SI21390A - Current differential switch with integrated surge and lightning protection - Google Patents

Current differential switch with integrated surge and lightning protection Download PDF


Publication number
SI21390A SI200200312A SI200200312A SI21390A SI 21390 A SI21390 A SI 21390A SI 200200312 A SI200200312 A SI 200200312A SI 200200312 A SI200200312 A SI 200200312A SI 21390 A SI21390 A SI 21390A
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differential current
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Slovenian (sl)
Vladimir Murko
Original Assignee
Mag. Vladimir Murko Univ. Dipl. Ing.
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Application filed by Mag. Vladimir Murko Univ. Dipl. Ing. filed Critical Mag. Vladimir Murko Univ. Dipl. Ing.
Priority to SI200200312A priority Critical patent/SI21390A/en
Publication of SI21390A publication Critical patent/SI21390A/en



  • Emergency Protection Circuit Devices (AREA)


The invention deals with a combined protective device in the field of surge and overcurrent protection within low-voltage networks, which usually includes a two-part bottom with input and output terminals in a single-phase or three-phase application, as well as separate earthing terminals to a standard screw terminal strip, attached by spring clamps for protection and drainage of overcurrents upon lightning and overvoltages including apart from the attached and thermally protected disconnecting circuit with melting solder for the disconnection of active elements for surge and lightning protection, which is new to the recently developed varistors and/or gas arrestor and self-extinguishable spark-gaps, also all sub-assemblies and properties of differential current switches.



Predmet izuma je naprava s tokovno diferencialno zaščito in vgrajeno zaščito pred prenapetostmi in strelo v izvedbah za trifazno in enofazno nizkonapetostno mrežo v istem ohišju.The subject of the invention is a device with current differential protection and built-in surge protection and lightning in versions for three-phase and single-phase low-voltage grid in the same housing.

Predmeti te vrste so po mednarodni klasifikaciji razvrščeni v razred H02H3/33.Articles of this kind are classified in class H02H3 / 33 by international classification.


Izum se nanaša na kombinirano zaščitno napravo za tehniko ščitenja nizko napetostne mreže z vgrajeno lastnostjo diferenčnih tokovnih stikal poznanih tudi kot RCD (Residual Current Device) in prenapetostno zaščito v enotnem ohišju.The invention relates to a combined protection device for low-voltage network protection technique with the built-in property of differential current switches also known as RCD (Residual Current Device) and surge protection in a single housing.

Stanje tehnikeThe state of the art

Poznana so diferenčna tokovna stikala, v trifazni in enofazni izvedbi in trifazne in enofazne izvedbe prenapetostne zaščite za ščitenje na primer naprav v trifaznih in enofaznih nizkonapetostnih mrežah pred prenapetostmi in strelo v ločenih ohišjih. Običajno se na tržišču pojavljajo naprave za trifazne sisteme širine 74 mm in oblike 4 TE avtomatskih varovalk po 18 mm vsaka, v enofaznih pa 2x18 mm, ali 2 TE. Skupna širina obeh varovalnih naprav, tudi če so ločene po polih, je običajno 4TE + 4TE, kar je 8 TE ali največ 144 mm.Differential current switches are known, in three-phase and single-phase design, and three-phase and single-phase surge protection for protection of, for example, devices in three-phase and single-phase low-voltage networks against surges and lightning in separate enclosures. Typically, devices for three-phase systems with a width of 74 mm and 4 TE formats of 18 mm each, and in single-phase 2x18 mm or 2 TE, are commercially available. The total width of the two protective devices, even if separated by poles, is usually 4TE + 4TE, which is 8 TE or 144 mm maximum.

