JP4463397B2 - Cosmetic composition - Google Patents

Cosmetic composition Download PDF


Publication number
JP4463397B2 JP2000237736A JP2000237736A JP4463397B2 JP 4463397 B2 JP4463397 B2 JP 4463397B2 JP 2000237736 A JP2000237736 A JP 2000237736A JP 2000237736 A JP2000237736 A JP 2000237736A JP 4463397 B2 JP4463397 B2 JP 4463397B2
Prior art keywords
royal jelly
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Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
Expired - Lifetime
Application number
Other languages
Japanese (ja)
Other versions
JP2002020226A (en
正人 井爪
道弘 田島
幸一 高野
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Katakura Chikkarin Co Ltd
Original Assignee
Katakura Chikkarin Co Ltd
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Publication date
Application filed by Katakura Chikkarin Co Ltd filed Critical Katakura Chikkarin Co Ltd
Priority to JP2000237736A priority Critical patent/JP4463397B2/en
Publication of JP2002020226A publication Critical patent/JP2002020226A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of JP4463397B2 publication Critical patent/JP4463397B2/en
Anticipated expiration legal-status Critical
Expired - Lifetime legal-status Critical Current



  • Cosmetics (AREA)


また、アーモンド(へん桃)、アイ(藍葉)、アオカズラ(清風藤)、アオツヅラフジ(木防巳)、アオノリュウゼツラン、フクリンリュウゼツラン、アカシア、アカスグリ果実、アカブドウ、アカミノキ(ログウッド)、アカメガシワ(赤芽柏)、アカネ(茜草根)、アカヤジオウ・ジオウ(地黄)、アギ(阿魏)、アキニレ(榔楡皮)、アケビ(木通)、アサ(麻子仁)、マルバアサガオまたはアサガオ(牽牛子)、アシタバ(明日葉)、アズキ(赤小豆)、アセロラ、アセンヤク(阿仙薬)、アニス、アベマキ果実、アボカド、アマ、アマチャ(甘茶)、アマチャヅル、アマドコロ(玉竹)、アミガサユリ(貝母)、アルテア、アルニカ、アロエ(蘆薈)、アロエベラ、アンジェリカ、アンズ・ホンアンズ(杏仁)、アンソッコウ(安息香)、イガコウゾリナ(地胆頭)、イタドリ(虎杖根)、イチゴ、イチジク(無花果)またはその葉、イチビ(冬葵子)、イチヤクソウ、イチョウ(銀杏葉、銀杏)、イトヒメハギ(遠志)、イナゴマメ、イネ種子または種皮、イノンド種子、イブキジャコウソウ、イラクサ、イランイラン、ウイキョウ(茴香)、ウキヤガラ(三稜)、ウグイスカグラ果実、ヒメウイキョウ、ウコン(鬱金)、ウスバサイシン・ケイリンサイシン(細辛)、ウスベニアオイ、ウスベニタチアオイ、ウツボグサ(夏枯草)、ウドまたはシシウド(羌活、独活、唐独活)、ウメ(烏梅)またはその果肉、ウラジロガシ、ウーロン茶、ウワウルシ(クサコケモモ)、ウンシュウミカン(陳皮)、エストラゴン、エゾウコキ(蝦夷五加)、エゾキイチゴ、エチナシ(ホソバムラサキバレンギク)、エニシダ、エノキタケ(榎茸)、エビスグサ(決明子)、エルダーベリー果実、エレミ、エリンギィ(プレロータスエリンジ)、エンジュ(槐花、槐花米)、オウギ・キバナオウギ(黄耆)、オウレン(黄連)、オオカラスウリ(カロニン)、オオツヅラフジ(防己)、オオバコ(車前子、車前草)、オオハシバミ(榛子)、オオバナオケラ・オケラ(白朮)、オオバヤシャブシ果実、オオミサンザシ・サンザシ(山査子)、オウヒササノユキ、ササノユキ、オオムギ(大麦)、オグルマ(旋覆)、オクラ果実、オタネニンジン・トチバニンジン(人参)、オトギリソウ・コゴメバオトギリソウ・セイヨウオトギリソウ(弟切草)、オドリコソウ(続断)、オナモミ(蒼耳子)、オニグルミ、オニノヤガラ(天麻)、オニユリ・ササユリ・ハカタユリ(百合)、オヒョウ(裂葉楡)、オミナエシ(敗醤)、オランダイチゴ、オランダカラシ(クレソン)、オランダゼリ、オランダミツバ、オリーブ、オレガノ、オレンジ果実または果皮、カイケイジオウ(熟地黄)、カカオ種子、カキまたはその葉(柿帯)、カギカズラ(釣藤鈎)、カシア、カジノキ果実(楮実)、ガジュツ(莪朮)、カシワ(槲樹、槲葉)、カスカリラ、カニクサ(金沙藤)、カノコソウ(吉草根)、カバノキまたはシダレカンバ(白樺)、カボチャ、カポックノキ種子、カホクサンショウ(蜀椒)、ガマ(蒲黄)、カミツレ・ローマカミツレ、カミヤツデ(通草)、カムカム/カモカモ、カラスウリ(王瓜)、カラスビシャク(半夏)、カラスムギ、ガラナ種子、カラホオ(厚朴)、カラヤ、カリン(木瓜)、ガルシニア、カワヤナギ、カワラタケ、カワラヨモギ(茵チン蒿)、カンスイ(甘遂)、カンゾウ(甘草)、カンタラアサ、カンデリラ、カントウ、カンナ、キイチゴ、キウイ果実、キカラスウリ(瓜呂根)、キキョウ(桔梗、桔梗根)、キク(菊花)、キササゲ(梓実)、ギシギシ(羊蹄根)、キジツ(枳実)、キズタ、キダチアロエ、キダチハッカ、キナ、キナノキ(シンコーナ、アカキナノキ)、キハダ(黄柏)、ギムネマ・シルベスタ、キャベツ、キャベツ未熟果、キュウリ、キラジャ・サポナリア、キラヤ、キンカン果実、キンマ、キンミズヒキ(仙鶴草)、グアバ果実、グアユーレ、クェルクス・インフェクトリア(没食子)、ククイナッツ、クコ(枸杞、枸杞子、枸杞葉、地骨皮)、クサスギカズラ(天門冬)、クスノキ、グースベリー果実、クチナシ(山梔子)、クヌギ(樸ソウ)、クマザサ、クマツヅラ(馬鞭草)、クララ(苦参)、クランベリー果実、クリまたはその渋皮、クルクリゴ・ラチフォリア果実、グレープフルーツ、クロウメモドキ、クロガネモチ(救必応)、クロバナヒキオコシ、クローブ(丁子、丁香)、ケイガイ(荊芥、荊芥穂)、ケイトウ(鶏冠花、鶏冠子)、ゲッケイジュ(月桂樹)、ケナシサルトリイバラ(土茯苓、山帰来)、ケンチアナ、ゲンノショウコ(老鸛草)、コウジ/タチバナ/オオベニミカン/ポンカン/サンタラ(橘皮)、コウシンバラ(月季花)、コウスイハッカ、コウゾ果実、コウチャ(紅茶)、コウホネ(川骨)、コウホン(藁本、唐藁本)、コウリャン、コエンドロ果実、コガネバナ(黄ゴン)、コケモモ(越橘)、ココヤシ果実、ゴシュユ(呉茱萸)、ゴショイチゴ(覆盆子)、コショウ(胡椒)、コパイババルサム、コーヒー豆、コブシ・モクレン(辛夷)、ゴボウ(牛蒡、牛蒡子)、コボタンヅル、ゴマ(胡麻)、ゴマノハグサ(玄参)、ゴミシ(五味子)・サネカズラ・ビナンカズラ・マツブサ、コムギ(小麦)、米・米糠(赤糠、白糠)・コメ油、コーラ・アクミナタ種子、コーラ・ベラ種子、コロハ果実、コロンボ、コンズランゴ、コンブ、コンニャク、コンフリー(鰭張草)、サイザル、サイザルアサ、サキシマボタンヅル(威霊仙)、サクラ(オオシマザクラ、ヤマザクラ、オオヤマザクラ、エドヒガシ、マメザクラ、ミヤマザクラ、ソメイヨシノ、タカネザクラ、カスミザクラ、チョウジザクラ、コヒガン、サトザクラ、カンザクラ)の葉・花・果実・樹皮(桜皮)、サクランボ、ザクロ、ササ、サザンカ、サジオモダカ(沢瀉)、サツマイモ、サトウキビ、サトウダイコン、サネブトナツメ(酸棗仁)、サフラン(番紅花、西紅花)、ザボン果実、サボンソウ、サーモンベリー果実、サラシナショウマ(升麻)、サルビア(セージ)、サワギキョウ(山梗菜)、サワグルミ(山胡桃)、サンシチニンジン(三七人参)、サンシュユ(山茱萸)、サンショウ(山椒)、サンズコン(山豆根)、シア(カリテ)、シアノキ果実、シイタケ(椎茸)、シオン(紫苑)、ジキタリス、シクンシ(使君子)、シソ・アオジソ・チリメンジソ・カタメンジソ(紫蘇葉、紫蘇子)、シタン、シナノキ、シナホオノキ、シナレンギヨウ(連翹)、シマカンギク(菊花)、シメジ(ヒンシメジ、シャカシメジ、ハタケシメジ、オシロイシメジ、ブナシメジ、シロタモギタケ)、シモツケソウ、ジャガイモ、シャクヤク(芍薬)、シャジン(沙参)、ジャノヒゲ(麦門冬)、ジュズダマ、シュロ果実、ショウガ(生姜)、ショウブ(菖蒲、菖蒲根)、ショズク果実、シラカシ種子、シロゴチョウの種子、シロバナツタの花、シロミナンテン(南天