SI20001A - Production process of f1 hybrid seeds - Google Patents

Production process of f1 hybrid seeds Download PDF


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SI20001A SI9900016A SI9900016A SI20001A SI 20001 A SI20001 A SI 20001A SI 9900016 A SI9900016 A SI 9900016A SI 9900016 A SI9900016 A SI 9900016A SI 20001 A SI20001 A SI 20001A
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Hideyuki Funatsuki
Masamichi Agatsuma
Wakako Maruyama
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Japan As Represented By Director General Of Hokkaido
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Publication of SI20001A publication Critical patent/SI20001A/en



  • Breeding Of Plants And Reproduction By Means Of Culturing (AREA)


The production process of F1 hybrid seeds comprises: choice of plants with a long pistil neck from a plant group exhibiting a heteromorphous self-incompatibility; isolation of the chosen plants with the long pistil neck; artificial insemination or natural hybridization with the aim to attain the hybridization determined in advance and the multiplication of the line consisting only of the plants with the long pistil neck; further artificial or natural hybridization of the line under the condition that this line remains isolated from the other lines; multiplication of the seeds to create a parent seed line, consisting only of the plant seeds with the long pistil neck; planting the parent seed line (line A) of the plants with the long pistil neck; planting another line (line B) of the plants with the short pistil neck or both kinds of plants - the ones with the short pistil neck and the ones with the long pistil neck in the vicinity of the line A; and collecting the seeds of the line A obtained after insemination with the pollen of the line B. In this way, F1 hybrid seeds have been produced during the hybridization process between the lines A and B.



Pričujoč izum se nanaša na postopek pridobivanja Fi'hibridnih semen rastlin, ki kažejo heteromorfno samoinkompatibilnost.The present invention relates to a process for the production of Fi'hybrid plant seeds showing heteromorphic self-incompatibility.


Že dolgo je znano, da je F j hibridizacija, ki se na splošno uporablja za tujeprašne rastline, precej učinkovita pri razmnoževanju semenk. F! hibridizacija se je še posebej kot izjemno uporabna izkazala v primeru pridobivanja posebnih alogamnih vrst, kot je koruzno seme in seme oljne repice. Zato se je pojavila potreba po praktično uporabni tehniki, ki bi omogočala učinkovito pridobivanje F! hibridnih semen. Dosedaj se je v ta namen uporabljala citoplazmatska moška sterilnost. Problem citoplazmatske moške sterilnosti je v tem, da je težko najti citoplazme, ki sprožijo moško sterilnost v mnogih vrstah rastlin. Da bi rešili ta problem, je bil predlagan postopek pridobivanja Fj hibridnih semen, pri katerem je uporabljena samosterilnost oz. nesposobnost oploditve z lastnimi moškimi gametami. Ta postopek se praktično uporablja v procesu razmnoževanja semenk, še posebej pri proizvodnji številnih različnih, izboljšanih sort zelenjave rodu Brassica (npr. zelje), ki kažejo homomorfno samoinkompatibilnost.It has long been known that F j hybridization, which is generally used for alien plants, is quite effective in seed propagation. F! hybridization has proven particularly useful in the acquisition of specific allogamic species such as maize seed and rapeseed. Therefore, there was a need for a practically useful technique that would allow F! of hybrid seeds. So far, cytoplasmic male sterility has been used for this purpose. The problem with cytoplasmic male sterility is that it is difficult to find cytoplasms that trigger male sterility in many plant species. In order to solve this problem, a procedure for the production of Fj hybrid seeds was proposed, in which self-sterility or the use of fj seeds was used. inability to fertilize with their own male gametes. This process is practically used in the seed reproduction process, especially in the production of many different, improved varieties of vegetables of the genus Brassica (eg cabbage), which show homomorphic self-incompatibility.

Postopek pridobivanja Ft hibridnih semenje uporaben tudi za rastline, ki kažejo heteromorfno samoinkompatibilnost. Še vedno pa ne poznamo praktično uporabnega postopka za industrijsko pridobivanje velikih količin F[ hibridnih semen. Eden izmed vzrokov za takšno stanje je, da še vedno ne poznamo industrijsko uporabnega postopka, ki bi omogočil proizvodnjo linije rastlin samo z dolgim pestičnim vratom ali linije rastlin samo s kratkim pestičnim vratom.The process of obtaining F t hybrid seeds is also applicable to plants showing heteromorphic self-incompatibility. However, we still do not know of a practically useful process for the industrial production of large quantities of F [hybrid seeds. One of the reasons for this situation is that we still do not know an industrially useful process that would allow the production of a line of plants with a long pestle only or a line of plants with a short pestle only.