Tipično trifazno zaščitno pretokovno odklopno stikalo ima na primer v splošnem bistvene vrednosti, ki se razlikujejo od izvedb in namembnosti, In 25 A , lan 0,5 A ,Un okrog 400 V štiri polno v ohišju in je odporno na udare toka do kakšnih 5kA za standardni hitri tokovni impulz oblike 8/20 mikro sekund , a pri tem že odklopi. Ko tokovi preko štirih vhodnih vodnikov in štirih izhodnih vodnikov kontrolne diferenčne tuljave izkazujejo razliko na primer 0,5 A elektro mehanski mehanizem odklopi stikalno polje sklopke od mreže. Pod odmično gredjo sklopke so v splošnem samougasne komore za udušitev loka plazme, ki nastane ob stikalnem manevru pod napetostjo.For example, a typical three-phase overcurrent protection circuit breaker generally has intrinsic values that are different from their design and purpose, In 25 A, flax 0.5 A, Un around 400 V four full in the housing and is resistant to shocks up to some 5kA for standard 8/20 micro second fast current pulse, but already disconnects. When the currents across the four input conductors and the four output conductors of the control differential coil show a difference, for example, 0.5 A, the electro-mechanical mechanism detaches the switch box from the clutch. Below the camshaft of the clutch are generally self-extinguishing chambers to suppress the arc of the plasma produced by the switching maneuver under voltage.

V znanih izvedbah je s pritiskom na testno tipko možno preveriti pravilno delovanje pretokovnega odklopnega dela naprave.In known embodiments, pressing the test button can be used to check the proper functioning of the flow disconnecting device.

Tipična izvedba trifazne prenapetostne zaščite v skoraj enako velikem dvodelnem ohišju in ima naslednje bistvene sestavne dele: aktivne elemente zaščite v različnih tipičnih velikostih in oblikah, kjer velikost površine varistorja zagotavlja enake lastnosti pol prevod n iške metal oksid ne keramične mase in enake kontaktne lastnosti ter premo sorazmerne tokovno odvodne sposobnosti, debelina varistorja pa nazivno in preklopno napetost. Toplotna odklopna varovala odklopijo v primeru okvare. V splošnem je plinski odvodnik ali iskrišče nameščeno v smeri N-PE, naprave imajo v splošnem tudi vgrajeno indikacijo okvare in daljinsko indikacijo okvare.A typical three-phase surge protector in an almost identical two-part housing and has the following essential components: active protection elements in various typical sizes and shapes where the size of the varistor surface provides the same semiconductor metal oxide properties and the same contact properties proportional current-carrying capacities and varistor thickness rated and switching voltage. The thermal disconnectors are disconnected in case of failure. In general, the gas arrester or spark gap is positioned in the N-PE direction, and the devices generally have a built-in fault indication and remote fault indication.

Možno je na mestu odzivno hitrih varistorjev, ki reagirajo v času pod 5 nanosekund, vgraditi samougasne plinske odvodnike ali samougasna iskrišča ,ki reagirajo v času 100 n sek.It is possible to install self-extinguishing gas arresters or self-extinguishing sparks that react at 100 n secs at the site of responsive fast varistors that react in less than 5 nanoseconds.

Do sedaj je kot nam je znano le firma Dehn & Soehne Nemčija poizkušala integrirati napravi za pretokovno in prenapetostno zaščito , a z zelo nizkimi odvodnimi tokovi.So far, as far as we know, only Dehn & Soehne Germany has tried to integrate devices for flow and surge protection, but with very low drain currents.

Še vedno sta bili v navedeni zaščiti dve napravi, eden z lastnostmi pretokovne zaščite, in nadgrajeni odvodnik za prenapetostno zaščito, montirani v ločenih ohišjih, ena nad drugo, uporabljata pa standardne varistorje za zaščito pred prenapetostim .odvodne lastnosti pa so bile zelo nizke.There were still two devices in the said protection, one with flow protection features, and an upgraded surge arrester, mounted in separate housings, one above the other, using standard surge protectors. The drainage characteristics were very low.

.V prenapetostno zaščitni sekciji je ena od varijant preprosta serijska vezava po enega plinskega odvodnika in varistorja, kar se uporablja v energetiki že nad 20 let, s tem , da je posebnost izuma v uporabi sposobnejših varistorjev na manjšem volumnu in plinskega odvodnika v tehnologiji steklo kovina , da se zagotove manjše dimenzije tovrstnih aktivnih elementov in možnost vgradnje v najmanj polovico manjši prostor kot iz aktivnih podobnih elementih ali napravah pri stanju tehnike.Vezava kontaktov na plinskih odvodnikih in iskriščih je lahko izvedena preko vodniških pletenic ali kovinskih kontaktov..In the overvoltage protection section, one of the variants is a simple series bonding of one gas arrester and varistor, which has been used in energy for more than 20 years, with the peculiarity of the invention in the use of more capable small volume varistors and gas arresters in glass technology. to ensure the smaller dimensions of such active elements and the possibility of mounting in at least half the space of active similar elements or devices in the prior art. The connection of contacts on gas arresters and sparks can be made through conductor braids or metal contacts.

