
Publication number
TR2021010747U5 TR2021/010747 TR2021010747U5 TR 2021010747 U5 TR2021010747 U5 TR 2021010747U5 TR 2021/010747 TR2021/010747 TR 2021/010747 TR 2021010747 U5 TR2021010747 U5 TR 2021010747U5
Prior art keywords
heat exchanger
hot water
heating unit
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Turkish (tr)
Dem Rkiran Emrullah
Original Assignee
Emrullah Demi̇rkiran
Filing date
Publication date
Application filed by Emrullah Demi̇rkiran filed Critical Emrullah Demi̇rkiran
Publication of TR2021010747U5 publication Critical patent/TR2021010747U5/en



Yanıcı gazın yanıcı gaz hattı (11) ile yakılması ile ısı enerjisi ürüten brülör (10), brülörde (10) açığa çıkan atık gazları atmosfere ileten baca (12), brülörün (10) verdiği ısı enerjisini suya aktaran ana eşanjör (20), ana eşanjörden (20) çıkan sıcak suyu, kullanıcı ortamına veren ısıtma ünitesi (50), ana eşanjör (20) ve kullanım suyu eşanjöründen (30) geçen ve kısmen ısısını kaybeden sıcak suyu, kullanım moduna göre ısıtma ünitesine (50) veya direkt sirkülasyon pompasına (60) yönlendiren yön kontrol valfi (40), yön kontrol valfinin (40) pozisyonuna göre, ısıtma ünitesinden (50) veya kullanım suyu eşanjöründen (30) çıkan sıcak suyun devir daim ettiren sirkülasyon pompası (60), ana eşanjörün (20) çıkışına, yön kontrol valfinin (40) giriş portunun yukarı akım kısmına konumlanan ve bu konumlama ile kullanım suyu için emre amade ısı enerjisi tutan ve ısıtma ünitesi (50) devre dışı olmadan, sıcak su sağlayan kullanım suyu eşanjöründen (30) meydana gelen kombi (1) ile ilgilidir.The burner (10) that produces heat energy by burning the flammable gas with the combustible gas line (11), the chimney (12) that transmits the waste gases released in the burner (10) to the atmosphere, the main heat exchanger (20) that transfers the heat energy given by the burner (10) to the water, the main The hot water that passes through the heating unit (50), the main heat exchanger (20) and the domestic water exchanger (30) that delivers the hot water coming out of the heat exchanger (20) to the user environment and partially loses its heat, is sent to the heating unit (50) or the direct circulation pump (according to the usage mode). 60) directing directional control valve (40), circulation pump (60) that circulates hot water coming out of the heating unit (50) or domestic water exchanger (30), according to the position of the directional control valve (40), to the outlet of the main heat exchanger (20), With the combi boiler (1), which is located on the upstream part of the inlet port of the directional control valve (40) and keeps the heat energy available for the domestic water with this positioning and provides hot water without the heating unit (50) being disabled. is relevant.


TARIFNAME ESZAMANLI ISITMA VE SICAK SU SAGLAYAN KOMBI TEKNIK ALAN Bulus, ev isyeri gibi kapali mekanlarda, içerisinde bulunan esanjörler ile insanlarin isinmasini ve sicak su kullanimini saglayan kombi ile ilgilidir. DESCRIPTION COMBI SUPPLYING SIMULTANEOUS HEATING AND HOT WATER TECHNICAL FIELD Bulus allows people to warm up in closed places such as home and workplace with the heat exchangers inside. and it is related to the combi boiler that provides the use of hot water.

Bulus özellikle, ev isyeri gibi kapali mekanlarda, içerisinde bulunan esanjörlerin yeniden konumlanmasi ile isitma ünitesi devre disi olmadan eszamanli olarak isitma ve sicak su kullanimini saglayan kombi ile ilgilidir. The invention is particularly useful for the reuse of heat exchangers in closed spaces such as home offices. heating and hot water simultaneously without the heating unit being disabled. It is related to the combi boiler that enables its use.

TEKNIGIN BILINEN DURUMU Kombiler, konut ve isyerlerinin hem isitma sisteminin hem de sicak su ihtiyacini karsilamak için üretilmis cihazlardir. Bunlara birlesik (kombine) kazanlar da denir. Kombiler, isinma ve/veya sicak su saglamak için, suyu isitmak üzere konumlanan ve yanici bir gazin yanmasi ile isi enerjisi üreten bir brülör, brülörün verdigi isi enerjisini suya aktaran bir ana esanjör, ana esanjörün çikisindaki suyu kullanici talebine göre kumanda eden 3 yollu vana, akis sensörü, kullanici için sicak su saglayan sicak su esanjörü, brülörde yanan gazin disari atildigi atik gaz bacasi, suyu isitma tesisatinda devir daim ettiren sirkülasyon pompasi, kombi tesisatinda isinan sicak su hacminin genlesmesi ile olusan fazla suyun sistemde bulunan mekanik parçalarin yüksek basinçtan zarar görmesini engelleyen genlesme tankindan olusan bir isitma sistemidir. Bu isitma sisteminde, 3 yollu vana çikis portlarindan biri isitma ünitesine, digeri sicak su esanjörüne bagli olup, isitma veya sicak su talebine göre isitma veya sicak su hatlarindan biri devre disi olmaktadir. KNOWN STATE OF THE TECHNIQUE Combi boilers meet both the heating system and hot water needs of residences and workplaces. are devices for These are also called combined (combined) boilers. Combi boilers, heating combustion of a flammable gas positioned to heat the water, to provide and/or hot water a burner that produces heat energy, a main heat exchanger that transfers the heat energy given by the burner to water, 3-way valve that controls the water at the outlet of the main heat exchanger according to user demand, flow sensor, hot water exchanger that provides hot water for the user, gas burning in the burner out the waste gas chimney from which it is thrown, the circulation pump that circulates the water in the heating installation, Excess water formed by the expansion of the heated hot water volume in the combi boiler system expansion that prevents the mechanical parts from being damaged by high pressure. It is a heating system consisting of a tank. In this heating system, 3-way valve outlet ports one is connected to the heating unit and the other is connected to the hot water exchanger, depending on the heating or hot water demand. One of the heating or hot water lines is out of order.

