SI8712179A - Conection of rails - Google Patents

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SI8712179A SI8712179A SI8712179A SI8712179A SI 8712179 A SI8712179 A SI 8712179A SI 8712179 A SI8712179 A SI 8712179A SI 8712179 A SI8712179 A SI 8712179A SI 8712179 A SI8712179 A SI 8712179A
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Slovenian (sl)
Karl Delmonego
Gottfried Bayer
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Wagner Elektrothermit
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Application filed by Wagner Elektrothermit filed Critical Wagner Elektrothermit
Publication of SI8712179A publication Critical patent/SI8712179A/en



    • E01B11/00Rail joints
    • E01B11/44Non-dismountable rail joints; Welded joints
    • E01B11/00Rail joints
    • E01B11/02Dismountable rail joints
    • E01B11/10Fishplates with parts supporting or surrounding the rail foot
    • E01B11/00Rail joints
    • E01B11/54Electrically-insulating rail joints


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Architecture (AREA)
  • Civil Engineering (AREA)
  • Structural Engineering (AREA)
  • Mutual Connection Of Rods And Tubes (AREA)
  • Connection Of Plates (AREA)
  • Train Traffic Observation, Control, And Security (AREA)
  • Railway Tracks (AREA)
  • Machines For Laying And Maintaining Railways (AREA)
  • Package Frames And Binding Bands (AREA)


In the case of a rail joint with a fishplate which is bonded to the rails and the fishplate body (5) of which fills the hollow space between rail head (K), rail web (S) and rail foot (F) and which runs with its outer face substantially flush with the outside of the rail head, an extension (5') which bears on the rail foot is provided at the lower end of the fishplate body (5), which extension extends up to the outer edge of the rail foot (F) and has a thickness which is greater than the thickness of the rail foot in the region of the extension (Fig. 2). <IMAGE>


P.C. Wagner Elektrothermit-Schweissgesellschaft Dunaj, AvstrijaP.C. Wagner Elektrothermit-Schweissgesellschaft Vienna, Austria

Zveza tirničnega čelnega stikaRail frontal joint

Področje tehnike, v katero spada izumFIELD OF THE INVENTION

Izum se nanaša na zvezo tirničnega čelnega stika z vezno zaplato, ki je s tirnicama zlepljena in v danem primeru močno pritisnjena z vijaki, in spada na področje izdelave železniških tirničnih zvez.The invention relates to the connection of the rail front contact with the connecting patch, which is glued to the rails and, if necessary, strongly pressed by screws, and falls within the field of manufacture of rail rails.

Tehnični problemA technical problem

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum, je zajet v vprašanju, kako ustvariti zvezo tirničnega čelnega stika, ki bo ustrezal zahtevam čedalje večjih osnih obremenitev in velikih voznih hitrosti vlakov, ne da bi se posluževali visokokakovostnih in dragih gradiv za zaplate.The technical problem solved by the invention is the question of how to create a track-front joint that will meet the demands of increasing axle loads and high train speeds without resorting to high-quality and expensive patchwork materials.

Stanje tehnikeThe state of the art

Iz DE-AS 1 405 699 je znano, da sta konca železniških tirnic povezana s pomočjo zaplat, ki sta posredno preko plasti lepila vloženi v prirejeni komori. Zaplati v celoti zapolnjujeta prostor, ki ga omejujejo spodnja stran glave tirnic, stojina tirnic, zgornja stran vznožja tirnic in podaljšek zunanje strani glave tirnic, in štrlita bočno ven od leteh. Oblika zaplat je pri tem tako izbrana, da je na zunanji strani zaplate predvidena sploščenost kot sedež za vezne vijake. Na to sploščenost se vežeta zunanja ploskovna odseka, ki sta nagnjena noter proti spodnjemu robu glave tirnice in proti vznožju tirnice.It is known from DE-AS 1 405 699 that the ends of the railway rails are connected by means of patches that are lodged indirectly through the adhesive layer in the adapted chamber. The flaps fully fill the space bounded by the underside of the rail heads, the rack rail, the upper side of the rail base and the extension of the outside of the rail heads, and project out laterally from the flights. The shape of the patches is thus selected such that a flattening is provided on the outside of the patch as a seat for the screws. This flattening is connected by the outer planar sections, which are inclined inwards towards the lower edge of the rail head and towards the base of the rail.