Bolj zamotane izvedbe plinskih odvodnikov in varistorjev ali samostojno več plinskih odvodnikov v seriji , vendar v tehnologiji keramika kovina, je patentirala firma Leutron Nemčija.More sophisticated versions of gas arresters and varistors, or multiple gas arresters in series, but in ceramic metal technology, has been patented by Leutron Germany.

Dodatna varianta je serijska vezava več plinskih odvodnikov tudi v faznih vodnikih , ki zato samougasnejo kot je to pred 20 leti dokazovala firma Cerberus iz Švice.An additional variant is the serial connection of several gas arresters also in phase conductors, which is therefore self-extinguishing as evidenced by the Cerberus company from Switzerland 20 years ago.

Prednosti izumaAdvantages of the invention

Glavna prednost izuma, ki ga predstavljamo v tem spisu je, da izum z enim izdelkom nadomesti po funkciji dva različna izdelka .The main advantage of the invention presented herein is that the invention replaces two different products by function.

Ozadje izuma tvorijo novo izumljeni aktivni elementi zaščite, ki omogočajo na majhnem prostoru dvakratno pri plinskem odvodniku in skoraj trikratno odvodno tokovno moč pri varistorjih pri istih dimenzijah in površini kot jih imajo dosedanje izvedbe po funkcijah sličnih elementov navedene v katalogih proizvajalcev ter omogočajo dodatne lastnosti,ki jih s seštevanjem lastnosti obeh naprav , ker so običajno od dveh različnih proizvajalcev in še drugih vzrokov , ni mogoče doseči.BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The newly invented active protection elements are provided, which, in a small space, provide twice the gas arrester and almost three times the drain current of the varistors at the same dimensions and surface as those previously carried out by the functions of similar elements listed in the manufacturers' catalogs and provide additional features which summing them up because they are usually from two different manufacturers and other causes cannot be achieved.

V napravi po izumu so varistorji nekajkrat sposobnejši od teh v katalogih proizvajalcev in v različnih standardnih dimenzijah . Naprava po izumu ima, predvsem nestandardne velikosti varistorjev in novo izumljene lastnosti, napram današnjem stanju tehnike ,v oblikah , kjer velikost površine varistorja zagotavlja , poleg osnovnih znanih parametrov enakih lastnostih, polprevodniške metal oksidne keramične mase, enakih kontaktnih lastnostih, premo sorazmerno tokovno odvodne sposobnosti, debelina varistorja pa nazivno in preklopno napetost, tudi trikrat boljše odvodne sposobnosti.Varistors in the device according to the invention are several times more capable than those in the manufacturer's catalogs and in various standard dimensions. The device according to the invention has, in particular, non-standard sizes of varistors and newly invented features, in the present state of the art, in forms where the size of the varistor surface provides, in addition to the basic known parameters of the same properties, semiconductor metal oxide ceramic mass, the same contact properties, with relatively current-carrying capacity and varistor thickness with nominal and switching voltage, also with three times better drainage capacity.

S tem se potreba po prostoru zmanjša za 50%. Izdelek po patentu v istem volumnu je zato le v enem ohišju s skupno širino manj kot 72mm ali % predhodnega volumna ločenih naprav. Prednosti na nivoju fizičnih oblik so očitne ko primerjamo Slikol in s Sliko 2 ter pri primerjavi električnih shem na Sliki 4 za enofazni sistem in na Sliki 10 in 11 za trifazne sisteme.This reduces space requirements by 50%. The patented product in the same volume is therefore only in one housing with a total width of less than 72mm or% of the previous volume of separate devices. The advantages at the level of physical forms are obvious when comparing Slikol with Figure 2 and when comparing the electrical diagrams in Figure 4 for a single-phase system and for Figures 10 and 11 for three-phase systems.