実)、シンコナサクシルブラ、シンナモン、スイカ(西瓜)、スイカズラ(金銀花、忍冬)、スイバ(酸模)、スイムベリー果実、ステビア、ストロベリー果実、スギナ(問荊)、ステビア、スモモ果実、セイヨウアカマツの球果、セイヨウカラマツ、セイヨウキズタ、セイヨウグルミ、セイヨウサンザシ、セイヨウタンポポ、セイヨウトチノキ(マロニエ)、セイヨウナシ果実、セイヨウナツユキソウ、セイヨウニワトコ(エルダー)、セイヨウネズ(ジュニパー・杜松)、セイヨウノコギリソウ(ミルフォイル)、セイヨウバラ、セイヨウフウチョウボク、セイヨウヤドリギ、セイヨウハッカ・セイヨウヤマハッカ、セイヨウワサビ、セキショウ(石菖根)、ゼニアオイ、ヒロハセネガ、セネガ、セリ、セロリ、センキュウ(川キュウ)、センダン、センブリ(当薬)、センナ果実または葉、センニンソウ(大蓼)、ソウカ(草果)、ソバ種実、ソメモノイモ、ダイオウ(大黄)、大根、大豆、ダイダイ(橙皮、枳実)、タカトウダイ(大戟)、タカワラビ(狗脊)、ダークスィートチェリー果実、タチアオイ、タチジャコウソウ(タイム、百里香)、タチヤナギ、タマリンド種子、タマネギ、タムシバ(辛夷)、タラノキまたはその根皮、タンジン(丹参)、タンポポ(蒲公英)またはシロバナタンポポ・モウコタンポポ、ダンマル、チェリー果実、チガヤまたはその根(茅根)、チクセツニンジン(竹節人参)、チコリ、チョウセンゴミシ(五味子)、チョウセンダイオウ(大黄)、チョウセンニレ(蕪夷)、チョウセンニンジン(人参)、チョウセンヨモギ(艾葉)、チョレイマイタケ(猪苓)、ツキミソウ、ツクリタケ(マッシュルーム)、ツバキ、ツボクサ、ツメクサ(漆姑草)、ツユクサ(鴨跖草)、ツルアズキ(赤小豆)、ツルドクダミ(何首烏)、ツルナ(蕃杏)、ツルニンジン(四葉参)、ツワブキ、デイコ、テウチグルミ、デュベリー果実、テングサ、テンチャ(甜茶)、テンダイウヤク(烏薬)、トウガ(冬瓜子)、トウガラシ(番椒)、トウキ(当帰)、トウキンセンカ(マリーゴールド)、トウモロコシまたはトウモロコシ毛(南蛮毛)、トウネズミモチ(女貞子)、トウリンドウ(竜胆)、ドクダミ(十薬)、トコン(吐根)、トシシ・マメダオシ・ネナシカズラ、トチュウ(杜仲、杜仲葉)、トマト、トラガント、トリアカンソス種子、トルメンチラ、ドロノキ、トロロアオイ、ナイゼリアベリー果実、ナガイモ・ヤマノイモ(山薬)、ナギイカダ(ブッチャーブルーム)、ナギナタコウジュ、ナズナ、ナタネ、ナツミカン、ナツメ(大棗)、ナニワイバラ(金桜子)、ナメコ、ナルコユリ(黄精)、ナンキンマメ(落花生)、ナンテン(南天実)、ニガキ(苦木)、ニガヨモギ(苦艾)、ニクズク、ケイ・ニッケイ(桂皮)・ケイシ(桂枝)、ニラ(韮子)、ニワトコ(接骨木)の果実・花または茎葉、ニンニク(大蒜)、ヌルデ(五倍子)、ネギ、ノアザミ(大薊)、ノイバラ(営実)、ノコギリソウ、ノダケ(前胡)、ノバラ、ノモモ、パーム、パイナップル果実、ハイビスカス(ブッソウゲ、フウリンブッソウゲ、ローゼル)、ハカマウラボシ(骨砕補)、ハクセン(白癬皮)、ハクルベリー果実、ハコベ(繁縷)、ハシバミ(榛子)、ハシリドコロ(ロート根)、バジル、ハス(蓮、蓮肉、蓮子)、パセリ(オランダゼリ)、ハダカムギ、バタタ、ハチク・マダケ(竹茹)、パチョリー、ハッカ(薄荷、薄荷葉)、ハトムギ(ヨクイニン)、ハナスケ(知母)、バナナ、ハナハッカ、バニラビンズ、パパイヤ、ハハコグサ(鼠麹草)、ハブ草、パプリカ、ハマゴウ・ミツバハマゴウ(蔓荊子)、ハマスゲ(香附子)、ハマビシ(シツ莉子)、ハマナス(マイカイ花)、ハマボウフウ(浜防風)、ハマメリス、バラ(薔薇)、ハラタケ(ハラタケ、シロオオハラタケ、ウスキモリノカサ)、パリエタリア、ハルニレ(楡皮、楡白皮、楡葉)、パンノキ、ヒカゲツルニンジン(党参)、ピーカンナッツ、ヒガンバナ(石蒜、蔓珠沙華)、ヒキオコシ(延命草)、ヒシ(菱実)、ピスタチオ、ビート、ヒトツバ(石葦)、ヒナタイノコズチ(牛膝)、ヒノキ、ヒバ、ヒマシ、ヒマワリ、ピーマン、ヒメガマ(香蒲)、ヒメマツタケ(カワリハラタケ、ヒロマツタケ)、ピメンタ果実、ビャクシ、ビャッキュウ、ヒユ果実、ビロウドアオイ、ヒロハオキナグサ(白頭翁)、ビワ(枇杷、枇杷葉)、ビンロウ(大服皮、檳榔子)、フウトウカズラ(南籐)、フキ、フキタンポポ(款冬花、款冬葉)、フジバカマ(蘭草)、フジマメ(扁豆)、ブドウ果実または果皮・種子・葉、ブナ、フユムシナツクサタケ(冬虫夏草)、ブラジルカンゾウ、ブラックカーラント果実、ブラックベリー、プラム果実、フルセラリア、ブルーベリー(セイヨウヒメスノキ)、プルーン、ブロンドサイリウム、ブンドウ(緑豆)、ヘチマ、ベニバナ(紅花)、ヘネケン、ベラドンナ、ベリー果実、ペルビアンバーグ、ボイセンベリー果実、ボウフウ(防風)、ホウレンソウ、ホオズキ(登呂根)、ホオノキ(和厚朴、朴)、ボケ(木瓜)、ホソバナオケラ(蒼朮)、ホソババレンギク、ボダイジュ(菩醍樹)、ボタン(牡丹、牡丹皮)、ホホバ、ホワートルベリー果実、ホンシメジ、マイズルテンナンショウ(天南星)、マイタケ(舞茸)、マオウ(麻黄)、マカデミアナッツ、マクリ(海人草)、マグワ(桑白皮、桑葉)、マグノリア・スプレンゲリ、マタタビ(木天蓼)、マツカサ、松葉、マツホド(茯苓)、マヨラム(ハナハッカ)、マルバノジャジン(苦参)、マルベリー果実、マルメロ、マンゴー、マンゴスチン、マンシュウグルミ、マンダリン果実、マンネンタケ(霊芝)、ミカン属植物果実(枳実)、ミシマサイコ(柴胡)、ミゾカクシ(半辺蓮)、ミソハギ(千屈菜)、ミツガシワ、ミツバ、ミドリハッカ、ミモザ、ミョウガ、ミラクルフルーツ果実、ミルラ、ミロバラン、ムクゲ(木槿)、ムクノキ、ムクロジ、ムラサキ(紫根)、ムラサキトウモロコシ、メハジキ(益母草)、メボウギ、メラロイカ、メリッサ、メリロート、メロン果実、モウコヨモギ、モウソウチク、モッコウ(木香)、モミジバダイオウ、モモの葉(桃葉)・果実・種(桃仁)、モヤシ、モレロチェリー果実、モロヘイヤ(黄麻)、ヤカワムラサキイモ、ヤクチ(益智)、ヤグルマソウ(ヤグルマギク)、ヤグルマハッカ、ヤシャブシ(矢車)、ヤチヤナギ、ヤツデ(八角金盤)、ヤドリギ(柳寄生)、ヤナギタデの葉、ヤブガラシ、ヤブコウジ(紫金牛)、ヤマゴボウ(商陸)、ヤマハンノキ(山榛)、ヤマモモ(楊梅皮)、ヤマヨモギ、ユーカリ、ユキノシタ(虎耳草)、ユッカ・フレビフォリア、ユズ果実、ユリ、ヨロイグサ、ヨーロッパキイチゴ、ヨモギ(艾葉)、ライム果実、ライムギ、ラカンカ果実、ラズベリー葉・果実、ラベンダー、ロンガン(竜眼)、竜眼種子、リョクチャ(緑茶)、リンゴ果実、リンドウ、ルバス・スアビシムス(甜涼)、レタス、レッドカーラント果実、レモン果実、レモングラス、レンギョウ(連翹)、レンゲソウ、ロウヤシ、ロコン(ヨシ:蘆根)ローガンベリー果実、ローズマリー(マンネンロウ)、ローズヒップ(ノバラ)、ワサビ、ワレモコウ(地楡)などの植物やクロレラ・ブルガリス、クロレラ・ピレノイドサ、クロレラ・エリプソイデイア、アオノリ(ウスバアオノリ、スジアオノリ、ヒラアオノリ、ボウアオノリ、ホソエダアオノリ)などの緑藻、及びコンブ(マコンブ、リシリコンブ、ホソメコンブ、ミツイシコンブ)、ワカメ、ヒロメ、アオワカメ、ジャイアントケルプ(マクロシスティス・ピリフェラ、マクロシスティス・インテグリフォリア、ネオシティス・ルエトケアーナ)、ヒジキ、ヒバマタなどの褐藻、及びヒジリメン、マクサ(テングサ)、ヒラクサ、オニクサ、オバクサ、カタオバクサ、ヤタベグサ、ユイキリ、シマテングサ、トサカノリ、トゲキリンサイ、アマクサキリンサイ、キリンサイ、ビャクシンキリンサイ、ツノマタ、オオバツノマタ、トチャカ(ヤハズツノマタ)、エゾツノマタ、トゲツノマタ、ヒラコトジ、コトジツノマタ、スギノリ、シキンノリ、カイノリ、イボツノマタ、ヤレウスバノリ、カギウスバノリ、スジウスバノリ、ハイウスバノリ、アカモミジノリなどの紅藻に代表される海藻やクラミドモナス、アカユキモ、ドウナリエラ、クロロコッカス、クワノミモ、オオヒゲマワリ、ボルボックス、パルメラ、ヒザオリ、アオミドロ、ツルギミドロ、ヒビミドロ、アナアオサ、アミアオサ、ナガアオサ、カワノリ、フリッチエラ、オオシオグサ、アサミドリシオグサ、カワシオグサ、マリモ、タマゴバロニア、タマバロニア、マガタマモ、フサイワヅタ、スリコギヅタ、ヘライワヅタ、クロキヅタ、ハネモ、ミル、クロミル、サキブチミル、ナガミル、ヒラミル、カサノリ、フトジュズモ、タマジュズモ、ミゾジュズモ、ミカヅキモ、コレカエテ、ツヅミモ、キッコウグサ、ヒトエグサ、ヒロハノヒトエグサ、ウスヒトエグサ、モツキヒトエ、サヤミドロ、クンショウモ、スミレモ、ホシミドロ、フシナシミドロなどの緑藻類やスイゼンジノリ、アオコ、カワタケ、イシクラゲ、ハッサイ、ユレモ、スピルリナ、トリコデスミウム属などの藍藻類やピラエラ、ナガミシオミドロ、イソブドウ、イソガワラ、グンセンクロガシラ、カシラザキ、ムチモ、ヒラムチモ、ケベリグサ、アミジグサ、サキビロアミジ、サナダグサ、フクリンアミジ、コモングサ、エゾヤハズ、ヤハズグサ、ウラボシヤハズ、ジガミグサ、ウミウチワ、コナウミウチワ、アカバウミウチワ、ヒルナミマクラ、ソメワケグサ、ナバリモ、モツキチャソウメン、マツモ、ナガマツモ、オキナワモズク、ニセフトモズク、フトモズク、イシモズク、クロモ、ニセモズク、モズク、イシゲ、イロロ、イチメガサ、ケヤリ、ウミボッス、ウルシグサ、ケウルシグサ、タバコグサ、コンブモドキ、ハバモドキ、ハバノリ、セイヨウハバノリ、コモンブクロ、エゾブクロ、フクロノリ、ワタモ、チシマフクロノリ、カゴメノリ、ムラチドリ、サメズグサ、イワヒゲ、ヨコジマノリ、カヤモノリ、ウイキョウモ、ツルモ、アナメ、スジメ、ミスジコンブ、アツバミスジコンブ、ガツガラコンブ、カキジマコンブ、オニコンブ、ゴヘイコンブ、ナガコンブ、エンドウコンブ、オオチヂミコンブ、トロロコンブ、アントクメ、カジメ、ツルアラメ、クロメ、キクイシコンブ、ネジレコンブ、クロシオメ、ネコアシコンブ、アラメ、アイヌワカメ、チガイソ、エゾイシゲ、ヤバネモク、ラッパモク、ウガノモク、ジョロモク、ヒエモク、タマナシモク、イソモク、ナガシマモク、アカモク、シダモク、ホンダワラ、ネジモク、ナラサモ、マメタワラ、タツクリ、ヤツマタモク、ウミトラノオ、オオバモク、フシズシモク、ハハキモク、トゲモク、ヨレモク、ノコギリモク、オオバノコギリモク、スギモク、オオウキモ、ブルウキモ、カヤモノリなどの褐藻類やウシケノリ、フノリノウシケ、アサクサノリ、スサビノリ、ウップルイノリ、オニアマノリ、タサ、フイリタサ、ベニタサ、ミルノベニ、アケボノモズク、ハイコナハダ、ヨゴレコナハダ、アオコナハダ、ウミゾウメン、ツクモノリ、カモガシラノリ、ベニモズク、ホソベニモズク、カサマツ、フサノリ、ニセフサノリ、ソデガラミ、ガラガラ、ヒラガラガラ、 