FI90883C - Cover for use in leather drying - Google Patents

Cover for use in leather drying Download PDF


Publication number
FI90883C FI884708A FI884708A FI90883C FI 90883 C FI90883 C FI 90883C FI 884708 A FI884708 A FI 884708A FI 884708 A FI884708 A FI 884708A FI 90883 C FI90883 C FI 90883C
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FI90883B (en
John Kittelsburg Nielsen
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Rc Plast As
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Publication of FI884708A publication Critical patent/FI884708A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of FI90883B publication Critical patent/FI90883B/en
Publication of FI90883C publication Critical patent/FI90883C/en



    • C14B1/00Manufacture of leather; Machines or devices therefor
    • C14B1/58Drying


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  • Treatment And Processing Of Natural Fur Or Leather (AREA)


i 90883i 90883


Keksinnon kohteena on påållysvaippa kåytettå-våksi sellaisen nahankuivauksen yhteydesså, misså tuore 5 nahka asetetaan kulloisenkin nahan mukaisesti sovite-tun, tavallisesti lievåsti kapenevan laudan påålle, joka on jårjestetty siihen muodostettujen kanavien ja leikkausten kautta johtamaan tuotu ilmastoitu ilmavirta kosketuksiin nahan sisåpinnan kanssa, jolloin vaippa on 10 rasvaaimevåstå, ilmaa låpipååståvåstå materiaalista olevan pitkånomaisen pussin muotoinen.The invention relates to a cover for use in connection with a leather drying in which fresh leather is placed on a board, usually slightly tapered, arranged according to the respective leather, which is arranged with the air ducts and cuts made therein, 10 in the form of an elongate bag made of air-permeable, air-permeable material.

Tållaiset påållysvaipat palvelevat useita tar-koituksia, jolloin ne toisaalta suojaavat lautaa yksit-tåisen nahan sisåpuolista likaa vastaan, toisaalta 15 vaikuttavat nahan kuivumiseen imemållå rasvaa siitå.Such diapers serve a number of purposes, on the one hand protecting the board against dirt inside the individual leather, and on the other hand contributing to the drying of the leather by absorbing fat therefrom.

Tunnetut vaipat on valmistettu suhteellisen vahvasta paperista ja niillå on useimmiten lievåsti kartiomaisen putken muoto, joka ympåroi laudan keski-osaa, muttei sen pååtyosaa. Tåmå muotoilu on vålttåmå-20 ton seuraus siitå, ettå paperi vålttåmåttomiltå lujuus-ja imuominaisuuksiltaan ei ole riittåvån huokoinen tai ilmaalåpåisevå, jotta laudan låpi tuotu ilmavirta voisi tunkeutua vaipan låpi kosketuksiin nahan sisåpuolen kanssa. Vaippa on sen vuoksi muotoiltava lyhyemmåksi 25 kuin itse lauta sillå tavoin, ettå jotkut sen ilma-au-koista paljastuvat. Ilma tuodaan tåten virtaamaan nahan sisåpuolen ja vaipan ulkopuolen våliin. Kohtuullisen låpivirtaussuhteen aikaansaamiseksi pååttyy tunnettu vaippa tyypillisesti haarovålin korkeudelle, mikå mer-30 kitsee sitå, ettå myos sen laudan osan suojaamiseksi, joka sijaitsee aukileikatun peråpåån kohdalla, on vålt-tåmåtontå kåyttåå erillistå palaa "peråpaperia". Tåmå paperi on kiinnitettåvå erillisenå, mikå vaikeuttaa ja pitkittåå asennusprosessia.Known casings are made of relatively strong paper and most often have the shape of a slightly conical tube surrounding the central part of the board, but not its end part. This implies design is vålttåmå 20-ton consequence be interline, and working vålttåmåttomiltå paper strength and absorption properties is not porous or ilmaalåpåisevå possesses sufficient so that the board låpi brought to penetrate the air stream in contact with the skin sisåpuolen låpi shell. The sheath must therefore be shaped shorter than the board itself in such a way that some of its air vents are exposed. The air is brought to flow in the skin, ensuring sisåpuolen and the outer side of the election. In order to achieve a reasonable flow-through ratio, the known jacket typically ends at the height of the manifold, which means that it is also necessary to use a "separate piece" to protect the part of the board which is located at the cut-off stern. This paper must be attached separately, which complicates and prolongs the installation process.