Novi izdelek je bolj ekonomičen , ker ima le eno ohišje skupnimi vhodnimi in izhodnimi kontakti namesto dveh. Manj je uporabe plastike , manj kovinskih podsestavov , manj proizvodnega montažnega dela in končne kontrole kvalitete, manj embalaže, manj skladiščnega prostora, manj odpadkov, manj je potrebnega prostora v elektrodistribucijskih omaricah.The new product is more economical because it has only one housing with common input and output contacts instead of two. There is less use of plastic, less metal subassemblies, less production assembly work and final quality control, less packaging, less storage space, less waste, less space required in distribution boxes.

Novi izdelek je lažje montirati, ker ima kar osem zunanjih priključkov manj od predhodnih verzij.The new product is easier to mount because it has as many as eight external connectors less than previous versions.

Vsi notranji deli so med seboj že prilagojeni, kar v primeru ločenih naprav za tokovno diferencialno zaščito in prenapetostno zaščito , skoraj vedno od različnih proizvajalcev , največkrat ni bil primer in so morali monterji sami dodajati prilagoditvene vezi.All the internal parts are already adjusted to each other, which in the case of separate devices for current differential protection and overvoltage protection, almost always from different manufacturers, was often not the case and the installers had to add adaptive connections themselves.

Odvodno moč varsistorske sekcije je možno prilagoditi sistemu diferencialne tokovne zaščite tako, da sploh ne bo zamenjav ali okvar varistorskega dela. Prednost kombinacije , ki je že obstojala z dvema napravama je bila , da je bila sekcija diferenčnih tokovnih stikal zaščitena pred hitrimi pojavi strele in prenapetosti in ni reagiral na kratke spremembe ter je na primer odklopil priključeneg uporabnika po ne potrebnem zaradi kratkotrajnega prehodnega pojava.The drainage power of the varistor section can be adjusted to the differential current protection system in such a way that there will be no replacement or failure of the varistor section. The advantage of the combination that already existed with the two devices was that the section of differential current switches was protected from rapid lightning and surge events and did not respond to short changes and, for example, disconnected the connected user unnecessarily due to a short transient.

Servisnih posegov bo bistveno manj.There will be significantly less service interventions.

Novi izdelek v istem volumnu je zato le v enem ohišju s skupno širino manj kot 72mm ali 1/2 predhodnega volumna ločenih kot to prikazuje Slika 2.The new product in the same volume, therefore, only in a single housing with a total width of less than 72mm, or half of the previous volume of separated as shown in Figure 2.

Kratek opis slikShort description of the pictures

Nadaljnje prednosti in uporabnosti izuma bodo postale še bolj jasne tudii povprečnemu strokovnjaku iz priloženih slik in opisov. Priložene slike prikazujejo:The further advantages and applicability of the invention will become even more apparent to the average person skilled in the art and accompanying drawings. The attached pictures show:

Slika 1 : Integrirana zaščitna naprava, ki združuje prenapetostno zaščito in zaščito z diferenčnimi tokovnimi stikali.Figure 1: Integrated protection device combining surge protection and protection with differential current switches.

Slika 2 : Dosedanje izvedbe z dvema napravama.Figure 2: Previous version with two devices.

Slika 3: Pogled v notranjost integrirane zaščitne naprave .Figure 3: Inside view of integrated protection device.

Slika 4: Enofazne zaščitne in varovalne naprave v električni mreži.Figure 4: Single-phase protection and protection devices in the electrical grid.

Slika 5: Različni varistorji vgrajeni v v varistorske sekcije novega izdelka po izumu Slika 6: Kontakti na varistorju in odklopni mehanizem za primer okvare.Figure 5: Various varistors built into the varistor sections of a new product according to the invention Figure 6: Varistor contacts and breaker for failure.

Slika 7: Trifazni varistrorski zaščitni sklop v primeru TN-S omrežja.Figure 7: Three-phase varistor protection circuit in case of TN-S network.

Slika 8 : Trifazni varistorski zaščitni sklop in prenapetostni odvodnik v primeru TT omrežja.Figure 8: Three-phase varistor protection circuit and surge arrester in case of TT network.

