SI20781A - Universal surge arrestor device - Google Patents

Universal surge arrestor device Download PDF


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SI20781A SI200000324A SI200000324A SI20781A SI 20781 A SI20781 A SI 20781A SI 200000324 A SI200000324 A SI 200000324A SI 200000324 A SI200000324 A SI 200000324A SI 20781 A SI20781 A SI 20781A
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Vladimir Murko
Bojan Trojar
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Application filed by ISKRA ZAŠČITE d.o.o. filed Critical ISKRA ZAŠČITE d.o.o.
Priority to SI200000324A priority Critical patent/SI20781A/en
Publication of SI20781A publication Critical patent/SI20781A/en



  • Thermistors And Varistors (AREA)


Subject of the invention refers to the field of surge protection of varistor elements by universal surge arrestor device, consisting of a supporting cover (8) with built-in electrode (10) and switching electrode (14). By switching the arrestor spring (6) of special shape the electrode disconnects the protected varistor from the network in cases of damage following overheating. It helps to eliminate problems connected to the power supply and can also solve problems of protecting other devices connected to the same circuit, and exposed to overvoltages. Inside the supporting cover (8) there is an additional signal electrode (12) which provides the universal surge arrestor with the possibility of signalling the error.



Predmet izuma se nanaša na področje prenapetostne zaščite varistorskih elementov z univerzalno prenapetostno zaščitno napravo , s katero odpravimo težave pri dovajanju električne energije pri degradaciji varistorjev in rešimo problem zaščite drugih naprav povezanih v isti električni tokokrog, izpostavljen prenapetostim .The subject of the invention relates to the field of overvoltage protection of varistor elements with universal overvoltage protection device, which eliminates the problems of supplying electricity in the degradation of varistors and solves the problem of protection of other devices connected to the same electrical circuit exposed to overvoltages.

Izum sodi po mednarodni patentni klasifikaciji v H02H7/09The invention belongs to the international patent classification in H02H7 / 09

Znano je, da je varistor spremenljivi upor, ki svojo upornost spreminja v odvisnosti od električne napetosti, ki deluje nanj. Varistorji so tudi podvrženi staranju oz se njihove karakteristike med priključitvijo na električno omrežje spreminjajo. Varistor po električnem preboju prepušča večji trajni tok, kar pomeni, da se poveča možnost poškodbe električnih naprav v njegovi okolici, v slučaju večje degradacije tega elementa lahko pride tudi do požara. Tudi v primeru prenapetosti s podaljšanim delovanjem na elementu, se varistor lahko pregreje ali eksplodira in poškoduje vezje v katerega je vgrajen, sosednje elemente in napravo.The varistor is known to be a variable resistor that changes its resistance depending on the electrical voltage acting on it. Varistors are also subject to aging or their characteristics change when connected to the mains. The varistor leaves a larger permanent current after an electrical break, which means that the possibility of damaging the electrical equipment in the surrounding area increases, and in the event of major degradation of this element, a fire may occur. Even in case of overvoltage with prolonged operation on the element, the varistor may overheat or explode and damage the circuit in which it is integrated, adjacent elements and device.

Bistvo problema je kako s pomočjo cenovno sprejemljive in za široko uporabo predvidene univerzalna prenapetostne zaščitne naprave, zasnovane na uporabi vsaj enega varistorskega odvodnika, omogočiti preseganje doslej problematičnih odvodnih tokov ter pri tem omogočiti tudi indikacijo napak v slučaju degradacije ali znižanja osnovnih kakovostnih parametrov zaščitnega elementa kakor tudi z boljšim nadzorom nad delovanjem prenapetostnega elementa omogočiti daljinsko signalizacijo okvar.The essence of the problem is how, through the affordable and widespread use of universal overvoltage protection devices, based on the use of at least one varistor arrester, it is possible to overcome the problematic currents of the current so far, and also to indicate defects in the event of degradation or reduction of the basic quality parameters of the protection element as also, with better control over the operation of the overvoltage element, enable remote fault signaling.

