SI9800040A - Circuit for symmetric protection of telecommunication systems against intrusive line currents by two thermocoupled ptc elements - Google Patents

Circuit for symmetric protection of telecommunication systems against intrusive line currents by two thermocoupled ptc elements Download PDF


Publication number
SI9800040A SI9800040A SI9800040A SI9800040A SI 9800040 A SI9800040 A SI 9800040A SI 9800040 A SI9800040 A SI 9800040A SI 9800040 A SI9800040 A SI 9800040A SI 9800040 A SI9800040 A SI 9800040A
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telecommunication systems
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Slovenian (sl)
Janez Alič
Igor Orel
Original Assignee
Alfa, D.O.O.
ISKRATEL, d.o.o.
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Application filed by Alfa, D.O.O., ISKRATEL, d.o.o. filed Critical Alfa, D.O.O.
Priority to SI9800040A priority Critical patent/SI9800040A/en
Publication of SI9800040A publication Critical patent/SI9800040A/en



  • Emergency Protection Circuit Devices (AREA)


Subject of the invention is a circuit for symmetric protection of telecommunication systems against intrusive line current by two thermocoupled PTC elements and represents an integral part of the secondary protection of analogue or digital line inputs of telecommunication systems. The circuit for symmetrical protection of telecommunication systems against intrusive line current by two thermocoupled PTC elements features elements (PTCa) and (PTCb) themocoupled via a PTC support (2). Apart from that the switch-off contacts (4, 4') are made in such a way that their overstress-designed switch-off elements are extended to the plug-in part of the circuit according to the invention, thus providing a direct contact with the contact springs of the input module, which is particularly of advantage at high current loads.





Predmet izuma je vezje za simetrično zaščito telekomunikacijskih 20 sistemov pred vsiljenim linijskim tokom s termično sklopljenima PTC elementoma in predstavlja sestavni del sekundarne zaščite analognih ali digitalnih linijskih vhodov telekomunikacijskih sistemov. Izum spada v razred H 02 h 3/08 mednarodne patentne klasifikacije.The subject of the invention is a circuit for symmetrical protection of telecommunication 20 systems against forced line current with thermally coupled PTC elements and is an integral part of secondary protection of analog or digital line inputs of telecommunication systems. The invention belongs to the class H 02 h 3/08 of the international patent classification.

Tehnični problem, ki ga predložena konstrukcija vezja uspešno rešuje je takšna konstrukcijska izvedba zaščitnega vezja, ki bo omogočalo nizko razmerje med odklopnim in delovnim tokom pri serijski upornosti zaščitnega modula in kratek čas odklopa pri temperaturi okolice, kot to določajo tehnične zahteve za določen telekomunikacijski sistem ali napravo.A technical problem that the submitted circuit design successfully solves is such a design of a protective circuit that will allow a low ratio of trip and operating current at the series resistance of the protection module and a short trip time at ambient temperature as determined by the technical requirements for a particular telecommunications system or device.

Poznana so zaščitna vezja za tokovno zaščito telekomunikacijskih naprav, za katere je značilno, da delujejo v vsaki žili samostojno, sestavne elementi takih sistemov pa se predstavljajo upori, PTC upori in žične varovalke. Slabost takih zaščitnih vezij je visoko razmerje med odklopnim in delovnim tokom, ne zagotavljajo sočasnega odklopa a in b žile, kar lahko zaradi pretvorbe simetričnega prenapetostnega udara v asimetrični udar povzroči dodatne poškodbe varovanega vezja.Protection circuits are known for the current protection of telecommunication devices, which are characterized by operating in each vein independently, and the components of such systems are resistors, PTC resistors and wire fuses. The disadvantage of such protection circuits is the high ratio of disconnect to operating current, they do not guarantee simultaneous disconnection of a and b veins, which can cause additional damage to the protected circuit due to the conversion of symmetric surge to asymmetric impact.

