面形成一層透明面膜隔絕感染,並美白皮膚的中藥複方 酒劑。其係由下列界定之天然藥材成分或以其為複方基礎添 加更多具正面助益之其他天然藥材,依比例與一定製程混合 而成者;複方内容包括了第一部分:牛膝8兩、淫羊霍(不製 ,、薏苡仁8兩、(熟)杜仲8兩、當歸5錢、羌活5錢、烏 藥5錢、五加皮5錢、蒼朮(米泔水炙)5錢、防風5錢、青 皮(醋炒)5錢、獨活5錢、牡丹皮5錢、川芎5錢、白芷5 © 錢、木瓜5錢、白芍5錢、紫草5錢、枸杞子5錢、紅花5 錢、川烏(製)5錢、補骨脂(鹽水炒)5錢、草烏(製)5錢、 佛手5錢、人參5錢、萆蘚8兩、續斷5錢、土茯苓5錢、 五倍子5錢等29味,共重52兩。第二部分:油松節4兩、 肉桂5錢、木香5錢、丁香5錢、檀香5錢、草豆蔻5錢、 砂仁5錢、肉蓰蓉5錢、乳香2兩、沒藥2兩、熟地黃8兩(切 碎)、陳皮8兩、玉竹8兩(切碎)、紅麴20兩、川七2兩、 紅糖96兩、蜂蜜160兩等17味,共重313.5兩,白酒17⑶ 兩。上列之藥材成分比例,各該成分混合量,容許10%的正 ❹胃I ° 2. 依據申請專利範圍第一項之一種可以内服,又可以喷灑型態 外敷燙傷皮膚,促使起泡受損的表皮層細胞組織與真皮層細 胞組織結合復原,兼具使皮膚表面形成一層透明面膜隔絕感 染’並美白皮膚的中藥複方酒劑,其製程為第一部分藥材經 七十二小時熬煉成滴紙不透之濃縮汁,並與第二部分藥材混 合’全部一次,或等分其量分次,隔水蒸煮,酒沸立即密封, 浸泡六個月後,榨汁,混合均勻,靜置沈澱,取上清液裝瓶 而成。 3. 依據申請專利範圍第一項之一種可以内服,又可以喷灑型態 外敷燙傷皮膚,促使起泡受損的表皮層細胞組織與真皮層細 7 201016224201016224 VII, 'patent wa ------------ __i 1. A kind of epidermal layer cell tissue and dermis layer that can be taken internally or sprayed to scald the skin and promote foaming damage The combination of cell tissue and recovery, and a traditional Chinese medicine compound liquor which forms a transparent mask on the skin surface to insulate the infection and whiten the skin. It is made up of the following natural medicinal ingredients or other natural medicinal materials with positive benefits, which are mixed with a custom-made process; the content includes the first part: Achyranthes 8 and kin. Sheep Huo (not made, Huanren 8 two, (cooked) Eucommia 8 two, Angelica 5 money, 羌 live 5 money, black medicine 5 money, five plus skin 5 money, Atractylodes (rice leeches) 5 money, wind 5 money , green skin (vinegar fried) 5 money, live 5 money, peony skin 5 money, Chuanxi 5 money, white 芷 5 © money, papaya 5 money, white 芍 5 money, comfrey 5 money, scorpion 5 money, safflower 5 money , Chuanwu (system) 5 money, psoralen (salt fried) 5 money, grass Wu (system) 5 money, bergamot 5 money, ginseng 5 money, 萆藓 8 two, continued 5 money, bandit 5 money, Galla chinensis 5 money and other 29 flavors, a total weight of 52. The second part: oil pine festival 4 two, cinnamon 5 money, wood incense 5 money, clove 5 money, sandalwood 5 money, grass bean 蔻 5 money, Amomum 5 money, Cistanche 5 money, frankincense 2 two, myrrh 2 2, rehmannia root 8 two (chopped), tangerine peel 8 two, jade bamboo 8 two (chopped), red clam 20 two, Sichuan seven 2 two, brown sugar 96 two , honey 160 two 17 flavors, a total of Weight 313.5 two, white wine 17 (3) two. The proportion of the ingredients listed above, the amount of each component, allow 10% of the stomach I stomach I ° 2. According to the first paragraph of the scope of the patent application can be taken orally, can also spray type External application of scalded skin, which promotes the combination of blistering epidermal layer cell tissue and dermal layer cell tissue, and a traditional Chinese medicine compounding agent that forms a transparent mask on the skin surface to infect and whiten the skin. The process is the first part of the medicinal material. Seventy-two hours of smelting into a concentrated paper with a drop of paper, and mixed with the second part of the medicine 'all once, or aliquoted, water-cooked, the wine is immediately sealed, soaked for six months, squeezed The juice is mixed evenly, and the precipitate is allowed to stand still, and the supernatant is bottled. 3. According to the first item of the patent application, one can be taken orally, and the external type can be sprayed to scald the skin to promote the damaged epidermal layer. Cell tissue and dermis layer fine 7 201016224 胞組織結合復原’兼具使皮膚表面形成一層透明面膜隔絕感 染,並美白皮膚的中藥複方酒劑,其用於革新治療漫傷的方 法,是搶在燙傷的三十分鐘内,經由任何人,反複喷灑於患 處’或喷灑後加蓋單層衛生紙再喷灑至濕潤的敷藥型態,換 藥時,不必清洗舊藥,也不必取下衛生紙,而以本複方直接 喷灑在患處上’反覆操作’以完成治療過程。三十分鐘後的 治療則著重於止痛、消炎、消腫,隔絕感染,促生新皮膚。 4.依據申請專利範圍第一項之一種可以内服,又可以喷灑型態 外敷烫傷皮膚,促使起泡受損的表皮層細胞組織與真皮層細 胞組織結合復原,兼具使皮膚表面形成一層透明面膜隔絕感 染,並美白皮膚的中藥複方酒劑,其使用可革除現行燙傷患 者送醫之「沖脫泡蓋送」程序之弊,轉而創立新的燙傷患者 送醫之「喷蓋送」程序。 7. 5.