ヒロハタマイタダキ、タマイタダキ、カキノリ、カギケノリ、ヒメテングサ、ハイテングサ、オオブサ、ナンブグサ、コヒラ、ヨヒラ、キヌクサ、ヒビロウド、ヒメヒビロウド、イソムメモドキ、ミチガエソウ、リュウモンソウ、ヘラリュウモン、ニセカレキグサ、オオバオキツバラ、アカバ、マルバアカバ、ホソバナミノハナ、ナミノハナ、ガラガラモドキ、シオグサゴロモ、エツキイワノカワ、カイノカワ、カニノテ、サンゴモ、ムカデノリ、スジムカデ、カタノリ、ヒラムカデ、キョウノヒモ、サクラノリ、ニクムカデ、タンバノリ、ツルツル、ヌラクサ、クロヌラクサ、オオムカデノリ、ヒラキントキ、マタボウ、チャボキントキ、キントキ、マツノリ、コメノリ、トサカマツ、ヒトツマツ、オオバキントキ、イトフノリ、ナガオバネ、ハナフノリ、フクロフノリ、マフノリ、カレキグサ、ホソバノトサカモドキ、ヒロハノトサカモドキ、ヤツデガタトサカモドキ、クロトサカモドキ、ネザシノトサカモドキ、キヌハダ、エゾトサカ、エナシカリメニア、オオツカサノリ、ハナガタカリメニア、ホウノオ、ヒカゲノイト、ウスギヌ、ニクホウノオ、ベニスナゴ、ススカケベニ、ヤマダグサ、ミリン、ホソバミリン、キクトサカ、エゾナメシ、イソモッカ、ユカリ、ホソユカリ、イバラノリ、サイダイバラ、タチイバラ、カギイバラノリ、キジノオ、イソダンツウ、アツバノリ、オゴノリ、ツルシラモ、シラモ、オオオゴノリ、ミゾオコノリ、カバノリ、ハチジョウテングサモドキ、フシクレノリ、ナミイワタケ、カイメンソウ、オキツノリ、イタニグサ、サイミ、ハリガネ、ハスジグサ、イカノアシ、ホソイボノリ、ノボノリ、クロハギンナンソウ、アカバギンナンソウ、ヒシブクロ、トゲマダラ、エツキマダラ、タオヤギソウ、ハナサクラ、フクロツナギ、スジコノリ、ハナノエダ、ヒラタオヤギ、ダルス、マサゴシバリ、アナダルス、ウエバグサ、ベニフクロノリ、フシツナギ、ヒメフシツナギ、ヒロハフシツナギ、ヒラワツナギソウ、ウスバワツナギソウ、イギス、ケイギス、ハリイギス、ハネイギス、アミクサ、エゴノリ、フトイギス、サエダ、チリモミジ、ハブタエノリ、コノハノリ、スズシロノリ、ウスベニ、ハスジギヌ、ナガコノハノリ、スジギヌ、アツバスジギヌ、カギウスバノリ、ヤレウスバノリ、スジウスバノリ、ハイウスバノリ、ウスバノリモドキ、アヤニシキ、アヤギヌ、エナシダジア、イソハギ、シマダジア、ダジモモドキ、モロイトグサ、フトイグサ、マクリ、ハナヤナギ、ユナ、ヤナギノリ、モツレユナ、ベニヤナギコリ、モサヤナギ、ササバヤナギノリ、クロソゾ、コブソゾ、ハネソゾ、ソゾノハナ、ハネグサ、ケハネグサ、コザネモ、イソムラサキ、ホソコザネモ、ヒメゴケ、クロヒメゴケ、キクヒオドシ、ヒオドシグサ、ウスバヒオドシ、アイソメグサ、スジナシグサ、イソバショウ、フジマツモ、ハケサキノコギリヒバ、カワモズク、アオカワモズク、ヒメカワモズク、イデユコゴメ、オキチモズク、チノリモ、チスジノリなどの紅藻類や、シャジクモ、シラタマモ、ホシツリモ、リクノタムヌス、ヒメフラスコモ、チャボフラスコモ、トリペラなどの車軸藻類や、ヒカリモなどの黄色藻類などに代表されるその他の藻類や鶏冠抽出物、牛・人の胎盤抽出物、豚・牛の胃や十二指腸或いは腸の抽出物若しくはその分解物、豚・牛の脾臓の抽出物若しくはその分解物、豚・牛の脳組織の抽出物、水溶性コラーゲン、アシル化コラーゲンなどのコラーゲン誘導体、コラーゲン加水分解物、エラスチン、エラスチン加水分解物、水溶性エラスチン誘導体、ケラチン及びその分解物またはそれらの誘導体、シルク蛋白及びその分解物またはそれらの誘導体、豚・牛血球蛋白分解物(グロビンペプチド)、豚・牛ヘモグロビン分解物(ヘミン、ヘマチン、ヘム、プロトヘム、ヘム鉄など)、牛乳、カゼイン及びその分解物またはそれらの誘導体、脱脂粉乳及びその分解物またはそれらの誘導体、ラクトフェリンまたはその分解物、鶏卵成分、魚肉分解物などの動物系原料由来の素材などは添加しようとする製品種別、形態に応じて常法的に行われる加工(例えば、粉砕、製粉、洗浄、加水分解、醗酵、精製、圧搾、抽出、分画、ろ過、乾燥、粉末化、造粒、溶解、滅菌、pH調整、脱臭、脱色などを任意に選択、組合わせた処理)を行い、各種の素材から任意に選択して供すればよい。

Figure 0004463397
Figure 0004463397
Figure 0004463397
Figure 0004463397
Figure 0004463397
Figure 0004463397
Figure 0004463397
The present invention relates to a cosmetic composition characterized by containing a royal jelly protein hydrolyzate. Examples of the field of use thereof include cosmetics (various preparations used for humans and other animals), pharmaceuticals, and the like. It can be used for quasi-drugs.
[Prior art]
Royal jelly is a dark yogurt-like substance secreted from the secretory line of the head of the worker bee, and is considered to be a food for the queen bee in the bee society. Its ingredients are 60-70% moisture, 10-20% protein, It is reported that carbohydrates are 10-15%, lipids 4-7%, minerals and vitamins 0.5-1.0%. Royal jelly has been used not only for health foods intended for nourishing and tonic, but also for topical skin preparations such as cosmetics and quasi drugs.
On the other hand, 10 hydroxy-Δ which is a kind of fatty acid in royal jelly 2 -Decenoic acid is found to have a nourishing effect, a hair growth promoting effect, an antibacterial property, a whitening effect, etc., and 10 hydroxy-Δ using an organic solvent such as alcohol 2 -Royal jelly extract with increased decenoic acid concentration has also been developed. In the Royal Jelly Fair Trade Agreement, 10 hydroxy- △ 2 -Decenoic acid is used as an indicator substance and 10 hydroxy-Δ in royal jelly 2 Decenoic acid concentration is important. However, little attention has been paid to royal jelly proteins and hydrolysates thereof, and some royal jelly proteins have recently been found to have antibacterial properties, but have not been used yet.
