JP4488560B2 - Cosmetic composition containing moisturizing plant extract - Google Patents

Cosmetic composition containing moisturizing plant extract Download PDF


Publication number
JP4488560B2 JP30353799A JP30353799A JP4488560B2 JP 4488560 B2 JP4488560 B2 JP 4488560B2 JP 30353799 A JP30353799 A JP 30353799A JP 30353799 A JP30353799 A JP 30353799A JP 4488560 B2 JP4488560 B2 JP 4488560B2
Prior art keywords
essential oil
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Expired - Lifetime
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Japanese (ja)
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JP2001122730A (en
光晴 大原
正子 土岐
光子 近藤
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Ichimaru Pharcos Co Ltd
Original Assignee
Ichimaru Pharcos Co Ltd
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Application filed by Ichimaru Pharcos Co Ltd filed Critical Ichimaru Pharcos Co Ltd
Priority to JP30353799A priority Critical patent/JP4488560B2/en
Publication of JP2001122730A publication Critical patent/JP2001122730A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of JP4488560B2 publication Critical patent/JP4488560B2/en
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Expired - Lifetime legal-status Critical Current




  • Detergent Compositions (AREA)
  • Fats And Perfumes (AREA)
  • Cosmetics (AREA)


これらに見られる目的は、皮膚や髪に塗布することで皮膜を作り、水分の蒸散を防いだり、天然保湿因子:NMF(Natural Moisturizing Factar)と言われる角質層成分に近づけるべく工夫なされたものであった。
(1)ガーベラ Gerbera jamesonii(キク科)
(2)カラー Zantedeschia aethiopica Spreng.(サトイモ科)別名:オランダカイウ、バンカイウ
(3)トルコギキョウ Eustoma grandiflorum(リンドウ科)
(4)マーガレット Chrysanthemum frutescens L.(キク科)別名:モクシュンギク
(5)アリストロメリア Alstroemeria pulchella;Alstroemeria aurantiaca(ユリ科)別名:ユリズイセン
(6)ガクアジサイ Hydrangea macrophylla S.(ユキノシタ科)
原料とする具体的な植物(生薬)としては、例えば、アーモンド(へん桃)、アイ(藍葉)、アオカズラ(清風藤)、アオキ(青木)、アオギリ又はケナシアオギリ(梧桐)、アオツヅラフジ(木防巳)、アカシア、アカショウマ(赤升麻)、アカスグリ「果実」、アカブドウ、アカミノキ(ログウッド)、アカメガシワ(赤芽柏)、アカネ(茜草根)、アカヤジオウ又はジオウ(地黄)、アギ(阿魏)、アキカラマツ、アキニレ(榔楡皮)、アグアヘ(オオミテングヤシ)、アケビ(木通)、アサ(麻子仁)、アシタバ(明日葉)、アズキ(赤小豆)、アセロラ、アセンヤク(阿仙薬)、アチラ(ショクヨウカンナ)、アニス、アベマキ「果実」、アボカド、アマ、アマチャ(甘茶)、アマチャヅル、アマドコロ(玉竹)、アマナ(光慈姑)、アマランサス(ヒユ、ハゲイトウ、ヒモゲイトウ、センニンコク、スギモリゲイトウ、ホソアオゲイトウ、アオゲイトウ、ハリビユ、アマラントウス・ヒポコンドリアクス)、アミガサユリ又はバイモ(貝母)、アルカナ(アルカンナ)、アルガローボ(キャベ)、アルテア、アルニカ、アルピニア又はカツマダイ(ソウズク)、アロエ(蘆薈)、アロエベラ、アンジェリカ、アンズ又はホンアンズ(杏仁)、アンソッコウ(安息香)、イガコウゾリナ(地胆頭)、イカリソウ又はヤチマタイカリソウ(インヨウカク)、イグサ(灯心草)、イタドリ(虎杖根)、イチイ(一位)、イチゴ、イチジク(無花果「果実、葉」)、イチハツ(一初)、イチビ(冬葵子)、イチヤクソウ(一薬草)、イチョウ(銀杏「種子、葉」)、イトヒメハギ(遠志)、イナゴマメ、イヌナズナ(テイレキシ)、イヌビユ(ホナガイヌビユ)、イネ「種子、種皮」、イノンド「種子」、イブキジャコウソウ、イラクサ、イランイラン、イワタバコ(岩萵苣)、イワヒバ又はイワマツ(巻柏)、ウーロン茶、ウイキョウ(茴香)、ウィート(チブサノキ)、ウキヤガラ(三稜)、ウグイスカグラ「果実」、ヒメウイキョウ、ウコン(鬱金)、ウキクサ(浮萍)、ウスバサイシン又はケイリンサイシン又はオウシュウサイシン(細辛)、ウスベニアオイ、ウスベニタチアオイ、ウツボグサ(夏枯草)、ウド又はシシウド(羌活、独活、唐独活)、ウニャデガト(ウンカリア、キャッツクロー)、ウバ茶、ウメ(烏梅「種子、果肉」)、ウラジロガシ、ウワウルシ(クサコケモモ)、ウンシュウミカン(陳皮)、エストラゴン、エゾウコギ(蝦夷五加)、エチナシ(ホソバムラサキバレンギク)、エニシダ、エノキタケ(榎茸)、エビスグサ又はカッシア・トーラ(決明子)、エルカンプレ、エルダーベリー「果実」、エレミ、エリンギィ又はプレロータスエリンジ、オウギ又はキバナオウギ(黄耆)、オウレン(黄連)、オオカラスウリ(カロコン)、オオグルマ(土木香)、オオツヅラフジ(防己)、オオバコ(車前子、車前草)、オオハシバミ(榛子)、オオバナオケラ又はオケラ(白朮)、オオバナサルスベリ(バナバ)、オオバヤシャブシ「果実」、オオミサンザシ又はサンザシ(山査子)、オウセイ(ナルコユリ、カギクルマバナルコユリ)、オウヒササノユキ又はササノユキ、オオムギ(大麦)、オオホシグサ(穀精草)、オカ、オカゼリ(蛇床子)、オグルマ(旋覆)、オクラ「果実」、オタネニンジン又はトチバニンジン (人参)、オトギリソウ又はコゴメバオトギリソウ又はセイヨウオトギリソウ(弟切草)、オドリコソウ(続断)、オナモミ(蒼耳子)、オニグルミ、オニドコロ又はトコロ又はナガドコロ(ヒカイ)、オニノヤガラ(天麻)、オニユリ又はササユリ又はハカタユリ(百合)、オノニス、オヒョウ(裂葉楡)、オミナエシ(敗醤)、オユーコ、オランダカラシ(クレソン)、オランダゼリ、オランダミツバ、オリーブ「果実、種子、葉」、オレガノ、オレンジ「果実、果皮」、カイケイジオウ(熟地黄)、カカオ「果実、果皮、種子」、カキ(柿蒂「葉」)、カギカズラ(釣藤鈎)、カキドオシ又はカントリソウ(蓮銭草)、カシア、カジノキ(楮実「果実」)、ガジュツ(莪朮)、カシワ(槲樹、槲葉)、カスカリラ、カスカラサグラダ、カスミソウ、カニクサ(金沙藤)、カニーワ、カノコソウ(吉草根)、カバノキ又はシダレカンバ(白樺)、カボチャ、カポックノキ「種子」、カホクサンショウ(蜀椒)、ガマ(蒲黄)、カミツレ又はローマカミツレ、カミヤツデ(通草)、カムカム(カモカモ)、カラクサケマン、カラスウリ又はシナカラスウリ(王瓜)、カラスビシャク(半夏)、カラスムギ、ガラナ「種子」、カラホオ(厚朴)、カラヤ、カリン(木瓜)、ガルシニア、カワミドリ、カワラサイコ(委陵菜、翻白草)、カワヂシャ、カワラタケ、カワラナデシコ(石竹)又はエゾカワラナデシコ(瞿麦、瞿麦子)、カワラニンジン(青蒿)、カワラヨモギ(茵チン蒿)、カンスイ(甘遂)、カンゾウ(甘草)、カンタラアサ、カンデリラ、カントウ、カンナ、キイチゴ(エゾイチゴ、オランダイチゴ、エビガライチゴ、ナワシロイチゴ、モミジイチゴ、ヨーロッパキイチゴ)、キウイ「果実、葉」、キカラスウリ(瓜呂根)、キク(菊花、シマカンギク、チョウセンノギク)、キササゲ(梓実)、ギシギシ(羊蹄根)、キジツ(枳実)、キズタ、キダチアロエ、キダチハッカ、キナ、キナノキ(シンコーナ、アカキナノキ)、キヌア(キノア)、キハダ(黄柏)、ギムネマ・シルベスタ、キャベツ、キャベブ「未熟果」、キュウリ、ギョリュウ(西河柳、てい柳)、キラジャ・サポナリア、キラヤ、キランソウ(金瘡小草)、キンカン「果実」、キンマ、キンミズヒキ(仙鶴草)、グアバ「果実」、グアユーレ、クェルクス・インフェクトリア(没食子)、ククイナッツ、クコ(枸杞、枸杞子、枸杞葉、地骨皮)、クサスギカズラ(天門冬)、クズ(葛根)、クスノキ、グースベリー「果実」、クソニンジン(黄花蒿)、クチナシ(山梔子)、クヌギ(樸ソウ)、クプアス、クマザサ、クマツヅラ(馬鞭草)、クララ(苦参)、クランベリー「果実」、クリ「種子、果実、渋皮」、クルクリゴ・ラチフォリア「果実」、グレープフルーツ「果実・葉」、クロウメモドキ、クロガネモチ(救必応)、クロバナヒキオコシ又はヒキオコシ(延命草)、クローブ(丁子、丁香)、グンバイナズナ(セキメイ、セキメイシ)、ケイガイ(荊芥、荊芥穂)、ケイトウ(鶏冠花、鶏冠子)、ゲッケイジュ(月桂樹)、ケナシサルトリイバラ(土茯苓、山帰来)、ゲンチアナ、ゲンノショウコ(老鸛草)、ケンポナシ(キグシ)、コウキセッコク、キシュウミカン(コウジ、タチバナ、オオベニミカン、フクレミカン、サガミコウジ、ポンカン、サンタラ(橘皮))、コウシンバラ(月季花)、コウスイハッカ、コウゾ「果実」、コウチャ(紅茶)、コウホネ(川骨)、コウホン(藁本、唐藁本)、コウリャン、コウリョウキョウ(高良姜)、コエンドロ「果実」、コオウレン(胡黄連)、コガネバナ(黄ゴン)、コケモモ(越橘)、ココヤシ「果実」、ゴシュユ(呉茱萸)、ゴショイチゴ(覆盆子)、コショウ(胡椒)、コパイババルサム、コーヒー「種子、葉」、コブシ又はモクレン(辛夷)、ゴボウ(牛蒡、牛蒡子)、コボタンヅル、ゴマ(胡麻)、ゴマノハグサ(玄参)、ゴミシ(五味子)、サネカズラ又はビナンカズラ又はマツブサ、コムギ(小麦)、米又は米糠「赤糠、白糠」、コメ油、コーラ・アクミナタ「種子」、コーラ・ベラ「種子」、コロハ「果実」、コロンボ、コンズランゴ、コンブ、コンニャク、コンフリー(鰭張草)、サイザル(サイザルアサ)、サキシマボタンヅル又はシナボタンヅル又はシナセンニンソウ(威霊仙)、サクラ(オオシマザクラ、ヤマザクラ、オオヤマザクラ、エドヒガシ、マメザクラ、ミヤマザクラ、タカネザクラ、カスミザクラ、チョウジザクラ、コヒガン、サトザクラ、カンザクラ「葉、花、果実、樹皮(桜皮)」)、サクランボ、ザクロ、ササ、サザンカ、サジオモダカ(沢瀉)、サツマイモ、サトウキビ、サトウダイコン、サネブトナツメ(酸棗仁)、サフラン(番紅花、西紅花)、ザボン「果実」、サボンソウ、サーモンベリー「果実」、サラシナショウマ(升麻)、サルビア(セージ)、サワギキョウ(山梗菜)、サワグルミ(山胡桃)、サングレデグラード(クロトン)、サンシクヨウソウ、サンシチニンジン(三七人参)、サンシュユ(山茱萸)、サンショウ(山椒)、サンズコン(山豆根)、シア(カリテ)、シアノキ「果実」、シイタケ(椎茸)、シオン(紫苑)、ジキタリス、シクンシ(使君子)、シソ又