35 Kuten johdannossa mainittiin, on yksi påållys- vaipan tarkoituksista suojata lautaa lihanjåånnosten, veren ym. nahan sisåpuolisen aiheuttamaa likaantumista 2 vastaan. Laudan vålttåmåton alttiiksi asettaminen estaå tåtå tarkoitusta, koska tållainen alttiiksi asetta-minenhan juuri aiheuttaa suoran kontaktin nahan siså-puolen ja laudan vålille. Tama merkitsee toisaalta, 5 ettå lauta likaantuu, ja toisaalta, ettå laudan jokai-sen kayton jalkeen se olisi puhdistettava, mika on seka aikaavievåå ettå kallista.35 As mentioned in the introduction, one of the purposes of the casing is to protect the board against contamination 2 caused by meat residues, blood, etc. inside the skin. The board vålttåmåton exposed setting estaå TAATAAAT purpose because tållainen subjected to setting-minenhan the root cause of a direct contact with the skin and the ent-side board of the ballot. This means, on the one hand, that the board becomes dirty and, on the other hand, that after each use of the board it should be cleaned, which is both time consuming and expensive.

Ongelman ratkaisemiseksi epåtaydellisen pak-kaamisen avulla on kansainvålisesså patenttihakemukses-10 sa PCT/F185/00049 (kuulutusjulkaisu W086/00091) ehdo-tettu suojapussin muodostamista, jossa on kanava kui-vauslautaan tai sen tapaiseen siten, ettå se itse muo-toutuu sen ympårille. Tåmå tunnettu pussi muodostuu kahdesta paperiliuskasta, jotka on liimasauman avulla 15 yhteenliimattu pitkiltå sivuiltaan. Mitå tulee kuivaus-laudan kapenevaan pååhån mukautumiseen, on pussi lisåk-si muotoiltu joko joukolla pitkien sivujen suuntaisia toisia liima-ainesaumoja, jotka kuivauslaudan tuonnin yhteydessa kukin repeytyvåt pituussuunnassa vastaten 20 kapenevan påån reunoja, tai kapenevan påån kanssa olen-naisesti samanmuotoisella yhdellå liima-ainesaumalla.To solve this problem by incomplete packaging, International Patent Application PCT / F185 / 00049 (WO86 / 00091) proposes the formation of a protective bag with a channel on a drying board or the like so that it itself forms around it. This known bag consists of two strips of paper which are glued together on their long sides by means of an adhesive seam. As for the tapered end adaptation of the drying board, the bag is further formed either by a number of longitudinal second adhesive seams which, on importation of the drying board, each tear longitudinally at the same line as the edges of the tapered end, or by a tapered end. .

Valmistuksellisten vaikeuksien lisåksi, joita toisien tai muotoonsovitettujen liimasaumojen aikaan-saaminen aiheuttaa, on tållå muotoilulla se haitta, 25 ettå se kuivauslaudan kapenevan påån ympårillå tahtoo olla teråvå, joka paperin ominaisjåykkyyden takia voi taipua sisåån kapenevan påån påålle, johon kåsittelemå-ton nahka asetetaan kuivauslaudan ympårille. Tåsså tilanteessa, jossa kuivauslaudan påålle sovitus tapah-30 tuu yhdensuuntaisten toisten liima-ainesaumojen repimi-sellå, voi lisåksi usein olla vaikeuksia pussin poista-misessa koska se liima-ainejååmien takia liimautuu osittain lautaan.In addition to the manufacturing difficulties involved in providing second or form-fitted adhesive seams, this design has the disadvantage that it tends to be sharp around the tapered end of the drying board, which due to the specific stiffness of the paper can be bent into the tapered end. . In addition, in this situation where the fitting on the drying board takes place by tearing the parallel adhesive seams in parallel, there can often be difficulties in removing the bag because it partially adheres to the board due to adhesive residues.

Mainitulla ehdotetulla pussimuodolla voidaan 35 yksittåispussit saada aikaan repimållå rullasta, josta samanpituisia pusseja mainittuine liima-ainesaumoineen, erotetaan poikkirei'ityksellå.With said proposed bag shape, individual bags 35 can be obtained by tearing a roll from which bags of the same length with said adhesive seams are separated by cross-perforation.