Mevcut teknikte kullanilan kombiler, yukarida bahsedilen bilesenlerden olusmakta olup, bu sistemin kendi içerisinde bazi dezavantajlari bulunmaktadir. Bunlardan bazilari asagida siralanmistir: o Kaloriferler çalisirken tüketici kullanim suyunu kullanmak istediginde üç yollu vana ile sistem sadece kullanim suyu için aktif edilir. Kaloriferler kapanir ve sicak su kullanimi boyunca radyatörlersogumaya devam eder. 0 Sicak su çevrimine geçis esnasinda kullanim suyu esanjörü soguk oldugundan isinmasi zaman almakta ve dolayisiyla bosa su akmakta ve su israf edilmis olmaktadir. Combi boilers used in the current technique consist of the above-mentioned components. The system itself has some disadvantages. Below are some of them are listed: o Three-way valve when the consumer wants to use the domestic water while the heaters are running. With this, the system is activated only for domestic water. The heaters turn off and the hot water Radiators continue to cool during use. 0 During the transition to the hot water cycle, the domestic water exchanger is cold. it takes time to warm up and therefore water is wasted and water is wasted is happening.

Kombilerde su tasarrufu ile ilgili ulusal ve yabanci patent Iiteratüründe bazi basvurular bulunmaktadir. Some applications in national and foreign patent literature on water saving in combi boilers are available.

Ulusal patent literatüründe bulunan TR201722880 kodlu basvuru, Sicak su kullaniminda kombi kullanilan yerlerde, kombi alev alip kullanici muslugundan sicak su gelene kadar bosa akan suyun tasarrufuna saglayan sistem olup, özelligi; Kombinin sicak su çikisina yerlestirilen ve kullanici musluguna giden suyu kisitlayan elektrikli musluk, Sicak su çikisindan gelen suyun sicakligini ölçen termostat sensörü, Termostat sensöründen alinan verilere göre; Su sicakliginin belirli bir derecenin altinda olmasi halinde elektrikli muslugu pasif hale getirerek kullanici musluguna giden soguk suyun azaltilmasini saglayan, Su sicakliginin belirli bir derecenin üstüne çikmasi halinde elektrikli muslugunu aktif ederek kullanici musluguna giden sicak suyun artirilmasini saglayan termostat içermesidir. The application with the code TR201722880 in the national patent literature, in the use of hot water in places where combi boilers are used, until the combi catches fire and hot water comes from the user tap. It is a system that saves wasted water, and its feature is; To the hot water outlet of the boiler Electric faucet, which is placed and restricts the water going to the user's faucet, Hot water Thermostat sensor, which measures the temperature of the water coming from its outlet, is taken from the thermostat sensor. according to the data; If the water temperature is below a certain degree, the electric faucet Water that reduces the cold water going to the user's faucet by making it passive. by activating the electric faucet in case the temperature rises above a certain degree. It contains a thermostat that allows to increase the hot water going to the user faucet.

Ulusal patent literatüründe bulunan TR201903418 kodlu basvuru, tüm elektronik sensör ve cihazlari kontrol ederek sistemin çalismasini saglayan kontrol ünitesi; Musluk boru hattina baglanan su isitma cihazinda sicak suyun her daim hazir bulundugu hazne; Bahsedilen haznenin etrafini sararak içerideki suyun dis ortama isi geçisini azaltan izolasyon yalitim malzemesi; Bahsedilen hazne içerisinden geçirilerek kombiden gelen sicak su ile haznedeki suyu isitan isitici serpantin; Bahsedilen haznedeki suyun sicaklik bilgisinin ölçülmesinde kullanilan sicaklik sensörüne sahip kombi (K) ile musluk arasinda çekilen boruda bekleyen soguk suyun isitilmasini saglayarak musluk açildiginda musluga sicak su temin eden su isitma cihazi ile ilgilidir. kadar bosa akitilan suyun, musluktan çikmadan önce Termostatik Su Haznesinde toplanarak, Ayarlanabilir Termostat vasitasiyla isisinin ölçülüp istenilen isiya gelene kadar Su Devirdaim çikisindan gönderilerek Kombi Soguk Su Girisinden tekrar Kombiye girerek isitilip Kombi Sicak Su ÇikisindanTermostatik Su Haznesine yollanarak israf edilmemesini saglar. Termostatik Su Haznesindeki Termostatik Su Vanalari sayesinde sicak ve soguk sulardan uygun miktarda alinarak suyun hep istenilen isida olmasi saglanir. Enerji tasarrufu yapmak için Termostatik Su Haznesindeki suyun istenilen isiya geldiginde kullaniciyi görsel ya da isitsel uyarilarina zamanlayiciyla ayarlanarak, eger kullanici bu belirlenen sürede suyu kullanmaya baslamazsa sistemin kendini kapatmasi saglanir. Bu sistem sadece dogalgazla degil ayni zamanda günes enerjisiyle su isitma sistemlerinde de kullanilabilir. The application with the code TR201903418 in the national patent literature covers all electronic sensors and the control unit that ensures the operation of the system by controlling the devices; To the faucet pipeline reservoir where hot water is always available in the connected water heater; Said Insulation insulation that wraps around the chamber and reduces the heat transfer of the water inside to the outside. material; With the hot water coming from the combi by passing through the said chamber, water heater coil; In measuring the temperature information of the water in the said reservoir Waiting in the pipe drawn between the boiler (K) with the temperature sensor used and the faucet. water supplying hot water to the faucet when the faucet is opened by heating the cold water relates to the heating device. Before leaving the faucet, the water that is drained until until the desired temperature is reached by measuring the temperature by means of the Adjustable Thermostat. By sending from the Water Circulation outlet and entering the Combi again from the Cold Water Inlet of the Combi. not to be wasted by being heated and sent from the Combi Hot Water Outlet to the Thermostatic Water Reservoir. it provides. Thanks to the Thermostatic Water Valves in the Thermostatic Water Tank, hot and cold By taking the appropriate amount of water from the water, it is ensured that the water is always at the desired temperature. Energy-saving When the water in the Thermostatic Water Reservoir reaches the desired temperature, visualize the user. or by setting the audible warnings with the timer, if the user If it does not start to use, the system is provided to turn itself off. This system is only natural gas It can also be used in water heating systems with solar energy.

