1237684 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明涉及測定測定對象物的三維形狀等的三 裝置。 【先前技術】 一般,在印刷電路基板中,在由玻璃環氧樹脂形 底基板上,設置電極圖案,其表面通過抗蝕膜而保護 子部件安裝於上述印刷電路基板上的場合,首先,在 案上的未被抗鈾膜保護的規定部位,印刷膏狀焊料。 根據該膏狀焊料的粘性,在印刷電路基板上臨時固定 件。然後,將上述印刷電路基板送向回流(reflow)爐 規定的回流步驟,進行焊接。最近,必須在送向回流 前階段,檢查膏狀焊料的印刷狀態,在該檢查時,採 測定裝置。 近年,人們提出各種採用光的所謂的非接觸式的 定裝置。比如,在採用相移法的三維測定裝置中,通 機構,將具有以可見光作爲光源的條紋狀的光強度分 圖案照射到被測定物(在此場合,爲印刷電路基板)。 通過CCD照相機,拍攝被測定物,從已獲得的圖像 述光圖案的條紋的相位差進行分析,由此,測定膏狀 三維形狀,特別是高度(比如,參照專利文獻1)。 專利文獻1 : JP特開平5-280945號公報 【發明內容】 但是,膏狀焊料的抗蝕膜對可見光的透射特性是 維測定 成的基 。在電 電極圖 接著, 電子部 ,通過 爐的之 用三維 三維測 過照射 佈的光 接著, ’對上 焊料的 不穩定 1237684 的°即’抗蝕膜具有使通過照射機構照射的可見光實現透 射’或不透射的情況。可見光在於抗蝕膜中實現透射的場 合’由基底基板等反射,在於抗蝕膜中未實現透射的場合, 在抗蝕膜的表面上反射。在這樣的場合,具有下述的危險, 即’在通過CCD照相機獲得的圖像中的抗蝕膜區域,難於 判斷反射面是抗蝕膜,還是基底基板的判斷,抗蝕膜區域的 高度測定困難。本來,爲了以更高的精度測定印刷於基板上 的膏狀焊料的高度,最好,在基板內採用高度基準。但是, 由於無法將抗蝕膜區域適當地用作高度基準面,故具有產生 無法在該基板內採用高度基準的不利情況的危險。 於是,本發明是爲了解決上述問題而提出的,本發明的 目的在於提供一種三維測定裝置,其可在測定對象物的三維 形狀時,通過在上述對象物內適當地設定高度基準等的方 式,實現更加正確的測定。 下面分段地對適合解決上述目的等的各技術方案進行 描述。另外,根據需要,在相對應的技術方案中,附加特有 的作用效果等的描述。 技術方案1涉及一種三維測定裝置,其特徵在於該三維 測定裝置包括照射機構,該照射機構可對基板上的被測定 物,僅僅照射藍色光和紫外線中的至少一者;拍攝機構,該 拍攝機構可拍攝來自上述光照射的被測定物的反射光中 的,至少通過上述照射機構照射的波長;運算機構,該運算 機構根據通過上述拍攝機構拍攝的圖像資料,至少對上述被 測定物的高度進行運算。 1237684 按照該技術方案1,通過照射機構,對基板上的被測定 物照射藍色光,紫外線。這樣的波長較短的光具有容易通過 物體的表面反射的性質。相對波長大於上述照射光的可見 光,還存在透射特性不穩定,透射或不透射這樣的物體。在 此方面,在技術方案1中,即使在被測定物的透射特性不穩 定,仍可更加確實地通過被測定物的表面進行反射。由此, 可通過拍攝機構,將被測定物的表面作爲圖像而捕獲。另 外,通過運算機構,根據圖像資料,進行運算,由此,更加 正確地計算作爲被測定物的表面的位置的高度。另外,各機 構的基板指包括印刷電路基板、晶圓基板、安裝基板等的含 義。 技術方案2涉及一種三維測定裝置,其特徵在於其包括 照射機構,該照射機構可對基板,僅僅照射藍色光和紫外線 中的至少一者,該基板包括基底基板、覆蓋基底基板的表面 成爲平面的覆蓋膜、被測定物;拍攝機構,該拍攝機構可拍 攝來自上述光照射的基板的反射光中的,至少通過上述照射 機構照射的波長;運算機構,該運算機構根據通過上述拍攝 機構拍攝的圖像資料,以通過上述覆蓋膜形成的平面爲高度 基準,至少對被測定物的高度進行運算。 按照技術方案2,通過照射機構,對基板照射藍色光, ▲外線。象追樣的波長較短的光具有容易通過物體的表面反 射的性質。比如,如果通過照射機構,照射波長大於上述光 的可見光,則具有覆蓋基板的覆蓋膜呈現使已照射的可見光 透射,或不使該光透射的、不穩定的透射特性的情況。在此 1237684 場合,光的反射位置難於判斷,具有無法在覆蓋膜區域,設 定高度基準的危險。在此方面,在技術方案2中,即使在爲 上述透射特性不穩定的覆蓋膜的情況下,仍可更加確實地進 行表面反射。由此,可以通過拍攝機構,捕獲覆蓋膜的表面 和被測定物的表面的圖像。另外,通過運算機構,根據圖像 資料,進行演算,由此,可將覆蓋膜的表面作爲高度基準, 計算作爲被測定物的表面的位置的高度。於是,由於可在設 置有被測定物的基板內適當地設定高度基準,故可更加正確 地測定被測定物的高度。另外,可在被測定物的測定的同 時,還對覆蓋膜進行測定。因此,可不必通過單獨的機構, 測定覆蓋膜的高度或單獨的高度基準,抑制裝置變得複雜。 技術方案3涉及一種三維測定裝置,其特徵在於該三維 測定裝置包括照射機構,該照射機構可對基板,僅僅照射紫 外線,該基板包括基底基板、覆蓋基底基板的表面成爲平面 的覆蓋膜、被測定物;拍攝機構,該拍攝機構可僅僅拍攝來 自上述光照射的基板的反射光中的紫外線;運算機構,該蓮 算機構根據通過上述拍攝機構拍攝的圖像資料,以通過上述 覆蓋膜形成的平面爲高度基準,至少對被測定物的高度進行 運算。 按照技術方案3,通過照射機構,對基板照射紫外線。 象這樣的波長較短的光具有容易通過物體的表面反射的性 質。比如,如果通過照射機構,照射波長大於上述紫外線的 可見光,則具有覆蓋基板的覆蓋膜呈現使可見光透射,或不 使該光透射的不穩定的透射特性的情況。在此場合,具有光 1237684 的反射位置難於判斷,無法在覆蓋膜區域設定高度基準的危 險。在此方面,在技術方案3中,即使在爲上述透射特性不 穩定的覆蓋膜的情況下,仍可更加確實地進行表面反射。由 此,可以通過拍攝機構,捕獲覆蓋膜的表面和被測定物的表 面的圖像。另外,通過運算機構,根據圖像資料,進行演算, 由此,可將覆蓋膜的表面作爲高度基準,計算作爲被測定物 的表面的位置的高度。於是,由於可在設置有被測定物的基 板內適當地設定高度基準,故可更加正確地測定被測定物的 高度。另外,可對被測定物進行測定的同時,還對覆蓋膜進 行測定。由此,可不必通過單獨的機構,測定覆蓋膜的高度 或單獨的高度基準,抑制裝置變得複雜。由於拍攝機構可僅 僅拍攝紫外線,故即使在來自屋內照明器等的照明器以外的 可見光位於基板的情況下,仍不受該可見光的影響,可獲得 適合的圖像資料。此外,在照射可見光的場合,具有產生下 述的不利情況的危險,即,因覆蓋膜的顏色反射的光量變 少’無法利用拍攝而獲得的圖像資料,必須對應上述覆蓋膜 的顏色,改變可見光的波長。在此方面,由於在技術方案3 中,由於與覆蓋膜的顏色無關,可實現表面反射,故可消除 上述危險。另外,也可代替“可僅僅照射紫外線的照射機 構”,而採用“可照射具有紫外線的光的照射機構”。同 樣,在此場合,所照射的光中的紫外線通過覆蓋膜的表面反 射,通過拍攝機構,僅僅拍攝紫外線。由此,可捕獲覆蓋膜 的表面的圖像。 技術方案4涉及技術方案2或3所述的三維測定裝置 1237684 其特徵在於上述基板爲印刷電路基板,上述運算機構以作爲 覆蓋膜的抗蝕膜的表面爲高度基準,至少對作爲上述被測定 物的膏狀焊料的高度進行運算,設置有判斷機構,該判斷機 構根據該膏狀焊料的高度,判斷該印刷狀態是否良好。 按照技術方案4,以印刷電路基板的抗蝕膜的表面爲基 準,對膏狀焊料的高度進行運算,根據該運算的高度,進行 是否良好的判斷。由此,可在測定膏狀焊料時,獲得上述效 果,另外,更加正確地進行是否良好的判斷。 技術方案5涉及技術方案2,或3所述的三維測定裝置, 其特徵在於上述基板爲晶圓基板,上述運算機構以作爲覆蓋 膜的氧化膜的表面爲高度基準,至少對作爲上述被測定物的 焊料凸塊進行運算,設置有判斷機構,該判斷機構根據該焊 料凸塊,判斷該形狀是否良好。 按照技術方案5,以晶圓基板的氧化膜的表面爲基準, 對焊料凸塊的高度進行運算,根據該運算的高度,進行是否 良好的判斷。由此,可在測定焊料凸塊時,獲得上述效果, 此外,可正確地進行是否良好的判斷。 技術方案6涉及技術方案1〜5中任一項所述的三維測定 裝置,其特徵在於上述運算機構在每次的高速演算中,採用 多個圖像資料’上述拍攝機構每當用於獲得上述多個圖像的 拍攝時,照射同一波長的光。 按照技術方案6,在於每次拍攝時,通過照射機構照射 的光,不需要改變其波長,採用同一波長的光。因此,即使 在上述拍攝機構具有透鏡的情況下,光的折射仍不改變。於 -10- 1237684 是,可抑制通過照明的波長獲得的圖像產生偏差的不利情 況。其結果是,可提高被測定物的高度的演算精度。 技術方案7涉及技術方案1〜6中任一項所述的三維測定 裝置,其特徵在於上述照射機構照射波長在25〇nm以上且 430nm以下的範圍內的光。 按照技術方案7,通過照射機構,照射波長在25 Onm以 上且43 Onm以下的範圍內的光。由此,即使在相對透射特性 不穩定的物體,仍可更加確實地進行表面反射。於是,可通 過拍攝機構,確實捕獲上述覆蓋膜或上述被測定物等的表面 的圖像。另外,也可代替“在25 Onm以上且43 Onm以下的 範圍內”,而“在300nm以上且380nm以下的範圍內”, 或“在300nm以上且350nm以下的範圍內”也可以。在此 場合,即使在相對透射特性不穩定的物體,仍可更加確實地 進行表面反射。另外,即使在代替“波長在25 Onm以上且 430nm以下的範圍內的光”,而爲“波長的峰値在250nm以 上且 430nm以下的範圍內的光”,或爲“波長的峰値在 3 00nm以上且3 80nm以下的範圍內的光”,或爲“波長的峰 値在300nm以上且350nm以下的範圍內的光”,亦可獲得 相同的作用效果。 技術方案8涉及技術方案1〜7中任一項所述的三維測定 裝置,其特徵在於上述照射機構照射60nm以內的波長區域 的光。 按照技術方案8,將通過照射機構照射的光的波長區域 設定在60nm以內的較窄的程度。一般,在於透鏡中實現透 -11- 1237684 射時的光的折射伴隨波長而不同,在波長區域較寬的場合, 具有產生色差的危險。在此方面,在技術方案8中,即使在 照明器或拍攝機構具有透鏡的情況下,波長區域變窄,仍可 抑制在照射或拍攝時產生的色差。即,不會發生所照射的光 滲出’或所拍攝的圖像資料模糊,可獲得鮮明的圖像資料。 於是’可提局基於圖像資料的被測定物的高度的計算精度。 另外,也可代替“ 60nm以內”,而爲“在30nrn以內,,亦可 以。在此場合,可進一步抑制色差,其結果是,可進一步提 高基於圖像資料的被測定物的高度的計算精度。 技術方案9涉及一種三維測定裝置,其特徵在於該三維 測定裝置包括照射機構,該照射機構可對基板上的被測定 物,僅僅照射紅色光和紅外線中的一者;拍攝機構,該拍攝 機構可拍攝來自上述光照射的被測定物的反射光中的,至少 通過上述照射機構照射的波長;運算機構,該運算機構根據 通過該拍攝機構拍攝的圖像資料,至少對上述被測定物的高 度進行運算。 按照技術方案9,通過照射機構,對基板上的被測定物 照射紅色光、紅外線。這樣的波長較長的光具有容易在物體 中實現透射的性質。相對波長小於上述照射光的可見光,還 存在透射特性不穩定,透射或不透射這樣的物體。比如,即 使在被測定物的透射特性穩定,可對可見光進行表面反射的 情況下,仍具有基板上的被測定物以外的物體的透射特性不 穩定的情況。在此方面,在技術方案9中,由於照射光爲紅 色光、紅外線,故可相對上述透射特性的不穩定的物體,使 -12- 1237684 照射光透射。因此,可通過拍攝機構,更加確實地僅僅捕獲 可進行表面反射的物體(被測定物等)的表面的圖像。此外, 通過運算機構,根據圖像資料,進行運算,由此,更加正確 地計算作爲被測定物的表面的位置的高度。另外,各機構的 基板指包括印刷電路基板、晶圓基板、安裝基板等的含義。 技術方案1 〇涉及一種三維測定裝置,其特徵在於該三 維測定裝置包括括照射機構,該照射機構可對基板,僅僅照 射紅色光和紅外線中的至少一者,該基板包括基底基板、形 成於該基底基板上的電極圖案、覆蓋上述基底基板和電極圖 案的表面的覆蓋膜、被測定物;拍攝機構,該拍攝機構可拍 攝來自上述光照射的基板的反射光中的,至少通過上述照射 機構照射的波長;運算機構,該運算機搆根據通過上述拍攝 機構拍攝的圖像資料,以上述電極圖案,或基底基板爲高度 基準,至少對被測定物的高度進行運算。 按照技術方案1 〇,通過照射機構,將紅色光、紅外線照 射到基板上。這樣的波長較長的光具有容易使物質透射的性 質。比如,如果通過照射機構,照射波長小於上述光的可見 光,則具有覆蓋基板的覆蓋膜呈現使已照射的可見光透射, 或不使該光透射的,不穩定的透射特性的情況。在此場合, 具有光的反射位置難於判斷,無法在覆蓋膜區域設定高度基 準的危險。在此方面,由於照射光爲紅色光、紅外線,故相 對上述透射特性不穩定的覆蓋膜,可更加確實地使照射光實 現透射,通過位於覆蓋膜下面的電極圖案、基底基板,對該 光進行反射。由此,可通過拍攝機構,捕獲被測定物、以及 -13- 1237684 電極圖案、基底基板的圖像。另外,可通過運算機構,根據 圖像資料,進行運算,由此,以電極圖案、基底基板爲高度 基準’計算被測定物的表面的位置的高度。於是,由於可在 設置有被測定物的基板內適當地設定高度基準,故可更加正 確地測定被測定物的高度。 技術方案1 1涉及一種三維測定裝置,其特徵在於該三 維測定裝置包括照射機構,該照射機構可對基板,僅僅照射 紅外線,該基板包括基底基板、形成於該基底基板上的電極 圖案、覆蓋上述基底基板和電極圖案的表面的覆蓋膜、被測 定物;拍攝機構,該拍攝機構可拍攝來自上述光照射的基板 的反射光中的,僅僅紅外線;運算機構,該運算機構根據通 過上述拍攝結構拍攝的圖像資料,以上述電極圖案,或基底 基板爲高度基板,至少對被測定物的高度進行運算。 按照技術方案1 1,通過照射機構,對基板照射紅外線。 這樣的波長較長的光具有容易在物體的表面實現透射的性 質。比如,如果通過照射機構,照射波長小於上述紅外線的 可見光,則具有覆蓋基板的覆蓋膜使已照射的可見光透射, 或不使其透射的,呈現不穩定的透射特性的情況。在此場 合,具有該光的反射位置難於判斷,在覆蓋膜區域無法設定 高度基準的危險。在此方面,在技術方案1 1中,由於照射 光爲紅色光、紅外線,故相對上述透射特性的不穩定的覆蓋 膜,可更加確實地使照射光透射,通過位於覆蓋膜下的電極 圖案、基底基板反射。由此,通過拍攝機構,可捕獲被測定 物,以及電極圖案、基底基板的圖像。另外,通過運箅機構, -14- 1237684 根據圖像資料,進行運算,由此,可以電極圖案、基底基板 作爲高度基準,可計算作爲被測定物的表面的位置的高度。 於是,由於可適當地在設置有被測定物的基板內設定高度基 準,故即使在來自屋內照明器等的照明器以外的可見光照射 基板的情況下,仍不受該可見光的影響,可獲得適合的圖像 資料。此外,在照射可見光的場合,具有產生下述的不利情 況的危險,即,因覆蓋膜的顏色反射的光量變少,無法利用 拍攝而獲得的圖像資料,必須對應上述覆蓋膜的顏色,改變 可見光的波長。在此方面,由於在技術方案11中,由於與 覆蓋膜的顏色無關,可使照射光在覆蓋膜中實現透射,通過 - 覆蓋膜下的電極圖案、基底基板反射該光,故可消除上述危 - 險。另外,也可代替“可僅僅照射紅外線的照射機構”,而 採用“可照射具有紅外線的光的照射機構”。同樣在此場 合,所照射的光中的,紅外線在覆蓋膜的表面中實現透射, 由電極圖案、基底基板反射,通過拍攝機構,僅僅拍攝紅外 線。因此,覆蓋膜不會形成圖像,捕獲形成高基準的電極圖 案、基底基板的圖像。 ♦ 技術方案1 2涉及技術方案1 〇或1 1所述的三維測定裝 置,其特徵在於上述基板爲印刷電路基板,上述運算機構以 作爲覆蓋膜的抗蝕膜下的電極圖案或基底基板爲高度基 準,至少對作爲上述被測定物的膏狀焊料的高度進行運算, 設置有判斷機構,該判斷機構根據該膏狀焊料的高度,判斷 該印刷狀態是否良好。 按照技術方案1 2 ’以印刷電路基板的抗鈾膜下的電極圖 -15- 1237684 案,或基底基板爲基準,對賞狀焊料的高度進行演算,根據 該運算的高度,進行是否良好的判斷。由此,在該膏狀焊料 的測定時,實現上述效果,另外,可更加正確地進行是否良 好的判斷。 技術方案1 3涉及技術方案1 0或1 1所述的三維測定裝 置,其特徵在於上述基板爲晶圓基板,上述運算機構以作爲 覆蓋膜的氧化膜下的晶圓面爲基準,至少對作爲上述被測定 物的焊料凸塊的高度進行運算,設置有判斷機構,該判斷機 構根據該焊料凸塊的高度,判斷該形狀是否良好。 按照技術方案1 3,以晶圓基板的氧化膜下的晶圓面爲基 準,對焊料凸塊的高度進行運算,根據該運算的高度,進行 是否良好的判斷。因此,在測定焊料凸塊時,實現上述效果, 另外,可更加正確底進行是否良好的判斷。 技術方案1 4涉及技術方案9〜1 3中任一項所述的三維測 定裝置,其特徵在於上述運算機構在每次的高速演算中,採 用多個圖像資料,上述拍攝機構每當用於獲得上述多個圖像 的拍攝時,照射同一波長的光。 按照技術方案1 4,通過照射機構照射的光每次拍攝時, 不改變光的波長,採用同一波長的光。因此,即使在上述拍 攝機構具有透鏡的情況下,光的折射仍沒有變化。於是,可 抑制伴隨照明的波長所獲得的圖像產生偏差的不利情況。其 結果是,可提高被測定物的高度的計算精度。 技術方案1 5涉及技術方案9〜1 4中任一項所述的三維測 定裝置,其特徵在於上述照射機構照射波長在680以上且1500nm 1237684 以下的範圍內的光。 