CA1200856A - Method of constructing an lc network - Google Patents

Method of constructing an lc network


Publication number
CA1200856A CA000426696A CA426696A CA1200856A CA 1200856 A CA1200856 A CA 1200856A CA 000426696 A CA000426696 A CA 000426696A CA 426696 A CA426696 A CA 426696A CA 1200856 A CA1200856 A CA 1200856A
Prior art keywords
conductive sheets
Prior art date
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French (fr)
William C. Tait
Lanny L. Harklau
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
3M Co
Original Assignee
Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co filed Critical Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co
Priority to CA000426696A priority Critical patent/CA1200856A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1200856A publication Critical patent/CA1200856A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Coils Or Transformers For Communication (AREA)



Abstract A method of constructing an LC network, and the resulting LC network manufactured by cutting and removing a predetermined pattern from a first and a second conductive sheet, leaving on each sheet a generally coil-like configuration of windings with a sufficient number of interconnections between the adjacent windings to add rigidity to the sheets, laminating these conductive sheets to opposing faces of a non-conductive sheet, thereby forming at least one capacitor, cutting and removing a pre-determined pattern from the lamination eliminating at least some of the interconnections and leaving a conductive path on the conductive sheets which is in the configuration of a coil.


~ lectrical circuits of-ten use induc-tive and capacitive networks (LC networks) for such functions as creating a time delay for an electrical signal or forming a tank circuit having a specific resonant frequency. Presently, these LC networks are formed by such methods as ins-talling discrete inductors and capaci-tors; or by etching conductive paths in the shape of inductive coils on an insulating substrate and adding either discre-te capacitors or capacitive pads on the same substrate (see for example ~nited States Patent 4,021,705), both of which are labor intensive, and therefore costly. Because of the prominence of these LC networks within electrical circuits, it is highly desirable to have a low cost, and yet reliable method of manufac-ture for these networks.
Summary of the Invention The present invention is directed to such a simplified and low-cost method of manufacturing LC networks, and to the LC
networks which are manufactured by this method.
The present invention provides a method of cons-tructing a substantially planar inductive-capacitive network comprising:
a) applying cutting means to first and second conductive sheets to cut from each sheet discontinuous predetermined patterns, forming in each sheet a multi-turn, essentially spiral-like configuration having a plurality of interconnecting regions between adjacent turns of the spiral-like configuration, which interconnecting regions add rigidity to the thus configured sheets, b) forrning at least one capacitor by laminating one surface of each configured conductive sheet -to an opposite surface of a sheet of dielectric material, and c) applying a second cutting means to the laminate formed via the preceding step to cut therefrom another discon-. r~

3~j tinuous predetermined pattern which includes most of -the inter-connecting regions between the adjacent turns of the discontinuous patterns, previously formed in the firs-t and second conductive sheets leaving in each conductive sheet at least one continuous portion of the spiral-like configura-tion with no interconnecting regions to thereby form an inductive-capacitive network.
The invention also provides a subs-tantially planar induc-tive-capacitive network comprising a-t least two thin, Elexible conductive sheets each having removed therefrom a continuous pre-determined pattern, leaving in each shee-t a multi--turn essentially spiral-like configuration and a dielectric sheet, opposite surfaces of which are bonded to one of said conductive sheets, wherein said dielectric sheet has removed therefrom a discontinuous pattern corresponding to portions of the continuous patterns removed from the conductive sheets, the remaining portions of the dielectric sheet interconnecting portions of said conductive sheets remaining between adjacent turns formed by the removed portions so as to add rigidity to the otherwise flaccid conductive sheets.
Since the LC network according to the present invention is entirely formed by simple cutting and laminating operations, its manufacturing cost is kept desirably low.
Brief Description of the Drawing The present invention will be further described herein-after with reference to the accompanying drawing wherein Figure 1 is an illustration of a method of manufac-turing an LC network according to the present inven-tion;
Figure 2 is an exploded view of the various layers of a lamination formed during the manufacture of the LC network accord-~ -2a-ing to the present invention;
Figure 3 is a perspective view of the LC network accord-ing to the present invention, and Figure 4 is a -transverse sectional view taken along line 4-4 of Figure 3.

