SI9520033A - Shoe-type braking device for railway rolling stock - Google Patents

Shoe-type braking device for railway rolling stock Download PDF


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SI9520033A SI9520033A SI9520033A SI9520033A SI 9520033 A SI9520033 A SI 9520033A SI 9520033 A SI9520033 A SI 9520033A SI 9520033 A SI9520033 A SI 9520033A SI 9520033 A SI9520033 A SI 9520033A
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Jean-Michel Ven
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Arbel Fauvet Rail Sa
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Application filed by Arbel Fauvet Rail Sa filed Critical Arbel Fauvet Rail Sa
Publication of SI9520033A publication Critical patent/SI9520033A/en



    • B61H1/00Applications or arrangements of brakes with a braking member or members co-operating with the periphery of the wheel rim, a drum, or the like
    • B61H13/00Actuating rail vehicle brakes
    • B61H13/20Transmitting mechanisms
    • B61H9/00Brakes characterised by or modified for their application to special railway systems or purposes


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Braking Arrangements (AREA)


A shoe-type braking device for railway rolling stock designed for travel over networks with differing track gauges. Said braking device includes two shoes (7a, 7b) supported by each holder (8) and shaped to fit the outline of a wheel (4) used in another network; a shaft (10) parallel to the axis of an axle (3) on which at least a movable one of the shoes is slidable, said shaft being long enough to enable at least said movable shoe to be moved between two positions, i.e. an operative position in which it faces the wheel to which it is assigned, and a stand-by position in which it is sufficiently spaced from the previous position to prevent the path of the stand-by shoes from intersecting that of the wheels currently in use when the shoe assembly is being moved; and an assembly (11) for translationally locking at least the movable shoes in predetermined positions.


Zavorna priprava na zavorne čeljusti za železniška vozilaBraking preparation for brake calipers for railway vehicles

Izum se nanaša na zavorno pripravo na zavorne čeljusti za železniška vozila, ki so namenjena, da krožijo po omrežjih, v katerih imajo tirnice različne razmike.The invention relates to the braking device for brake calipers for railway vehicles intended to circulate on networks where the rails have different distances.

Klasična železniška vozila obsegajo šasijo, ki jo nosi vsaj ena os, na katere konca sta pritrjeni kolesi, ki sta drugo od drugega razmaknjeni za določeno vrednost v odvisnosti od razmika med tirnicami določenega omrežja, in je pod šasijo nameščena zavorna priprava na zavorne čeljusti, ki za vsako kolo obsega:Conventional rolling stock comprises a chassis supported by at least one axle, to which the wheels are fixed, spaced apart from each other by a certain value depending on the rail spacing of a particular network, and there is a braking device mounted on the chassis below the chassis. for each wheel includes:

- zavorno pripravo in vsaj en par zavornih čeljusti, ki sta nameščeni v področjih, ki sta si na kolesu v bistvu diametralno nasproti, da bi med zaviranjem zavorna priprava vodila zavorni čeljusti, da med seboj stisneta tekalni pas kolesa.- the braking device and at least one pair of brake calipers, which are located in areas substantially diametrically opposite to the wheel, in order to guide the brake calipers to compress the treadmill of the wheel during braking.

Na klasičen način nosi vsako zavorno čeljust nosilec, ki je povezan s šasijo s pomočjo obešala, ki dovoljuje, da se obravnavana čeljust premika v ravnini, ki obsega kolo.In a classic manner, each brake caliper carries a bracket connected to the chassis by means of a hanger that allows the caliper in question to move in the plane surrounding the wheel.

Obešalo na splošno obstoji iz obešalnega locna.The hanger generally consists of a hanging hanger.

Da železniška vozila lahko krožijo po železniških omrežjih z železniškimi tiri, katerih razmiki tirnic so različni, se izvede preprosto zamenjavo osi enega razmika z drugimi osmi, ki so prilagojene drugemu razmiku tirnic.In order to allow railway vehicles to circulate on railway networks with railway tracks with different track spacings, a simple replacement of the axes of one spacing with the other axes adapted to the other spacing of the rails is carried out.

To je mnogo ceneje, kot da se imobilizira kolesno ogrodje ali pa celotne platforme.This is much cheaper than immobilizing the wheelbase or the entire platform.

Vendar pa se vsakič, kadar se zamenja ena os z drugo, kolesa ne nahajajo več v isti ravnini, ki vključuje zavorne čeljusti, to pa vodi do neučinkovitosti zaviranja.However, each time the axle is replaced with another, the wheels are no longer in the same plane that includes the brake calipers, which leads to inefficient braking.

