200800454 (1) 九、發明說明 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明是關於玻璃基板及顯示器用玻璃基板,尤其是 關於平面顯示器用玻璃基板或是被用來作爲光遮罩的玻璃 基板之倒角方法及裝置。 【先前技術】 Φ 現在,顯示器用玻璃基板,尤其是液晶顯示器、電漿 顯示器、有機EL顯示器、場發射顯示器等的平面顯示器 a玻璃基板、或住宅、大樓等之建築物的玻璃窗、或是汽 車、鐵路、飛機、船舶等運輸機關等的車輛用玻璃窗等, 實際上大多數領域的開口構件是使用玻璃基板。這種玻璃 基板可使用漂浮法、熔融法或下拉法由熔融玻璃成形。而 且,可藉由對一次成形的玻璃板進行再拉加工而獲得。 尤其,在平面顯示器的製程當中,搬運這些玻璃基板 # 、或是定位時,會有因爲衝擊或機械外力而從玻璃基板的 端面破裂或缺陷的問題。例如,有時玻璃基板會因爲將玻 璃基板放在製造裝置時、或是壓接於位置對準用的插銷時 的衝擊而破裂或缺陷。 爲了解決上述課題,一直以來是對玻璃基板的端面進 行倒角處理以謀求彎曲強度及衝擊強度的提升。玻璃基板 的倒角處理一般是以砂輪去掉玻璃基板之端面的角,或是 將端面硏磨成圓角來進行。在這些情況下,爲了使玻璃基 板之端面的彎曲強度及衝擊強度更爲提升,最好是以接近 -5- 200800454 (2) 鏡面的狀態加以硏磨,但是這需要相當長的時間,因此在 適當的粗細號數(例如#5 00 )就會使倒角處理結束。 又,本方法是用力固定玻璃基板,然後藉由砂輪進行 倒角處理,因此有倒角處理會非常耗時的問題。再者,玻 璃基板會因爲藉由硏磨而被去除的玻璃粉末或是硏磨料漿 等而受到污染,因此必須仔細進行洗淨。 就其他倒角方法而言,提案一種使用碳酸氣體(C〇2 φ )雷射的倒角方法(專利文獻1〜5 )。此方法是利用碳酸 氣體雷射使被切斷的玻璃基板的邊緣熔融變圓,因此能以 基接觸方式並且快速地執行倒角處理,但是卻有專利文獻 並未記載之於玻璃基板邊緣週邊會殘留強大應力的重大問 題。 前述應力通常以在玻璃基板之邊緣的長邊方向產生的 拉伸應力的情況較多,不僅會使玻璃基板的邊緣強度降低 ,若要再切斷已經過倒角處理的玻璃基板,裂痕的進展會 Φ 因爲此應力而被打亂,並且產生無法照著切線切斷的問題 〇 日本發明專利第26 1 2322號公報提案了 一種對加熱至 直逼軟化溫度的玻璃基板以雷射光線照射進行倒角處理的 方法,但是本方法必須加熱保持整個玻璃基板,在目前大 型玻璃基板的倒角處理當中不易實現裝置化,而且從加熱 到徐冷爲止的時間過長。而且,在加工成顯示面板的玻璃 基板的倒角處理當中,如果對全體加熱,耐熱性低的構件 恐怕會遭到破壞,並不理想。 -6 - 200800454 (3) 曰本特開平2-48426號公報揭示了一種利用雷射光線 照射的玻璃基板之倒角方法,但是關於殘留應力的問題完 全沒有記載,而且關於解決方法也沒有記載。 國際專利 W02003-0 1 5976號公報記載了一種以橢圓 狀的雷射光束預熱及加熱玻璃基板而進行倒角處理,再以 橢圓雷射光束進行退火並降低殘留應力的方法。然而,關 於如何藉由本方法實際降低玻璃基板之殘留應力卻沒有記 φ 載。 日本發明專利第3 3 8 7645號公報揭示了 一種對液晶面 舨之玻璃基板端部的電極形成面側邊緣,聚光照射碳酸氣 體雷射光線而去除短路電極,並且使玻璃基板的角熔融而 同時進行線倒角之處理的方法。然而,本方法並未記載將 玻璃基板的所有邊緣加工成曲面形狀的方法。而且,關於 殘留應力的問題完全未受到考慮,關於其解決方法也並未 揭示。 # 日本發明專利第3 1 29 1 53號公報揭示了 一種將玻璃基 板熱割斷後進行倒角處理的方法。然而,本方法是從基板 面上方向照射雷射光線並進行熱割斷,並且立刻進行倒角 處理,但是前述熱割斷方法,在裂痕前端到達基板端面之 前,玻璃基板並不會分開。因此,即使在基板分開前照射 倒角處理用的碳酸氣體雷射光束,也只能對上面進行倒角 處理,而且以熔融溫度使其接近割斷部的玻璃時,割斷面 很有可能再度焊接。因此,本方法並無法使用在玻璃基板 之R倒角處理。而且,本方法也完全未考慮到殘留應力的 200800454 (4) 問題,關於其解決方法也並未揭示。 專利文獻1 :日本發明專利第2612322號公報 專利文獻2:日本特開平2-48423號公報 專利文獻3 :國際專利WO2003-0 1 5976號公報 專利文獻4 :日本發明專利第33 87645號公報 專利文獻5 :日本發明專利第3 1 2 9 1 5 3號公報 φ 【發明內容】 [發明所欲解決之課題] 本發明是鑒於上述情況而硏創者,其目的在於提供一 種可使玻璃基板及顯示器用玻璃基板,尤其是平面顯示器 用玻璃基板或是被用來作爲遮光罩的玻璃基板之端面的彎 曲強度及衝擊強度提升,以防止平面顯示器製程當中的玻 璃基板之破裂或缺陷,並且使生產性提升的新穎的玻璃基 板之倒角方法及裝置。 [用以解決課題之手段] 爲了達成前述目的,本發明提供一種玻璃基板之倒角 方法’是利用雷射光線之照射的玻璃基板之倒角方法,其 特徵爲:對玻璃基板的端面照射至少一束雷射光線,同時 以冷卻氣體對前述玻璃基板的雷射光線照射部進行送風。 本發明當中,前述雷射光線的照射角度相對於前述玻 璃基板之端面的垂直方向,於前述端面的長邊方向最好爲 7〇°以內,並且於板厚方向爲70°以內。 200800454 (5) 本發明當中,前述冷卻氣體的送風方向相對於前述玻 璃基板之端面的垂直方向,於前述端面的長邊方向最好爲 70°以內,並且於板厚方向爲45°以內。 本發明當中,前述冷卻氣體的風速在雷射光線照射部 最好爲風速lm /秒〜200m /秒。 又,本發明當中,於前述玻璃基板之端面,以連結雷 射光線照射部剖面之能量密度分布爲最大的1 /e2 ( e爲自 φ 然對數之底。以下相同。)之部分的曲線所包圍的面之前 述玻璃基板之端面的長邊方向的寬度爲 W( mm),前述 射光線與前述玻璃基板的相對掃描速度爲U(mm/s)時 ,貝IJ 以 WS0.15xU + 2 爲佳,又以 0.02$WS0.15xU + 2 更佳 〇 又,本發明當中,於前述玻璃基板之端面,以前述雷 射光線照射部剖面之總瓦數/照射面積所定義的平均功率 密度爲 P ( W/mm2 )時,則以(0.5XU + 0.2 ) /0.7/ ( 〇·15χ _ U + 2 ) SPS (lOxU + 1 0 ) /0.005xUx0.7 爲佳,又以(4xU ) /0.7/ ( 0.15xU + 2) SPg ( 10xU + 1 0 ) /0.005xUx0.7 更佳。 又,本發明當中,在對前述玻璃基板的端面照射前述 雷射光線之前,最好先預熱前述玻璃基板的端面。 又,掃描前述雷射光線的速度相對於玻璃基板最好胃 0 · 1 〜2 0 0 m m / 秒。 又’則述雷射光線的波長最好是3〜1 1 μ m。 又,前述雷射光線相對於玻璃基板最好是朝玻璃® ® 之端面的厚度方向收斂。 -9- 200800454 (6) 本發明適合在連續性地供應熔融玻璃並利用漂浮法製 造玻璃基板的生產線當中,連續性地進行玻璃基板之倒角 的情況。 又,本發明提供一種玻璃基板之倒角裝置,是進行一 種照射雷射光束之前述記載的玻璃基板之倒角方法的玻璃 基板之倒角裝置,其特徵爲具備有:對玻璃的端面照射至 少一束雷射光線的機構;以及以冷卻氣體對前述玻璃基板 • 的雷射光線照射部進行送風的機構。 [發明效果] 根據本發明之方法及裝置,可提供一種玻璃基板及顯 示器用玻璃基板,尤其是平面顯示器用玻璃基板或是被用 來作爲遮光罩之經過倒角處理的玻璃基板,以防止平面顯 示器製程當中的玻璃基板之破裂或缺陷,使生產性提升。 【實施方式】 以下,根據所附圖面,針對本發明之玻璃基板之倒角 方法及裝置的較佳實施形態加以詳細說明。 要以本發明進行倒角處理的玻璃基板以玻璃基板及顯 示器用玻璃基板,尤其是平面顯示器用玻璃基板或是被用 來作爲遮光罩之厚度〇.〇5〜7mm的玻璃基板爲佳。更佳爲 ,變形點爲610°C〜690X:,且軟化點爲 93 0T:〜1 000T:,厚 度0.0 5〜1 m m的液晶用玻璃基板。本發明之方法當中,只 要是可藉由照射雷射基板使表面平滑化的溫度,則構成玻 -10- 200800454 (7) 璃基板的玻璃材料沒有特別的限定。因此,本發明之方法 可適用於幾乎所有的玻璃材料。 要進行倒角處理的玻璃基板之端面在大多的情況下, 是藉由輪片或金剛石的玻璃切割器形成裂痕,並利用彎曲 應力將其割斷、或是對於深入玻璃板之一部分的裂痕,以 碳酸氣體雷射或YAG雷射以及燃燒器等,利用在加熱玻 璃基板時所產生的熱應力,使裂痕伸展而割斷玻璃。又, φ 亦可爲藉由固定有金剛石等之硏磨粒的圓盤狀刀片加以切 斷的端面、藉由磨石對於前述各種被切斷的玻璃端面進行 ,,硏削的端面、以漂浮法或熔融法等製造中的玻璃板的端面 、或是藉由加壓法加工的玻璃之端面。 第1圖是說明本發明之倒角方法的槪略立體圖,第2 圖是說明本發明之倒角方法的槪略平面圖,以及第3圖是 說明本發明之倒角方法的槪略側面圖。 如第1〜3圖所示,將雷射光線3相對於玻璃基板1之 # 端面2的垂直方向以預定的角度照射,同時從冷卻噴嘴5 以冷卻氣體6對前述照射部進行送風,藉此進行玻璃基板 1之端面2的倒角處理。利用本方法之倒角的原理如以下 所述。 由於雷射光線3之照射以致熔融的玻璃基板1之端面 2附近的玻璃會因爲冷卻氣體6的送風立刻受到冷卻,從 已熔融的玻璃基板1之端面2散逸至外部氣體的熱會屬大 ,傳導至玻璃基板1內部的熱量相對會大大地減少。而且 ,由於傳熱而從玻璃基板1之端面2傳達至內部的熱’在 -11 - 200800454 (8) 雷射光線照射部4附近,前述端面2以外之 面也會受到風冷,因此玻璃基板1本身會變 到加熱。因此,玻璃基板1之端面2附近的 會被抑制得很薄,而且殘留應力也會被控制 玻璃基板1不會被破壞,要再切斷玻璃基板 成不良的影響。 照射前述雷射光線3的方向相對於玻璃 φ 2的垂直方向,即雷射光線中心線3 C之前 邊方向的角度A最好在士 70°以內,並且相 屈角度B最好在±70°以內。前述角度A比 7 0°小時,玻璃基板1之端面2當中的雷射 方向的剖面的寬度W會變得過寬,很可會g 望的寬度。又,前述角度B比70°大或是 不照射端面2之雷射光線3的其餘部分的影 且經過倒角處理的端面2的表面側與背面側 _ 大的差異。更佳爲,前述角度A在士60。以 角度B在:t50c以內,又更佳爲,前述角度 ,並且前述角度B在士30°以內。 進行送風的冷卻氣體6的送風方向相飼 板1之端面2的垂直方向,即冷卻氣體之弓 述端面2的長邊方向的角度C最好在±70° 向的角度D最好在±45 °以內。前述角度C 比-70°小時,冷卻氣體6吹送至雷射光線照 減少,因此必須使送風噴嘴5接近玻璃基柩 玻璃基板1的 得更不容易受 熔融部的厚度 得很低,因此 1時也不會造 基板1之端面 述端面2的長 對於板厚方向 7 〇 °大或是比-光線3之長邊 無法形成所希 比-7 0 °小時, i響會變大,而 丨的曲面可產生 內,並且前述 A在± 5 0 °以內 f於前述玻璃基 11心線6 C之前 以內,板厚方 比7〇°大或是 :射部4的量會 € 1,因而裝置 -12- 200800454 (9) 設置的自由度會減少。又,前述角度D於板厚方向比45。 大或是比-45°小時,在玻璃基板1的面會承受很大的風壓 ’玻璃基板1的位置很可能會偏移。更佳爲,前述角度C 在:t60°以內,並且前述角度D在±35°以內,又更佳爲前 述角度C在:t50°以內,並且前述角度D在士20。以內。 又’冷卻氣體6的風速在雷射光線照射部4最好是風 速lm/秒〜200m/秒。前述風速比lm/秒小時,從玻璃基板 Φ 1的端面2散逸至外部空氣的熱會變小,而不易將熱傳導 至玻璃基板1內部。因此,玻璃基板1的熔融部及應力產 生部的體積會變大,以致對於玻璃強度及切斷特性造成影 響。前述風速比200m/秒大時,送風裝置將不易以大規模 實現,而且恐怕會因爲風壓而導致玻璃基板1的位置偏移 。而且,來自玻璃基板1之端面2之散逸至外部氣體的熱 會變大,使玻璃基板1之端面2熔融所需的雷射功率會變 大,因而需要高輸出的雷射裝置,並不實際。冷卻氣體6 ® 的風速更佳爲2〜150m/秒,又更佳爲5〜100m/秒。 此外,冷卻氣體6並沒有特別的限定,但最好是不會 因爲雷射光線3而燃燒或分解的氣體。例如,從環境及處 理的觀點來看,乾燥空氣特別理想。 雷射光線3於玻璃基板1之端面2,以連結雷射光線 照射部4剖面之能量密度分布爲最大的1 /e2之部分的曲線 所包圍的面之前述玻璃基板1之端面2的長邊方向的寬度 爲W ( mm ),前述雷射光線3與前述玻璃基板1之相對 掃描速度爲U ( mm/s)時,則以WS0.15XU + 2爲佳。前述 -13- 200800454 (10) 寬度W比0.15x11 + 2大時,玻璃基板1之殘留應力的値會 變大,而且殘留應力層的厚度會變厚,因而可能使玻璃基 板1的邊緣強度降低。將以前述寬度W比0.15 xU + 2大的 條件經過倒角處理的玻璃基板1,使藉由玻璃切割器等所 形成的裂痕伸展而加以切斷時,裂痕會從切斷預定線偏離 而無法正確地切割。然而,前述寬度W由於波動光學的 繞射界線,只能縮小至光的波長程度,而且有鑒於作業性 • ,必須充分確保聚光透鏡與玻璃基板的距離,因此從實用 的觀點來看,前述寬度W會被限制在20μηι以上。因此, 、激佳爲 0.0 2SWS0.15XU + 2,更佳爲 0.025SWS0.15X U+1.5,又更佳爲 0.03SWS0.15XU + 1。 又,雷射光線3於玻璃基板1之端面,以前述雷射光 線照射部4之斷面的總瓦數/照射面積所定義的平均功率 密度爲P ( W/mm2 )時,從爲了進行平滑之倒角的觀點以 及防止玻璃基板1之端面2由於加熱所導致的變形、由於 ® 特定元素昇華所導致的玻璃品質之劣化、及玻璃的蒸發的 觀點來看,則以(0.5xU + 0.2) /0.7/(0.15xU + 2) ^ ( lOxU+ 1 0 ) /0.005xUx0.7 爲佳。