DK171922B1 - Water outlet for mounting in an outer wall - Google Patents

Water outlet for mounting in an outer wall Download PDF


Publication number
DK171922B1 DK653987A DK653987A DK171922B1 DK 171922 B1 DK171922 B1 DK 171922B1 DK 653987 A DK653987 A DK 653987A DK 653987 A DK653987 A DK 653987A DK 171922 B1 DK171922 B1 DK 171922B1
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water outlet
valve actuator
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DK653987A (en
DK653987D0 (en
Stefan Ericsson
Original Assignee
Mattsson Ab F M
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Application filed by Mattsson Ab F M filed Critical Mattsson Ab F M
Publication of DK653987D0 publication Critical patent/DK653987D0/en
Publication of DK653987A publication Critical patent/DK653987A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK171922B1 publication Critical patent/DK171922B1/en



    • E03B9/00Methods or installations for drawing-off water
    • E03B9/02Hydrants; Arrangements of valves therein; Keys for hydrants
    • E03B9/025Taps specially designed for outdoor use, e.g. wall hydrants, sill cocks
    • F16K1/00Lift valves or globe valves, i.e. cut-off apparatus with closure members having at least a component of their opening and closing motion perpendicular to the closing faces
    • F16K1/02Lift valves or globe valves, i.e. cut-off apparatus with closure members having at least a component of their opening and closing motion perpendicular to the closing faces with screw-spindle
    • F16K1/06Special arrangements for improving the flow, e.g. special shape of passages or casings


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Public Health (AREA)
  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Hydrology & Water Resources (AREA)
  • Health & Medical Sciences (AREA)
  • Water Supply & Treatment (AREA)
  • Lift Valve (AREA)
  • Temperature-Responsive Valves (AREA)
  • Domestic Plumbing Installations (AREA)
  • Mechanically-Actuated Valves (AREA)
  • Self-Closing Valves And Venting Or Aerating Valves (AREA)


DK 171922 BlDK 171922 Bl

Den foreliggende opfindelse angår et vandudtag, såsom en vandpost, til montering i en ydervæg mellem et opvarmet rum på væggens inderside og væggens for atmosfæretemperaturen udsatte yderside, hvilket vandudtag iøvrigt er 5 af den i indledningen til krav 1 angivne art.The present invention relates to a water outlet, such as a water outlet, for mounting in an outer wall between a heated space on the inside of the wall and the outside exposed to the ambient temperature, which water outlet is otherwise of the kind specified in the preamble of claim 1.

Når et sådant vandudtags ventilmanøvreorgan påvirkes til lukning af ventilelementet mod sit sæde, løber i vandudtaget værende vand ud igennem aftapningsstedet, således at risikoen for frysning af vandet i vandudtaget om vinteren 10 er væsentligt reduceret.When such a water outlet valve actuator is actuated to close the valve member against its seat, in the water outlet, running water flows out through the tapping point, so that the risk of freezing the water in the water outlet in winter 10 is substantially reduced.

Ifald således som det ofte er tilfældet, en vandslange er tilsluttet aftapningsstedet, og slangen er ophængt på en tromle i nærheden deraf, kan det om vinteren let ske, at vand i slangen løber tilbage i vandudtaget, som kan frost-15 sprænges med alvorlige skader på bygningen til følge.If, as is often the case, a water hose is connected to the discharge point and the hose is suspended on a drum in the vicinity thereof, in winter it can easily happen that water in the hose runs back into the water outlet, which can be ruptured with severe damage. on the building as a result.

Fra USA-patenterne nr. 4.532.954 og 4.316.481 kendes vandudtag af ovennævnte art, ved hvilket den første og den anden ventilindretning fungerer successivt i indbyrdes samvirken, således at vandstrømningen, når denne begynder at 20 aftage i den ene ventil, successivt begynder at øges igennem den anden ventil.US Patent Nos. 4,532,954 and 4,316,481 disclose water outlets of the above-mentioned type, in which the first and second valve devices operate successively in mutual interaction, so that when the flow begins to decrease in one valve, the water flow successively begins. to increase through the second valve.