Temu omenjenemu problemu pa se pridružijo še številni drugi.However, many others join this problem.

Na splošno je vrsta uporabljenih zavornih čeljusti na enem omrežju različna od leteh, ki se uporabljajo na drugem omrežju, in se zato ne da predvideti, da bi se uporabljale ene same čeljusti, ki bi se premeščale prečno glede na razdaljo med železniškimi tirnicami.Generally, the type of brake calipers used on one network is different from those used on the other network and therefore it is not foreseeable to use single calipers that move transversely with respect to the distance between the rail tracks.

Potrebna sta torej dva para zavornih čeljusti; eden deluje na enem omrežju in drugi deluje na drugem omrežju.Therefore, two pairs of brake calipers are required; one works on one network and the other works on another network.

V določenih primerih razlika v dolžini med dvema tipoma osi zadošča, da se uporabljata dve zavorni čeljusti, nameščeni na šasiji, vendar se zgodi, da so tekalni pasovi, na katere se opirajo zavorne čeljusti, po osnih legah popolnoma različni vzdolž središčne linije osi, vendar pa je dolžina teh pasov, povečana za širino kolesnih vencev teh koles takšna, da so področja, ki so rezervirana za prehod, blizu tega, da se skoraj prekrivajo, ali vsaj med uporabo ene osi, če bi se hkrati upravljalo dva para zavornih čeljusti, bi lahko par čeljusti, ki ni namenjen obravnavanemu tipu osi, prišel ne glede na zračnost v dotik z zunanjim robom kolesa in bi vsaj oviral, da bi zavorna čeljust, ki je dejansko prirejena obravnavanemu kolesu, normalno prislonila na tekalni pas in omogočila delovanje zaviranja.In certain cases, the difference in length between the two types of axles is sufficient to use two brake calipers mounted on the chassis, but it may happen that the running belts on which the calipers rely are completely different along the axial positions along the center line of the axle, but however, the length of these belts, increased by the width of the wheel rims of such wheels, is such that the areas reserved for passage are close to nearly overlapping, or at least when using one axle, if two pairs of brake calipers were operated simultaneously, a pair of calipers not intended for the axle type in question could come irrespective of clearance into contact with the outer edge of the wheel and would at least impede that the brake caliper actually fitted to the wheel in question would normally attach to the treadmill and allow braking to operate.

Upoštevaje razpoložljiv prostor, ni razumno predvideti drugo zavorno pripravo, ki bi omogočala, da bi manevriranje parov čeljusti postalo neodvisno.Given the space available, it is not reasonable to envisage another braking device that would allow the maneuvering of the pairs of jaws to become independent.

Eden izmed rezultatov, ki jih izum želi doseči, je zavorna priprava zgoraj omenjene vrste, ki prinaša rešitev zgoraj omenjenih problemov.One of the results the invention seeks to achieve is the braking device of the aforementioned type, which provides a solution to the problems mentioned above.

V ta namen ima za nalogo takšno zavorno pripravo, ki je predvsem značilna v tem, da obsega:To this end, it is tasked with such a braking device, which is, in particular, characterized in that it comprises:

- dve zavorni čeljusti in vsako nosi nosilec, pri čemer je vsaka prilagojena profilu kolesa, ki se uporablja na posameznem omrežju,- two brake calipers each bearing a carrier, each adapted to the wheel profile used on the individual network,

- gred, ki je vzporedna s središčno linijo osi in na kateri je drsno nameščena vsaj ena izmed zavornih čeljusti, nazvana premična čeljust, in je ta gred dovolj dolga, da omogoča vsaj omenjeni premični čeljusti, da se premika med dvema položajema, prvim, ki se mu pravi aktiven položaj, kjer se nahaja nasproti kolesu, ki mu je prirejena, in drugim položajem, ki se mu pravi čakalen položaj, kjer je dovolj odmaknjena od predhodnega položaja, da ob manevriranju sklopa zavornih čeljusti trajektorija zavornih čeljusti v čakalnem položaju ne preseka tedaj uporabljanih koles, in- a shaft parallel to the center line of the axle and on which at least one of the brake calipers, called a movable caliper, is slidably mounted, and this shaft is long enough to allow at least said caliper to move between two positions, the first which it shall be called the active position opposite the wheel to which it is adapted and other positions called the waiting position where it is sufficiently spaced from the previous position so that the trajectory of the brake calipers in the waiting position does not intersect when maneuvering the brake caliper assembly. the wheels used at that time, and

- sredstvo za blokiranje translacije vsaj premičnih zavornih čeljusti v vnaprej določenih položajih.- a means of blocking the translation of at least movable brake calipers in predetermined positions.