Yukarida bahsedilen ulusal patentler, kombi ile musluk arasinda ilave baglanti ve teçhizat kullanarak ani sicak su beslemekte olup, kombi tesisatinda herhangi bir degisiklik yapmamistir. The above-mentioned national patents, additional connections and equipment between the boiler and the faucet It feeds instant hot water using he didn't.

Yabanci patent literatüründe bulunan EP0981031 kodlu basvuru, mutfak ve banyo gibi yerlerde sicak su ihtiyaci oldugunda, kombideki soguk suya ön isitma yapan ve böylece ani sicak su saglayan, sicak su besleme ve çevrimdeki suyu isitan sicak su çevrimi ve ani sicak su besleme aparati ile ilgilidir. Sicak su çevrimi ve ani sicak su besleme aparati, sicak su ile tesisattan gelen soguk suyun isi mübadelesi yaptigi plaka tipi esanjör, sicak su ya da isitma moduna göre sicak akis çevriminin 5 yönden kontrol eden sicak akis yönlendirme ünitesinden meydana gelmektedir. Ayrica, bu aparat, içerisine giren sicak su akisi isitma için çevrime girdiginde, plaka tipi esanjörün sicak akis katmanlarinda dolasan sicak su ile hizli bir sekilde sicak su saglamaktadir. Böylece, sicak su çevrimi ve ani sicak su besleme aparati, sicak su ihtiyaci oldugunda, musluktan akan soguk suyun akis zamanini kisaltmakta ve kombideki bir çok komponenti basite indirgemektedir. Application code EP0981031 found in foreign patent literature, such as kitchen and bathroom when there is a need for hot water in places, it preheats the cold water in the combi boiler and thus hot water cycle that provides hot water, hot water supply and heats the water in the cycle and instantaneous heat relates to the water supply apparatus. Hot water cycle and instant hot water supply apparatus, with hot water plate type heat exchanger, in which the cold water coming from the installation exchanges heat, hot water or heating hot flow routing controlling 5 directions of hot flow cycle according to mode from the unit. In addition, this apparatus is for heating the hot water flow entering into it. When it is circulated, it is rapidly mixed with hot water circulating in the hot flow layers of the plate type heat exchanger. It provides hot water in a way. Thus, the hot water cycle and instant hot water supply apparatus, When hot water is needed, it shortens the flow time of cold water flowing from the tap and It simplifies many components in the boiler.

Sonuç olarak, yukaridaki problemlerin varligi ve mevcut bir çözüm bulunmamasi ilgili teknik alanda bir gelistirme yapmayi zorunlu kilmistir. As a result, the existence of the above problems and the absence of a solution available made it necessary to make a development in the field.

BULUSUN AMACI Bulus yukarida bahsedilen problemleri çözmeyi, tüm dezavantajlari gidermeyi ve yapiya ilave avantajlar getirmeyi amaçlamaktadir. OBJECTIVE OF THE INVENTION The invention aims to solve the above-mentioned problems, eliminate all disadvantages and add to the structure. aims to bring advantages.

Bulusun temel amaci, kombilerde, isitma tesisatinda herhangi bir isi kaybi olmaksizin, ayni anda, sicak su ihtiyaci oldugunda hem isitma hem sicak su besleyebilmektir. The main purpose of the invention is to have the same heat in combi boilers without any heat loss in the heating system. At the same time, when there is a need for hot water, it can supply both heating and hot water.

Bulus ile saglanan fayda, kombide, kullanim suyu esanjörü her an sicak oldugu için taleb edildiginde yani su akisi saglandiginda, sicak su bekleme süresi için mevcut teknikte kullanilan kombilerdeki gibi zaman kaybi ve su israfi yasanmamasidir. The benefit provided by the invention, in the combi boiler, is demanded because the domestic water heat exchanger is always hot. ie when the water flow is provided, the current technique for hot water waiting time There is no time loss and water wastage as in the combi boilers used.