按照技術方案1 5,通過照射機構,照射波長在 以上且1 500nm以下的光。由此,即使相對透射特性 的物體’仍可更加確實地進行表面反射。於是,可通 機構,確實捕獲上述覆蓋膜、上述被測定物等的表 像。另外,也可代替“在6 80nm以上且1 500nm以下 內”,而“在680nm以上且lOOOnm以下的範圍內”, lOOOnm以上且150〇nm以下的範圍內”亦可以,此外 “在780nm以上且900nm以下的範圍內”,或“在 以上且1400nm以下的範圍內”亦可以。並且,也可代 長在680nm以上且1500nm以下的範圍內的光”,而 長的峰値在680nm以上且1 500nm以下的範圍內的光 “波長的峰値在 680nm以上且 lOOOnm以下的範 光”,或者“波長的峰値在lOOOnm以上且1500nm 範圍內的光”,還可爲“波長的峰値在780nm以上且 以下的範圍內的光”,或“波長的峰値在llOOnm 14 00 nm以下的範圍內的光”。 技術方案1 6涉及技術方案9〜1 5中任一項所述的 定裝置,其特徵在於上述照射機構照射60nm以內的 域的光。 按照技術方案1 6,將通過照射機構照射的光的波 設定在60nm以內的較窄的程度。一般’在於透鏡中 射時的光的折射伴隨波長而不同,在波長區域較寬纪 具有產生色差的危險。在此方面’在技術方案1 6中 6 8 0 n m 不穩定 過拍攝 面的圖 的範圍 或“在 •,還可 1 1 0 0 n m 替“波 爲“波 ”,或 圍內的 以下的 900nm 以上且 三維測 波長區 長區域 實現透 ]場合, ,即使 •17- 1237684 在照明器、拍攝機構具有透鏡的情況下,波長區域變窄,仍 可抑制在照射、拍攝時產生的色差。即,不會發生所照射的 光滲出,所拍攝的圖像資料模糊,可獲得鮮明的圖像資料。 於是’可提高基於圖像資料的被測定物的高度的計算精度。 另外,也可代替“在60nm以內”,而“在30nm以內”亦 可以。在此場合,可進一步抑制色差,其結果是,可進一步 提高基於圖像資料的被測定物的高度的計算精度。 【實施方式】 下面參照附圖,對一個實施例進行描述。如第2圖所示 的那樣,作爲基板的印刷電路基板1呈平板狀(具有平面), 在由玻璃環氧樹脂等形成的基底基板2上,設置有由銅箔形 成的電極圖案3。另外,在上述電極圖案3上,印刷形成有 作爲被測定物的膏狀焊料4。此外,在印刷電路基板1上, 按照在電極圖案3的規定佈線部分以外區域不附著膏狀焊料 4的方式,塗敷作爲覆蓋膜的半透明的抗蝕膜5。另外,該 抗鈾膜5的表面構成基本一定的高度的平面。 第1圖爲以示意方式表示具有本實施例的三維測定裝置 的印刷狀態檢查設備8的槪略組成圖。如該圖所示的那樣, 印刷狀態檢查設備8包括台9,該台用於放置印刷電路基板 1 ;照明器1 〇,該照明器i 〇構成照射機構;該照射機構用於 對該印刷電路基板1,從斜上方照射規定的光成分圖案;CCD 照相機1 1,該CCD照相機1 1構成用於拍攝印刷電路基板1 上的照射部分;控制器1 2,該控制器1 2用於進行印刷狀態 檢查設備8內的各種控制、圖像處理、運算處理。 -18- 1237684 在上述台9上,設置電動機1 5,1 6,通過控制器1 2, 對該電動機15,1 6進行驅動控制’由此’可使放置於台9 上的印刷電路基板1沿任意的方向(X軸方向和γ軸方向)滑 動。 另外,如第3圖所示的那樣,上述照明器1 〇包括光源 1 7,將來自光源1 7的光聚集的聚光透鏡1 8 ’照射透鏡1 9 ’ 設置於該兩個透鏡1 8,1 9之間的液晶光學快門2 1。來自光 源1 7的光通過液晶光學快門2 1,照射到印刷電路基板1上, 由此,特別是,相對印刷電路基板1,照射照度呈正弦波狀 變化的條紋狀的光圖案。此外,液晶光學快門21使上述光 圖案的相位每次按規定間距,變化。 此外,按照從上述光源1 7照射的光,如第4圖所示的 那樣,不僅在膏狀焊料4的表面,而且在抗蝕膜5的表面反 射的方式設定其波長。但是,在本實施例中,光源17照射 紫外線,比如,採用LED,UV燈等。由於紫外線這樣的較 短的波長的光容易在表面反射,故即使相對抗蝕膜5這樣的 半透明的物體也可在其表面更確實地反射。另外,聚光透鏡 1 8和照射透鏡1 9可使上述波長的光透射,CCD照相機1 1 可僅僅對紫外線進行拍攝。 特別是,上述照射的光的波長區域按照較窄的程度設 定。一般,在透鏡中實現透射時的光的折射伴隨波長而不 同,在波長區域較寬的場合,具有產生色差的危險。在此方 面,在本實施例中,通過使波長區域變窄,可抑制在照射、 拍攝時產生的色差,獲得鮮明的圖像。 -19- 1237684 在這裏,對印刷狀態檢查設備8的檢查步驟進行描述。 首先,如果將印刷電路基板1放置於台9上,則控制器12 對電動機1 5,1 6進行驅動控制,將其移動到規定的位置, 將印刷電路基板1移動到初始位置。該初始位置爲比如,以 C CD照相機1 1的視野的大小爲1個單位,預先將印刷電路 基板1的表面分割的其中的1個位置。 另外,控制器1 2驅動控制照明器1 0,開始光圖案的照 射。已照射的光在膏狀焊料4,抗鈾膜5等的印刷電路基板 1的表面反射,該反射光通過CCD照相機1 1拍攝。另外, 此時,比如,每次按照4分之1的間距,實現光圖案的相移, 依次切換控制4種光圖案。另外,在象這樣,進行各光圖案 的照射的期間,控制器1 2對CCD照相機1 1進行驅動控制, 針對每個光圖案,拍攝檢查區域部分,分別獲得4畫面量的 圖案資料。 此外’控制器1 2包括圖像記憶體,依次存儲圖像資料。 根據已存儲的圖像資料,控制器1 2進行各種圖像處理。在 進行該圖像處理的期間,控制器1 2對電動機1 5,1 6進行驅 動控制’將台9移動到下一檢查區域。控制器1 2也將在這 裏的圖像資料,存儲於圖像記憶體中。另一方面,在一旦圖 像記憶體的圖像處理結束的場合,由於已在圖像記憶體中存 儲下一圖像資料,故控制器1 2可快速地進行下一圖像處理。 即,檢查一方面,進行下一檢查區域(第(m+ 1)個)的移動和 圖像輸入,另一方面,進行第m個的圖像處理和比較判斷。 然後’反復進行相互相同的上述並行處理,直至全部的檢查 -20- 1237684 區域的檢查完成。像這樣,在本實施例的印刷狀態檢查設備 8中,通過控制器1 2的控制,移動檢查區域,同時,依次進 行圖像處理,由此,可高速地並且確實地檢查印刷電路基板 1上的膏狀焊料4的印刷狀態。 下面對控制器1 2所進行的圖像處理和運算處理,以及 比較判斷處理進行描述。控制器1 2採用已獲得的4畫面的 圖像資料,對檢查區域內的高度進行計算。就投影到檢查區 域的光圖案來說,產生基於高度的不同的相位的偏差。於 是,在控制器1 2中,採用各光圖案的圖像資料,根據相移 法(條紋掃描法)的原理,計算反射面的高度。像這樣獲得的 高度資料按照拍攝畫面的象素單元運算,存儲於控制器12 的記憶體中。 在已獲得的高度資料中,將呈平面狀的抗蝕膜5的區域 的高度作爲印刷電路基板1的高度基準,計算印刷於該印刷 電路基板1上的印刷的膏狀焊料4的高度。另外,對上述膏 狀焊料4的高度進行積分處理,由此,計算印刷的膏狀焊料 4的量。另外,將像這樣求出的膏狀焊料4的高度、量等的 資料與預先存儲的資料進行比較判斷,根據該比較結果是否 在允許範圍內’判斷該檢查區域的膏狀焊料4的印刷狀態是 否良好。 如上面具體描述的那樣,按照本實施例,通過照明器 1 〇 ’照射紫外線,由此,即使爲半透明的抗蝕膜5,仍可確 實使光在其表面反射。因此,可檢查印刷有打算判斷印刷狀 態是否良好的膏狀焊料4的印刷電路基板i內的抗蝕膜5的 -21- 1237684 表面,可將該表面用作基準局度。其結果是’與在同一印刷 電路基板1以外的區域採用高度基準的場合相比較’可更加 正確地計算膏狀焊料4的高度。 另外,在膏狀焊料4的高度測定的同時,還可測定抗蝕 膜5的高度。因此,不必通過單獨的機構,測定抗蝕膜的高 度或單獨的高度基準,可抑制裝置的複雜。 此外,印刷狀態檢查設備8 —般設置於具有屋內照明器 的屋內。一般,在該屋內照明器中,可見光的輻射能量較大, 本實施例所採用的那樣的較短的波長的光的輻射能量充分 地小於可見光。因此,即使在將來自屋內照明器的光照射到 印刷電路基板1這樣的情況下,仍難以產生無法對通過CCD 照相機1 1拍攝的圖像進行處理的不利情況。 還有,在照射可見光的場合,具有產生不利情況的危 險,該不利情況指通過抗蝕膜5的顏色而反射的光量變少, 無法採用可拍攝的圖像資料,或對應於上述抗蝕膜5的顏色 必須改變可見光的波長。在此方面,在本實施例中,由於與 抗蝕膜5的顏色無關,可進行表面反射,故可消除上述危險。 此外,從照明器1 0照射的光的波長區域象上述那樣, 按照較窄的程度設定。由此,難於產生色差,不發生光圖案 滲出,或已拍攝的圖像資料模糊的情況,可獲得鮮明的圖像 資料。於是,可提高基於該圖像資料的膏狀焊料4的高度、 量等的計算精度。 同時’光圖案不針對每個光圖案改變光的波長,採用同 一波長。即,即使在改變光圖案的情況下,在透鏡中實現透 -22- 1237684 射時的光的折射仍不變化。由此,可抑制通過照明的波長獲 得的圖像產生的偏差的不利情況。其結果是,可提高基於圖 像資料的膏狀焊料4的高度、量等的計算精度。 在上面描述的實施例中,也可比如,如下述這樣,適當 改變組成的一部分,進行實施。顯然,當然還可採用在下面 未列舉的其他的變更實例。 U)在上述實施例中,從照明器10照射紫外線,但是, 如果可通過抗鈾膜5的表面反射,則也可爲藍色光。在此場 合,CCD照相機必須爲可拍攝藍綠色光的類型。另外,最好, 通過照明器10照射的光的波長在250nm以上且430nm以下 的fe圍內。特別是最好’該波長在300nm以上且380nm以 下的範圍內,尤其是最好,該波長在300nm以上且350nm 以下的波長的範圍內。另外,即使在代替25 Onm以上且43 Onm 以下的範圍內的波長,作爲波長的峰値在25 Onm以上且 430nm以下的範圍內的光,波長的峰値在300nm以上且 3 80nm以下的範圍內的光,或波長的峰値在300nm以上且 3 5 Onm以下的範圍內的光,可獲得相同的作用效果。 (b) 從光源1 2照射紫外線,但是,到達印刷電路基板1 的光的波長可僅僅爲規定的波長,來自光源1 2的光的波長 也可不必一定爲規定的波長。比如,光源爲照射具有規定的 波長的波長區域較寬的光的類型,也可在照明器1 〇與印刷 電路基板1之間,或在照明器1 0的內部設置僅僅使規定的 波長(僅僅規定的較窄的波長區域的波長)透射的濾波器。 (c) 在上述實施例中,對於光的波長區域,未特別提及數 -23- 1237684 位,但是,最好,該波長在60nm以內,特別是最交 以內。 (d) 在上述實施例中,照射到印刷電路基板1 紫外線,但是,除了該紫外線,即使在照射其他的波 所拍攝的光僅僅爲紫外線的情況下,也沒有關係 合,顯然,CCD照相機1 1也可爲僅僅拍攝紫外線 還可在CCD照相機與印刷電路基板i之間,設置 外線透射的濾波器。 (e) 在上述實施例中,拍攝次數爲4,但是,也可 還可爲5次以上。 (f) 在上述實施例中,具體描述了測定以印刷方 印刷電路基板1的膏狀焊料4的高度等的場合,但 用於晶圓基板、安裝基板等的檢查設備。比如,在 的場合,以氧化膜的表面作爲基準高度,可計算焊 高度、形狀、體積等。 (g) 在上述實施例中,三維測定方法採用相移法 此外,也可採用光切斷法、莫爾條紋法、對焦法、共 空間編碼(c 〇 r d)法、格子條紋投影法等的各種三維沏 (h) 也可代替上述實施例的照明器10,將在抗彳 實現透射的,通過膏狀焊料4、電極圖案3等的表 樣的波長的光照射到印刷電路基板1,對該波長的 攝。即,也可代替上述實施例的紫外線,照射光採用 紅色光’對紅外線、紅色光進行拍攝。由於紅外線 這樣的較長的波長的光容易在物體中實現透射,故 P 在 30nm 上的光爲 長的光, 。在此場 的類型, 僅僅使紫 爲3次’ 式形成於 是,也可 晶圓基板 料凸塊的 :,但是, 焦點法、 1定方法。 I虫膜5中 面反射這 光進行拍 紅外線、 和紅色光 相對抗倉虫 - 24- 1237684 膜5這樣的半透明的膜場合,可實現透射。 通過如這樣構成,則如第5圖所示的那樣,紅外線通過 膏狀焊料4的表面反射,同時在半透明的抗蝕膜5中實現透 射,通過電極圖案3等反射。因此,比如,可以電極圖案3 爲高度基準,計算膏狀焊料4的高度。另外,在同樣對於基 底基板2獲得反射光的場合,也可以基底基板2爲高度基準。 在此場合,最好,照射的光的波長在680nm以上且 1500nm以下的範圍內。另外,也可爲680nm以上且lOOOnm 以下的範圍內的波長,或lOOOnm以上且1500nm以下的範 儀| 圍內的波長亦可以,又,780nm以上且900nm以下的範圍內 _ 的波長,或ll〇〇nm以上且1400nm以下的範圍內的波長亦 可以。或代替680nm以上且1 500nm以下的範圍內的波長, 而波長的峰値在680nm以上且1 500nm以下的範圍內的光, 波長的峰値在680nm以上且 lOOOnm以下的範圍內的光, 波長的峰値在lOOOnm以上且1 500nm以下的範圍內的光, 波長的峰値在7 80nm以上且900nm以下的範圍內的光,或 波長的峰値在1 l〇〇nm以上且1400nm以下的範圍內的光, 馨 仍可獲得同樣的作用效果。 此外,顯然,也可按照象上述(b),(c),(e),(f),(g) 這樣,適當地改變的方式進行實施。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖爲以示意方式表示印刷狀態檢查設備的組成的槪 略組成圖; 第2圖爲印刷電路基板的局部剖視圖; -25- 1237684 第3圖爲以示意方式表示更具體的印刷狀態檢查設備的 組成的槪略組成圖; 第4圖爲用於說明印刷電路基板的從照明器照射的光的 反射的示意圖; 桌5圖爲另一貫施形式’用於說明照射紅外線、紅外光 的場合的,照射光的反射的示意圖。 【元件符號說明】 1 印刷電路基板 2 基底基板 4 膏狀焊料 5 抗蝕膜 8 印刷狀態檢查設備 10 照明器 11 CCD照相機 12 控制器 -26-1237684 Nine, Description of the invention: [Technical Field to which the Invention belongs] The present invention relates to three devices for measuring the three-dimensional shape and the like of a measurement object. [Prior art] Generally, In printed circuit boards, On the base substrate made of glass epoxy, Set the electrode pattern, When the surface is protected by a resist film and the sub-component is mounted on the printed circuit board, First of all, The prescribed part of the case that is not protected by an anti-uranium film, Printing paste solder. According to the viscosity of the solder paste, Temporarily fix the parts on the printed circuit board. then, The printed circuit board is sent to a reflow furnace for a predetermined reflow step. Welding. recent, Must be in the pre-return stage, Check the printing status of paste solder, At the time of the inspection, Adopt the measuring device. in recent years, Various so-called non-contact type fixed devices using light have been proposed. such as, In a three-dimensional measurement device using a phase shift method, Communication agency, The object to be measured is irradiated with a striped light intensity pattern having visible light as a light source (in this case, Is a printed circuit board). With a CCD camera, Photographing the object to be measured, Analyze the phase difference of the fringes of the light pattern in the obtained image, thus, Measuring paste-like three-dimensional