Izum bo dobro pojasnjen s pomočjo opisa v nadaljnjem na osnovi izvedbenega primera, ki ni omejujoč, in sklicujoč se na pridruženo risbo, ki shematično predstavlja na:The invention will be well explained by way of description hereinafter based on a non-limiting embodiment and by reference to an associated drawing which schematically represents:

sl. 1 stranski delni pogled na železniško vozilo, sl. 2 in 3 pogled z vrha na zavorno pripravo po izumu v dveh položajih delovanja.FIG. 1 is a side partial view of a railway vehicle; FIG. 2 and 3 are a top view of the braking device of the invention in two operating positions.

Sklicujoč se na risbo, se vidi, da se za kroženje po dveh železniških omrežjih, pri čemer med njima obstoji razlika v razmiku med tirnicami, uporablja železniško vozilo 1, na katerem so predvidena sredstva za zamenjavo osi, da se jih prilagodi razmiku tirnic v omrežju, ki bo uporabljeno.Referring to the drawing, it can be seen that, for circulating on two railway networks, with a difference between the rails between them, a railway vehicle 1 is provided, with means of axle replacement provided to adjust them to the rail spacing of the network. to be used.

Tako vsako železniško vozilo obsega šasijo 2, ki jo nosi vsaj ena os 3, na katere koncu sta pritrjeni kolesi 4, ki sta drugo od drugega razmaknjeni za vrednost, ki je določena v odvisnosti od razmika med tirnicami, in je pod omenjeno šasijo nameščena zavorna priprava 5 s čeljustmi, ki obsega za vsako kolo zavorno pripravo in vsaj en par čeljusti 7a, 7b, ki sta nameščeni v področjih, ki sta si diametralno nasprotni na kolesu in sta v obliki čeljusti, da med zaviranjem zavorna priprava manevrira zavorni čeljusti, da med seboj stisneta tekalni pas.Thus, each railway vehicle comprises a chassis 2, supported by at least one axle 3, at which ends there are fixed wheels 4 spaced apart from each other by a value determined depending on the distance between the rails, and a braking device is mounted below said chassis. a jaw device 5 comprising for each wheel a braking device and at least one pair of calipers 7a, 7b, which are arranged in areas that are diametrically opposite to the wheel and are in the form of calipers, to maneuver the calipers during braking, so that squeeze the treadmill.

Na klasičen način je vsaka od zavornih čeljusti 7a, 7b nošena z nosilcem 8, ki je povezan s šasijo preko obešala 9, ki dovoljuje obravnavano premikanje čeljusti v isti ravnini, ki vsebuje kolo. To obešalo je na splošno izvedeno z obešalnim locnom.In a conventional manner, each of the brake calipers 7a, 7b is supported by a carrier 8 connected to the chassis via a hanger 9, which permits the movement of the calipers in the same plane containing the wheel in question. This hanger is generally made with a hanger.

Po izumu zavorna priprava obsega:According to the invention, the braking device comprises:

- dve, vsaka s svojim nosilcem 8 nošeni zavorni čeljusti 7a, 7b, od katerih je vsaka prilagojena profilu kolesa, kije uporabljeno v posameznem omrežju,- two, each with its bracket 8 bearing brake calipers 7a, 7b, each adapted to the profile of the wheel used in each network,

- gred 10, ki je vzporedna s središčno linijo osi in na kateri je drsno pritrjena vsaj ena izmed zavornih čeljusti, ki se ji pravi premična čeljust, in je gred dovolj dolga, da omogoča vsaj omenjeni premični zavorni čeljusti, da se premika med obema položajema, enemu položaju se pravi aktiven položaj, kjer se nahaja nasproti kolesu, kateremu je prirejena, in drugemu položaju se pravi čakalni položaj, kjer je dovolj odmaknjena od predhodnega položaja, da ob manevriranju sklopa zavornih čeljusti trajektorija čeljusti v čakalnem položaju ne preseka tedaj uporabljanih koles, in- a shaft 10 which is parallel to the center line of the axle and at least one of the brake calipers, called the movable caliper, is slidably fixed and the shaft is long enough to allow at least said caliper to move between the two positions. , one position is called the active position, opposite to the wheel to which it is modified, and the other position is called the waiting position, where it is sufficiently spaced from the previous position so that, when maneuvering the brake caliper assembly, the trajectory of the caliper in the waiting position does not exceed the then used wheels , and

- sredstvo 11 za blokiranje translacije vsaj premičnih zavornih čeljusti v vnaprej določenih položajih.- means 11 for blocking the translation of at least movable brake calipers in predetermined positions.