又更佳爲 P 在(0·5χυ + 0·2 )/0.7/ ( 0.15xU+1.5)以上,最佳爲(〇.5xU + 0.2) /0.7/ ( 0.15xUxl)以上。尤以(4xU) /0.7/(0.15xU + 2)以上爲 佳。又,更佳爲 P 在(lOxU+ 1 0 ) /0.005xU/0.7x0.01 以下 ’最佳爲(lOxU+ 1 0 ) /0.005xU/0.7x0.02 以下。 雷射光線3相對於玻璃基板1,最好是以速度 0.1〜200mm/秒相對進行掃描。若比0.1 mm/秒慢,生產性 -14- 200800454 (11) 會變差,若比200mm/秒快,爲了獲得所需的功率,便需 要大輸出的雷射裝置,並不實際,而且,玻璃基板1的端 面2無法充分受到加熱,而可能無法獲得平滑的端面2。 前述掃描速度更佳爲0.5〜180mm/秒,又更佳爲1〜150mm/ 秒。 亦可在對玻璃基板1的端面2照射雷射光線3之前, 預熱前述玻璃基板1的端面2。一旦進行預熱,由於照射 • 雷射光線3的照射部4之急遽的溫度變化所導致的玻璃基 板1之破裂的疑慮會減少,而可增加雷射光線3與玻璃基 、飯1的相對掃描速度。預熱亦可加熱整個玻璃基板1,但 由於生產性會降低,因此不太理想。預熱方法並沒有特別 的限定,但是以利用使用了電阻發熱體或電熱線的加熱器 、高強度燈泡、或是碳酸氣體雷射等局部加熱玻璃基板1 之端面2的表層部爲佳。此外,藉由預熱而到達的最高溫 度爲玻璃基板1之溫度不會超過玻璃基板的變形點。 ® 雷射光線3最好是使用波長3〜Ιΐμπι的雷射光線3。 若波長比3微米短,玻璃並無法吸收雷射光線3,因而可 能無法充分加熱玻璃基板1的端面2。又,前述波長比 1 1 μηι長的情況下,雷射裝置不容易取得,並不實際。更 佳爲波長4〜10·9μπι,又更佳爲波長9〜108μηι。 雷射光源並不特別限定於振盪形態,亦可爲連續振盪 光(CW光)或是脈衝振盪光' 連續振盪光的調變光(以 ΟΝ/OFF調變連續振盪光,並給予周期性的強度變化)任 一種。然而’在脈衝振盪光以及連續振盪光的調變光的情 -15- 200800454 (12) 況下,如果雷射光線3的相對掃描速度U很慢,於掃描方 向很可能會發生倒角形狀的不均。在該情況下,振盪及調 變的週期以及雷射光線3與玻璃基板1之相對掃描速度的 乘積最好在玻璃基板1之厚度的一半以下。 例如,C02雷射之振動波長10.6μπι的雷射光線最爲 普通,尤其理想。照射此波長區域之雷射光線3的情況下 ,雷射光線3的大部分會被玻璃基板1所吸收,而可使照 φ 射雷射光線3之部位的溫度上升至軟化溫度以上。 又,最好以相對於玻璃基板1朝玻璃基板之端面的厚 渡方向收斂的方式照射雷射光線3。在雷射光線3於玻璃 基板之端面的厚度方向發散的情況下,當玻璃基板1之端 面2的部分由於熔融而變圓之後,照射部4之相對於玻璃 基板1之端面2之板厚方向端邊附近的光線的入射角會變 大,因此會變得不易吸收雷射光線3的能量,以致加熱變 得不夠充分。該結果,前述部分的熔融會變得不充分,而 ^ 有缺陷殘留,並且可能導致邊緣強度降低。 根據本發明之方法,原則上要在玻璃基板1的倒角部 完全避免應力的產生是有困難的,但由於是藉由熱使玻璃 基板1之端面2的裂痕熔融並加以去除,因此可確保與過 去利用硏削的倒角玻璃基板1同等的強度,關於實用的強 度也沒有問題。又,關於以雙折射爲代表的光學問題,關 於一般用途,例如平面顯示器,像素來到玻璃端部完全沒 有問題,若是需要,只要使玻璃基板1全體徐冷,便可容 易去除殘留應力。 -16 - 200800454 (13) 就利用本發明的裝置而言,例如具備爲了利用凸透鏡 或圓柱透鏡等使從至少一束雷射光線的產生裝置射出的雷 射光線形成所希望的斷面形狀,並以相對於玻璃基板之端 面形成所希望之相對速度的方式照射此光線的機構,並且 具備同時以冷卻空氣對雷射光線照射部進行送風的機構, 藉此便構成可獲得完成所希望之倒角處理的玻璃基板的裝 置。 φ 第4圖(a)〜(c)是本發明之玻璃基板的倒角裝置 之例的槪念圖。第4圖(a)是雷射光線照射裝置7爲固 定,並且朝Η方向運運玻璃基板,藉此使兩者相對移動的 例子。如第4圖(a )所示,本裝置是由:將玻璃基板1 以正確定位的狀態加以搬運的裝置(未圖示)、雷射光線 3的產生裝置(未圖示)、控制雷射光線3的斷面形狀, 並且照射在玻璃基板1之端面2的雷射光線照射裝置7、 將雷射光線3從產生裝置傳送至雷射光線照射裝置7的裝 # 置(未圖示)、冷卻氣體的送風噴嘴5所構成。此外,省 略了電源或送風機(壓縮機等)、控制雷射光線3之輸出 或冷卻氣體6之風量的裝置等的記載。 如此,由於驅動部少,因此裝置會是非常簡單的構成 。此外,倒角亦可一個端面一個端面地進行,但是亦可如 第4圖(a)所示,同時進行與玻璃基板1之搬運方向Η 平行的兩端面2。 第4圖(b )是將雷射光線照射裝置7固定在要連續 成形的玻璃基板之製造裝置而使兩者相對移動的例子。如 -17- 200800454 (14) 此,亦可在連續性地供應熔融玻璃並利用漂浮法或熔融法 等的製造生產線中,連續性地進行玻璃基板的倒角處理。 一旦可在這種製造生產線中進行倒角處理,便可減少如以 往在連續成形的玻璃基板製造生產線,暫時將玻璃基板堆 載於中間托板等,並再度投入下一個步驟之倒角生產線的 步驟,且可謀求設備及步驟的有效率化。再者,由於處理 倒角前之玻璃基板的步驟會減少,因此可降低由於端面強 φ 度弱所導致的破裂或缺陷。此外’倒角處理亦可一個端面 一個端面地進行,但是如第4圖(b )所示,亦可同時進 行與玻璃基板1之移動方向I平行的兩端面。 第4圖(c)是將玻璃基板1固定’然後掃描雷射光 線照射裝置7及送風噴嘴5,藉此使兩者相對移動的例子 。倒角處理亦可一個端面一個端面地進彳了,但是如第4圖 (c )所示,亦可同時進行與雷射光線照射裝置7及送風 噴嘴5之搬運方向J平行的兩端面2。又,亦可同時進行 Φ 四個端面。 如此,本發明之裝置,雷射光線與玻璃基板的相對運 動可搬運玻璃基板1來進行,亦可掃描雷射光線照射裝置 7及送風噴嘴5來進行。又,雷射光線照射裝置7可有複 數個,亦可藉由複數個雷射光線照射裝置7同時進行倒角 處理。爲了簡化裝置,亦可使送風噴嘴5及雷射光線照射 裝置7 —體化。 實施例 -18 - 200800454 (15) 以下根據實施例,更詳細地說明本發明。 如第1圖所示,實施了本實施例之玻璃基板的倒角測 試。測試用玻璃基板1是以下述條件準備了藉由輪片切割 刀割斷的液晶顯示器用玻璃基板。 A:長 12cm、寬 2.5cm、厚 0.7mm B :長 12cm、寬 2.5cm、厚 0.5mm _ C:長 12cm、寬 2.5cm、厚 0.5mm D:長 12cm、寬 2.5cm、厚 0.5mm E:長 12cm、寬 2.5cm、厚 0.5mm F :長 12cm、寬 2.5cm、厚 0.5mm G :長 5cm、寬 0.5cm、厚 0.3mm 在此,C及F的玻璃基板是藉由#5 0 0的硏削輪再度對 端面進行倒角處理而形成曲率半徑約爲〇.25mm。又,A〜F # 的玻璃基板是液晶顯示器用玻璃基板(商品名AN 100、旭 硝子株式會社製),玻璃基板G是液晶顯示器用玻璃基板 (商品名〇 A -1 0、日本電氣硝子株式會社製)。 例1是使用上述玻璃基板A,如第1圖所示,對於此 玻璃基板1的端面,使用波長10.6微米的連續振盪的碳 酸氣體雷射裝置(雷射振盪形態爲CW光)、球面透鏡及 圓柱透鏡(未圖示),於前述玻璃基板1之端面2,以連 結前述雷射光線照射部4之斷面的總瓦數Q爲1 8 W、雷射 光線3之玻璃基板1之端面2的雷射光線照射部4之斷面 -19- 200800454 (16) 的能量密度分布爲最大的1 /e2之部分的曲線所包圍的面之 前述玻璃基板之端面的長邊方向的寬度W爲0.1mm,板厚 方向的高度Η爲3.5mm的大致橢圓形狀的方式照射雷射 光線3。此時之由總瓦數/照射面積所定義的平均功率密度 P爲大約5 1 W/mm2。此外,前述雷射光線3是相對於玻璃 基板1之端面2的垂直方向,於前述端面2之長邊方向的 照射角度A爲0°照射,於板厚方向之照射角度A爲0° φ 照射。 又,藉由送風噴嘴5,以乾燥空氣作爲冷卻氣體6, 凃卻氣體6相對於玻璃基板1之端面2的垂直方向,會使 前述端面之長邊方向的送風角度C形成40° ,使板厚方向 的送風角度D形成0 °的方式調整冷卻送風噴嘴5的位置 及方向。冷卻氣體6的風速S在玻璃基板1的端面大約爲 25m/秒。 玻璃基板1是於前述玻璃基板1之端面2的長邊方向 φ ,一面照射雷射光線3,一面以雷射光線3與玻璃基板1 的相對掃描速度爲2mm/秒進行掃描。 又,使用所準備的B〜G的玻璃基板,除了將以下條 件如表1所示進行變更之外,其餘皆與例1相同而實施了 例2〜7的倒角處理。此外,例6當中的預熱是另外再準備 一個波長0.6微米之連續振盪的碳酸氣體雷射裝置(雷射 振盪形態爲CW光),從上述雷射光線3的照射中心,於 玻璃基板的長邊方向在13mm上游,從邊緣朝裡頭的方向 ,在7mm的玻璃基板上面,以19W的輸出照射而進行玻 -20- 200800454 (17) 璃基板1之端面2的預熱,使雷射光線之玻璃基板上面的 剖面於板的長邊方向形成30mm,於寬度方向形成1 0mm 的大致橢圓形狀。 將測試條件顯示於表1。 [表1] 例1 例2 例3 例4 例5 例6 例7 玻璃基板 A B C D E F G Q ( W) 18 30 20 3 1 3 1 16 15 W ( mm ) 0.1 0.5 0.1 2.7 0.0 2 0.0 2 0.1 H ( mm ) 3.5 3.5 3.5 2 3.5 3.5 3.5 P(W/mm2) 5 1 24 9 6 8.5 740 380 7 7 C ( 〇 ) 40 40 40 4 0 40 4 0 0 D ( 〇 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S ( m/秒) 25 50 25 35 50 35 25 U ( m m / 秒) 2 5 2 5 10 10 5200800454 (1) EMBODIMENT OF THE INVENTION [Technical Field] The present invention relates to a glass substrate and a glass substrate for a display, and more particularly to a glass substrate for a flat display or a chamfer of a glass substrate used as a light mask Method and device. [Prior Art] Φ Now, glass substrates for displays, especially flat panel displays such as liquid crystal displays, plasma displays, organic EL displays, field emission displays, or glass windows of buildings, buildings, buildings, etc., or Glass windows for vehicles such as automobiles, railways, airplanes, and ships, etc., in fact, most of the openings in the field use glass substrates. Such a glass substrate can be formed from molten glass using a floatation method, a melting method, or a down-draw method. Moreover, it can be obtained by re-drawing a once-formed glass plate. In particular, in the process of a flat panel display, when the glass substrate # is transported or positioned, there is a problem of cracking or defects from the end surface of the glass substrate due to impact or mechanical external force. For example, sometimes the glass substrate may be broken or defective due to the impact when the glass substrate is placed on the manufacturing apparatus or when it is crimped to the plug for alignment. In order to solve the above problems, the end surface of the glass substrate has been chamfered to improve the bending strength and the impact strength. The chamfering treatment of the glass substrate is generally carried out by removing the corners of the end faces of the glass substrates by grinding wheels or by honing the end faces into rounded corners. In these cases, in order to improve the bending strength