90883 390883 3

Huolimatta halutusta sovitusmahdollisuudestaan ei mainittu pussimuoto niinmuodoin ratkaise toista haittapuolta tunnetuissa vaipoissa, mika muodostuu siitå, etta ne eivåt ole elastisia tai taipuisia eivat-5 ka sen vuoksi sovellu helposti erisuuruisille laudoil-le, kuten laudoille, joita esimerkiksi kåytetåån vas-taavasti uros- ja naarasminkeille. Sen vuoksi on vålt-tåmåtontåå ostaa ja varastoida yhta monen suuruisia vaippoja kuin on lautoja, saraoin kuin joka kerta lautaa 10 varustettaessa vaipalla varmistua siitå, ettå kåytetåån oikean kokoista vaippaa.Despite its desired fit, said bag shape thus does not solve another disadvantage in known diapers, which is due to the fact that they are not elastic or flexible and are therefore not easily suitable for boards of different sizes, such as boards used, for example, on the same side. . Therefore, it is unavoidable to buy and store diapers of the same size as there are boards, tearing as if each time the board 10 is provided with a jacket, make sure that the correct size jacket is used.

Keksinnon tarkoituksena on poistaa edella mainitut epakohdat.The object of the invention is to eliminate the above-mentioned drawbacks.

Keksinnolle on tunnusomaista se, rnita on esi-15 tetty patenttivaatimuksessa 1.The invention is characterized in that it is set out in claim 1.

Keksinnon mukaisesti vaippa on valmistettu putken muotoon, jolla on yhdenmukainen leveys ja joka on taipuisasta tiiviisti myotåilevåstå venyvastå mate-riaalista, jolla on olennaisesti homogeeninen ilmanlå-20 påisevyys ja tietty ominaiselastisuus/ esim. ei-kudo-tusta polypropyleenikuidusta.According to the invention, the sheath is made in the form of a tube having a uniform width and made of a flexible, tightly stretchable stretchable material having a substantially homogeneous air permeability and a certain specific elasticity / e.g. of nonwoven polypropylene fiber.

Samalla tavoin kuin yllamainitun ehdotetun muotoilun yhteydessa saavutetaan samanaikaisesti sen kanssa, etta vaippa itsessåSn on ilmaa låpåisevå, etta 25 se voi peittåå koko laudan, ja siten suojata sitå li-kaantumiselta, mika tekee tarpeettomaksi laudan puhdis-tamisen sen jokaisen kaytdn jålkeen, tai ainakin alen-taa vaatimuksia mahdolliselle puhdistamiselle. Samalla aikaansaadaan rasvan tehokas imeytyminen nahasta, jol-30 loin vaippa on nyt kosketuksessa koko nahan sisåpinnan kanssa. Edullinen seuraus tastå on myos, ettå nahka tulee helpommaksi vetåå laudasta kuivauksen pååtyttyå, koska nahalla ei ole mahdollisuutta liimautua kiinni lautaan. Vaipan homogeenisen ilman låpåisevyyden avulla 35 saavutetaan edelleen erotuksena sellaisesta paperimate-riaalista, jota kåytetåån tavanomaisissa påållysvai-poissa kuten yllåehdotetuissa, parempi ilman jakautumi- 4 nen kuivausprosessin aikana, ja siten nahkojen yhden-mukaisempi kuivuminen. Keksinto tuo mukanaan nimittain sellaisen edun, etta tiettyjen rajojen puitteissa on mahdollista kåyttåå vain yhden kokoista vaippaa, koska 5 tiiviisti myotåilevå venyvå ja elastinen vaippa sopii helposti erikokoisille laudoille.In the same way as with the above-mentioned proposed design, it is achieved at the same time that the jacket itself is air-permeable so that it can cover the entire board, and thus protect it from soiling, which makes it unnecessary to clean the board after each use. -the requirements for possible cleaning. At the same time, efficient absorption of grease from the skin is achieved, whereby the diaper of the I-30 is now in contact with the entire inner surface of the skin. The advantageous consequence of this is also that the leather becomes easier to pull from the board after the drying is completed, because there is no possibility of the leather sticking to the board. The homogeneous air permeability of the diaper 35 further achieves, in contrast to the paper material used in conventional cover diapers such as those proposed above, a better air distribution during the drying process, and thus a more uniform drying of the skins. Namely, the invention brings with it the advantage that, within certain limits, it is possible to use only a jacket of one size, because the tightly fitting stretchable and elastic jacket easily fits boards of different sizes.

