372,476. Typewriters. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., Ilion, New York, U.S.A.-(Assignees of Hart, F. A.; 2021, Stanley Road, New Britain, Connecticut, U.S.A.) March 13, 1931, No. 7823. Convention date, April 15, 1930. [Class 100 (iv).] Paper feeding and guiding arrangements; paper-shelves; line-spacing mechanism.-In a platen-carriage of the kind having a longitudinally adjustable auxiliary carriage for supporting a bill or the like, the auxiliary carriage is movable transversely into or out of the effective position. The auxiliary carriage may be provided with line-spacing mechanism for the bill, and with a finger-lever co-operating with a notched bar to hold the auxiliary carriage in the required column position. The apparatus shown in Figs. 1 and 4 comprises a supporting- frame consisting of endplates 13, a rail 24, and a rod 12, the endplates having arms 110 pivoted on a shaft 111 on the platen carriage 1. Feed-rollers 11 for the ledger sheet L are carried by the rod 12 and rest on the platen 2. For resisting side strains, each endplate has an arm 112 which rests between a pair of bevelled collars 114 on a rod 116 on the platen-carriage. The supporting - frame can be swung forwards to afford access to the platen, the movement being limited by means of links 119, 120 pivoted on the rods 116, 12, and having a shoulder 123 and a pin 122 for preventing dead-centring. The auxiliary carriage consists of endplates 18, 19 and cross rods 22, 23 and is provided with pairs of rollers 26.engaging the top and bottom of the rail 24. Spring-urged arms 33, 34 pivoted on a stud 35 and a stub shaft 60 on the end plates 18, 19, support a shaft 31 carrying feedrollers 30 for the bill B. The feed-rollers 30 co-operate with feed-rollers 41 carried by a shaft 42 mounted in the endplates. To release the feed-rollers 30, the arms 33, 34 are swung forward by rocking the shaft 42 by means of a finger-lever 48, the shaft having an arm 50 connected by a link 52 to the arm 34. A shoulder 54 on the arm co-operates with a stop 55 on the link 52 to limit movement of the arms 33, 34. Flanged plates 17, forming a shelf for supporting and guiding the bill have ears 17a, 17b engaging the rods 22, 23 and are secured in adjusted position by means of screws passing through hubs 20 on the ears 17a. Line-spacing mechanism for the bill comprises a ratchet wheel 59 secured to the shaft 60 and provided with a pinion 58 which is geared through a pinion 56 to a pinion 52 on the shaft 31. The ratchet wheel co-operates with a pawl 63 on a rocking arm 65 connected by a link 71 to a finger-lever 80. The pawl is normally disengaged by means of a shield 66 formed on a support 67 which is adjustable to vary the line spacing. A stop 81 jams the pawl at the end of the line spacing movement. When the arms 33, 34 are swung forward to release the feed-rollers 30, the pinions 58, 56, 52 remain in engagement. The ledger sheet L and a carbon C are inserted at the rear of the platen and passed over an apron 7 and below the feed-rollers 11. The usual feed-rollers 10, releasable by means of a finger-lever 10a, may also be employed for the ledger sheet. The bill is passed over the shelf 17, between the feed-rollers 30, 41, and between the apron 7 and an apron 8 and is adjusted by turning the shaft 60. A depressible deflector 14 may be employed for guiding the bill. After each item has been typed on the bill, the linespacing lever 80 is operated and the auxiliary carriage is shifted laterally by means of a fingerpiece 83 to bring the bill into register with another part of the ledger sheet, thereby causing the items to be typed in a vertical column on the bill and in a horizontal line on the ledger sheet. Carriage scales.-The auxiliary carriage 13 is provided with a pointer for reading a scale 99, Fig. 4, mounted in the rail 24. The scale may consist of a strip cut from the ledger sheet and mounted in a metal sheath 97 having a transparent cover 100. - Column-printing arrangements.-The auxiliary carriage 13, Fig. 1, is held in different lateral positions by means of a spring-urged finger lever mounted on the auxiliary carriage and having a lug 88 for engaging a series of notches 87, Fig. 6, formed in a bar 86 secured at the rear of the rail 24. To permit of the use of the same bar 86 for different arrangements of columns on the ledger sheets, the bar may be formed with a number of sets of notches 87, and be provided with a slidable plate 102 which can be set in different positions to cause notches 109 therein to register with different sets of notches 87 in the bar. The plate co-operates with a spring detent 106.