and impact strength of the end surface of the glass substrate, it is preferable to honing in a state close to the mirror surface of -5 - 200800454 (2), but this takes a relatively long time, so The appropriate thickness number (for example, #5 00) will end the chamfering process. Further, in this method, the glass substrate is fixed by force and then chamfered by a grinding wheel, so that chamfering treatment is very time consuming. Further, the glass substrate is contaminated by glass powder or honing slurry which is removed by honing, and must be carefully washed. As for other chamfering methods, a chamfering method using a carbon dioxide gas (C〇2 φ ) laser has been proposed (Patent Documents 1 to 5). In this method, the edge of the cut glass substrate is melted and rounded by the carbon dioxide gas laser, so that the chamfering treatment can be performed in a base contact manner and quickly, but there is a patent document which does not describe the periphery of the glass substrate. A major problem with strong residual stress. The stress is usually in the case of tensile stress generated in the longitudinal direction of the edge of the glass substrate, and the edge strength of the glass substrate is not deteriorated. If the glass substrate which has been chamfered is to be cut again, the crack progresses. Φ is disturbed by this stress, and there is a problem that it cannot be cut according to the tangential line. Japanese Patent No. 26 1 2322 proposes a method of irradiating a glass substrate heated to a direct softening temperature with laser light. The method of the angular treatment, but the method must heat and hold the entire glass substrate, and it is not easy to realize the device in the chamfering treatment of the large-sized glass substrate, and the time from heating to freezing is too long. Further, in the chamfering treatment of the glass substrate processed into the display panel, if the whole is heated, the member having low heat resistance may be damaged, which is not preferable. -6 - 200800454 (3) A method of chamfering a glass substrate irradiated with laser light is disclosed in Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. Hei No. 2-48426. However, the problem of residual stress is not described at all, and the solution is not described. International Patent Publication No. WO2003-0 1 5976 describes a method in which an elliptical laser beam is preheated and heated to heat a glass substrate, and then subjected to chamfering treatment, and then annealed by an elliptical laser beam to reduce residual stress. However, there is no record of how to effectively reduce the residual stress of the glass substrate by this method. Japanese Patent No. 3 3 8 7645 discloses an electrode forming surface side edge of a glass substrate end portion of a liquid crystal surface, condensing and irradiating a carbon dioxide gas to remove a short-circuit electrode, and melting the corner of the glass substrate. The method of processing the line chamfer at the same time. However, this method does not describe a method of processing all edges of a glass substrate into a curved shape. Moreover, the problem of residual stress has not been considered at all, and its solution has not been disclosed. # Japanese Patent No. 3 1 29 1 53 discloses a method of chamfering a glass substrate after hot cutting. However, in this method, laser light is irradiated from the surface of the substrate and thermally cut, and chamfering is performed immediately. However, in the above thermal cutting method, the glass substrate is not separated until the front end of the crack reaches the end surface of the substrate. Therefore, even if the carbon dioxide laser beam for chamfering treatment is irradiated before the separation of the substrate, the upper surface can only be chamfered, and when the melting temperature is brought close to the glass of the cut portion, the cut surface is likely to be welded again. Therefore, this method cannot use the R chamfering treatment on the glass substrate. Moreover, this method does not consider the 200800454 (4) problem of residual stress at all, and the solution is not disclosed. Patent Document 1: Japanese Patent Publication No. 2612322 Patent Document 2: Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. Hei 2-48423 Patent Document 3: International Patent No. WO2003-0 1 5976 Patent Document 4: Japanese Invention Patent No. 33 87645 Patent Literature 5: Japanese Patent No. 3 1 2 9 1 5 3 [Disclosed] The present invention has been made in view of the above circumstances, and an object thereof is to provide a glass substrate and a display. The glass substrate, in particular, the glass substrate for a flat display or the end surface of the glass substrate used as a hood is improved in bending strength and impact strength to prevent cracking or defects of the glass substrate in the flat display process, and to make productivity A novel method and apparatus for chamfering a novel glass substrate. [Means for Solving the Problems] In order to achieve the above object, the present invention provides a method for chamfering a glass substrate, which is a method for chamfering a glass substrate by irradiation of laser light, characterized in that at least an end surface of the glass substrate is irradiated A laser beam is irradiated to the laser beam irradiation portion of the glass substrate with a cooling gas. In the present invention, the irradiation angle of the laser light is preferably within 7 Å in the longitudinal direction of the end surface and within 70° in the thickness direction of the end surface of the glass substrate. In the present invention, the direction in which the cooling gas is blown is preferably within 70° of the longitudinal direction of the end surface and within 45° of the thickness direction of the end surface of the glass substrate. In the present invention, the wind speed of the cooling gas is preferably a wind speed of lm / sec