Accordingly, as a result of intensive investigations aimed at studying and pursuing unique and useful utilization methods and actions of the royal jelly protein, the present inventors have found that the royal jelly protein hydrolyzate has a whitening action, a moisturizing action, and a hair protecting action. The present invention has been completed by discovering that it is very effective to be applied to a cosmetic composition.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
The subject of this invention is providing the novel cosmetic composition which mix | blended the royal jelly protein hydrolyzate.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
As a result of intensive studies to achieve the above object, the present inventors have found that royal jelly protein hydrolyzate has excellent whitening action, moisturizing action and hair protecting action and high safety. It came to complete.
The royal jelly protein hydrolyzate used in the present invention can be prepared from any royal jelly such as royal jelly and dried royal jelly. The royal jelly protein hydrolyzate may be obtained by converting royal jelly, dried royal jelly, etc. from royal jelly to 10 hydroxy-Δ using alcohol, polyhydric alcohol, water or a mixture thereof. 2 -It can be prepared by removing crude fat such as decenoic acid and extracting protein, followed by hydrolysis with protease such as protease, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, etc. However, powdered products obtained by drying these solutions can also be used in cosmetics.
The royal jelly protein hydrolyzate of the present invention is obtained by converting royal jelly or dried royal jelly into alcohols such as water, methanol, ethanol and isopropylanol, polyhydric alcohols such as propylene glycol, polypropylene glycol, 1,3-butylene glycol, glycerin and pentaerythritol, Ketones such as acetone, esters such as diethyl ether, dioxane, acetonitrile, ethyl acetate, organic solvents such as pyridine, chloroform, benzene, toluene, xylene, cyclohexane, hexane, avocado oil, almond oil, fennel oil, egoma Oil, olive oil, orange oil, orange raffer oil, sesame oil, cacao butter, chamomile oil, carrot oil, cucumber oil, beef tallow fatty acid, kukui nut oil, safflower Oils such as soybean oil, camellia oil, corn oil, rapeseed oil, persic oil, castor oil, cottonseed oil, peanut oil, turtle oil, mink oil, egg yolk oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil, owl, coconut oil or the like Oils and fats hydrogenated (hardened oil, etc.), mineral oils such as squalene, squalane, pristane, citrate buffer, phosphate buffer, borate buffer, buffer such as tris-HCl buffer, dilute caustic soda, dilute In addition to dilute alkalis such as caustic potash, sodium carbonate, ammonia, dilute hydrochloric acid, dilute citric acid, dilute acetic acid, dilute lactic acid, or mixtures thereof, by stirring at 0 to 110 ° C. for 1 hour to 2 months, It can be prepared by removing or extracting components other than the royal jelly protein.
Further, the extraction residue at the time of producing the oil-soluble royal jelly extract can also be used as a starting material for the royal jelly protein hydrolyzate since the royal jelly protein exists.
The obtained royal jelly protein can be prepared by hydrolysis with a protease such as protease or an acid solution such as hydrochloric acid, nitric acid or sulfuric acid, and the hydrolyzate can be used as it is, but further filtered. Purification by a step such as centrifugation is preferred. The protease to be used is not particularly limited, and a wide variety of commonly used industrial products such as microorganism-derived or plant-derived acidic protease, neutral protease, alkaline protease, animal-derived protease such as pepsin, trypsin, etc. These proteases can be used in combination. The enzyme treatment conditions can be arbitrarily set by changing the kind of enzyme, the amount added, the reaction temperature, and the reaction time. Usually, 10 to 1000 units of enzyme are added to 1 g of royal jelly protein and treated for 1 to 48 hours. Can be prepared. The reaction temperature is usually 20 to 60 ° C.
After completion of the reaction, the enzyme is deactivated by heat treatment to terminate the reaction. When the insoluble matter remains after the enzymatic reaction is stopped, it is desirable to filter out impurities and insoluble matter by a method such as centrifugation or filtration. In many cases, it can be used as it is, but if necessary, further purification treatment such as deodorization and decolorization may be added as long as the effect is not affected. What is necessary is just to use an activated carbon column etc., and what is necessary is just to select and select the usual means generally applied with an extraction substance. The obtained royal jelly protein hydrolyzate can also be obtained as a dried product by a heat drying method such as a freeze drying method or a spray drying method.
Cosmetic compositions to which the royal jelly protein hydrolyzate of the present invention is blended include skin lotion, milky lotion, cosmetic liquid, general cream, cleansing cream and other facial cleansers, packs, shaving cream, sun cream, sunscreen cream, For various types of cosmetics such as sunscreen lotion, suntan lotion, cosmetic soap, foundation, funny, powder, lipstick, lip balm, eyeliner, eye cream, eye shadow, mascara, bath cosmetics, shampoo, rinse, hair dye, hair cosmetics, etc. It can be used as pharmaceuticals, quasi drugs, etc. is there. The blending amount can be contained in the cosmetic composition in an amount of 0.001 to 100%, preferably about 0.01 to 10%, more preferably 0.1 to 3%.
The cosmetic composition of the present invention is arbitrarily selected and used in combination with various components and additives that are usually used in external preparations for skin and cosmetics for hair as shown below. Can be manufactured. For example, avocado oil, almond oil, fennel oil, sesame oil, olive oil, orange oil, orange rafa oil, sesame oil, cocoa butter, chamomile oil, carrot oil, cucumber oil, beef tallow fatty acid, safflower oil, shea fat, Soybean oil, camellia oil, corn oil, rapeseed oil, persic oil, castor oil, cottonseed oil, peanut oil, turtle oil, mink oil, egg yolk oil, cocoa butter, palm oil, palm kernel oil, owl, palm oil, beef tallow, pig Fats and oils such as fats, or hydrogenated products of these fats and oils (hardened oil, etc.).
Waxes such as beeswax, carnauba wax, whale wax, lanolin, liquid lanolin, reduced lanolin, hard lanolin, candelilla wax, montan wax, shellac wax. Mineral oils such as liquid paraffin, petrolatum, paraffin, ozokelide, ceresin, microkristane wax, squalene, squalane and pristane. Natural fatty acids such as lauric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, behenic acid, oleic acid, 12-hydroxystearic acid, undecylenic acid, tall oil, lanolin fatty acid. Synthetic fatty acids such as isononanoic acid, caproic acid, 2-ethylbutanoic acid, isopentanoic acid, 2-methylpentanoic acid, 2-ethylhexanoic acid and isopentanoic acid.
Natural alcohols such as ethanol, isopyropanol, lauryl alcohol, cetanol, stearyl alcohol, oleyl alcohol, lanolin alcohol, cholesterol, phytosterol. Synthetic alcohols such as 2-hexyldecanol, isostearyl alcohol, and 2-octyldodecanol. Ethylene oxide, ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, triethylene glycol, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether, ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, diethylene glycol monomethyl ether, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, polyethylene glycol, propylene oxide, propylene glycol, polypropylene glycol, 1,3-butylene glycol , Polyhydric alcohols such as glycerin, pentaerythritol, sorbitol, mannitol.
Isopropyl myristate, isopropyl palmitate, butyl stearate, hexyl laurate, myristyl myristate, oleyl oleate, decyl oleate, octyldodecyl myristate, hexyldecyl dimethyloctanoate, cetyl lactate, myristyl lactate, diethyl phthalate, phthalate Esters such as dibutyl acid, lanolin acetate, ethylene glycol monostearate, propylene glycol monostearate, propylene glycol dioleate.
Metal soap such as aluminum stearate, magnesium stearate, zinc stearate, calcium stearate, zinc palmitate, magnesium myristate, zinc laurate, zinc undecylenate. Gum arabic, benzoin rubber, danmar gum, guaiac gum, Irish moss, Karaya gum, tragacanth gum, carob gum, quinseed, agar, casein, lactose, fructose, sucrose and its esters, trehalose and its derivatives, dextrin, gelatin, pectin, starch, Carrageenan, succinyl chitosan, carboxymethyl chitin or chitosan, hydroxyalkyl (C2-C4) chitin or chitosan to which alkylene (C2-C4) oxide such as ethylene oxide is added, low molecular chitin or chitosan, chitosan salt, sulfated chitin or Chitosan, phosphorylated chitin or chitosan, alginic acid and its salt, hyaluronic acid and its salt, chondroitin sulfate and its salt, heparin, ethylcellulose, methylcellulose Polycarboxylate such as carboxymethyl cellulose, carboxyethyl cellulose, sodium carboxyethyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, nitrocellulose, crystalline cellulose, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl methyl ether, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, polyvinyl methacrylate, polyacrylate, polyethylene oxide and polypropylene oxide Alkylene oxide or a crosslinked polymer thereof, carboxyvinyl polymer, gums such as polyethyleneimine, saccharides and water-soluble polymer compounds.
Anionic surfactant (alkyl carboxylate, alkyl sulfonate, alkyl sulfate ester salt, alkyl phosphate ester salt), cationic surfactant (alkylamine salt, alkyl quaternary ammonium salt), amphoteric surfactant: carboxylic acid Type amphoteric surfactant (amino type, betaine type), sulfate ester type amphoteric surfactant, sulfonic acid type amphoteric surfactant, phosphate ester type amphoteric surfactant, nonionic surfactant (ether type nonionic surfactant) Agent, ether ester type nonionic surfactant, ester type nonionic surfactant, block polymer type nonionic surfactant, nitrogen-containing type nonionic surfactant), other surfactants (natural surfactant, protein Hydrolyzed derivatives, polymer surfactants, surfactants containing titanium and silicon, fluorocarbon surfactants Surfactants such as.
Retinol, retinal (vitamin A1), dehydroretinal (vitamin A2), carotene, lycopene (provitamin A), thiamine hydrochloride, thiamine sulfate (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), cyanocobalamin ( Vitamin B12), folic acids, nicotinic acids, pantothenic acids, biotins, choline, inositols, ascorbic acid and its derivatives, ergocalciferol (vitamin D2), cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), dihydrotachysterol, tocopherol and its Derivatives, ubiquinones, phytonadione (vitamin K1), menaquinone (vitamin K2), menadione (vitamin K3), menadiol (vitamin K4), other essential fatty acids (vitamin F), carni Down, ferulic acid, γ- oryzanol, orotic acid, vitamin P compounds (rutin, Elio citrine, hesperidin), vitamins such as vitamin U.
