JP4734723B2 - Manufacturing method of multilayer wiring board using coaxial via hole - Google Patents

Manufacturing method of multilayer wiring board using coaxial via hole Download PDF


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JP4734723B2 JP2001023281A JP2001023281A JP4734723B2 JP 4734723 B2 JP4734723 B2 JP 4734723B2 JP 2001023281 A JP2001023281 A JP 2001023281A JP 2001023281 A JP2001023281 A JP 2001023281A JP 4734723 B2 JP4734723 B2 JP 4734723B2
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  • Production Of Multi-Layered Print Wiring Board (AREA)
  • Shielding Devices Or Components To Electric Or Magnetic Fields (AREA)


高速化に対して、配線技術の面では図1に示すようなマイクロストリップライン(a )、ストリップライン(b)、コプレーナストリップライン(c)等の構造を配し、高周波信号伝送時の電磁放射を考慮した電気特性を有する配線技術が提案されている。これらはどれも信号伝送用の配線を電源ならびにグランド配線(あるいは層)が囲む構造である。また絶縁層厚や配線厚ならびに配線幅等の寸法をインピーダンス整合のために設計することも高周波駆動に対しての技術であり、近年注目されてる。
高周波駆動時の信号伝送配線近傍の電磁放射は3次元的に放射される。図1(a )は絶縁層を介し信号伝送配線とグランド層を配設することにより、電気力線がグランド層へベクトルを持つことで信号伝送時の電磁放射(電気特性)を安定させている(マイクロストリップライン)。図1(b)は信号伝送配線の上下にグランド層を配設することで電磁放射に起因した電気特性をさらに改善している(ストリップライン)。さらに図1(c)では信号伝送配線と同平面上にグランド配線を配設する(コプレーナ化)することで上下左右をグランドとしている(コプレーナストリップライン)。3次元的に放射される電磁波を吸収し近接する信号伝送配線へのノイズ発生を抑制し、現状の構造では最も電気特性を改善した配線構造である。
一方で、ビアホールの形成方法はサブトラクティブ法によって配線形成をする場合では銅貫通の止まり穴加工(ダイレクトブラインドビア加工)の孔形成が求められ、セミアディティブ法によって配線形成する場合には絶縁樹脂加工による孔形成が求められる。止まり穴加工はパルス発振のレーザードリル加工機を用いれば、単位面積当たりのレーザー光のパルスエネルギーを銅箔層と樹脂層との間で変えることにより行う事ができる。特にダイレクトブラインドビア加工の場合、例えば紫外線レーザー光(YAG 結晶の第3高調波)を利用した銅箔層加工には10J/m2 以上、樹脂層加工には1〜3J/m2 程度のエネルギーが必要である。このエネルギー差を利用して銅箔層および樹脂層に加工可能な程度のパルスショット数を照射することでブラインドビアを形成することができる。樹脂加工のみによる孔形成では1〜3J/m2 のレーザー光を適切なパルス数照射することでブラインドビア形成を行うことができる。
ダイレクトブラインドビア加工の場合には、銅にレーザー光のエネルギーを吸収させる必要があり、CO2 レーザーでは黒化処理等を施さなければならず生産工程が増える。第3高調波以上の紫外線レーザー波長であれば銅の吸収波長と重なるために黒化処理等の特殊処理が省略できる。第3高調波以上の紫外線レーザー波長を発振するレーザードリル加工機であったほうが望ましい。