shapes, Especially height (for example, See Patent Document 1). Patent Document 1: Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 5-280945 [Summary of the Invention] However, The visible light transmission characteristics of the resist film of paste solder are based on dimensional measurement. In the electric electrode diagram, Electronics department The light passing through the furnace was measured in three dimensions and three dimensions. The degree of instability with respect to the solder is 1237684 °, that is, the resist film may transmit visible light irradiated by the irradiation mechanism or may not transmit. The field where visible light is transmitted in the resist film is reflected by the base substrate or the like, Where transmission is not achieved in the resist film, Reflected on the surface of the resist film. On such occasions, With the following dangers, Which is the area of the resist film in the image obtained by the CCD camera Difficult to judge the reflective surface is a resist film, Or the judgment of the base substrate, It is difficult to measure the height of the resist area. originally, In order to measure the height of the paste solder printed on the substrate with higher accuracy, the best, Use a height reference in the substrate. but, Since the resist area cannot be properly used as a height reference surface, Therefore, there is a danger that a height reference cannot be adopted in the substrate. then, The present invention is made to solve the above problems, An object of the present invention is to provide a three-dimensional measuring device, When measuring the three-dimensional shape of an object, By appropriately setting the height reference, etc., within the object, Achieve more accurate measurement. Each technical solution suitable for solving the above-mentioned objects and the like is described below in sections. In addition, base on needs, In the corresponding technical solution, Attach a description of unique effects. Technical solution 1 relates to a three-dimensional measuring device, It is characterized in that the three-dimensional measuring device includes an irradiation mechanism, The irradiating mechanism can measure the object on the substrate, Irradiate only at least one of blue light and ultraviolet light; Shooting agency, The photographing mechanism can photograph the reflected light from the measurement object irradiated by the light, At least the wavelength irradiated by the above irradiation means; Computing mechanism, The computing mechanism is based on image data captured by the shooting mechanism, At least the height of the object to be measured is calculated. 1237684 According to this technical solution 1, Through the irradiation mechanism, Irradiate the object on the substrate with blue light, UV. Such shorter wavelength light has the property of being easily reflected by the surface of an object. Visible light with a relative wavelength greater than the above-mentioned irradiated light, There are also unstable transmission characteristics, Transmission or non-transmission of such objects. In this regard, In technical solution 1, Even when the transmission characteristics of the measurement object are unstable, It is still possible to reflect more reliably through the surface of the object to be measured. thus, Through the shooting mechanism, The surface of the object to be measured is captured as an image. In addition, Through the computing mechanism, According to the image data, Perform calculations, thus, The height of the position of the surface to be measured is calculated more accurately. In addition, The board of each organization refers to a printed circuit board, Wafer substrate, Meaning of mounting board, etc. Technical solution 2 relates to a three-dimensional measuring device, It is characterized in that it includes an irradiation mechanism, The irradiation mechanism can Irradiating only at least one of blue light and ultraviolet light, The substrate includes a base substrate, Covering the surface of the base substrate Measured object Shooting agency, This imaging mechanism can capture the reflected light from the substrate irradiated with the light, At least the wavelength irradiated by the above-mentioned irradiation mechanism; Computing mechanism, The computing mechanism is based on the image data captured by the shooting mechanism. Based on the height of the plane formed by the cover film, At least the height of the object to be measured is calculated. According to technical solution 2, Through the irradiation mechanism, Irradiate the substrate with blue light, ▲ Outside. Light with a shorter wavelength, like chase, has the property of reflecting easily through the surface of an object. such as, If you pass the irradiation mechanism, Visible light with a wavelength greater than the above light, The cover film with the cover substrate appears to transmit the irradiated visible light Or does not transmit the light, Case of unstable transmission characteristics. On this 1237684 occasion, The reflection position of light is difficult to judge, Have inability to cover the film area, Danger of setting an altitude reference. In this regard, In technical solution 2, Even in the case of the above-mentioned cover film with unstable transmission characteristics, Surface reflection is still more certain. thus, Through the shooting agency, Capture images of the surface of the cover film and the surface of the test object. In addition, Through the computing mechanism, According to the image data, Perform calculations, thus, The surface of the cover film can be used as a height reference, Calculate the height of the position of the surface to be measured. then, Since the height reference can be appropriately set in the substrate on which the object to be measured is set, Therefore, the height of the object to be measured can be measured more accurately. In addition, At the same time as the measurement of the object, The cover film was also measured. therefore, Without having to go through a separate agency, Measure the height of the cover film or an individual height reference, The suppression device becomes complicated. Technical solution 3 relates to a three-dimensional measuring device, It is characterized in that the three-dimensional measuring device includes an irradiation mechanism, The irradiation mechanism can Just radiating ultraviolet rays, The substrate includes a base substrate, A cover film covering the surface of the base substrate to be a flat surface, Measured object Shooting agency, The photographing mechanism can photograph only ultraviolet rays in the reflected light from the substrate irradiated by the light; Computing mechanism, Based on the image data captured by the shooting mechanism, Taking the plane formed by the above cover film as a height reference, Calculate at least the height of the object to be measured. According to technical solution 3, Through the irradiation mechanism, The substrate is irradiated with ultraviolet rays. Light having a short wavelength like this has a property of being easily reflected by the surface of an object. such as, If you pass the irradiation mechanism, Visible light with a wavelength greater than the above-mentioned ultraviolet rays, The cover film with the cover substrate appears to transmit visible light, Or, unstable transmission characteristics that do not allow this light to pass. On this occasion, The reflection position