依據申請專利範圍第一項之一種可以内服,又可以喷灌型態 外敷燙傷皮膚,促使起泡受損的表皮層細胞組織與真皮層細 胞組織結合復原’兼具使皮膚表娜成-層透明面膜隔絕感 染,並美白皮膚的中藥複方酒劑,其主要成效,在使受烫傷 部位的皮膚,迅速止痛、消炎、消腫,隔絕感染,起泡部位 的皮膚表皮層組織與真皮層組織迅速結合復原,避免因表皮 層組織脫落而造成皮膚外觀變形的後遺症,在最外層表皮皮 屑脫落後,並兼具表層皮膚美白之功效。 專概圍第—項之―種可以峡,又可以喷瀵型態 2 ff傷皮膚,促使起較損的表皮層細胞組織與真皮層細 ^,,且=合復原,兼具使皮膚表面形成—層透膜隔絕感 白皮膚的中藥複方簡’其加減成分,或改以其他 $取,程,或改以粉狀賴及其他難施行,或不用於内 圍内亦可以達到本發明申明之效果者,皆在本發明之專利範 八、圖式: 無 8The combination of cell structure and recovery is a traditional Chinese medicine compounding agent that forms a transparent mask on the skin surface to infect and whiten the skin. The method used to innovate the treatment of diffuse wounds is to grab any person within 30 minutes of burns. Spray repeatedly on the affected area' or spray a single layer of toilet paper and spray it to a moist applicator type. When changing the medicine, do not need to clean the old medicine, or remove the toilet paper, and spray directly on the affected area with this compound. On the 'repeated operation' to complete the treatment process. After 30 minutes, the treatment focuses on pain relief, anti-inflammatory, swelling, infection, and new skin. 4. According to the first item of the scope of patent application, one can be taken orally, and the externally applied scald skin can be sprayed to promote the combination of the damaged epidermal layer cell tissue and the dermis layer cell tissue, and form a layer on the skin surface. The use of a transparent mask to infect infections and whitening the traditional Chinese medicine compound liquor, which can eliminate the disadvantages of the current "burning and blistering" procedure for scald patients, and create a new scald patient to send the doctor's "spray delivery" program. 7. 5. According to the first item of the scope of patent application, one can be taken orally, and the externally applied scald skin can be sprayed and irrigated, and the damaged epidermal layer cell tissue and dermal layer cell tissue can be combined to restore the skin. - A layer of transparent mask to infect infection, and whitening the traditional Chinese medicine compound liquor, its main effect is to make the skin of the burned part quickly relieve pain, reduce inflammation, reduce swelling, isolate infection, foam epidermis tissue and dermis The layer structure is quickly combined and restored to avoid the sequelae of skin appearance deformation caused by the peeling off of the epidermal layer. After the outermost epidermis dandruff falls off, it also has the effect of skin whitening. The general-purpose section--the item can be gorge, and the sneeze type 2 ff can damage the skin, which promotes the damage of the epidermal layer of the cell tissue and the dermis layer, and the combination of the dermis and the skin surface - The layer of permeable membrane is used to isolate the white-skinned traditional Chinese medicine compound's addition or subtraction component, or it may be changed to other dosages, or may be changed to powdery and other difficult to implement, or may not be used in the inner circumference to achieve the invention. The effect is all in the patent of the invention, the model eight, the pattern: no 8
TW97140245A 2008-10-21 2008-10-21 A new method of treating burned skin in a form of spraying medicament and Chinese medicine compound used in emergency treatment procedure TW201016224A (en)

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Cited By (8)

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CN102507834A (en) * 2011-09-27 2012-06-20 山东阿如拉药物研究开发有限公司 Quality control method for eight-flavor agilawood preparations
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CN102631451A (en) * 2012-04-24 2012-08-15 江苏大学 Maniod eibish, corktree bark and rhubarb Sanhuang oil for treating scald and preparation method thereof
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CN105396032A (en) * 2015-11-27 2016-03-16 马林叶 Appetizing and spleen-tonifying health liquor

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