Slika 9: Pokrov integrirane naprave po izumu.Figure 9: Cover of an integrated device according to the invention.

Slika 10: Prikaz električnih shem za ločene in v napravah po izumu združene prenapetostne in diferenčne tokovne zaščite. Primer TT omrežja.Figure 10: Wiring diagram for separate and combined surge and differential current protection devices according to the invention. An example of a TT network.

Slika 11: Prikaz električnih shem za ločeni napravi in za integrirano zaščitno napravo.Figure 11: Wiring diagram for separate device and integrated protection device.


Izum integrira napravi za prenapetostno zaščito in tokovno diferenčno zaščito v eno samo napravo kot je prikazana na Sliki 1, v enem ohišju iz dna 11 in pokrova 60.The invention integrates surge protection and current differential protection devices into a single device as shown in Figure 1, in a single housing from the bottom 11 and cover 60.

Večina naprave za tokovno difrerenčno zaščito , s tipičnimi sestavnimi deli je tudi v izumu slična. Prikazana je na Sliki 2.Most current diffraction protection devices, with typical components, are also similar in the invention. It is shown in Figure 2.

Ko v splošnem tokovi preko difernčnega tokovnega stikala, štirih vhodnih vodnikov 37, 38, 39, 40 in štirih izhodnih vodnikov 41,42,43,44 in kontrolne diferenčne tuljave 45, izkazujejo v naprej določeno razliko na primer 0,1 A ali več, elektro mehanski mehanizem 46 , ki ga krmili tiskano vezje 47 , odklopi stikalno polje sklopke, ki na sliki ni prikazana, z vsemi štirimi kletkastimi sponkami s kontakti 49,50,51,52 vhodne priključke 1,3,5,N s sintranimi kontakti 66,67,68,69, od električne mreže.When, in general, currents through the differential current switch, four input conductors 37, 38, 39, 40 and four output conductors 41,42,43,44 and control differential coils 45 show a predetermined difference of, for example, 0.1 A or more, the electro-mechanical mechanism 46 controlled by the circuit board 47 disconnects the switch box of the clutch not shown in the diagram, with all four cage terminals with contacts 49,50,51,52 input terminals 1,3,5, N with sintered contacts 66 , 67,68,69, from the power grid.

Pod odmično gredjo 70 že omenjene sklopke, ki na Sliki 3 ni prikazana, so samougasne komore 71,72,73,74 za udušitev loka plazme, ki nastane ob stikalnem manevru pod napetostjo.Below the camshaft 70 of the aforementioned coupling, not shown in Figure 3, the self-extinguishing chambers are 71,72,73,74 to suppress the arc of the plasma produced by the switching maneuver under voltage.

Na ohišju se ročni preklopnik 53 preklopi iz stanja 54 ( vklop) v stanje 55 (odklop), odklopno indikacijsko mesto sklopke 56 pa pokaže namesto polja 56, polje 57.On the housing, the manual switch 53 switches from state 54 (on) to state 55 (disconnected), and the disconnecting indication of the clutch 56 is shown instead of field 56, field 57.

Tudi s pritiskom na testno tipko 58 je v splošnem možno preveriti pravilno delovanje pretokovne zaščite.Even by pressing the test key 58, it is generally possible to check the proper functioning of the flow protection.

Običajno vključuje naprava po izumu največkrat dva dela dna 11, v splošnem več vhodnih priključkov N ,1 ,3 ,5 in več izhodnih priključkov N, 2, 4, 6 ali tudi za enofazno izvedbo ,1,N ter 2,N ter v splošnem tudi ločena ozemljitvena priključka 7,8 ( PE ) na standardno klobučno letev 9 , pritrjeno z vzmetno zaskočko 10 za zaščito in odvod vsakokratnih prevelikih tokov ob streli in pri vsakokratnih prenapetostih kot to prikazuje Sliki 1.Typically, the device according to the invention includes at most two parts of the bottom 11, generally multiple input terminals N, 1, 3, 5 and multiple output terminals N, 2, 4, 6 or also for single-phase implementation, 1, N and 2, N, and in general also a separate earthing connection 7,8 (PE) to the standard hat strip 9 secured with a spring snap 10 to protect and discharge any excess lightning currents and at each overvoltage as shown in Figure 1.