Več proizvajalcev je do sedaj reševalo ta problem. Znane so rešitve sledečih proizvajalcev : Phoenix ( Nemčija), Citel( Francija), Iskra Zaščite ( Slovenija).Several manufacturers have addressed this problem so far. The solutions of the following manufacturers are known: Phoenix (Germany), Citel (France), Iskra Zaschita (Slovenia).

Do sedaj so ta problem reševali s termično varovalko, ki je imela funkcijo električnega odklopa od omrežja. V praksi so uporabili možnost prigraditve kovinske ali plastične stene ter tiščanje varovalke ob steno varistorja.So far, this problem has been solved with a thermal fuse that had the function of electrical disconnection from the mains. In practice, they used the option of mounting a metal or plastic wall and printing a fuse against the wall of the varistor.

V praksi pa se je dogajalo, pri do sedaj znanih izvedbah, da je, z varistorjem serijsko vezano termično varovalko, pri velikih električnih preobremenitvah ( kot na primer pri udaru strele ali ob napetostnih preobremenitvah z daljšim časom delovanja ) zaradi razmeroma velike količine sproščene energije zvarilo in od tedaj ni več služila svojemu namenu. Dodatne težave nastopijo, ker so kovinski deli varovalke zvarjeni, varovalka kljub kratkostičnemu toku ne odreagira, prav tako ni sposobna odigrati svoje funkcije v primeru termične preobremenitve.In practice, however, it has been realized in the prior art that, with a varistor, a series-coupled thermal fuse, at large electrical overloads (such as lightning strikes or overloads with a longer operating time), due to the relatively large amount of released energy and since then it no longer served its purpose. Additional problems arise because the metal parts of the fuse are welded, despite the short-circuit current, the fuse does not react, nor is it able to play its function in the event of thermal overload.

Poznamo tudi rešitve, kjer je odklop varistorskega odvodnika izveden preko tako imenovane vroče elektrode, pri Čemer je hitrost reagiranja počasnejša zaradi vgradnje varistorskega elementa v zaščitno ohišje.There are also known solutions where the disconnection of the varistor arrester is performed via a so-called hot electrode, whereby the reaction rate is slower due to the incorporation of the varistor element into the protective housing.

Te izvedbe so drage in so smotrne le tam kjer gre za ozko profilirane funkcije zaščitnih elementov.These designs are expensive and are only suitable for narrowly profiled safety features.

Izum se nanaša na področje zaščite varistorskih elementov in preseganja problematično nizkih odvodnih tokov ter omogočanje boljšega nadzora nad delovanjem prenapetostnega elementa z indikacijo napak v slučaju degradacije ali znižanja osnovnih kvalitetnih parametrov zaščitnega elementa in daljinsko signalizacijo napak. Zaradi spoznanja, da vsak varistorski odvodnik, ki ščiti energetske tokokroge, potrebuje, zaradi degradacije varistorja neko zaščito pred termično obremenitvijo, in da to funkcijo opravlja izumljena zaščitna naprava, ki je izvedena tako, da jo je mogoče vgraditi na varistorje ( ne glede na nazivno napetost)vseh svetovnih proizvajalcev z enostavno priključitvijo preko posebnega kontakta, jo lahko imenujemo univerzalno.The invention relates to the field of protection of varistor elements and to overcome the problematic low discharge currents and to enable better control over the operation of the overvoltage element by indicating defects in case of degradation or lowering the basic quality parameters of the protection element and remote signaling of defects. In order to recognize that every varistor arrester that protects the power circuits needs some protection against thermal stress due to the degradation of the varistor, and that this function is performed by an invented protective device designed to be mounted on varistors (regardless of the nominal voltage) of all world manufacturers with easy connection through special contact, it can be called universal.