はアオジソ又はチリメンジソ又はカタメンジソ(紫蘇葉、紫蘇子)、シタン、シナノキ、シナホオノキ、シナレンギョウ(連翹)、シメジ(ヒンシメジ、シャカシメジ、ハタケシメジ、オシロイシメジ、ブナシメジ、ホンジメシ、シロタモギタケ)、シモツケソウ、ジャガイモ、シャクヤク(芍薬)、シャジン(沙参)、ジャスミン(マツリカ)、ジャノヒゲ(麦門冬)、シュクコンカスミソウ、シュクシャミツ(砂仁、縮砂)、ジュズダマ、シュロ「果実」、ショウガ(生姜)、ジョウザンアジサイ(常山)、ショウブ(菖蒲、菖蒲根)、ショズク「果実」、シラカシ「種子」、シロゴチョウ「種子」、シロトウアズキ(鶏骨草)、シロバナイリス(ニオイイリス)、シロバナツタ「花」、シロミナンテン(南天実)、シンコナサクシルブラ、ジンチョウゲ(瑞香、瑞香花、沈丁花)、シンナモン、シンナモムム・カッシア(桂皮)、スイカ(西瓜)、スイカズラ(金銀花、忍冬)、スイバ(酸模)、スイムベリー「果実」、ステビア、ストロベリー「果実」、スズサイコ(徐長卿)、スギナ(問荊)、スベリヒユ(馬歯けん、馬歯けん子)、スモモ「果実」、セイヨウアカマツ「球果」、セイヨウカラマツ、セイヨウキズタ、セイヨウグルミ、セイヨウサンザシ、セイヨウタンポポ、セイヨウトチノキ(マロニエ)、セイヨウナシ「果実」、セイヨウナツユキソウ、セイヨウニワトコ(エルダー)、セイヨウネズ(ジュニパー、杜松)、セイヨウノコギリソウ(ミルフォイル)、セイヨウバラ、セイヨウフウチョウボク、セイヨウヤドリギ、セイヨウハッカ又はセイヨウヤマハッカ、セイヨウワサビ、セキショウ(石菖根)、セッコク(石斛)、セドロン(ボウシュウボク)、ゼニアオイ、ヒロハセネガ、セネガ、セリ、セロリ、センキュウ(川キュウ)、センシンレン(穿心連)、センダン、センブリ(当薬)、センナ「果実、葉」、センニンソウ(大蓼)、ソウカ(草果)、ソバ「種実」、ソメモノイモ、ダイオウ(大黄)、大根、大豆、ダイダイ(橙皮、枳実)、タカサブロウ(旱蓮草)、タカトウダイ(大戟)、タカワラビ(狗脊)、ダークスィートチェリー「果実」、タチアオイ、タチジャコウソウ(タイム、百里香)、タチドコロ(ヒカイ)、タチヤナギ、タマリンド「種子」、タマネギ、タムシバ(辛夷)、タラノキ「果実、葉、根皮」、タルウィ、タンジン(丹参)、タンポポ(蒲公英)又はシロバナタンポポ又はモウコタンポポ、ダンマル、チェリー「果実」、チガヤ「果実、根、芽」、チクセツニンジン(竹節人参)、チコリ、チャンカピエドラ(キダチコミカンソウ)、チョウセンダイオウ(大黄)、チョウセンニレ(蕪夷)、チョウセンヨモギ(艾葉)、チョレイマイタケ(猪苓)、チョロギ、ツキミソウ、ツクリタケ(マッシュルーム)、ツバキ、ツボクサ、ツユクサ(鴨跖草)、ツルアズキ(赤小豆)、ツルドクダミ(何首烏)、ツルナ(蕃杏)、ツルニンジン(四葉参)、ツワブキ、デイコ、テウチグルミ、デュベリー「果実」、テングサ、テンチャ(甜茶)、テンダイウヤク(烏薬)、トウガ(冬瓜子)、トウカギカズラ、トウガラシ(番椒)、トウキ(当帰)、トウキンセンカ(マリーゴールド)、トウナベナ(川断)、トウモロコシ又はトウモロコシ毛(南蛮毛)、トウネズミモチ(女貞子)、トウリンドウ又はチョウセンリンドウ(竜胆)、トクサ(木賊)、ドクダミ(十薬)、トコン(吐根)、トシシ又はマメダオシ又はネナシカズラ、トチュウ(杜仲「樹皮、葉、根」)、トネリコ(秦皮)、トマト、トラガント、トリアカンソス「種子」、トルメンチラ、ドロノキ、トロロアオイ、ナイゼリアベリー「果実」、ナガイモ又はヤマノイモ(山薬)、ナギイカダ(ブッチャーブルーム)、ナギナタコウジュ、ナズナ、ナタマメ又はタテハキ(刀豆)、ナツミカン、ナツメ(大棗)、ナニワイバラ(金桜子)、ナベナ(続断)、ナメコ、ナルコユリ(黄精)、ナンキンマメ(落花生)、ナンテン(南天実)、ナンバンカラムシ(苧麻)、ニガキ(苦木)、ニガヨモギ(苦艾)、ニクズク、ケイ又はニッケイ又はセイロンニッケイ又はヤブニッケイ(桂皮)又はケイシ(桂枝)、ニラ(韮子)、ニワトコ(接骨木「果実、花、茎、葉」)、ニンニク(大蒜)、ヌルデ(五倍子)、ネギ、ネムノキ又はネブ又はネビ又はネムリノキ又はジゴクバナ(合歓)、ノアザミ(大薊)、ノイバラ(営実)、ノコギリソウ、ノダケ(前胡)、ノバラ、ノモモ、パーム、パイナップル「果実」、ハイビスカス(ブッソウゲ、フウリンブッソウゲ、ローゼル)、ハイリンドウ、ハカマウラボシ(骨砕補)、ハクセン(白癬皮)、ハクルベリー「果実」、ハコベ(繁縷)、ハシバミ(榛子)、ハシリドコロ(ロート根)、バジル、ハス(蓮、蓮肉、蓮子)、パセリ(オランダゼリ)、ハダカムギ、バタタ、ハチク又はマダケ(竹茹)、パチョリー、ハッカ(薄荷、薄荷葉)、ハトムギ(ヨクイニン)、ハナスゲ(知母)、バナナ、ハナハッカ、ハナビシ(シツリシ、シシツリ)、バニラビンズ、パパイヤ、ハハコグサ(鼠麹草)、パハロボボ、ハブ「全草、茎、葉」、パプリカ、ハマゴウ又はミツバハマゴウ(蔓荊子)、ハマスゲ(香附子)、ハマビシ(シツ莉子)、ハマナス(マイカイ花)、ハマボウフウ(浜防風)、ハマメリス、バラ(薔薇)、ハラタケ(ハラタケ、シロオオハラタケ、ウスキモリノカサ)、ハラン、パリウルス(セイヨウハマナツメ)、パリエタリア、バルサミーナ(ツルレイシ、ニガウリ)、ハルニレ(楡皮、楡白皮、楡葉)、バルバスコ、ハルリンドウ、ハンダイカイ(胖大海)、パンノキ、ヒオウギ(射干)、ヒカゲツルニンジン(党参)、プーアル茶(普?茶)、ピーカンナッツ、ヒガンバナ(石蒜、蔓珠沙華)、ヒシ(菱実)、ピスタチオ、ビート、ヒトツバ(石葦)、ヒトツバエニシダ、ヒナタイノコズチ(牛膝)、ヒノキ、ヒバ、ヒマシ、ピーマン、ヒメウズ(天葵)、ヒメガマ(香蒲)、ヒメマツタケ(カワリハラタケ、ヒロマツタケ)、ピメンタ「果実」、ビャクシ、ビャッキュウ、ヒユ「果実」、ビロウドアオイ、ヒロハオキナグサ(白頭翁)、ビワ「果実、葉、茎」、ビンロウ(大服皮、檳榔子)、フウトウカズラ(南籐)、フキ、フキタンポポ(款冬花、款冬葉)、フジバカマ(蘭草)、フジマメ(扁豆)、ブドウ「果実、果皮、種子、葉」、ブナ、フユムシナツクサタケ(冬虫夏草)、ブラジルカンゾウ、ブラジルニンジン、ブラックカーラント「果実」、ブラックベリー、プラム「果実」、フルセラリア、ブルーベリー(セイヨウヒメスノキ)、プルーン、フローラルブランカ、ブロンドサイリウム、ブンドウ(緑豆)、ヘーゼルナッツ、ヘチマ、ベニバナ(紅花)、ヘネケン、ベラドンナ、ベリー「果実」、ペルビアンバーグ、ベンケイソウ又はイキクサ(景天)、ボイセンベリー「果実」、ホウキギ又はニワクサ又はネンドウ又はハハキギ・コキア(地膚子)、ホウセンカ(鳳仙、急性子、透骨草)、ホウノキ、ボウフウ(防風)、ホウレンソウ、ホオズキ(登呂根)、ホオノキ(和厚朴、朴)、ボケ(木瓜)、ホソバナオケラ(蒼朮)、ホソバノキリンソウ(景天三七)、ホソババレンギク、ボダイジュ(菩醍樹)、ボタン(牡丹「花、葉、茎、樹皮」)、ボタンピ(牡丹皮)、ホップ、ホホバ、ボルドー、ホワートルベリー「果実」、ホンオニク(肉じゅ蓉、大芸)、ホンセッコク(鉄皮石斛、雀山石斛)、マイズルテンナンショウ(天南星)、マイタケ(舞茸)、マオウ(麻黄)、マカ、マカデミアナッツ、マクリ(海人草)、マグワ(桑白皮「樹皮、葉」)、マグノリア・スプレンゲリ、マシュア(タマノウゼンハレン、キュウコンキンレンカ)、マタタビ(木天蓼)、マツカサ、松「葉、樹皮、根」、マツホド(茯苓)、マティコ(コルドンシージョ)、マヨラム(ハナハッカ)、マルバアサガオ、マルバノジャジン(苦参)、マルベリー「果実」、マルメロ、マンゴー、マンゴスチン、マンサーニャ(アンデスカミツレ)、マンシュウグルミ、マンダリン「果実」、マンネンタケ(霊芝)、キジツ(枳実「果実」)、ミシマサイコ(柴胡)、ミズオオバコ又はミズアサガオ(竜舌草)、ミゾカクシ(半辺蓮)、ミソハギ(千屈菜)、ミチヤナギ又はニワヤナギ(篇蓄)、ミツガシワ、ミツバ、ミドリハッカ、ミモザ、ミョウガ、ミラクルフルーツ「果実」、ミルラ、ミロバラン、ムギワラギク、ムクゲ(木槿)、ムクノキ、ムクロジ(延命皮)、ムニャ、ムラサキ(紫根)、ムラサキシキブ又はオオムラサキシキブ(紫珠)、ムラサキトウモロコシ、ムラサキナツフジ(昆明鶏血藤)、メハジキ(益母草)、メボウギ、メラロイカ、メリッサ、メリロート、メロン「果実」、モウコヨモギ、モウソウチク、モジェ(コショウボク)、モッコウ(木香)、モミジバダイオウ、モモ(桃「葉、種子、花、果実」)、モヤシ、モレロチェリー「果実」、モロヘイヤ(黄麻)、ヤカワムラサキイモ、ヤクチ(益智)、ヤグルマソウ(ヤグルマギク)、ヤグルマハッカ、ヤーコン、ヤシャブシ(矢車)又はヒメヤシャブシ又はオオバヤシャブシ「果実、果皮、果穂」、ヤチヤナギ、ヤツデ(八角金盤)、ヤドリギ(柳寄生)、ヤナギ(カワヤナギ、タチヤナギ、シダレヤナギ、アカメヤナギ、ネコヤナギ、イヌコリヤナギ、キヌヤナギ、コリヤナギ、ウンリュウヤナギ、ミヤマヤナギ、ヤシ、ヤマヤナギ、オオバヤナギ、タイリクキヌヤナギ、キツネヤナギ、ドロノキ)、ヤナギタデ「葉、茎」、ヤブガラシ、ヤブコウジ(紫金牛)、ヤブタバコ(鶴虱、天名精)、ヤマゴボウ(商陸)、ヤマハンノキ(山榛)、ヤマモモ(楊梅皮)、ヤマヨモギ、 ユーカリ、ユキノシタ(虎耳草)、ユッカ又はフレビフォリア、ユズ「果実」、ユリ、ヨロイグサ、ヨモギ(艾葉)、ライガン(雷丸)、ライム「果実」、ライムギ、ラカンカ「果実」、ラズベリー「葉、果実」、ラタニア(クラメリア)、ラッキョウ又はエシャロット(薤白)、ラベンダー、リュウガン(竜眼肉)、リュウゼツラン(アオノリュウゼツラン、フクリンリュウゼツラン)、リョクチャ(緑茶)、リンゴ「果実、種子、葉、根」、リンドウ、ルバス又はスアビシムス(甜涼)、レイシ(茘枝、茘枝核)、レタス(チシャ)、レッドカーラント「果実」、レモン「果実」、レモングラス、レンギョウ又はシナレンギョウ(連翹)、レンゲソウ、ロウヤシ、ロコン(ヨシ、蘆根)、ローガンベリー「果実」、ローズマリー(マンネンロウ)、ローズヒップ(ノバラ)、ワサビ、ワレモコウ(地楡)などが挙げられる。
紅藻類(ウシケノリ属:ウシケノリ、フノリノウシケ、アマノリ属:アサクサノリ、スサビノリ、ウップルイノリ、オニアマノリ、タサ、フイリタサ、ベニタサ、ロドコルトン属:ミルノベニ、アケボノモズク属:アケボノモズク、コナハダ属:ハイコナハダ、ヨゴレコナハダ、アオコナハダ、ウミゾウメン属:ウミゾウメン、ツクモノリ、カモガシラノリ、ベニモズク属:ベニモズク、ホソベニモズク、カサマツ属:カサマツ、フサノリ属:フサノリ、ニセフサノリ属:ニセフサノリ、ソデガラミ属:ソデガラミ、ガラガラ属:ガラガラ、ヒラガラガラ、ヒロハタマイタダキ属:ヒロハタマイタダキ、タマイタダキ属:タマイタダキ、カギケノリ属:カギノリ、カギケノリ、テングサ属:ヒメテングサ、ハイテングサ、オオブサ、ナンブグサ、コヒラ、ヨヒラ、キヌクサ、ヒビロウド属:ヒビロウド、ヒメヒビロウド、イソムメモドキ属:イソムメモドキ、 