また現在ではCAD データをレーザー加工機でNC変換している。そしてレーザードリル加工機側で加工点の加工径、照射パルス数、照射エネルギー等の加工時の設定を行っている。単一円状のビアホール用孔部の形成には、マスク結像されたレーザー光をそのまま加工径に転写するパンチング工法と、単位径のレーザー光を螺旋運動させ加工径まで拡大させるトレパニング工法(螺旋運動の軌跡によりスパイラル工法とも言う場合がある)がある。同軸ビアホール用の孔部を形成するためには、CAD 上でシグナルビアとグランドビアが設計されていればNC変換後にレーザードリル加工機側で照射パルス数等の設定が可能である。シグナルビアとグランドビアは本質的には同じ座標値であり、グランドビアの円弧径ならびにグランド配線に接続する角度が加工上の問題となる。例えば図3のθがX軸に平行(θ= −60〜60度)なグランドビアが同一基板に多数設計されていれば、CAD 上でグランドビアを指示する必要なくレーザードリル加工機側でシグナルビアとグランドビアを1対の孔加工として加工することも可能である。パンチング工法で同軸ビアホール用孔部を形成するのであれば、図3(a) に図示するようにグランドビアは円弧上の軌跡になる。またトレパニングまたはスパイラル法により形成するのであれば、例えば図3(b) のような軌跡により形成可能である。この場合には単位径のレーザー光をグランドビアの面方向の厚さまで広げることができればどのような軌跡であっても構わない。またシグナルビアは信号伝送配線に接続するため、グランドビアとは径が異なる場合がある。この場合は、グランドビアをパンチングにより、シグナルビアをトレパニングならびにスパイラル工法により所望の径まで加工することにより同軸ビアホール用孔部の形成が可能である。いずれにせよパンチング工法とトレパニングならびにスパイラル工法の少なくともいずれか一つもしくは全ての加工法を適用することで同軸ビアホール用孔部の形成が可能である。
配線層である銅をレーザー光によりダイレクト加工する場合には、1つ(あるいはシグナルビアとグランドビアの1対)のビアホール用孔部の形成時に、銅の加工後同じ座標値において樹脂を加工するバースト加工と銅のみの加工を基板内全座標について行なった後レーザー光のエネルギー密度を再設定し樹脂を加工するサイクル加工とがある。同軸ビアホール用の孔部形成に際し、単一円上の孔部をシグナルビアとグランドビアで形成するため加工スループットの遅延が懸念される場合がある。バースト加工により同軸ビアホール用孔部の形成を行う場合であれば加工スループットはレーザー光の発振周波数のみに依存する。一方、銅のみをパンチング工法やトレパニングならびにスパイラル工法によって基板内全座標に形成し、その後グランドビアの円弧径まで加工径を再設定し樹脂のみをパンチング工法するサイクル加工であれば、加工スループットのさらなる短縮を計ることができる。樹脂加工時には銅がほとんど加工されないエネルギー密度に設定されているため、グランドビアの円弧径にてパンチング工法を行っても問題はない。また銅加工を紫外線レーザー、樹脂加工をCO2 レーザーの2軸機で加工を行えば、加工スループットはさらに向上する。
図4に、サブトラクティブ配線形成と銅ダイレクト加工の組み合わせによる同軸ビアホールの構造を有する多層配線基板ならびにその製造方法について説明する。図4(a) は両面銅張り樹脂基板である。11は銅層、12は樹脂層(絶縁層)であり、片側の銅層からレーザー加工を行う。銅ダイレクト加工であるため、紫外線レーザーであったほうが銅の吸収波長と重なるため黒化処理等の特殊工程を省略できる。13はシグナルビア用孔部、14はグランドビア用孔部である(図4(b) 参照)。13および14の孔部形成時に銅層には10J/m2 、樹脂層加工時に3J/m2 程度のエネルギー密度を持つ紫外線レーザーをそれぞれの層に適正パルス数照射する。この時の加工方式は例えば図3(a) および(b) に代表される。レーザードリル加工後に過マンガン酸によるデスミア処理を施し、電気化学的手法により孔内を銅等の金属物質で被覆することでビアホールが形成される。図4(c) はシグナルビアとグランドビアを金属で充填したビアホールであり(15および16)、17はシグナルビア径、18はグランドビアの円弧径、19はグランドビア面方向厚みである。
次にレジスト20を基板に塗布し、公知のフォトリソグラフィーによりパターニングする(図4(d) 参照)。レジスト20をマスクとし、塩化第二鉄液や塩化銅等の薬液によりエッチングする(図4(e) 参照)。生産効率を上げるために露光、現像およびエッチングは両面同時であったほうが望ましい。
以上の工程により同軸ビアホールを有する両面配線基板が完成する。また必要があれば、図4(e) の両面配線基板の片側に片面銅張り樹脂を積層することや樹脂層および銅層を順次積層し、図4(b) 〜(d) の工程を経ることによって所望の多層配線基板を製造することができる(図4(f) 〜(h) )。図4(f) 〜(h) では片側順次積層(ビルドアップ)方式であるが、生産性向上には両側同時積層および同時処理であった方が望ましい。また荷電粒子を含む接着剤層21を介して両面配線基板(図4(e) 参照)を張りあわせることで、荷電粒子22によって導通のとれる多層配線基板を一括積層することも可能である(図4(i) 参照)。