Bulusi ile saglanan diger bir fayda, kombinin isitma hatti revize edildigi için akis sensörüne ihityaç kalmamistir. Another benefit provided by his invention is that the boiler is connected to the flow sensor as the heating line is revised. there is no need.

Bulus ile saglanan diger bir fayda, ana asanjörde ve kullanim suyu esanjöründe ilave bir isi yükü olusmayacagindan, dogalgazdan da tasarruf edilmesidir. Another benefit provided by the invention is an additional heat transfer in the main heat exchanger and the domestic water heat exchanger. Since there will be no load, it is also saving on natural gas.

Bulus ile saglanan diger bir fayda, üretim maliyetlerini arttirmadan (mevcut parçalara, yeni parça, yeni donanim gibi masraflarin olmamasi) mevcut teknikteki kombilerle ayni parçalar (esanjör ve üç yollu vana ) kullanilmis hatta kullanim suyu esanjörü ana esanjörün çikisina baglandigi için mevcut kombilerdeki akis sensörünün tesisat hattindan çikarilmasini saglamistir. Another benefit provided by the invention is that without increasing production costs (existing parts, new no costs such as parts, new equipment) same parts as the boilers in the existing technique (heat exchanger and three-way valve) in the used line, the domestic water exchanger is connected to the outlet of the main heat exchanger. It is necessary to remove the flow sensor in the existing combi boilers from the installation line because it is connected. it is solid.

Bulus ile yukarida bahsedilen amaçlara ulasmak için, ana esanjörün çikisina, yön kontrol valfinin (3 yollu vana) giris portunun yukari akim kismina konumlanan ve bu konumlama ile kullanim suyuna verilecek isi enerjisi bir nevi emre amade hazir halde bulunduran ve isitma ünitesi devre disi olmadan, su israfi ve vakit kaybi olmadan sicak su saglayan kullanim suyu esanjörü, yukarida bahsedildigi konumu ile revize edilerek yukarida bahsedilen amaçlara ulasilmistir. In order to achieve the above-mentioned objectives with the invention, the outlet of the main heat exchanger is connected to the directional control valve (3-way valve) upstream of the inlet port and with this positioning The heat energy to be given to the domestic water is in a way available and the heating energy Domestic hot water supplying hot water without disabling the unit, wastage of water and waste of time The heat exchanger has been revised with the position mentioned above and has been used for the above-mentioned purposes. has been reached.

Bulusun yapisal, karakteristik özellikleri, çalisma prensibi ve sagladigi avantajlar, asagida verilen sekiller ve bu sekillere atiflar yapilmak suretiyle yazilan detayli açiklama sayesinde, daha net anlasilacaktir. Bu nedenle degerlendirmenin bu sekiller ve detayli anlatim göz önüne alinarak yapilmasi gerekmektedir. The structural, characteristic features, working principle and advantages of the invention are given below. Thanks to the figures given and the detailed explanation with references to these figures, will be understood more clearly. For this reason, these forms and detailed explanations of the evaluation should be considered. should be done with consideration.

SEKILLERIN KISA AÇIKLAMASI Sekil 1. Kombinin isitma modunda çalismasini göstermektedir. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES Figure 1. It shows the operation of the boiler in heating mode.

Sekil 2. Kombinin hem isitma hem de sicak su modunda çalismasini göstermektedir. Figure 2. It shows the operation of the boiler in both heating and hot water modes.

Sekil 3. Kombinin sicak su modunda çalismasini göstermektedir. Figure 3. It shows the operation of the boiler in hot water mode.

Sekil 4. Kullanim suyu esanjörünün portlarini göstermektedir. Figure 4. Shows the ports of the domestic water heat exchanger.

REFERANS NUMARALARI 1. Kombi . Brülör 11. Yanici gaz besleme hatti 12.Baca 13.Fan 14. Yanici gaz besleme valfi . Ana esanjör 21. Isitma giris portu 22. Isitma çikis portu 23. Isitma dönüs hatti 24. Isitma besleme hatti . Kullanim suyu esanjörü 31. Sicak su giris portu 32. Sicak su çikis portu 33. Kullanim suyu giris portu 34. Kullanim suyu çikis portu . Soguk su hatti 36. Sicak su besleme hatti 40. Yön kontrol valfi 50. Isitma ünitesi 60. Sirkülasyon pompasi 70. Emniyet ventili 80. Genlesme tanki 90. Kullanim suyu bataryasi BULUSUN DETAYLI AÇIKLAMASI Kombi (1), konut ve isyerlerinde eszamanli olarak hem isinma hem de sicak su kullanim ihtiyacini karsilamak için kullanilan cihaz olup, en genel haliyle, brülör (10), ana esanjör (20), kullanim suyu esanjörü (30), yön kontrol valfi (40), isitma ünitesi (50), sirkülasyon pompasi (60), emniyet ventili (70) ve genlesme tankindan (80) meydana gelmektedir. REFERENCE NUMBERS 1. Combi boiler . Burner 11. Combustible gas supply line 12. Chimney 13.Fan 14. Combustive gas supply valve . main exchanger 21. Heating inlet port 22. Heating outlet port 23. Heating return line 24. Heating supply line . domestic water exchanger 31. Hot water inlet port 32. Hot water outlet port 33. Domestic water inlet port 34. Domestic water outlet port . cold water line 36. Hot water supply line 40. Directional control valve 50. Heating unit 60. Circulation pump 70. Safety valve 80. Expansion tank 90. Domestic water battery DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Combi (1) uses both heating and hot water simultaneously in residences and workplaces. It is the device used to meet the need, in its most general form, the burner (10), the main heat exchanger (20), domestic water exchanger (30), directional control valve (40), heating unit (50), circulation pump (60), safety valve (70) and expansion tank (80).