ミチガエソウ属:ミチガエソウ、リュウモンソウ属:リュウモンソウ、ヘラリュウモン、ニセカレキグサ属:ニセカレキグサ、オキツバラ属:オオバオキツバラ、アカバ属:アカバ、マルバアカバ、ナミノハナ属:ホソバナミノハナ、ナミノハナ、サンゴモドキ属:ガラガラモドキ、シオグサゴロモ属:シオグサゴロモ、イワノカワ属:エツキイワノカワ、カイノカワ属:カイノカワ、カニノテ属:カニノテ、サンゴモ属:サンゴモ、ムカデノリ属:ムカデノリ、スジムカデ、カタノリ、ヒラムカデ、キョウノヒモ、サクラノリ、ニクムカデ、タンバノリ、ツルツル、イソノハナ属:ヌラクサ、クロヌラクサ、オオムカデノリ、ヒラキントキ属:ヒラキントキ、マタボウ属:マタボウ、キントキ属:チャボキントキ、キントキ、マツノリ、コメノリ、トサカマツ、ヒトツマツ、カクレイト属:オオバキントキ、イトフノリ属:イトフノリ、ナガオバネ属:ナガオバネ、フノリ属:ハナフノリ、フクロフノリ、マフノリ、カレキグサ属:カレキグサ、トサカモドキ属:ホソバノトサカモドキ、ヒロハノトサカモドキ、ヤツデガタトサカモドキ、クロトサカモドキ、ネザシノトサカモドキ、キヌハダ属:キヌハダ、エゾトサカ属:エゾトサカ、ツカサノリ属:エナシカリメニア、オオツカサノリ、ハナガタカリメニア、ホウノオ属:ホウノオ、ヒカゲノイト属:ヒカゲノイト、ウスギヌ、ニクホウノオ属:ニクホウノオ、ベニスナゴ属:ベニスナゴ、ススカケベニ属:ススカケベニ、オカムラグサ属:ヤマダグサ、ミリン属:ミリン、ホソバミリン、トサカノリ属:キクトサカ、エゾナメシ属:エゾナメシ、イソモッカ属:イソモッカ、ユカリ属:ユカリ、ホソユカリ、イバラノリ属:イバラノリ、サイダイバラ、タチイバラ、カギイバラノリ、キジノオ属:キジノオ、イソダンツウ属:イソダンツウ、アツバノリ属:アツバノリ、オゴノリ属:オゴノリ、ツルシラモ、シラモ、オオオゴノリ、ミゾオコノリ、カバノリ、テングサモドキ属:ハチジョウテングサモドキ、フシクレノリ属:フシクレノリ、ナミイワタケ属:ナミイワタケ、カイメンソウ属:カイメンソウ、オキツノリ属:オキツノリ、サイミ属:イタニグサ、サイミ、ハリガネ、ハスジグサ属:ハスジグサ、スギノリ属:イカノアシ、ホソイボノリ、ノボノリ、クロハギンナンソウ属:クロハギンナンソウ、アカバギンナンソウ属:アカバギンナンソウ、ヒシブクロ属:ヒシブクロ、マダラグサ属:トゲマダラ、エツキマダラ、タオヤギソウ属:タオヤギソウ、ハナサクラ、フクロツナギ属:フクロツナギ、スジコノリ、ハナノエダ属:ハナノエダ、ヒラタオヤギ属:ヒラタオヤギ、ダルス属:ダルス、マサゴシバリ、アナダルス、ウエバグサ属:ウエバグサ、ベニフクロノリ属:ベニフクロノリ、フシツナギ属:フシツナギ、ヒメフシツナギ、ヒロハフシツナギ、ワツナギソウ属:ヒラワツナギソウ、ウスバワツナギソウ、イギス属:イギス、ケイギス、ハリイギス、ハネイギス、アミクサ、エゴノリ属:エゴノリ、フトイギス、サエダ属:サエダ、チリモミジ属:チリモミジ、コノハノリ科:ハブタエノリ、コノハノリ、スズシロノリ、ウスベニ属:ウスベニ、ハスジギヌ属:ハスジギヌ、ナガコノハノリ属:ナガコノハノリ、スジギヌ属:スジギヌ、アツバスジギヌ、ハイウスバノリ属:カギウスバノリ、ヤレウスバノリ、スジウスバノリ、ハイウスバノリ、ウスバノリモドキ属:ウスバノリモドキ、アヤニシキ属:アヤニシキ、アヤギヌ属:アヤギヌ、ダジア属:エナシダジア、シマダジア属:イソハギ、シマダジア、ダジモドキ属:ダジモモドキ、イトグサ属:モロイトグサ、フトイグサ、マクリ属:マクリ、ヤナギノリ属:ハナヤナギ、ユナ、ヤナギノリ、モツレユナ、ベニヤナギコリ、モサヤナギ、ササバヤナギノリ、ソゾ属:クロソゾ、コブソゾ、ハネソゾ、ソゾノハナ、ハネグサ属:ハネグサ、ケハネグサ、コザネモ属:コザネモ、イソムラサキ、ホソコザネモ、ヒメゴケ属:ヒメゴケ、クロヒメゴケ、ヒオドシグ属:キクヒオドシ、ヒオドシグサ、ウスバヒオドシ、アイソメグサ属:アイソメグサ、スジナシグサ属:スジナシグサ、イソバショウ属:イソバショウ、フジマツモ属:フジマツモ、ノコギリヒバ属:ハケサキノコギリヒバ、カワモズク属:カワモズク、アオカワモズク、ヒメカワモズク、イデユコゴメ属:イデユコゴメ、オキチモズク属:オキチモズク、イトグサ属、チノリモ属:チノリモ、チスジノリ属:チスジノリなど)。
(方 法)試験1時間前より試験環境に調整された恒温恒湿室にモニターを入室させ、安定させる。その後、モニターの前腕屈側に各試料溶液(1mL)を塗布し、60秒後に余剰な水分を除去し、角層の電気伝導度を経時的に測定する。
(測 定 器)TEWAMETER TM210;COURAGE+KHAZAKA Electronic Gmbh製
(方 法)モニターの左右前腕屈側に各試料水溶液(1mL)を1日3回塗布する。3回目の塗布後、恒温恒湿室(24℃、50%RH)にて1時間安定させた後、経表皮水分喪失量の測定を始める。測定は、2秒間隔で3分間測定し、全数値の平均値を被検部位のTEWL値とする。尚、各々のブランクは検体塗布前に同条件にて測定した。

Figure 0004488560
Figure 0004488560
(方 法)背部を除毛したハートレー系モルモット(雌性、5週齢、1群3匹)に、白色ワセリンにて3重量%に調整したラウリル硫酸ナトリウム(0.2g)を3日間連続解放塗布して肌荒れを作成した。肌荒れ作成部位を4分し、各検体(1.0mL)を3回/日塗布し、3日後観察により定められた判定基準(スコア)に従い肌荒れ度を評価した。
(判定基準)紅斑、落屑ともほとんどみられない 1点
紅斑を伴わない軽度の落屑 2点
紅斑を伴わない中等度の落屑 3点
弱い紅斑を伴った落屑 4点
中等度の紅斑を伴った落屑 5点
著しい紅斑を伴った落屑 6点
Figure 0004488560
Figure 0004488560
Figure 0004488560
Figure 0004488560
Figure 0004488560
Figure 0004488560
Figure 0004488560
Figure 0004488560
Figure 0004488560
Figure 0004488560
Figure 0004488560
Figure 0004488560
Figure 0004488560
Figure 0004488560
Figure 0004488560
乳液 :朝洗顔直後、夜入浴直後、顔に適用。各3mL,各1回/日
浴用剤A :浴湯に投じ入浴、30g,1回/日
シャンプー :洗髪時に使用、10mL,1回/日
リンス :シャンプー直後に使用、10mL,1回/日
食器用洗剤 :随時
Figure 0004488560
【図1】 アカツメクサ、ガーベラ、カラー、キキョウの植物抽出液適用部位の皮膚電気伝導度の経時変化(実施例:植物抽出物の保湿性1)
【図2】 コスモス、ダリア、チューリップ、デージーの植物抽出液適用部位の皮膚電気伝導度の経時変化(実施例:植物抽出物の保湿性1)
【図3】 トルコギキョウ、ヒグルマダリア、ヒマワリ、マーガレットの植物抽出液適用部位の皮膚電気伝導度の経時変化(実施例:植物抽出物の保湿性1)
【図4】 アリストロメリア、アサガオ、アジサイの植物抽出液適用部位の皮膚電気伝導度の経時変化(実施例:植物抽出物の保湿性1)
【図5】 アブラナ、カーネーション、ガクアジサイ、シロツメクサの植物抽出液適用部位の皮膚電気伝導度の経時変化(実施例:植物抽出物の保湿性1)
【図6】 ソメイヨシノ、バラ、エンジュ、キクタニギクの植物抽出液適用部位の皮膚電気伝導度の経時変化(実施例:植物抽出物の保湿性1)
【図7】 シモクレン、ニオイスミレ、ボリジ、マレインの植物抽出液適用部位の皮膚電気伝導度の経時変化(実施例:植物抽出物の保湿性1)[0001]
The present invention relates to a bath preparation or a detergent composition that is a cosmetic or daily miscellaneous goods, and contains a moisturizing plant extract to moisturize the skin and hair, The present invention provides a composition useful for maintaining and regenerating hair. That is, for the prevention, reduction or improvement of dryness, rough skin, cracks, redheads, dandruff, kayumi, inflammatory diseases, etc. for the skin, and for the hair, dryness, dryness, split ends, broken hair, gloss The present invention relates to cosmetics, bathing agents, or detergent compositions effective for application.
[Prior art]
Human skin and hair are moderately moisturized when healthy and usually do not require special care, but various environmental factors (e.g. temperature change, humidity change, light, water and water) Etc.), contact with detergents, etc., or aging often causes changes and troubles. That is, the skin and hair whose moisturizing function has been lowered are dry, hard, lose gloss and elasticity, and become crisp. In recent years, it has been pointed out that such dry skin is associated with atopic dermatitis, which is rapidly increasing, and may cause various skin troubles. In addition, troubles such as loss of luster, split ends and cut hairs occur even in the hair. Further progress is considered to cause serious conditions such as spots, wrinkles and hair loss.
Conventionally, glycerin, propylene glycol, 1,3-butylene glycol and other polyhydric alcohols as well as oils and fats, amino acids, proteins, polysaccharides, mucopolysaccharides are used as external preparations for cosmetics and the like to prevent skin and hair from drying. Etc. have been used.
The purpose seen in these is to create a film by applying to the skin and hair, to prevent the transpiration of moisture, and to be devised to approach the stratum corneum component called natural moisturizing factor: NMF (Natural Moisturizing Factar) there were.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
However, conventional moisturizing components have not yet been satisfied in terms of touch, durability of moisturizing effect, safety, and physicochemical stability. In particular, the moisturizing effect of the conventional components is temporary, and it is difficult to say that the composition is externally sufficient in terms of maintaining and regenerating healthy skin or hair, such as prevention or improvement of rough skin and split ends.