Najlažje je uporabiti že obstoječo tokovno diferenčno zaščitno napravo in dograditi novo izumljeno varistorsko sekcijo v prvi varijanti 94 s po 3 skupinami varistorjev 96, 97,98 za tri faze v smeri N in v splošnem s plinskim odvodnikom 17 ali samougasnim iskriščem 18, ki na sliki ni prikazano v smeri N-PE kot to kaže SlikaIt is easiest to use an existing current differential protection device and to upgrade the newly invented varistor section in the first variant 94 with 3 groups of varistors 96, 97.98 for three phases in the N direction and generally with a gas arrester 17 or a self-extinguishing spark 18, which in the figure not shown in the N-PE direction as shown in Figure

8. Omenjeno samougasno iskrišče 18 se lahko v varijanti vgrajuje tudi v fazne vodnike. V splošnem velja ,da namesto varistorjev lahko nastopijo plinski odvodniki v seriji.8. Said self-extinguishing spark 18 may also be incorporated into phase conductors in the variant. In general, gas arresters in series can be used instead of varistors.

Tipična prenapetostna zaščita za TT trifazno mrežo je prikazana na Sliki 10 Slika 7 prikazuje nadaljnjo možno kombinacijo 95, kjer v splošnem ščitimo s štirimi skupinami varistorjev 96,97 ,98 ,99 po vsako fazo eden do PE in še eden za smer N -PE .A typical overvoltage protection for a TT three-phase grid is shown in Figure 10. Figure 7 shows a further possible combination of 95, where, in general, four groups of varistors 96.97, 98, 99 are protected by each phase one to PE and one to the N-PE direction.

Zaščitna naprava ki vključuje poleg priključnega in toploto varovalnega oklopnega vezja s topljivo spajko, aktivne elemente za prenapetostno zaščito in zaščito ob streli, sestoječe se iz novo razvitih varistorjev 75,76,77 in še 78 in / ali novo razvitih plinskih odvodnikov 17 ali samo ugasljivih iskrišč 18 , še vse pod sestave 19,20,22 , ki so vključene v diferenčno tokovno stikalo 23, poznano tudi kot RCD (Residual Current Device) kot to prikazuje Slika 3. Na pokrovu naprave 60, ki jo prikazuje Slika 9 so v splošnem oznake in okenca 62,63,64,65 za bližnjo indikacijo okvare, ki so tipične za prenapetostne zaščitne naprave in že omenjene odprtine 66,67,68, 69, ki so tipične za diferenčno tokovno zaščitno napravo. Napravo po izumu je mogoče uporabiti tudi v TN-S, TN-C-S,TT in IT sistemih omrežja , torej v splošnem tam kjer zaščitni in nevtralno vodnik nista povezana.Protective device including, in addition to the connection and heat shielding circuit with soldered solder, active surge protection and lightning protection elements consisting of newly developed varistors 75,76,77 and another 78 and / or newly developed gas arresters 17 or extinguishing only sparks 18, all below the assemblies 19,20,22 included in the differential current switch 23, also known as the Residual Current Device RCD, as shown in Figure 3. In general, the device 60 shown in Figure 9 is generally markings and boxes 62,63,64,65 for the near indication of defects typical of overvoltage protection devices and the aforementioned openings 66,67,68, 69 typical of differential current protection device. The device according to the invention can also be used in TN-S, TN-C-S, TT and IT systems of the network, thus generally where the protective and neutral conductors are not connected.

Na izhodni strani je drugi kontakt varistorski kontakt 83 , ki je s temperaturno topljivo spajko pritrjen na odklopno ozemljitveno vzmet 82. Na odklopni varnostni vzmeti 82 je zastavica 88 na primer obarvana in označuje možno okvaro. Ko se v splošnem odkopna varnostna vzmet 82 odklopi, skoči proti okencu bližnje oznake okvare 62, 63, 64, 65 na pokrovu 60 ,da se le ta vidi v obarvanem polju , ki označuje trajno okvaro .On the output side, the second contact is varistor contact 83, which is fixed to the disconnecting ground spring 82 by a temperature soluble solder. On the disconnect safety spring 82, for example, the flag 88 is colored and indicates a possible failure. When, in general, the release safety spring 82 disengages, it jumps towards the window of the nearby failure mark 62, 63, 64, 65 on the cover 60, so that it can be seen in the colored box indicating a permanent failure.