Glede na raziskave na področju oploditvene fiziologije je poznano, daje mogoče majhno količino hibridnih semen dobiti med eksperimentom, pri katerem poteka razmnoževalni proces med rastlinami z dolgimi pestičnimi vratovi z ročnim posredovanjem. Vendar pa takšen proces ni primeren za gojenje linije rastlin samo z dolgim pestičnim vratom, ki bi ga bilo mogoče uporabljati za industrijsko proizvodnjo semen. Trenutno se kot praktično uporaben postopek za pridobivanje F] hibridnih semen uporablja proces opraševanja, ki poteka med različnimi linijami z ročnim posredovanjem. V tem primeru gre za izmenično ločevanje rastlin z dolgim ali kratkim pestičnim vratom iz skupine rastlin, ki predstavljajo eno linijo in opraševanje le teh s cvetnim prahom rastlin iz druge linije s pomočjo prenašalcev.According to research in the field of fertilization physiology, it is known that a small amount of hybrid seeds can be obtained during an experiment in which the propagation process takes place between plants with a long pelvic neck with manual intervention. However, such a process is not suitable for growing a plant line with only a long pestle neck that could be used for industrial seed production. At present, the pollination process that takes place between different lines by manual intervention is used as a practical process for obtaining F] hybrid seeds. In this case, it is the alternate separation of plants with a long or short pestle neck from a group of plants that represent one line and pollination of plants with pollen from the other line by means of vectors.

Zgoraj navedeni postopki niso industrijsko uporabni, ker veliko število delavcev, potrebnih za proizvodnjo velikih količin F! hibridnih semen, povzroča previsoke stroške.The above procedures are not industrially applicable because of the large number of workers required to produce large quantities of F! Hybrid seeds cause too much cost.


Predmet izuma je izboljšan Postopek pridobivanja Fi hibridnih semen za rastline, ki kažejo heteromorfno samoinkompatibilnost, tako da rešuje probleme, ki so značilni za, v prejšnjem poglavju opisano, obstoječe stanje tehnike na tem področju.The subject of the invention is an improved process for the production of Fi hybrid seeds for plants exhibiting heteromorphic self-incompatibility by solving problems that are characteristic of the prior art described in the prior art.

Pričujoč izum podaja postopek pridobivanja F! hibridnih semen za rastline, ki kažejo heteromorfno samoinkompatibilnost. Omenjeni postopek obsega naslednje korake: izbiranje rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom iz skupine rastlin, ki kažejo heteromorfno samoinkompatibilnost; izoliranje izbranih rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom; umetno ali naravno hibridizacijo, da pridobimo linijo rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom; umetno ali naravno nadaljevanje hibridizacije znotraj omenjene linije, pri čemer je linija izolirana od drugih linij; razmnoževanje semen, tako da nastane semenska starševska linija rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom; sejanje semenske starševske linije (linija A) rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom; sejanje druge linije (linija B) rastlin s kratkim pestičnim vratom ali rastlin s kratkim in dolgim pestičnim vratom (mešanih), v bližino linije A; pobiranje semen linije A, ki so nastale pri oploditvi s cvetnim prahom linije B. Pri hibridizaciji med linijo A in linijo B nastanejo Fj hibridna semena.The present invention provides a process for obtaining F! hybrid seeds for plants showing heteromorphic self-incompatibility. This process involves the following steps: selecting plants with a long pestle neck from a group of plants showing heteromorphic self-incompatibility; isolating selected plants with long pestle neck; artificial or natural hybridization to obtain a line of plants with a long pestle neck; artificial or natural continuation of hybridization within said line, the line being isolated from other lines; propagation of seeds to form the seed parent line of plants with a long pestle neck; sowing seed parental line (line A) of plants with long pestle neck; sowing of the second line (line B) of short-necked or short and long-necked (mixed) plants, near line A; Harvesting of line A seeds from pollen of line B. The hybridization between line A and line B produces Fj hybrid seeds.