The present invention solves such a problem, and contains a moisturizing plant component that maintains a moisturizing effect for a long time. For skin, dryness, rough skin, cracks, red snapper, dandruff, kayumi, inflammatory diseases For the prevention, reduction or improvement of the skin, etc., and for the hair, a cosmetic composition or bathing agent which is effective for drying, dryness, split ends, cut hair, gloss, etc., or skins such as rough skin, cracks, redheads, etc. Provided is an improved detergent composition that is less prone to trouble.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The plants used in the present invention are as follows, and any of them can use leaves, stems, roots, flowers, seeds or whole plants, but those available as herbal medicines may be used.
(1) Gerbera Gerbera jamesonii (Asteraceae)
(2) Color Zantedeschia aethiopica Spreng.
(3) Eustoma grandiflorum (Gentianaceae)
(4) Margaret Chrysanthemum frutescens L. (Asteraceae) aka: Mokushungiku
(5) Alstroemeria pulchella; Alstroemeria aurantiaca (Lilyaceae) aka: Lily
(6) Gaku hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla S.
The active ingredient is extracted from these plants using a suitable solvent. As the solvent, water, ethanol, 1,3-butylene glycol, propylene glycol, glycerin, polyethylene glycol, or any mixed solution selected from these can be used. The extraction is usually performed by immersing the plant in a solvent at around room temperature for 1 to 7 days. After extraction, the extract is filtered and the extract is diluted or concentrated and dried as necessary.
In order to obtain a moisturizing plant extract, the solvent is usually used in an amount of about 3 to 20 times, preferably about 5 to 10 times the weight of the plant. In order to increase the extraction efficiency, it is possible to perform warm extraction, but it is desirable to perform immersion extraction at around room temperature for about 3 to 7 days in order to obtain a high-quality component without denaturation as much as possible.
From any of the plants used in the present invention, an extract having a high target effect can be obtained. Therefore, it may be extracted individually from each, or may be extracted by arbitrarily combining plants. Moreover, you may mix and use each extract or extract. In addition, the combination of a plurality of plant extracts can further improve the sustainability of the moisturizing effect, and can also improve the effect on rough skin, dandruff, and kayumi, so two or more plant extracts can be obtained. It seems to be meaningful enough to use in combination.
In addition to the essential moisturizing plant extract of the present invention, the cosmetic composition, bath preparation composition and detergent composition according to the present invention are, for example, bases usually used in cosmetics as described below, It can be produced by using additives and the like together.
(1) Various fats and oils
Avocado oil, almond oil, fennel oil, egoma oil, olive oil, orange oil, orange rafa oil, sesame oil, cacao butter, chamomile oil, carrot oil, cucumber oil, beef tallow fatty acid, kukui nut oil, safflower oil, shea butter, liquid shea Fat, soybean oil, camellia oil, corn oil, rapeseed oil, persic oil, castor oil, cottonseed oil, peanut oil, turtle oil, mink oil, egg yolk oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil, owl, coconut oil, beef tallow, lard Or hydrogenated products of these oils and fats (hardened oil, etc.).
(2) Wax
Beeswax, carnauba wax, whale wax, lanolin, liquid lanolin, reduced lanolin, hard lanolin, candelilla wax, montan wax, shellac wax, rice wax, squalene, squalane, pristane, etc.
(3) Mineral oil
Liquid paraffin, petrolatum, paraffin, ozokelide, ceresin, microkristane wax, etc.
(4) Fatty acids
Natural fatty acids such as lauric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, behenic acid, oleic acid, 12-hydroxystearic acid, undecylenic acid, tall oil, lanolin fatty acid, isononanoic acid, caproic acid, 2-ethylbutanoic acid, isopentanoic acid , Synthetic fatty acids such as 2-methylpentanoic acid, 2-ethylhexanoic acid and isopentanoic acid.
(5) Alcohols
Natural alcohols such as ethanol, isopyropanol, lauryl alcohol, cetanol, stearyl alcohol, oleyl alcohol, lanolin alcohol, cholesterol, phytosterol, synthetic alcohols such as 2-hexyldecanol, isostearyl alcohol, and 2-octyldodecanol.
(6) Polyhydric alcohols
Ethylene oxide, ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, triethylene glycol, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether, ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, diethylene glycol monomethyl ether, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, polyethylene glycol, propylene oxide, propylene glycol, polypropylene glycol, 1,3-butylene glycol Glycerin, pentaerythritol, sorbitol, mannitol, etc.
(7) Esters
Isopropyl myristate, isopropyl palmitate, butyl stearate, hexyl laurate, myristyl myristate, oleyl oleate, decyl oleate, octyldodecyl myristate, hexyldecyl dimethyloctanoate, cetyl lactate, myristyl lactate, diethyl phthalate, phthalate Dibutyl acid, lanolin acetate, ethylene glycol monostearate, propylene glycol monostearate, propylene glycol dioleate and the like.
(8) Metal soap
Aluminum stearate, magnesium stearate, zinc stearate, calcium stearate, zinc palmitate, magnesium myristate, zinc laurate, zinc undecylenate, etc.
(9) Gums, sugars or water-soluble polymer compounds
Gum arabic, benzoin gum, danmar gum, guaiac gum, Irish moss, Karaya gum, tragacanth gum, carob gum, quinseed, agar, casein, lactose, fructose, sucrose or esters thereof, trehalose or derivatives thereof, dextrin, gelatin, pectin, starch, Carrageenan, carboxymethyl chitin or chitosan, hydroxyalkyl (C2-C4) chitin or chitosan to which alkylene (C2-C4) oxide such as ethylene oxide is added, low molecular chitin or chitosan, chitosan salt, sulfated chitin or chitosan, phosphorus Oxidized chitin or chitosan, alginic acid or salt thereof, hyaluronic acid or salt thereof, chondroitin sulfate or salt thereof, heparin, ethylcellulose, methylcellulose, carboxymethylcellulose, carbo Polyalkylene oxide such as xyethyl cellulose, sodium carboxyethyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, nitrocellulose, crystalline cellulose, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl methyl ether, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, polyvinyl methacrylate, polyacrylate, polyethylene oxide and polypropylene oxide or Its cross-linked polymer, carboxyvinyl polymer, polyethyleneimine, etc.
(10) Surfactant
Anionic surfactant (alkyl carboxylate, alkyl sulfonate, alkyl sulfate ester salt, alkyl phosphate ester salt), cationic surfactant (alkylamine salt, alkyl quaternary ammonium salt), amphoteric surfactant: carboxylic acid Type amphoteric surfactant (amino type, betaine type), sulfate ester type amphoteric surfactant, sulfonic acid type amphoteric surfactant, phosphate ester type amphoteric surfactant, nonionic surfactant (ether type nonionic surfactant) Agent, ether ester type nonionic surfactant, ester type nonionic surfactant, block polymer type nonionic surfactant, nitrogen-containing type nonionic surfactant), other surfactants (natural surfactant, protein Hydrolyzed derivatives, polymer surfactants, surfactants containing titanium and silicon, fluorocarbon surfactants Such as.
(11) Various vitamins
Vitamin A group: retinol, retinal (vitamin A1), dehydroretinal (vitamin A2), carotene, lycopene (provitamin A), vitamin B group: thiamine hydrochloride, thiamine sulfate (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), Pyridoxine (vitamin B6), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), folic acid, nicotinic acids, pantothenic acids, biotins, choline, inositols, vitamin C group: vitamin C acid or derivatives thereof, vitamin D group: ergocalciferol (vitamin D2 ), Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), dihydrotaxosterol, vitamin E group: vitamin E or derivatives thereof, ubiquinones, vitamin K group: phytonadione (vitamin K1), menaquinone (vitamin K2), menadione (vitamin 3), menadiol (vitamin K4), other essential fatty acids (vitamin F), carnitine, ferulic acid, .gamma.-oryzanol, orotic acid, vitamin P such (rutin, eriocitrin, hesperidin), and vitamin U.
(12) Various amino acids
Valine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, lysine, glycine, alanine, asparagine, glutamine, serine, cysteine, cystine, tyrosine, proline, hydroxyproline, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, hydroxylysine, arginine, ornithine, histidine And amino acid derivatives such as sulfate, phosphate, nitrate, citrate, or pyrrolidone carboxylic acid.
(13) Various additives derived from plant or animal materials
These are processed in a conventional manner according to the type and form of the product to be added (for example, grinding, milling, washing, hydrolysis, fermentation, purification, pressing, extraction, fractionation, filtration, drying, powdering , Granulation, dissolution, sterilization, pH adjustment, deodorization, decolorization, and the like are arbitrarily selected and combined), and may be arbitrarily selected from various materials.
The solvent used for the extraction may be selected in consideration of the intended purpose and type of the product to be provided, or the processing performed later. Usually, water, a water-soluble organic solvent (for example, ethanol, propylene glycol) , 1,3-butylene glycol, etc.) is preferably used. However, when it is not preferable to contain an organic solvent depending on the application, it is sufficient to use only water or ethanol that can be easily removed after extraction, and it may be used alone or in any mixture with water. The thing extracted and extracted may be sufficient.
In addition, when using additives derived from plant or animal-based ingredients for systemic or topical external preparations and cosmetics, it not only protects skin and hair, but also moisturizes, improves touch / feel, imparts flexibility, and stimulates Relieving stress, relieving stress due to fragrance, cell activation (preventing cell aging), suppressing inflammation, improving skin and hair quality, preventing and improving rough skin, hair growth, hair growth, preventing hair loss, imparting luster, cleansing effect, In addition to cosmetic effects such as fatigue relief, blood flow promotion, and bathing effects, it can also be expected to have effects such as flavoring, deodorization, thickening, preserving, and buffering.
In addition, in food and drink, nutritional supplementation, fatigue recovery, tonicity, cell activation (cell aging prevention) and other healthy and cosmetic effects, as well as improved taste, color and aroma, gloss, stabilization, thickening, It can be used for antiseptic purposes. In addition to this, various cosmetic and pharmaceutical effects of each of the known raw materials are expected, and by combining these, the intended effect can be promoted or multifunctional. It is also possible to make the product expected to be effective.
