SI25382A - Block mechanism of the dosing system - Google Patents

Block mechanism of the dosing system Download PDF


Publication number
SI25382A SI201800099A SI201800099A SI25382A SI 25382 A SI25382 A SI 25382A SI 201800099 A SI201800099 A SI 201800099A SI 201800099 A SI201800099 A SI 201800099A SI 25382 A SI25382 A SI 25382A
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dosing system
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Application filed by BP BLISTER PACK d.o.o. filed Critical BP BLISTER PACK d.o.o.
Priority to SI201800099A priority Critical patent/SI25382A/en
Publication of SI25382A publication Critical patent/SI25382A/en
Priority to PCT/IB2019/053637 priority patent/WO2019211805A1/en



    • A47F1/00Racks for dispensing merchandise; Containers for dispensing merchandise
    • A47F1/04Racks or containers with arrangements for dispensing articles, e.g. by means of gravity or springs
    • A47F1/08Racks or containers with arrangements for dispensing articles, e.g. by means of gravity or springs dispensing from bottom
    • A47F1/082Racks or containers with arrangements for dispensing articles, e.g. by means of gravity or springs dispensing from bottom the container being made of tubes or wire
    • B65B5/00Packaging individual articles in containers or receptacles, e.g. bags, sacks, boxes, cartons, cans, jars
    • B65B5/10Filling containers or receptacles progressively or in stages by introducing successive articles, or layers of articles
    • B65B5/101Filling containers or receptacles progressively or in stages by introducing successive articles, or layers of articles by gravity
    • B65B5/103Filling containers or receptacles progressively or in stages by introducing successive articles, or layers of articles by gravity for packaging pills or tablets


  • Feeding Of Articles To Conveyors (AREA)
  • Coating Apparatus (AREA)


Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema je namenjen doziranju predmetov, ki potujejo po vodilih (K) proti zgornjemu zapiralu (ZZ) ter naprej proti spodnjemu zapiralu (SZ). Zapirala (SZ) in (ZZ) so vodena na poljubnem medosju (M2) s posebnimi vodilnimi mehanizmi (2), ki so štirje za posamezen blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema. Zapirala ZZ in SZ imajo dograjene jezičke (ZZ3) in (SZ3), ki nasedejo na pine (3.2), ki so vgrajeni preko vzmeti (3.3) v blokadnem mehanizmu (3). Za vsak posamezen blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema sta dva blokadna mehanizma (3), vgrajena na osnovno ploščo (1) na vsaki strani blokadnega mehanizma dozirnega sistema, gledano po dolžini. Zapirala (ZZ) in (SZ) potiskamo preko nasedov (P) v smeri (SZZ) in (SSZ) v levo. Pri tem zapirala (ZZ) in SZ), preko pinov (3.2), stiskajo vzmeti (3.3), katerim lahko nastavljamo prednapetost ter s tem posledično hitrost odmika zapiral (ZZ) in (SZ) ko preneha pritisk na nasede (P).The blocking mechanism of the dosing system is intended for the dosing of objects traveling along the guides (K) towards the upper closure (ZZ) and forward towards the lower closure (SZ). Closures (SZ) and (ZZ) are guided on any medium (M2) with special guide mechanisms (2), which are four for each blocking mechanism of the dosing system. The ZZ and SZ enclosures have upgraded tongues (ZZ3) and (SZ3), which are mounted on pines (3.2), which are installed through the spring (3.3) in the locking mechanism (3). For each individual locking mechanism of the dosing system, two locking mechanisms (3) mounted on the base plate (1) on each side of the dosing system locking mechanism are viewed in length. Closures (ZZ) and (SZ) are pushed through the strata (P) in the direction (SZZ) and (SSZ) to the left. With this pin (ZZ) and SZ), the springs (3.3) are pressed through the pins (3.2), which can be adjusted to the preload, and consequently the shut-off speed closes (ZZ) and (SZ) when the pressure is stopped on the set (P).


Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistemaBlock system of the dosing system

Predmet izuma je tehnični sistem, ki omogoča uporabo različnih zapiral na osnovnem ogrodju dozirnega sistema za doziranje tablet v farmacevtski industriji. Ta predlagani izum lahko uporabimo tudi v dozatorjih za kosovne predmete različnih strok.Subject of the invention is a technical system that allows the use of various closures on the basic framework of the dosing system for dosing tablets in the pharmaceutical industry. This proposed invention can also be used in dozers for pieces of objects of different disciplines.

Zapirala zapirajo in odpirajo dozirni kanal po katerem s pomočjo sile teže potujejo predmeti, kijih doziramo. Zgornje zapiralo dozira predmete, ki čakajo v dozirnem kanalu v prostor med zapirali. Spodnje zapiralo pa dozira-spušča predmete, ki padajo na podlago na kateri je predvidoma plastična embalaža z vdelanimi gnezdi za predmete.The closures close and open the dosing channel according to which the objects we are transporting are carried by the force of gravity. The upper closure doses objects waiting in the dosing channel into the space between the closures. The lower closure then doses-drops objects that drop onto the substrate on which plastic packaging with embedded nests for objects is supposed to be.

Bistvo predlaganega izuma je v tem, daje vodenje obeh zapiral izvedeno kot utoma zveza med zapirali in vodili, in sicer na standardni širini zapiral, ki je lahko poljubna vendar za vsak sistem enaka, ter ne na skrajnih robovih zapiral kot je znano stanje tehnike do sedaj.The essence of the present invention lies in the fact that the guiding of the two closures is carried out as a groove between the closures and the guides, on a standard width of the closure, which may be arbitrary but for each system equal, and not at the extreme edges of the closures as the known state of the art so far .

Zaradi tega tehničnega izuma lahko uporabimo različno dolga zapirala v klasičnem dozirnem sistemu in ni potrebno izdelovati posebnih zapiral za vsak dozirni predmet posebej.Because of this technical invention, various lengthwise closures in the conventional dosing system can be used and it is not necessary to produce special closures for each dosing object separately.

Drugi tehnični izum v tej prijavi je izveden s tem, da zapirala v horizontalni smeri-v eno smer premika poseben element-pin z vzmetjo, kije uležajen v nosilcu. Dodatna prednost je ta, da lahko vzmeti pred napenjamo s posebnim navojnim čepom. Ta način je mnogo bolj točen, poleg tega lahko nastavljamo silo pomikov.Another technical invention in this application is that the closures in the horizontal direction-in one direction move a special element-pin with a spring, which is mounted in the carrier. An additional advantage is that the springs can be tensioned with a special screw plug. This method is much more accurate, in addition, we can adjust the force of shifts.

Dosedanje znano stanje tehnike je takšno, da zapirala v horizontalni smeri- v eno smer premikajo vzmeti, ki se ne dajo pred napenjati. V drugo smer pomikajo zapirala pnevmatski cilindri ali kakšen drugi sistem, ki pa niso predmet tega predlaganega izuma.The prior art state of the art is such that the closures in the horizontal direction in one direction move springs that can not be tensioned. In the other direction, the closures are pneumatic cylinders or some other system, which are not the subject of this proposed invention.

Problem, ki ga rešuje opisovan izum je, da lahko, zaradi enovitega vodenja zapiral v dozirnem sistemu, na enem-poljubnem blokadnem mehanizmu dozirnega sistema uporabimo zapirala poljubnih dolžin, za poljubne predmete.The problem solved by the described invention is that, due to uniform controlling, in the dosing system, one-to-one blocking mechanism of the dosing system can be used with closures of any lengths for any objects.

Drugi problem, ki ga rešuje predlagani izum jev tem, da lahko silo in s tem posledično hitrost premikov zapiral v eni smeri nastavljamo s pred napenjanjem vzmeti in s tem posledično zvišamo takt doziranja predmetov oz. povečujemo kapaciteto dozirnega sistema. Poleg tega je skrajna lega zapirala eksaktno določena s posebnim elementom, ki omejuje hod zapirala.Another problem solved by the present invention is that the force and, consequently, the velocity of the displacement of the closures in one direction can be adjusted with the tension of the spring, thereby increasing the dosing time of the objects or, we increase the capacity of the dosing system. In addition, the extreme position of the closure is precisely determined by a special element that limits the closing stroke.