V smislu predstavljenega izuma so bile obravnavane različne kulture ajde, ki kažejo heteromorfno samoinkompatibilnost. Gre za naslednje kulture ajde: Kitawasesoba, Kitayuki, Botansoba, Shinanonatsusoba, Shatilovskaya 5, Ballada, Sumchanka.Various buckwheat cultures exhibiting heteromorphic self-incompatibility have been contemplated in the present invention. These are the following buckwheat cultures: Kitawasesoba, Kitayuki, Botansoba, Shinanonatsusoba, Shatilovskaya 5, Ballada, Sumchanka.

Prej navedena vsebina in lastnosti predstavljenega izuma bodo vsebinsko in tabelarično podrobneje obravnavane v nadaljevanju.The foregoing contents and features of the present invention will be discussed in detail and in tables below.

V nadaljevanju so podrobneje opisani postopki in izvedbeni primeri, ki se nanašajo na pričujoč izum.The procedures and embodiments of the present invention are described in more detail below.

Iz skupine rastlin, ki kažejo heteromorfno samoinkompatibilnost, najprej izberemo rastline z dolgim pestičnim vratom. Nato jih izpostavimo izoliranim pogojem. Temu sledi umetna oprašitev ali naravna hibridizacija. Ta proces omogoča gojenje linije rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom. Na izolirani liniji nadalje umetno ali naravno poteka hibridizacija, ki vodi do nastanka semenske starševske linije rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom.From the group of plants showing heteromorphic self-incompatibility, we first select plants with a long pestle neck. They are then exposed to isolated conditions. This is followed by artificial pollination or natural hybridization. This process allows the cultivation of a line of plants with a long pestle neck. On the isolated line, hybridization is further artificially or naturally leading to the formation of the seed parent line of plants with a long pestle neck.

Glede na pričujoč izum sledi posaditev semenske starševske linije (linije A) rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom. V bližino linije A posadimo drugo linijo (linijo B) rastlin s kratkim pestičnim vratom ali mešanih, tako rastlin s kratkim kot rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom. Po oploditvi linije A z linijo B končno nastanejo s hibridizacijo Fi hibridna semena.According to the present invention, the seed parental line (line A) of plants with a long pestle neck is planted. In the vicinity of line A, plant a second line (line B) of short-hinged or mixed plants, both short-haired and long-hinged. After fertilization of line A with line B, hybrid seeds are finally generated by Fi hybridization.

Eksperimenti, ki so vodili do pričujočega izumaThe experiments that led to the present invention

Iz skupine Kitawasesoba rastlin (kultura ajde, za katero je značilna heteromorfna samoinkompatibilnost) smo najprej odstranili rastline s kratkim pestičnim vratom. Preostale rastline z dolgim pestičnim vratom smo nato pokrili z varovalno mrežo. Tako smo zadostili pogoju popolne izolacije od okolja. Kasneje smo pod mrežo spustili prenašalce pelodnega zrna. Zgodila seje želj ena hibridizacija in nastala so semena. Dobljena količina semen je znašala 1/4 števila, ki ga je sicer mogoče dobiti v naravnih pogojih. Nastala semena smo nato pobrali in posadili. Ugotovili smo, da gre za semena generacije rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom. Rastline smo nato pod naravnimi pogoji posadili na polje proč od drugih ajdnih linij. Ugotovili smo, da se je zgodila pričakovana hibridizacija, in da so nastala semena, ki predstavljajo semensko starševsko linijo rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom. Na osnovi zgoraj navedenega procesa lahko sklepamo, da je mogoče v velikem obsegu, primernem za industrijske namene, vzgojiti linijo, ki sestoji samo iz rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom.From the Kitawasesoba group of plants (buckwheat culture characterized by heteromorphic self-incompatibility), we first removed plants with a short pestle neck. The remaining plants with a long pestle neck were then covered with a safety net. Thus, we have met the condition of complete isolation from the environment. Later we dropped pollen carriers under the net. One hybridization session has occurred and seeds have emerged. The quantity of seeds obtained was 1/4 of the number that can otherwise be obtained under natural conditions. The resulting seeds were then picked up and planted. We have found that these are the seeds of a generation of plants with a long pestle neck. The plants were then planted under natural conditions in a field away from other buckwheat lines. We found that the expected hybridization had occurred and that the seeds that formed the seed parental line of long-necked plants were formed. Based on the above process, it can be concluded that a line consisting only of plants with a long hinged neck can be grown on a large scale suitable for industrial purposes.