with light 1237684 is difficult to judge, Danger of not being able to set an altitude reference in the overlay area. In this regard, In technical solution 3, Even in the case of the above-mentioned cover film with unstable transmission characteristics, Surface reflection can still be performed more reliably. From this, Through the shooting agency, Capture images of the surface of the cover film and the surface of the test object. In addition, Through the computing mechanism, According to the image data, Perform calculations, thus, The surface of the cover film can be used as a height reference, The height of the position of the surface to be measured is calculated. then, Since the height reference can be appropriately set in the substrate on which the object to be measured is set, Therefore, the height of the object to be measured can be measured more accurately. In addition, While measuring the object to be measured, The cover film was also measured. thus, Without having to go through a separate agency, Measure the height of the cover film or a separate height reference, The suppression device becomes complicated. Since the shooting mechanism can only capture ultraviolet light, Therefore, even when visible light from a luminaire such as an indoor luminaire is on the substrate, Still unaffected by this visible light, Obtain suitable image data. In addition, When exposed to visible light, Is at risk of the adverse situation described below, which is, Reduced amount of light reflected by the color of the cover film ’cannot be used for image data Must correspond to the color of the above cover film, Change the wavelength of visible light. In this regard, Since in technical solution 3, Since it has nothing to do with the color of the cover film, Can achieve surface reflection, Therefore, the above danger can be eliminated. In addition, It can also replace the "irradiation mechanism that can only irradiate ultraviolet rays", Instead, an "irradiation mechanism capable of irradiating light with ultraviolet rays" is used. Similarly, On this occasion, The ultraviolet rays in the irradiated light are reflected by the surface of the cover film, Through the shooting agency, Just shoot ultraviolet rays. thus, An image of the surface of the cover film can be captured. The fourth aspect relates to the three-dimensional measuring device 1237684 according to the second or third aspect, wherein the substrate is a printed circuit board. The above calculation mechanism uses the surface of the resist film as a cover film as a height reference, Calculate at least the height of the solder paste as the object to be measured. There is a judging mechanism, The judging mechanism is based on the height of the solder paste, It is determined whether the printing state is good. According to technical solution 4, Based on the surface of the resist film on the printed circuit board, Calculate the height of the solder paste, Based on the height of the operation, Make a good judgment. thus, When measuring solder paste, Get the above effect, In addition, Make more accurate judgments. Technical solution 5 relates to technical solution 2, Or the three-dimensional measuring device according to 3, It is characterized in that the substrate is a wafer substrate, The above calculation mechanism uses the surface of the oxide film as a cover film as a height reference, At least the solder bumps which are the objects to be measured are calculated, There is a judging mechanism, The judging mechanism is based on the solder bump, Determine whether the shape is good. According to technical solution 5, Based on the surface of the oxide film on the wafer substrate, Calculate the height of the solder bump, Based on the height of the operation, Make a good judgment. thus, When measuring solder bumps, Get the above effect, In addition, Whether or not a good judgment can be made correctly. The sixth aspect relates to the three-dimensional measurement device according to any one of the first to fifth aspects, It is characterized in that, in each high-speed calculation, Using a plurality of image data ’whenever the above-mentioned shooting mechanism is used to obtain a plurality of images for shooting Irradiate light of the same wavelength. According to technical solution 6, Is that every time you shoot, The light emitted by the irradiation mechanism, No need to change its wavelength, Use the same wavelength of light. therefore, Even in the case where the above-mentioned shooting mechanism has a lens, The refraction of light remains unchanged. On -10- 1237684 Yes, It is possible to suppress the disadvantage that the image obtained by the wavelength of the illumination is deviated. the result is, The calculation accuracy of the height of the measured object can be improved. The seventh aspect relates to the three-dimensional measurement device according to any one of the first to sixth aspects, It is characterized in that the irradiating means irradiates light having a wavelength in a range of from 25 nm to 430 nm. According to technical solution 7, Through the irradiation mechanism, The light is irradiated in a wavelength range from 25 Onm to 43 Onm. thus, Even in objects with relatively unstable transmission characteristics, Surface reflection can still be performed more reliably. then, Through the shooting mechanism, An image of the surface of the cover film or the object to be measured is surely captured. In addition, It can also replace "within 25 Onm and 43 Onm", And "in the range of 300nm to 380nm", Or "in the range of 300 nm or more and 350 nm or less" may be sufficient. On this occasion, Even in objects with relatively unstable transmission characteristics, Surface reflections can still be made more reliably. In addition, Even in place of "light having a wavelength above 25 Onm and below 430 nm", And "light having a peak of a wavelength in a range from 250 nm to 430 nm", Or "light having a peak at a wavelength in a range from 300 nm to 3 80 nm", Or "light having a peak at a wavelength in the range of 300 nm to 350 nm", The same effect can be obtained. Claim 8 relates to the three-dimensional measurement device according to any one of claims 1 to 7, It is characterized in that the irradiating means irradiates light in a wavelength region within 60 nm. According to technical solution 8, The wavelength region of the light irradiated by the irradiation means is set to a narrow degree within 60 nm. general, The refraction of light when -11- 1237684 is transmitted through the lens varies with the wavelength, Where the wavelength range is wide, There is a danger of color difference. In this regard, In technical solution 8, Even when the illuminator or shooting mechanism has a lens, The wavelength region becomes narrower, Chromatic aberrations caused by irradiation or shooting are still suppressed. which is, There will be no exudation of the light ’or blurred image data, Obtain sharp image data. Therefore, the calculation accuracy of the height of the object to be measured based on the image data can be mentioned. In addition, Can also replace "within 60nm", And "within 30nrn, , Can also. On this occasion, Can further suppress chromatic aberration, the result is, It is possible to further improve the calculation accuracy of the height of the object to be measured based on the image data. Technical solution 9 relates to a three-dimensional measuring device, It is characterized in that the three-dimensional