Podobni sistemi so, kot javne dobrine ali patenti že poznani, vendar ne uporabljajo enakih ali podobnih tehničnih rešitev vodenja zapiral ter ne uporabljajo enakih ali podobnih tehničnih rešitev določanja končne lega zapiral kot predlagani izum. V patentnih bazah najdemo naslednje patente, ki imajo podobnosti s predlaganim izumom, vendar v tehničnih rešitvah, kijih opisujemo v tej prijavi nimajo skupnih značilnosti, kot sledi:Similar systems, as public goods or patents, are known, but do not use the same or similar technical closure management solutions, and do not use the same or similar technical solutions for determining the end position of the closures as the present invention. In the patent databases, the following patents are found which have similarities with the proposed invention, but in the technical solutions described in this application they have no common features as follows:

Patent št.: EP 2110323Patent No: EP 2110323

Ime: Supply and sorting device for packaging machinesName: Supply and sorting device for packaging machines

Ta izum prikazuje tehnični izum pogonov zapiralno/odpiralnih plošč. Pogoni so povezani z magneti in na ta način omogočajo hitro odstranitev, zamenjavo plošč.This invention illustrates the technical invention of the closing / opening plate drives. The drives are connected with magnets, thus enabling quick removal, replacement of panels.

Ta izum v ničemer ne opisuje načina vodenja in blokiranja zapiralno odpiralnih plošč kar je bistvo našega predlaganega izuma.This invention does not in any way describe the method of controlling and blocking the closing opening plates, which is the essence of our proposed invention.

Ta izum ne uporablja enakih ali podobnih tehničnih značilnosti kot naš predlagani izum.This invention does not use the same or similar technical features as our present invention.

Patent št: EP 2110325Patent No: EP 2110325

Ime: Blocking gate unit for a supply and sorting device for packaging machinesName: Blocking gate unit for a supply and sorting device for packaging machines

Ta izum opisuje tehnični način zapiranja in odpiranja dozirnih kanalov, ki pa uporablja drugačne tehnične rešitve kot naš, predlagani izum, saj so jezički del zaporne plošče, medtem ko so pri našem predlogu dodatno nameščeni.This invention describes the technical method of closing and opening dosing channels, which uses different technical solutions than our proposed invention, since the tabs are part of the closure plate, while they are additionally installed in our proposal.

Dodatno k temu je dejstvo, daje način zapiranja in odpiranja kanalov, kot ga opisuje ta izum, že znano stanje tehnike vsaj 50 let.In addition, the fact that the method of closing and opening channels as described in this invention is a known state of the art for at least 50 years.

Ta izum ne opisuje vodenja in blokiranja zapornih plošč, ki je bistveni tehnični izum našega predlaganega izuma, Ta patent nima skupnih tehničnih rešitev ali podobnih tehničnih rešitev kot naš predlagani sistem in zato ni v ničemer podoben našemu predlaganemu izumu.This invention does not describe the control and locking of shutter plates, which is an essential technical invention of our present invention. This patent does not have common technical solutions or similar technical solutions as our proposed system and therefore is in no way analogous to our proposed invention.

Patent št.: EP 2163479Patent No: EP 2163479

Ime: Supply and method for operating a supplyName: Supply and method for operating a supply

Ta izum predlaga doziranje predmetov preko tresenja. Postopek poti predmetov je sicer podoben, vendar je to že staro znanje stanje tehnike. Ta izum se fokusira na prenos vibracij na dozirno ploščo, vibracije pa pospešijo gibanje predmetov.This invention proposes dosing objects over shaking. The process of the course of objects is similar, but this is the old knowledge of the state of the art. This invention focuses on transferring vibrations to the dosing plate, and vibrations accelerate the movement of objects.

Ta izum ne opisuje in ščiti vodilnih sistemov zapiral-plošč, tudi ne opisuje blokadnih sistemov zapiral - plošč.This invention does not describe and protect the leading closing-plate systems, nor does it describe blocking closing systems-panels.

Za izum opisujem povsem druge tehnične rešitve kot naš predlagani izum, zato nima skupnih tehničnih rešitev.For the invention, I describe completely different technical solutions than our proposed invention, therefore it does not have common technical solutions.

Vsi našteti patentirani izumi opisujejo dozirne enote in ščitijo določene segmente teh dozirnih enot. Dozirne enote, kot osnova za vse naštete patentirane izume in tudi našega predlaganega izuma, so znano stanje tehnike že več kot 50 let, zato celotna pakima enota ne more biti nov tehnični.All of these patented inventions describe dosage units and protect certain segments of these dosage units. Dosing units, as the basis for all of these patented inventions and also of our proposed invention, have been known state of the art for more than 50 years, so the whole package unit can not be a new technical one.

Posamezni detajli, kot funkcijske enote-sestavni mehanski deli, pakime enote, pa so tehnične novosti-izumi, kijih opisujejo in ščitijo zgoraj opisani patenti.Individual details, as functional units - component mechanical parts, unit packages, are technical novelties, which describe and protect the patents described above.

Naš predlagan izum, opisuje vodenje zapornih plošč, način blokiranja in način pospešenega gibanja zapornih plošč, Takega načina ali podobnega nismo nikjer zasledili in je novost.Our proposed invention describes the control of locking plates, the method of blocking and the method of accelerated movement of the closing plates, such a method or the like is nowhere to be seen and is novelty.

Zgoraj našteti patentirani tehnični izumi uporabljajo povsem drugačne postopke tehničnih rešitev-izumov kot naš predlagani izum. Razlike so predvsem v principu načinov vodenja zapiral, načinov zamenjav zapiral in načinov določanja končnih leg zapiral.The above-mentioned patented technical inventions use completely different procedures of technical solutions-inventions than our proposed invention. The differences are mainly in the principle of how to control the closures, how to change the closures and how to determine the end positions of the closures.

Naš predlagani izum se loči od zgoraj naštetih patentiranih tehničnih izumov tudi v tem, da lahko uporabljamo povsem poljubna zapirala, poljubnih dolžin za različne blokadne mehanizme dozirnega sistema. To je omogočeno s tem, daje vodenje zapiral izvedeno v zapiralu, kot oblikovna zveza, in ne na skrajnih robovih zapiral kot je dosedanje znano stanje tehnike.Our proposed invention distinguishes itself from the aforementioned patented technical inventions also in that it is possible to use completely optional closures, of any lengths for various blocking mechanisms of the dosing system. This is facilitated by the fact that the guiding of the closures is carried out in the closure, as a design connection, and not on the closest edges of the closure, as is known in the prior art.

Zgoraj našteti patentirani tehnični izumi uporabljajo povsem drugačne tehnične rešitve-izume kot naš predlagani izum. Razlike so predvsem v principu vodenja zapiral in določanja končnih leg zapiral. Poleg tega nobeden od naštetih patentov ne omogoča spreminjanja hitrosti zapiral, kot to omogoča predlagani izum s pred napenjanjem vzmeti. Naš predlagani izum se loči od zgoraj naštetih patentiranih tehničnih izumov tudi v tem, da lahko uporabljamo povsem poljubna zapirala, poljubnih dolžin za različne blokadne mehanizme dozirnega sistema.The patented technical inventions listed above use completely different technical solutions-inventions than our proposed invention. The differences are mainly in the principle of closing and finishing the closing legs. In addition, none of the patents mentioned above allows the velocity of the closures to be varied, as the proposed invention allows with the pre-tensioning of the springs. Our proposed invention distinguishes itself from the aforementioned patented technical inventions also in that it is possible to use completely optional closures, of any lengths for various blocking mechanisms of the dosing system.

To je omogočeno s tem, daje vodenje zapiral izvedeno v zapiralu, kot oblikovna zveza, in ne na skrajnih robovih zapiral kot je dosedanje znano stanje tehnike.This is facilitated by the fact that the guiding of the closures is carried out in the closure, as a design connection, and not on the closest edges of the closure, as is known in the prior art.

Podrobneje je opisovan izum pojasnjen v nadaljevanju z opisom predloženih slik ter s tehničnim opisom sestave in delovanja blokadnega mehanizma dozirnega sistema:A more detailed description of the invention is explained below with a description of the submitted images and a technical description of the composition and operation of the dosing system locking mechanism:

Slika 1: Prikazuje pogled osnovne plošče 1 v izometriji. Na osnovni plošči 1 so zmontirani vsi elementi, ki tvorijo blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema.Figure 1: Shows the view of the base plate 1 in isometry. On the base plate 1, all the elements that form the locking mechanism of the dosing system are all assembled.

