USRE6522E - Improvement in boots and shoes - Google Patents

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USRE6522E US RE6522 E USRE6522 E US RE6522E
United States
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Improvement In Boots
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  • FIG. 1 is a side view of my invention.
  • Fig. 2 is a plan or top view of the same; and
  • Figs. 3 and 4 are rear views of the same, the for o mer showing the aps nearly closed, and the latter showing them open.
  • the object of this invention is to produce for public use a gaiter boot or shoe that will be neat and comfortable to the wearer will be simple and economical to manufacture; will adapt itself to lit large and small ankles with equal perfection can be put on and taken off with ease; will exclude/water, dust, and cold air; can be Veasily and conveniently fastened upon the foot will Ilot impede the circulation of the blood; and can be worn loose or close, as the wearer may desire, without the use of elastic web in any form.
  • my invention consists, first, in a new mode of making the opening for the 'insertion of the foot; secondly, in a new mode of fitting the boot or shoe around the sides and rear of the ankle thirdly, in a new mode of adapting it to exclude water, cold air, dust,
  • the main portions ofthe gaiter are constructed in the usual manner; but that part which incloses the ankle, and to which my invention particularly relates, is composed of la front and back, substantially as shown in Figs. 1 and 4,'th'e opening of theboot or shoe being at the rear of the foot, and extending vertically down the back of the top or leg to or nearly to the heel, and-horizontally from the back of the heel toward the frontor instep, so as to make two aps, F F, which are divided from each other by the vertical cut a, land from the counter by the horizont-ending or space b.
  • the a'ps are adapted to it'closely around, under, and back, of the ankle-joints, and are fastened by a suitable fastening extending across the back from one lia-p to the other, main objects being to bring their lower rear corners closely. together when on the foot, and thus 'cause the leather vor other material to fit nicely around'and under the ankle-joint.
  • the horizontal opening allows the flaps, when unfastened, to open apart at their lower edge, as shown in Fig. 4, so as to admit the foot with ease without straining the leather or the seams.
  • the object of securing a perfect fit which can be adjusted to any form or vsizeV of ankle, so that the boot or shoe can be leasily put on or off, conveniently fastened, and comfortably worn loose or tight, is' thus accomplished byv the combination of the two cuts, which forni .the independent aps, 'separated attheir lower edges from theother material of the boot yor shoe, so as to be capable of opening apart from each other at the bottom as well as at the top.
  • a shoe or gaiter the exterior of which is one of the for-med with Ae vertical Plumbing 'at the rear land horizontal openings at the sides thereof, substantially as set forth.
  • a shoe .or 'gaiter having an external' vertical and horizontal openingetthe rempart thereof, and atongue or back stitched below and for; l ward of the horizontal opening, substantially as set forth.