Na osnovi podobnih eksperimentov z drugimi (šestimi) sortami ajde, ki so bile proizvedene doma (na Japonskem) in v tujini, smo ugotovili, da je mogoče proizvajati semena s hibridizacijo med rastlinami z dolgim pestičnim vratom. Pri tem nastanejo semenske starševske linije rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom.Based on similar experiments with other (six) buckwheat varieties that have been produced at home (in Japan) and abroad, we have found that it is possible to produce seeds by hybridizing between plants with a long pestle neck. This produces the seed parental lines of plants with a long pestle neck.

Pri naslednjem eksperimentu smo posadili skupino Kitawasesoba rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom na različnih razdaljah od skupine Kitawasesoba rastlin tako s kratkim kot z dolgim pestičnim vratom. Ugotovili smo, da z razdaljo med osebki prve (skupina rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom) in druge (skupina rastlin s kratkim pestičnim vratom ali rastlin s kratkim in dolgim pestičnim vratom) skupine pada hitrost nastanka semen. Bolj, ko je prva skupina oddaljena od druge skupine, manjša je hitrost tvorbe semen. Dokazali smo, da so semena nastala na vseh testiranih osebkih.In the following experiment, we planted a Kitawasesoba group of plants with a long pestle neck at different distances from the Kitawasesoba group of plants with both a short and a long pestle neck. We found that with the distance between specimens of the first (long pest neck) and second (short pest neck or short and long neck) groups, the rate of seed formation decreased. The further away the first group is from the second group, the lower the rate of seed formation. We proved that the seeds were formed on all specimens tested.

Na osnovi preiskave glede dolžine pestičnega vratu naslednje generacije smo ugotovili, da nastanejo rastline s kratkim in dolgim pestičnim vratom v razmerju 1:1. Na osnovi te ugotovitve lahko sklepamo, daje oprašitev s cvetom s kratkim pestičnim vratom mogoča, in da so lahko skoraj vse skupine, pri čemer vsaka sestoji samo iz rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom, oplojene s cvetnim prahom rastlin s kratkim pestičnim vratom.Based on an investigation into the length of the next generation pestle neck, we have found that short and long pestle neck plants are formed in a 1: 1 ratio. Based on this observation, it can be concluded that pollination with short pestle neck flowers is possible and that almost all groups, each consisting of only long pestle neck plants, may be fertilized with pollen from short pestle plants.

Iz zgoraj navedenega opisa je razvidno, da uporaba pričujočega izuma omogoča proizvodnjo velikih količin F, hibridnih semen na industrijskem nivoju. To dosežemo z gojenjem linije (linija A) rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom in linije (linija B) rastlin s kratkim pestičnim vratom v bližini linije A.It is apparent from the foregoing description that the use of the present invention enables the production of large quantities of F, hybrid seeds on an industrial scale. This is achieved by growing the line (line A) of the long pestle neck plants and the line (line B) of the short pestle neck plants near line A.

Heteromorfna samoinkompatibilnostHeteromorphic self-incompatibility

Samoinkompatibilnost je pojav, pri katerem ne pride do samooploditve kljub temu, da ima rastlina tako moške kot ženske spolne organe, med katerimi prihaja do samooprašitve. Heteromorfna samoinkompatibilnost pa je pojav, da do oprašitve pride samo pri cvetovih katerih prašniki in pestiči so enake višine, tj. med rastlinami z dolgim pestičnim vratom (rastline, ki imajo dolge vratove in kratke prašnike) in rastlinami s kratkim pestičnim vratom (rastline, ki imajo kratke vratove in dolge prašnike).Self-incompatibility is a phenomenon in which self-fertilization does not occur despite the fact that the plant has both male and female sexual organs, among which self-pollination occurs. Heteromorphic self-incompatibility is the phenomenon of pollination occurring only in flowers whose stamens and petioles are the same height, ie. between plants with long pestle neck (plants that have long necks and short stamens) and plants with short pestle neck (plants that have short necks and long stamens).