Rešitev, ki jo prinaša opisani izum, nima slabosti dosedanjih izvedb , saj zamenjuje do sedaj znane rešitve z univerzalno zaščitno napravo, ki jo pritrdimo na varistor.The solution provided by the described invention has no disadvantages of the present embodiments, since it replaces the known solutions so far with a universal protective device that is attached to the varistor.

Naprava je uporabna v številnih aplikacijah in je na voljo v številnih kombinacijah, pri čemer v alternativni izvedbi obsega vsaj dva varistorja od katerih je vsak opremljen s nosilnim pokrovom 8 in z po eno priključno odklopno vzmetjo 6.The device is useful in many applications and is available in many combinations, in an alternative embodiment comprising at least two varistors, each of which is provided with a carrier cover 8 and one disconnecting spring 6 each.

Možna je tudi vgradnja več kombinacij hkrati.It is also possible to install several combinations simultaneously.

Z univerzalno prenapetostno zaščitno napravo rešujemo naštete problem tako, da napravo pritrdimo na varistor z enostavno montažo na fiksne nogice varistorja, ki je hkrati opora ohišja . Bistvo tega je, da se ta povezava nadaljuje preko ploščatega telesa ohišja, ki obenem deluje kot absorbcijska pot za odvod toplote, ki se sprošča v slučaju okvare varistorja. Nadalje je v nosilni pokrov 8 trdo nameščen odklopni mehanizem z priključno odklopno vzmetjo 6 posebne meandrične oblike. Ta oblika pomaga zadržati vzmetnost odklopnega kontakta, kar zagotavlja veliko stopnjo vzmetnosti tudi po določenem času vgradnje tako, da smo z oblikovanjem izničili vplive staranja ter s tem povečali zanesljivost delovanja. Odklopni mehanizem je prispajkan na absorbcijsko ploščo z nizkotemperaturno spajko, s tem dosežemo odklop varistorskega odvodnika pri relativno nizki temperaturi zaradi tega, da varujemo tudi elemente v bližini varistorja pred škodljivimi vplivi previsoke temperature.The universal overvoltage protection device solves the above problem by attaching the device to the varistor by simply mounting it to the fixed legs of the varistor, which is at the same time supporting the housing. The point is that this connection continues through the flat body of the housing, which at the same time acts as an absorption path for heat dissipation, which is released in the event of a varistor failure. Further, a disconnect mechanism with a mounting disconnect spring 6 of special meandric shape is rigidly mounted in the carrier cover 8. This design helps to maintain the suspension of the trip contact, which ensures a high degree of suspension even after a certain installation time, by eliminating the effects of aging by design, thereby increasing the reliability of operation. The disconnect mechanism is soldered to the absorbent plate with a low-temperature solder, thereby disconnecting the varistor arrester at a relatively low temperature, due to the fact that it also protects the elements near the varistor from the harmful effects of high temperature.

Nosilni pokrov 8, v katerega so nameščene elektrode, je izveden iz prozornega .neprevodnega gradiva, ki ga odlikuje visoka stopnja samo ugasljivosti (V-O), kar je pogoj, da naprava zadošča varnostnim standardom. Za boljšo preglednost v slučaju odklopa je v nosilni pokrov 8 spolirano okence, ki omogoča neposredni pogled.The supporting cover 8 housing the electrodes is made of transparent, non-conductive material, characterized by a high degree of self-extinguishing (V-O), which is a condition for the device to meet safety standards. For better transparency in the event of a disconnect, there is a polished window in the carrier cover 8 that provides a direct view.

Po potrebi oz. v primeru daljinske signalizacije okvar je v nosilni pokrov 8 nameščen tudi dodatni kontaktni priključek, ki se ga v primeru okvare varistorskega odvodnika , dotakne odklopni kontakt.If necessary, in the case of remote fault signaling, an additional contact connector is also provided in the carrier cover 8, which is contacted by a tripping contact in the event of a varistor arrestor failure.