measuring device includes an irradiation mechanism, The irradiating mechanism can measure the object on the substrate, Irradiate only one of red light and infrared light; Shooting agency, This imaging mechanism can image the reflected light from the object to be measured irradiated with the light, At least the wavelength irradiated by the above-mentioned irradiation mechanism; Computing mechanism, The computing mechanism is based on image data captured by the shooting mechanism, Calculate at least the height of the object to be measured. According to technical solution 9, Through the irradiation mechanism, Irradiate the test object on the substrate with red light, infrared. Such longer-wavelength light has the property of easily transmitting in an object. Visible light whose relative wavelength is smaller than the above-mentioned irradiation light, There are also unstable transmission characteristics, Transmission or non-transmission of such objects. such as, Even if the transmission characteristics of the measurement object are stable, When visible light can be reflected from the surface, The transmission characteristics of objects other than the object to be measured on the substrate may be unstable. In this regard, In technical solution 9, Since the light is red, infrared, Therefore, it can be compared with the unstable object with the above-mentioned transmission characteristics. Transmit -12- 1237684 irradiation light. therefore, Through the shooting mechanism, It is more reliable to capture only the image of the surface of the object (measurement object, etc.) that can reflect the surface. In addition, Through the computing mechanism, According to the image data, Perform calculations, thus, The height of the position of the surface to be measured is calculated more accurately. In addition, The substrate of each mechanism refers to the printed circuit board, Wafer substrate, Meaning of mounting substrate, etc. Technical solution 1 〇 relates to a three-dimensional measuring device, It is characterized in that the three-dimensional measuring device includes a radiation mechanism, The irradiation mechanism can Irradiate at least one of red light and infrared light, The substrate includes a base substrate, An electrode pattern formed on the base substrate, A cover film covering the surface of the base substrate and the electrode pattern, Measured object Shooting agency, This imaging mechanism can capture the reflected light from the substrate irradiated with the light, At least the wavelength irradiated by the above-mentioned irradiation mechanism; Computing mechanism, The computing mechanism is based on the image data captured by the shooting mechanism. With the above electrode pattern, Or base substrate as the height reference, At least the height of the object to be measured is calculated. According to technical solution 1 〇, Through the irradiation mechanism, Turn red light, The infrared rays are irradiated onto the substrate. Such a longer-wavelength light has a property of easily transmitting a substance. such as, If you pass the irradiation mechanism, Visible light with a wavelength less than the above light, The cover film with the cover substrate appears to transmit the irradiated visible light, Or does not make the light transparent, Case of unstable transmission characteristics. On this occasion, It is difficult to judge the reflection position with light, Danger of not being able to set a high standard in the cover film area. In this regard, Since the light is red, infrared, Therefore, compared to the cover film with unstable transmission characteristics, It is possible to transmit the irradiation light more surely, Via the electrode pattern under the cover film, Base substrate, This light is reflected. thus, Through the shooting mechanism, Capture of measurement objects, And -13- 1237684 electrode patterns, Image of base substrate. In addition, Through the computing mechanism, According to the image data, Perform calculations, thus, With electrode patterns, The base substrate is used as a height reference 'to calculate the height of the position of the surface of the object to be measured. then, Since the height reference can be appropriately set in the substrate on which the object to be measured is set, Therefore, the height of the object to be measured can be measured more accurately. Technical solution 11 relates to a three-dimensional measuring device, It is characterized in that the three-dimensional measuring device includes an irradiation mechanism, The irradiation mechanism can Just irradiate infrared light, The substrate includes a base substrate, An electrode pattern formed on the base substrate, A cover film covering the surface of the base substrate and the electrode pattern, Measured object Shooting agency, The photographing mechanism can photograph the reflected light from the substrate irradiated by the light, Infrared only Computing mechanism, The computing mechanism is based on the image data captured by the above shooting structure. With the above electrode pattern, Or base At least the height of the object to be measured is calculated. According to technical solution 1 1 Through the irradiation mechanism, The substrate is irradiated with infrared rays. Such long-wavelength light has a property of being easily transmitted on the surface of an object. such as, If you pass the irradiation mechanism, Visible light with a wavelength less than the above infrared rays, A cover film having a cover substrate transmits the irradiated visible light, Or not making it transmissive, A case where unstable transmission characteristics are exhibited. In this context, It is difficult to determine the reflection position of the light, Danger of not being able to set an altitude reference in the cover film area. In this regard, In the technical scheme 11, Since the light is red, infrared, Therefore, compared with the unstable cover film with the above-mentioned transmission characteristics, Can transmit the irradiation light more surely, Through the electrode pattern under the cover film, Base substrate reflection. thus, Through the shooting agency, Capable of capturing analytes, And electrode patterns, Image of base substrate. In addition, Through the transport agency, -14- 1237684 According to the image data, Perform calculations, thus, Can electrode pattern, Base substrate as height reference, The height of the position of the surface of the object to be measured can be calculated. then, Since the height reference can be appropriately set in the substrate on which the object to be measured is set, Therefore, even when the substrate is irradiated with visible light other than luminaires such as indoor luminaires, Still unaffected by this visible light, Obtain suitable image data. In addition, When exposed to visible light, There is a danger of the following adverse conditions, which is, The amount of light reflected by the color of the cover film decreases, Unable to use image data obtained from shooting, Must correspond to the color of the cover film, Change the wavelength of visible light. In this regard, As in the technical solution 11, Since it has nothing to do with the color of the cover film, Allows irradiated light to be transmitted through the cover film, Pass-electrode pattern under the cover film, The base substrate reflects the light, Therefore, the above-mentioned dangers can be eliminated. In addition, It can also