まずはじめに両面銅箔付きポリイミドテープ基板(9/30/9μm)に対し第3高調波のレーザー光によって図3(a) のレーザードリル加工を施した。シグナルビア用孔部17はφ50μmであり、グランドビア用孔部18はφ100μmの円弧径、グランドビア用孔部の面方向厚み19を30μmとした。またグランドビア用孔部の加工角度は240度(θ= −60〜60度および120〜240度)とし、配線パターンに接続させるものとした。また単一円状のブラインドビア加工をパンチング法を用いてそれぞれの円状孔部を連結させることでグランドビア用孔部を形成した。シグナルビアとグランドビアに対しパンチングによるバースト加工を採用し、銅加工にはエネルギー密度10J/m2 のレーザー光を5パルス、樹脂加工には3J/m2 のレーザー光を30パルス照射することで同軸ビアホール用孔部を形成した。
次に自己触媒型の無電解めっきによる化学銅を孔内に0.2〜0.5μm被覆し、その後フィルドビアを行うために電解銅めっきを行った。めっき液の組成は硫酸銅225g/L、硫酸55g/L、塩素イオン60mg/L、添加剤20mLであり浴温を25℃とし、攪拌を行いながら陰極電流密度を1.0A/dm2 で50分間行った。電解めっき後に90℃で10分間、サンプルを乾燥させた。
その後、ドライフィルムレジスト(厚さ10 μm)を熱圧着ラミネートした後、フォトリソグラフィー(150mJ/cm2 露光、炭酸ナトリウム1%現像)により図4(d) のようにパターニングし、比重1.40、液温50℃の塩化第二鉄液によりエッチングした。ドライフィルムレジストのパターニングとエッチングは共に両面同時に行った。以上の工程で、図5および6におけるL2、L3およびL2' 、L3' のそれぞれの配線層を形成した。
次にL2、L3およびL2' 、L3' 配線層の両面に片面銅箔付きポリイミドテープ基板(L2およびL3' 側に9/30μm,L3およびL3' 側に12/50μm)を薄膜接着層を介し積層し、L1およびL1' 配線層を前記同様のサブトラクティブ法により形成した。L4およびL4' 層はグランド層とした。
図5および6の評価基板に対して、アジレントテクノロジー社製8722ESネットワークアナライザーを用いて高周波信号伝送時のSパラメーターの透過(S21 )を測定した。結果を表1に示す。特に高周波信号伝送時(30〜40GHz 帯)において両者に顕著な結果が得られた。同軸ビアホール形状であった場合、単一円状ビアホールであった場合(50%減衰)に比べ10%程度の減衰で信号を伝送することができた。また特に伝送周波数が高ければ高いほど、減衰せず信号を伝送することができる結果が得られた。

Figure 0004734723
1 信号伝送配線
2 絶縁樹脂
3 下面電源ならびにグランド層
4 上面電源ならびにグランド層
5 電源ならびにグランド配線
6 信号伝送接続用ビアホール(シグナルビア)
7 グランド配線接続用ビアホール(グランドビア)
8 シグナルビア用ランド
9 グランドビア用ランド
10 絶縁樹脂層
11 上面配線層
12 絶縁樹脂層
13 シグナルビア用孔部
14 グランドビア用孔部
15 シグナルビア
16 グランドビア
17 シグナルビア径
18 グランドビア円弧径
19 グランドビア面方向厚み
20 レジストマスク
21 荷電粒子含有層
22 荷電粒子
23 信号伝送配線
24 グランド配線
25 シグナルビア
26 グランドビア
27 絶縁樹脂
28 グランド層
29 単一円状ビアホール[0001]
In the present invention, the via hole formed for the interlayer connection of the metal wiring layer is used for high-frequency signal transmission, and the via hole connected to the signal transmission wiring is connected to the power source and the ground wiring layer on the concentric circles for signal transmission. The present invention relates to a structure surrounding a via hole, a manufacturing method of the via hole, a multilayer wiring board using the via hole, and a manufacturing method thereof.