Možna je v splošnem tudi javljanje okvare z barvnimi svetlobnimi izvori na primer 101 rdeča, na primer 102 zelena.Generally, a failure with colored light sources, for example 101 red, for example 102 green, is also possible.

V prvi varijanti kot jo prikazuje Slika 8 , je stena skupine 84, ki nosi že omenjeno odklopno varnostno vzmet 82 in tri varistorje iz novo razvite družine , ekvipotencijalno preko izolirane pletenice 112 vezana na skupni N vodnik. Nanj je pritrjen v splošnem ali plinski odvodnik 17 ali smougasljivo iskrišče 18. Že omenjena stena skupine 84 predstavlja kontakte kot lokalno plavajočo zemljo N vodnika. Druga pletenica vodi do potencijala ozemljitve (PE )na bakreni gredi 92 in nato na zunanji priključek ozemljitve.In the first embodiment, as shown in Figure 8, the wall of the group 84, which carries the aforementioned tripping safety spring 82 and three varistors from the newly developed family, is equipotentially bonded to the common N conductor via an insulated braid 112. It is generally attached to either a gas arrester 17 or a smoky spark 18. The wall 84 already mentioned represents contacts as a local floating earth N conductor. The second braid leads to a grounding potential (PE) on the copper shaft 92 and then to the external grounding terminal.

V drugi varijanti 95 trifazne zaščite prikazane na Stiki 7 so vsi štirje varistorji na izhodu vezani preko ekvipotencijalno izenačitvene lokalne stene 85 z varjenjem na ozemljitvene kontakte 91 in prečno bakreno gred ozemljitve 92, ki ima zunaj dna ohišja naprave 11 po izoliranem kosu v dolžini približno 6-10 mm , zunanjo sponko za ozemljitveni vodnik. Skupna ekvipotencijalna stena 84,85, ki nosi varistorske skupine, je v splošnem izolirana s plastifikacijo 111 ,da so dosežene vse predpisane izolacijske razdalje in razdalje plazečih tokovIn the second variant 95 of the three-phase protection shown on Contact 7, all four output varistors are connected via an equipotential equalization local wall 85 by welding to the earth contacts 91 and a transverse copper shaft of the earth 92 having outside the bottom of the housing of the device 11 along an isolated piece about 6 in length -10 mm, external clamp for grounding conductor. The total equipotential wall 84,85 carrying varistor groups is generally insulated by plasticization 111 to achieve all the required insulation distances and creep distances

Novi varistorji 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81 po izumu, kot jih prikazuje Slika 5, imajo v splošnem zelo visoko čiščene sestavne sestavine polprevodniške keramike.posebno obdelano površino , da se bolje oprime posebna spajkalna masa, večkrat naneseno kontaktno površino, posebno prilagojene kontaktne ploščice za optimizirano podelitev prehodnih pojavov , poseben potek staranja, ojačeno izolacijo in nove tehnološke postopke.The new varistors 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81 according to the invention, as shown in Figure 5, generally have very highly purified components of semiconductor ceramics.specially treated surface to better adhere to the special soldering mass, multiple contact applied surface, specially tailored contact pads for optimized timing of transient phenomena, special aging process, reinforced insulation and new technological processes.

Novi plinski odvodniki 17in iskrišča 18 zdrže udare nad 50 kA direktnega udara strele oblike 10/350 mikro sekund pri dimenzijah na primer pod fi 14 mm.New gas arresters 17 and sparks 18 withstand shocks above 50 kA direct lightning stroke of 10/350 microseconds with dimensions, for example, below fi 14 mm.

Zgornji opis vsebuje mnoge specifičnosti, ki pa ne omejujejo širine izuma ampak služijo kot ponazoritev izvedb izumljenega proizvoda.The above description contains many specificities which do not, however, limit the breadth of the invention but serve to illustrate embodiments of the invented product.

