WO2016141943A1 - A training cabin - Google Patents

A training cabin Download PDF


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WO2016141943A1 PCT/DK2016/000009 DK2016000009W WO2016141943A1 WO 2016141943 A1 WO2016141943 A1 WO 2016141943A1 DK 2016000009 W DK2016000009 W DK 2016000009W WO 2016141943 A1 WO2016141943 A1 WO 2016141943A1
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Trine Wulff
Poul Herman Zinck
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Think Twice Advice Ved Trine Wulff
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Application filed by Think Twice Advice Ved Trine Wulff filed Critical Think Twice Advice Ved Trine Wulff
Publication of WO2016141943A1 publication Critical patent/WO2016141943A1/en



    • A47B57/00Cabinets, racks or shelf units, characterised by features for adjusting shelves or partitions
    • A47B57/06Cabinets, racks or shelf units, characterised by features for adjusting shelves or partitions with means for adjusting the height of the shelves
    • A61N5/00Radiation therapy
    • A61N5/06Radiation therapy using light
    • A61N5/0613Apparatus adapted for a specific treatment
    • A61N5/00Radiation therapy
    • A61N5/06Radiation therapy using light
    • A61N5/0613Apparatus adapted for a specific treatment
    • A61N5/0618Psychological treatment
    • G16H20/00ICT specially adapted for therapies or health-improving plans, e.g. for handling prescriptions, for steering therapy or for monitoring patient compliance
    • G16H20/30ICT specially adapted for therapies or health-improving plans, e.g. for handling prescriptions, for steering therapy or for monitoring patient compliance relating to physical therapies or activities, e.g. physiotherapy, acupressure or exercising
    • A61N5/00Radiation therapy
    • A61N5/06Radiation therapy using light
    • A61N2005/0632Constructional aspects of the apparatus
    • A61N2005/0633Arrangements for lifting or hinging the frame which supports the light sources