Brülör (10), yakici gaz oksijen ile yanici bir gazin belirli bir tutusma sicakliginda yakarak isi enerjisi üreten ve üretilen bu isi enerjisini ana esanjörden (20) geçen suya aktarmak suretiyle suyun isinmasini saglayan cihazdir. Brülörün (10) kapasitesine göre, yanici gaz besleme hattindan (11) belirli bir debide yanici gazin beslenmesini saglayan gaz besleme valfi (14) bulunmaktadir. Yanici gaz olarak genellikle dogalgaz kullanilmaktadir. Brülörde (10) yanici gazin yanmasiyla olusan atik gaz, fan (13) vasitasi ile emilerek bacadan (12) disari atilmaktadir. The burner (10), combustible gas oxygen and a flammable gas at a certain ignition temperature by burning heat by transferring this heat energy that produces energy to the water passing through the main heat exchanger (20). It is a device that heats the water. According to the capacity of the burner (10), combustible gas supply Gas supply valve (14) that provides the feeding of flammable gas at a certain flow rate from the line (11) are available. Natural gas is generally used as combustible gas. Combustible in the burner (10) The waste gas formed by the combustion of the gas is sucked out by the fan (13) and out of the chimney (12). is being thrown.

Ana esanjör (20), brülörden (10) isi enerjinin suya aktarilmasi yani isi mübadelesi için yüzey alani olusturan ve suyun içerisinde devir daim ettigi isi degistiricisidir. Ana esanjörde (20), isitma giris portu (21) ve isitma çikis portu (22) olmak üzere 2 adet port bulunmaktadir. kaybeden ve sicakligi düsen isitma dönüs hatti (23) ana esanjörün (20) isitma giris portundan (21) girmektedir. lsitma giris portundan (21) giren su, ana esanjöde (20) isi enerjisi kazanarak isitma çikis portundan (22) isitma besleme hatti (24) ile isitma ünitesine (50) sicak su beslenmektedir. The main heat exchanger (20) is the surface for transferring the heat energy from the burner (10) to the water, that is, for heat exchange. It is the heat exchanger that creates the area and circulates in the water. In the main heat exchanger (20), There are 2 ports, the heating input port (21) and the heating output port (22). Heating return line (23) that loses its temperature and loses its temperature (23) It enters from port (21). The water entering from the heating inlet port (21) enters the main heat exchanger (20). by gaining energy from the heating outlet port (22) to the heating unit with the heating supply line (24) (50) hot water is fed.

Kullanim suyu esanjörü (30), ana esanjörden (20) isitma besleme hatti (24) ile gelen sicak sudaki isi enerjinin kullanim suyuna aktarilmasi yani isi mübadelesi için yüzey alani olusturan ve suyun içerisinde devir daim ettigi, plaka tipi isi degistiricisidir. Kullanim suyu esanjöründe (30), sicak su giris portu (31), sicak su çikis portu (32), kullanim suyu giris portu (33) ve kullanim suyu çikis portu (34) olmak üzere 4 adet port bulunmaktadir. Kullanim suyu esanjörü (30), sicak su giris portu (31) ile ana esanjörün (20) isitma çikis portuna (22) isitma besleme hatti (24) ile baglanmakta; sicak su çikis portu () ile yön kontrol valfinin (40) girisine baglanmaktadir. Isitma ünitesine (50) giden isitma besleme hatti (24), kullanim suyu esanjörünün (30) sicak su giris portundan (31) girip, sicak su çikis portundan (32) çikmaktadir. Bu esnada kullanim suyu esanjörünün (30) soguk su hattindan (35) kullanim suyu giris portuna (33) giren suya isi enerjisi verilmekte ve kullanim suyu çikis portundan (34) çikan sicak su, sicak su besleme hattindan (36) banyo, mutfak gibi yerlerde bulunan kullanim suyu bataryasina (90) sicak su beslemektedir. The domestic water exchanger (30) is the hot water supply line (24) coming from the main heat exchanger (20). surface area for transferring the heat energy in the water to the domestic water, that is, for heat exchange It is a plate type heat exchanger that creates water and circulates in it. drinking water In the heat exchanger (30), hot water inlet port (31), hot water outlet port (32), domestic water inlet port There are 4 ports, (33) and domestic water outlet port (34). drinking water heat exchanger (30) to the heating outlet port (22) of the main heat exchanger (20) with the hot water inlet port (31) it is connected with the supply line (24); with the hot water outlet port () to the inlet of the directional control valve (40). is connecting. Heating supply line (24) to the heating unit (50), domestic water from the hot water inlet port (31) of the heat exchanger (30) and from the hot water outlet port (32) is coming out. In the meantime, the use of the domestic water heat exchanger (30) from the cold water line (35). Heat energy is given to the water entering the water inlet port (33) and it is discharged from the domestic water outlet port. (34) hot water coming out of the hot water supply line (36) in places such as bathrooms, kitchens. It feeds hot water to the domestic water battery (90).