Et sådant vandudtag har, især ved vintertide, ikke helt pålidelig funktion, idet der foreligger risiko for frostskader, blandt andet fordi ledningsvandet fortsætter med 25 at fosse ud under højt tryk fra den ekstra ventilindretning, lige indtil ventilmanøvreorganet har lukket sit ventilsæde i tilslutningsdelen. Desuden udgør denne store ledningsvandudledning et vandspild, som bør undgås.Such a water outlet, especially at winter time, does not have a fully reliable function, since there is a risk of frost damage, partly because the tap water continues to eject under high pressure from the extra valve device, until the valve actuator has closed its valve seat in the connection part. In addition, this large tap water discharge represents a waste of water which should be avoided.

Fra svensk patentskrift SE-B-7311923-2 samt SE-B-30 7410483-7 kendes andre kendte vandudtag, som er udformet til at lette vandudtagets montering i en væg, men ikke til at hindre skader i vandudtaget og dermed i væggen som følge af frostsprængning om vinteren.From Swedish patent specification SE-B-7311923-2 and SE-B-30 7410483-7 there are known other known water outlets, which are designed to facilitate the installation of the water outlet in a wall, but not to prevent damage to the water outlet and thus in the wall as a result. of frostbite in winter.

Det er opfindelsens formål at tilvejebringe et 35 vandudtag af den indledningsvis angivne art, og som ved sin afspærringsfunktion forebygger frostsprængning i vandudtaget og dermed i væggen, hvori det er monteret.It is an object of the invention to provide a water outlet of the kind initially indicated and which, by its shut-off function, prevents frost cracking in the water outlet and thus in the wall in which it is mounted.

DK 171922 B1 2DK 171922 B1 2

Et vandudtag ifølge opfindelsen, og som opfylder opfindelsens formål, er ejendommeligt ved det i den kendetegnende del af krav 1 angivne.A water outlet according to the invention which fulfills the object of the invention is peculiar to that of the characterizing part of claim 1.

Derved opnås, at den anden ventil først begynder at 5 åbne, efter at den første ventil er helt lukket og efter at en yderligere rotation af ventilmanøvreorganet er sket i en sådan grad, at fjederkraften er blevet overvundet. Det er derved som regel tilstrækkeligt i den primære ventilindretnings lukkestilling at rotere ventilmanøvreorganet, f .eks. en 10 halv omdrejning ekstra for at den ekstra ventilindretning skal åbne. Yderligere rotation en eller to omdrejninger sikrer, at den ekstra venti lindretning åbner fuldstændigt, således at risikoen for, at vandudtaget skal komme til at indeholde en risikabel restvandmængde, er helt elimineret. Som 15 følge af, at den første ventil er lukket, kan vand ikke tilbageholdes i vandudtaget og forårsage skader i forbindelse med eller efter at være frosset til is ved koldt vejrlig, eftersom alt vand i vandudtagets udløbsdel strømmer ud igennem den ved siden af aftapningsstedet 4a beliggende udløbs-20 åbning 4c, hvis det ikke kan strømme ud igennem selve aftapningsstedet, f.eks. i det tilfælde, hvor en slange er tilsluttet aftapningsstedet og ophængt i en tromle eller lukket af en sprinklerventil i slangens ende.Thereby, the second valve is obtained only to open after the first valve is fully closed and after a further rotation of the valve actuator has occurred to such an extent that the spring force has been overcome. It is thus usually sufficient in the closing position of the primary valve device to rotate the valve actuator, e.g. an additional 10 half turns for the extra valve assembly to open. Further rotation one or two turns ensures that the extra venting device opens completely, so that the risk of the water outlet having to contain a hazardous residual amount of water is completely eliminated. As a result of the first valve being closed, water cannot be retained in the water outlet and cause damage in connection with or after being frozen to ice in cold weather, since all water in the outlet portion of the water outlet flows through it adjacent to the discharge point 4a located outlet 20 opening 4c, if it cannot flow through the actual discharge point, e.g. in the case where a hose is connected to the tapping point and suspended in a drum or closed by a sprinkler valve at the end of the hose.