  • the invention isa training c ab in enabling easy and safe c o mputerb ase d training simulta eously with io c a 1 Jig ht the ra p y, whic h surp rising ly ha s b e e n fo und to e nha nc e the e ffe c t o f tra ining .
  • fe a r o f fa i!ing is one example of a training barrier.
  • Olderpeople in risk o f fa Uing ate often recommended to conduct effective home training programs, such as combinations of balance training, muse ie training and endurance training.
  • manypeople do "comfortable" exerc ise s, whfc h in many situations no t re ally are bringing the e ffe c t the y want.
  • AnotherexampJe ofa common training barrier is when olderpeo pie with bac k problems or osteoporosis are recommended effective core training pro grams including e xe re ise s lying on the flo o r. Fearofnotge tting up a g a in, whe n lying o n the flo o r a lo ne in the a p a rtme nt hind e is tra ining , b e fo re it even sta rte d .
  • SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) fffo Bowing a video ora computerbased training program such as a virtual rehabilitation program, it is an advantage that you are able to see the screen no matter whic h bo dy po sture yo u turn to .1 " the sc re en is 3a rg e e no ugh, this is o nly a the o re tic a 1 p ro b 3e m , b at the c o sts o f la rg e sc re ens may be a b a rrie r fo r p ra c tic a 1 use .
  • the result maybe accelerated aging, Le.
  • a negative mood may relate to a person's current he a 1th situation, a fearof worsened symp to m s in the future , a fe e ling o f he Ip le ssne ss, strict d so c ia 1 re la tio ns, lo ss o f p e e rs, e t .
  • Fo r exam le it is quite normal to show clinic al signs of de ression, whe ati nts are returning to the ir ho me s a fte r ho sp ita iisa tio ns.
  • ha sbee n sho wn that it is not necessary to be exposed to b rig' lit light for many hours, simulating the long northern summer da s. Instead, it is adequate with a lightpulse down to 30 minutes, to mimic sunrise to the ne rvo us syste m .
  • SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) Asopposedto a solarium w he re sun ta nning is the131po se , iight the rapy lamps filte r light to remove UV radiation, enabling daily use without damaging eyes or skin.
  • the me e ha nism o f a c tio n is no t fully und e rsto o d .
  • Bio lo g ic a 1 c lo c k Lig' ht e xp o sure a ffe c ts the p ho to re c e p to r me la no p sin b c a te d in the b a sa 1 g a ng lia of the re tin a .
  • a do se -re spo nse effec t o n remission rate s is relate d to timing ofthe lig ht e xp o sure , va rying with numb e r o f ho urs fo flo wing the p e rso ns e ve ning me la to nin o nse t, whic h c a n d iffe r a s muc h a s 6 ho urs o r e ve n more.
  • the rapy is usually c o nduc te d in a static bo dy po sture , with eye s "at eye level" with the lamp, Eyescan be open orclosed during the treatment.
  • the atme nt is me a sure d in lux, where 10,000 lux is c o nside re d a relevant daily dose. The dose depends on the distance between the eyes and the light so uic e , why cbse r distance enables sho iter tre atment duration.
  • the re is a ne e d fo r a n e ne ig ising tra ining c o nc e p t ta rg e ting p e o p 3e with d fee a se , fra ilty, d isa h ility orb in e ne rg y in te g ra tirtg the p o sitive e f fe c ts o n m o o d fro m lig ht the ra p y d ire c fe d to the eyesand combined wth a flexible training contest, motivating them to c o nduc t effec tive , safe and comfortable tra ining , w he re the foBow computerbased training pro grams at home .
  • the re is a ne e d fo r this tra ining c o nc e p t to be e a sfly moved, a nd o nly to ta ke up iimite d sp a c e , whe n no t in use , Sue h a tra ining syste m is a c hie ve d by the p re se nt inve ntio n.
  • the d e sk is suite d fo r use with no te b o o k, laptop and o the r lightweight e ompute .
  • this invention do e s no t solve the challenges described above (e.g. how to overcome lackof energy to train, how to overcome fearof falling a d fe a r o n sa fe sta n d ing a fte r fio o r e xe re fee s)
  • a d does no tme n tio n th e u se o f lig h t the ra p y to enhance the eiTec t of training.
  • this inve ntio n does not consider otherfeatuies desc rihed in o ur inve ntio n making dynamic training c o nve nie nt a nd sa fe r, sue h a s the handle s sup po rting safe standing after floor exercises, height adjustment of shelf programmed with computerbased training rogram,iemote co ntro 1 o f she If he ight, re lo c a tio n o f tr ining cabin aided by whe e Is, e tc .
  • German Patent no .102005003567 is disc lo se d a closed syste m c o mb ining active training with a solarium system including mirro rs fo r who le body treatment and inc hide s he at tie atment, ve ntila tio n and tra ining mo d a litie s sue h a s e le c tro swing a nd vib ra tio n p la te s, a d d re ssing me c hanic al muse le stimula tio n.
  • Figure 1 How to use the training cabin fora dynamic training pro ram inc hiding sitting, lying and standing exercises.