1f.Y PwELL. Boots and Shuas.
/Ressued June 29,1875. y
To all whom it may concern: I
lmonks POWELL, or'tmnriusvrnnn, rNnIAuA, Assienonro onLviN l Hnnsonn. i I
iMPRovEMENTfiN Boon-.s AND sHoEs.
'specification forming part of Leners Patent No.' schaduwen september 19,1865; reissue No. 6,522, dated June 29, 1875;l application led June 12,1 75.
Beit known that I, THOMAS POWELL, of
Martinsville, in the county of Morgan and State of Indiana, formerly of Richland, in the county of Rush and State' of Indiana, have invented a newand useful' Improvement in Gaitcr-Boots and Shoes; and I do hereby de:
clare that the following is a full, clear, and exact description and specification of the saine, reference being had to the accoinpanyingdraw` ings forming a part of this specification, in which- Figure 1 is a side view of my invention. Fig. 2 is a plan or top view of the same; and Figs. 3 and 4 are rear views of the same, the for o mer showing the aps nearly closed, and the latter showing them open.
Similar letters o'f reference in the accompanying drawings denote .the saine parts.
The object of this invention is to produce for public use a gaiter boot or shoe that will be neat and comfortable to the wearer will be simple and economical to manufacture; will adapt itself to lit large and small ankles with equal perfection can be put on and taken off with ease; will exclude/water, dust, and cold air; can be Veasily and conveniently fastened upon the foot will Ilot impede the circulation of the blood; and can be worn loose or close, as the wearer may desire, without the use of elastic web in any form.
To these ends my invention consists, first, in a new mode of making the opening for the 'insertion of the foot; secondly, in a new mode of fitting the boot or shoe around the sides and rear of the ankle thirdly, in a new mode of adapting it to exclude water, cold air, dust,
86o.; and, lastly, 1n a new mode of adapting it.
to fit large and small ankles equally well with` out the use of elastic web, substantially as I v will now proceed to set forth.
The main portions ofthe gaiter are constructed in the usual manner; but that part which incloses the ankle, and to which my invention particularly relates, is composed of la front and back, substantially as shown in Figs. 1 and 4,'th'e opening of theboot or shoe being at the rear of the foot, and extending vertically down the back of the top or leg to or nearly to the heel, and-horizontally from the back of the heel toward the frontor instep, so as to make two aps, F F, which are divided from each other by the vertical cut a, land from the counter by the horizont-aient or space b. The a'ps are adapted to it'closely around, under, and back, of the ankle-joints, and are fastened by a suitable fastening extending across the back from one lia-p to the other, main objects being to bring their lower rear corners closely. together when on the foot, and thus 'cause the leather vor other material to fit nicely around'and under the ankle-joint.
The horizontal opening allows the flaps, when unfastened, to open apart at their lower edge, as shown in Fig. 4, so as to admit the foot with ease without straining the leather or the seams.
The object of securing a perfect fit, which can be adjusted to any form or vsizeV of ankle, so that the boot or shoe can be leasily put on or off, conveniently fastened, and comfortably worn loose or tight, is' thus accomplished byv the combination of the two cuts, which forni .the independent aps, 'separated attheir lower edges from theother material of the boot yor shoe, so as to be capable of opening apart from each other at the bottom as well as at the top.
Were the boot or shoe constructed with these aps alone, however, water, cold air, dust, dirt, Suc., could enter it under the sides of theliaps as well as between them. To prevent such a liability I insert between the aps a folding tongue or back, B, which is stitched toitheinside of the flaps, and below and forward of the horizontal opening, thereby as eii'ectually excluding cold, dampness, dirt, &c., as if no opening existed at the back of the boot or shoe. This tongue also interposes itself as a shield between the flaps or fastenings and the foot,
to protect the latter from being rubbed or pinched, and its fullness gives ample space to admit the footwith ease.`
' I claim as my invention- I 1. A shoe or gaiter havinga vertical and `horizontal opening at the rear, the front portions overlapping the back portion, and se cured about the ankle by a suitable fastening passing across the back, substantially as described. i
-` 2. A shoe or gaiter the exterior of which is one of the for-med with Ae vertical obening 'at the rear land horizontal openings at the sides thereof, substantially as set forth.
3. A shoe .or 'gaiter having an external' vertical and horizontal openingetthe rempart thereof, and atongue or back stitched below and for; l ward of the horizontal opening, substantially as set forth.
` 4. Ashoe or gaiter having a, vertical and horizontal opening at the reali' partthereot',m1d a= folding tongue or back, substantially as described. g Y
5. A gaiter or shoe with front portions overlapping the beek portion, the seid front terminating inaps at the rear part yof the foot,
formed by the horizontal and verteal (ents, y
substantially as described. Y
6. In a shoe o'r gaiter, the combination of el fol/ding beek with two independent flaps extending baok from tl1efr0nt, :n1d divided from the. counter.
. 7. In e shoe or geiter, the combination of o folding beek with two-independent naps extending baok from the front, and fastening together ontside of the beek. f
Witnesses; g



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