Slika 2: Prikazuje stranski ris slike 1. Vidni so delni preseki vodilnega mehanizma 2. Na tej sliki namerno (zaradi preglednosti) ni izrisan blokadni mehanizem 3, kije viden na sliki 1.Figure 2: Displays the side view of the picture 1. The partial cross-sections of the guide mechanism 2 are visible. In this figure, blocking mechanism 3, shown in Figure 1, is not intentionally (due to transparency).

Slika 3: Prikazuje pogled osnovne plošče 1 v izometriji. Na osnovni plošči 1 so zmontirani vsi elementi, ki tvorijo dozirni sistem, s tem, da so odstranjene blokadne ploščice 2.4 in 2.5, ki so sicer vidne na sliki 1. Na sliki 3 so vidne drsne ravnine 2.1 in 2.2 po katerih drsita spodnje zapiralo ZS in zgornje zapiralo ZZ.Figure 3: Shows the view of the base plate 1 in isometry. On the base plate 1, all the elements forming the dosing system are removed by removing the locking plates 2.4 and 2.5, which are otherwise visible in Figure 1. In Figure 3, the sliding planes 2.1 and 2.2 are visible, by which they slide the lower closure ZS and upper closure ZZ.

Slika 4: Prikazuje stranski ris slike 3. Videnje blokadni mehanizem 3, zgornje zapiralo ZZ, spodnje zapiralo SZ. Osnovna plošča 1, vodila K ter v ozadju na levi strani vodilni mehanizem 2.Figure 4: Displays the side picture of the picture 3. Sealing the locking mechanism 3, the upper closing device ZZ, the lower closing device SZ. Base plate 1, guide K, and in the background on the left side guide mechanism 2.

Slika 5: Prikazuje t.i. eksplozijsko risbo blokadnega mehanizma dozirnega sistema v izometriji.Figure 5: Displays t.i. Explosive drawing of the dosing system blocking mechanism in isometry.

Slika 6: Prikazuje presek blokadnega mehanizma 3 s pini 3.2, njihovimi nastavitvenimi elementi 3.2.2 za maticami 3.2.M. Vidna je tudi dolžina LP in hod X, pina 3.2Figure 6: Displays the section of the locking mechanism 3 with the pins 3.2, their adjustment elements 3.2.2 for the nuts 3.2.M. The length LP and travel X, pin 3.2 can also be seen

Slika 7: Prikazuje stranski ris blokadnega mehanizma dozirnega sistema na katerem je prikazan delni presek blokadnega mehanizma 3 in nakazan detajl A, ki prikazuje ta presek.Figure 7: Displays the side of the dosing system lock mechanism of the dosing system showing the partial cross-section of the locking mechanism 3 and a detail A illustrating this cross section is indicated.

Slika 8: Prikazuje povečan detajl A, blokadnega mehanizma 3, iz slike 7.Figure 8: Displays the enlarged detail A, the locking mechanism 3, in Figure 7.

Opisovani izum, kije predstavljen s to patentno prijavo omogoča zelo enostavno, hitro in poljubno spreminjanje oziroma prilagajanje tehnološkega postopka pakiranja predmetov, saj omogoča, da na standardnem blokadnem mehanizmu dozirnega sistema uporabljamo različna zapirala ZZ in SZ, katera so prilagojena za posamezne predmete, ki jih doziramo. Vodenje zapiral ZZ in SZ je namreč izvedeno na vzdolžnem robu zapiral ZZ in SZ in ne na njenih skrajnih robovih, kot je znano stanje tehnike do sedaj. Zaradi tega lahko uporabljamo daljša ali krajša zapirala ZZ in SZ na enem blokadnem mehanizmu dozirnega sistema. To pomeni, da lahko zapirala ZZ in SZ poljubno premeščamo iz enega blokadnega mehanizma dozirnega sistema na drugega.The described invention, which is presented with this patent application, enables very simple, fast and optional modification or adaptation of the technological process of packing objects, since it enables us to use various ZZ and SZ closures on the standard dosing mechanism of the dosing system, which are adapted for individual objects which are we do it. The closing of the ZZ and SZ closures is carried out on the longitudinal edge of the ZZ and SZ closures and not on its extreme edges, as is known in the state of the art so far. For this reason, we can use longer or shorter ZZ and SZ closures on one blocking mechanism of the dosing system. This means that the ZZ and SZ closures can be arbitrarily moved from one locking mechanism of the dosing system to another.

Zgornje zapiralo ZZ ima za namene vodenja izdelan podaljšek ZZ1, kateri nalega na površino 2.2, vodilnega mehanizma 2, ki je na poljuben način pritrjeno na osnovno ploščo 1. Lahko je pritrjeno tudi z vijakom VS.For the purpose of guiding, the upper closing device ZZ1 has an extension ZZ1 which rests on the surface 2.2, the guiding mechanism 2, which is attached in any way to the base plate 1. It can also be attached to the screw VS.

Zgornje zapiralo ZZ ima vdelan utor ZZ2, ki se s prilegom ujame v vodilo 2VZ, ki je element vodilnega mehanizma 2 in je vanj fiksno vgrajeno. Prileg oziroma zračnost med utorom ZZ2 in vodilom 2VZ je od 0,01 do 2mm.The upper closure ZZ has an embedded groove ZZ2, which is fitted into the guide 2ZZ, which is the element of the guide mechanism 2 and is fixed in it. The spacing or play between the ZZ2 groove and the 2VZ bus is from 0.01 to 2mm.

Povsem enak način vodenja ima vgrajeno spodnje zapiralo SZ s tem, da utor SZ2, spodnjega zapirala SZ, prilega v vodilo 2VS, ki je prav tako element vodilnega mehanizma 2 in je nanj fiksno pritrjen. Prileg oziroma zračnost med utorom SZ2 in vodilom 2VS je od 0,01 do 2mm.A completely identical way of control has a lower SZ closure installed in that the slot SZ2 of the lower closure of the SZ fits into the 2VS bus, which is also the element of the guide mechanism 2 and is fixed to it. The slope or play between the SZ2 groove and the 2VS bus is from 0.01 to 2mm.

Vse drsne površine zapiral ZZ in SZ in vodilnih mehanizmov 2 so obdelane tako, da dosegajo stopnjo površinske hrapavosti vsaj N7.All the sliding surfaces of the ZZ and SZ closures and the guiding mechanisms 2 are processed to achieve a surface roughness level of at least N7.

Zgornje zapiralo ZZ in spodnje zapiralo SZ sta izdelana iz aluminija oz. njegove zlitine. Predvidena debelina D zgornjega zapirala ZZ in spodnjega zapirala SZ je od 2 do 60mm.The upper closure ZZ and the lower closing device SZ are made of aluminum or its alloys. The anticipated thickness D of the upper closure ZZ and the lower closure SZ is from 2 to 60 mm.

Vodilni mehanizem 2 je izdelan iz jeklene zlitine ali drugega materiala, ki ima vsaj za 20% različno trdoto od zgornjega zapirala ZZ oz. spodnjega zapirala SZ. Ta pogoj je potreben zaradi tega, da ne prihaja do zaribavanja med drsnimi površinami. Trdota je lahko višja ali nižja od trdote zapiral ZZ oz.SZ.The guiding mechanism 2 is made of a steel alloy or other material having at least 20% different hardness from the upper closure ZZ or, lower closure SZ. This condition is required in order to avoid scrambling between sliding surfaces. The hardness can be higher or lower than the hardness of the closures ZZ oz.SZ.

Vodilni mehanizem 2 je lahko izdelan tudi iz polimera. Vse drsne površine morajo biti obdelane s stopnjo hrapavosti površine vsaj N7 ali finejše.The guiding mechanism 2 can also be made of a polymer. All sliding surfaces must be treated with a degree of surface roughness of at least N7 or finer.