I praksis foretrækkes det i en hensigtsmæssig udfø-25 relsesform jfr. krav 2, at den taplignende del optager lukkeelementet, såsom O-ringen, og at den omgivende del udgør sædedelen.In practice, it is preferred in a convenient embodiment, cf. Claim 2, that the tab-like part receives the closing member, such as the O-ring, and that the surrounding part constitutes the seat part.

Fjederen er ifølge krav 3 hensigtsmæssigt en skruefjeder, som, idet den omgiver den taplignende del, forløber 30 mellem sædedelen og en ansats på denne, fortrinsvis en af en fortykket del mellem spindelakslen og den taplignende del.The spring according to claim 3 is suitably a coil spring which, as it surrounds the pin-like part, extends between the seat part and an abutment thereon, preferably one of a thickened part between the spindle shaft and the pin-like part.

Nævnte fjeder bør være forholdsvis kraftig, således at den ved påvirkning af ventilmanøvreorganet tjener som en koblings forbindelse mellem sædedelen og spindelakslen og der-35 ved sikrer rotation af spindelakslen, indtil det i enden af spindelakslen værende ventilelement lukkes mod sit sæde.Said spring should be relatively strong so that when actuated by the valve actuator it serves as a coupling connection between the seat part and the spindle shaft, thereby ensuring rotation of the spindle shaft until the valve member located at the end of the spindle shaft closes against its seat.

Ved yderligere rotation af ventilmanøvreorganet 3 DK 171922 B1 forhindrer friktionen mellem ventilelementet og sædet, at spindelakslen yderligere roteres, og i stedet kommer derved sædedelen imod indvirkningen af fjederen til at forskydes langs den taplignende del, således at den ekstra ventilind-5 retning åbner på ovenfor angivne måde.By further rotation of the valve actuator 3, the friction between the valve member and the seat prevents the spindle shaft from being further rotated, and instead the seat part against the action of the spring is displaced along the pin-like part, so that the additional valve arrangement opens on the above. specified way.

Sædedelen og/eller en med denne og ventilmanøvreor-ganet forbundet del er ifølge krav 4 hensigtsmæssigt aftættet mod aftapningsdelen.According to claim 4, the seat part and / or a part connected thereto and the valve actuator are suitably sealed against the tapping part.

Desuden foretrækkes det i en særligt enkel udfø-10 relsesform ifølge krav 5, at den taplignende dels lukkeelement består af en i et spor i området for delens ende optaget O-ring.Furthermore, in a particularly simple embodiment according to claim 5, it is preferred that the closure element of the tab-like part consists of an O-ring received in a groove in the region of the end portion.

Den i aftapningsdelen værende udløbsåbning, som sikrer afgang af det i vandudtaget tilbageværende vand, kan 15 bestå af en eller flere i aftapningsdelen uden for aftapningsstedet langs omkredsen anbragte slidser.The outlet opening located in the tapping member, which ensures discharge of the water remaining in the water outlet, may consist of one or more taps located outside the tapping point along the circumference.

For at tillade den relative forskydning mellem den ekstra ventilindretnings sædedel og den taplignende del, er ventilmanøvreorganet ifølge krav 6 hensigtsmæssigt forenet 20 med sædedelen via en til spindel forlængelsesdelen hørende fortykket del, som overgår i et eller flere, ved omkredsen anbragte tungeelementer, som med afbrydelser langs omkredsen omslutter den taplignende dels endeparti.In order to allow the relative displacement between the seat valve part of the auxiliary valve member and the pin-like part, the valve actuator according to claim 6 is suitably joined to the seat part via a thickened part belonging to the spindle extension part, which extends into one or more circumferential tongue members, as with interruptions. along the circumference, the end portion of the loss-like portion encloses.

Den taplignende dels endeparti har derved mulighed 25 for, medens den er omsluttet af nævnte tungeelement, at forskydes mod nævnte fortykkede del samtidig med, at den ekstra ventilindretning åbner.The end portion of the pin-like part thereby has the possibility, while enclosed by said tongue element, to be displaced towards said thickened part while the additional valve device opens.