to 200 m / sec in the laser beam irradiation portion. Further, in the present invention, in the end surface of the glass substrate, a curve in which the energy density distribution of the cross section of the laser beam irradiation portion is the largest is 1 / e2 (e is the bottom of the φ logarithm. The same applies hereinafter). The width of the end surface of the glass substrate on the surrounded surface is W (mm), and when the relative scanning speed of the incident light and the glass substrate is U (mm/s), the shell IJ is WS0.15xU + 2 Preferably, it is further preferably 0.02$WS0.15xU + 2. In the present invention, the average power density defined by the total wattage/irradiation area of the cross section of the laser beam irradiation portion is P on the end surface of the glass substrate. (W/mm2), then (0.5XU + 0.2) /0.7/ ( 〇·15χ _ U + 2 ) SPS (lOxU + 1 0 ) /0.005xUx0.7 is better, and (4xU ) /0.7/ (0.15xU + 2) SPg (10xU + 1 0 ) / 0.005xUx0.7 is better. Further, in the invention, it is preferable to preheat the end surface of the glass substrate before irradiating the end surface of the glass substrate with the laser light. Further, the speed of scanning the aforementioned laser light is preferably 0 · 1 to 2 0 m m / sec with respect to the glass substrate. Further, the wavelength of the laser light is preferably 3 to 1 1 μm. Further, it is preferable that the laser light converges toward the thickness direction of the end surface of the glass ® ® with respect to the glass substrate. -9- 200800454 (6) The present invention is suitable for continuously chamfering a glass substrate in a production line in which molten glass is continuously supplied and a glass substrate is produced by a floating method. Moreover, the present invention provides a chamfering device for a glass substrate, which is a glass substrate chamfering device for irradiating a laser beam according to the above-described method for chamfering a glass substrate, characterized in that the end surface of the glass is irradiated with at least a mechanism for emitting a beam of light; and means for blowing the portion of the laser beam irradiated by the glass substrate with a cooling gas. [Effect of the Invention] According to the method and apparatus of the present invention, a glass substrate and a glass substrate for a display, in particular, a glass substrate for a flat display or a chamfered glass substrate used as a hood can be provided to prevent a flat surface. The cracking or defect of the glass substrate in the display process improves productivity. [Embodiment] Hereinafter, preferred embodiments of a chamfering method and apparatus for a glass substrate according to the present invention will be described in detail based on the drawings. The glass substrate to be chamfered by the present invention is preferably a glass substrate for a glass substrate or a display, particularly a glass substrate for a flat display, or a glass substrate having a thickness of 遮光. 5 to 7 mm. More preferably, the glass substrate for liquid crystal is 610 ° C to 690 X: and the softening point is 93 0 T: 〜1 000 T: and the thickness is 0.0 5 to 1 m m. In the method of the present invention, the glass material constituting the glass substrate is not particularly limited as long as it is a temperature at which the surface can be smoothed by irradiating the laser substrate. Therefore, the method of the present invention is applicable to almost all glass materials. In many cases, the end face of the glass substrate to be chamfered is formed by a glass cutter of a wheel or a diamond, and is cut by bending stress or cracked into a part of the glass plate. A carbon dioxide gas laser or a YAG laser, a burner, etc., use a thermal stress generated when a glass substrate is heated to stretch the crack and cut the glass. Further, φ may be an end surface cut by a disk-shaped blade to which honing grains such as diamond are fixed, and the end face of the glass to be cut by the grindstone may be floated. An end surface of a glass plate manufactured by a method such as a method or a melting method, or an end surface of a glass processed by a press method. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 is a schematic perspective view showing a chamfering method of the present invention, Fig. 2 is a schematic plan view showing a chamfering method of the present invention, and Fig. 3 is a schematic side view showing a chamfering method of the present invention. As shown in FIGS. 1 to 3, the laser beam 3 is irradiated with a predetermined angle with respect to the vertical direction of the end surface 2 of the glass substrate 1, and the illuminating portion is blown from the cooling nozzle 5 by the cooling gas 6. The chamfering process of the end surface 2 of the glass substrate 1 is performed. The principle of chamfering using the method is as follows. Due to the irradiation of the laser light 3, the glass in the vicinity of the end face 2 of the molten glass substrate 1 is immediately cooled by the blowing of the cooling gas 6, and the heat dissipated from the end face 2 of the molten glass substrate 1 to the outside air is large. The amount of heat conducted to the inside of the glass substrate 1 is relatively reduced. Further, the heat transmitted from the end surface 2 of the glass substrate 1 to the inside due to heat transfer is in the vicinity of the laser light irradiation portion 4, and the surface other than the end surface 2 is also air-cooled, so the glass substrate is 1 itself will change to heat. Therefore, the vicinity of the end surface 2 of the glass substrate 1 is suppressed to be thin, and the residual stress is also controlled. The glass substrate 1 is not broken, and the glass substrate is cut again to have an adverse effect. The angle A of the direction in which the foregoing laser beam 3 is irradiated with respect to the vertical direction of the glass φ 2, that is, the direction of the front side of the center