Da dosežemo tudi vertikalno fiksiranje zapiral ZZ in SZ v vodilnem mehanizmu 2, pokrijemo vodila 2VS in 2VZ z blokadnima ploščicama 2.4 in 2.5, in sicer: Vodilo 2VS pokrijemo z blokadno ploščico 2.4, vodilo 2VZ pa pokrijemo z blokadno ploščico 2.5. Blokadna ploščica 2.4 je pritrjena na vodilni mehanizem 2 z vijakom VS. Blokadna ploščica 2.5 pa je pritrjena na vodilni mehanizem 2 z vijakom VZ.To achieve the vertical fixing of the ZZ and SZ closures in the guide mechanism 2, cover the 2VS and 2VZ guards with the locking plates 2.4 and 2.5, namely: Cover the 2VS bus with the locking plate 2.4 and cover the 2VZ bus with a locking plate 2.5. The block plate 2.4 is attached to the guide mechanism 2 by the screw VS. The locking plate 2.5 is attached to the guide mechanism 2 by the screw VZ.

Blokadni ploščici 2.4 in 2.5 sta debeline od 1 do 20mm, njene površine na spodnji strani, kjer omejujejo dvige zapiral ZZ in SZ pa so stopnje hrapavosti N7 ali finejše.Blocking plates 2.4 and 2.5 are thicknesses from 1 to 20 mm, its surfaces on the underside, where the stops of the ZZ and SZ closures are limited, or the degree of roughness is N7 or finer.

Material iz katerega so izdelane je poljuben, s tem, da zadosti pogoju, da ima vsaj 100N/mm2 natezne trdnosti in trdote vsaj 100 Shorov, v primeru, da so izdelane iz polimera.The material of which it is made is optional, in that it satisfies the condition that it has at least 100 N / mm2 tensile strengths and hardnesses of at least 100 Shores, if manufactured from a polymer.

Vsako zapiralo ZZ in SZ ima štiri vodilna mesta, kjer so vgrajeni vodilni mehanizmi 2, ki so opisani zgoraj. Vodilna mesta so blizu vsakega vogala zapiral ZZ in SZ, gledano v tlorisnem pogledu, vendar umaknjena vsaj za 30mm od skrajnega roba-dolžine zapiral ZZ in SZ. Vodilni mehanizmi 2 so postavljeni zrcalno eden proti drugemu in so izdelani vsi enako.Each ZZ and SZ closure has four leading positions, where the guide mechanisms 2 are described, which are described above. The leading positions are close to each corner of the ZZ and SZ closures, viewed in the ground plan, but withdrawn at least 30mm from the extreme edge-length closures ZZ and SZ. The guiding mechanisms 2 are arranged mirrored against one another and all are made equal.

Tudi pozicije postavitev vodilnih mehanizmov 2 na osnovno ploščo 1, posameznih blokadnih mehanizmov dozirnih sistemov, so vedno enake-standardne. S tem dosežemo pogoj, da lahko uporabljamo zapirala ZZ in SZ, različnih dolžin na vsakem blokadnem mehanizmu dozirnega sistema. V kolikor želimo uporabljati zelo kratka zapirala ZZ in SZ moramo postaviti vodilne mehanizme 2 čim bliže skupaj, kot prikazuje kota medosja M2. Vsa zapirala ZZ in SZ, ki jih želimo uporabljati na določenem blokadnem mehanizmu dozirnega sistema pa morajo biti prilagojena na medosje M2 med vodilnimi mehanizmi 2.The positions of placing the leading mechanisms 2 on the baseplate 1, the individual blocking mechanisms of the dosing systems, are always the same-standard. This makes it possible to use the ZZ and SZ closures of various lengths on each dosing mechanism of the dosing system. If we want to use very short ZZ and SZ closures, we have to place the leading mechanisms 2 as close as possible, as shown in the angle of the M2 mesh. All ZZ and SZ closures that we want to use on a particular dosing mechanism lock mechanism must be adapted to the M2 between the guide mechanisms 2.

Vodila K so nameščena na osnovni plošči 1 in so lahko enakomernih presekov ali pa so lahko levo ali desno zavita, kot sferični dozatorji. Vodila K imajo funkcijo vodenja predmetov, ki jih doziramo skozi notranje preseke vodil K. Vodil K je lahko na enem blokadnem mehanizmu dozirnega sistema, poljubno. Lahko je vgrajeno tudi le eno vodilo K ali do 500 vodil K.The guides K are mounted on the base plate 1 and can be evenly cross-sectionalized, or they can be left or right-wrapped like spherical dispensers. The K guides have the function of guiding objects that are transmitted through the inner cross sections of the guides K. The guides K can be optional on one locking mechanism of the dosing system. Only one K-guide or up to 500 K. guides can be installed.

Zapirala ZZ in SZ imajo funkcijo zapiranja in odpiranja zgornjih presekov K1Z in spodnjih presekov KIS, vodil K. V ta namen ima zgornje zapiralo ZZ dograjene jezičke ZZK, spodnje zapiralo SZ pa ima dograjene jezičke SZK. Jezički ZZK in SZK so popolnoma identični, izdelani pa so iz jekla ali polimera debeline od 0,1 do 5mm. Jezičkov ZZK oz. SZK je toliko, kolikor je vodil K vgrajenih na osnovno ploščo 1. S pomiki zgornjega zapirala ZZ v smeri SZZ, jezički ZZK odpirajo oz. zapirajo preseke KI Z, vodil K. S pomiki spodnjega zapirala SZ v smeri SSZ, jezički SZK odpirajo oz. zapirajo preseke KIS, vodil K.The ZZ and SZ enclosures have the function of closing and opening the upper sections of K1Z and the lower sections of the KIS, leading K. For this purpose, the upper closure ZZ has been added to the ZZK tabs, while the lower closure SZ has upgraded SZK tabs. The language ZZK and SZK are completely identical, and are made of steel or polymers of thickness from 0.1 to 5mm. ZZK tabs or. The SZK is as far as the K is mounted on the base plate 1. With the movements of the upper ZZ closure in the direction of the SZZ, the ZZK lugs open and / close the cross sections KI Z, guide K. With the movements of the lower closure of the SZ in the direction of the SSZ, the tongues of the SZK open and / close cross-sections of KIS, led K.

Jezički ZZK in SZK so na pritrjeni na zapirala ZZ in SZ na poljuben tehničen način, ki je znano stanje tehnike.Language ZZK and SZK are attached to the ZZ and SZ closures in any technical way, which is a known state of the art.

Zgornje zapiralo ZZ ima na vsaki strani, gledano po dolžini v tlorisnem pogledu, dograjen jeziček ZZ3, ki ima nalogo omejitve hoda zgornjega zapirala ZZ v smeri SZZ proti levi strani, glede na sliko 3.The upper ZZ closure has, on each side, viewed along the length of the ground plan, the ZZ3 tab, which has the task of limiting the movement of the upper ZZ closure in the direction of the SZZ to the left, according to Figure 3.

Spodnje zapiralo SZ ima na vsaki strani, gledano po dolžini v tlorisnem pogledu, dograjen jeziček SZ3, ki ima nalogo omejitve hoda spodnjega zapirala SZ v smeri SSZ proti levi strani, glede na sliko 3.The lower closure SZ has on each side, viewed along the length in the ground plan, the tab SZ3, which has the task of restricting the movement of the lower closure of the SZ in the direction of SSZ to the left, according to Figure 3, has been added.

Jezička ZZ3 in SZ3 sta praviloma enake debeline D, kot zapirala ZZ in SZ, izdelana iz istega materiala. Lahko pa sta, jezička ZZ3 in SZ3, izdelana iz poljubnih materialov in poljubno pritrjena na zapirala ZZ in SZ.The ZZ3 and SZ3 tabs are, as a rule, the same thickness as the ZZ and SZ closures made from the same material. Alternatively, the ZZ3 and SZ3 tabs are made of any materials and are optionally attached to the ZZ and SZ closures.

Pri premikih zgornjega zapirala ZZ v smeri SZZ proti levi, glede na sliko 3, nasede jeziček ZZ3 na površino 3.2.2, kije lahko opcijsko tudi površina nastavitvenega elementa 3.2.2, pina 3.2.When moving the upper closing device ZZ in the direction of the SZZ to the left, according to Figure 3, the ZZ3 tab is placed on the surface 3.2.2, which can also be the surface of the adjustment element 3.2.2, pin 3.2.

Pri premikih spodnjega zapirala SZ v smeri SZZ proti levi, glede na sliko 3, nasede jeziček SZ3 na površino 3.2.2, ki je lahko opcijsko tudi površina nastavitvenega elementa 3.2.2, pina 3.2.When moving the lower closure of the SZ in the SZZ direction towards the left, according to Figure 3, the SZ3 tab is placed on the surface 3.2.2, which can also be the option of the surface of the adjustment element 3.2.2, pin 3.2.