[Prior art]
In recent years, the performance of semiconductors has dramatically improved, and semiconductors have become faster (high frequency drive) and have more terminals. However, since the printed wiring board (mother board) in the hard disk of the computer and the printed wiring board in the portable terminal and the mobile phone have a limited area, the size of the wiring board (semiconductor package) on which the semiconductor is mounted is limited.
Conventional wiring boards have responded by miniaturizing wiring in order to mount high-speed, multi-terminal semiconductors. However, the driving frequency of semiconductors that progress at an accelerated rate has reached the range of several hundred megahertz to gigahertz, and high-frequency signals cannot be transmitted only by miniaturization of wiring, which is the prior art.
In order to increase the speed, in terms of wiring technology, a structure such as a microstrip line (a), strip line (b), coplanar strip line (c) as shown in FIG. Wiring technology having electrical characteristics considering the above has been proposed. Each of these has a structure in which a signal transmission wiring is surrounded by a power supply and a ground wiring (or layer). Designing dimensions such as the insulation layer thickness, wiring thickness, and wiring width for impedance matching is also a technique for high-frequency driving, and has been attracting attention in recent years.
Electromagnetic radiation in the vicinity of the signal transmission wiring during high frequency driving is radiated three-dimensionally. In FIG. 1 (a), by arranging the signal transmission wiring and the ground layer through the insulating layer, the electric field lines have a vector to the ground layer, thereby stabilizing the electromagnetic radiation (electrical characteristics) during signal transmission. (Microstrip line). In FIG. 1B, the ground layer is disposed above and below the signal transmission wiring to further improve the electrical characteristics due to electromagnetic radiation (strip line). Further, in FIG. 1C, ground wiring is provided on the same plane as the signal transmission wiring (coplanarization) so that the top, bottom, left and right are grounded (coplanar strip line). It is a wiring structure that absorbs electromagnetic waves radiated three-dimensionally and suppresses the generation of noise to adjacent signal transmission wirings, and has the most improved electrical characteristics in the current structure.
However, in the substrate having the above-described wiring structure, there is no particular proposal regarding the structure of the via hole that conducts the upper and lower wirings sandwiching the insulating layer. In addition, the via hole itself has a tapered shape, is a land (8 and 9 in FIG. 2) for machining position accuracy, which is a laser machining characteristic, or has a complicated shape, so that a signal at high frequency driving is used. Transmission characteristics are bad. That is, signal reflection and attenuation always occur in the via hole. This is particularly noticeable for high-frequency signals.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
The present invention has been made to solve the above-described problems, and has a hole portion for connecting upper and lower metal wiring layers to a multilayer wiring board composed of a plurality of resin insulation layers and metal wiring layers. In the shape of the via hole, a signal transmission via hole connected to the signal transmission wiring is surrounded by a via hole connected to the power supply and ground wiring layer (coplanarization) to suppress electromagnetic radiation during signal transmission and at high frequency drive An object of the present invention is to provide a via hole shape that reduces the reflection and attenuation of signals.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
In the first aspect of the invention, in the multilayer wiring board in which the insulating layers made of the resin insulating film and the wiring layers made of the conductor film are alternately laminated, the via hole connected to the signal transmission wiring and the peripheral portion thereof Manufacture of multi-layer wiring board where upper and lower metal wiring layers are connected by coaxial via holes with via holes connected to power supply or ground wirings concentrically on concentric circles separated by an insulating layer. Burst processing for processing a copper foil for wiring as a hole for a coaxial via hole in the order of the copper foil and the insulating layer when the copper foil for wiring is through laser drilled, and a hole for the coaxial via hole only on the copper foil in the same plane of the substrate The hole for the coaxial via hole is formed in at least one of the cycle processing in which the insulating layer is processed as the hole for the coaxial via hole after being processed as The multilayer is characterized in that a double-sided wiring board having coaxial via holes obtained by patterning and etching by photolithography after filling the inside of the hole with a metal substance is bonded through an adhesive layer containing charged particles. This is a method for manufacturing a wiring board .