Valine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, lysine, glycine, alanine, asparagine, glutamine, serine, cysteine, cystine, tyrosine, proline, hydroxyproline, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, hydroxylysine, arginine, ornithine, histidine And amino acids such as sulfates, phosphates, nitrates, citrates, and amino acid derivatives such as pyrrolidone carboxylic acids. Microbial culture metabolites such as yeast metabolites, yeast extract, rice fermented extract, rice bran fermented extract, Euglena extract and trehalose or its derivatives.
Α-hydroxy acids such as glycolic acid, citric acid, malic acid, tartaric acid and lactic acid. Silica, magnesium silicate, talc, kaolin, bentonite, mica, mica titanium, bismuth oxychloride, zirconium oxide, magnesium oxide, zinc oxide, titanium oxide, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, yellow iron oxide, red iron oxide, black iron oxide , Inorganic pigments such as Gunjo, chromium oxide, chromium hydroxide, carbon black, calamine.
p-aminobenzoic acid derivatives, salicylic acid derivatives, anthranilic acid derivatives, coumarin derivatives, amino acid compounds, benzotriazole derivatives, tetrazole derivatives, imidazoline derivatives, pyrimidine derivatives, dioxane derivatives, camphor derivatives, furan derivatives, pyrone derivatives, nucleic acid derivatives, UV absorbers / blockers such as allantoin derivatives, nicotinic acid derivatives, vitamin B6 derivatives, benzophenones, oxybenzone, arbutin, guaiazulene, shikonin, baicalin, baicalein, berberine, neoheliopan, urocanic acid derivatives, escalol, zinc oxide, talc, kaolin .
p-aminobenzoic acid derivatives, salicylic acid derivatives, anthranilic acid derivatives, coumarin derivatives, amino acid compounds, benzotriazole derivatives, tetrazole derivatives, imidazoline derivatives, pyrimidine derivatives, dioxane derivatives, camphor derivatives, furan derivatives, pyrone derivatives, nucleic acid derivatives, Whitening agents such as allantoin derivatives, nicotinic acid derivatives, vitamin B6 derivatives, oxybenzone, benzophenone, arbutin, guaiazulene, shikonin, baicalin, baicalein, berberine.
Ascorbic acid and derivatives thereof, hydroquinone and glycosides thereof, kojic acid and derivatives thereof, placenta extract, silk peptide, plant extract (mulberry, honeysuckle, wormwood, mugwort, honeysuckle, yellowfin, dokudami, matsuhod, pearl barley, oleander, hawthorn, Eucalyptus, Achillea millefolium, Altea, Keihi, Mankeishi, Hamameris, Yamagua, Prolonged grass, Kikyo, Toshishi, Seicho, Ishiboshi, Mao, Senkyu, Dokatsu, Psycho, Bowfish, Hamaboufu, Ogon, Peonies, Genus Shouko, Licorice, Pyrus Tyrosinase activity inhibitors such as aloe, shouma, safflower, and assen.
Melanin pigment reducing / decomposing agents such as hydroquinone monobenzyl ether, phenylmercury hexachlorophene, mercuric oxide, mercuric chloride, hydrogen peroxide, zinc peroxide. Hydroquinone, Lactic acid bacteria extract, Placenta extract, Ganoderma extract, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Allantoin, Spleen extract, Thymus extract, Yeast extract, Fermented milk extract, Plant extract (Aloe, Ogon, Horsetail, Kentian, Burdock, Shikon, Carrot, Hamamerisu, Hop, Yokuinin, Odori Sou, Assembly, Toki, Toki Senko, Achacha, Hypericum, Cucumber, Tachikaku,
(Rosemary, parsley, etc.) Astringents such as succinic acid, allantoin, zinc chloride, zinc sulfate, zinc oxide, calamine, zinc p-phenolsulfonate, potassium aluminum sulfate, resorcin, ferric chloride, and tannic acid (including catechin compounds). Active oxygen scavengers such as SOD, catalase, glutathione peroxidase.
Ascorbic acid and its salt, stearic acid ester, tocopherol and its ester derivative, nordihydrogua ceretenoic acid, butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), butylhydroxyanisole (BHA), hydroxytyrosol, parahydroxyanisole, propyl gallate, sesamol , Antioxidants such as sesamorin and gossypol.
Lipid peroxide production inhibitors such as β-carotene, plant extracts (sesame cultured cells, amacha, hypericum, hamamelis, clove, melissa, enamel, birch, sage, rosemary, nantenami, kina, ages, ginkgo, etc.). Ictamol, indomethacin, kaolin, salicylic acid, sodium salicylate, methyl salicylate, acetylsalicylic acid, diphenhydramine hydrochloride, d or dl-camphor, hydrocortisone, guaiazulene, camazulene, chlorpheniramine maleate, glycyrrhizic acid and its salt, glycyrrhetinic acid and its salt, Anti-inflammatory agents such as licorice extract ingredients, sicon extract, and ages extract.
Acrinol, sulfur, benzalkonium chloride, benzethonium chloride, methylrosaniline chloride, cresol, calcium gluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, sulfamine, mercurochrome, lactoferrin or its hydrolyzate, alkyldiaminoethylglycine chloride solution, isopropylmethylphenol, triclosan, kudin Disinfectant / disinfectant.
Moisturizing such as glycerin, propylene glycol, 1,3-butylene glycol, hyaluronic acid and its salt, polyethylene glycol, chondroitin sulfate and its salt, water-soluble chitin or chitosan derivative, pyrrolidone carboxylic acid and its salt, sodium lactate, mini sasanishiki extract Agent.
For hair such as selenium disulfide, alkylisoquinolinium bromide, zinc pyrithione, biphenamine, thianthol, castari tincture, ginger tincture, red pepper tincture, quinine hydrochloride, strong aqueous ammonia, potassium bromate, sodium bromate, thioglycolic acid Agent. Antiandrogens such as follicular hormones (estrone, estradiol, ethinyl estradiol, etc.), isoflavones, oxendrone. Peripheral blood flow promoters such as vitamin E and its derivatives, assembly extract, garlic extract, carrot extract, aloe extract, gentian extract, toki extract, cephalanthin, carpronium chloride, minoxidil.
Topical stimulants such as pepper tincture, nonyl acid vanillamide, cantalis tincture, ginger tincture, peppermint oil, l-menthol, camphor, benzyl nicotinate. Photoactive element 301, hinokitiol, pantothenic acid and its derivatives, allantoin, placental extract, biotin, pentadecanoic acid glycerides and the like. Antiseborrheic agents such as pyridoxine and its derivatives, sulfur and vitamin B6.
Keratolytic agents such as resorcin, salicylic acid and lactic acid. Hydrogen peroxide solution, sodium persulfate, ammonium persulfate, sodium perborate, urea peroxide, sodium percarbonate, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium bromate, potassium bromate, sodium pyrophosphate, sodium orthophosphate Oxidants such as sodium silicate hydrogen peroxide adduct, sodium sulfate sodium chloride hydrogen peroxide adduct, β-tyrosinase enzyme solution, and mushroom extract. Inorganic reducing agents such as strontium sulfate, sodium sulfide, barium sulfide, calcium sulfide, thioglycolic acid or its salts (calcium thioglycolate, sodium thioglycolate, lithium thioglycolate, magnesium thioglycolate, strontium thioglycolate, etc. ) And other hair removal agents.
Hair swelling agents such as ethanolamine, urea, and guanidine. 5-aminoorthocresol, 2-amino-4-nitrophenol, 2-amino-5-nitrophenol, 1-amino-4-methylaminoanthraquinone, 3,3'-iminodiphenol, 2,4-diaminophenoxyethanol hydrochloride 2,4-diaminophenol hydrochloride, toluene-2,5-diamine hydrochloride, nitroparaphenylenediamine hydrochloride, paraphenylenediamine hydrochloride, N-phenylparaphenylenediamine hydrochloride, metaphenylenediamine hydrochloride, orthoaminophenol, N-phenyl acetate Paraphenylenediamine, 1,4-diaminoanthraquinone, 2,6-diaminopyridine, 1,5-dihydroxynaphthalene, toluene-2,5-diamine, toluene-3,4-diamine, nitroparaphenylenediamine, paraaminophenol Paranitroorthophenylenediamine, paraphenylenediamine, paramethylaminophenol, picramic acid, sodium picramate, N, N′-bis (4-aminophenyl) -2,5-diamino-1,4-quinonediimine, 5- ( 2-hydroxyethylamino) -2-methylphenol, N-phenylparaphenylenediamine, metaaminophenol, metaphenylenediamine, 5-aminoorcresol sulfate, 2-amino-5-nitrophenol sulfate, orthoaminophenol sulfate, sulfuric acid Orthochloroparaphenylenediamine, 4,4'-diaminodiphenylamine sulfate, 2,4-diaminophenol sulfate, toluene-2,5-diamine sulfate, nitroparaphenylenediamine sulfate, paraaminophenol sulfate, paranitroorthosulfate Phenylenediamine, paranitrometaphenylenediamine sulfate, paraphenylenediamine sulfate, paramethylaminophenol sulfate, metaaminophenol sulfate, metaphenylenediamine sulfate, catechol, diphenylamine, α-naphthol, hydroquinone, pyrogallol, fluorologlucin, gallic acid, Dye agents such as resorcin, tannic acid, sodium 2-hydroxy-5-nitro-2 ′, 4′-diaminoazobenzozene-5′-sulfonate, hematein.
Natural animal fragrances such as musk, civet, castrium, ambergris, anise essential oil, angelica essential oil, ylang ylang essential oil, iris essential oil, fennel essential oil, orange essential oil, cananga essential oil, caraway essential oil, cardamom essential oil, guayakwood essential oil, cumin essential oil, black letter Essential oil, cinnamon essential oil, cinnamon essential oil, geranium essential oil, copaiba balsam essential oil, coriandel essential oil, cedarwood essential oil, citronella essential oil, jasmine essential oil, gingergrass essential oil, cedar essential oil, western peppermint essential oil, dairy perfume essential oil, tuberose essential oil, Clove essential oil, orange flower essential oil, winter green essential oil, trout balsam essential oil, buttery essential oil, rose essential oil, palmarosa essential oil, salmon essential oil, hiba essential oil, sandalwood essential oil, petit gren essential oil, bay essential oil, vetiva essential oil, bergamot essential oil, peruvian balsa Essential oils, bois de rose essential oil, Yoshikusunoki essential oil, mandarin essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil, lime essential oil, linaloe essential oil, lemongrass essential oil, lemon essential oil, rosemary essential oil, vegetable flavoring such as Japanese mint essential oils, perfumes and other synthetic fragrances.