Naraščajoče osne obremenitve in vozne hitrosti pomenijo rastoče obremenitve tirničnih stikov in s tem seveda tudi jeklenih zaplat. Tako se je prešlo na uporabo viševrednega jekla, ki so ga deloma poboljšali. Na ta način se je sicer dalo zagotoviti trajno trdnost pri rastočih obremenitvah, treba pa je bilo vzeti v zakup narasle stroške za jeklene zaplate.Increasing axle loads and driving speeds mean increasing loads of rail joints and, of course, steel patches. Thus, the use of high-grade steel was changed, which was partly improved. In this way, durable strength could be ensured in the face of increasing loads, but the increased costs of steel patches had to be leased.

Nadalje je iz patenta AT 247 895 znano, daje pri električno prevodni zvezi tirničnega čelnega stika uporabljena zaplata, katere oblika je prirejena obliki obrisa tirnice in ki ima po vsej svoji višini enako debelino, ki je bistveno manjša od širine komore za zaplato. Zaplata se konča z odmikom tako od spodnjega roba glave tirnice kot tudi od zunanjega roba vznožja tirnice. Med zaplato in tirnico je predvideno polnilo, ki ima visoko strižno trdnost. S to zasnovo naj bi bilo doseženo povečanje dotikalne ploskve med zaplato in tirnicama, da bi bila vzpostavljena drsno čvrsta električno prevodna zveza. S trdnostnotehničnega vidika znana zaplata ne zadošča. Pri zgoraj skicirani zasnovi zaplate je razen tega del vznožja tirnice zaradi tega moral ostati prost, da so lahko namestili elemente za pritrditev tirnic.Further, from patent AT 247 895, it is known that an electrically conductive connection of the rail front contact uses a patch whose shape is adapted to the shape of a rail outline and has a thickness substantially less than the width of the patch chamber throughout its height. The patching ends with an offset from both the lower edge of the rail head and the outer edge of the rail foot. A filler with high shear strength is envisaged between the patch and the rail. This design is intended to increase the contact surface between the patch and the rails in order to establish a slidingly solid electrically conductive bond. From a solid technical point of view, a known salary is not sufficient. In addition to the sketch design of the patch above, part of the base of the rail was therefore required to remain free in order to be able to fit the rail fastening elements.

Opis rešitve tehničnega problemaDescription of solution to a technical problem

Tehnični problem je z izumom rešen tako, da je zunanja površina zaplate z zunanjo stranjo glave tirnice v bistvu poravnana, da je na spodnjem koncu telesa zaplate predviden na vznožje tirnice nalegajoč podaljšek in da se ta podaljšek razteza tja do zunanjega roba vznožja tirnice in ima debelino, ki je večja od debeline vznožja tirnice v območju podaljška.The technical problem is solved by the invention in such a way that the outer surface of the patch with the outer side of the rail head is substantially aligned, that at the lower end of the patch body there is an extension extending to the base of the rail and that this extension extends to the outer edge of the rail base and has a thickness , which is greater than the thickness of the rail base in the extension area.