Vezje za simetrično zaščito telekomunikacijskih sistemov pred vsiljenim linijskim tokom s termično sklopljenima PTC elementoma po izumu omogoča izvedbo tokovne zaščite z nizkim razmerjem med odklopnim in delovnim tokom pri relativno majhni osnovni upornosti PTC elementa tako, da sta elementa PTCa in PTCb termosklopljena preko nosilca PTC.The circuit for symmetrical protection of telecommunication systems against forced line current with thermally coupled PTC elements according to the invention enables the implementation of low current-to-current current protection at relatively low basic resistance of the PTC element such that the PTCa and PTCb elements are thermally coupled via the PTC carrier.

Izum bomo podrobneje obrazložili na osnovi izvedbenega primera in slik, od katerih kaže:The invention will be explained in more detail on the basis of an embodiment and figures, of which:

slika 1 električno shemo tokovne zaščite slika 2 aksonometrični pogled na sestavo in izvedbo vezja po izumu.FIG. 1 is a schematic view of the assembly and construction of a circuit according to the invention. FIG.

Na slikah 1 in 2 je prikazano vezje za simetrično zaščito telekomunikacijskih sistemov pred vsiljenim linijskim tokom s termično sklopljenima PTC elementoma po izumu.Figures 1 and 2 show a circuit for symmetrical protection of telecommunication systems against forced line current with thermally coupled PTC elements according to the invention.

Vhodni sponki ain in bin vezja po izumu sta priključeni na plinski odvodnik 1, in vsaka preko PTC elementa na izhodni sponki aout in bout. Tako je sponka ain preko elementa PTCa priključena na sponko aout, sponka bin pa preko elementa PTCb na sponko bout. Za učinkovito delovanje vezja po izumu morata oba PTC elementa PTCa in PTCb imeti io zelo podobni osnovni upornosti ter dober sotek upornosti po vsem temperaturnem območju. PTC elementa sta termično sklopljena preko PTC nosilca 2, ki v znatni meri določa minimalni odklopni tok PTC sestava. PTC nosilec 2 ima oblikovan osnovni del 2a v obliki okrogle ploskve, katere dimenzija ustreza dimenziji PTC elementov. Na eni strani is se osnovni del 2a podaljša v pravokotno postavljen trakasti del 2b, ki je vstavljen v nosilno ploskev vezja po izumu in utrjen s spajko. Oblika PTC nosilca 2 v znatni meri določa minimalni odklopni tok celotnega PTC sestava.The input terminals a and and b and the circuits of the invention are connected to a gas arrester 1, and each via a PTC element on the output terminals a ou t and b out . Thus, terminal a and through the element PTCa are connected to terminal a ou t, terminal b and via element PTCb to terminal b ou t. In order for the circuit to function efficiently according to the invention, both PTC elements PTCa and PTCb must have io very similar basic resistance and good resistance across the entire temperature range. The PTC elements are thermally coupled via the PTC carrier 2, which substantially determines the minimum cut-off current of the PTC assembly. The PTC bracket 2 has a shaped base portion 2a in the form of a circular surface whose dimension corresponds to the dimension of the PTC elements. On the one hand, is the base portion 2a extends into a rectangular striped portion 2b which is inserted into the supporting surface of the circuit of the invention and secured with a solder. The shape of the PTC carrier 2 substantially determines the minimum disconnect current of the entire PTC assembly.

Sklopljena PTC elementa prevzameta vlogo sekundarne zaščite, medtem ko je pri močnejših tokovnih udarih, ki jih ponavadi spremlja tudi prenapetostni udar višji od 200 V, primarna zaščita izvedena s pomočjo plinskega odvodnika 1 in primarnega odklopa, ki ga omogočata odklopna kontakta 4,4’.The coupled PTC elements take on the role of secondary protection, while in the case of stronger current surges, which are usually accompanied by an overvoltage surge of more than 200 V, the primary protection is performed by means of a gas arrester 1 and the primary disconnection enabled by the 4.4 'cut-off contacts.