Yön kontrol valfi (40), ana esanjör (20) ve kullanim suyu esanjöründen (30) geçerek isitma besleme hattindan (24) gelen kismen isisini kaybeden sicak suyu, kombinin (1) kullanim moduna göre isitma ünitesine (50) veya sirkülasyon pompasina (60) yönlendiren 3 yollu bir valfdir. Yön kontrol valfinde (40), 1 giris ve 2 adet çikis olmak üzere 3 adet port bulunmakta olup, giris portu ana esanjöre (20) ve kullanim suyu esanjörüne (30), çikis portunun birisi isitma dönüs hatti (23) üzerinden sirkülasyon pompasina (60), diger çikis portu isitma ünitesine (50) baglidir. suyun enerjisine kullanici ortamina veren isi degistiricisidir. Isitma ünitesinden (50) çikan ve kismen isi enerjisi azalmis su, isitma dönüs hatti (23) ile tekrar ana esanjöre (20) girer. Bu durum ortam istenilen sicakliga ulasana kadar bir çevrim ile devam eder. Isitma ünitesi (50), içerisnde suyun devir daim ettigi bir kalorifer petegidir. Heating through directional control valve (40), main heat exchanger (20) and domestic water heat exchanger (30) The hot water coming from the supply line (24) that has lost its heat partially, is used by the boiler (1). It is a 3-way system that directs it to the heating unit (50) or the circulation pump (60) according to the mode of operation. is the valve. Direction control valve (40) has 3 ports, 1 inlet and 2 outlets. and the inlet port is connected to the main heat exchanger (20) and the domestic water heat exchanger (30), one of the outlet port From the heating return line (23) to the circulation pump (60), the other output port is heating. It is connected to the unit (50). It is a heat exchanger that gives the energy of the water to the user environment. coming out of the heating unit (50) and The water, whose heat energy has decreased partially, enters the main heat exchanger (20) again with the heating return line (23). This The situation continues with a cycle until the environment reaches the desired temperature. Heating unit (50), It is a heater core in which water circulates.

Sirkülasyon pompasi (60), isitma ünitesinden (50) veya kullanim suyu esanjöründen (30) çikan ve isisini kismen kaybetmis sicak suyun kapali devre tesisat içerisinde devir daim edilmesini saglayan makinedir. Isitma ünitesinden (50) çikan isisini kismen kaybetmis su isitma dönüs hatti (23) ile sirkülasyon pompasinin (60) emis portuna baglidir. Circulation pump (60) from heating unit (50) or domestic water heat exchanger (30) The circulation of the hot water that comes out and has lost its heat partially in the closed circuit installation It's the machine that makes it happen. Partially lost water coming out of the heating unit (50) It is connected to the suction port of the circulation pump (60) with the heating return line (23).

Genlesme tanki (80), isitma tesisatinda isinan sicak su hacminin genlesmesi ile olusan fazla suyun, sistemde bulunan mekanik parçalarin yüksek basinçtan zarar görmesini engellemektedir. Genlesme tanki (80), sirkülasyon pompasinin (60) basma hattina baglidir. Expansion tank (80) is filled with excess volume formed by the expansion of the heated hot water volume in the heating installation. water, the mechanical parts in the system are damaged by high pressure. hinders. The expansion tank (80) is connected to the discharge line of the circulation pump (60).

Emniyet ventili (70), isitma tesisatinda su basinci asiri yükselip belirli bir basinca geldiginde, isitma tesisatinda bulunan komponentlerin zarar görmesini engelleyen tek yönlü bir valfdir. Safety valve (70), when the water pressure in the heating installation rises excessively and reaches a certain pressure, It is a one-way valve that prevents the components in the heating installation from being damaged.

Kullanim suyu bataryasi (90), mutfak banyo gibi yerlerde kullanici için sicak su saglayan, suyun debisini ayarlayan bir valfdir. The domestic water mixer (90) provides hot water for the user in places such as kitchen and bathroom, It is a valve that regulates the flow of water.

Bulusa konu kombinin (1) çalisma prensibi, 3 farkli modda çalismakatadir. The operating principle of the combi (1), which is the subject of the invention, operates in 3 different modes.