Premične zavorne čeljusti nato obsegajo sredstvo 12 za translacijsko vodenje po gredi, kot je izvrtina 12, kije izvedena v nosilcu, na katerem so pritrjene.The movable brake calipers then comprise a translational shaft guide means 12 such as a bore 12, which is made in the carrier on which they are attached.

Po izumu gre za čeljusti, ki so nameščene kvečjemu blizu središčne linije železniškega vozila, in te so premične.According to the invention, these are jaws which are at most close to the center line of the railway vehicle and which are movable.

V izvedbenem primeru (ni predstavljen) blokima sredstva obstojijo iz zatičnega druga, ki vskoči v izvrtino, da predstavlja nosilec čeljusti in gredi.In the embodiment (not shown), the blocks consist of a pin second that engages a bore to represent the jaw and shaft support.

V prednostnem izvedbenem primeru izuma je blokirno sredstvo 11 pogrezljiv odbijač 13, ki:In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the blocking means 11 is a recessed bumper 13 which:

- po eni strani ima svojo prečno razsežnost D, ki je merjena vzdolž središčne osi gredi, v bistvu enako nezasedeni dolžini gredi, in- on the one hand, its transverse dimension D, measured along the center axis of the shaft, is essentially equal to the unoccupied length of the shaft, and

- po drugi strani je translacijsko premičen vzdolž središčne linije 14 gredi, tako da imobilizira vsaj premično čeljust v položajih, kakor se pač namesti pogrezljiv odbijač na eni strani ali drugi strani premične čeljusti na način podložke.- on the other hand, it is translationally movable along the center line 14 of the shaft so as to immobilize at least the movable jaw in positions, as if a plunger bumper were mounted on one side or the other side of the movable jaw in the manner of a washer.

Prednostno sta dve zavorni čeljusti premični in pogrezljivi odbijač 13 je sestavljen iz dveh ločenih podložk 13a, 13b, katerih skupna debelina je enaka celotni debelini pogrezljivega odbijača 13, tako da je po položaju podložk razdalja med čeljustima in njun položaj na gredi takšen, da ni nevarnosti, da bi čeljust, ki trenutno ni v delovanju, sekala kolesni venec.Preferably, the two brake calipers are movable and the collapsible bumper 13 consists of two separate washers 13a, 13b whose total thickness is equal to the total thickness of the collapsible bumper 13, such that the distance between the calipers and their position on the shaft is such that there is no danger to allow the jaw not currently in operation to cut the wheel rim.

Položaj čeljusti je bil predstavljen (sl. 2 in 3), ko se uporablja ena ali druga izmed osi.The position of the jaws was presented (Figures 2 and 3) when using one or the other of the axes.

To omogoča, da se najbolje uporabi razpoložljiv prostor za montiranje zavornih čeljusti.This allows for the best use of the available space for mounting the brake calipers.

Po izvedbeni varianti (ni predstavljena), namesto da bi bil pogrezljivi odbijač 13 translacijsko premičen, predstavlja s premično zavorno čeljustjo komplementarni obliki za blokiranje v svojih položajih.According to an embodiment (not shown), instead of being a translationally movable bumper 13, it is a complementary locking shape in its positions with a movable brake caliper.

Pogrezljivi odbijač 13 nosi drog 17 sredstva za manevriranje in je ta drog vzporeden z gredjo in je vrtljiv.The recessed bumper 13 carries the maneuvering rod 17 and is parallel to the shaft and rotatable.

Namesto da bi bili nosilci čeljusti posamično obešeni s pomočjo locna oba ta nosilca nosi drog 18, katerega konca sta rotacijsko vodena in imobilizirana glede translacije na obešalnih locnih, ki sta pritrjena na šasijo.Instead of the jaws being individually hung by the bracket, both brackets bear a rod 18, the ends of which are rotatably guided and immobilized for translation on the brackets which are attached to the chassis.