<1. Coaxial via hole shape and manufacturing method>
The coaxial via hole shape and the manufacturing method thereof in the multilayer wiring board of the present invention will be described below. Subtractive and semi-additive methods are currently promising when forming fine wiring. In the subtractive method, copper wiring is completed on a copper foil by a resist coating-exposure-development-etching process. On the other hand, in the semi-additive method, copper wiring is completed by electroless plating-resist coating-exposure-development-electrolytic plating-soft etching on a resin. Copper by electroless plating deposited on the entire surface by electroless plating becomes a copper wiring having an independent pattern by soft etching. Both methods are known photolithography and lithography-based processes.
On the other hand, the via hole formation method requires the formation of copper through blind hole processing (direct blind via processing) when wiring is formed by the subtractive method, and insulating resin processing when wiring is formed by the semi-additive method. The hole formation by is required. If a pulsed laser drilling machine is used, the blind hole processing can be performed by changing the pulse energy of the laser light per unit area between the copper foil layer and the resin layer. In particular direct blind vias case of machining, for example, ultraviolet laser light in the copper foil layer processing using (third harmonic of a YAG crystal) is 10J / m 2 or more, the resin layer processing 1~3J / m 2 about energy is required. Blind vias can be formed by irradiating the copper foil layer and the resin layer with a number of pulse shots that can be processed using this energy difference. In hole formation only by resin processing, blind via formation can be performed by irradiating 1 to 3 J / m 2 of laser light with an appropriate number of pulses.
In the case of direct blind via processing, it is necessary to absorb the energy of laser light in copper, and the CO 2 laser must be subjected to blackening treatment or the like, increasing the production process. If the ultraviolet laser wavelength is higher than the third harmonic, it overlaps with the absorption wavelength of copper, so that special processing such as blackening can be omitted. It is desirable to be a laser drilling machine that oscillates an ultraviolet laser wavelength equal to or higher than the third harmonic.
In the case of the coplanar structure in the wiring, as shown in FIG. 2, it is necessary to design the insulating interlayer distance (W in FIG. 2) from the signal transmission wiring to the ground wiring on both sides. That is, regarding the formation of the hole for the coaxial via hole shape, the distance between the insulating layers from the hole for the via hole (signal via) connected to the signal transmission wiring to the via hole (ground via) connected to the ground wiring should be the same W dimension. This is desirable as a coplanar via hole.
Current laser processing machines perform processing for each hole by scanning a certain region (about 30 × 30 mm) in the X and Y axes with a laser beam from an oscillator by an optical mechanism including a galvanometer mirror. Since the laser light is optically scanned along the X and Y axes, an error occurs with respect to the design coordinates. The total processing position accuracy that overlaps the processing table accuracy of the current laser processing machine is about ± 15 μm, and in consideration of this processing position accuracy problem, a target called a land (8 and 9 in the figure) is formed, and the laser beam The via hole is formed so that the upper and lower wiring layers can be electrically connected by irradiating the land without fail.
The signal via is a filled via (metal-filled via hole) in FIG. 2, but may be a conformal via (metal-covered via hole along the hole wall surface).