Red cabbage dye, red rice dye, red dye, anato dye, scum dye, turmeric dye, enju dye, krill dye, amber dye, caramel, gold, silver, gardenia dye, corn dye, onion dye, tamarind dye, spirulina dye, Pigments and colorants such as buckwheat whole pigment, cherry pigment, laver pigment, hibiscus pigment, grape juice pigment, marigold pigment, purple potato pigment, purple yam pigment, lac pigment and rutin.
In addition, almond (amy peach), ai (blue leaf), aokazura (Seifu Fuji), aotsu-rafuji (wood defense), aonu agave, fuchlin agave, acacia, red-currant fruit, red grape, redwood (logwood), red bud, Akane (Azalea), Akagiosio Ziou (Early Yellow), Agi (Atsu), Akinire (Crustacea), Akebi (Kido), Asa (Asako Jin), Maruasaagao or Asagao (Toshiboshi), Ashitaba (Tomorrow) Leaf), azuki (red bean), acerola, asenyaku (Asen Yaku), anise, abemaki fruit, avocado, flax, amacha (Amacha), achacharu, amadokoro (tamatake), amigasayuri (shellfish mother), altea, arnica, aloe (蘆薈), Aloe Vera, Angelica, Anzu Honganzu (Anjin), Ansokkou (Anne) Incense), Igarokozolina (Gallhead), Japanese knotweed (Tiger root), Strawberry, Fig (no flower fruit) or its leaves, Ichibi (Winter lion), Ichiyakusou, Ginkgo (Ginkgo leaves, Ginkgo), Itohimehagi (distant), Carob , Rice seed or seed coat, Inondo seed, Ibuki Sou, nettle, ylang-ylang, fennel (scented), Japanese yam (three crests), squirrel berries, Japanese cedar, turmeric (depressed gold), Usubasaishin Keirinsaishin (spicy), Carp, Carp (Summer hay), Udo or Shishido (Survival, Alive, Tang Dynasty), Ume (Plum) or its flesh, Vulgari, Oolong tea, Uwaurushi (Prickly berry), Unshiu mikan (Chestnut), Estragon, Ezo (Tomogoka), Ezo strawberry, Echinashi Hosobamurasaki Barengi), Enishida, Enokitake (Akashi), Ebisugusa (Keriko), Elderberry Fruit, Elemi, Elingi (Pre-Lotus Elinji), Enju (Safflower, Satsuma Rice), Ogi Kibanaogi (Yellow), Auren (Huangren), Great-crowned cucumber (Karonin), Otsutsu Rafuji (preventive self), Psyllium (car forerunner, car front grass), Touhou beetle (lion), Ovana okera okera (white birch), Obaya chabushi fruit, Oha hawthorn, hawthorn (mountain checker) , Ohisasanoyuki, Sasanoyuki, barley (barley), oguruma (overturn), okra fruit, ginseng, tochibaninjin (carrot), hypericum, kogomebaotogiriso, katsurahi (brothered cut), odrichoso (mute) Onigurumi, Onino Yagara (Heaven Hemp), tiger lily, sasayuri, hakatayuri (lily), halibut (foliage), ominae (losing soy sauce), Dutch strawberry, Dutch mustard (watercress), Dutch jelly, Dutch honeybee, olive, oregano, orange fruit or pericarp, silkworm Giant (ripening yellow), cacao seeds, oysters or their leaves (bamboo obi), scallops (Katsufuji tsumugi), cassia, cypress fruits (fruits), gadgets (bamboo shoots), oak wrinkles (bamboo shoots, oak leaves), cascarilla, Crab (Kinshato), valerian (Valgarian), birch or weeping birch (white birch), pumpkin, kapok seed, hawk moth (carp), cattail (carp yellow), chamomile, roman chamomile, camilla deer (tsutsuka), cam cam / camo duck , Crow cucumber, crow birch (half summer), oats, guarana seeds, caraho , Karaya, Karin (Kiso), Garcinia, Kawayanagi, Kawaratake, Kawaramugi (Kin Chin), Kansui, Licorice, Kantarasa, Candelilla, Kanto, Kanna, Raspberry, Kiwi fruit, Kikarasuuri Root), Kyoukyo (Kikkyo, Kikyo Root), Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum flower), Kisagi (Kashimi), Gishigishi (Yotei), Pheasant (Kashimi), Kizuta, Kidachi Aloe, Kidachiha, Kina, Kinaki (Shinkona, Akinanoki), Yellowfin ( Twilight), Gymnema sylvestre, cabbage, cabbage immature fruit, cucumber, Kiraja saponaria, quilla, kumquat fruit, betel, kinzhiki (Sentsukakusa), guava fruit, guayule, quercus infectria, cucuin nut, wolfberry , Coconut leaves, cocoon leaves, and crusts) La (Tenmon Winter), camphor, gooseberry fruit, gardenia (mountain lion), kunugi (bamboo grass), Kumazasa, Kumatsutsura (horse whip), Clara (cranberry), cranberry fruit, chestnut or its astringent skin, curkrigo latifolia fruit, Grapefruit, buckthorn, black beetle (necessary), black-spotted kokoshi, clove (clove, clove), keigai (butterfly, cocoon), katou (chicken flower, chicken crow), bay bay (bay laurel), Kenashi Sartorii rose (dawn, mountain return) , Kenchiana, Gennoshouko (Old Grass), Koji / Tachibana / Obenimikan / Ponkan / Santara (Tachibana bark), Koshinbara (Monthly Flower), Kousei Hakka, Kozo Fruit, Kocha (Tea), Kohone (Riverbone), Kohon ( Enomoto, Karamoto), Kouliang, Cilantro fruit, Koganeva Na (Yellow Gon), Cowberry (Etsutachibana), Coco Palm Fruit, Goshuyu (Golden Pepper), Gosho Strawberry (Pepper), Pepper (Pepper), Copaiba Balsam, Coffee Beans, Kobushi Mokuren (Red Pepper), Burdock (Beef Bowl, Gyudon) Child), coconut lees, sesame seeds, sesame seeds (genus ginseng), trash beetle (Gomiko), sanekazura, binankazura, matsubusa, wheat (wheat), rice, rice bran (red potato, white birch), rice oil, cola, acuminata seeds, Cola-Bella seeds, Fenugreek fruit, Colombo, Consulango, Comb, Konjac, Comfrey (Sichuan grass), Sisal, Sisal asa, Saxima button leopard (weikensen), Sakura (Ooshima cherry, Yamazakura, Oyamazakura, Edhigashi, Maizezakura, Miyazakura , Yoshino cherry tree, Takane cherry tree, Kasumi cherry tree, Chouza cherry tree, Kohi Leaves, flowers, berries, bark (cherry bark), cherries, pomegranates, sasa, sasanqua, sasamodaka, sweet potatoes, sugar cane, sugar beet, saffron jujube Western red flowers), pomelo fruit, savanna, salmon berry fruit, salamander (sasma), salvia (sage), scallops (bamboo rape), sawagurumi (wild walnuts), sanchinin carrot (37 ginseng), sanshuyu , Salamander, Sanzukon (Yamazune), Shia (Calite), Cyanoki fruit, Shiitake (Shishitake), Shion (Shigeki), Dikitarisu, Shikunshi (Mr. Kimiko), Shiso Aojiso, Chiri Mendizo, Catamendizo (Shiyoha) , Shisoko), rosewood, linden tree, Chinese horned peony, syringengiyou (ream), shimakangi (Chrysanthemum flower), shimeji (hinshimeji, shakashimeji, hatakeshimeji, oshiroi shimeji, beech shimeji, shirotamogitake), shimotsumeso, potato, peonies (glaze), shajin (shasan), janohi (barley winter), juzudama, shuro fruit, ginger Ginger), Shobu (bamboo shoot, root), Shozu fruit, Shirashi seed, Shirogori butterfly seed, Shirubanatsuta flower, Shirominten (Nan Tenji), Shinkonasakushirubura, Sinnamon, Watermelon (Western phoenix), Honeysuckle (Gin silver flower, Shinobu winter) ), Sorrel (acid model), swim berry fruit, stevia, strawberry fruit, horsetail (question), stevia, plum fruit, pine cones, larch, kizuta, gurumi, hawthorn, dandelion, tochinoki ( Maronie) , Pear fruit, sunflower, elder, juniper pine, yarrow (milfoil), rose, pearl butterfly, mistletoe, mint, horseradish, horseradish, budgerigar Stone root), mallow, sage, celery, celery, nematode (river cucumber), sendan, senburi (medicated), senna fruit or leaf, ginseng (large persimmon), buckwheat (grass), buckwheat seeds, rice potato, Daiou (daihuang), radish, soybeans, Daidai (orange peel, fruit), Takatodai (daikon), kawarabi (dark spine), dark sweet cherry fruit, hollyhock, ginger thyme (thyme, perilla), tachiyanagi, tamarind seed, onion , Mushiba (Pepper), Taranoki or its root bark, Tanjin (Danjin), Dandelion (Sanko) or Shirobana Dandelion Moukodandelion, Danmaru, Cherry fruit, Chigaya or its root (Sone root), Chikutsujinjin (Bamboo ginseng), Chicory, Ginseng, Ginseng, Daisen, Ginseng (Ginseng), Ginseng (Ginseng), Ginseng (Bamboo Leaves), Chrysanthemum (Chinese), Thrips, Tsukuritake (Mushroom), Camellia, Clover, Clover (lacquered licorice), camellia (duck cocoon grass), vine azuki (red azuki bean), tsurudukudami (what a spider), tsuruna (apricot), tsuru carrot (four leaf ginseng), tsuwabuki, deiko, teuchigurumi, duberry fruit, tengusa, tencha ), Tendai Yaku (glaze), Toga (winter potato) ), Capsicum (Banban), Toki (Toyaki), Toki-Senka (Marigold), Corn or Maize Hair (Nanshige), Sericho Mochi (Sadako), Torindo (Ryokuryu), Dokudami (10 medicines), Tokon (Vulgar root), Toshishi-Mamedaoshi-Nenshikazura, Tochu (Tochu, Tochu-nakaba), Tomato, Tragacanth, Triacanthus seeds, Tormentilla, Doroki, Toro-aoi, Nigerian berry fruit, Nagaimo yam (Mountain medicine), Nagyakada (Bucher bloom) , Naginata Koju, Nazuna, Rapeseed, Natsumikan, Jujube (Otsuchi), Naniwaibara (Golden Cherry), Nameko, Naruko Yuri (Yellow), Peanut (Peanut), Nanten (Southern Fruit), Nigaki (Nagi), Nigamugi ), Nikuzuku, Kay Nikkei (Keishi), Keishi (Keishi) , Leek (elder), elderberry (bone graft) fruit, flower or stem, garlic (large coral), nurde (pentose), leek, white thistle (large persimmon), nebula (fruit), yarrow, ginger (pre-humid), Novara, Peach, Palm, Pineapple fruit, Hibiscus (Bussouge, Furinbussouge, Roselle), Hakamauraboshi (osteosserum), Hakusen (Shiroki), Hakuruberry fruit, Hakobe (breeding), Hazel (lion), Hashiridokoro (roth root) , Basil, lotus (lotus, lotus meat, lotus), parsley (holly jelly), hadakamugi, batata, beech mushroom (bamboo shoot), patchouli, mint (thin load, light load leaf), pearl barley (yokuinin), hanasuke (knowing mother) ), Banana, Prickly