line 3 C of the laser beam is preferably within 70°, and the angle B of the bend is preferably ±70°. Within. When the angle A is smaller than 70°, the width W of the cross section in the laser direction between the end faces 2 of the glass substrate 1 becomes too wide, and the width can be expected. Further, the angle B is larger than 70° or the remaining portion of the laser beam 3 that does not illuminate the end face 2, and the surface side and the back side _ of the chamfered end face 2 are greatly different. More preferably, the aforementioned angle A is at 60. The angle B is within: t50c, and more preferably, the aforementioned angle, and the aforementioned angle B is within 30 degrees. The vertical direction of the end face 2 of the air supply direction of the cooling gas 6 for supplying air, that is, the angle C of the longitudinal direction of the end face 2 of the cooling gas is preferably ±70°, and the angle D is preferably ±45. Within ° °. When the angle C is smaller than -70°, the cooling gas 6 is blown to the laser light, so that it is necessary to make the air blowing nozzle 5 close to the glass-based glass substrate 1 to be less susceptible to the thickness of the molten portion, so 1 hour Also, the length of the end face 2 of the substrate 1 is not as large as 7 〇° in the plate thickness direction or the longer than the long side of the ray 3 is less than -7 0 ° hour, the i ring will become larger, and the 丨The curved surface can be generated inside, and the aforementioned A is within ± 50 ° f before the aforementioned glass base 11 core 6 C, the thickness of the plate is larger than 7 〇 or the amount of the shot 4 is € 1, thus the device - 12- 200800454 (9) The degree of freedom of setting will be reduced. Further, the angle D is 45 in the plate thickness direction. Large or less than -45°, the surface of the glass substrate 1 is subjected to a large wind pressure. The position of the glass substrate 1 is likely to shift. More preferably, the aforementioned angle C is within: t60°, and the aforementioned angle D is within ±35°, and more preferably the angle C is within t50°, and the aforementioned angle D is ±20. Within. Further, the wind speed of the cooling gas 6 is preferably at an air velocity of lm/sec to 200 m/sec in the laser beam irradiation unit 4. When the wind speed is less than lm/sec, the heat dissipated from the end surface 2 of the glass substrate Φ 1 to the outside air becomes small, and heat is not easily conducted to the inside of the glass substrate 1. Therefore, the volume of the molten portion and the stress generating portion of the glass substrate 1 becomes large, so that the glass strength and the cutting characteristics are affected. When the wind speed is larger than 200 m/sec, the air blowing device is not easily realized on a large scale, and the position of the glass substrate 1 may be displaced due to the wind pressure. Further, the heat from the end surface 2 of the glass substrate 1 to the outside air becomes large, and the laser power required to melt the end surface 2 of the glass substrate 1 becomes large, so that a laser device having a high output is required, which is not practical. . The cooling gas 6 ® has a wind speed of preferably 2 to 150 m/sec, more preferably 5 to 100 m/sec. Further, the cooling gas 6 is not particularly limited, but is preferably a gas which does not burn or decompose due to the laser light 3. For example, dry air is particularly desirable from an environmental and processing point of view. The laser beam 3 is on the end surface 2 of the glass substrate 1, and the long side of the end surface 2 of the glass substrate 1 on the surface surrounded by the curve of the portion where the energy density distribution of the cross section of the laser beam irradiation portion 4 is the largest is 1 / e2. The width of the direction is W (mm), and when the relative scanning speed of the laser beam 3 and the glass substrate 1 is U (mm/s), WS0.15XU + 2 is preferable. When the width W is larger than 0.15x11 + 2, the enthalpy of the residual stress of the glass substrate 1 becomes large, and the thickness of the residual stress layer becomes thick, so that the edge strength of the glass substrate 1 may be lowered. . When the glass substrate 1 subjected to the chamfering treatment under the condition that the width W is larger than 0.15 x U + 2 and the crack formed by the glass cutter or the like is stretched and cut, the crack may be deviated from the line to cut. Cut correctly. However, the aforementioned width W can only be reduced to the wavelength of the light due to the diffraction boundary of the wave optics, and in view of the workability, the distance between the condensing lens and the glass substrate must be sufficiently ensured, so from the practical point of view, the aforementioned The width W will be limited to 20μηι or more. Therefore, it is preferably 0.0 2SWS0.15XU + 2, more preferably 0.025SWS0.15X U+1.5, and even more preferably 0.03SWS0.15XU + 1. Further, when the laser beam 3 is on the end surface of the glass substrate 1, and the average power density defined by the total wattage/irradiation area of the section of the laser beam irradiation unit 4 is P (W/mm2), the smoothing is performed for smoothing. The viewpoint of chamfering and prevention of deformation due to heating of the end surface 2 of the glass substrate 1, deterioration of glass quality due to sublimation of a specific element, and evaporation of glass, (0.5xU + 0.2) /0.7/(0.15xU + 2) ^ ( lOxU+ 1 0 ) /0.005xUx0.7 is preferred. More preferably, P is (0·5χυ + 0·2 )/0.7/ (0.15xU+1.5) or more, and most preferably (〇.5xU + 0.2) /0.7/ (0.15xUxl) or more. Especially (4xU) /0.7/(0.15xU + 2) or more is preferred. Further, it is more preferable that P is (1OxU + 1 0 ) / 0.005xU / 0.7x0.01 or less, and 'best is (lOxU + 1 0 ) / 0.005xU / 0.7x0.02 or less. The laser beam 3 is preferably scanned relative to the glass substrate 1 at a