Jos laudan leveys on våhån suurempi kuin vai-pan leveys veltossa tilassa, laajenee vaippa våhån, kun taas painvastaisessa tilanteessa tapahtuu niin, etta 10 pussinmuotoinen vaippa muodostaa taipuisan taitoksen laudan ympårille, ja silla tavoin myotåilee tiiviisti sitå.If the width of the board is slightly larger than the width of the jacket in the slack space, the jacket expands slightly, while in the depressed situation it happens that the bag-shaped jacket 10 forms a flexible fold around the board, and thus closely fits it.

Vaipan myotåilevyydellå ja elastisuudella seka sen valmistamisella letkun muotoon, jolla on yhdenmu-15 kainen leveys, saavutetaan se lisarationalisointietu, etta vaipat voidaan toimittaa "pååttominå" letkurullina ennaltamåårStyn pituisten, kuten yksittaisten vaippojen tai rullamuodosta rei'ityksen avulla revittavien ase-mesta.The soldering width and elasticity of the jacket, as well as its production in the form of a hose with a uniform width, provide the additional rationalization advantage that the jacks can be supplied as "endless" hose reels of predetermined length, such as individual jacks or roll-shaped perforations.

20 TMssa maaritellysta keksinnon mukaisesta pSSl- lysvaipan sovellutuksesta valmistetaan yksittSisvaippa leikkaamalla haluttu pituus letkurullasta ja sulkemalla poikittaisesti leikattu påtkå toisesta påastå. Kaytån-25 nosså valmistetaan sopiva kappale letkua, joka leika-taan ja suljetaan, ja se on sen jålkeen valmis kåyt-t56n.From the application of the pSS1 sheath according to the invention defined in the TM, a single inner sheath is made by cutting the desired length from the hose reel and closing the transversely cut piece at the other end. A suitable piece of hose is made in the nose-25, which is cut and sealed, and is then ready for use.

Sulkeminen ja leikkaaminen voi tapahtua millå tahansa sopivalla tavalla, jossa rnita sulkemiseen tulee esim. 30 kåytetåån teippiå, nitomista tai låmpdhitsausta.The sealing and cutting can take place in any suitable manner, in which, for example, tape, stapling or heat welding are used for sealing.

Seuraavassa keksintoå selostetaan låhemmin viittaamalla kaaviomaiseen piirustukseen, joka esittåå lautaa, johon on asennettu keksinnon mukainen vaippa ja nahka, jossa nahka selvyyssyistå on jåtetty pois pii-35 rustuksen oikeasta puoliskosta.In the following, the invention will be described in more detail with reference to a schematic drawing showing a board on which a jacket and leather according to the invention are mounted, in which the leather has been omitted from the right half of the silicon-35 for clarity.

Kuten ilmenee, on nahka 1, joka kuivataan, asetettu kiilanmuotoisen tai kapenevan laudan 2 påålle,As can be seen, the leather 1 to be dried is placed on a wedge-shaped or tapered board 2,


90883 5 joka ennen nahan tuomista on ensin paallystetty keksin-non mukaisella pitkanomaisella påållysvaipalla 3. Lau-dassa 2, joka on puusta, on keskeinen, lapimeneva rako tai ura 4, joka laudan kårkeå låhellå olevasta kohdasta 5 kulkee suurinpiirtein koko nahan pituudelta. Ura 4 on yhteydessa olennaisesti puoliympyran muotoisten puu-leikkausten 5 kanssa, jotka aukeavat ulos kapeille reunoille ja kulkevat yhdensuuntaisesti laudan tason kanssa. Ilmavirta tuodaan, kuten nuolella 6 on esitet-10 ty, keskeisen putken 7 låpi, joka on asetettu nahan suuaukon ja paållysvaipan låpi ja johtaa ulos uraan 4. lima jakautuu edelleen pitkin lautaa leikkauksista 5 ja itse urasta 4.90883 5 which, prior to the introduction of the leather, is first baled with an elongate cover 3 according to the invention. The board 2, which is made of wood, has a central, sliding slit or groove 4 running from the point 5 near the top of the board over the entire length of the leather. The groove 4 communicates with substantially semicircular wood cuts 5 which open out onto narrow edges and run parallel to the plane of the board. The air flow is introduced, as shown by arrow 6, through the central tube 7, which is inserted through the mouth of the leather and the cover and leads out into the groove 4. The mucus is further distributed along the board from the cuts 5 and from the groove 4 itself.

Påållysvaippa 3, jolla on pitkånomaisen pussin 15 tai sukan muoto, on tuotu laudan kapean paan yli, ja suorassa asennossa kiinittetty låhelle laudan leveåå påatå naulojen 8 avulla tai muulla sopivalla tavalla.The cover jacket 3, which has the shape of an elongate bag 15 or sock, is brought over the narrow end of the board, and in a straight position is fastened close to the wide end of the board by means of nails 8 or in another suitable way.