Pear, Vanilla Bins, Papaya, Pleurotus cypress, Hubbar Grass, Paprika, Clam honeybee Maggots (Vulgaris), Hamasuges (Katsukiko), Hamabishi (Shitsuko), Hamanasu (Maikai Flower), Hamaboufu (Hamaboshi), Hamamerisu, Rose (Rose), Agaric (Agaric, Agaricus, Ukimorinokasa), Parietalia, Harunire (crusted skin, cinnabar white skin, cocoon leaf), breadfruit, lizard carrot (participant), pecan nuts, ganbanana (sarcophagus, vine pearl shahua), cassow (extended grass), Japanese cypress (rhizomi), pistachio, beet , Hitsuba (stone wall), Hinata Taikozuchi (cow knee), Hinoki, Hiba, Castor, Sunflower, Pepper, Himamatsu (Koran), Himematsutake (Kawariharatake, Hiromatsutake), Pimenta fruit, Juniper, Beakyu, Hiyu fruit Hirohaokinagusa (bald bald eagle), loquat (bamboo shoots, cocoon leaves), betel nut (large clothes skin, cocoon) ), Japanese quail (southern wicker), Japanese cypress, Japanese cypress poppy (Japanese winter flower, Japanese cypress winter leaf), Japanese basil (Orchid), Japanese bean (Japanese pea), Grape fruit or pericarp / seed / leaf, Beech, Japanese cypress , Black currant fruit, blackberry, plum fruit, fluceraria, blueberry (Prunus serrata), prunes, blond psyllium, bundo (mung bean), loofah, safflower (safflower), henken, belladonna, berry fruit, pervianburg, boysenberry Fruit, Bow Fu (Windproof), Spinach, Physalis (Torone), Honoki (Japanese Koshoku, Pak), Bokeh (Kiso), Hosobana Okera (Kaki), Hosobabarengiku, Bodaiju (Bamboo Tree), Buttons (peony, peony skin), Jojoba, white berry fruit, honshimeji, mai Zultennan Show (Tennan Star), Maitake (Maiko), Maou (Mao), Macadamia Nuts, Macri (Marine Grass), Magwa (Mulberry White Skin, Mulberry Leaves), Magnolia Sprengeri, Matatabi (Meat Tendon), Matsukasa, Pine needles, matsuhod (bamboo shoots), mayorum (butterfly), malvano jardin (bitter melon), mulberry fruit, quince, mango, mangosteen, manshu gurumi, mandarin fruit, mannentake (ganoderma), mandarin plant fruit (fruit), mishima psycho (shiba) (Hu), Mizokakushi (half-sided lotus), Misohagi (Chinese cucumber), Mitsugashi, Mitsuba, Midorihakka, Mimosa, Mioza, Miracle fruit fruit, Myrrh, Milobaran, Mugge (mushroom), Mukunoki, Mukuroji, Murasaki (purple root), Murasaki Corn, marlin (beneficial mother grass), parrotfish, melaroika, meri Sasa, Merirot, Melon Fruit, Moukomugi, Mosouchiku, Mokko (wooden incense), Japanese maple leaf, Peach leaf (peach leaf) / fruit / seed (peach seed), palm, Morello cherry fruit, Morohaya (burlap), Yakawamurasakiimo , Yakuchi (Yamachi), cornflower (cornflower), cornflower mint, yashabushi (arrow wheel), willow willow, starfish (octagonal gold plate), mistletoe (willow infestation), willow leaves, yabgarashi, yabukouji (purple gold beef), pokeweed (trade) Terrestrial), mountain alder, yam, sagebrush, eucalyptus, yukinoshita (tiger ear grass), yucca flavifolia, yuzu fruit, lily, birch, European raspberry, mugwort, lime fruit, rye, Lacanka fruit, raspberry leaf / fruit, lavender, longan (longan), longan Child, Ryokucha (green tea), apple fruit, gentian, lubus suabisimus (cool), lettuce, red currant fruit, lemon fruit, lemongrass, forsythia, forsythia, wax palm, locon (Yoshi: Sone) logan Plants such as berry fruit, rosemary (mannenrou), rosehip (novara), wasabi, walemocow (butterfly), chlorella bulgaris, chlorella pyrenoids, chlorella ellipsoidia, aonori (usba aonori, sujiaoori, hiraaoori, Green algae such as Boaonori and Hosoeda Aonori), and Kombu (Macombu, Resilib, Hosomekonbu, Mitsuishi Kombu), Wakame, Hirome, Aowakame, Giant Kelp (Macrocystis pirifera, Macrocystis integrofolia, Neo) Citizens Luetkeana), brown algae such as hijiki and hibermata, and hijirimen, maca (clover), nettles, nettles, stinkweed, caterpillars, yatabegusa, yuikiri, striped clover, tosakinori, crested rhinoceros, crimson rhinoceros Tsunomata, Tochaka (Yahazunomata), Ezotsunomata, Togetu no Mata, Hiratokotoji, Kototsutsu no Mata, Sugi nori, Shikinori, Kainori, Ibusuno Mata, Yareus Banori, Kagius Banori, Ayumu no Momo , Mulberry, bearded sunflower, volvox, palmera, chickweed, blue-green, turkey, crack Doro, Anaaosa, Amiaosa, Nagaaosa, Kawanori, Fricciella, Osiogusa, Assamirisiogusa, Kawasiogusa, Marimo, Tamagobaronia, Tamalonia, Magamata, Fusaiwata, Surichogita, Heraiwa, Mila, Chia , Jujusmo, Tamajusmo, Mizojusmo, Mika ヅ kimo, Korekaete, Tsutsumimo, Kikumogusa, Hitogususa, Hironohitogususa, Ushitoexa, Motsukihitoe, Sayamidro, Kunshomo, Sumiremo, Hoshimido, Fushimashimuiroe , Spirulina, trichodesmium, and other cyanobacteria Gawara, Gunsenkurogashira, Kashirazaki, Muchimo, Hiramchimo, Keberigassa, Ajigusa, Sakibiro-Amiji, Sanadagusa, Fukurinamiji, Commongusa, Ezoyahaz, Yahazugusa, Uraboshiyahaz, Jigamigusa, Ayumusawamiwa, Ayumusawai Matsumo, Nagamatsumo, Okinawa mozuku, Niseft mozuku, Futomozuku, Ishimozuku, Kuromo, Nisemozuku, Mozuku, Ishige, Iroro, Ichimegasa, Kayari, Umibosu, Urushigusa, Kureshigusa, Tokuboku, Habokori Cottontail, Chishima Fukuronori, Kagomenori, Murachidori, Sharks, Siwahi, Yokojimari, Cyprinus, Falcon, Turtle, Sea bream, Susume, Misji kombu, Atsuba misji kombu, Tsurugara kombu, Oyster kumbu, Gohei kombu, Nagakombu, Pea kombu, Ouchimi kombu, Trollo kombu, Antokume, Kajime, Japanese blackfish , Arame, Ainuwakame, Chigaiso, Ezoi Shige, Yabane Moku, Trumpet, Uganomok, Jolomoku, Hiemoku, Tamanashimok, Isomoku, Nagashimamok, Akamoku, Shidamok, Honda Walla, Nejimoku, Narasamoku, Hanamokuo Togemoku, Yoremok, Sawtooth Moku, Owanokogiri Moku, Sugi Moku, Oukimomo, Buruukimo Brown algae such as mosquitoes, Ushikenori, Funori no Ushike, Asakusa Nori, Susabinori, Upulinori, Oniamanori, Tasa, Fuiritasa, Benitasa, Mirunobeni, Akebono Mozuku, Hikonahada, Yogorekonahada, Aozunamada, Moso Nisefusanori, Sodegarami, Ragara, Hiragara, Hirohata Taitaki, Tamaitakaki, Oyster, Echinocera, Himetengusa, Hitengusa, Oobusa, Nambugusa, Kohira, Yohira, Kinuusa, Hibiro, Himebiro Aqaba, Maruba Aqaba, Hosobana Minohana, Naminohana, Rattle Doki, Shiogusagoromo, Etuki Iwakawa, Kainokawa, Kaninote, Coral, Centipede, Suzymkade, Katanori, Hiramkade, Kyonohimo, Sakuranori, Nikumukade, Tambanori, Tsurutsuru, Nurakusa, Chronoura, Omukinoki Tosakamatsu, Hitomitsu, Obakintoki, Itohonori, Nagaokane, Hanafnori, Ochonori, Mafonori, Kalekigusa, Hosowanatosakamodoki, Hironotosakamodoki, Yatsudegatatosakamodoki, Kurosakadokitosaki , Hanagata Calimenia, Hounoho, Lizardinoit, Usuginu, Nikuhonoo, Venice Nago, Suskake Beni, Yamada Samurai, Mirin, Hosobamilin, Kikutosaka, Ezonameshi, Isomokka, Yukari, Hosoyukari, Ibaranori, Saidaibara, Tachiibara, Kagibaranori, Kijinoo, Isodantsu, Atsubanori, Ogonori, Tsurusilamo, Shiramo, Ozonoshirakori , Silkworm, periwinkle, caterpillar, rhinoceros, red-tailed swordfish, cynomolgus serrata, black-spotted swordfish , Weibusa, Benifuronori, Fushitsunagi, Himefushitsunagi, Hirohafushitsunagi, Hira Oyster, Usukawa Iris, Igis, Keigis, Harigis, Haneigis, Amikusa, Egonori, Fuyugis, Saeda, Chile Momiji, Habutaenori, Konohanori, Suzunori, Usubeni, Hasujiginu, Rabbit Norimodoki, Ayanishiki, Aaginu, Enashidaji, Isohagi, Shimadajia, Daijimodomoki, Moroitogusa, Fuyugusa, Makuri, Hanayanagi, Yuna, Yanaginori, Motsureuna, Benyanagiori, Mosayanago, Sabaya nozo Murasaki, Shozo Zanemo, Himegoke, Black Himegoke, Chrysanthemum, Hyodosigusa, Us Red Algae such as Hyodo, Isomegusa, Suginasugusa, Isobasho, Fujimatsumo, Haezaki-no-kogirihiba, kawamozuku, Aokawamozuku, Himekawamozuku, Ideyugogome, Okichimokoku, Chinomoshimo, Chisujimoku, Takumomokubo Other algae represented by axle algae such as tripera, yellow algae such as Hikarimo, chicken crown extract, bovine / human placenta extract, pig / cow stomach, duodenum or intestinal extract or decomposition products thereof, Extract of porcine / cow spleen or its degradation, extract of porcine / cow brain tissue, water-soluble collagen, collagen derivatives such as acylated collagen, collagen hydrolysate, elastin, elastin hydrolysate, water-soluble elastin Derivatives, keratin and so Degraded products or their derivatives, silk proteins and their degraded products or their derivatives, porcine and bovine blood cell protein degradation products (globin peptides), porcine and bovine hemoglobin degradation products (hemin, hematin, heme, protoheme, heme iron, etc.) Milk, casein and its degradation products or derivatives thereof, skim milk powder and its degradation products or derivatives thereof, lactoferrin or its degradation products, raw materials derived from animal materials such as egg components, fish decomposition products, etc. Processing that is routinely performed according to product type and form (for example, pulverization, milling, washing, hydrolysis, fermentation, purification, pressing, extraction, fractionation, filtration, drying, pulverization, granulation, dissolution, sterilization , PH adjustment, deodorization, decolorization, etc. are arbitrarily selected and combined), and may be arbitrarily selected from various materials.