Pin 3.2 je uležajen v ohišju blokadnega mehanizma 3, preko puše 3.5. To velja za vse pine 3.2, vgrajene na osnovni plošči 1.Pin 3.2 is mounted in the housing of the locking mechanism 3, via the bush 3.5. This applies to all pins 3.2 installed on the base plate 1.

Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema ima dva blokadna mehanizma 3, ki sta nameščena na vsaki strani zapiral ZZ, SZ. Blokadna mehanizma 3 sta fiksno pritrjena na osnovno ploščo 1. Pritrditev je lahko vijačna zveza, var ali kako drugače na poznane tehnične načine.The locking mechanism of the dosing system has two locking mechanisms 3, which are located on each side of the closures ZZ, SZ. The locking mechanism 3 is fixedly fixed to the base plate 1. The fastening may be a screw connection, var or otherwise in known technical modes.

Vsak posamezen blokadni mehanizem 3 ima dva pina 3.2, in sicer enega na poziciji višine od osnovne plošče 1, zgornjega zapirala ZZ in drugega na poziciji višine od osnovne plošče 1, spodnjega zapirala SZ. Oba pina 3.2, njihove vzmeti 3.3 ter vijaki 3.4 so lahko identični ali pa tudi različni.Each individual locking mechanism 3 has two pins 3.2, one at a height position of the base plate 1, the upper closure ZZ and the other in the height position of the base plate 1, the lower closure SZ. Both pins 3.2, their springs 3.3 and the screws 3.4 can be identical or different.

Pini 3.2 imajo, lahko, (kot opcija izvedbe) v svojem podaljšku v desni smeri vgrajene nastavitvene elemente 3.2.2, ki so t.i. stojni vijaki, uviti v pin 3.2 po navoju MNL. Nastavitveni elementi 3.2.2, v kolikor jih izberemo oz. dogradimo v pine 3.2, so, proti odvitju, zavarovani z maticami 3.2.2 M.Pini 3.2 have, in their extensions in the right-hand direction, the configuration elements 3.2.2, which are the same, can be (as an option option). fixing bolts, screw in pin 3.2 on MNL thread. Adjustment elements 3.2.2, if selected or selected. are added to the pine 3.2, they are insulated with nuts against unwinding 3.2.2 M.

Ni nujno, da imajo vsi pini 3.2 vgrajene nastavitvene elemente 3.2.2. Torej, predlagani izum, podaja možnost dograditve nastavitvenih elementov 3.2.2, v kolikor tehnološki postopek delovanja blokadnega mehanizma dozirnega sistema, to zahteva zaradi natančnejših in optimalnih nastavitev končnih leg zapiral ZZ in SZ, ter nastavitev povratnih hitrosti zgornjega zapirala ZZ smeri SZZ v desno ter spodnjega zapirala SZ, v smeri SSZ v desno.Not all pins 3.2 must have built-in adjustment elements 3.2.2. Therefore, the proposed invention provides the possibility of upgrading the setting elements 3.2.2, in so far as the technological process of the blocking mechanism of the dosing system requires this because of the more precise and optimal adjustments of the end positions of the closures ZZ and SZ, and the setting of the return speeds of the upper closing device ZZ in the direction of SZZ to the right; the lower closure of the SZ, in the direction of SSZ to the right.

Pinom 3.2 lahko z nastavitvenimi elementi 3.2.2 in maticami 3.2.2.M, prilagajamo dolžino LP in s tem določamo končno mrtvo lego zapiral ZZ in SZ v smeri SZZ ter SSZ v skrajni levi poziciji.With pin 3.2, with adjusting elements 3.2.2 and nuts 3.2.2.M, we adjust the length of the LP and thus determine the final dead position of the closures ZZ and SZ in the direction SZZ and SSZ in the extreme left position.

To pomeni, da skrajno lego pritisnjenih pinov 3.2 določamo z nastavitvenim elementi 3.2.2, ki so dolžine NL od 10 do 180mm in imajo vdelan navoj MNL, ki je poljubne geometrije in poljubne velikosti. Nastavitveni elementi 3.2.2 so zatisnjeni na pine 3.2 z maticami 3.2.2.M in skupaj s pini 3.2 določajo dolžine LP, pinov 3.2.This means that the extreme position of the pressed pins 3.2 is determined by the setting elements 3.2.2, which are NL lengths from 10 to 180 mm and have an embedded MNL thread which is arbitrary geometry and arbitrary size. The adjustment elements 3.2.2 are pressed onto the pins 3.2 with the nuts 3.2.2.M and together with the pins 3.2 determine the lengths of LP, pins 3.2.

Pin 3.2 je cilindrične oblike premera DP od 2 do 50mm, dolžine LP pa od 20 do 200mm.Pin 3.2 is cylindrical in the shape of a DP diaphragm from 2 to 50 mm, and the length of the LP is from 20 to 200 mm.

Pin 3.2 ima dodelano razširitev 3.2.1, ki onemogoča, da bi pin 3.2, pri pomiku v desno v smeri v katero pritiska vzmet 3.3, izpadel iz puše 3.5. Vse površine pina 3.2 so izdelane s stopnjo hrapavosti površine N7 ali finejše.Pin 3.2 has an enlarged extension 3.2.1, which prevents pin 3.2 from dropping down from the bushing 3.5, when pushing to the right in the direction in which the spring 3.3 is pressed. All surfaces of pin 3.2 are made with a degree of roughness of surface N7 or finer.

Material iz katerega je izdelan pin 3.2 in nastavitveni elementi 3.2.2, v kolikor jih izberemo, je lahko jeklo ali polimer, s tem, daje zahtevana minimalna natezna trdnost vsaj 100N/mm2.The material from which pin 3.2 is made and the setting elements 3.2.2, if selected, can be a steel or a polymer, in that the required minimum tensile strength is at least 100 N / mm2.

Pin 3.2 je na eni strani podprt z vijačno vzmetjo 3.3. Vzmet 3.3 je lahko tudi t.i. klobučasta vzmet 3.3.Pin 3.2 is supported on one side by a helical spring 3.3. Spring 3.3 can also be i.e. hatched spring 3.3.

Vzmet 3.3 je prednapeta v blokadnem mehanizmu 3 z vijakom 3.4, katerega z nastavkom za ključ 3.4.1, ki je lahko poljuben, uvijamo oz. odvijamo po njegovem navoju M 3.4 v blokadni mehanizem 3 ali iz njega, ter s tem pred napenjamo vzmet 3.2 ter obratno. S tem ko vzmet 3.2 pred napenjamo, ustvarimo višjo silo, ki jo mora premagati zapiralo ZZ oz. SZ, da potisne pin 3.2 v notranjost blokadnega mehanizma 3. Z uvijanjem vijaka 3.4 po navoju M 3.4 v notranjost bolokadnega mehanizma 3, poleg pred napenjanja vzmeti 3.3, zmanjšujemo tudi razdaljo X in s tem določamo končno pozicijo pinov 3.2, ko so le ti pritisnjeni v skrajno levo stran v smeri SZZ oziroma SSZ.The spring 3.3 is prestressed in the locking mechanism 3 by a screw 3.4, which can be twisted or twisted with a key holder 3.4.1. it is threaded through its thread M 3.4 in or out of the locking mechanism 3, and thus, before tightening the spring 3.2 and vice versa. By placing the spring 3.2 before tension, we create a higher force that must be overcome by the ZZ closure. SZ to push the pin 3.2 into the interior of the locking mechanism 3. By screwing the screw 3.4 under the thread M 3.4 into the interior of the bolt mechanism 3, in addition to tensioning the spring 3.3, the distance X is also reduced, thereby determining the final position of the pins 3.2 when they are pressed to the far left in the direction of the SZZ or SSZ.

To pomeni, da skrajno lego pritisnjenih pinov 3.2 določamo z nastavitvenim elementi 3.2.2, v kolikor jih izberemo, in vijakom 3.4, kateri obenem poleg določanja končne lege pritisnjenega pina 3.2, določa tudi prednapetost vzmeti 3.3, ki pritiska pin 3.2 navzven v smeri SZZ v desno, za zgornje pine 3.2 in v smeri SSZ v desno, za spodnje pine 3.2, nameščene v blokadnem mehanizmu 3.This means that the extreme position of the pressed pins 3.2 is determined by the setting elements 3.2.2, if selected, and the screws 3.4, which, in addition to determining the end position of the pressed pin 3.2, also determines the preload of the spring 3.3, which pushes the pin 3.2 outwards in the direction SZZ to the right, for the upper pins 3.2 and in the direction of the SSZ to the right, for the lower pins 3.2, located in the locking mechanism 3.