speed of 0.1 to 200 mm/sec. If it is slower than 0.1 mm/sec, the productivity-14-200800454 (11) will be worse. If it is faster than 200 mm/sec, in order to obtain the required power, a large output laser device is required, which is not practical, and The end face 2 of the glass substrate 1 cannot be sufficiently heated, and a smooth end face 2 may not be obtained. The aforementioned scanning speed is more preferably 0.5 to 180 mm/sec, still more preferably 1 to 150 mm/sec. The end surface 2 of the glass substrate 1 may be preheated before the end surface 2 of the glass substrate 1 is irradiated with the laser beam 3. Once the preheating is performed, the doubt that the glass substrate 1 is broken due to the rapid temperature change of the irradiation portion 4 of the irradiation light 3 is reduced, and the relative scanning of the laser light 3 with the glass base and the rice 1 can be increased. speed. Preheating can also heat the entire glass substrate 1, but it is not preferable because productivity is lowered. The preheating method is not particularly limited, but it is preferable to locally heat the surface layer portion of the end surface 2 of the glass substrate 1 by a heater using a resistance heating element or a heating wire, a high-intensity bulb, or a carbon dioxide gas laser. Further, the highest temperature reached by the preheating is such that the temperature of the glass substrate 1 does not exceed the deformation point of the glass substrate. ® Laser Light 3 is preferably a laser light 3 with a wavelength of 3 to Ιΐμπι. If the wavelength is shorter than 3 μm, the glass does not absorb the laser light 3, and thus the end face 2 of the glass substrate 1 may not be sufficiently heated. Further, when the wavelength is longer than 1 1 μη, the laser device is not easily obtained, which is not practical. More preferably, the wavelength is 4 to 10·9 μm, and more preferably the wavelength is 9 to 108 μm. The laser light source is not particularly limited to the oscillating mode, and may be continuous oscillating light (CW light) or pulsed oscillating light's modulating light of continuous oscillating light (continuously oscillating light with ΟΝ/OFF modulation, and given periodicity Any change in strength). However, in the case of pulsed oscillating light and modulated light of continuous oscillating light, -15-200800454 (12), if the relative scanning speed U of the laser ray 3 is very slow, a chamfered shape is likely to occur in the scanning direction. Uneven. In this case, the period of the oscillation and modulation and the product of the relative scanning speed of the laser beam 3 and the glass substrate 1 are preferably less than or less than half the thickness of the glass substrate 1. For example, the laser light of the C02 laser with a vibration wavelength of 10.6 μm is the most common and ideal. When the laser beam 3 in this wavelength region is irradiated, most of the laser beam 3 is absorbed by the glass substrate 1, and the temperature of the portion where the laser beam 3 is irradiated is increased to a softening temperature or higher. Further, it is preferable to irradiate the laser beam 3 so as to converge toward the thickness direction of the end surface of the glass substrate with respect to the glass substrate 1. When the laser beam 3 is diverged in the thickness direction of the end surface of the glass substrate, the portion of the end surface 2 of the glass substrate 1 is rounded by melting, and then the thickness of the irradiation portion 4 with respect to the end surface 2 of the glass substrate 1 is thick. The incident angle of the light near the end side becomes large, so that it becomes difficult to absorb the energy of the laser light 3, so that the heating becomes insufficient. As a result, the melting of the aforementioned portion becomes insufficient, and the defect remains, and the edge strength may be lowered. According to the method of the present invention, in principle, it is difficult to completely avoid the generation of stress in the chamfered portion of the glass substrate 1, but since the crack of the end surface 2 of the glass substrate 1 is melted and removed by heat, it is ensured. The strength equivalent to that of the chamfered glass substrate 1 which has been honed in the past has no problem with respect to practical strength. Further, regarding the optical problem represented by birefringence, for general use, for example, a flat panel display, there is no problem in that the pixel comes to the end of the glass, and if necessary, the residual stress can be easily removed by simply cooling the glass substrate 1. -16 - 200800454 (13) The apparatus according to the present invention includes, for example, a laser beam that is emitted from at least one laser beam generating device by a convex lens or a cylindrical lens to form a desired cross-sectional shape, and A mechanism for illuminating the light beam so as to form a desired relative speed with respect to the end surface of the glass substrate, and a mechanism for simultaneously supplying the laser beam to the laser beam irradiation portion by the cooling air, thereby constituting a desired chamfering A device for processing a glass substrate. φ Fig. 4 (a) to (c) are views of an example of a chamfering device of the glass substrate of the present invention. Fig. 4(a) shows an example in which the laser beam irradiation device 7 is fixed and the glass substrate is transported in the weir direction, whereby the two are relatively moved. As shown in Fig. 4(a), the apparatus is a device (not shown) for transporting the glass substrate 1 in a state of being correctly positioned, a device for generating laser light 3 (not shown), and a control laser. a cross-sectional shape of the light beam 3, and a laser beam irradiation device 7 that is irradiated on the end surface 2 of the glass substrate 1, and a device (not shown) that transmits the laser beam 3 from the generating