35tj Detailed Description o the Pre-Eerred Embodiments _ l~n l.C network 10 accordin~ to the present inven-tion is illustrate(l in l~igure 3. rrhis network 10 comprises a lamination having a first conductive layer 11 including a conductive path l2 which has multiple windings forming an inductor, and a second conductive layer 14 including a conductive path 15 which has multiple windings Eormin~ a second inductor. lrhc con~]uc~ive paths 12 and 15 are typically die cut or punched from sheets of aluminum or copper foil as will be exl~lained. In the embodiment d~scri~ed, the multiple win(lings forming the conductive paths 12 and 15 consist of rectangular shaped legs which spiral inwardly in a rectangular pattern. The conductive layers 11 and 14 are separated by a non-conductive layer 17 therebetweer.. This non-conductive layer 17 serves as a dielectric ~or the LC network, as will also be described.
As a result of the method of manufacturing this lamina-tion, all three of the layers, 11, 14, and 17, forming the lamination, have a confi~ura~ion of voids 19 therethrough which are disposed between the adjacent windings of the conductive paths 12 and 15. The~se voids 19 are created as the result of removing certain structural interconnections 26 and 29 (see Fi~ure 2) which exist between the conduc-tive paths 12 and 15 prior to their lamination to the non-conductive layer 17. The conductive layers 11 and 14 are positioned on the non-conductive layer 17 such that at least one area 21 (see Figure 4) of the conductive path 12 is in alignment with a corresponding area 22 of the conduc-tive path 15. This disposition or arrangement of the two conductive paths 12 and 15 with respect to each other, separated by the non-conductive layer 17 (now containing voids), introduces the capacitive element of the LC
network 10.
The LC network 10 described above is manufac-tured by the method of the present invention, which methodinvolves only the simple and conventional operations of die cutting and lamination and which method is adaptable to the automated manuLacture of LC networks, and therefore capa~le oE afEor~ing a reduc~:ion in the cost for these LC
networks ax compared to the l)rior a~t methods of manuEac-turing LC networks. The metllod according to the present invention utilizes a conventional die cutting press 20a, 20b, or 20c with its associaLed male and female dies, and conventional ]aminatin(3 mean; 23; and comprises (see Fi~Jures 1 and 2) cuttiny an~l rcmoving, a predetermined pattern from a first conductive sheet 24, leaving a conductive path 12 having an essentially coil-like configuration of windinys wi~h a ~lurality of inter-connections 26 between the adjacent windings, wherein the conductive sheet 24 remains intact. A ~re~3etermined pattern is also cut and removed from a second conductive sheet 27, leaving a conductive path 15 having an essentially coil-like configuration of windings with a plurality of interconnections 29 between the adjacent windings wherein the conductive sheet 27 remains intact.
These conductive sheets are typically webs of metallic foils, for example aluminum or copper, which are highly conductive, and which generally have a range of thickness varying from 0.02 millimeters to 0.10 millimeters. The cutting oE the conductive sheet ?.4 or 27 into a coil-like configuration having the interconnections 26 and 29, allows the conductive sheet to remain essentially self-supporting, i.e. tending to remain in a planar state, thus facilitating the laminating proces.s. ~7ithout the added rigidity due to these interconnections 26 and 29, the inherent tendency of the coil-like configuration to telescope, i.e. vary from a generally planar state, would potentially cause diEficulty in the remainder of the manufacturing steps. After the predetermined pattern has been removed from the two conductive sheets 24 and 27, these sheets are laminated to opposing faces of a non-conductive sheet 30. TyQically, the non-conductive sheet is cut from a web of polypropylene which web has a thickness in the ran~e of from 0.02 to 0.10 millimeters.

5~i Other non-conductive materi,lls may he utilized providing they afford the dielectric (haracteristics required for cal)acitive elements as has i,een describe(l. Similarly, dependin~ upon the resonant frequency or time constant required or the LC network 10, other sheet thicknesses may be utilized for the non-conductive sheet 30. Prior to laminating the conductive s~eets 24 and 27 to the non-conductive sheets 30, the con-luc~ive sheets 2~ an~ 27 are oriented such that the ~onductive path 12 is substan-tially aligned with the conductive path 15. The presenceo[ th~ ali~ncd con(~uctive ~.lths 12 ancl 15, as separated by the non-conductive sheet 30, will introduce the capaci-tance between the conductiv- sheets 2~ and 27.
The lamination formed by the above steps is then further diecut to eliminate the interconnections 26 and 2 left between the con~uctive ~aths 12 and 15 by the original cutting operation performed on the conductive sheets 24 and 27. ~t this time the conductive sheets 24 and 27, and the non-conductive sheets 30 are also die cut into the rectangular shape which is the final form of the LC network 10. It should h(~ noted, however, that it is also possible to die cut the rectangular layers 11, 14, and 17 directly from the sheets 24, 27 and 30 prior to their lamination. For this reason another die cutting station 25 is shown in phanto~ in Figure 1. This direct cutting of the layers 11, 14, and 17 offers some advantage since, as can be seen from Figure 2, the conductive sheets 24 and 27 are similar to each other, the only difference being that one has its windings spiraling inwardly in a counterclockwise direction, while the other has its windings spiraling inwardly in a clockwise direction.
Hence a conductive sheet having the configuration of conductive sheet 24 can be used as the conductive sheet 27 merely by rotating the conductive sheet 180 degrees about an axis 32 parallel to the first leg of its outer winding.
When the interconnections 2~ and 29 are removed, a continuous conductive path 12 or 15 in a configuration of l~)U1~5~