Vaippa on valmistettu ei-kudotusta polypropy-leenikuidusta ja ominaiselastisuutensa seurauksena 20 sopeutuu kulloisenkin laudan kokoon.The sheath is made of non-woven polypropylene fiber and, as a result of its specific elasticity, 20 adapts to the size of the respective board.

Piirustuksessa on nahka selvyyssyistå esitetty sovitettuna loysåsti laudan ympårille. Kåytånnosså nahka sulkeutuu tiiviisti laudan 2 ja vaipan 3 ympårille toisaalta vaipan rasvanimeytymistå vårten vålttå-25 måttomån kosketuksen saavuttamiseksi nahan sisåpuolen kanssa, toisaalta siksi ettå lauta 2 myos palvelisi pingoituslautana. Nahka 1 ei ole millåån tavanomaisella tavalla kiinnitetty lautaan 2.In the drawing, for the sake of clarity, the leather is shown loosely fitted around the board. In practice the leather-tightly closes the board 2 and the casing 3 on the one hand the jacket ympårille rasvanimeytymistå achieve closets vålttå 25 of landless sisåpuolen contact with skin, therefore, on the one hand and working board 2 also serve the pingoituslautana. The leather 1 is not attached to the board 2 in any conventional way.

Keksinnon mukainen vaippa ei vålttåmåttå tar-30 vitse olla muodostettu ei-kudotusta polypropyleenikui-dusta, vaan myos muita materiaaleja, joilla on vastaa-vat ominaisuudet ilmanlåpåisevyyden, myotåilevån veny-vyyden ja ominaiselastisuuden suhteen, voidaan kåyttåå.The sheath according to the invention does not necessarily have to be formed of a non-woven polypropylene fiber, but other materials with corresponding properties in terms of air permeability, melting elongation and specific elasticity can also be used.

Claims (2)

1. Overdragsholje (3) for anvåndning i samband med en sådan skinntorkning, vari det fårska skinnet (1) 5 anbringas på ett efter det aktuella skinnet avpassat vanligen lite avsmalnande brade (2), vilket år anordnat att via i det bildade kanaler (4) och utskårningar (5) leda en tillford luftkonditionerad luftstrom i kontakt med skinnets innersida, varvid holjet (3) har formen av 10 en långstråckt påse bestående av ett fettuppsugande, luftgenomslåppande material, kånnetecknat dårav, att holjet år framstållt i form av ett rdr, vilket har en symmetrisk bredd och vilket består av ett boj ligt tått åtsittande elastiskt material, vilket har 15 en våsentligen homogen luftgenomslåpplighet och en viss specifik elasticitet, t.ex. icke-våvd polypropylenfi-ber.1. Coating sleeve (3) for use in connection with such skin drying, wherein the fresh skin (1) is applied to a generally tapered brid (2) adapted to the current skin, which is arranged to pass through in the formed channels (4). ) and cut-outs (5) conduct an additional air-conditioned air stream in contact with the inside of the skin, the sleeve (3) being in the form of an elongated bag consisting of a fat-absorbing, air-permeable material, characterized accordingly, that the sleeve is produced in the form of a tube, which has a symmetrical width and which consists of a resiliently resiliently tight elastic material, which has a substantially homogeneous air permeability and a certain specific elasticity, e.g. nonwoven polypropylene fibers. 2. OverdragshSlje enligt patentkrav 1, kånnetecknat dårav, att enhetsholjet framstålls 20 genom avskårning av en onskad långd från rorrullen och genom tvårgående tillslutning av den avskurna långden i ena åndan.2. A coating line according to claim 1, characterized in that the unit housing is produced by cutting off a desired length from the rudder roll and by transversely closing the cut length in one spirit.
FI884708A 1987-10-19 1988-10-12 Cover for use in leather drying FI90883C (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK545587A DK157084C (en) 1987-10-19 1987-10-19 COATING WRAPPING FOR SKIN DRYING
DK545587 1987-10-19

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FI884708A0 FI884708A0 (en) 1988-10-12
FI884708A FI884708A (en) 1989-04-20
FI90883B FI90883B (en) 1993-12-31
FI90883C true FI90883C (en) 1994-04-11



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FI884708A FI90883C (en) 1987-10-19 1988-10-12 Cover for use in leather drying

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