In addition, the solvent used for extraction may be selected in consideration of processing performed later. Usually, water, a water-soluble organic solvent (for example, ethanol, propylene glycol, 1,3-butylene glycol, etc.) It is desirable to use one or a mixture of two or more selected from among the above. However, when it is not preferable to contain an organic solvent depending on the application, only water may be used, or ethanol that can be easily removed after extraction may be used alone or in any mixture with water.
Others, moisturizers, hormones, sequestering agents, pH adjusters, chelating agents, antiseptic and antibacterial agents, cooling agents, stabilizers, emulsifiers, animal and vegetable proteins and their degradation products, animals and plants Saccharides and their degradation products, animal and plant glycoproteins and their degradation products, blood flow promoters, anti-inflammatory agents, antiallergic agents, cell activators, keratolytic agents, wound treatment agents, foam enhancers, thickeners, oral cavity Additives, deodorizing / deodorizing agents, bittering agents, enzymes and the like can be raised, and in combination with these, various additive and synergistic effects can be expected.
EXAMPLES Hereinafter, although an Example demonstrates this invention, this invention is not limited by this Example.
Production Example 1
To 100 g of dried royal jelly powder, 500 mL of ethanol was added and stirred at room temperature for 17 hours. The obtained suspension was centrifuged, and the supernatant was collected. Then, the entire amount of the precipitate was added to 500 mL of ethanol and immersed therein, and stirred at room temperature for 17 hours. This operation was further repeated twice, and the resulting precipitate was dried under reduced pressure to obtain a royal jelly protein. 10 g of royal jelly protein was dispersed in 100 mL of water, 0.5 g of actinase (manufactured by Kaken Pharmaceutical, 25% food additive) was added, and the mixture was reacted at 50 ° C. for 3 hours. After completion of the reaction, the mixture was heated at 85 ° C. for 5 minutes and then cooled to room temperature. The precipitate of the obtained dispersion was removed by centrifugation (10000 G, 10 minutes) to obtain a light yellow clarified royal jelly protein hydrolyzate.
Production Example 2
The royal jelly protein hydrolyzate obtained in Production Example 1 was vacuum lyophilized to obtain a lyophilized powder of royal jelly protein hydrolyzate.
Example 1
<Whitening effect>
Surface area 25cm 2 10 ml of DMEM medium containing 10% FBS was added to a plastic bottle for cell culture, and 1.0 ml of B16 cell suspension (cell count 2.5 × 10 6) was added. 4 / Dish, DMEM medium containing 10% FBS) and 5% CO 2 The cells were cultured at a concentration of 37 ° C. for 24 hours. After confirming cell adhesion, a medium containing a predetermined concentration of royal jelly protein hydrolyzate was added and cultured for 3 days. After replacing the same amount of medium and sample, the cells were further cultured for 3 days (total culture days: 7 days). As a comparative control, the same operation was performed for kojic acid. A sample to which no sample was added was used as a control.
Cells were detached by trypsin-EDTA treatment, the obtained cells were added to a centrifuge tube, centrifuged (1000 rpm, 1 minute), 2 mL of PBS (−) was added, and the number of cells was counted using a hemocytometer. The cell number ratio was calculated by the following formula.
[Expression 1]
Cell number ratio = (number of cells when sample is added / number of cells when no sample is added) × 100
Moreover, after centrifugation (3000 rpm, 6 minutes), the state of the cell pellet was observed. The results are shown in Table 1.
[Table 1]
Figure 0004463397
As for the pellet color tone, the control was “5”, and the 200 ppm kojic acid addition group was “3”. The smaller the number, the greater the melanin production inhibitory effect.
The royal jelly protein hydrolyzate showed a strong melanin production inhibitory effect.
Example 2
<Manufacture of lotion>
According to the formulation shown in Table 2, (1) to (10) were stirred and dissolved to produce a skin lotion.
[Table 2]
Figure 0004463397
All of the obtained lotions were stable for 3 months under conditions of 40 ° C. and RH 75%.
In addition, a sensory test was conducted by 10 professional panelists. The evaluation was carried out in five grades for the following items.
(1) Moist skin
1. To be bulky
2. Slightly soft
3. usually
4). A little moist
5). Moist
(2) Skin smoothness
1. Rough
2. Slightly rough
3. usually
4). Slightly smooth
5). Smooth
(3) Skin stickiness
1. Sticky
2. Slightly sticky
3. usually
4). Somewhat refreshing
5). Refreshing
Table 3 shows the average score of 10 panelists.
[Table 3]
Figure 0004463397
As is apparent from Table 3, the product of Example 2 formulated with the royal jelly protein hydrolyzate exhibited better moisture retention and skin smoothness than the product of Comparative Example 1 containing no royal jelly protein hydrolyzate.
Example 5
<Manufacture of shampoo>
According to the formulation shown in Table 4, (1) to (4) and (6) to (8) were mixed and stirred at 70 ° C. and cooled to 30 ° C., then (5) was added and mixed and stirred to prepare a shampoo agent. Obtained.
[Table 4]
Figure 0004463397
When the obtained product was used to wash the hair, the product of Example 5 containing the royal jelly protein hydrolyzate had a smoother hair feel than the royal jelly protein hydrolyzate-free formulation of Comparative Example 2, and the hair feeled better. It was a moisturizer.
Example 6
<Manufacture of cream>
According to the formulation shown in Table 5, (1) to (7) were mixed and stirred at 80 ° C, and (8), (10) and (11) were mixed and stirred at 80 ° C, and then homogenized. Then, the mixture was cooled to 30 degrees with stirring, and (9) was further added and mixed and stirred to produce a cream.
[Table 5]
Figure 0004463397
The obtained product was not sticky during use and moistened the skin.
Example 7
<Manufacture of body gel>
According to the formulation shown in Table 6, (1) to (8) were mixed and stirred at 80 ° C. to obtain a body gel agent.
[Table 6]
Figure 0004463397
The obtained product was not sticky during use and moistened the skin.
Example 8
<Manufacture of hair packs>
According to the formulation shown in Table 7, (1) to (2) were mixed and stirred at 80 ° C., and (3) to (13) were mixed and stirred at 80 ° C., and then mixed and stirred at 80 ° C. While, (14) was further added and mixed and stirred to obtain a hair pack agent.
[Table 7]
Figure 0004463397
When the hair treatment was performed using the obtained product, the hair was smooth and moisturized.
【The invention's effect】
The royal jelly protein hydrolyzate of the present invention has remarkably whitening action, moisturizing action and hair protecting action. Therefore, a great effect is brought about by including the royal jelly protein hydrolyzate of the present invention in a cosmetic composition. Moreover, it can use for a pharmaceutical, a quasi-drug, cosmetics etc. as another utilization field.

Claims (1)

10ヒドロキシΔ −デセン酸を除くローヤルゼリー蛋白加水分解物を美白剤として配合することを特徴とする化粧品組成物。A cosmetic composition comprising a royal jelly protein hydrolyzate excluding 10 hydroxy Δ 2 -decenoic acid as a whitening agent.
JP2000237736A 2000-06-30 2000-06-30 Cosmetic composition Expired - Lifetime JP4463397B2 (en)

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JP2000237736A JP4463397B2 (en) 2000-06-30 2000-06-30 Cosmetic composition

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JP2000237736A JP4463397B2 (en) 2000-06-30 2000-06-30 Cosmetic composition

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JP7036544B2 (en) * 2017-06-27 2022-03-15 小林製薬株式会社 Skin cleanser composition

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