Dejansko so rastline z dolgim pestičnim vratom homozigoti z recesivnim genom “s”, medtem ko so rastline s kratkim pestičnim vratom heterozigoti z recesivnim genom “s” in dominantnim genom “S”. Med procesom hibridizacije med rastlinami z dolgim pestičnim vratom in rastlinami s kratkim pestičnim vratom se bosta pojavili kombinaciji ss in Ss v razmerju 1:1. Običajno ostaja tudi razmerje rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom in rastlin s kratkim pestičnim vratom 1:1. Če pa je hibridizacijski proces izveden med skupinami, ki sestoje samo iz rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom, bodo vse naslednje in bodoče generacije rastline z dolgimi pestičnimi vratovi.In fact, plants with long pestle neck are homozygotes with recessive gene "s", while plants with short pestle neck are heterozygous with recessive gene "s" and dominant gene "S". During the hybridization process, a 1: 1 ratio of ss and Ss will occur between plants with long pestle neck and plants with short pestle neck. There is also usually a 1: 1 ratio of long pestle neck plants to short pestle neck plants. However, if the hybridization process is performed between groups consisting only of plants with long pestle necks, then all future and future generations will be plants with long pestle necks.

Fj hibridFj hybrid

Pri razmnoževalnem procesu med dvema različnima samooploditvenima linijama (ali sorodnimi linijami) lahko pride do nastanka hibridnih semen. Iz tako dobljenih hibridnih semen lahko nastanejo hibridne rastline, ki jih imenujemo F! hibridi. Pred kratkim so bile med križno oploditvijo vzgojene nekatere izbrane vrste F! hibridov, kot je koruza ali nekatere druge vrste zelenjave.The propagation process between two different self-fertilizing lines (or related lines) may result in the formation of hybrid seeds. Hybrid seeds thus obtained can produce hybrid plants called F! hybrids. Recently, some selected F species were raised during cross fertilization! hybrids such as corn or some other type of vegetable.


Na način, ki bo opisan v nadaljevanju, se bili izvedeni trije eksperimenti. Pri tem so bile uporabljene cvetoče rastline. Testirana rastlina, med eksperimenti uporabljene sorte ter prenašalec pelodnega zrna so navedeni v nadaljevanju. Rastlina: ajda (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench)As described below, three experiments were performed. Flowering plants were used. The tested plant, the varieties used during the experiments and the pollen bearer are listed below. Plant: buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench)

Sorte: Kitawasesoba, Kitayuki, Botansoba, Shinanonatsusoba, Shatilovskaya 5, Ballada, Sumchanka, Hokkai No. 3 Prenašalec pelodnega zrna: bodeča muhaVarieties: Kitawasesoba, Kitayuki, Botansoba, Shinanonatsusoba, Shatilovskaya 5, Ballada, Sumchanka, Hokkai No. 3 Pollen Bearer: Barbed Fly

Eksperiment 1Experiment 1

Postopek rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom Kitawasesoba (sorta ajde) smo takoj po pričetku njihovega cvetenja pokrili z mrežo, ki je preprečevala dostop insektom do rastlin. Nato smo cvetoče rastline odstranili in pod mrežo spustili 100 bodečih muh. 90 dni kasneje smo dozorele rastline poželi ter prešteli število socvetij in število semen. Semena smo posejali v rastlinjak ali na polje ter opazovali velikost pestičnih vratov zraslih rastlin. Vzporedno je bila izvedena tudi naravna oprašitev.The process of plants with Kitawasesoba long pestle neck (buckwheat variety) was covered immediately after their flowering with a net that prevented insects from accessing the plants. Then the flowering plants were removed and 100 barbed flies were dropped under the net. 90 days later, the ripe plants were harvested and the number of inflorescences and the number of seeds counted. The seeds were sown in a greenhouse or in a field and the size of the hinged neck of the grown plants was observed. Natural pollination was also carried out in parallel.

Po doseženem popolnem dozoretju smo naključno izbrali 20 rastlin ter prešteli število socvetij in število nastalih semen.After complete maturation, we randomly selected 20 plants and counted the number of inflorescences and the number of seeds produced.

RezultatThe result

Med opisanim eksperimentom je bilo z učinkovitim oploditvenim procesom med skupino osebkov ajde, ki jo sestavljajo samo rastline z dolgim pestičnim vratom, mogoče dobiti željena semena, kot je razvidno iz tabele 1. Ugotovili smo, da so semena nastala na skoraj vseh osebkih ajde, količina nastalih semen pa se je zelo razlikovala od osebka do osebka.During the described experiment, it was possible to obtain the desired seeds by means of an effective fertilization process between a group of buckwheat specimens consisting only of plants with a long pestle neck, as can be seen from Table 1. We found that seeds were formed on almost all buckwheat specimens, the resulting seeds varied greatly from individual to individual.