Prednost opisane rešitve je tudi v prihranku na prostoru, kar je pomembno zlasti pri uporabi na tiskanih vezjih.The advantage of the described solution is also in space saving, which is especially important when used on printed circuits.

Nadaljne prednosti in uporabnosti izuma bodo postale bolj jasne iz priložene risbe in opisa.The further advantages and utility of the invention will become more apparent from the accompanying drawing and description.

List 1 prikazuje izum v stranskem narisuSheet 1 shows the invention in a side view

Nosilni pokrov 8, je izdelan iz kakovostnega termoplasta in je konstruiran tako, da omogoča enostavno montažo s pomočjo posebnih prekatov, v katere so vstavljene pritrdilna elektrodalO, signalna elektroda12 ter odklopna elektroda 14 .The carrier cover 8 is made of a high-quality thermoplastic and is designed to be easily assembled with the help of special chambers into which the attachment electrodeO, the signal electrode 12 and the disconnect electrode 14 are inserted.

V nosilni pokrov 8 je vstavljena pritrdilna elektroda 10, ki je z enostavnim načinom pritrjevanja pritrjena na nogico varistorja. V nosilni pokrov 8 lahko opcijsko vstavimo tudi signalno elektrodo12. Na zgornjem delu nosilnega pokrova 8 je lahko zalepljen dvostranski lepilni trak 16, ki je sposoben zdržati visoke temperature, služi pa za dodatno pritrjevanje nosilnega pokrova 8 na telo varistorja 20.A mounting electrode 10 is inserted in the carrier cover 8, which is attached to the varistor leg with a simple attachment method. Optionally, a signal electrode 12 can be inserted into the carrier cover 8. A double-sided adhesive tape 16 may be glued to the upper portion of the carrier cover 8, which is capable of withstanding high temperatures and serves to further attach the carrier cover 8 to the body of the varistor 20.

Na kontaktni nos 22 odklopne elektrode14 je pritrjena z nizko temperaturno spajko priključno odklopna vzmet 6 , ki je meandrično oblikovana kot na sliki List 1. Zahvaljujoč takšni zasnovi priključno odklopne vzmeti 6 je možno po eni strani računati s primernimi vzmetnimi lastnostmi, po drugi strani pa priklučno odklopna vzmet 6 služi kot ploščat zunanji kontakt, ki je neposredno vstavljen in pripravljen za spajkanje v tiskano vezje.The contact nose 22 of the disconnecting electrode 14 is attached by a low-temperature solder to the disconnecting disc spring 6, which is meandrically shaped as in Fig. 1. Thanks to this design, the disconnecting disc spring 6 can be calculated on the one hand with suitable spring properties, and on the other hand the trip spring 6 serves as a flat outer contact directly inserted and ready to be soldered into the printed circuit.

Vzmetno gradivo ima razmeroma veliko električno upornost in se zato pri nazivnem toku ko bi npr. morala odklopiti termična varovalka, toliko segreje, da popusti nizko temperaturna spajka med odklopno elektrodo 14 ter pritrdilno elektrodo 10.The spring material has a relatively high electrical resistance and therefore, at rated current when, for example. the thermal fuse has to be disconnected, warming up enough to loosen the low temperature solder between the disconnecting electrode 14 and the fixing electrode 10.

Pri izumljeni napravi lahko preko spoja 18 ter pritrdilne elektrode 10 teče trajni tok okrog 16 A, pri čemer spoj 18 deluje kot prevodnik kakor tudi termična varovalka s tem da do omenjene nazivne vrednosti toka varistorske lastnosti v smislu neprevodnosti še ne pridejo do izraza.In the invented device, a continuous current of about 16 A can flow through the junction 18 and the fastening electrode 10, with the junction 18 acting as a conductor as well as a thermal fuse, so that the said nominal value of the current of the varistor property in terms of nonconductivity is not yet expressed.