Vandudtaget ifølge opfindelsen vil i det følgende blive nærmere forklaret sammen med nogle yderligere foran-30 staltninger og i forbindelse med en udførelsesform under henvisning til tegningen, hvor fig. 1 viser et længdesnit igennem et vandudtag ifølge opfindelsen med ventilelementet i sin åbenstilling og med visse dele af vandudtaget set i sidebillede, 35 fig. 2 et længdesnit af vandudtaget ifølge krav 1, dog med visse yderligere dele vist i sidebillede og med ventilelementet i sin lukkestilling og den ekstra ventilindretning åben, DK 171922 B1 4 og fig. 3 et til fig. 2 svarende snit af den ekstra ventilindretning i større målestokforhold.The water outlet according to the invention will be explained in more detail below with some further measures and in connection with an embodiment with reference to the drawing, in which fig. 1 shows a longitudinal section through a water outlet according to the invention with the valve element in its open position and with certain parts of the water outlet seen in side view, fig. 2 is a longitudinal section of the water outlet according to claim 1, however, with certain additional parts shown in side view and with the valve element in its closing position and the additional valve device open, DK 171922 B1 4 and FIG. 3 is a view of FIG. 2 corresponding section of the extra valve device in larger scale conditions.

Et vandudtag 1 er beregnet til montering i en væg 5 10 mellem et rum på væggens inderside og dens for atmosfære temperaturen udsatte yderside. Ved væggens inderside har vandudtaget en tilslutningsdel 2 med et tilslutningsgevind 2a for et ikke vist vandtilførselsrør.A water outlet 1 is intended for mounting in a wall 510 between a space on the inside of the wall and its outside exposed to the temperature. At the inside of the wall, the water outlet has a connection part 2 with a connection thread 2a for a water supply pipe not shown.

På væggens 10 yderside har vandudtaget en aftap-10 ningsdel 4 med et aftapningssted 4a og et ventilmanøvreorgan 5 med en aksel tap 5a, der har et gevind 5b, som samvirker med et i aftapningsdelen 4 udformet gevind 4b.On the outside of wall 10, the water outlet has a tapping member 4 with a tapping point 4a and a valve actuator 5 with a shaft pin 5a having a thread 5b which cooperates with a thread 4b formed in the tapping member 4.

Mellem tilslutningsdelen 2 og aftapningsdelen 4 findes et gennemføringsrør 3, hvis ene ende er forbundet med 15 tilslutningsdelen 2 via en tilslutningsskrue 6, og hvis anden ende er forbundet med aftapningsdelen 4 via en tilslutningsskrue 7. Ved gennemføringsrørets 3 inderste ende findes en lukkeventil med et sæde 2b for et aksialt forskydeligt ventilelement 8 med en lukkedel 8a af kautsjuk eller lignende 20 materiale. Ventilelementet 8 bæres af en spindelaksel 9, som er ført igennem røret 3 og indgår i aftapningsdelen 4, hvor den via en fortykket del 9a overgår i en forlængelsesdel, som omfatter et antal forskellige elementer, som beskrives nærmere i det følgende.Between the connection portion 2 and the discharge portion 4 is a feed pipe 3, one end of which is connected to the connection portion 2 via a connection screw 6, and the other end of which is connected to the drainage portion 4 via a connection screw 7. At the inner end of the feed tube 3 there is a closing valve with a seat. 2b for an axially displaceable valve member 8 with a closure portion 8a of rubber or similar material. The valve element 8 is carried by a spindle shaft 9 which is passed through the pipe 3 and is included in the drain part 4, where it passes through a thickened part 9a into an extension part which comprises a number of different elements which are described in more detail below.

25 En påvirkning, dvs. rotation, af ventilmanøvreorga- net 5 medfører aksial forskydning af spindelakslen 9 og ventilelementet 8 med tætningsdelen 8a, således at ventilelementet forskydes mod sædet 2b på den i fig. 2 viste måde.25 An influence, ie rotation of the valve actuator 5 causes axial displacement of the spindle shaft 9 and valve element 8 with the sealing member 8a, so that the valve element is displaced against the seat 2b in the embodiment shown in FIG. 2.