Nadalje smo ugotovili, daje posaditev zgornjih semen v rastlinjak in na polje, ki je zadostno ločeno od drugih polj ajde, dalo željena semena s hibridizacijo (križanjem) med rastlinami z dolgim pestičnim vratom (preiskovane rastline so bile vse rastline z dolgim pestičnim vratom), kot je prikazano v tabeli 2. Rastline zrasle iz semen dobljenih pod mrežo 1 in mrežo 2 so dale v naravnih pogojih željena hibridna semena, kot je razvidno iz tabele 2. Kljub temu, da je število nastalih semen na vsakem socvetju enako polovičnemu številu semen (tabela 2), ki nastane pod pogoji, ko so rastline z dolgim in rastline s kratkim pestičnim vratom gojene v mešanem načinu, lahko sklepamo, da sta bili doseženi zadostna rast semen in vzdrževanje linije. Na opisan način je mogoče uvesti praktično uporaben postopek za proizvodnjo in vzdrževanje linije, ki sestoji samo iz rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom.We further found that planting the above seeds in a greenhouse and in a field sufficiently separate from other buckwheat fields yielded the desired seeds by hybridization (crossing) between plants with a long pestle neck (the plants examined were all plants with a long pestle neck). as shown in Table 2. Plants grown from seeds obtained under Grid 1 and Grid 2 gave the desired hybrid seeds under natural conditions, as shown in Table 2. Although the number of seeds produced on each inflorescence is equal to half the number of seeds ( Table 2), which arises under the conditions when long-lived plants and short-necked plants are grown in mixed mode, it can be concluded that sufficient seed growth and line maintenance have been achieved. A practically useful process for the production and maintenance of a line consisting only of plants with a long hinged neck can be introduced in the described manner.

V obravnavanem eksperimentu dobljena semena služijo kot semenska starševska linija rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom.In the present experiment, the seeds obtained serve as the seed parent line of plants with a long pestle neck.

Tabela 1 <ΛTable 1 <Λ

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Eksperiment 2Experiment 2


Z uporabo metode, ki je enaka kot metoda uporabljena v ekperimentu 1, smo proces oplojevanja izvedli znotraj vsake od šestih skupin različnih sort ajde (Kitayuki, Botansoba, Shinanonatsusoba, Shatilovskaya 5, Ballada, Sumchanka). Pri tem smo uporabili šest varovalnih mrež. Uporabljene sorte ajde so bile proizvedene doma in v tujini. Gre za rastline z dolgimi pestičnimi vratovi. Po zaključenem procesu zorenja smo naključno izbrali 20 rastlin iz vsake skupine in prešteli število cvetov in število nastalih semen.Using the same method as that used in Experiment 1, the fertilization process was performed within each of the six groups of different buckwheat varieties (Kitayuki, Botansoba, Shinanonatsusoba, Shatilovskaya 5, Ballada, Sumchanka). Six safety nets were used. The buckwheat varieties used were produced at home and abroad. These are plants with long pinnate necks. After the ripening process was completed, we randomly selected 20 plants from each group and counted the number of flowers and the number of seeds produced.


Podobno kot v primeru eksperimenta 1, se število proizvedenih semen v obravnavanem eksperimentu razlikuje od osebka do osebka. Vse rastline šestih sort so bile sposobne proizvesti semena (tabela 3). Na osnovi rezultatov zbranih v tabeli 3 lahko ugotovimo, daje mogoče proizvesti rastlinske linije, ki sestoje samo iz rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom, ne glede na genotip.Similar to Experiment 1, the number of seeds produced in the experiment under consideration varies from individual to individual. All plants of the six varieties were able to produce seeds (Table 3). Based on the results collected in Table 3, it can be concluded that it is possible to produce plant lines consisting only of plants with long pestle neck, regardless of genotype.