Odklopna kontakta 4,4’ sta izvedena tako, da sta njuna prenapeto oblikovana odklopna dela podaljšana v vtični del vezja po izumu tako, da omogočata odklopna kontakta 4,4’ neposreden stik s kontaktnimi peresi vtičnega modula, kar je posebno ugodno pri visokih tokovnih obremenitvah. Po odklopu odklopnih kontaktov se kontakta 4,4’ stakneta z otemljitveno elektrodo 3.The 4,4 'disconnecting contacts are arranged in such a way that their pre-shaped disconnecting parts are extended into the plug-in part of the circuit according to the invention so that the disconnecting contacts 4,4' are in direct contact with the contact pins of the plug-in module, which is especially advantageous at high current loads. . After disconnecting the disconnecting contacts, the contacts 4,4 'are glazed with the earthing electrode 3.

Primarni odklop nastopi v primeru, ko se temperatura na priključnih mestih plinskega odvodnika 1 dvigne nad tališče uporabljene spajke na stičnem mestu med plinskim odvodnikom 1 in odklopnima kontaktomaThe primary disconnection occurs when the temperature at the terminals of the gas arrester 1 rises above the melting point of the used solder at the junction between the gas arrester 1 and the disconnect contacts.

4,4’.4.4 '.


ALFA, d.o.o., Ljubljana Iskra TEL, KranjALFA, doo, Ljubljana Iskra TEL, Kranj

Mirjan PIPAN, inc, patentni zastopnicMirjan PIPAN, inc, patent agents

Claims (4)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 5 1. Vezje za simetrično zaščito telekomunikacijskih sistemov pred vsiljenim linijskim tokom s termično sklopljenima PTC elementoma, označeno s tem, da sta PTC elementa (PTCa,PTCb) termosklopljena preko io PTC nosilca (2) ali drugega temperaturno odvisnega (NTC,1. A circuit for symmetrical protection of telecommunication systems against forced line current by thermally coupled PTC elements, characterized in that the PTC elements (PTCa, PTCb) are thermally coupled via io PTC carrier (2) or other temperature dependent (NTC, POLY SVVITCH) elementa.POLY SVVITCH) elements. 2. Vezje za simetrično zaščito telekomunikacijskih sistemov pred vsiljenim linijskim tokom s termično sklopljenima PTC2. Circuit for symmetrical protection of telecommunication systems against forced line current with thermally coupled PTC 15 elementoma, po zahtevku 1, označeno s tem, da ima PTC nosilec (2) oblikovan osnovni del (2a) v obliki okrogle ploskve, katere dimenzija ustreza dimenziji PTC elementov, medtem ko se na eni strani osnovni del (2a)15 elements according to claim 1, characterized in that the PTC support (2) has a circular shaped base part (2a) whose dimension corresponds to that of the PTC elements, while the base part (2a) is on one side. 20 podaljša v pravokotno postavljen trakasti del (2b), ki je vstavljen v nosilno ploskev vezja in utrjen s spajko.20 extends into a rectangular striped portion (2b) that is inserted into the supporting surface of the circuit and secured by a solder. 3. Vezje za simetrično zaščito telekomunikacijskih sistemov pred vsiljenim linijskim tokom s termično sklopljenima PTC elementoma,3. Circuit for symmetrical protection of telecommunication systems against forced line current with thermally coupled PTC elements, 5 označeno s tem, da sta odklopna kontakta (4,4’) prenapeto oblikovana in izvedena tako, da sta njuna odklopna dela podaljšana v vtični del vezja po izumu.5, characterized in that the disconnecting contacts (4,4 ') are over-shaped and arranged such that their disconnecting parts are extended into the plug-in portion of the circuit of the invention.
SI9800040A 1998-02-16 1998-02-16 Circuit for symmetric protection of telecommunication systems against intrusive line currents by two thermocoupled ptc elements SI9800040A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI9800040A SI9800040A (en) 1998-02-16 1998-02-16 Circuit for symmetric protection of telecommunication systems against intrusive line currents by two thermocoupled ptc elements

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI9800040A SI9800040A (en) 1998-02-16 1998-02-16 Circuit for symmetric protection of telecommunication systems against intrusive line currents by two thermocoupled ptc elements

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SI9800040A true SI9800040A (en) 1999-10-31



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
SI9800040A SI9800040A (en) 1998-02-16 1998-02-16 Circuit for symmetric protection of telecommunication systems against intrusive line currents by two thermocoupled ptc elements

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