  • Figure la is a fro nta 1 vie w o f a tra ining c a b in.
  • the height a djusta b le she 3f is e o ntio lie d with a " m inilift" syste m , whe ie the she If is slid ing in a c o him n se c uie d to the b a c k w a 11 o f the tra inks g c a b in.
  • the mo to r is a t the b o tto m o f the lift, b e hind the c o himn.
  • Figure lb is a frontal vie w of a use do ing sitting e e ic ise s, where the she If with a light therapy lamp and a tab let PC is set at the height 100 cm.
  • the use ruse the fold able chair, being hinged to one of the folding doors. She could also use ano there hair, ora wheeic hair, if she preferred this so lutio n fro m the inte g ra te d c ha k
  • Figure lc is a frontal view of a user do ing e xe rc ise s lying on the floor.
  • the use rise lose to the suppo rt grips/handle s, inc re a sing he r se ]f-c o nfide nc e as ho w to stand up again after the floor e xe rc ise s.
  • the she If w ith a % ht the ra p y la m p a n d a ta b le t PC is se t a t the he ig hi; 20 c m .
  • Figure Id is a fro nta 1 vie w o f a use r d o ing sta nd ing e xe rc ise s.
  • the she If is se t a t the he ig' ht 150 c m .
  • Figure 2 Examples of methods making the shelf heght adjustable.
  • Figure 2a shows a construction, where the shelf is height adjusted with a "minilift" system, A sim ila r c o n stru c tio n c an be se e n a t m in ilift. d k ( e w to n 50).
  • Figure 2b shows a co nstmc tio n, where the she If is he ig' ht a djuste d with a telescope solution, here 8 layers, each prolonging the shelf 20 cm.
  • Figure 3 Examples of ways to ensure that the light therapy lamp and the computer sere en stays in place, when hei ht adjusting the shelf (solutions only shown forlamp).
  • Figure 3a shows a system, where the lamp is inte grated in the shelf.
  • Figure 3 b shows a system, where the lamp is fixed detachable to the she If with stra s/ hinges.
  • Figure 3c shows a system, where the lamp adheres to the she If due to the surface properties of the she If having a good " ta c k" , Alte ma tive ly, the shelf in this exam le maybe magnetic.
  • Figure 3d shows a system, where the lamp stays in place due to strings, making a discrete grid in fro nt o f the de vie e s.
  • Figure 4 Efow to change the angles of the folding doois, adapting to individual needs during e xe na ise s.
  • Figure 4a is a to plan view showing a userin a wheelchair, having the two folding doois in the angle 110 degrees.
  • Figure 4b is a top plan view showing a user doing e xe ic ise s lying on a mat. This user pre fere to make the exercises along the training cabin, why the angles of both folding doorsare 180 degrees.
  • Figure 4c is a top plan view showing a user doing standing exercises.
  • the user uses the security grips/ handles for stretc he s.
  • One ofthe folding d o o re is in the angle 90degrees, the other folding dooris positioned at 180 degrees.
  • Figure 5 sho ws ho w the training c a b in e a sily c an be c lo se d a d mo ve d to a disc re te lo c a tio n, whe n no t in use .
  • the pie sent invention discloses an approach forcombining an integrated training environment motivating people with e.g. disease, frailty or disability to train safe and effectively, with c oncomitant ac c ess to light therapy.
  • This target group haslimited energy and motivation to c onduc t burdensome or annoying ta sks in re la tio n to training pro grams, e spec ially during training in unsupervised situations.
  • the lig ht the ra p y is to be delivered together with training instruc tio ns fro m e.g.
  • a com uter scree preferably on a daily basis, and preferably in the morning, where the p o te ntia 1 e ne rg ising effect of Hght therapy is at its maximum.
  • Said system contains a flexible, easy movable training c ab in integrating a height adjustable she W. The height a djusta b le she If c a n b e a d juste d to e na b le king , sitting a nd sta nd ing e xe ic ise s with eyes in c lo se proximity to the shelf.
  • the she If is d e sig ne d for plac ement o f a light the rapy lamp and a comp site r sc re e n ne xt to the la mp in a m a nne r tha t: ke e p s the d e vie e s in p la c e d siring he ig hi: a djustme nt o f the she If.
  • the training system c onsists of an e asy to move light e abinet with foidable door(s).
  • the foldable door s) canbe more orless angles during use, enabling different training situations.
  • the tra ining c a b in has whe e Is with b rake s under the c a bine t a s we 11 a s unde r fo Ming door(s) hinged to the front of the cabinet.
  • the training cabin hasa stabilizing system integrated in the folding door(s ⁇ . hone embodiment of the inve tio , a tie a stone folding doo rinc lude s grips/ ha dle s than c an be used forgetting up from lying to standing position safely, without the cabin toddles or moves.
  • the height adjustable shelf is programmable , and canbe programmed to change between different heights, which maybe synchronized with a training p ro gram.