At present, CAD data is NC converted with a laser processing machine. Then, on the laser drilling machine side, the processing diameter of the processing point, the number of irradiation pulses, the irradiation energy, etc. are set during processing. To form a single circular hole for a via hole, a punching method in which the laser beam focused on the mask is directly transferred to the machining diameter, and a trepanning method (spiral) in which the laser beam of the unit diameter is spirally moved to the machining diameter. It may be called a spiral method depending on the movement trajectory). In order to form a hole for a coaxial via hole, the number of irradiation pulses can be set on the laser drilling machine after NC conversion if a signal via and a ground via are designed on the CAD. The signal via and the ground via have essentially the same coordinate value, and the arc diameter of the ground via and the angle of connection to the ground wiring are problems in processing. For example, if many ground vias with θ in Fig. 3 parallel to the X-axis (θ = -60 to 60 degrees) are designed on the same substrate, there is no need to indicate the ground via on the CAD side, and the laser drilling machine signal It is also possible to process the via and the ground via as a pair of holes. If the hole for a coaxial via hole is formed by the punching method, the ground via becomes a locus on an arc as shown in FIG. Further, if it is formed by trepanning or spiral method, it can be formed by a locus as shown in FIG. In this case, any locus may be used as long as the laser beam having a unit diameter can be expanded to the thickness of the ground via in the surface direction. Since the signal via is connected to the signal transmission wiring, the diameter may be different from that of the ground via. In this case, the hole for the coaxial via hole can be formed by punching the ground via and processing the signal via to a desired diameter by trepanning and a spiral method. In any case, the hole for the coaxial via hole can be formed by applying at least one of the punching method, the trepanning method, and the spiral method.
When copper, which is a wiring layer, is processed directly by laser light, the resin is processed at the same coordinate value after processing of copper when forming one (or a pair of signal and ground vias) via hole. There is a cycle process in which a resin is processed by resetting the energy density of laser light after performing burst processing and processing of only copper on all coordinates in the substrate. When forming a hole for a coaxial via hole, a hole on a single circle is formed by a signal via and a ground via, which may cause a delay in processing throughput. If the coaxial via hole is formed by burst processing, the processing throughput depends only on the oscillation frequency of the laser beam. On the other hand, if only the copper is formed in all the coordinates in the substrate by punching method, trepanning and spiral method, and then the processing diameter is reset to the arc diameter of the ground via and only the resin is punched, the processing throughput is further increased. Shortening can be measured. Since the energy density is set so that copper is hardly processed during resin processing, there is no problem even if the punching method is performed with the arc diameter of the ground via. If the copper processing is performed with a two-axis machine using an ultraviolet laser and the resin processing using a CO 2 laser, the processing throughput is further improved.
Further, the manufacturing method for forming the hole for the coaxial via hole is not limited to the laser drilling process. When the resin layer shakes the photosensitivity, the hole may be formed by known photolithography (photo via).
<1. Multilayer Wiring Board and Manufacturing Method>
Hereinafter, the multilayer wiring board and the manufacturing method thereof of the present invention will be described. Subtractive and semi-additive methods are currently promising when forming fine wiring. When the subtractive method is adopted for wiring formation, direct processing is required for the copper on the wiring layer to form the hole for the via hole. A conformal method has been proposed in which laser drilling is performed after copper is etched into a circular shape by photolithography, but the production efficiency decreases due to an increase in the number of processes.
FIG. 4 illustrates a multilayer wiring board having a coaxial via hole structure formed by a combination of subtractive wiring formation and direct copper processing, and a manufacturing method thereof. FIG. 4A shows a double-sided copper-clad resin substrate. 11 is a copper layer, 12 is a resin layer (insulating layer), and laser processing is performed from a copper layer on one side. Since it is copper direct processing, it is possible to omit a special process such as blackening because the ultraviolet laser overlaps with the absorption wavelength of copper. 13 is a signal via hole, and 14 is a ground via hole (see FIG. 4B). 13 and 14 of the hole portion formed 10J / m 2 in the copper layer during irradiates proper number of pulses each layer an ultraviolet laser having an energy density of about 3J / m 2 when the resin layer processing. The processing method at this time is represented by, for example, FIGS. 3 (a) and 3 (b). A via hole is formed by performing desmear treatment with permanganic acid after laser drilling and coating the inside of the hole with a metal material such as copper by an electrochemical method. FIG. 4 (c) shows via holes filled with metal for signal vias and ground vias (15 and 16), 17 is the diameter of the signal via, 18 is the arc diameter of the ground via, and 19 is the thickness in the direction of the ground via surface.
Next, a resist 20 is applied to the substrate and patterned by known photolithography (see FIG. 4D). Etching is performed with a chemical solution such as ferric chloride solution or copper chloride using the resist 20 as a mask (see FIG. 4E). In order to increase the production efficiency, it is desirable that the exposure, development and etching are simultaneously performed on both sides.