Når ventilelementet 8 indtager den i fig. 1 viste 30 stilling, dvs. hvor ventilen er åben, afgår vand under tryk via aftapningsstedet 4a. Når ventilen 8, 8a lukkes mod sædet 2b på den i fig. 2 viste måde, kan det i vandudtaget værende vand afgå via aftapningsstedet 4a. Der findes derved ingen risiko for frysning af vandet i vandudtaget.When the valve element 8 occupies the position shown in FIG. 1, i.e. where the valve is open, water exits under pressure via the tapping point 4a. When the valve 8, 8a is closed against the seat 2b of the one shown in FIG. 2, the water remaining in the water outlet can exit via the tapping point 4a. There is thus no risk of freezing the water in the water outlet.

35 I mange tilfælde er imidlertid en ikke vist slange forbundet med vandudtagets aftapningssted 4a. Slangen har derved en slangekobling, som er påskruet aftapningsstedets 4a 5 DK 171922 B1 gevind. Ikke sjældent er vandslangen ophængt i forbindelse med vandudtaget, og når ventilen 8, 8a er lukket på den i fig. 2 viste måde, foreligger der risiko for, at vandet i slangen strømmer tilbage i vandudtaget og udfylder hulrummet 5 i gennemføringsrøret 3. Hvis dette vand fryser, foreligger der stor risiko for alvorlige skader på væggen 10.35 In many cases, however, a hose not shown is connected to the drain point 4a of the water outlet. The hose thereby has a hose coupling which is screwed onto the thread of the tapping point 4a 5 DK 171922 B1. Not infrequently, the water hose is suspended in connection with the water outlet and when the valve 8, 8a is closed on the one shown in FIG. 2, there is a risk that the water in the hose flows back into the water outlet and fills the cavity 5 of the conduit 3. If this water freezes, there is a high risk of serious damage to the wall 10.

For at afhjælpe denne alvorlige ulempe, findes en ekstra ventilindretning i spindelakslens 9 forlængeIsesdel, hvilken ventilindretning er optaget i aftapningsdelen 4. Med 10 henblik herpå består forlængelsesdelen af en med ventilmanøv-reorganet 5, 5a, 5b forenet fortykket del 12, som overgår i et hyl s ter lignende, med tungeelementer forsynet del 13, der er forbundet med en sædedel 14, som er påvirket af en skruefjeder 15, hvis ende ligger an mod spindelakslens 9 fortyk-15 kede del 9a.To alleviate this serious disadvantage, an additional valve assembly is provided in the extension portion of the spindle shaft 9, which valve assembly is accommodated in the tapping portion 4. With this purpose, the extension portion consists of a thickened portion 12 joined by the valve actuator 5, 5a, 5b. sleeves similar to tongue member 13 which are connected to a seat portion 14 which is actuated by a screw spring 15 whose end abuts the thickened portion 9a of the spindle shaft 9.

Spindelakslens forlængelsesdel omfatter også en med sædedelen 14 koncentrisk anbragt taplignende del 16, som er forbundet med den fortykkede del 9 a og omfatter et antal ansatsformede partier 16a, 16b, 16c og 16d.The extension portion of the spindle shaft also includes a pin-like portion 16 concentrically disposed with the seat portion 14 which is connected to the thickened portion 9a and comprises a plurality of shoulder-shaped portions 16a, 16b, 16c and 16d.

20 Den taplignende del 16c har form af et mellem flan ger forløbende spor, som optager en tætningsring 17. Denne tætningsring 17 danner sammen med sædedelen 14 en ekstra ventilindretning, som i åben stilling sikrer, at alt vand i vandudtaget kan afgå igennem de særlige afløbsslidser 4c, som 25 findes i aftapningsdelen 4.The pin-like part 16c is in the form of an intermediate groove which accommodates a sealing ring 17. This sealing ring 17 together with the seat part 14 forms an additional valve device which in open position ensures that all water in the water outlet can pass through the special drain slots. 4c, which is found in the drain portion 4.

Funktionen forklares i det følgende: Når ventilmanøvreorganet 5 roteres, hvilket f.eks. kan ske ved hjælp af et nøglehåndtag eller en skiftenøgle, forskydes spindelakslen 9 og ventilelementet 8 fra den i fig.The function is explained in the following: When the valve actuator 5 is rotated, e.g. can be done by means of a wrench or a wrench, the spindle shaft 9 and the valve element 8 are displaced from the one shown in FIG.