Tako se z zračnostjo podložke in dolžino gredi, zmanjšano za predpisane gabarite, namesti zavorni čeljusti v osnih položajih na tak način, da ni nevarnosti nepredvidenega dotika neuporabljane zavorne čeljusti s kolesom, nameščenim na gredi.In this way, the washers and the shaft length, reduced by the prescribed dimensions, position the brake calipers in the axial positions in such a way that there is no risk of accidental contact of the unused brake caliper with the wheel mounted on the shaft.

Claims (7)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Zavorna priprava na zavorne čeljusti za železniška vozila, ki so namenjena za kroženje po omrežjih, med katerimi imajo tiri različne razmike, in za vsako kolo obsegajoča zavorno pripravo in vsaj en par zavornih čeljusti (7a, 8b), ki sta nameščeni v področjih, ki sta v bistvu diametralno nasprotni na kolesu, in sta čeljustne oblike, da med zaviranjem zavorna priprava manevrira zavorni Čeljusti, da medseboj stisneta tekalni pas, pri čemer sta zavorni čeljusti (7a, 7b) na klasičen način vsaka posebej nošeni z nosilcem (8), ki je s šasijo povezan s pomočjo obešala (9), ki dovoljuje premikanje obravnavane čeljusti v isti ravnini, ki vsebuje kolo, pri čemer je ta priprava označena s tem, da obsega: z obešalom (8) vsakič nošeni dve čeljusti (7a, 7b), od katerih je vsaka prilagojena profilu kolesa, ki se uporablja na posameznem omrežju,1. Braking device for brake calipers for rolling stock intended for circulation on networks with different track distances and comprising, for each wheel, a brake caliper and at least one pair of brake calipers (7a, 8b) located in areas substantially diametrically opposed to the wheel and having a jaw shape to maneuver the brake calipers during braking to squeeze the treadmill with each other, the calipers (7a, 7b) being each carried separately by the carrier (8 ), which is connected to the chassis by means of a hanger (9), which permits movement of the jaw in question in the same plane containing the wheel, the device being characterized in that it comprises: two jaws (7a) being carried each time with the hanger (8). , 7b), each of which is adapted to the profile of the wheel used on a particular network, - gred (10), kije vzporedna središčni liniji osi (3) in na kateri je drsno pritijena vsaj ena izmed zavornih čeljusti, ki se ji pravi premična čeljust, in je gred dovolj dolga, da omogoča vsaj omenjeni premični zavorni čeljusti, da se premika med dvema položajema, in se en položaj imenuje aktiven položaj, v katerem se nahaja nasproti kolesa, kateremu je prirejena, in je drugi položaj, ki se mu pravi čakajoči položaj, kjer je dovolj odmaknjena od predhodnega položaja, da ob manevru sklopa zavornih čeljusti trajektorija zavornih čeljusti v položaju čakanja ne preseka tedaj uporabljenih koles,- a shaft (10) parallel to the center line of the axle (3) and on which at least one of the brake calipers, called a movable caliper, is slidably fixed and the shaft is long enough to allow at least said caliper to move between two positions, and one position is called the active position in which it is opposite the wheel to which it is fitted, and the other is called the waiting position, where it is sufficiently spaced from the previous position to trajectory the trajectory of the brake caliper assembly. the brake calipers in the waiting position do not exceed the wheels then used, - sredstvo (11) za blokiranje pri translaciji vsaj premičnih čeljusti v vnaprej določenih položajih.- a means (11) for blocking the translation of at least movable jaws in predetermined positions. 2. Priprava po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da sta zavorni čeljusti, ki sta nameščeni najbliže središčni liniji železniškega vozila, tisti, ki sta premični.Device according to claim 1, characterized in that the brake calipers located closest to the centerline of the railway vehicle are those which are movable. 3. Priprava po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da je blokirno sredstvo sestavljeno iz droga zatiča, ki vskoči v izvrtino nosilca zavornih čeljusti in gredi.Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the locking means is composed of a pin rod which engages in the bore of the brake caliper and the shaft carrier. 4. Priprava po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da je blokirno sredstvo (11) pogrezljiv odbijač (13), ki:Device according to claim 1, characterized in that the locking means (11) is a recessed bumper (13) which: - po eni strani ima svojo prečno razsežnost (D), ki je merjena vzdolž središčne linije gredi, v bistvu enako nezasedeni dolžini gredi, in- on the one hand, its transverse dimension (D), measured along the center line of the shaft, is essentially equal to the unoccupied length of the shaft, and - po drugi strani je translacijsko premičen vzdolž središčne linije (14) gredi, tako da imobilizira vsaj premično zavorno čeljust v njenih položajih, ko se pogrezljiv odbijač namesti na eni strani ali drugi strani premične zavorne čeljusti na način podložke.- on the other hand, it is translationally movable along the center line (14) of the shaft so as to immobilize at least the movable brake caliper in its positions when the recessed bumper is mounted on one side or the other side of the movable brake caliper in the manner of a washer. 5. Priprava po kateremkoli izmed zahtevkov 1 do 4, označena s tem, da sta dve zavorni čeljusti premični in je pogrezljivi odbijač (13) sestavljen iz dveh podložk (13a, 13b), ki sta posamični in katerih vsota debelin je enaka celotni debelini pogrezljivega odbijača (13), tako da je glede na položaj podložk razdalja med čeljustmi in njihov položaj na gredi takšen, da ni nevarnosti, da čeljust, ki trenutno ne deluje, preseka kolesni venec.Device according to any one of claims 1 to 4, characterized in that the two brake calipers are movable and the collapsible bumper (13) consists of two washers (13a, 13b) that are individual and whose sum of thicknesses is equal to the total thickness of the collapsible bumper (13) such that, depending on the position of the washers, the distance between the jaws and their position on the shaft is such that there is no risk that the jaw, which is not currently operating, will cut through the wheel rim. 6. Priprava po zahtevku 4 ali 5, označena s tem, da predstavlja s premično zavorno čeljustjo komplementarne oblike za blokiranje v njihovih položajih namesto, daje pogrezljiv odbijač (13) translacijsko premičen.Apparatus according to claim 4 or 5, characterized in that, with the movable brake caliper, it represents a complementary locking shape in their positions instead of rendering the recessed bumper (13) translationally movable. 7. Priprava po kateremkoli izmed zahtevkov 4 do 6, označena s tem, da je pogrezljivi odbijač (13) nošen z drogom (17) manevrimega sredstva, pri čemer je drog vzporeden z gredjo in je vrtljiv.Device according to any one of claims 4 to 6, characterized in that the recessed bumper (13) is supported by a maneuver means (17), the rod being parallel to the shaft and rotatable.
SI9520033A 1994-02-07 1995-02-01 Shoe-type braking device for railway rolling stock SI9520033A (en)