Specific plants (herbal medicines) as raw materials include, for example, almonds (toen), ai (indigo leaves), aokazura (Keifu Fuji), Aoki (Aoki), Aogiri or Kenashia Ogiri (Ao Tung), Aotsu Samurai (wooden candy) , Acacia, Akashoma (red hempen), Akasuguri `` fruit '', Red grape, Akaminoki (Logwood), Akamegashiwa (Red bud moth), Akane (Agaric root), Akajia or Giou (Early yellow), Agi (Aki), Akikara pine, Akinare (Crust), Aguahe (Omanten palm), Akebiki (Kitsuri), Asa (Asako Jin), Ashitaba (Asuka), Azuki (Red Azuki), Acerola, Asenyaku (Asen Yaku), Athira (Shokuyo Kanna), Anise , Abemaki `` fruit '', avocado, ama, amacha (Amacha), amacha eel, amadokoro (tamatake), amana (koji-chan), amaranth (hyu, hageitou, himogeito, senninkoku, su Gimorigaito, Hosoaogeito, Aogateto, Haribiyu, Amaranthus Hippocondriacus), Amigasayuri or Baimo (shellfish mother), Arcana (Arkanna), Argarovo (cabbage), Altea, Arnica, Alpinia or Katsumadai (Suzukuku), Aloe Aloe vera, angelica, apricot or hon-anzu (Anzujin), Ansokkou (benzoic incense), igakozolina (earth gall head), Ikarisou or Yachimatakarisou (Inyoukaku), rushes (Kanshin-grass), itadori (tiger cane root), yew (first place), Strawberry, fig (no flower `` fruit, leaf ''), Ichihatsu (first), Ichibi (winter lion), Ichiyakusou (one medicinal herb), ginkgo (Ginkgo `` seed, leaves ''), Japanese yellow peas (distant), carob, Japanese beetle ( Taillexi), Inubiyu (Honagainubiyu), Rice "Seeds, Seed coat", Inondo "Seeds", Eve Muskweed, nettle, ylang ylang, iwa tobacco (Iwabuchi), iwahiba or iwamatsu (rolled bonito), oolong tea, fennel (mud), wheat (chibusanoki), utagara (three ridges), Uguisukagura `` fruit '', hime fennel, turmeric ( Ugde), Duckweed (Float), Usubasaicin or Keirinsaishin or Oshusaishin (Spicy), Usbenia Ou, Usbenitachaoi, Nematode (Summer hay), Udo or Shishido (Kansei, Independence, Tangui), Unyadegato (Uncaria) , Cat's Claw), Uba tea, Ume (Japanese apricot `` seeds, flesh ''), Vulgaris, Uwaurushi (Kusakobomo), Satsunkankan (Chen), Estragon, Ezoukogi (Tomogoka), Echinashi (Hosobamurabareniku), Enishida, Enokitake榎 茸), Ebisu or Cassia Tora (Keiko), El Campre, Elderberry `` fruit '', Elemi, Elingi or Pre-Lotus Elinji, Ougi or Kibanaogi (Yellow), Auren (Yellow), Greater Cranberry (Carocon), Greater Gum (Civil Engineering Incense), Greater Lafuji (Prevention), Psyllium (Car) Pre-child, carousel), toucan beetle (lion), large-faced okera or okera (white moth), large-scaled beetle (Banaba), large-leaf shabushi "fruit", large-scale hawthorn or hawthorn (mountain vegetarian), seisei (naruko lily, red-tailed lily) Or Sasanoyuki, Barley (barley), Oshigusa (cereal sperm), Oka, Okazeri (snake bed), Oguruma (turnover), Okra `` fruit '', Panax ginseng or Tochibaninjin (carrot), Hypericum or Syringa ), Odrichosium (continuous), Onamomi (Hinko), Onig Lumi, Onikoro or Tokoro or Nagadokoro (Hikai), Onino Yagara (Tempa), Onyuri or Sasayuri or Hakatayuri (Yuri), Ononis, Halibut (Kirihagi), Ominaeshi (losing sauce), Oyuko, Dutch mustard (Cresson), Dutch jelly , Dutch bees, olives “fruits, seeds, leaves”, oregano, orange “fruits, peels”, silkworms (ripening yellow), cacao “fruits, peels, seeds”, oysters (crabs “leaves”), squirrels (fishing) Fujito), Kakidooshi or Kantorisou (Lotus herb), Cassia, Casino oyster (fruit `` fruit ''), Gajutsu (Kashiwa), Kashiwa (Kashiwagi, Kashiwa), Cascarilla, Cascara Sagrada, Gypsophila, Crab (Kinsato) ), Kaniwa, valerian (valerian), birch or fern birch (white birch), pumpkin, kapokki "seed", kahoku sansho (salmon), cattail (yellow), chamomile Roman chamomile, camillade (weed), cam cam (camo duck), arabesque mand, crow or cinnamon crow (king moth), crow birch (half-summer), oats, guarana `` seed '', calahoo (kokubaku), karaya, karin (wooden) , Garcinia, Kawamidori, Kawara Psycho (Deling rape, Transverse white grass), Kawajisha, Kawaratake, Kawaranadeshiko (Shitake) or Ezokawara Nadeshiko (Soba, Oats), Kawara Carrot (Blue 、), Kawara Momogi (茵 蒿 蒿), Kansui ( Candy), licorice (licorice), cantalara, candelilla, kanto, canna, raspberry (ezo strawberry, dutch strawberry, shrimp strawberry, nava white strawberry, maple strawberry, European raspberry), kiwi `` fruit, leaf '', kikarasuri (guro root), chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum flower, striped daisy, Korean ginkgo biloba), cattle pea (fruit), swordfish (sheep's root) Pheasant (Kurumi), Kizuta, Kidachi Aloe, Kidachihakka, Kina, Kinonaki (Cincona, Red Kinaki), Kinua (Quinoa), Yellowfin (Kinada), Gymnema Silvesta, Cabbage, Cabbage "Immature Fruit", Cucumber, Gyoryu Willow), Kiraja saponaria, Kiraya, Kiranso (Kinza Kosaku), kumquat `` fruit '', betel, Kimihiki (Sengakukakusa), guava `` fruit '', guayule, quercus infectria (garlic), kukui nut, wolfberry Coconut tree, gooseberry `` fruit '', ginseng (yellow flower bud), gardenia (mountain lion), kunugi (bamboo shoot), cupuas, Kumazasa, Kumatsutsura (horse whip grass), Clara (bitter), cranberry "fruit", chestnut "seed, fruit, astringent skin", curkurigo latifoli `` Fruits '', grapefruits `` fruits / leaves '', buckthorn, black scabbard (rescue), black-spotted chicktail or toaded chick (life-extending grass), cloves (clove, clove), gumbai tuna (sekimei, sekimeishi), kei-gai (bamboo shoots, 荊芥 ho) , Celosia flower (chicken crown flower), bay bay tree (bay laurel), kennel sartorius rose (dough, mountain return), gentian, geno shoko (old lady), kemponashi (kigushi), koki sekku, kushimikan (koji, tachibana, oobenimikan, (Kukurikukan, Sagamikouji, Ponkan, Santara (Tachibana)), Koshinbara (Monthly Flower), Kousei Hakka, Kozo `` Fruit '', Kocha (Tea), Kouhone (Riverbone), Kouhon (Enomoto, Karamoto), Koryang, Koryo Kyo (Koryo), Cilantro "fruit", Kooren (Huo Ren), Koganebana (Yellow Gon), Moss Peach (Koshi tachibana), coconut `` fruit '', goshuyu (kure), gosho strawberry (covered bonsai), pepper (pepper), copaiba balsam, coffee `` seed, leaves '', kobushi or magnolia (hot pepper), burdock (beef bowl, beef bowl) Child), coconut lees, sesame (sesame seeds), sesame seeds (genus ginseng), trash beetle (gomiko), saneka or binankazura or pine bush, wheat (wheat), rice or rice bran `` red potato, white birch '', rice oil, cola acminata `` seed '''', Cola Bella `` Seeds '', Fenugreek `` Fruits '', Colombo, Conslango, Combs, Konjac, Comfrey (Chang Zhang grass), Sisal (Sisal Asa), Saxima button eel or Cinna button vine or Cinnamon ginseng (wei Sensen), Sakura ( Oshima cherry, Yamazakura, Oyamazakura, Edhigashi, Bean cherry, Miyazakura, Takanezakura, Kazumizakura, Chouzakura Kohigan, sugarcane, kanzakura (leaf, flower, fruit, bark (cherry bark))), cherries, pomegranate, sasa, sasanqua, sagemodaka (sweet potato), sweet potato, sugarcane, sugar beet, saffron jujube (acid vine) , West Red Flower), pomelo `` fruit '', savonso, salmon berry `` fruit '', salamander ginger (sara), salvia (sage), sardine kyo (mountain curd), sawagurumi (wild walnuts), sangre degrad (croton), sansiku Carrot, Sanchinin carrot (37 ginseng), Sanshuyu (Yamatake), Sansho (Yamatake), Sandzukon (Yamazune), Shia (Kalite), Cyanoki `` fruit '', Shiitake (shiitake), Zion (purple potato), Diquitaris, Sikunshi (Princess), Perilla or Aojiso or Chilemenzo or Catamenzo (Shiso leaf, Shiso), Rosewood, Linden, Syrah Onoki, Sinalen Pepper (ream), shimeji (hinshimeji, shakashimeji, hatake shimeji, oshiroi shimeji, beech shimeji, honjimeshi, shirotamogitake), shimokeso, potato, peonies (glaze), shajin (shasan), jasmine (matsurika), janohi ), Shukukonka miso, Shukushamitsu (sand jelly, shredded sand), Juzudama, Shuro `` fruit '', ginger (ginger), ginger hydrangea (Tsuneyama), shobu (bamboo shoot, root), shozu `` fruit '', shirakashi `` `` Seed '', white-faced butterfly `` seed '', white cherry (chicken bone grass), white squirrels (Nioiris), white plant `` flower '', shirominanten (southern natural fruit), cinchona sylbula, ginkgo biloba (Ryuka, Ryoka, Shencho), cinnamon, Cinnamomum cassia (cinnamon), watermelon (sairin), honeysuckle (gold and silver flowers, shinofu), sorrel (acid mimic), Swimberry "fruit", Stevia, strawberry "fruit", Suzu-Psycho (Xucho), Sugina (question), Surihiyu (horse tooth, horse tooth tender), Plum "fruit", Japanese red pine "corn cone", Japanese larch , Kizuta, Prunus, Hawthorn, Dandelion, Horse Chestnut (Maroni), Pear `` Fruit '', Zodiac, Elder, Prunus (Juniper, Juniper), Millefoil, Rose , Atlantic mistletoe, mistletoe, Atlantic mint or Atlantic mint ( (Shinren), Sendan, Senburi (Otari Bamboo), Senna `` Fruits, Leaves '', Senninsou (Otsuka), Soka (Grass), Buckwheat `` Seeds '', Somer potato, Daio (Daido), Radish, Soy, Daidai (Orange) (Skin, fruit), Takasaburo (Cirrus lotus), Takatodai (Daisatsu), Takarabi (Spider spine), dark sweet cherry `` fruit '', hollyhock, Tachikakuso (thyme, perilla), Tachidokoro (hikai), Tatyanagi, Tamarind `` Seeds '', onions, sesame (powder), taranki `` fruits, leaves, root bark '', tarwi, tanjin (dansang), dandelion (salmon kingdom) or white dandelion or mouko dandelion, danmaru, cherry `` fruit '', chigaya `` fruit, root , Bud ", Chixetsu carrot (Bamboo ginseng), Chicory, Chankapiedra (Kidachikomikansou), Ginseng (Dahi), Korean gills (蕪 夷), Kyusenyo Ghi (bamboo leaves), choreimaitake (bamboo shoots), chorogi, camellia, tsukuritake (mushrooms), camellia, camellia, camellia (red duck grass), tsuzukizuki (red bean), tsurudukudami (what neck rice cake), tsuruna (apricot apricot), tsuruninjin (Yutaba ginseng), Tsuwabuki, Deiko, Teuchigurumi, Duberry `` Fruit '', Tengusa, Tencha (boiled tea), Tendai Yaku (glaze), Toga (winter coconut), Tokagatsuka, Red pepper (Toban), Toki (toll), Tolkinsenko (marigold), Tounabena (river cut), corn or corn hair (southern cocoon hair), sedge mochi (Sadako), Torindou or Kyousenrindo (Ryuboku), Tokusa (wood bandits), Dokdami (ten drugs), Tokon (Vulgar root), Toshishi or Mamedaoshi or Nekazura, Eucommia (Tatsunaka "bark, leaf, root"), ash (crust), tomato, tragacanth, triacantso `` Seeds '', Tormentilla, Doronoki, Trolley, Nigeria berry `` Fruits '', Chinese yam or Yamanoimo (mountain medicine), Nagii Kada (Butcher Bloom), Naginata Koju, Nazuna, Natsume or Natameki (sword bean), Natsumikan, jujube ), Naniwaibara (Golden Cherry), Navena (Continued), Nameko, Naruko Yuri (Yellow), Peanut (Peanut), Nanten (Nami Tenmi), Namban Karamushi (Hama), Nigaki (Nagi), Nigamugi (Sweet), Nikuzuku, Kay or Nikkei or Ceylon Nikkei or Yab Nikkei (Keishi bark) or Keishi (Keishi branch), leek (lion), elderberry (bone, `` fruit, flower, stem, leaf ''), garlic (Otsuka), Nurde (penta) , Leek, nemno or nebu or nevi or nemuriki or zigokubana (community), black thistle (large cocoon), wilt rose (fruit), yarrow, nodake (maehu), nobara, nomo Peach, palm, pineapple `` fruit '', hibiscus (Busouge, Furiinbusouge, Roselle), Hailindo, Hakamuraboshi (bone crush), hakusen (white tine), hakuberry (fruit), chickweed (breeding), hazelnut (coconut), Basil, lotus root, basil, lotus (lotus, lotus, lotus root), parsley (holly jelly), hadakamugi, batata, wasp or mushroom (bamboo bamboo), patchouli, peppermint (light load, light load leaf), barley (yokuinin) , Hanasuge (my mother), Banana, Hanahaku, Hanabishi (Sitoshi, Shishitsuri), Vanilla bins, Papaya, Hakogusa (Paso), Pahalobobo, Hub `` Whole grass, Stem, Leaf '', Paprika, Hamago or Mitsuba Hamago (Vinegar) Child), Hamasuge (Katsukiko), Hamabishi (Shitsuko), Hermanus (Maika Flower), Hamaboufu (Hamaboshi), Hamelis, Rose (Rose), Agaric ( (Ratake, White-faced agaric, Usukimori no-kasa), Haran, Pariurus (Prunus japonicus), Parietalia, Balsamina (Spirea, Nigauri), Harnile (Skin, Shirakaba, Kashiwa), Barbasco, Harindou, Handaikai (Aoi Sea) Panoki, Hinogi (dried), Higangeturinjin (party participation), Pu'er tea (Pusu tea), Pecan nuts, Higanbana (Ishizuchi, Bujushahua), Hishi (Rishimi), Pistachio, Beet, Hitsuba (Ishizuchi) , Hitosubaenida, Hinata Taikozuchi (cow knee), Hinoki, Hiba, Castor, Pepper, Himezu (Tempo), Himematsu (Kaori), Himematsutake (Kawariharatake, Hiromatsutake), Pimenta `` Fruit '', Bikushi, Beakkyu, Hiyu '', Belode oyster, Hiroha Okinagusa (bald eagle), loquat “fruit, leaves, stem”, betel wax (large clothes, coconut), fu Tokazura (south rattan), Japanese cypress, Japanese cypress poppy (Japanese winter flower, Japanese winter leaf), Fujibakama (Orchid), Japanese bean (Japanese pea), Grape `` Fruits, pericarp, seeds, leaves '', Beech, Japanese cypress, Japanese licorice , Brazilian carrot, black currant `` fruit '', blackberry, plum `` fruit '', fullceraria, blueberry (Prunus japonica), prunes, floral blanka, blond psyllium, bundo (mung bean), hazelnut, loofah, safflower (safflower), Henken, belladonna, berry `` fruit '', pervianburg, red peony or duckweed (scenic), boysenberry `` fruit '', broom or sardine or nendo or hahagigi kokia (silk), spinach (daffodil, acute pup, transosseous) Grass), spinach, bow-fu (windproof), spinach, physalis (Torone), Hoonoki (Japanese Kobak, Park), Bokeh (Kiso), Hosobanaokera (Kashiwa), Hosobakirinso (Keiten Sanshichi), Hosobabarengiku, Bodaiju (Ogi), Buttons (peony "flowers, leaves, stems, bark") , Buttonpi (peony skin), hop, jojoba, Bordeaux, white berry `` fruit '', hononiku (meat juju, daige), honsekkok (iron skin stone, sparrow mountain stone candy), mizul tennan show (tennan star), maitake (Maiko), maou (mao), maca, macadamia nuts, macri (marine grass), mugwa (mulberry bark `` bark, leaf ''), magnolia sprengeri, mashua (tamanozenhalen, kyukonkinrenka), matatabi ( (Wood tengu), pine pine, pine `` leaves, bark, root '', matsuhodo (clam), matico (cordon sillo), maryoram (hanaka mint), maruga morning glory, malvano jardin (bitter), mulberry `` fruit '', quince , Mango, Mangosteen, Manzanya (Andesca Mitsule), Manshugurumi, Mandarin `` Fruit '', Mannentake (Ganoderma lucidum), Pheasant (Cultivation `` Fruit ''), Mishima Saiko (Shibahu), Mizusobako or Mizuasagao (Dragon tongue grass), Mizokakushi (Half-sided lotus), Misohagi (Chikuma), Michiyanagi or Niwayanagi (Hongpo), Mitsuwashi, Mitsuba, Midorihakka, Mimosa, Myouga, Miracle Fruit `` Fruit '', Myrrh, Mirobalan, Mugiwaragiku, Mukugeki (Mushroom), Mukunoki, Mukuroji (life extension skin), Munya, Murasaki (purple root), Murasakikikibu or Omurasakikibu (purple pearl), Murasaki maize, Murasaki Kinafuji (Kunming chicken blood wisteria), Mejiki (beneficial herb), Mebougi, Melaroika, Melissa, Melillot, Melon Fruit '', mugwort, mosouchiku, moje (powder), mokko ( (Wood incense), Japanese maple peach, peach (peach `` leaves, seeds, flowers, fruit ''), coconut palm, morello cherry `` fruit '', morohaya (burlap), yakawa potato, yakchi (masashi), cornflower (cornflower) , Cornflower mint, yacon, yashabushi (arrow wheel) or cyprinus shabushi or oyabayashabushi `` fruit, pericarp, fruit ear '', pear willow, mistletoe (octagonal gold plate), mistletoe (willow parasitism), willow (kawayanagi, tachiyanagi, weeping willow, red willow, Inokoryanagi, Kinuyanagi, Koryanagi, Unryu willow, Miyama willow, palm, willow willow, Chinese willow, Tairikukinu willow, Fox willow, Dronoki) , Pokeweed (commercial land), yamahanoki (yamabuchi), bayberry (bamboo ume skin), Mayagigi, Eucalyptus, Yukinoshita (tiger ear grass), Yucca or flevifolia, Yuzu “fruit”, Lily, Yorigusa, Mugwort (raib), Ligan (Raimaru), Lime “fruit”, Rye, Rakanka “fruit”, Raspberry “leaf” , Fruit '', latania (chlamelia), lacquer or shallot (palm white), lavender, longan (long-eyed meat), agave (Aonu agave, fuchlin agave), ryocha (green tea), apple `` fruit, seeds, leaves, root '', gentian, Lebass or Suabisimus (Suzuro), Ganoderma (pisces, toothpick core), lettuce (Chisha), red currant `` fruit '', lemon `` fruit '', lemongrass, forsythia or forsythia (ream), forsythia, wax palm, locon ( (Yoshi, Sone), Loganberry “fruit”, rosemary (mannenrou), rosehip (no La), wasabi, and the like burnet (Chinire).
In addition, other seawaters such as sea salt, seawater dried products, dead sea or Atlantic or Pacific sea water (sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, potassium chloride, etc.), sea mud or mud (fango), such as Sea mud or mud in various regions such as Italy, France, Germany, Eifel and Franceburg (Contained components: silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, aluminum oxide, iron oxide, manganese oxide, sodium oxide, potassium oxide, magnesium oxide, calcium oxide) Strontium oxide, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chromium, iron, copper, nickel, zinc, lead, manganese, arsenic, water), saintoku stone and so on.
As seaweeds, seaweed [Green algae: Chlorella vulgaris, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Chlorella ellipsoidia, Aonori (Usubaonori, Susiaoonori, Hiraonori), seaweed [Brown algae: Kombu, Macub Hosome Kombu, Mitsuishi Kombu), Wakame, Hirome, Aowakame, Giant Kelp (Macrocystis pirifera, Macrocystis integrofolia, Hiijiki, Hibamata), seaweed [Red algae: Hijirimen, Maxa (Tengusa), Nettle, cypress, prickly pear, caterpillar, yatabegusa, yui-kiri, striped primrose, crested beetle, spruce rhinoceros, crested rhinoceros, giraffe rhinoceros, ginseng giraffe, horned mackerel, plover Data, carrageen (Yahazutsunomata), Ezotsunomata, Togetsunomata, Hirakotoji, Kotojitsunomata, Suginori, Shikin'nori, Kainori, Ibotsunomata, Yareusubanori, Kagiusubanori, Sujiusubanori, Haiusubanori, Akamomijinori] and the like as a representative.
In addition, other algae such as green algae (Chlamydomonas: Chlamydomonas, Akayukimo, Dunaliella: Dunaliella, Chlorococcus: Chlorococcus, Kuwanomimo: Kuwanomimo, Volboxa: Ougemawari, Volbox, Palmera, Yotsumeo, Aomido: Chrysanthemum, Aoumidro, Tirguimidro, Hibidoro: Hibidoro, Aosa: Anaaaosa, Amiaosa, Nagaaosa, Kawanori: Kawanori, Friccella, Shiogusa Magama genus: Magamata, Iwagata: Fusaikawa, Surichogata, Heraiwata, Kurokita, Hanemo, Genus: Mill, Chromel, Sakibutimil, Nagamil, Hira Lemon, Casanori genus: Casanori, Jusmo genus: Jujusmo, Tamajusmo, Mizojuzumo, Mika ヅ kimo, Korekaete, Tsutsumimo genus: Kyukougusa, Hitogususa genus: Humanegusa, Hirohatohigususa, Umushihimoe, Sakikimoe Sumiremo: Sumiremo, Hoshimamidro, Fushinashimidoro etc.).
Cyanobacteria (Suizenjinori: Suizinori, Aoko, Nenjumo: Kawatake, Ishijelly, Hassai, Yuremo, Rasenmo (Spirulina): Spirulina, Trichodesmium (Iaciasio), etc.
Brown alga Sanadagusa: Sanadagusa, Fukurimamiji, Commongusa: Commongusa, Yahazugusa: Ezoyahaz, Yahazugusa, Uraboshiyahaz, Jigamusa: Jigmygusa, Umichiwagusa, Umamisakugakua, Hakusou : Navarimo, Chasomen genus: Motsuki Chasomen, Matsumo genus: Matsumo, Nagamatsumo genus: Nagamatsumo, Okinawa mozuku: Okinawa mozuku, fake Tomozuku: Niseft Mozuku, Futomozuku: Futomozuku, Ishimozuku: Ishimozuku, Kuromo: Kuromo, Nisemozuku: Nisemozuku, Mozuku: Mozuku, Ishige: Ishige, Iroro, Ichimosa: Ichimegasa Umibosu, Urushigusu: Urushigusa, Keurushigusa, Tobaccogusa, Composita: Composita, Haberodomo: Haberodoki, Havanori: Habanori, Habanori: Habanori, Commonbukuro, Ezobukuro, Ezobukuro Chishima fukuronori genus: Chishima fukuronori, Kagomenori genus: Kagomenori, Muraridori genus: Murachidori, shark genus: shark zusa, genus genus: lobster, genus genus: yokojimamanori, Ganoderma genus: cynomolgus, fennel spider: fennel spider, vine genus: turmo, turtle genus: sea turtle, scorpion genus: sujime, misji kumbu genus: misji kumbu, atsuba misji kumbu, kumbu genus: tsutsugara kumbu, oyster kumbu, onikombu, gakonbubu Barracuda, Trollocombu: Trollocombu, Antokume: Antokume, Kajime: Kajime, Tsuruarame, Kurome, Kikuishikombu: Kikuishicombu, Nejikcombu: Nejicombu, Kuroshiome: Kuroshiome, Nekoshikonbu, Aramei Genus: Ainuwakame, Chigaiso, Oniwakame Ezoi Shige: Ezoi Shige, Yabane Moku: Yabane Moku, Rappa Moku: Rappa Moku, Joromoku: Ugano Moku, Jo Lomoku, Hiemoku, Honda Walla: Tamanashimoku, Isomoku, Nagashimamoku, Akamoku, Shidamoku, Honda Walla, Nejimoku, Narasamo, Mametawala, Tatsukuri, Yatsumata Moku, Umitora no Moku, Fushishimoku, Mohmokumoku, Hahamokumoku ), Genus Ukimo: Ouki, genus Burukimo: burukimo, genus genus: mosquito mono).
Red algae Genus: Sea urchins, Tsukumonori, Anemone crickets, Astragalus, Amaranthus, Amaranthus, Agaricata Genus: Tamaitadaki, Kaikekenori Genus: Kaginori, Kaikekenori, Tengusa: Himetengususa, Hytengususa, Oobusa, Nambugu , Kohira, Yohira, Kinukusa, Hibirodo: Hibirodo, Himebiro, Isomumedo: Isommedo, Aedes: Rhizome, Ryumons: Ryumon, Ranunculaceae, Nisekare Naminohana: Hosobanaminohana, Naminohana, Sangomodoki: Ragaramomodoki, Shiogusagoromo: Shiogusagoromo, Iwanokawa: Etsukiiwanawa, Kinokawa: Kinokawa, Kanonote, Sangori Scarlet, cherry blossom, Nikumukade, Tambanori, Tsurutsuru, Isonohana: Nurakusa, Cronouraxa, Oumkadeno , Hirakintoki spp. Mafunori, Karekigusa: Karekigusa, Tosakamodoki: Hosobanotosakamodoki, Hirohatosakamodoki, Yatsudegatatosakamodoki, Kurotosakamodoki, Nezashinotosakamodoki, Kinuhasada, Ezotosaka , Anopheles genus: Honoo, genus genus: genus genus, Usuginu, genus Anemone: genus genus, genus Venus: genus Venice, genus Suskakebeni: Skakebeni, Okamuragusa: Yamadagusa, Mirin-genus: Mirin, Hosobamyrin, Tosakanori: Kikutosaka, Ezonameshi: Ezonameshi, Isomokka: Isomokka, Yukari: Yukari, Hosoyukari, Ibaranori: Phellinus genus, Isodantsu: Isodantsu, Atsubanori: Atsubanori, Ogonori: Ogonori, Tsurushiramo, Shiramo, Oonogori, Mizokonori, Birch, Amanita spp. , Genus genus: cypress, genus: cypress, cygnus, spinach, spinach genus: spinach, cedar genus: staghorn, hosoibono Li, Novonori, Black-tailed genus: Black-crowned dragon, Red-billed genus: Red-billed pea, Red-billed genus: Red-billed crocodile, Red-tailed moth : Hanaeda, Hirataka goat genus: Hirataka goat, Dulse genus: Darus, Masagobari, Anadalus, Uebagsa genus: Uebagusa, Benifukuronori: Benifukuronori, Fushitsunagi genus: Fusunagi, Himefusunagi, Hirohasunahi, Tsukiwiso : Igis, Keigis, Harigis, Hanegis, Amixa, Egonori genus: Egonori, Fuyugisu, Saeda genus: Saeda, Chilemomoji: Chirimomiji, Kono Noriaceae: Habutaenori, Conohanori, Suzuronori, Usbeni: Usbeni, Hasujiginu: Hasujiginu, Nagakonohanori: Nagakononohanori, Sugiginu: Sugiginu, Abasbasginu, Heiusbanova , Ayanishiki: Ayanishiki, Aaginu: Ayaginu, Dadia: Enasidadia, Shimadadia: Isohagi, Shimadadia, Dajimodoki: Daimodomoki, Engussa , Plywood, moss willow, sasabayagi nori, sozo: Kurosozo, kubsozo, nesozo, sozonohana, sedge genus: sedge, sage Cozanemo: Kozanemo, Isomurasaki, Hosokozanemo, Himegoke: Himegoke, Kurohimegoke, Hyodosigus: Chrysanthemum, Hyodosigusa, Usubahiodosi, Isomegusa: Isomegusa, Sugina Fuso (Sakisawiri, Kawamoku, Kawamoku, Aokawa Mozuku, Himekawa Mozuku, Ideyugogome: Ideyugogome, Okichimozuku: Okichimozuku, Engussa, Chinorimo: Chinomori, Chisujinori, etc.)