device to the laser beam irradiation device 7, A cooling air blowing nozzle 5 is formed. Further, the description of the power source or the blower (compressor or the like), the means for controlling the output of the laser beam 3, or the amount of the air of the cooling gas 6 are omitted. Thus, since the number of driving units is small, the device is very simple. Further, the chamfering may be performed on one end surface and one end surface, but as shown in Fig. 4(a), both end faces 2 parallel to the conveyance direction 玻璃 of the glass substrate 1 may be simultaneously performed. Fig. 4(b) shows an example in which the laser beam irradiation device 7 is fixed to a manufacturing apparatus of a glass substrate to be continuously formed, and the two are relatively moved. As described in -17-200800454 (14), the chamfering treatment of the glass substrate can be continuously performed in a production line in which molten glass is continuously supplied and floated or melted. Once the chamfering process can be performed in such a manufacturing line, the glass substrate manufacturing line that has been continuously formed as in the past can be reduced, and the glass substrate is temporarily stacked on the intermediate pallet, and the chamfering line of the next step is again put into production. The steps and the efficiency of the equipment and the steps can be achieved. Further, since the step of processing the glass substrate before chamfering is reduced, cracking or defects due to weak end face strength φ can be reduced. Further, the 'chamfering treatment may be performed on one end surface and one end surface. However, as shown in Fig. 4(b), both end faces parallel to the moving direction I of the glass substrate 1 may be simultaneously performed. Fig. 4(c) shows an example in which the glass substrate 1 is fixed' and then the laser beam irradiation device 7 and the air blowing nozzle 5 are scanned, whereby the two are relatively moved. The chamfering process can also be performed on one end face and one end face. However, as shown in Fig. 4(c), both end faces 2 parallel to the conveyance direction J of the laser beam irradiation device 7 and the blower nozzle 5 can be simultaneously performed. Also, Φ four end faces can be simultaneously performed. Thus, in the apparatus of the present invention, the relative movement of the laser beam and the glass substrate can be carried out by transporting the glass substrate 1, and the laser beam irradiation device 7 and the air blowing nozzle 5 can be scanned. Further, the laser light irradiation means 7 may be plural, and may be simultaneously chamfered by a plurality of laser beam irradiation means 7. In order to simplify the apparatus, the air blowing nozzle 5 and the laser beam irradiation device 7 may be integrated. EXAMPLES -18 - 200800454 (15) Hereinafter, the present invention will be described in more detail based on examples. As shown in Fig. 1, the chamfering test of the glass substrate of this example was carried out. The test glass substrate 1 was prepared with a glass substrate for a liquid crystal display which was cut by a wheel cutter under the following conditions. A: length 12cm, width 2.5cm, thickness 0.7mm B: length 12cm, width 2.5cm, thickness 0.5mm _ C: length 12cm, width 2.5cm, thickness 0.5mm D: length 12cm, width 2.5cm, thickness 0.5mm E : length 12cm, width 2.5cm, thickness 0.5mm F: length 12cm, width 2.5cm, thickness 0.5mm G: length 5cm, width 0.5cm, thickness 0.3mm Here, the glass substrates of C and F are by #5 0 The boring wheel of 0 again chamfers the end face to form a radius of curvature of about 2525 mm. In addition, the glass substrate of the A to F # is a glass substrate for liquid crystal display (product name AN 100, manufactured by Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.), and the glass substrate G is a glass substrate for liquid crystal display (product name 〇A -1 0, Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd.) system). In the first example, the glass substrate A is used. As shown in Fig. 1, a continuous oscillation carbon dioxide gas laser device having a wavelength of 10.6 μm (a laser oscillation mode is CW light), a spherical lens, and the end surface of the glass substrate 1 are used. a cylindrical lens (not shown) on the end surface 2 of the glass substrate 1, the total wattage Q of the cross section connecting the laser beam irradiation sections 4 is 18 V, and the end face 2 of the glass substrate 1 of the laser beam 3 The cross-section of the laser beam irradiation unit 4 is -19-200800454 (16) The energy density distribution is the maximum 1 / e2 part of the curve surrounded by the surface of the glass substrate, the width W of the end face in the longitudinal direction is 0.1 The laser beam 3 is irradiated in a substantially elliptical shape with a height Η of 3.5 mm in the thickness direction. The average power density P defined by the total wattage/irradiation area at this time is about 5 1 W/mm 2 . Further, the laser beam 3 is perpendicular to the end surface 2 of the glass substrate 1, and the irradiation angle A in the longitudinal direction of the end surface 2 is 0°, and the irradiation angle A in the thickness direction is 0° φ. . Further, the air blowing nozzle 5 uses dry air as the cooling gas 6, and the vertical direction of the gas 6 is applied to the end surface 2 of the glass substrate 1, so that the air blowing angle C in the longitudinal direction of the end surface is 40°. The position and direction of the cooling air blowing nozzle 5 are adjusted such that the blowing angle D in the thick direction forms 0°. The wind speed S of the cooling gas 6 is approximately 25 m/sec at the end face of the glass substrate 1. The glass substrate 1 is irradiated with the laser beam 3 while being irradiated with the laser beam 3 in the longitudinal direction φ of the end surface 2 of the glass substrate 1, while scanning at a relative scanning speed of the laser