30 1 til den i fig. 2 viste stilling. Yderligere drejning eller rotation af manøvreorganet 5 medfører, at den fortykkede del 12, tungeelementerne 13 og sædedelen 14 forskydes mod højre imod indvirkning af skruefjederen 15. Sædedelen 14 forlader derved, således som det ses i fig. 2, O-ringen 17, hvorved 35 ventiludløbet fritlægges, og eventuelt i vandudtaget værende vand kan løbe ud igennem slidserne 4c.30 to that of FIG. 2. Further rotation or rotation of the actuator 5 causes the thickened part 12, the tongue members 13 and the seat part 14 to be shifted to the right against the action of the screw spring 15. The seat part 14 thereby leaves, as seen in FIG. 2, the O-ring 17, whereby the valve outlet is released and any water remaining in the water outlet can flow out through the slots 4c.

Åbning af den ekstra ventilindretning 14, 17 sker DK 171922 B1 6 herved ved yderligere rotation af ventilmanøvreorganet 5, når ventilelementet 8 samt tætningsdelen 8a befinder sig i sin i fig. 2 viste lukkestilling.Opening of the additional valve device 14, 17 is hereby effected by further rotation of the valve actuator 5 when the valve element 8 and the sealing member 8a are in their position in FIG. 2.

Den ekstra ventilindretnings åbenstilling fremgår 5 tydeligere af fig. 3 hvor det også med pile er vist, hvorledes i vandudtaget værende vand løber ud via den ekstra ventilindretnings 8 åbning og slidserne 4c.The open position of the auxiliary valve device can be seen more clearly in FIG. 3, where arrows are also shown how water in the water outlet flows out via the opening of the auxiliary valve device 8 and the slots 4c.

Fig. 3 viser desuden, at den fortykkede del 12, tungeelementet 13 og sædedelen 14 kan udføre en relativ for-10 skydning i forhold til den taplignende del 16, der omfatter de ansatsformede dele 16a, 16b, 16c og 16d, indtil den yderste endedel 16d støder mod den fortykkede del 12.FIG. 3 further shows that the thickened part 12, the tongue member 13 and the seat part 14 can perform a relative displacement with respect to the pin-like part 16 which comprises the shoulder-shaped parts 16a, 16b, 16c and 16d until the outer end part 16d abuts. towards the thickened part 12.

I den ovenfor beskrevne udførelsesform bærer den taplignende del og nærmere bestemt dens parti 16c lukkeele-15 mentet, dvs. O-ringen 17, idet den omsluttende del 14 udgør sædedelen.In the embodiment described above, the tab-like portion and more particularly its portion 16c carries the closure element, i. The O-ring 17, the enclosing portion 14 constituting the seat portion.

I et alternativt arrangement inden for opfindelsens rammer er forholdet det modsatte, dvs. at lukkeelementet, f.eks. i form af en O-ring, er forbundet med den omsluttende 20 del 17, medens et parti af den taplignende del er bibragt en anden udformning for at danne sædedel.In an alternative arrangement within the scope of the invention, the relationship is the opposite, i.e. closing the element, e.g. in the form of an O-ring, is connected to the enclosing portion 17, while a portion of the tab-like portion is provided with a different configuration to form a seat portion.

Også andre typer af ekstra ventilindretninger er mulige inden for den grundlæggende opfindelses tankes rammer.Other types of additional valve devices are also possible within the scope of the basic invention.

Det er eksempelvis muligt at anvende en ekstra ventilindret-25 ning, som påvirkes af et særligt ventilmanøvreorgan, eksempelvis et parti af tapdelen 4, som gøres forskydelig i forhold til aftapningsdelens 4 øvrige dele, og som ved drejning eller rotation kan påvirke den ekstra ventilindretning.For example, it is possible to use an additional valve device which is actuated by a particular valve actuator, for example a portion of the pin portion 4 which is displaceable relative to the other portions of the tapping member 4 and which, upon rotation or rotation, can affect the extra valve device.