Axal algae (Shajikumo spp., Shiratamamo spp., Hoshitsurimo spp .: Hoshitsurimo, Rikunotamus spp., Flask spp .: Hime flaskmo, Chaboflaskmo, Tripera spp., Etc.), Yellow algae (Hikarimo spp .: Hikarimo, etc.), etc.
In addition, the raw materials derived from animal sources include chicken crown extract, cow or human placenta extract, pig or cow stomach, duodenum or intestinal extract or degradation product thereof, pig or cow spleen extract or its Degradation products, extracts of porcine or bovine brain tissue, water-soluble collagen, collagen derivatives such as acylated collagen, collagen hydrolysates, elastin, elastin hydrolysates, water-soluble elastin derivatives, keratin and their degradation products or their Derivatives, silk proteins and degradation products thereof or derivatives thereof, porcine or bovine blood cell protein degradation products (globin peptides), porcine or bovine hemoglobin degradation products (hemin, hematin, heme, protoheme, heme iron, etc.), milk, casein and Decomposition product thereof or derivatives thereof, skim milk powder and decomposition product thereof or derivatives thereof, lactoferrin or decomposition product thereof, egg component Such as fish meat decomposition products.
(14) Microbial culture metabolites
Yeast metabolite, yeast extract, natto metabolite, natto extract, rice fermented extract, rice bran (red koji, birch) fermented extract, Euglena extract, lactic acid fermented milk or trehalose or its derivatives, etc. .
(15) α-hydroxy acids
Glycolic acid, citric acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, lactic acid, etc.
(16) Inorganic pigment
Silica, magnesium silicate, talc, kaolin, bentonite, mica, mica titanium, bismuth oxychloride, zirconium oxide, magnesium oxide, zinc oxide, titanium oxide, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, yellow iron oxide, red iron oxide, black iron oxide , Gunjo, chromium oxide, chromium hydroxide, carbon black, calamine and so on.
(17) UV absorber / blocker
Benzophenone derivatives (2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone, 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone-5-sulfonic acid, sodium 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone-5-sulfonate, dihydroxydimethoxybenzophenone, dihydroxydimethoxybenzophenone-sulfone Acid sodium, 2,4-dihydroxybenzophenone, tetrahydroxybenzophenone, etc.) p-aminobenzoic acid derivatives (paraaminobenzoic acid, ethyl paraaminobenzoate, glyceryl paraaminobenzoate, amyl paradimethylaminobenzoate, octyl paradimethylaminobenzoate) ), Methoxycinnamic acid derivatives (ethyl paramethoxycinnamate, isopropyl paramethoxycinnamate, octyl paramethoxycinnamate, 2-ethoxyethyl paramethoxycinnamate, paramethoxy Sodium cinnamate, potassium paramethoxycinnamate, glyceryl di-2-methoxycinnamate mono-2-ethylhexanoate, etc., salicylic acid derivatives (octyl salicylate, salicylphenyl, homomenthyl salicylate, dipropylene glycol salicylate, ethylene glycol salicylate, myristyl salicylate, methyl salicylate, etc. ), Anthranilic acid derivatives (such as methyl anthranilate), urocanic acid derivatives (such as urocanic acid, ethyl urocanate), coumarin derivatives, amino acid compounds, benzotriazole derivatives, tetrazole derivatives, imidazoline derivatives, pyrimidine derivatives, dioxane derivatives, camphor derivatives , Furan derivative, pyrone derivative, nucleic acid derivative, allantoin derivative, nicotinic acid derivative, vitamin B6 derivative, umbellite Eron, esculin, benzyl cinnamate, cinoxate, oxybenzone, dioxybenzone, Okutabenzon, sulisobenzone, benzo resorcinol, arbutin, guaiazulene, shikonin, baicalin, baicalein, berberine, Neo Heliopan, ESCA rolls, zinc oxide, talc, kaolin and the like.
(18) Whitening agent
p-aminobenzoic acid derivatives, salicylic acid derivatives, anthranilic acid derivatives, coumarin derivatives, amino acid compounds, benzotriazole derivatives, tetrazole derivatives, imidazoline derivatives, pyrimidine derivatives, dioxane derivatives, camphor derivatives, furan derivatives, pyrone derivatives, nucleic acid derivatives, Allantoin derivatives, nicotinic acid derivatives, vitamin C or derivatives thereof (vitamin C phosphate magnesium salt, vitamin C glucoside, etc.), vitamin E or derivatives thereof, kojic acid or derivatives thereof, oxybenzone, benzophenone, arbutin, guaiazulene, shikonin, baicalin , Baicalein, berberine, placenta extract, ellagic acid, lucinol and so on.
(19) Tyrosinase activity inhibitor
Vitamin C or a derivative thereof (vitamin C phosphate magnesium salt, vitamin C glucoside, etc.), hydroquinone or a derivative thereof (hydroquinone benzyl ether, etc.), kojic acid or a derivative thereof, vitamin E or a derivative thereof, N-acetyltyrosine or a derivative thereof , Glutathione, hydrogen peroxide, zinc peroxide, placenta extract, ellagic acid, arbutin, lucinol, silk extract, plant extract (camomile, mulberry, touki, firewood, clara, mugwort, honeysuckle, yellowfin, dokudami, matsuhod, pearl barley, Odoricho, Hop, Hawthorn, Eucalyptus, Achillea millefolium, Artea, Keihi, Mankeishi, Hamamelis, Yamaguwa, Life-grass, Kikyo, Toshishi, Zetsuko, Shotou, Mao, Senkyu, Dokatsu, Psycho, Bowfish, Hamabou Cormorant, Scutellaria, peony bark, peony, cranesbill, kudzu root, licorice, Fushi aloe, Cimicifuga, safflower, green tea, black tea, Ali elixir), and the like.
(20) Melanin pigment reduction / degradation substance
Phenylmercury hexachlorophene, mercuric oxide, mercuric chloride, hydrogen peroxide, zinc peroxide, hydroquinone or its derivatives (hydroquinone benzyl ether).
(21) Turnover promotion / cell activator
Hydroquinone, Lactic acid bacteria extract, Placenta extract, Ganoderma extract, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Allantoin, Spleen extract, Thymus extract, Yeast extract, Fermented milk extract, Plant extract (Aloe, Ogon, Horsetail, Gentian, Burdock, Shikon, Carrot, (Hamelis, Hop, Yokuinin, Odori Sou, Assembly, Toki, Tokinsenka, Achacha, Hypericum, Cucumber, Ginger, Rosemary, Parsley).
(22) Astringent
Succinic acid, allantoin, zinc chloride, zinc sulfate, zinc oxide, calamine, zinc p-phenolsulfonate, potassium aluminum sulfate, resorcin, ferric chloride, tannic acid (including catechin compounds), etc.
(23) Active oxygen scavenger
SOD, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, etc.
(24) Antioxidants
Vitamin C or a salt thereof, stearic acid ester, vitamin E or a derivative thereof, nordihydrogua ceretenoic acid, butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), butylhydroxyanisole (BHA), hydroxytyrosol, parahydroxyanisole, propyl gallate, sesamol , Sesamorin, gossypol etc.
(25) Lipid peroxide production inhibitor
β-carotene, plant extracts (sesame culture cells, amacha, hypericum, clams, clove, melissa, enamel, birch, sage, rosemary, nanami, jitsu, ginkgo, green tea).
(26) Anti-inflammatory agent
Ictamol, indomethacin, kaolin, salicylic acid, sodium salicylate, methyl salicylate, acetylsalicylic acid, diphenhydramine hydrochloride, d-camphor, dl-camphor, hydrocortisone, guaiazulene, camazulene, chlorpheniramine maleate, glycyrrhizic acid or a salt thereof, glycyrrhetinic acid or a salt thereof Salt, licorice extract, sicon extract, age extract, etc.
(27) Antibacterial / disinfectant / disinfectant
Acrinol, sulfur, calcium gluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, sulfamine, mercurochrome, lactoferrin or its hydrolyzate, alkyldiaminoethylglycine chloride solution, triclosan, sodium hypochlorite, chloramine T, salicy powder, iodine compound, iodoform, sorbin Acid or salt thereof, salicylic acid, dehydroacetic acid, parahydroxybenzoic acid esters, undecylenic acid, thiamine lauryl sulfate, thiamine lauryl nitrate, phenol, cresol, p-chlorophenol, p-chloro-m-xylenol, p-chloro -m-cresol, thymol, phenethyl alcohol, o-phenylphenol, Irgasan CH3565, halocarban, hexachlorophene, chlorohexidine, ethanol, methanol, isopropyl alcohol , Benzyl alcohol, ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, phenoxyethanol, chlorobutanol, isopropylmethylphenol, nonionic surfactants (polyoxyethylene lauryl ether, polyoxyethylene nonyl phenyl ether, polyoxyethylene octyl phenyl ether, etc.), amphoteric surfactant Agent, anionic surfactant (sodium lauryl sulfate, potassium lauroyl sarcosine, etc.), cationic surfactant (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, benzalkonium chloride, benzethonium chloride, methylrosaniline chloride), formaldehyde, hexamine, brilliant green, malachite green, Crystal Violet, Germal, Photosensitive Element 101, Photosensitive Element 201, Photosensitive Element 401, N-Long Chain Acyl Group of amino acid derivatives and their acid shark salts, zinc oxide, hinokitiol, etc. sophora root.
(28) Moisturizer
Glycerin, propylene glycol, 1,3-butylene glycol, hyaluronic acid or its salt, polyethylene glycol, chondroitin sulfate or its salt, water-soluble chitin or chitosan derivative, pyrrolidone carboxylic acid or its salt, sodium lactate, mini sasanishiki extract, natto Metabolites, natto extract, etc.
(29) Elastase activity inhibitor
Fluorophosphate diisopropyl, plant extracts (Ogon, Hypericum, Clara, Mulberry leaves, Keihi, Genshosho, Comfrey, Sage, Elderberry, Bodaige, Buttonpi), seaweed extract, etc.
(30) Hair preparation
Selenium disulfide, alkylisoquinolinium bromide solution, zinc pyrithione, biphenamine, thianthol, castari tincture, pepper tincture, pepper tincture, quinine hydrochloride, strong aqueous ammonia, potassium bromate, sodium bromate, thioglycolic acid and the like.
(31) Antiandrogen
Follicular hormones (estrone, estradiol, ethinyl estradiol, etc.), isoflavones, oxendron, etc.
(32) Peripheral blood flow promoter
Vitamin E or its derivatives, assembly extract, garlic extract, carrot extract, aloe extract, gentian extract, toki extract, cephalanthin, carpronium chloride, minoxidil and the like.
(33) Local stimulant
Pepper tincture, nonyl acid vanillamide, cantalis tincture, ginger tincture, peppermint oil, l-menthol, camphor, benzyl nicotinate, etc.