Vijaki 3.4 imajo poleg nastavljanja prednapetosti vzmeti 3.3 tudi funkcijo nastavljanja končne lege-pozicije pina 3.2 v skrajni levi legi, glede na sliko 6.In addition to adjusting the preload of spring 3.3, the screws 3.4 also have the function of adjusting the final position-position of the pin 3.2 in the extreme left-hand position, according to Figure 6.

Torej, če ne uporabimo nastavitvenih elementov 3.2.2, nastavljamo leve končne lege pinov 3.2, le z vijaki 3.4.So, if we do not use the setting elements 3.2.2, we set the left end of the pin 3.2, only with the screws 3.4.

Zapirala ZZ in SZ potiskajo mehanizmi, ki niso predmet tega predlaganega izuma, preko nasedov P v levo stran v smeri SZZ za zgornje zapiralo ZZ in v smeri SSZ za spodnje zapiralo SZ.The ZZ and SZ enclosures are pushed by mechanisms that are not the subject of this proposed invention through the P settlements to the left in the direction of the SZZ for the upper closure ZZ and in the direction of the SSZ for the lower closure of the SZ.

Zgornje zapiralo ZZ ima dva naseda P, spodnje zapiralo SZ pa ima en nased P. Lahko je tudi obratno, torej zgornje zapiralo ZZ lahko ima en nased P, spodnje zapiralo SZ pa lahko ima dva naseda P.The upper closure ZZ has two sits P, and the lower closure of the SZ has one socket P. It can also be reversed, so the upper closure ZZ can have one socket P, and the lower closure SZ can have two sits P.

Nasedi P so praviloma nameščeni na sredini dolžine zapiral ZZ in SP. To pa zato, da zapirala ZZ in SZ potujejo v smeri SZZ in SSZ brez dodatnih momentov, ki bi skušali zasukati zapirala ZZ in SZ in tako ustvarjali dodatno trenje med drsnimi površinami vodilnih mehanizmov 2. V skrajnem primeru bi lahko prišlo do t.i. samozapomega efekta. Zato je posebej pomembno, da so nasedi P nameščeni na sredini dolžin zapiral ZZ in SZ.The pistons P are generally located in the middle of the length of the closures ZZ and SP. This is because the ZZ and SZ closures travel in the direction of the SZZ and the SSZ without additional moments that would try to rotate the ZZ and SZ closures, thus creating additional friction between the sliding surfaces of the driving mechanisms 2. In the extreme case, it could have happened, i.e. self-effect. Therefore, it is particularly important that the pens P are positioned in the middle of the lengths of the ZZ and SZ closures.

Seveda na zgornjem zapiralu ZZ kjer sta praviloma nameščena dva naseda P je mišljeno, da sta oba enako oddaljena od srednjice dolžine zgornjega zapirala ZZ. S tem ko zgornje zapiralo ZZ s svojim jezičkom ZZ3 nasede na površino 3.2.2, pina 3.2, ali na nastavitveni element 3.2.2, če ga izberemo, potisne pin 3.2 proti levi strani. Pin 3.2 potuje v levo ter stiska vzmet 3.3 tako dolgo, dokler se vzmet 3.3 popolnoma ne stisne in doseže pin 3.2 t.i. trd naleg, preko vzmeti 3.3, na vijak 3.4. V povratni smeri, ko popustimo pritisk na nasede P, potisne vzmet 3.3, preko pina 3.2, zapirala ZZ in SZ nazaj v desno v smeri SZZ za zgornje zapiralo ZZ in v desno v smeri SSZ za spodnje zapiralo SZ.Of course, at the upper ZZ closure where two sets of P are generally installed, they are meant to be both equally distant from the center line of the length of the upper closure ZZ. By placing the upper closure ZZ with its tongue ZZ3 on the surface 3.2.2, the pin 3.2, or on the setting element 3.2.2, if selected, pushes pin 3.2 to the left. Pin 3.2 travels to the left and presses the spring 3.3 until the spring 3.3 completely clamps and reaches the pin 3.2 t.i. hard pincers, via spring 3.3, to screw 3.4. In the reverse direction, when the pressure is released to the set P, the spring 3.3 is pushed through the pin 3.2, the ZZ and SZ closures back to the right in the direction of the SZZ for the upper closure ZZ and to the right in the direction of the SSZ for the lower closure SZ.

Bolj kot je prednapeta vzmet 3.3, višja je hitrost zapiral ZZ in SZ. Z različnimi karakteristikami vzmeti 3.3 lahko nastavljamo različne želene povratne hitrosti zapiral ZZ in SZ.The more prestressed the spring 3.3, the higher the speed of the ZZ and SZ closures. With various characteristics of the spring 3.3, we can set different desired reverse speeds of the ZZ and SZ closures.

Blokadni mehanizem 3 je konstruiran tako, da ima pin 3.2 vdelano zožitev 3.2.3 v katero se stisne vzmet 3.3, kadar je pin 3.2 povsem pritisnjen, ali kadar z vijakom 3.4 vzmet 3.3 povsem pred napnemo.The locking mechanism 3 is designed so that the pin 3.2 has a constrained constriction 3.2.3 in which the spring 3.3 is pressed, when pin 3.2 is completely pressed, or when, with the screw 3.4, spring 3.3 is fully tensioned.

Normalen-povprečen položaj vzmeti 3.3 je konstruiran tako, da je med pinom 3.2 in vijakom 3.4 prazen prostor X dolžine od 3 do 60mm.The normal-average position of the spring 3.3 is designed so that between the pin 3.2 and the screw 3.4 there is an empty space X of length from 3 to 60 mm.