replace the "irradiation mechanism that can only irradiate infrared rays" Instead, an "irradiation mechanism capable of irradiating light with infrared rays" is used. Also in this scene, Of the light Infrared rays are transmitted in the surface of the cover film, Electrode pattern, Base substrate reflection, Through the shooting agency, Take only infrared rays. therefore, The cover film does not form an image, Capture electrode patterns that form a high reference, Image of base substrate. ♦ Technical scheme 12 relates to the three-dimensional measuring device described in technical scheme 10 or 11; It is characterized in that the substrate is a printed circuit board, The above arithmetic mechanism is based on the electrode pattern or base substrate under the resist film as the cover film. Calculate at least the height of the solder paste as the object to be measured. There is a judging mechanism, The judging mechanism is based on the height of the solder paste, It is judged whether the printing state is good. According to the technical scheme 1 2 ′, the electrode of the printed circuit board under the anti-uranium film Or base substrate, Calculate the height of the appreciation solder, According to the height of the operation, Make a good judgment. thus, During the measurement of this solder paste, Achieve the above effect, In addition, You can make more accurate judgments. Technical solution 1 3 relates to the three-dimensional measurement device according to technical solution 10 or 11; It is characterized in that the substrate is a wafer substrate, The above calculation mechanism is based on the wafer surface under the oxide film as the cover film. Calculate at least the height of the solder bump as the object to be measured, There is a judging mechanism, The judging mechanism is based on the height of the solder bump, Determine whether the shape is good. According to technical solution 1 3, Based on the wafer surface under the oxide film of the wafer substrate, Calculate the height of the solder bump, Based on the height of the operation, Make a good judgment. therefore, When measuring solder bumps, Achieve the above effect, In addition, You can make a more accurate judgment. Technical solution 14 relates to the three-dimensional measurement device according to any one of technical solutions 9 to 13, It is characterized in that, in each high-speed calculation, Using multiple image data, Whenever the above-mentioned shooting mechanism is used for capturing the multiple images, Irradiate light of the same wavelength. According to technical solution 1 4 Each time the light irradiated through the irradiation mechanism is taken, Does not change the wavelength of light, Use the same wavelength of light. therefore, Even in the case where the above-mentioned shooting mechanism has a lens, The refraction of light has not changed. then, It is possible to suppress the disadvantage that the image obtained with the wavelength of the illumination is deviated. the result is, The calculation accuracy of the height of the object to be measured can be improved. Technical solution 15 relates to the three-dimensional measurement device according to any one of technical solutions 9 to 14, It is characterized in that the above-mentioned irradiating means irradiates light having a wavelength in a range of 680 or more and 1500 nm or 1237684 or less. According to technical solution 1 5 Through the irradiation mechanism, The light is irradiated with a wavelength of from 1 to 500 nm. thus, Even a relatively transmissive object 'can perform surface reflection more surely. then, Accessible institutions, Surely capture the above cover film, An image of the object to be measured. In addition, It can also replace "within 6 80nm and 1 500nm", And "in the range above 680nm and below 100nm", within the range of 100 nm to 150 nm " In addition, "in the range of 780nm to 900nm", Or "in the range of 1400 nm or more". and, It can also substitute light in the range from 680nm to 1500nm ", Light with a long peak in the range of 680nm to 1500nm "a peak in the wavelength range of 680nm to 100nm" Or "light with a peak at a wavelength above 100 nm and in the range of 1500 nm", It may also be "light having a peak of a wavelength in a range of 780 nm or more", Or "light having a peak at a wavelength in the range of 110 nm to 14 00 nm". Technical solution 16 relates to the fixing device according to any one of technical solutions 9 to 15, It is characterized in that the irradiating means irradiates light in a region within 60 nm. According to technical scheme 1 6 The wave of the light radiated by the irradiation means is set to a narrow degree within 60 nm. Generally, 'the refraction of light when it hits the lens varies with the wavelength, There is a danger that chromatic aberrations occur in a wide range in the wavelength region. In this regard ’6 8 0 n m instability in the technical scheme 16 over the range of the image of the shooting surface or“ 在 •, You can also use 1 1 0 0 n m instead of "wave" as "wave". Or within 900nm above and below and three-dimensional measurement of the long wavelength region to achieve transparency] occasions, , Even if • 17- 1237684 in the luminaire, When the shooting mechanism has a lens, The wavelength region becomes narrower, Can still be suppressed in irradiation, Chromatic aberrations during shooting. which is, There is no exudation of the irradiated light, The image data is blurred, Obtain sharp image data. Therefore, the calculation accuracy of the height of the object to be measured based on the image data can be improved. In addition, Can also replace "within 60nm", And "within 30nm" is fine. On this occasion, Can further suppress chromatic aberration, the result is, The calculation accuracy of the height of the object to be measured based on the image data can be further improved. [Embodiment] Referring to the drawings, An embodiment is described. As shown in Figure 2, The printed circuit board 1 as a substrate has a flat plate shape (having a flat surface), On the base substrate 2 formed of glass epoxy resin or the like, An electrode pattern 3 formed of a copper foil is provided. In addition, On the electrode pattern 3, The solder paste 4 as a measurement object is formed by printing. In addition, On the printed circuit board 1, In a manner that the solder paste 4 is not adhered to areas other than the prescribed wiring portion of the electrode pattern 3, A translucent resist film 5 is applied as a cover film. In addition, The surface of the uranium-resistant film 5 constitutes a plane having a substantially constant height. Fig. 1 is a schematic composition diagram showing a printing state inspection apparatus 8 having a three-dimensional measuring device according to this embodiment. As shown in the figure, The printing state inspection device 8 includes a table 9, The stage is used to place a printed circuit board 1; Illuminator 1 〇, The illuminator i 〇 constitutes an irradiation mechanism; The irradiation mechanism is used for the printed circuit board 1, Irradiate a prescribed light component pattern from obliquely above; CCD camera 1 1, The CCD camera 11 constitutes an irradiated portion for photographing the printed circuit board 1; Controller 1 2 The controller 12 is used to perform various controls in the printing state inspection device 8, Image Processing, Arithmetic processing. -18- 1237684 On platform 9 above, Set motor 1 5 1 6, Via