Obseg izuma ne določajo opisani primeri ampak patentni zahtevki, ki so dodani v nadaljevanju.The scope of the invention is not determined by the examples described, but by the claims which are added below.

Claims (11)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Naprava, ki obsega dva dela dna, v splošnem več vhodnih priključkov in več izhodnih priključkov ter v splošnem tudi ločena ozemljitvena priključka (PE) za na standardno klobučno letev, v splošnem pritrjeno z vzmetno zaskočko, za zaščito in odvod vsakokratnih prevelikih tokov ob streli in pri vsakokratnih prenapetostih, značilna po tem, da združuje lastnosti in funkcije zaščit proti streli in diferenčnih tokovnih varovalk v enotnem ohišju.1. A device comprising two parts of the bottom, generally multiple inlet connectors and multiple outlet connectors, and generally a separate ground terminal (PE) for a standard hinged bar, generally secured by a spring snap, to protect and discharge any excess currents along the lightning and all-round voltages, characterized in that it combines the characteristics and functions of lightning protection and differential current fuses in a single housing. 2. Naprava po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da je namenjena za trifazno zaščito s prilagoditvami na različne tipe mrež.Device according to claim 1, characterized in that it is intended for three-phase protection with adaptations to different types of grids. 3. Naprava po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da je označevanje napak na varistorski sekciji na okencu v pokrovu, s svetlobno indikacijo ali daljinsko.Device according to claim 1, characterized in that the defect marking on the varistor section is on the window in the lid, with a light indication or remote. 4. Naprava po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da pokriva ista naprava glede na izvedbo prenapetostno zaščitnega dela, tako majhne odvodne tokov kakor tudi velike odvodne tokove.Device according to claim 1, characterized in that it covers the same device with respect to the design of the overvoltage protection part, both small drainage currents and large drainage currents. 5. Naprava po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da, vključuje poenostavljeni odklopni mehanizem za termični pobeg varistorjev .Device according to claim 1, characterized in that it includes a simplified tripping mechanism for the thermal escape of varistors. 6. Naprava po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da se ob odklopu diferenčnega tokovnega stikala odklopi tudi, varistorska zaščitna sekcija.Device according to claim 1, characterized in that the varistor protection section also disengages when the differential current switch is disconnected. 7. Naprava po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da vlogo termičnih odklopnih mehanizmov kot varoval za varistorje prevzame odklopni sistem diferenčnega tokovnega stikala.Device according to claim 1, characterized in that the role of the thermal disconnect mechanisms as a guard for the varistors is taken over by the disconnecting system of the differential current switch. -1010-1010 8. Naprava po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da ima vgrajene samougasljive plinske odvodnike ali samougasliva iskrišča v fazi in N-PE smeri.Device according to claim 1, characterized in that it has self-extinguishing gas arresters or self-extinguishing sparks in the phase and N-PE directions. 9. Naprava po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem,, da so v ohišju kombinirane naprave izpuščena diferenčna tokovna stikala in da ostane le prenapetostna sekcija z varistorji ali plinskimi odvodniki v seriji kot odvodniki za različna omrežja.Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that differential current switches are omitted in the housing of the combined device and that only the overvoltage section with varistors or gas arresters remains in series as arresters for different networks. 10. Naprava po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da ima v splošnem vgrajeno manjšo ali večjo tokovno odvodno moč za uporabo v razdelilnikih in podrazdelilnikih.Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that it generally has a smaller or larger current output for use in manifolds and sub-manifolds. 11. Naprava po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da ima obe omenjeni funkciji medsebojno kombinirani, ali pa posamični, torej ločeni.Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the two functions mentioned above are interconnected or separate, ie separate.
SI200200312A 2002-12-20 2002-12-20 Current differential switch with integrated surge and lightning protection SI21390A (en)

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SI200200312A SI21390A (en) 2002-12-20 2002-12-20 Current differential switch with integrated surge and lightning protection

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SI200200312A SI21390A (en) 2002-12-20 2002-12-20 Current differential switch with integrated surge and lightning protection

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SI200200312A SI21390A (en) 2002-12-20 2002-12-20 Current differential switch with integrated surge and lightning protection

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