a coil having multiple winclin~s therein, remains on each of the conductive layers 11 nnd 14. These coils form the inductatlc~s Eor the LC nctwol-k ln. ~ince the conductive layers 11 and 14 are laminated to the non-conductive layer 17, there is sufficient strength for the lamination to be selL--supporting even without the in-terconnections 26.
Hence, the removal of the interconnections 26 and 29 at tili.s sta~e does not introduc(~ a handling problem as was the case with the individual conductive sheets 24 and 27.
Having thus descril)ed a preferred embodiment of thc pr(sent invention, it wil.l he undcr.stood that changes rnay be made in size, shape, or configuration of some of the parts or circuit.s descrihed herein without ~eparting from the present invention a.s recited in the appended lS claims.

Claims (5)

The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:
1. A method of constructing a substantially planar inductive-capacitive network comprising:
a) applying cutting means to first and second conductive sheets to cut from each sheet discontinuous predetermined patterns, forming in each sheet a multi-turn, essentially spiral-like configuration having a plurality of interconnecting regions between adjacent turns of the spiral-like configuration, which interconnecting regions add rigidity to the thus configured sheets, b) forming at least one capacitor by laminating one surface of each configured conductive sheet to an opposite surface of a sheet of dielectric material, and c) applying a second cutting means to the laminate formed via the preceding step to cut therefrom another discontinuous predetermined pattern which includes most of the interconnecting regions between the adjacent turns of the discontinuous patterns, previously formed in the first and second conductive sheets leaving in each conductive sheet at least one continuous portion of the spiral-like configuration with no interconnecting regions to thereby form an inductive-capacitive network.
2. A method of constructing a LC network according to Claim 1, further comprising the following steps:
moving a longitudinal web of conductive material past a die cutting station, after said cutting and removing of a predetermined pattern from the first and second conductive sheets, rotating one of the conductive sheets 180 degrees with respect to an axis parallel with one leg of its outer winding, thereby affording the cutting of the second conductive sheet from the same web, with the same die cutting station.
3. A substantially planar inductive-capacitive network comprising at least two thin, flexible conductive sheets each having removed therefrom a continuous predeter-mined pattern, leaving in each sheet a multi-turn essentially spiral-like configuration and a dielectric sheet, opposite surfaces of which are bonded to one of said conductive sheets, wherein said dielectric sheet has removed therefrom a discontinuous pattern corresponding to portions of the continuous patterns removed from the conductive sheets, the remaining portions of the dielectric sheet interconnecting portions of said conductive sheets remaining between adjacent turns formed by the removed portions so as to add rigidity to the otherwise flaccid conductive sheets.
4. An inductor according to Claim 3, wherein said conductive sheets are disposed with respect to each other on opposite sides of the dielectric sheet such that the conductive spiral-like configuration on the first sheet includes at least one area in alignment with an area of the conductive spiral-like configuration of the second sheet.
5. An inductor according to Claim 4, wherein said spiral-like configuration on the first sheet as laminated to the dielectric sheet comprise substantially rectangular legs which spiral inwardly in the counterclockwise direction and said spiral-like configuration on the second sheet also comprise substantially rectangular legs but which spiral inwardly in the clockwise direction when both are viewed from the same side of the resultant laminate.
CA000426696A 1983-04-26 1983-04-26 Method of constructing an lc network Expired CA1200856A (en)

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CA000426696A CA1200856A (en) 1983-04-26 1983-04-26 Method of constructing an lc network

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

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CA000426696A CA1200856A (en) 1983-04-26 1983-04-26 Method of constructing an lc network

Publications (1)

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CA1200856A true CA1200856A (en) 1986-02-18



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CA000426696A Expired CA1200856A (en) 1983-04-26 1983-04-26 Method of constructing an lc network

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CA (1) CA1200856A (en)

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