Claims (6)

7 DK 171922 B1 Patentkrav .7 DK 171922 B1 Patent claims. 1. Vandudtag til montering i ydervæg mellem et opvarmet rum på væggens (10) inderside og væggens for atmosfæretemperaturen udsatte yderside, hvilket vandudtag (1) omfatter 5 a) en tilslutningsdel (2) ved væggens inderside, b) en med et aftapningssted (4a) og et ventilmanøvreorgan (5) forsynet aftapningsdel (4) på væggens yderside, c) et gennemføringsrør (3) mellem tilslutningsdelen (2) og aftapningsdelen (4), 10 d) en ved gennemføringsrørets (3) inderste ende beliggende afspærrings- eller lukkeventil med et sæde (2b) og et aksialt forskydeligt ventilelement (8, 8a), e) en i gennemføringsrøret (3) optaget spindelaksel (9), som i sin inderste ende bærer ventilelementet (8, 8a), og i sin 15 yderste ende samvirker med ventilmanøvreorganet (5), f) en i aftapningsdelen (4) optaget, med spindelakslen (9) og ventilmanøvreorganet (5) forenet forlængelsesdel (5a, 12, 16) med et gevind (5b) til at samvirke med et tilsvarende gevind (4b) i aftapningsdelen, således at rotation af ventilmanøvre- 20 organet (5) i én retning bevirker lukning af ventilelementet (8, 8a) imod sædet (2b) og rotation i modsat retning åbner ventilen, således at vand under tryk afgår via aftapningsstedet (4a), og hvilken forlængelsesdel omfatter to indbyrdes relativt forskydelige dele, 25 g) en med forlængelsesdelen (5, 12, 16) samvirkende, ekstra ventilindretning (14, 17) med en ved siden af aftapningsstedet (4a) beliggende udløbsåbning (4c), hvilken ekstra venti lindretning, når ventilelementet er lukket mod sit sæde, ved yderligere påvirkning af ventilmanøvreorganet (5) er 30 indrettet til at åbnes, således at i gennemstrømningsrøret (3) værende vand løber ud igennem den ekstra udløbsåbning (4c), kendetegnet ved, at forlængelsesdelens (5a, 12, 16) indbyrdes relativt forskydelige dele omfatter en med spindelakslen stift forbundet taplignende del (16a, 16b, 16c, 35 16d) og en med ventilmanøvreorganet (5) forenet, den taplig nende del (16) omsluttende del (14), som imod indvirkning af 8 DK 171922 Bl en fjeder (15) er aksialt forskydelig langs den taplignende del, og at de relativt forskydelige dele omfatter den ekstra ventilindretning tilhørende samvirkende elementer, såsom et ventilsæde, og et afspærrings- eller lukkeelement, såsom en 5 O-ring (17), hvorhos rotation af ventilmanøvreorganet (5) i spindelakslens (9) endestilling er indrettet til at medføre forskydning af et af elementerne imod indvirkning af fjederen (15), således at den ekstra ventilindretning åbner.A water outlet for mounting in the outer wall between a heated space on the inside of the wall (10) and the outside exposed to the temperature of the temperature, said water outlet (1) comprising a) a connection part (2) on the inside of the wall, b) one with a draining point (4a) ) and a valve actuator (5) provided with a drainage member (4) on the outside of the wall, c) a lead-in pipe (3) between the connection part (2) and the drainage part (4), 10 d) a shut-off or closing valve located at the inner end of the feed pipe (3). with a seat (2b) and an axially displaceable valve member (8, 8a), e) a spindle shaft (9) accommodated in the feed tube (3) which carries at its innermost end the valve member (8, 8a) and at its outermost end cooperating with the valve actuator (5); (f) an extension member (5a, 12, 16) associated with the spindle shaft (9) and the valve actuator (5) coupled with a thread (5b) to cooperate with a corresponding thread ( 4b) in the tapping member so that the root ation of the valve actuator (5) in one direction causes closure of the valve element (8, 8a) against the seat (2b) and rotation in the opposite direction opens the valve so that water under pressure exits via the discharge point (4a) and which extension part comprises two relatively slidable portions, 25 g), an additional valve device (14, 17) cooperating with the extension member (5, 12, 16) with an outlet opening (4c) located adjacent to the tapping point (4c), which additional valve relief device reaches the valve element is closed to its seat by further actuation of the valve actuator (5) is arranged to