controller 1 2 For the motor 15, 16 Performing the drive control "this" allows the printed circuit board 1 placed on the stage 9 to slide in any direction (X-axis direction and γ-axis direction). In addition, As shown in Figure 3, The above illuminator 10 includes a light source 17, A condenser lens 1 8 ′ that collects light from the light source 17 is provided on the two lenses 1 8, 1 1 between the liquid crystal optical shutter 2 1. The light from the light source 1 7 passes through the liquid crystal optical shutter 21, Irradiated onto the printed circuit board 1, thus, especially, Opposite to printed circuit board 1, The illuminating pattern is a stripe-shaped light pattern whose illuminance changes sinusoidally. In addition, The liquid crystal optical shutter 21 sets the phase of the light pattern at a predetermined pitch each time. Variety. In addition, According to the light emitted from the light source 17 described above, As shown in Figure 4, Not only on the surface of the solder paste 4, The wavelength of the resist film 5 is set so as to reflect it. but, In this embodiment, The light source 17 emits ultraviolet rays, such as, Using LED, UV lights, etc. Since light with a short wavelength such as ultraviolet light is easily reflected on the surface, Therefore, even a translucent object such as the resist film 5 can be reflected more reliably on its surface. In addition, The condenser lens 18 and the illumination lens 19 can transmit light of the above wavelengths, The CCD camera 1 1 can capture only ultraviolet rays. especially, The wavelength range of the above-mentioned irradiated light is set to a relatively narrow degree. general, The refraction of light when transmitted through a lens varies with the wavelength, Where the wavelength range is wide, There is a danger of color difference. In this regard, In this embodiment, By narrowing the wavelength region, Can be suppressed in irradiation, Chromatic aberrations when shooting, Get sharp images. -19- 1237684 here, The inspection procedure of the print state inspection device 8 will be described. First of all, If the printed circuit board 1 is placed on the stage 9, Then the controller 12 pairs the motor 1 5, 1 6 for drive control, Move it to the required position, The printed circuit board 1 is moved to an initial position. The initial position is, for example, With the size of the field of view of the C CD camera 1 1 as one unit, One of these positions is divided in advance on the surface of the printed circuit board 1. In addition, The controller 1 2 drives and controls the illuminator 10, Illumination of the light pattern starts. The irradiated light is on the solder paste 4, Anti-reflection of the surface of printed circuit board 1 such as uranium film 5, The reflected light is captured by a CCD camera 11. In addition, at this time, such as, At intervals of one-fourth each time, Realize the phase shift of the light pattern, Switch and control 4 kinds of light patterns in order. In addition, Like this, During the irradiation of each light pattern, The controller 12 drives and controls the CCD camera 1 1. For each light pattern, Shooting the inspection area, 4 patterns of pattern data were obtained. In addition, the controller 1 2 includes image memory, Store image data in order. Based on the stored image data, The controller 12 performs various image processes. During this image processing, Controller 1 2 to motor 1 5 1 6 Perform drive control 'to move the stage 9 to the next inspection area. The controller 1 2 will also have the image data here, Stored in image memory. on the other hand, When the image processing of the image memory is completed, Since the next image data is already stored in the image memory, Therefore, the controller 12 can quickly perform the next image processing. which is, Check on the one hand, Perform the next inspection area (m + 1) movement and image input, on the other hand, The m-th image processing and comparison judgment are performed. And then iteratively repeats the parallel processing described above Until all inspections -20- 1237684 area inspection is completed. like this, In the printing state inspection apparatus 8 of this embodiment, Through the control of the controller 1 2 Move the inspection area, Simultaneously, Image processing in order, thus, The printing state of the paste solder 4 on the printed circuit board 1 can be checked at high speed and reliably. The image processing and arithmetic processing performed by the controller 12 are as follows. And comparison judgment processing will be described. The controller 12 uses the obtained 4 screen image data, Calculate the height within the inspection area. For the light pattern projected onto the inspection area, Deviations in different phases based on height are generated. So, In controller 1 2 Using image data of each light pattern, According to the principle of the phase shift method (striping method), Calculate the height of the reflective surface. The height data obtained in this way is calculated according to the pixel unit of the shooting screen. It is stored in the memory of the controller 12. Of the height data obtained, Using the height of the area of the planar resist film 5 as the height reference of the printed circuit board 1, The height of the printed solder paste 4 printed on the printed circuit board 1 is calculated. In addition, Integrating the height of the above-mentioned paste solder 4, thus, Calculate the amount of the solder paste 4 printed. In addition, The height of the paste solder 4 obtained in this way, Comparing the amount of data with pre-stored data, Based on whether the comparison result is within the allowable range ', it is judged whether the printing state of the paste solder 4 in the inspection area is good. As detailed above, According to this embodiment, The ultraviolet rays are irradiated through the illuminator 1 ’, thus, Even if it is a translucent resist film 5, It is still possible to make light reflect on its surface. therefore, The -21--1237684 surface of the resist film 5 in the printed circuit board i on which the solder paste 4 intended to judge whether the printing state is good or not can be inspected, This surface can be used as a reference locality. As a result, 'the height of the solder paste 4 can be calculated more accurately compared with the case where the height reference is used in a region other than the same printed circuit board 1'. In addition, While measuring the height of the paste solder 4, The height of the resist film 5 can also be measured. therefore, Without having to go through a separate agency, Measure the height of the resist film or an individual height reference, Complexity of the device can be suppressed. In addition, The printing condition inspection device 8 is generally installed in a room with an indoor illuminator. general, In the house luminaire, The radiant energy of visible light is large, The radiant energy of light of a shorter wavelength used in this embodiment is sufficiently smaller than that of visible light. therefore, Even when the printed circuit board 1 is irradiated with light from the indoor illuminator, It is still difficult to generate an unfavorable situation in which images captured by the CCD camera 11 cannot be processed. and also, When exposed to visible light, Risk of creating an adverse situation, This disadvantage means that the amount of light reflected by the color of the resist