  • the shelf allows secure attachment of the lamp thro ugh use of a locking mechanism, such as stra s or hinges.
  • the shelf is having tac ky ormagnetic surface properties making a detachable fixation of e .g. a light therapy lamp possible.
  • SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) one embo diment of the inve ntio n the light thera y lamp emits bright light.
  • the light therapy lamp emits low intensity blue -enrie he d lig ht.
  • the visual id entity o f the training c abin is ''midsumme r", with wail-covering p o ste rs p k taring nature at midsummer, e.g. a bitch forest bathed in morning sunlig ht.
  • ft is wide Jy he id , tha t it is d iffie ult to motivate people with disease, frailty or disability to startup and conduct effective training at ho me.
  • ft is furthe rbelie ve d, that people in above
  • ft furthe r b e lie ve d that ht therapy is to be provided to people being re la tive ly in a e five during treatment to c o ntro 1 the ht expo sure, being proportionaldependenton the distance between the light source and the eyes of the receiver.
  • ha s surp rising ly bee fo und tha t by co mb ining lig ht the ra p y with a mo b ile , fie xib le tra ining cabin making it easy and positive to train effec ively and dynamically aftera computerbased program, an improved training compliance and training outcome has be e n a c hie ve d .
  • ha s nud g e d use rs to e ha ng e p o sitio ns during training.
  • the training conceptofthe pre sent invention is primarily ter e ting people with d ise a se , frailty or d isa b iiit , w ith a c o nc o m ita nt n e g a tive mood.
  • SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) People vith clinic alsymptoms of SAD and non-seasonal depression in miid, medium orsevere g ra d e a re the re fo re in the ta rg e t g ro u .
  • peo le with diagnosis such as Parkinson's d ise a se , dementia and ADHD, and where Kg therapy has shown positive results are relevant as users o f the enclosed invention
  • Be lo w is sho wn thre e e xa mp le s o f p ra c tic a 1 use of the inve ntio n.
  • Example 1 Re mo te iy c o ntro lie d height adjustment of shelf c o nta ining a bright ht therapy lamp and a tab let PC presenting a guided training program.
  • Ekample 2 Programmed height adjustment of shelf c o nta ining a bright light therapy lamp and a c o m p ute r sc re e n p re se siting virtu a 1 re ha b ilita tio n.
  • a training program where the userchanges between different body ostures (sitting, standing, lying down).
  • the training cabin is pro gramme d to synchronise shelf heights with the program, meaning that the shelf automatic ally e hange position when the
  • SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) program switc he s fro m e.g. sitting to standing exercises. Jn this example of virtual rehabilitation, the userge ts fee db ac k on exerc ise performance from a virtua 1 p hysio the ra p ist.
  • Example 3 Use o f a tea ining c abin as pre se site d in the inve ntio n (c ase sto ry, fic tio n).
  • An 84-ye a r-o Id w o m a n has a histo ry o f fa 31 injurie s, w by she hasbecome in a c five , a nd mo stly sta ys in he r a p a rime nt. She ha s a sig nifie a nt fe a r o f fa lling , a nd she is ha ving symptoms of a mild depre ssion.
  • Hergeneral prac titioner sugge sts that XXpartic ipate s in a public group training program forpeople like her, who will bene fit from a betterbalance, improved muscle strength and higher endurance.
  • XX dislikes group training, why she as an alternative is being recommended to follow the same training program at ho me, asthe program ismade avaiicible atYouTiibe from the p hysio the rapist sup e rvisirtg the public group training.
  • the training centre de live is a training cabin to XX, which she can use fo r fie e for 4 weeks, after which it will b e re tame d to the tra ining c e ntre .
  • Ene rg ise d a nd a c tiva te d , XX c lo se s the la m p a nd he r iPa d , folds the training cabin and move it to a discrete be ation behind a do o r in he r living room.
  • Furthe r, XX' s mo o d is b e tte r, and she is now ready to walk mo re outside again.


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PCT/DK2016/000009 2015-03-11 2016-03-07 A training cabin WO2016141943A1 (en)

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Cited By (1)

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EP4146040A4 (en) * 2020-05-04 2024-05-29 William Didyk DYNAMIC WORKSTATION APPARATUS, METHODS AND SYSTEMS

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US5257701A (en) * 1991-08-30 1993-11-02 Nathan Edelson Adjustable portable exercise desk
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EP4146040A4 (en) * 2020-05-04 2024-05-29 William Didyk DYNAMIC WORKSTATION APPARATUS, METHODS AND SYSTEMS

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DK178588B1 (en) 2016-07-25
DK201500153A1 (en) 2016-07-25

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