beam 3 and the glass substrate 1 at 2 mm/sec. Further, the glass substrates of B to G prepared were subjected to chamfering treatment of Examples 2 to 7 except that the following conditions were changed as shown in Table 1. In addition, the preheating in Example 6 is to additionally prepare a carbon dioxide gas laser device with a continuous oscillation of 0.6 μm (the laser oscillation mode is CW light), from the irradiation center of the above-mentioned laser light 3, to the length of the glass substrate. The side direction is 13 mm upstream, and the front end 2 of the glass substrate 1 is preheated on the glass substrate of 7 mm from the edge toward the inner side on the 7 mm glass substrate with an output of 19 W, so that the laser beam is preheated. The cross section of the upper surface of the glass substrate was formed to have a length of 30 mm in the longitudinal direction of the sheet, and a substantially elliptical shape of 10 mm was formed in the width direction. The test conditions are shown in Table 1. [Table 1] Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6 Example 7 Glass substrate ABCDEFGQ (W) 18 30 20 3 1 3 1 16 15 W ( mm ) 0.1 0.5 0.1 2.7 0.0 2 0.0 2 0.1 H ( mm ) 3.5 3.5 3.5 2 3.5 3.5 3.5 P(W/mm2) 5 1 24 9 6 8.5 740 380 7 7 C ( 〇) 40 40 40 4 0 40 4 0 0 D ( 〇) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S ( m / sec) 25 50 25 35 50 35 25 U ( mm / sec) 2 5 2 5 10 10 5
測試的結果,從例1〜7的玻璃基板1的端面2會因爲 • 熔融而平滑化,角會變圓,而可獲得完成倒角處理的玻璃 基板。又,可將前述玻璃基板1’利用輪片切割刀(三星 金剛石工業株式會社製M159),用人力畫痕之後折斷, 並可確認到沿著畫線痕割斷。 又,比較例是在與例1〜7相同的條件下不進行送風而 進行倒角處理。該結果,無論是哪一種情況’玻璃基板1 的端面2都會因爲熔融而平滑化,角會變圓,而可獲得完 成倒角處理的玻璃基板,但是與上述同樣對相同玻璃基板 畫線時,在畫線痕以外的部位裂痕會自走,而無法正常地 -21 - 200800454 (18) 切斷。 [產業上的利用可能性] 本發明在製造上會經過許多製程,因此可廣泛適用在 必須對強調玻璃之強度的玻璃基板之端面進行倒角處理的 玻璃基板。尤其,適合要經過許多製程之液晶顯示器、電 漿顯示器、有機EL顯示器、場發射顯示器等的平面顯示 # 器用玻璃基板。 此外,在此是引用2006年2月15日提出申請的日本 專v利申請案2006-3 80 1 8號的說明書、申請專利範圍、圖 面及摘要的所有內容,並摘入作爲本發明之說明書的揭示 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖是用來說明本發明之倒角方法的槪略立體圖。 • 第2圖是用來說明本發明之倒角方法的槪略平面圖。 第3圖是用來說明本發明之倒角方法的槪略側面圖。 第4圖是本發明之玻璃基板之倒角裝置之例的槪念圖 【主要元件符號說明】 1 :玻璃基板 2 :端面 3 :雷射光線 -22 - 200800454 (19) 3 C :雷射光線中心線 4 :照射部 5 :送風噴嘴 5C :送風噴嘴中心線 6 :冷卻氣體 7 :雷射光線照射裝置 1 1 :測試用玻璃基板 φ A :相對於玻璃基板之端面的垂直方向之,雷射光線 中心線的前述端面之長邊方向的照射角度 B :相對於玻璃基板之端面的垂直方向之,雷射光線 中心線的前述端面之板厚方向的照射角度 C :相對於玻璃基板之端面的垂直方向之,冷卻氣體 中心線的前述端面之長邊方向的送風角度 D :相對於玻璃基板之端面的垂直方向之,冷卻氣體 中心線的前述端面之板厚方向的送風角度 # W :玻璃基板之端面鐘,由連結雷射光線照射部剖面 之能量密度分布爲最大之1 /e2之部分的曲線所包圍的面之 玻璃基梅之端面的長邊方向的寬度 U :雷射光線與玻璃基板之相對的掃描速度 -23-As a result of the test, the end faces 2 of the glass substrate 1 of Examples 1 to 7 were smoothed by melting, and the corners were rounded to obtain a glass substrate which was subjected to chamfering treatment. In addition, the glass substrate 1' can be broken by a human hand by using a wheel cutter (M159, manufactured by Samsung Diamond Industries Co., Ltd.), and it can be confirmed that it is cut along the line mark. Further, in the comparative example, the chamfering treatment was performed without blowing air under the same conditions as in Examples 1 to 7. As a result, in either case, the end surface 2 of the glass substrate 1 is smoothed by melting, and the angle is rounded to obtain a glass substrate which is subjected to chamfering treatment. However, when the same glass substrate is drawn as described above, Cracks in the area other than the line mark will self-propelled, and cannot be normally cut off - 21 - 200800454 (18). [Industrial Applicability] Since the present invention has been subjected to many processes in manufacturing, it can be widely applied to a glass substrate which is required to chamfer the end surface of a glass substrate which emphasizes the strength of the glass. In particular, it is suitable for a flat glass substrate for a liquid crystal display, a plasma display, an organic EL display, a field emission display, or the like which is subjected to many processes. In addition, the contents of the specification, the scope of the application, the drawings and the abstract of the Japanese Patent Application No. 2006-3 80 18, filed on February 15, 2006, are incorporated herein by reference. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [Brief Description of the Drawings] Fig. 1 is a schematic perspective view for explaining the chamfering method of the present invention. • Fig. 2 is a schematic plan view for explaining the chamfering method of the present invention. Fig. 3 is a schematic side view for explaining the chamfering method of the present invention. Fig. 4 is a view showing an example of a chamfering device for a glass substrate of the present invention [Description of main components] 1 : Glass substrate 2: End face 3: Laser light-22 - 200800454 (19) 3 C: Laser light Center line 4: illuminating unit 5: air blowing nozzle 5C: air blowing nozzle center line 6: cooling gas 7: laser light irradiation device 1 1 : glass substrate for test φ A : laser in the vertical direction with respect to the end surface of the glass substrate The irradiation angle B of the longitudinal direction of the end surface of the light center line: the irradiation angle C of the thickness direction of the end surface of the laser light center line with respect to the vertical direction of the end surface of the glass substrate: with respect to the end surface of the glass substrate In the vertical direction, the air blowing angle D in the longitudinal direction of the end surface of the cooling gas center line is: the air blowing angle in the thickness direction of the end surface of the cooling gas center line with respect to the vertical direction of the end surface of the glass substrate # W : glass substrate The end face clock has a width U in the longitudinal direction of the end face of the glass base of the surface surrounded by the curve connecting the portion of the energy density distribution of the portion irradiated with the laser beam to the maximum of 1 /e2 : The relative scanning speed of the emitted light and the glass substrate -23-