Ilk modda, sadece ortam isitmasi tercih edildiginde, kombinin (1) çalisma prensibi söyledir ki, isitma dönüs hattindan (23) gelen kismen isisini kaybetmis su, sirkülasyon pompasi (60) ile devir daim ettirilirken, bu su ilk olarak ana esanjörden (20) girip kaybettigi isi enerjisini tekrar kazanarak ana esanjörden (20) sicak su olarak çikar. Ana esanjörden (20) sicak su olarak çikan su, isitma besleme hatti (24) ile kullanim suyu esanjörünün (30) sicak su giris portundan (31) girip, sicak su çikis portundan () çikar. Bu esnada herhangi bir isi kaybi olmaz. (çünkü kullanim suyu çalismamaktadir.) Kullanim suyu esanjörünün (30), sicak su çikis portundan () çikan sicak su, yön kontrol valfi (40) ile isitma ünitesine (50) yönlendirilir. ederek, isitma dönüs hattindan (23) tekrar sirkülayon pompasina gider. Bu çevrim kullanici sadece isitma istedigi müddetçe böyle devam eder. 2. modda, hem isitma hem de kullanim suyu tercih edildiginde, kombinin (1) çalisma prensibi söyledir ki, isitma dönüs hattindan (23) gelen kismen isisini kaybetmis su, sirkülasyon pompasi (60) ile devir daim ettirilirken, bu su ilk olarak ana esanjörden (20) girip kaybettigi isi enerjisini tekrar kazanarak ana esanjörden (20) sicak su olarak çikar. Ana esanjörden (20) sicak su olarak çikan su, isitma besleme hatti (24) ile kullanim suyu esanjörünün (30) sicak su giris portundan (31) girip, sicak su çikis portundan (32) çikar. Bu esnada soguk su hattindan (35) gelen soguk su, kullanim suyu esanjörünün (30) kullanim suyu giris portundan (33) girip, kullanim suyu esanjöründe (30) devir daim olurken ana esanjörden (20) gelen sicak suyun isi enerjisini kismen alip isinmak sureti ile kullanim suyu çikis portundan (34) sicak su olarak çikar ve sicak su besleme hatti (36) ile kullanim suyu bataryalarina (90) sicak su besler. Kullanim suyu esanjörünün (30) sicak su çikis portundan (32) çikan sicak su, yön kontrol valfi (40) ile isitma ünitesine (50) gider. 3. modda, sadece kullanim suyu tercih edildiginde, kombinin (1) çalisma prensibi söyledir ki, yön kontrol valfi (40) konum degitirerek isitma besleme hattini (24) isitma dönüs hattina (23) baglayarak, isitma ünitesine (50) giden hat kapanir ve farkli bir rotada kullanim suyu için isitma yapilir. Bu durumda ana esanjörden (20) çikan sicak su, kullanim suyu esanjöründe (30) dolanarak, isitma dönüs hattina (23) baglanir. Bu esnada soguk su hattindan (35) gelen su, kullanim suyu esanjöründe (30) isinarak çikip, sicak su besleme hattindan (36) kullanim suyu bataryalarina (90) beslenir. Böylece kullanim suyuna verilecek isi enerjisi bir nevi emre amade hazir halde bulunur. Kullanim suyu esanjörünün (30) sicak su çikis portundan (32) çikip, isitma dönüs hattina (23) açilan ve kismen isi enerjisi kaybetmis su, sirkülasyon pompasi (60) ile devir daim ettirilirken, bu su ana esanjörden (20) girip kaybettigi isi enerjisini tekrar kazanarak ana esanjörden (20) sicak su olarak çikar. Kullanim suyu ihtitaci oldukça sicak su döngüsü bu sekilde devam eder.In the first mode, when only ambient heating is preferred, the operating principle of the boiler (1) is that The partially de-heated water coming from the heating return line (23) is mixed with the circulation pump (60). While being circulated, this water first enters the main heat exchanger (20) and recycles the lost heat energy. It comes out as hot water from the main heat exchanger (20) by winning. As hot water from the main heat exchanger (20) The leaving water is the heating supply line (24) and the hot water inlet of the domestic water exchanger (30). port (31) and exits the hot water outlet port (). No heat loss during this time Impossible. (because the domestic water is not working.) The domestic water exchanger (30) The hot water coming out of the outlet port () is directed to the heating unit (50) with the directional control valve (40). It goes back to the circulation pump from the heating return line (23). This cycle user it continues like this as long as only heating wants. In the 2nd mode, when both heating and domestic water are preferred, the working principle of the boiler (1) It is said that the partially de-heated water coming from the heating return line (23) While being circulated by the pump (60), this water first enters from the main heat exchanger (20) and loses heat. it comes out as hot water from the main heat exchanger (20) by regaining its energy. From the main heat exchanger (20) The hot water leaving the heating supply line (24) and the domestic water exchanger (30) enters through the water inlet port (31) and exits through the hot water outlet port (32). Meanwhile, cold water The cold water coming from the line (35) comes from the domestic water inlet port of the domestic water exchanger (30). (33) enters and circulates in the domestic water exchanger (30), while the flow from the main heat exchanger (20) From the domestic water outlet port (34) by partially absorbing the heat energy of the hot water and warming it up. It comes out as hot water and is supplied to hot water supply line (36) and domestic water batteries (90). water feeds. Hot water coming out of the hot water outlet port (32) of the domestic water exchanger (30), direction it goes to the heating unit (50) with the control valve (40). In the 3rd mode, when only domestic water is preferred, the working principle of the boiler (1) is that, By changing the directional control valve (40) position, the heating supply line (24) is connected to the heating return line (23) By connecting it, the line to the heating unit (50) is closed and for domestic water in a different route. heating is done. In this case, the hot water coming out of the main heat exchanger (20) is in the domestic water exchanger. (30) is connected to the heating return line (23). Meanwhile, from the cold water line (35) the water comes out by heating in the domestic water exchanger (30) and is used from the hot water supply line (36). water is fed to the batteries (90). Thus, the heat energy to be given to the domestic water is somewhat of a command. is available ready-made. From the hot water outlet port (32) of the domestic water exchanger (30) The water that comes out and is opened to the heating return line (23) and has partially lost heat energy, While being circulated by the pump (60), this water enters from the main heat exchanger (20) and absorbs the heat energy lost. it recovers and exits the main heat exchanger (20) as hot water. If there is a need for domestic water The hot water cycle continues in this way.