Priključno odklopna vzmet 6 je vstavljena v ustrezen utor nosilnega pokrova 8, ki je sestavni del odklopnega mehanizma.The disconnecting spring 6 is inserted into the corresponding groove of the bearing cover 8, which is an integral part of the disconnect mechanism.

Nosilni pokrov 8 je izveden iz prozornega neprevodnega materiala in zasnovan tako, da s svojo obliko omogoča pravilno lego in tudi namestitev priključno odklopne vzmeti 6 v ustrezen položaj.The bearing cover 8 is made of a transparent non-conductive material and is designed to enable its position to be correctly positioned and also to install the disconnecting spring 6 in the appropriate position.

Pri tem je seveda omogočena tudi indikacija ali signalizacija preobremenitve oz. okvare na več načinov. En način je skozi prozoren nosilni pokrov 8, viden je položaj priključno odklopne vzmeti 6. Druga možnost signalizacije okvare je dana z odklopne napetosti na odklopni elektrodi 14 tako, da je vsakokratno napajalno vezje zaščiteno pri varovanju z tokovno varovalko.Of course, the indication or signaling of overloading is also possible. failures in many ways. One way is through the transparent carrier cover 8, the position of the disconnecting spring 6 is visible. Another possibility of fault signaling is given by the disconnecting voltage at the disconnecting electrode 14 so that the respective supply circuit is protected by a circuit breaker.

Claims (6)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Univerzalna prenapetostna zaščitna naprava za termično varovanje varistorskih elementov, sestavljena iz nosilnega pokrova(8), v katerega so vgrajeni pritrdilna elektroda(IO) in odklopna elektroda(14) označena s tem, da pritrdilno elektrodo(IO) in odklopno elektrodo(14) povezuje priključno odklopna vzmet(6), ki je na pritrdilno elektordo(IO) spojena s spojem(18),ki, pri vnaprej določeni temperaturi, odklopi povezavo med pritrdilno elektrodo(IO) in odklopno elektrodo(14).A universal overvoltage protection device for thermal protection of varistor elements, consisting of a support cover (8) in which a fastening electrode (IO) and a disconnect electrode (14) are mounted, characterized in that the fastening electrode (IO) and the disconnect electrode (14) ) connects a disconnecting spring (6) which is connected to the attachment electrode (IO) by a joint (18) which, at a predetermined temperature, disconnects the connection between the attachment electrode (IO) and the disconnect electrode (14). 2. Naprava po zahtevku 1 označena s tem, da je vgrajena priključno odklopna vzmet(6) zasnovana in oblikovana tako, da s konstrukcijskim posegom ter posebno tehnologijo obdelave ohranimo vzmetne lastnosti kljub staranju materiala.Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the mounted disconnecting spring (6) is designed and shaped in such a way that the spring properties are preserved in spite of the aging of the material through structural intervention and special processing technology. 3. Naprava po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da je nosilni pokrov(8) prozoren ali prosojen in ne prevaja električni tok.Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the carrier cover (8) is transparent or translucent and does not conduct electricity. 4. Naprava po zahtevku 1, označena s tem , da je nosilni pokrov(8) tako zanovan, da je naprava univarzalno uporabna ne glede na različne tipe varistorjev.Device according to claim 1, characterized in that the carrier cover (8) is so secure that the device is universally usable regardless of the different types of varistors. ,, 5. Naprava po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da je odklopna elektroda(14) pritrjena na nogico varistorja z zatiskovanjem.Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the disconnecting electrode (14) is attached to the varistor leg by pressing. 6. Naprava po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da je v nosilni pokrov (8) nameščena dodatna signalna elektroda (12) preko katere po stalitvi spoja(18) priključno odklopna vzmet (6) vzpostavi tokokrog .Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that an additional signal electrode (12) is mounted in the carrier cover (8) through which, after positioning the joint (18), the disconnecting spring (6) establishes a circuit.
SI200000324A 2000-12-19 2000-12-19 Universal surge arrestor device SI20781A (en)