film 5 becomes smaller, Unable to use recordable image data. Or, the wavelength of visible light must be changed in accordance with the color of the above-mentioned resist film 5. In this regard, In this embodiment, Since it has nothing to do with the color of the resist film 5, Surface reflection Therefore, the above-mentioned danger can be eliminated. In addition, The wavelength range of the light emitted from the illuminator 10 is as described above, Set to a narrower degree. thus, Difficult to produce chromatic aberration, No light pattern bleed out, Or the image data is blurred, Obtain sharp image data. then, The height of the paste solder 4 based on the image data can be increased, Calculation accuracy. At the same time, the light pattern does not change the wavelength of light for each light pattern, Use the same wavelength. which is, Even in the case of changing the light pattern, The refraction of light when transmitting through -22-1237684 in the lens remains unchanged. thus, It is possible to suppress the disadvantages of the deviation of the image obtained by the wavelength of the illumination. the result is, It is possible to increase the height of the solder paste 4 based on image data, Calculation accuracy. In the embodiment described above, Or for example, As follows, Appropriately change part of the composition, Implement it. Obviously, Of course, other modification examples not listed below can also be adopted. U) In the above embodiment, Radiate ultraviolet rays from the illuminator 10, but, If it can be reflected by the surface of the anti-uranium film 5, It can also be blue light. In this context, The CCD camera must be a type that can capture blue-green light. In addition, the best, The wavelength of the light radiated by the illuminator 10 is within a range of 250 nm to 430 nm. Especially preferably, the wavelength is within a range of 300 nm to 380 nm. Especially the best, This wavelength is in a range of a wavelength from 300 nm to 350 nm. In addition, Even in place of wavelengths from 25 Onm to 43 Onm, Light with a peak at a wavelength in the range of 25 Onm or more and 430 nm or less, Light with a peak at a wavelength in the range of 300 nm to 3 80 nm, Or light with a peak at a wavelength in the range of 300 nm to 3 5 Onm, The same effect can be obtained. (b) radiating ultraviolet light from the light source 12; but, The wavelength of the light reaching the printed circuit board 1 may be only a predetermined wavelength, The wavelength of the light from the light source 12 need not necessarily be a predetermined wavelength. such as, The light source is a type that emits light with a wide wavelength range having a predetermined wavelength. It may be between the illuminator 10 and the printed circuit board 1, Alternatively, a filter may be provided inside the illuminator 10 to transmit only a predetermined wavelength (only a predetermined narrow wavelength region). (c) In the above embodiment, For the wavelength region of light, The number -23- 1237684 is not specifically mentioned, but, the best, The wavelength is within 60nm, Especially within the most pay. (d) In the above embodiment, Irradiates the printed circuit board 1 with ultraviolet rays, but, In addition to this ultraviolet, Even when the light captured by other waves is only ultraviolet, It does n’t matter Obviously, The CCD camera 11 can also capture only ultraviolet rays, and it can be between the CCD camera and the printed circuit board i. Set the filter for outside transmission. (e) In the above embodiment, The number of shots is 4, but, It may be 5 or more times. (f) In the above embodiment, The case where the height and the like of the solder paste 4 on the printed circuit board 1 are specifically described. But for wafer substrates, Inspection equipment such as a mounting board. such as, On the occasion, Taking the surface of the oxide film as the reference height, Calculate welding height, shape, Volume, etc. (g) In the above embodiment, The three-dimensional measurement method uses a phase shift method. Can also use light cut method, Moire fringe method, Focusing method, Co-space coding (c 0 r d) method, Various three-dimensional designs (h) such as the lattice stripe projection method can also replace the luminaire 10 of the above embodiment, Will achieve transmission Via paste solder 4. Light of a wavelength of a surface such as the electrode pattern 3 is irradiated to the printed circuit board 1, Photograph the wavelength. which is, It can also replace the ultraviolet rays of the above embodiment, The irradiation light uses red light ’for infrared, Shoot with red light. Since light with a longer wavelength such as infrared is easily transmitted through an object, Therefore, the light of P at 30nm is a long light. . Type in this field, Just make purple three times. Also available for wafer substrate bumps: , but, Focus method, 1 定 方法。 One method. I Insect membrane 5 reflects this light and shoots infrared, And red light is relatively resistant to hamster insects-24- 1237684 film 5 translucent film occasions, Can achieve transmission. By constructing like this, As shown in Figure 5, Infrared rays are reflected by the surface of the solder paste 4, At the same time, transmission is achieved in the translucent resist film 5, Reflected by the electrode pattern 3 and the like. therefore, such as, The electrode pattern 3 can be used as the height reference, Calculate the height of the solder paste 4. In addition, Where reflected light is also obtained for the base substrate 2, The base substrate 2 may be used as a height reference. On this occasion, the best, The wavelength of the irradiated light is in a range of 680 nm to 1500 nm. In addition, It can also be a wavelength in the range of 680nm to 100nm. Or a range from 100nm to 1500nm | wavelengths in the range are also possible, also, _ In the range of 780nm to 900nm, Alternatively, a wavelength in a range of from 100 nm to 1400 nm may be used. Or instead of a wavelength in the range of 680nm to 1,500nm, Light with a peak at a wavelength in the range of 680nm to 1500nm, Light with a peak at a wavelength in the range of 680 nm to 100 nm, Light with a peak at a wavelength in the range of 100 nm to 1500 nm, Light with a peak at a wavelength in the range of 7 80 nm to 900 nm, Or light with a peak at a wavelength in the range of 1 100 nm to 1400 nm, Xin can still get the same effect. In addition, Obviously, It is also possible to follow something like (b) above, (C), (E), (F), (G) so, Implement it in a suitably changed manner. [Brief description of the drawings] FIG. 1 is a schematic composition diagram showing the composition of a printing state inspection device in a schematic manner; Figure 2 is a partial cross-sectional view of a printed circuit board; -25- 1237684 Figure 3 is a schematic composition diagram schematically showing the composition of a more specific printing state inspection device; FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram for explaining reflection of light emitted from a luminaire by a printed circuit board; The table 5 is another embodiment of the method 'used to explain the infrared radiation, The occasion of infrared light, Schematic illustration of reflection of irradiated light. [Description of component symbols] 1 Printed circuit board 2 Base substrate 4 Paste solder 5 Resist film 8 Printing condition inspection equipment 10 Illuminator 11 CCD camera 12 Controller -26-