The said industrial design consists of the shape, configuration and ornamentation of a handle for a vacuum cleaner as shown in the drawings; the handle for a vacuum cleaner has generally cylindrical central body section, an axially aligned front body section, and an axially aligned rear body section;the front body section has a rear portion, an intermediate portion and a front portion; the rear portion has a central cylindrical area which is initially a continuation of the generally cylindrical central body section before flaring outwards; the central cylindrical and flared areas of the rear portion have a series of spaced-apart flat partially annular fin sections of gradually increasing size from rear to front extending part way around the central cylindrical and flared areas of the rear portion; an axially-extending flat-sided lower rib section extends between and follows the contour of the outer edges of the partially annular fin sections; the rear portion of the front body section merges into the intermediate portion of the front body section adjacent the largest of the partially annular fin sections;the intermediate portion of the front body section has a smooth curved upper surface and an arcuate raised lower section; the raised lower section extends part way along the length of the intermediate portion and increases in size from rear to front; the outer surface of the raised lower section has a series of spaced-apart ridges on the lower surface thereof; the smooth curved upper surface of the intermediate portion has a pair of laterally extending generally oblong raised areas on opposite sides thereof adjacent the forward end of the intermediate portion; the generally oblong areas have stepped side surfaces and flat outer surfaces with a circular area adjacent the curved front ends thereof;the intermediate portion has vertical raised oblong areas with curved outer surfaces on the sides thereof aligned generally with the largest of the ridges on the lower surface of the arcuate raised lower section; the arcuate raised lower section of the intermediate portion merges into a smooth curved bottom surface portion which extends to the front portion of the front body section; the smooth curved bottom surface portion has a small raised area which is rectangular in plan view and has a flat outer surface and a beveled forward surface; the upper surface of the intermediate portion has a cylindrical section extending upwardly therefrom adjacent the forward edge of the intermediate portion; the cylindrical section has a generally U-shaped flat portion extending axially rearwards from the upper rear edge of the cylindrical section;the intermediate portion merges smoothly into the front portion of the front body section; the upper front surface of the front portion is beveled and has a generally circular area in front elevation view across the front surface thereof; the generally circular area has a series of symmetrical equally spaced-apart chevron-like areas with rounded inner ends extending across the surface thereof;the axially aligned rear body section has a first short cylindrical section of slightly smaller diameter than generally cylindrical central body section and has a larger diameter annular raised section thereon having beveled side edges; the first short cylindrical section merges through a beveled surface into an axially aligned smaller diameter second cylindrical section which extends to an enlarged upper rear surface of a grip-like section which extends the length of and beneath the rear body section;the rear surface of the rear body section has a generally circular area in elevation view across the surface thereof; the generally circular area has a series of symmetrical equally spaced-apart chevron-like areas with rounded inner ends extending across the surface thereof; the grip-like section has a generally oblong-like open area therein and a smooth curved outer surface; the forward lower end of the grip-like section merges into a pair of spaced-apart members which curve forwards and downwards around the central cylindrical area; an elongated straight member extends downwards from adjacent the upper forward end of the grip-like section and merges into an upwardly curved portion which in turn merges into the upper surface of the rear portion of the front body section; the side surfaces of the elongated straight member has a series of small slightly spaced-apart generally identical rectangular areas extending along the length thereof.