Ta, kot kotnik zasnovana zaplata ima po zaslugi svoje zasnove v vznožnem, t.j. najbolj obremenjenem območju, večji upornostni moment kot dosedanje zaplate in s tem, ko odpade čez zunanjo stran glave tirnice štrleč odsek telesa zaplate, omogoča pri nespremenjeni velikosti presečne ploskve zmanjšati kakovost jekla in s tem prihraniti na stroških. Razen tega sta manjša upogib izolirnega čelnega stika in s tem udarna obremenitev. Do nadaljnje prednosti privede povečana lepna ploskev, ki zdaj zajema tudi vse vznožje, kar ima za posledico, da je dolžina zaplate lahko zmanjšana, ne da bi bila natezna trdnost v primerjavi z dosedanjimi zvezami s čelnim lepljenjem zmanjšana. Skrajšanje zaplate tudi omogoča nadaljnje prihranke na materialnih stroških, razen tega pa namestitev sredstev za pritrditev tirnic brez težav poleg zaplate.This angle-based patch has its design in the footprint, i.e. the busiest area, the higher resistance moment than the previous patch, and by protruding through the outside of the rail head, the protruding section of the patch body allows to reduce the quality of the steel with the constant size of the cross-sectional area and thus save on costs. In addition, there is less bending of the insulating front contact and thus a shock load. A further advantageous advantage is the increased adhesive surface, which now also covers the entire base, which results in the reduction of the patch length without the tensile strength being reduced in comparison with the former joints. Shortening the patch also allows for further savings in material costs, in addition to installing means for fixing rails without any problems beyond the patch.

Po prednostni izvedbeni obliki izuma je na zunanji strani telesa zaplate razporejena ena ali več dodatnih zaplat, ki se opirajo na podaljšku telesa zaplate. Na ta način se da, če je treba, upornostni moment ureditve zaplate še nadalje zvišati.According to a preferred embodiment of the invention, one or more additional patches are supported on the outside of the patch body based on the patch body extension. In this way, the resistance of the payroll arrangement can be further increased if necessary.

Izum je v sledečem pobliže obrazložen na izvedbenem primeru ob pomoči skic, ki kažeta:The invention is further explained in the following example by way of drawings showing:

sl. 1 zvezo tirničnega čelnega stika po izumu v pogledu od strani in sl. 2 prerez po črti II-II s sl. 1.FIG. 1 is a side view of a rail front contact of the invention; 2 is a cross-sectional view taken along line II-II of FIG. 1.

Konca 1, 2 tirnic, ki ju je treba povezati, sta s svojima čelnima ploskvama z mednju vloženim vložkom 3 pritisnjena drug k drugemu. Na obeh straneh tirnic 1, 2 sta v komorah 4 za zaplati v tirnicah razporejeni vezni zaplati 5 iz jekla, ki sta posredno preko vmesne plasti lepila 6, ki je pri električno izolirajoči zvezi čelnega stika iz izolacijskega gradiva, zlepljeni s tirnicama, razen tega pa sta s pomočjo vijakov 7 še močno vijačno pritisnjeni.The ends 1, 2 of the rails to be connected are pressed against each other by their front surfaces with the insert 3 inserted into each other. On both sides of the rails 1, 2, bonding pads 5 of steel are arranged in the rails chambers 4, which are indirectly bonded to the rails via the intermediate layer of adhesive 6, which is electrically bonded to the front contact of the insulating material. the screws 7 are still tightly screwed in.

Kot se vidi zlasti s sl. 2, imata vezni zaplati presek, ki komori 4 za zaplati povsem zapolnjuje, pri čemer gre za prostor, ki ga omejujejo spodnja stran glave K tirnice, stojina S tirnice in zgornja stran vznožja F tirnice ter podaljšek zunanje strani glave tirnice. Zunanja ploskev telesa zaplate poteka v bistvu poravnano z zunanjo stranjo glave tirnice. Zaplata 5 ima v območju vznožja tirnice podaljšek 5’, ki sega tja do zunanjega robu vznožja F tirnice. Debelina tega podaljška 5’ je večja od debeline vznožja tirnice v območju podaljška.As can be seen in particular from FIG. 2, the connecting pads have a cross-section that completely fills the patch chamber 4, with space limited by the lower side of the rail head K, the rail S and the upper side of the foot F of the rail, and the extension of the outside of the rail head. The outer surface of the patch body runs substantially aligned with the outside of the rail head. The patch 5 has an extension 5 'in the area of the rail base extending to the outer edge of the rail base F. The thickness of this extension 5 'is greater than the thickness of the rail base in the extension area.