open so that water remaining in the flow tube (3) flows out through the additional outlet opening (4c), characterized in that the extension part (5a, 12, 16) relatively displaceable members comprise a pin-like portion (16a, 16b, 16c, 16d) connected to the spindle shaft and a pinion portion (16) connected to the valve actuator (5) the part (14) which, against the action of a spring (15), is axially displaceable along the pin-like part, and that the relatively slidable parts comprise the additional valve assembly of cooperating elements, such as a valve seat, and a locking or locking member. closure member, such as a 5-ring (17), wherein rotation of the valve actuator (5) in the end position of the spindle shaft (9) is adapted to cause displacement of one of the elements against the action of the spring (15) so that the additional valve device opens. 2. Vandudtag ifølge krav 1, kendetegnet ved, at 10 den taplignende del (16) optager lukkeelementet, såsom 0- ringen (17), og at den omgivende del (14) udgør sædedelen.Water outlet according to claim 1, characterized in that the pin-like part (16) receives the closing element, such as the O-ring (17) and the surrounding part (14) constitutes the seat part. 3. Vandudtag ifølge krav 2, kendetegnet ved, at fjederen (15) er en skruefjeder, som, idet den omslutter den taplignende del (16), forløber mellem sædedelen (14) og en 15 ansats (9a) på den taplignende del (16), fortrinsvis enden af en fortykket del mellem spindelakslen (9) og den taplignende del (16).Water outlet according to claim 2, characterized in that the spring (15) is a coil spring which, as it encloses the pin-like part (16), extends between the seat part (14) and an abutment (9a) on the pin-like part (16). ), preferably the end of a thickened portion between the spindle shaft (9) and the pin-like part (16). 4. Vandudtag ifølge et eller flere af kravene 1-3, kendetegnet ved, at sædedelen (14) og/eller en med denne 20 og ventilmanøvreorganet forenet del (12) er tætnet imod aftapningsdelen (4).Water outlet according to one or more of claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the seat part (14) and / or a part (12) associated with this 20 and the valve actuator is sealed against the tapping part (4). 5. Vandudtag ifølge krav 2 eller 3, kendetegnet ved, at den taplignende dels (16) lukkeelement består af en i et spor (16c) i den taplignende dels endeområde optaget 0- 25 ring (17).Water outlet according to claim 2 or 3, characterized in that the closing element (16) of the pin-like part (16) consists of a 0-ring (17) accommodated in a groove (16c) in the end region of the pin-like part. 6. Vandudtag ifølge et eller flere af kravene 1-3, kendetegnet ved, at ventilmanøvreorganet (5) er forenet med sædedelen (14) via en spindelforlængelsesdelen (16) tilhørende fortykket del (12), som overgår i et eller flere 30 langs omkredsen anbragte tungeelementer (13), som med afbrydelser rundt langs omkredsen omslutter den taplignende dels endeparti (16d).Water outlet according to one or more of claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the valve actuator (5) is connected to the seat part (14) via a spindle extension part (16) of thickened part (12) which passes in one or more circumferences. disposed tongue members (13) which, with interruptions around the circumference, enclose the end portion (16d) of the tab-like part.
DK653987A 1986-12-22 1987-12-14 Water outlet for mounting in an outer wall DK171922B1 (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SE8605536 1986-12-22
SE8605536A SE455434B (en) 1986-12-22 1986-12-22 FOR FITTING IN AN OUTWALL DETAILED WATER EXHAUST

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DK653987D0 DK653987D0 (en) 1987-12-14
DK653987A DK653987A (en) 1988-06-23
DK171922B1 true DK171922B1 (en) 1997-08-11



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DK653987A DK171922B1 (en) 1986-12-22 1987-12-14 Water outlet for mounting in an outer wall

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
SE0200913L (en) 2002-03-22 2003-03-11 Mora Armatur Holding Ab water Bouncer

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