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FR9401542A FR2715905B1 (en) 1994-02-07 1994-02-07 Shoe type braking device for railway equipment.

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SI9520033A SI9520033A (en) 1994-02-07 1995-02-01 Shoe-type braking device for railway rolling stock

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EP (1) EP0742769A1 (en)
CZ (1) CZ285002B6 (en)
FI (1) FI963096A (en)
FR (1) FR2715905B1 (en)
HU (1) HU218771B (en)
PL (1) PL176422B1 (en)
RU (1) RU2143357C1 (en)
SI (1) SI9520033A (en)
UA (1) UA28030C2 (en)
WO (1) WO1995021085A1 (en)

Families Citing this family (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
RU176834U1 (en) * 2016-12-26 2018-01-30 РЕЙЛ 1520 АйПи ЛТД Railway Vehicle Brake System

Family Cites Families (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2787226A (en) * 1951-05-21 1957-04-02 Symington Gould Corp Railway car truck
FR2381651A1 (en) * 1977-02-24 1978-09-22 Sambre & Meuse Usines Bogie for railway vehicle - has specially shaped sole bars which can be reversed relative to traverse for gauge conversion
DE4235807A1 (en) * 1992-10-23 1993-11-11 Talbot Waggonfab Block brakes for rail vehicle with at least respectively one brake block - acting on running surface of each wheel of set of wheels which is operable by brake cylinder controlled by at least one control unit across central brake rod.

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HUT77685A (en) 1998-07-28
FR2715905B1 (en) 1996-06-07
EP0742769A1 (en) 1996-11-20
WO1995021085A1 (en) 1995-08-10
UA28030C2 (en) 2000-10-16
PL176422B1 (en) 1999-05-31
FI963096A0 (en) 1996-08-06
RU2143357C1 (en) 1999-12-27
HU9602034D0 (en) 1996-09-30
CZ285002B6 (en) 1999-04-14
FR2715905A1 (en) 1995-08-11
FI963096A (en) 1996-08-06
PL315663A1 (en) 1996-11-25
CZ215196A3 (en) 1996-10-16
HU218771B (en) 2000-12-28

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