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SI200000324A SI20781A (en) 2000-12-19 2000-12-19 Universal surge arrestor device

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SI200000324A SI20781A (en) 2000-12-19 2000-12-19 Universal surge arrestor device

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SI20781A true SI20781A (en) 2002-06-30



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SI200000324A SI20781A (en) 2000-12-19 2000-12-19 Universal surge arrestor device

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SI (1) SI20781A (en)

Cited By (11)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US8743525B2 (en) 2012-06-19 2014-06-03 Raycap Intellectual Property, Ltd Overvoltage protection devices including wafer of varistor material
US9906017B2 (en) 2014-06-03 2018-02-27 Ripd Research And Ip Development Ltd. Modular overvoltage protection units
US10319545B2 (en) 2016-11-30 2019-06-11 Iskra Za{hacek over (s)}{hacek over (c)}ite d.o.o. Surge protective device modules and DIN rail device systems including same
US10340110B2 (en) 2017-05-12 2019-07-02 Raycap IP Development Ltd Surge protective device modules including integral thermal disconnect mechanisms and methods including same
US10447026B2 (en) 2016-12-23 2019-10-15 Ripd Ip Development Ltd Devices for active overvoltage protection
US10685767B2 (en) 2017-09-14 2020-06-16 Raycap IP Development Ltd Surge protective device modules and systems including same
US10707678B2 (en) 2016-12-23 2020-07-07 Ripd Research And Ip Development Ltd. Overvoltage protection device including multiple varistor wafers
US11223200B2 (en) 2018-07-26 2022-01-11 Ripd Ip Development Ltd Surge protective devices, circuits, modules and systems including same
US11723145B2 (en) 2021-09-20 2023-08-08 Raycap IP Development Ltd PCB-mountable surge protective device modules and SPD circuit systems and methods including same
US11862967B2 (en) 2021-09-13 2024-01-02 Raycap, S.A. Surge protective device assembly modules
US11990745B2 (en) 2022-01-12 2024-05-21 Raycap IP Development Ltd Methods and systems for remote monitoring of surge protective devices

Cited By (17)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US8743525B2 (en) 2012-06-19 2014-06-03 Raycap Intellectual Property, Ltd Overvoltage protection devices including wafer of varistor material
US9906017B2 (en) 2014-06-03 2018-02-27 Ripd Research And Ip Development Ltd. Modular overvoltage protection units
US10340688B2 (en) 2014-06-03 2019-07-02 Ripd Ip Assets Ltd Modular overvoltage protection units
US10319545B2 (en) 2016-11-30 2019-06-11 Iskra Za{hacek over (s)}{hacek over (c)}ite d.o.o. Surge protective device modules and DIN rail device systems including same
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US10679814B2 (en) 2017-05-12 2020-06-09 Raycap IP Development Ltd Surge protective device modules including integral thermal disconnect mechanisms and methods including same
US10340110B2 (en) 2017-05-12 2019-07-02 Raycap IP Development Ltd Surge protective device modules including integral thermal disconnect mechanisms and methods including same
US10685767B2 (en) 2017-09-14 2020-06-16 Raycap IP Development Ltd Surge protective device modules and systems including same
US11223200B2 (en) 2018-07-26 2022-01-11 Ripd Ip Development Ltd Surge protective devices, circuits, modules and systems including same
US11862967B2 (en) 2021-09-13 2024-01-02 Raycap, S.A. Surge protective device assembly modules
US11723145B2 (en) 2021-09-20 2023-08-08 Raycap IP Development Ltd PCB-mountable surge protective device modules and SPD circuit systems and methods including same
US11990745B2 (en) 2022-01-12 2024-05-21 Raycap IP Development Ltd Methods and systems for remote monitoring of surge protective devices

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