Da se trdnost zveze z zaplatama in upornostni moment še nadalje povečata, lahko na zunanji strani telesa zaplat razporedimo eno ali več dodatnih zaplat 8, ki se opirajo na podaljšku 5’ telesa 5 zaplat in so prav tako s tirnico povezane s pomočjo vijakov 7.In order to further increase the bond strength of the patches and the resistance moment, one or more additional patches 8 can be arranged on the outside of the patches body, which rest on the extension 5 'of the patches body 5 and are also connected to the rail by means of screws 7.

Zveza tirničnega čelnega stika po izumu je primerna tako za električno prevodne kot tudi za električno izoliraj oče čelne stike tirnic.The rail front connection of the invention is suitable for both electrically conductive and electrically insulated father front rail contacts.

Navedba najboljšega načina za gospodarsko izkoriščanje prijavljenega izumaAn indication of the best way to make economic use of the claimed invention

Za gospodarsko izkoriščanje zadevnega izuma niso potrebna nikakršna posebna znanja, izkušnje in navodila, ki bi jih bilo treba uporabiti. Potrebna in zadostna so zgolj znanja, ki jih ima povprečen strokovnjak z zadevnega področja, s tem da si pomaga s prednjim opisom izuma.The economic exploitation of the present invention does not require any specific knowledge, experience or instructions to be used. Only the knowledge of the average person skilled in the art will be necessary and sufficient to make use of the foregoing description of the invention.

Razen zgoraj povedanega pa je vendarle treba paziti na sledeče:In addition to the above, however, the following must be observed:

a) zaplata 5 za povezavo tirnic je narejena iz nodulame litine NL 50, pri čemer ni potrebna nikakršna dodatna obdelava, saj so tudi luknje za vijake 7 že narejene pri litju.a) The patch 5 for connecting the rails is made of nodulam cast iron NL 50, without any further processing, since the holes for the screw 7 are already made during casting.

P.C. Wagner Elektrothermit-Schweissgesellschaft Dunaj, AvstrijaP.C. Wagner Elektrothermit-Schweissgesellschaft Vienna, Austria


Claims (2)

Patentna zahtevkaPatent claim 1. Zveza tirničnega čelnega stika z vezno zaplato 5, ki je s tirnicama zlepljena in močno pritisnjena z vijaki 7, pri čemer telo zaplate zapolnjuje votlino med glavo K tirnice, stojino S tirnice in vznožjem F tirnice, značilna po tem, daje zunanja površina zaplate (5) z zunanjo stranjo glave (K) tirnice v bistvu poravnana, da je na spodnjem koncu telesa zaplate (5) predviden na vznožje (F) tirnice nalegajoč podaljšek (5’) in da se ta podaljšek (5’) razteza tja do zunanjega roba vznožja (F) tirnice in ima debelino, kije večja od debeline vznožja (F) tirnice v območju podaljška (5’).1. The connection of the rail front contact with the connecting patch 5, which is glued to the rails and strongly pressed by screws 7, wherein the patch body fills the cavity between the rail head K, the rail S of the rail and the foot F of the rail, characterized in that the outer surface of the patch (5) substantially aligned with the outer face of the rail head (K) so that a lower extension (5 ') is provided at the lower end (5) of the rail and that this extension (5') extends there to the outer edge of the base (F) of the rail and having a thickness greater than the thickness of the base (F) of the rail in the area of extension (5 '). 2. Zveza tirničnega čelnega stika po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da je na zunanji strani telesa zaplate (5) razporejena ena ali več dodatnih zaplat (8), ki se opirajo na podaljšku (5’) telesa zaplate (5).Rail frontal joint according to claim 1, characterized in that one or more additional patches (8) are supported on the outside of the patch body (5), which rest on the extension (5 ') of the patch body (5).
SI8712179A 1987-02-11 1987-12-03 Conection of rails SI8712179A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
AT0028987A AT387804B (en) 1987-02-11 1987-02-11 RAIL JOINT CONNECTION
YU02179/87A YU217987A (en) 1987-02-11 1987-12-03 Connection of rails

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SI8712179A SI8712179A (en) 1987-02-11 1987-12-03 Conection of rails

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