Claims (1)

ISTEMLER Yanici gazin beslendigi yanici gaz besleme hatti (11), bahsedilen yanici gazin bahsedilen yanici gaz hatti (11) ile ulastigi ve bahsedilen yanici gazin yakilmasi ile isi enerjisi ürüten brülör (10), bahsedilen brülörde (10) yanici gazin yanmasi ile açiga çikan atik gazlari atmosfere ileten baca (12), bahsedilen brülörün (10) verdigi isi enerjisini suya aktaran ana esanjör (20), bahsedilen ana esanjörden (20) çikan sicak suyu, kullanici ortamina veren isitma ünitesi (50), kullanim suyu ihtiyaci oldugunda bahsedilen ana esanjörden (20) gelen sicak suyu kullanim suyu için isitan kullanim suyu esanjörü (30), bahsedilen isitma ünitesinde (50) veya kullanim suyu esanjöründe (30) kismen isisini kismen kaybeden ve çikan suyu devir daim ettiren sirkülasyon pompasi (60), bahsedilen ana esanjörden (20) çikan sicak suyu bahsedilen isitma ünitesine (50) veya bahsedilen kullanim suyu esanjörü (30) üzerinden sirkülasyon pompasina (60) yönlendiren bir adet giris portuna ve 2 adet çikis portuna sahip olan ve giris portu bahsedilen ana esanjöre (20), çikis portlarindan biri bahsedilen kullanim suyu esanjörüne (30); digeri bahsedilen isitma ünitesine (50) bagli olan. kullanim suyu ihityaci oldugunda bahsedilen isitma ünitesine (50) giden çikis portunu kapatan ve bahsedilen kullanim suyu esanjörüne (30) giden çikis portunu açan yön kontrol valfinden (40) meydana gelen kombi (1) ile ilgili olup; özelligi; bahsedilen ana esanjörün (20) çikisina, bahsedilen yön kontrol valfinin (40) giris portunun yukari akim kismina konumlanan ve bu konumlama ile kullanim suyuna verilecek isi enerjisini emre amade hazir halde bulunduran ve bahsedilen isitma ünitesi (50) devre disi olmadan, su israfi ve vakit kaybi olmadan sicak su saglayan kullanim suyu esanjörü (30), bahsedilen ana esanjör (20) ve kullanim suyu esanjöründen (30) geçen ve kismen isisini kaybeden sicak suyu, bahsedilen kombinin (1) kullanim moduna göre isitma ünitesine (50) veya direkt sirkülasyon pompasina (60) yönlendiren, 1 adet giris, 2 adet çikis olmak üzere 3 adet porta sahip ve giris portu ana esanjöre (20) ve kullanim suyu esanjörüne (30), çikis portlarindan birisi direkt sirkülasyon pompasina (60), diger çikis portu isitma ünitesine (50) bagli olan yön kontrol valfi (40), bahsedilen kombinin (1) kullanim moduna göre, bahsedilen yön kontrol valfinin (40) pozisyonuna göre, bahsedilen isitma ünitesinden (50) veya bahsedilen kullanim suyu esanjöründen (30) çikan ve bahsedilen yön kontrol valfinin (40) degisen konumu ile yönlendirilen isisini kismen kaybetmis sicak suyun kapali devre tesisat içerisinde devir daim edilmesini saglayan sirkülasyon pompasi (60), içermesi ile karakterize edilmektedir.REQUIREMENTS The combustible gas supply line (11) through which the combustible gas is fed, the burner (10) in which the said combustible gas reaches with the said combustible gas line (11) and that generates heat energy by burning the said combustible gas, the waste released by the combustion of the combustible gas in the said burner (10) The chimney (12) that transmits the gases to the atmosphere, the main heat exchanger (20) that transfers the heat energy given by the said burner (10) to the water, the heating unit (50) that gives the hot water coming out of the said main heat exchanger (20) to the user environment, the main heat exchanger mentioned when there is a need for domestic water. (20) the domestic water exchanger (30) that heats the incoming hot water for the domestic water, the circulation pump (60) that partially loses its heat in the said heating unit (50) or the domestic water exchanger (30) and circulates the outgoing water, from the said main heat exchanger ( 20) One inlet port and 2 outlet ports that direct the hot water coming out to the said heating unit (50) or to the circulation pump (60) over the said domestic water exchanger (30). having a and inlet port to said main heat exchanger (20), one of its outlet ports to said domestic water heat exchanger (30); the other being connected to said heating unit (50). It is related to the boiler (1), which consists of a directional control valve (40) that closes the outlet port to the said heating unit (50) when there is a need for domestic water and opens the outlet port to the said domestic water exchanger (30); feature; Without the said heating unit (50), which is located at the outlet of the said main heat exchanger (20), upstream of the inlet port of the said directional control valve (40), and keeps the heat energy to be given to the domestic water available with this positioning, water wastage and time The domestic water exchanger (30), which provides hot water without loss of heat, passes through the mentioned main heat exchanger (20) and the domestic water exchanger (30) and loses its heat partially, to the heating unit (50) or directly to the circulation pump, depending on the usage mode of the mentioned boiler (1). (60), has 3 ports, 1 inlet, 2 outlets, and the inlet port is connected to the main heat exchanger (20) and the domestic water heat exchanger (30), one of the outlet ports to the direct circulation pump (60), the other outlet port to the heating unit ( 50) the directional control valve (40) connected, according to the usage mode of the said boiler (1), according to the position of the said directional control valve (40), from the said heating unit (50) or the said usage mode. It is characterized by the fact that it includes a circulation pump (60), which provides the circulation of the partially lost hot water coming out of the water heat exchanger (30) and directed by the changing position of the said directional control valve (40) within the closed circuit installation.

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
TR2021010747U5 true TR2021010747U5 (en) 2021-07-26



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