The double-sided wiring board having the coaxial via hole is completed through the above steps. Further, if necessary, a single-sided copper-clad resin is laminated on one side of the double-sided wiring board of FIG. 4 (e), or a resin layer and a copper layer are sequentially laminated, and the steps of FIGS. 4 (b) to (d) are performed. Thus, a desired multilayer wiring board can be manufactured (FIGS. 4F to 4H). In FIGS. 4F to 4H, the one-sided sequential lamination (build-up) method is used, but it is desirable to use both-side simultaneous lamination and simultaneous processing in order to improve productivity. In addition, a multilayer wiring board that can be electrically connected by the charged particles 22 can be stacked at once by attaching the double-sided wiring boards (see FIG. 4E) via the adhesive layer 21 containing charged particles (see FIG. 4). 4 (i)).
The method of manufacturing a multilayer wiring board having coaxial via holes composed of signal vias and ground vias is not limited to the above.
The coaxial via hole shape and the manufacturing method of the multilayer wiring board using the same are a shape and manufacturing method that can be applied to either a rigid or flexible wiring board.
<Example 1>
Uses Mitsui Chemicals' polyimide tape with double-sided copper foil (base material of copper / polyimide / copper → 9/30/9 μm, copper / polyimide → 9/30 μm and 12/50 μm) for high-frequency transmission S Evaluation substrates as shown in FIGS. 5 and 6 were prepared to measure the parameters. FIG. 5 shows an evaluation board having a coaxial via hole. The wiring length is 30 mm, and the coaxial via hole for connecting the upper and lower wiring layers is 30 holes. FIG. 6 shows an evaluation board having a single circular via hole, which was prepared for comparison with a coaxial via hole evaluation board. The wiring length is also 30 mm, and the via hole is 30 holes.
First, a laser drilling process as shown in FIG. 3A was performed on a polyimide tape substrate (9/30/9 μm) with a double-sided copper foil using a third harmonic laser beam. The signal via hole 17 has a diameter of 50 μm, the ground via hole 18 has an arc diameter of φ100 μm, and the thickness 19 in the surface direction of the ground via hole is 30 μm. The processing angle of the hole for the ground via is 240 degrees (θ = −60 to 60 degrees and 120 to 240 degrees) and is connected to the wiring pattern. Moreover, the hole for ground vias was formed by connecting each circular hole using a punching method in a single circular blind via process. Burst processing by punching is adopted for signal vias and ground vias, and 5 pulses of laser light with an energy density of 10 J / m 2 are applied to copper processing, and 30 pulses of 3 J / m 2 laser light are applied to resin processing. A hole for a coaxial via hole was formed.
After the laser drilling, the removal of scattered copper (removal of dross) was processed by physical polishing using buffalo, and desmearing was performed for 5 minutes with an aqueous potassium permanganate solution. The desmear treatment has an effect of removing the residue (smear) at the bottom of the hole and roughening the wall of the hole to increase the plating adhesion strength in the next step.
Next, chemical copper by autocatalytic electroless plating was coated in the hole by 0.2 to 0.5 μm, and then electrolytic copper plating was performed to perform a filled via. The composition of the plating solution is copper sulfate 225 g / L, sulfuric acid 55 g / L, chloride ion 60 mg / L, additive 20 mL, the bath temperature is 25 ° C., and the cathode current density is 50 at 1.0 A / dm 2 while stirring. Went for a minute. The sample was dried at 90 ° C. for 10 minutes after the electroplating.
Thereafter, a dry film resist (thickness: 10 μm) was laminated by thermocompression bonding, and then patterned by photolithography (150 mJ / cm 2 exposure, 1% sodium carbonate development) as shown in FIG. Etching was performed with ferric chloride solution at a liquid temperature of 50 ° C. Both patterning and etching of the dry film resist were performed simultaneously on both sides. Through the above steps, the respective wiring layers of L 2 , L 3, L 2 ′, and L 3 ′ in FIGS. 5 and 6 were formed.