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Eksperiment 3Experiment 3


Skupino rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom sorte Kitawasesoba smo nasadili v oddaljenosti 0 - 12 m od izvora cvetnega prahu rastlin navadne Kitawasesoba z dolgim in kratkim pestičnim vratom. Rastline druge sorte ajde (Hokkai No. 3) smo nasadili med skupino prej omenjenih rastlin. Oplojevalni proces je bil izveden pod naravnimi pogoji. Po končanem procesu zorenja smo naključno izbrali 20 rastlinskih osebkov ter prešteli število socvetij in število nastalih semen. 100 naključno izbranih semen smo posadili in vzgajali v rastlinjaku ter proučevali dolžino pestičnega vratu.We planted a group of Kitawasesoba long pestle plants at a distance of 0 - 12 m from the pollen origin of plants of ordinary Kitawasesoba with long and short pestle. Plants of another buckwheat variety (Hokkai No. 3) were planted among the group of previously mentioned plants. The fertilization process was carried out under natural conditions. After the ripening process was completed, we randomly selected 20 plant specimens and counted the number of inflorescences and the number of seeds produced. 100 randomly selected seeds were planted and grown in a greenhouse and the length of the pestle neck was studied.


Splošno je znano, da hibridna semena ne nastanejo pri hibridizaciji med Kitawasesoba rastlinami in Hokkai No. 3 rastlinami, ker je prva sorta diploidna, druga pa tetraploidna. Tako so semena na proučevanih rastlinah nastala ali pri oprašitvi s cvetnim prahom, ki izvira iz navadnih rastlin Kitawasesoba, ali pa pri hibridizaciji med rastlinami z dolgim pestičnim vratom znotraj enega testnega področja. Iz tabele 4 je razvidno, da se verjetnost oprašitve manjša s povečevanjem razdalje med testnim področjem in izvorom cvetnega prahu. Daljša razdalja med testnim področjem in virom cvetnega prahu bo vodila v manj učinkovito tvorbo semen na testnem področju.It is well known that hybrid seeds do not arise from hybridization between Kitawasesoba plants and Hokkai No. 1. 3 plants because the first variety is diploid and the second is tetraploid. Thus, the seeds on the plants studied were formed either by pollination with pollen originating from ordinary Kitawasesoba plants, or by hybridization between plants with a long pestle neck within one test area. Table 4 shows that the likelihood of pollination decreases as the distance between the test area and the pollen source increases. A longer distance between the test area and the pollen source will lead to less efficient seed formation in the test area.

Nadalje je bilo ugotovljeno, da so bile naslednje generacije rastline z dolgim in kratkim pestičnim vratom v razmeiju 1:1. To dejansko pomeni, da so skoraj vsa semena, dobljena v obravnavanem eksperimentu, nastala pri oploditvi s cvetnim prahom rastlin s kratkim pestičnim vratom.It was further found that the following generations of plants with long and short pistil necks were in a 1: 1 ratio. This actually means that almost all the seeds obtained in the experiment under consideration came from the pollen of short-necked plants.

Na osnovi tega eksperimenta je mogoče ugotoviti, da v primeru možne oprašitve rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom s cvetnim prahom rastlin s kratkim pestičnim vratom poteče oploditev s cvetnim prahom rastlin s kratkim pestičnim vratom pred oploditvijo s cvetnim prahom rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom. Velja namreč, da če je v bližini linije A, ki sestoji samo iz rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom, posajena linija B, ki sestoji iz rastlin s kratkim pestičnim vratom, potem bodo skoraj vse rastline iz linije A (ali 100 % rastlin iz linije A) oplojene s cvetnim prahom linije B, pri čemer nastanejo v veliki meri Fj hibridna semena.Based on this experiment, it can be concluded that, in the case of pollination of long-pested plants with short-pestle-pollen plants, fertilization with pollen-plants of short-pestle-necked plants takes place before fertilization with long-pestle-pollen plants. Namely, if a line B consisting of short-necked plants is planted near line A consisting solely of long-hinged plants, then almost all plants in line A (or 100% of line A plants) will be planted. ) fertilized with pollen of line B, producing largely Fj hybrid seeds.

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Na osnovi zgornjega opisa lahko sklepamo, da je opisan postopek uporaben za proizvodnjo F! hibridnih semen na industrijskem nivoju. To dopušča razvoj novih rastlinskih vrst proizvedenih z visoko produktivnostjo in enotno kvaliteto.Based on the above description, it can be concluded that the process described is useful for the production of F! hybrid seeds on an industrial scale. This allows the development of new plant species produced with high productivity and uniform quality.