Claims (40)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, označen s tem, daje sestavljen iz osnovne plošče (1), ki ima na štirih vogalih, vendar ne v skrajnih legah, vgrajene vodilne mehanizme (2), v katerih, v smeri (SZZ) potuje zgornje zapiralo (ZZ), v smeri (SSZ) pa potuje spodnje zapiralo (SZ), na levi in desni strani ima vgrajena blokima mehanizma (3), ki vsak preko dveh pinov (3.2) omejuje hod zapiral (ZZ) in (SZ), vzmeti (3.3) pa omogočajo nastavitev hitrosti odmika zapiral (ZZ) in (SZ) v smereh (SZZ) oz. (SSZ), v smeri proč od pinov (3.2), zapiralo (ZZ) z jezički (ZZK) odpira in zapira preseke (KI Z), vodil (K), zapiralo (SZ) pa z jezički (SZK) odpira in zapira preseke (KIS) vodil (K).A locking mechanism of a dosing system, characterized in that it consists of a base plate (1) having four upper corners, but not in the extreme positions, mounted guiding mechanisms (2) in which, in the direction (SZZ), the upper closure (ZZ) and in the direction (SSZ) the lower closure (SZ) is traversed, and on the left and the right side there are the blocks of the mechanism (3), which each of the two pins (3.2) limits the stroke of the bolts (ZZ) and (SZ) (3.3), however, allow the setting of the shutter speed (ZZ) and (SZ) in directions (SZZ) (ZZK) opens and closes cross sections (KI Z), guides (K), and the closing device (SZ) opens and closes the cross sections with the tabs (SZK) in the direction away from the pins (3.2) (KIS) led (K). 2. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da ima zgornje zapiralo (ZZ) izdelan podaljšek (ZZ1), kateri nalega na površino (2.2), vodilnega mehanizma (2), ki je na poljuben način, ali preko vijaka (VS), pritrjeno na osnovno ploščo (1).A block system of a dosing system according to claim 1, characterized in that the upper closure (ZZ) has an extension (ZZ1) which is located on the surface (2.2), the guide mechanism (2) which is by any means or via screw (VS) attached to the base plate (1). 3. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da ima spodnje zapiralo (SZ) izdelan podaljšek (SZ1), kateri nalega na površino (2.1), vodilnega mehanizma (2), kije na poljuben način, ali preko vijaka (VS), pritrjeno na osnovno ploščo (1).A block system of the metering system according to claim 1, characterized in that the lower closure (SZ) has an extension piece (SZ1) that fits onto the surface (2.1), the guide mechanism (2) which is by any means, or via a screw (VS) attached to the base plate (1). 4. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da ima zgornje zapiralo (ZZ) vdelan utor (ZZ2), ki se s prilegom ujeme v vodilo (2VZ), kije element vodilnega mehanizma (2) in je vanj fiksno vgrajeno.A block system of the metering system according to claim 1, characterized in that the upper closure (ZZ) has an embedded groove (ZZ2) which is fitted with a fitting in the guide (2VZ), which is the element of the guide mechanism (2) and is fixed thereon built-in. 5. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da ima spodnje zapiralo (SZ) vdelan utor (SZ2), ki se s prilegom ujame v vodilo (2VS), kije element vodilnega mehanizma (2) in je vanj fiksno vgrajeno.A discharging system lock system according to claim 1, characterized in that the lower closure (SZ) has a slot (SZ2) embedded in the guide (2VS), which is the element of the guide mechanism (2) and is fixed thereon built-in. 6. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 4, označen s tem, daje prileg oziroma zračnost med utorom (ZZ2) in vodilom (2VZ) od 0,01 do 2mm.A locking mechanism of a dosing system according to claim 4, characterized in that the fit or play between the groove (ZZ2) and the guide (2VZ) is from 0.01 to 2mm. 7. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 5, označen s tem, daje prileg oziroma zračnost med utorom (SZ2) in vodilom (2VS) od 0,01 do 2mm.A block system of a dosing system according to claim 5, characterized in that the fit or play between the groove (SZ2) and the guide (2VS) is from 0.01 to 2mm. 8. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 4 in 5, označen s tem, da so vse drsne površine zapiral (ZZ) in (SZ) ter vodilnih mehanizmov (2) obdelane s stopnjo površinske hrapavosti vsaj N7.A block system of the dosing system according to claim 4 and 5, characterized in that all the sliding surfaces of the closures (ZZ) and (SZ) and the guiding mechanisms (2) are treated with a degree of surface roughness of at least N7. 9. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 2 in 3, označen s tem, da sta zgornje zapiralo (ZZ) in spodnje zapiralo (SZ) izdelana iz aluminija oz. njegove zlitine.A block system of the dosing system according to claim 2 and 3, characterized in that the upper closure (ZZ) and the lower closure (SZ) are made of aluminum or its alloys. 10. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 9, označen s tem, daje debelina (D) zgornjega zapirala (ZZ) in spodnjega zapirala (SZ) od 2 do 60mm.A locking mechanism of a dosing system according to claim 9, characterized in that the thickness (D) of the upper closure (ZZ) and the lower closure (SZ) is from 2 to 60 mm. 11. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, daje vodilni mehanizem (2) izdelan iz jeklene zlitine ali drugega materiala, ki ima vsaj za 20% različno trdoto od zgornjega zapirala (ZZ) oz. spodnjega zapirala (SZ).A block system of the dosing system according to claim 1, characterized in that the guide mechanism (2) is made of a steel alloy or other material having at least 20% different hardness from the upper closure (ZZ) lower closure (SZ). 12. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 11, označen s tem, daje lahko trdota zapiral (ZZ) in (SZ) tudi vsaj za 20% višja ali nižja od trdote vodilnega mehanizma (2).A block system of the dosing system according to claim 11, characterized in that the hardness of the closures (ZZ) and (SZ) can be at least 20% higher or lower than the hardness of the guide mechanism (2). 13. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 11, označen s tem, daje lahko vodilni mehanizem (2) izdelan tudi iz polimera.A block system of a dosing system according to claim 11, characterized in that the guide mechanism (2) can also be made of a polymer. 14. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 11, označen s tem, daje vodilo (2VS), ki zadržuje spodnjo zapiralo (SZ) v vertikalni smeri, pritrjeno na vodilni mehanizem (2) z vijakom (VZ), vodilo (2VZ), ki pa zadržuje zgornje zapiralo (ZZ) v vertikalni smeri pa je pritijeno na vodilni mehanizem (2) prav tako s podobnim vijakom (VZ).14. A block system of the dosing system according to claim 11, characterized in that the guide (2VS) which holds the lower closure (SZ) in the vertical direction fixed to the guide mechanism (2) by a screw (VZ), a guide (2VZ) which, however, holds the upper closure (ZZ) in the vertical direction, is applied to the guide mechanism (2) also with a similar screw (VZ). 15. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 14, označen s tem, da sta blokadni ploščici (2.4) in (2.5) debeline od 1 do 20mm, njene površine na spodnji strani, kjer omejujejo dvige zapiral (ZZ) in (SZ pa so stopnje hrapavosti N7 ali finejše.A block system of the dosing system according to claim 14, characterized in that the locking plates (2.4) and (2.5) of the thickness are from 1 to 20 mm, its surface on the underside, where the restraints of the closures (ZZ) and (SZ) are limited degree of roughness N7 or finer. 16. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 15, označen s tem, da sta blokadni ploščici (2.4) in (2.5) lahko izdelani iz poljubnega materiala, ki zadosti pogoju, da ima natezno trdnost vsaj 100N/mm2, in trdote vsaj 100 Shorov.A block system of a dosing system according to claim 15, characterized in that the locking plates (2.4) and (2.5) can be made of any material that satisfies the condition that it has a tensile strength of at least 100N / mm2, and a hardness of at least 100 Shores . 17. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da ima vsako zapiralo (ZZ) in (SZ) štiri vodilna mesta, kjer so vgrajeni vodilni mehanizmi 2, ki so nameščena blizu vsakega vogala zapiral (ZZ) in (SZ), gledano v tlorisnem pogledu, vendar umaknjena vsaj za 30mm od skrajnega roba-dolžine zapiral (ZZ) in (SZ) ter na medosju (M2) med vodilnimi mehanizmi (2).A block system of a dosing system according to claim 1, characterized in that each closure (ZZ) and (SZ) has four guiding positions, wherein the guiding mechanisms 2 are installed adjacent to each corner of the closure (ZZ) and (SZ) ), viewed in the ground plan, but withdrawn at least 30mm from the extreme edge-length closures (ZZ) and (SZ) and on the median (M2) between the guide mechanisms (2). 18. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 17, označen s tem, da so vodilni mehanizmi (2) postavljeni zrcalno eden proti drugemu in so izdelani vsi enako.18. The blocking mechanism of the dosing system according to claim 17, characterized in that the guide mechanisms (2) are mirror-facing against each other and all are made equally. 19. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 18, označen s tem, da so pozicije postavitev vodilnih mehanizmov (2) na osnovno ploščo (1), posameznih blokadnih mehanizmov dozirnih sistemov vedno enake-standardne.19. The dosing system blocking device according to claim 18, characterized in that the positioning of the guiding mechanisms (2) on the base plate (1), the individual blocking mechanisms of the dosing systems is always the same-standard. 20. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 17, označen s tem, da so vsa zapirala (ZZ) in (SZ) s svojimi jezički (ZZ1) in (SZ1) ter utori (ZZ2) in (SZ2), ki jih želimo uporabljati na določenem blokadnem mehanizmu dozirnega sistema, prilagojena na medosje (M2) med vodilnimi mehanizmi (2) in obliki vodil (2VZ) ter vodili (2VS), zračnost med utori (SZ2) in vodili (2VS) je od 0,01 do 2mm, zračnost med utori (ZZ2) in vodili (2VZ) je od 0,01 do 2mm.20. The blocking mechanism of the dosing system according to claim 17, characterized in that all closures (ZZ) and (SZ) with their tabs (ZZ1) and (SZ1) and grooves (ZZ2) and (SZ2) that we want to use (2V) and guide (2VS), the clearance between the grooves (SZ2) and the guides (2VS) is from 0.01 to 2mm, the distance between the guides (2) and the guides (2V) play between grooves (ZZ2) and guides (2VZ) is from 0.01 to 2mm. 21. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 20, označen s tem, daje zračnost med površino (2.1), vodilnega mehanizma (2) in zapiralom (SZ) ter spodnjo površino blokadne ploščice (2.4), je od 0,01 do 2mm.A block system of the dosing system according to claim 20, characterized in that the clearance between the surface (2.1), the guide mechanism (2) and the closure (SZ) and the lower surface of the locking plate (2.4) is from 0.01 to 2mm. 22. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 20, označen s tem, daje zračnost med površino (2.2), vodilnega mehanizma (2) in zapiralom (ZZ) ter spodnjo površino blokadne ploščice (2.5), je od 0,01 do 2mm.22. The blocking mechanism of the dosing system according to claim 20, characterized in that the clearance between the surface (2.2), the guide mechanism (2) and the closure (ZZ) and the lower surface of the locking plate (2.5) is from 0.01 to 2mm. 23. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da so vodila (K), ki so nameščena na osnovni plošči (1) lahko enakomernih presekov ali pa so lahko levo ali desno zavita, kot sferični dozatorji.A block system of the dosing system according to claim 1, characterized in that the guides (K) which are mounted on the base plate (1) can be evenly cross-sectioned or may be left or right-wrapped, as spherical dispensers. 24. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 23, označen s tem, daje lahko na enem blokadnem mehanizmu dozirnega sistema nameščenih poljubno število vodil (K) od enega do 500.24. A block system of a dosing system according to claim 23, characterized in that an arbitrary number of guides (K) can be accommodated on one blocking mechanism of the dosing system from one to 500. 25. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da ima zgornje zapiralo (ZZ) dograjene jezičke (ZZK), spodnje zapiralo (SZ) pa ima dograjene jezičke (SZK), kateri so popolnoma identični, izdelani iz jekla ali polimera debeline od 0,1 do 5mm, njihovo število pa je tolikšno, kolikor je vodil (K) vgrajenih na osnovno ploščo (1).A block system of the dosing system according to claim 1, characterized in that the upper closure (ZZ) has an enlarged tab (ZZK), and the lower closure (SZ) has an enlarged tabs (SZK), which are completely identical, made of steel or a polymer having a thickness of from 0.1 to 5 mm, and the number thereof is as large as that of the (K) mounted on the base plate (1). 26. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da ima zgornje zapiralo (ZZ) vsaki strani, gledano po dolžini v tlorisnem pogledu, dograjen jeziček (ZZ3).A block system of a dosing system according to claim 1, characterized in that the upper closure (ZZ) has each side, viewed along the length in the ground plan, the tab (ZZ3) has been added. 27. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da ima spodnje zapiralo (SZ) vsaki strani, gledano po dolžini v tlorisnem pogledu, dograjen jeziček (SZ3).A block system of the dosing system according to claim 1, characterized in that the lower closure (SZ) has a side tab (SZ3) on each side, viewed in length in the layout view. 28. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 25, označen s tem, da sta jezička (ZZ3) in (SZ3) enake debeline (D), kot zapirala (ZZ) in (SZ), izdelana iz istega materiala, lahko pa sta, jezička (ZZ3) in (SZ3) tudi izdelana iz poljubnih materialov in poljubno pritrjena na zapirala (ZZ) in (SZ).28. The dosing system blocking device according to claim 25, characterized in that the tabs (ZZ3) and (SZ3) of the same thickness (D) as the closure (ZZ) and (SZ) are made of the same material, tabs (ZZ3) and (SZ3) also made of any materials and optionally attached to the closures (ZZ) and (SZ). 29. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da ima dva blokadna mehanizma (3), ki sta nameščena na vsaki strani zapiral (ZZ), (SZ).A block system of a dosing system according to claim 1, characterized in that it has two locking mechanisms (3) which are mounted on each side of the closure (ZZ), (SZ). 30. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 29, označen s tem, da sta blokadna mehanizma (3) fiksno pritrjena na osnovno ploščo (1), pritrditev je lahko izvedena z vijačno zvezo, varom ali kako drugače na poznane tehnične načine.A locking mechanism of a dosing system according to claim 29, characterized in that the locking mechanism (3) is fixedly fixed to the base plate (1), the attachment can be made by a screw connection, a vapor or otherwise in known technical modes. 31. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 29, označen s tem, da ima dva pina 3.2, in sicer enega na poziciji zgornjega zapirala (ZZ) in drugega na poziciji spodnjega zapirala (SZ), oba pina (3.2), njihove vzmeti (3.3) in vijaki (3.4) pa so identični.31. The dosing system blocking device according to claim 29, characterized in that it has two pins 3.2, one at the position of the upper closure (ZZ) and the other at the position of the lower closure (SZ), the two pins (3.2), their springs 3.3) and the screws (3.4) are identical. 32. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 31, označen s tem, da so pini (3.2) cilindrične oblike premera (DP) od 2 do 50mm, dolžine (LP) pa od 20 do 200mm.32. The dosing system locking device according to claim 31, characterized in that the pins (3.2) are cylindrical in diameter (DP) of 2 to 50 mm and the length (LP) is from 20 to 200 mm. 33. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 31, označen s tem, da imajo pini (3.2) dodelano razširitev (3.2.1).The blocking mechanism of the dosing system according to claim 31, characterized in that the pins (3.2) have an extension (3.2.1) completed. 34. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 31, označen s tem, da so vse površine pinov (3.2) izdelane s stopnjo hrapavosti površine N7 ali finejše.34. The dosing system lock according to claim 31, characterized in that all surfaces of the pins (3.2) are made with a degree of roughness of the surface of N7 or finer. 35. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 31, označen s tem, da je material iz katerega so izdelani pini (3.2) lahko jeklo ali polimer, s tem, daje minimalna natezna trdnost tega materiala vsaj 100N/mm2.35. The dosing system lock according to claim 31, characterized in that the material from which pins (3.2) are made can be a steel or a polymer, in that the minimum tensile strength of this material is at least 100 N / mm 2. 36. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 31, označen s tem, da so pini (3.2) na eni strani podprti z vijačno vzmetjo (3.3), vzmet (3.3) pa je lahko tudi t.i. klobučasta vzmet (3.3).36. The dosing system locking device according to claim 31, characterized in that the pins (3.2) are supported on one side by a helical spring (3.3) and the spring (3.3) can also be t.i. hatched spring (3.3). 37. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 36, označen s tem, da so vzmeti (3.3) prednapete v blokadnem mehanizmu (3) z vijakom (3.4), katerega z nastavkom za ključ (3.4.1), kije lahko poljuben, uvijamo oz. odvijamo po njegovem navoju v oziroma izven blokadnega mehanizma (3).37. The dosing system locking system according to claim 36, characterized in that the springs (3.3) are prestressed in the locking mechanism (3) by a screw (3.4), which can be twisted with a key holder (3.4.1) or. the thread is threaded in or out of the locking mechanism (3). 38. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 31, označen s tem, da imajo pini 3.2 v svojem podaljšku na desnih straneh lahko, uvite nastavitvene elemente 3.2.2, dolžine NL, kije od 10 do 180mm, kateri so fiksirani z maticami 3.2.2.M, MNL in premeri pa so poljubni.The blocking mechanism of the dosing system according to claim 31, characterized in that the pins 3.2 in their extension on the right-hand sides can be wired, the adjustment elements 3.2.2, of the length NL, which are from 10 to 180 mm, which are fixed with the nuts 3.2. 2.M, MNL and diameters are arbitrary. 39. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 31, označen s tem, da imajo pini (3.2) vdelano zožitev (3.2.3) v katero se stisne vzmet (3.3), kadar je pin (3.2) povsem pritisnjen, ali kadar z vijakom (3.4) vzmet (3.3) povsem pred napnemo.39. The dosing system locking device according to claim 31, characterized in that the pins (3.2) have an embedded constriction (3.2.3) into which the spring (3.3) is pressed when the pin (3.2) is completely pressed, or when the screw (3.4) spring (3.3) completely before the tension. 40. Blokadni mehanizem dozirnega sistema, po zahtevku 39, označen s tem, da je konstruiran tako, daje med pinom (3.2) in vijakom (3.4) prazen prostor (X), dolžine od 3 do 60mm.40. The dosing system locking system according to claim 39, characterized in that it is designed such that there is an empty space (X) between 3 and 60 mm between the pin (3.2) and the screw (3.4).
SI201800099A 2018-05-03 2018-05-03 Block mechanism of the dosing system SI25382A (en)

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US5829632A (en) * 1997-02-11 1998-11-03 Gemel Precision Tool Co., Inc. Flexible band pharmaceutical product feeder gate assembly
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EP2110322A1 (en) * 2008-04-16 2009-10-21 Uhlmann Pac-Systeme GmbH & Co. KG Supply for thermoforming machines

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