Then L 2, L 3 and L 2 ', L 3' duplex on one side with copper foil polyimide tape substrate (L 2 and L 3 'side 9/30 [mu] m, L 3 and L 3' of the wiring layer side to 12 / 50 μm) was laminated through a thin film adhesive layer, and L1 and L1 ′ wiring layers were formed by the same subtractive method as described above. The L 4 and L 4 'layers were ground layers.
With respect to the evaluation substrates of FIGS. 5 and 6, S parameter transmission (S21) during high-frequency signal transmission was measured using an Agilent Technology 8722ES Network Analyzer. The results are shown in Table 1. In particular, remarkable results were obtained in both cases during high-frequency signal transmission (30 to 40 GHz band). In the case of the coaxial via hole shape, a signal could be transmitted with an attenuation of about 10% as compared with the case of a single circular via hole (50% attenuation). In particular, the higher the transmission frequency, the more the signal can be transmitted without being attenuated.
[Table 1]
Figure 0004734723
【The invention's effect】
According to the coaxial via hole shape in which the via hole connected to the signal transmission wiring of the present invention and the via hole connected to the power source and the ground wiring are formed concentrically on the same axis, the single-circular via hole has a very high attenuation signal. Can be transmitted with 60 to 80% less attenuation. In addition, there is a difference in the attenuation of signal transmission between the coaxial via hole and the single circular via hole during higher frequency driving. The coaxial via hole is a via hole shape and a multilayer wiring board corresponding to the trend of higher frequency driving of semiconductors in the future.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional view of a wiring structure having a signal transmission wiring, a power supply, and a ground wiring (layer).
FIG. 2 is a top view and a cross-sectional perspective view showing the shape of a coaxial via hole.
FIG. 3 is an explanatory view showing a processing method (means) by a laser beam for a hole for a coaxial via hole.
FIG. 4 is an explanatory view showing a method of manufacturing a multilayer wiring board having coaxial via holes.
FIG. 5 is a top view and a cross-sectional view of an evaluation board having a coaxial via hole.
FIGS. 6A and 6B are a top view and a cross-sectional view of an evaluation substrate having a single circular via hole. FIGS.
[Explanation of symbols]
DESCRIPTION OF SYMBOLS 1 Signal transmission wiring 2 Insulation resin 3 Lower surface power source and ground layer 4 Upper surface power source and ground layer 5 Power source and ground wiring 6 Signal transmission connection via hole (signal via)
7 Ground wiring connection via hole (ground via)
8 Signal via land 9 Ground via land 10 Insulating resin layer 11 Upper surface wiring layer 12 Insulating resin layer 13 Signal via hole 14 Ground via hole 15 Signal via 16 Ground via 17 Signal via diameter 18 Ground via arc diameter 19 Ground via surface direction thickness 20 Resist mask 21 Charged particle containing layer 22 Charged particle 23 Signal transmission wiring 24 Ground wiring 25 Signal via 26 Ground via 27 Insulating resin 28 Ground layer 29 Single circular via hole

Claims (1)

In a multilayer wiring board in which insulating layers made of a resin insulating film and wiring layers made of a conductor film are alternately laminated, via holes connected to the signal transmission wiring are spaced apart from each other by an insulating layer. A method of manufacturing a multilayer wiring board in which electrical conduction between upper and lower metal wiring layers is taken by a coaxial via hole having a via hole connected to a power supply or ground wiring coaxially on a concentric circle ,
Burst processing to process copper foil for wiring as a hole for coaxial via hole in order of copper foil and insulating layer when penetrating laser drilling, and insulation after processing only copper foil in the same plane of the board as a hole for coaxial via hole A coaxial obtained by forming a coaxial via hole hole in at least one of the cycle processes for processing the layer as a coaxial via hole hole, filling the hole with a metal substance, and patterning and etching by photolithography. A method of manufacturing a multilayer wiring board, comprising: bonding double-sided wiring boards having via holes together with an adhesive layer containing charged particles .
JP2001023281A 2001-01-31 2001-01-31 Manufacturing method of multilayer wiring board using coaxial via hole Expired - Fee Related JP4734723B2 (en)

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