Medtem ko so bili zgoraj podrobneje predstavljeni in prikazani deli izuma, so seveda možne številne spremembe in variacije rešitev, ne da bi pri tem prišlo do bistvenih odstopanj od predstavljenega izuma.While the parts of the invention have been presented and shown in greater detail above, there are, of course, numerous variations and variations of the solutions without significant deviations from the present invention.

Za General Manager of Hokkaido National Agricultural ExperimentFor the General Manager of Hokkaido National Agricultural Experiment

Claims (3)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Postopek pridobivanja Fi hibridnih semen rastlin, ki kažejo heteromorfno samoinkompatibilnost, pri čemer omenjeni postopek obsega:1. A process for obtaining Fi hybrid plant seeds showing heteromorphic self-incompatibility, said method comprising: izbiranje rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom iz skupine rastlin, ki kažejo heteromorfno samoinkompatibilnost;selecting plants with a long pestle neck from a group of plants showing heteromorphic self-incompatibility; izoliranje izbranih rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom;isolating selected plants with long pestle neck; umetno oprašitev ali naravno hibridizacijo za doseganje vnaprej določene hibridizacije, tako da je dosežena linija, ki sestoji iz rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom;artificial pollination or natural hybridization to achieve a predetermined hybridization so that a line consisting of plants with a long pestle neck is reached; umetno ali naravno nadaljnjo hibridizacijo znotraj zgornje linije, pri čemer je ta linija izolirana od ostalih linij;artificial or natural further hybridization within the above line, this line being isolated from the other lines; razmnoževanje semen tako, da nastane semenska starševska linija, ki sestoji samo iz rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom;propagation of seeds so as to form a seed parental line consisting solely of plants with a long pestle neck; sejanje oz. posaditev semenske starševske linije (linija A), ki sestoji samo iz semen rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom;sowing or. planting a seed parental line (line A) consisting solely of the seeds of plants with a long pestle neck; v bližino linije A sejanje oz. posaditev druge linije (linije B), ki sestoji samo iz rastlin s kratkim pestičnim vratom ali, ki sestoji iz obeh vrst rastlin, tako rastlin s kratkim pestičnim vratom kot rastlin z dolgim pestičnim vratom;in the vicinity of line A, the planting of a second line (line B) consisting solely of short-hinged plants or consisting of both types of plants, both short-hinged and long-hinged; pobiranje semen linije A, ki je oplojena s pelodom linije B, pri čemer nastanejo pri hibridizaciji med linijo A in linijo B Fj hibridna semena.picking the seeds of line A fertilized with pollen of line B, resulting in hybridization between line A and line B Fj. 2. Postopek po zahtevku 1, značilen po tem, da obsegajo rastline, za katere je značilna heteromorfna samoinkompatibilnost, nekatere sorte ajde.Method according to claim 1, characterized in that the plants characterized by heteromorphic self-incompatibility include some buckwheat varieties. 3. Postopek po zahtevku 2, značilen po tem, da obsegajo nekatere sorte ajde sorte Kitawasesoba, Kitayuki, Botansoba, Shinanonatsusoba, Shatilovskaya 5, Ballada, Sumchanka.Method according to claim 2, characterized in that they comprise some buckwheat varieties of Kitawasesoba, Kitayuki, Botansoba, Shinanonatsusoba, Shatilovskaya 5, Ballada, Sumchanka.
SI9900016A 1998-08-04 1999-01-29 Production process of f1 hybrid seeds SI20001A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

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JP22049198A JP2958457B1 (en) 1998-08-04 1998-08-04 Production of hybrid seeds of the first generation and production, maintenance and propagation of seed parent lines

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SI9900016A SI20001A (en) 1998-08-04 1999-01-29 Production process of f1 hybrid seeds

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
FR2913304A1 (en) * 2007-03-05 2008-09-12 Vilmorin Sa PRODUCTION OF LACTUCA SATIVA HYBRID SEEDS
CN103340069B (en) * 2013-06-09 2018-11-02 陈庆富 The not selection and its implantation methods of shattering cymose buckwheat rhizome kind
CN105210853A (en) * 2015-10-28 2016-01-06 山西省农业科学院农作物品种资源研究所 Buckwheat breeding five garden method
CN105409541B (en) * 2015-11-30 2019-04-26 河北科技师范学院 A kind of cucumber in solar-greenhouse high-efficient breeding method

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