(34) Metabolic active agent
Photosensitizer 301, hinokitiol, pantothenic acid or derivatives thereof, allantoin, placenta extract, biotin, pentadecanoic acid glyceride and the like.
(35) Antiseborrheic agent
Pyridoxine or its derivatives, sulfur, vitamin B6 and the like.
(36) Keratolytic agent
Resorcin, salicylic acid, lactic acid, etc.
(37) Oxidizing agent
Hydrogen peroxide solution, sodium persulfate, ammonium persulfate, sodium perborate, urea peroxide, sodium percarbonate, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium bromate, potassium bromate, sodium pyrophosphate, sodium orthophosphate Sodium silicate hydrogen peroxide adduct, sodium sulfate sodium chloride hydrogen peroxide adduct, β-tyrosinase enzyme solution, mushroom extract, etc.
(38) Hair remover
Inorganic reducing agents such as strontium sulfate, sodium sulfide, barium sulfide, calcium sulfide, thioglycolic acid or its salts (calcium thioglycolate, sodium thioglycolate, lithium thioglycolate, magnesium thioglycolate, strontium thioglycolate) Such.
(39) Hair swelling agent
Ethanolamine, urea, guanidine, etc.
(40) Dye agent
5-aminoorthocresol, 2-amino-4-nitrophenol, 2-amino-5-nitrophenol, 1-amino-4-methylaminoanthraquinone, 3,3'-iminodiphenol, 2,4-diaminophenoxyethanol hydrochloride 2,4-diaminophenol hydrochloride, toluene-2,5-diamine hydrochloride, nitroparaphenylenediamine hydrochloride, paraphenylenediamine hydrochloride, N-phenylparaphenylenediamine hydrochloride, metaphenylenediamine hydrochloride, orthoaminophenol, N-phenyl acetate Paraphenylenediamine, 1,4-diaminoanthraquinone, 2,6-diaminopyridine, 1,5-dihydroxynaphthalene, toluene-2,5-diamine, toluene-3,4-diamine, nitroparaphenylenediamine, paraaminophenol, para Nitroorthophenylenediamine, paraphenylenediamine, paramethylamino Phenol, picramic acid, sodium picramate, N, N'-bis (4-aminophenyl) -2,5-diamino-1,4-quinonediimine, 5- (2-hydroxyethylamino) -2-methylphenol, N -Phenylparaphenylenediamine, metaaminophenol, metaphenylenediamine, 5-aminoorthocresol sulfate, 2-amino-5-nitrophenol sulfate, orthoaminophenol sulfate, orthochloroparaphenylenediamine sulfate, 4,4'-diamino sulfate Diphenylamine, 2,4-diaminophenol sulfate, toluene-2,5-diamine sulfate, nitroparaphenylenediamine sulfate, paraaminophenol sulfate, paranitroorthophenylenediamine sulfate, paranitrometaphenylenediamine sulfate, paraphenylenediamine sulfate, parasulfate sulfate Methylaminophenol, metaaminosulfate Diol, metaphenylenediamine sulfate, catechol, diphenylamine, α-naphthol, hydroquinone, pyrogallol, phloroglucin, gallic acid, resorcin, tannic acid, 2-hydroxy-5-nitro-2 ', 4'-diaminoazobenzene-5'-sulfone Sodium acid, hematein, etc.
(41) Fragrance
Natural animal fragrances such as musk, civet, castrium, ambergris, anise essential oil, angelica essential oil, ylang ylang essential oil, iris essential oil, fennel essential oil, orange essential oil, cananga essential oil, caraway essential oil, cardamom essential oil, guayakwood essential oil, cumin essential oil, black letter Essential oil, cinnamon essential oil, cinnamon essential oil, geranium essential oil, copaiba balsam essential oil, coriandel essential oil, perilla essential oil, cedarwood essential oil, citronella essential oil, jasmine essential oil, gingergrass essential oil, cedar essential oil, spearmint essential oil, western peppermint essential oil, dairy perfume essential oil, Tuberose essential oil, clove essential oil, orange flower essential oil, winter green essential oil, trubalsum essential oil, buttery essential oil, rose essential oil, palmarosa essential oil, cocoon essential oil, hiba essential oil, sandalwood essential oil, petit gren essential oil, bay essential oil, vetiva essential oil, bergamot essential oil, pe -Plant flavors such as balsam essential oil, boad rose essential oil, melamine essential oil, mandarin essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil, lime essential oil, lavender essential oil, linaloe essential oil, lemongrass essential oil, lemon essential oil, rosemary essential oil, Japanese mint essential oil, and other synthetic fragrances, etc. .
(42) Dyes / colorants
Red cabbage dye, red rice dye, red dye, anato dye, scum dye, turmeric dye, enju dye, krill dye, amber dye, caramel, gold, silver, gardenia dye, corn dye, onion dye, tamarind dye, spirulina dye, Buckwheat whole pigment, cherry pigment, laver pigment, hibiscus pigment, grape juice pigment, marigold pigment, purple potato pigment, purple yam pigment, lac pigment, rutin, etc.
In addition, hormones, sequestering agents, pH adjusters, chelating agents, antiseptic / antibacterial agents, refreshing agents, stabilizers, emulsifiers, animal / plant proteins and their degradation products, animal / plant polysaccharides and their Degradation product, animal / plant glycoprotein and its degradation product, anti-inflammatory agent / antiallergic agent, cell activator, keratolytic agent, wound treatment agent, foam increasing agent, thickener, oral preparation, deodorant / deodorant Bitterings, seasonings, enzymes and the like can be raised, and by using them in combination, various additive and synergistic effects can be expected.
The cosmetic composition, bath preparation composition, and detergent composition of the present invention are liquid, emulsion, base, gel, powder (powder), granule, pellet, stick, solid, etc., respectively. It may be provided as any form.
Cosmetic compositions include lotion, milky lotion, cream, oil, ointment, pack, lip, lipstick, foundation, eyeliner, blusher, mascara, eye shadow, nail polish / pedicure, nail coating, nail coating removal Agents, shaving agents, shampoos, rinses, hair treatments, hair tonics, hair sprays, hair creams, hair lotions, hair straighteners, hair growth agents, permanent liquids, hair dyes, hand soaps, body soaps, toothpastes, mouthwashes , Facial cleansers, soaps, etc.
The bath agent composition is used by bathing in bath water at the time of bathing, and may be in any form such as liquid, powder, granule, and solid.
Examples of the detergent composition include daily kitchen detergent, bathroom, washbasin or toilet detergent, glass cleaner, glasses / contact lens cleaner, car cleaner, and building material cleaner.
In addition, it can be impregnated in sanitary goods, wet tissue paper, paper towels, cotton, and the like.
In the cosmetic composition and the detergent composition of the present invention, when the moisturizing plant extract contains about 0.001 to 5% by weight, preferably about 0.01 to 1% by weight as a dry extract, the usability and good effects are obtained. Is obtained. Further, in the bath agent composition, it is preferable to set a single use amount so that the concentration in the bath water is 0.00001 to 0.01% by weight, preferably about 0.0005 to 0.005% by weight.
Production Example 1 of Plant Extract
Add 30% ethanol (EtOH) aqueous solution (10 L) to the plant (1 kg) and extract by immersion for 3 days at room temperature. In addition, it is good to stir lightly 2-3 times a day. Next, this is filtered to obtain an extract. If necessary, the extract is concentrated or further dried.
Production Example 2 of Plant Extract
Add 30% 1,3-butylene glycol (BG) aqueous solution (10L) or 30% propylene glycol (PG) aqueous solution (10L) to the plant (1kg), and immerse and extract at room temperature for 3 days. In addition, it is good to stir lightly 2-3 times a day. Next, this is filtered to obtain an extract.
Production Example 3 of Plant Extract
Purified water (10 L) is added to the plant (1 kg) and extracted by immersion for 3 days at room temperature. In addition, it is good to stir lightly 2-3 times a day. Next, this is filtered to obtain an extract. If necessary, the extract is concentrated or further dried.
Safety test
(1) Skin primary irritation test
An aqueous solution (solid concentration 5.0%) in which each plant extract obtained in Production Examples 1 to 3 was dissolved was prepared and applied to the skin of a Hartley guinea pig (5 mice per group, body weight around 320 g) with hair removed on the back. . Judgment was performed 24 hours after application using the primary irritation scoring method with erythema and edema as indicators. As a result, in all animals, no erythema and edema were observed, and it was judged negative.
(2) Cumulative skin irritation test
Skin of Hartley guinea pigs (female, 5 mice per group, body weight around 320 g) prepared by preparing an aqueous solution (solid content concentration 5.0%) obtained by dissolving each plant extract obtained in Production Examples 1 to 3, and removing hair on the flank 0.5 mL / per animal was applied 5 times a week at a frequency of once a day. Application was performed over 4 weeks, and hair removal was performed on the last application day of each week. Judgment was performed on the day after the last day of each week by using the primary irritation scoring method with erythema and edema as indices. As a result, in all animals, no erythema and edema were observed for 1 to 4 weeks after application, and the animals were judged negative.
Moisturizing the plant extract 1
In order to evaluate the moisture retention of the plant extract of the present invention, the change with time of the stratum corneum moisture content by a monitor was determined by measuring the electrical conductivity.
(Sample solution) Purified water extract of each plant (adjusted to 0.01% solid content)
(Measurement instrument) IMPEDANCE METER SKICON-200; made by IBS Corporation
(Monitor) 20-year-old woman, 22-year-old woman, 24-year-old woman
(Test environment) 24 ° C, 50% RH
(Method) Place the monitor in a constant temperature and humidity chamber adjusted to the test environment 1 hour before the test and stabilize it. Thereafter, each sample solution (1 mL) is applied to the forearm flexion side of the monitor, excess water is removed after 60 seconds, and the electrical conductivity of the stratum corneum is measured over time.
1 to 7 show the results. It was found that the plant extract according to the present invention has a higher moisturizing effect and is maintained longer than the aloe vera extract (comparative example) having the same solid content.
Moisturizing properties of plant extracts 2
In order to evaluate the moisturizing property of the plant extract of the present invention, the change over time in the amount of transepidermal water loss by a monitor was measured.
(Sample solution) 30% EtOH extract aqueous solution of each plant (solid content concentration adjusted to 0.01%)
(Measurement instrument) TEWAMETER TM210; COURAGE + KHAZAKA Electronic Gmbh
(Monitor) 23-year-old woman, 29-year-old man, 24-year-old woman, 35-year-old woman, 35-year-old man
(Method) Apply each sample aqueous solution (1 mL) three times a day to the left and right forearm flexion side of the monitor. After the third application, after stabilization for 1 hour in a constant temperature and humidity chamber (24 ° C., 50% RH), measurement of the amount of transepidermal water loss is started. The measurement is performed at intervals of 2 seconds for 3 minutes, and the average value of all the numerical values is taken as the TEWL value of the test site. Each blank was measured under the same conditions before specimen application.
Table 1 shows the results of the average moisture change of five monitors. It has been found that the plant extract according to the present invention suppresses transepidermal water evaporation and exhibits a good moisturizing action.
<Table 1>
Figure 0004488560
Figure 0004488560
Skin roughening effect
In order to evaluate the improvement effect with respect to the rough skin of the plant extracts obtained in Production Examples 1 to 3, an application test was performed using the guinea pig in which the rough skin model was created. Note that the specimens were adjusted to the same solid content concentration, and only the solvent was used as a comparison target.
(Method) Hartley guinea pigs (female, 5 weeks old, 3 mice per group) with hair removed on the back were coated with 3% by weight white petrolatum sodium lauryl sulfate (0.2g) for 3 days. I made rough skin. The rough skin preparation site was divided into 4 minutes, each sample (1.0 mL) was applied 3 times / day, and the rough skin degree was evaluated according to the criteria (score) determined by observation after 3 days.
(Criteria) 1 point with almost no erythema or desquamation
2 mild desquamation without erythema
3 moderate desquamation without erythema
4 pieces of desquamation with weak erythema
5 desquamation with moderate erythema
6 debris with significant erythema
The results are shown in Table 2. The plant extract of the present invention was recognized to be effective in improving rough skin. It was also confirmed that a synergistic effect could be obtained depending on the combination of different plant extracts.
<Table 2>
Figure 0004488560
Figure 0004488560
Figure 0004488560
Manufacture of various external preparation compositions
Various external preparation compositions according to the present invention were prepared. Although the formulation example is shown below, this invention is not necessarily limited to these.
(1) Lotion production example
Figure 0004488560
(2) Example of milk production
Figure 0004488560
(3) Example of cream production
Figure 0004488560
(4) Example of body soap production
Figure 0004488560
(5) Shampoo
Figure 0004488560
(6) Rinse
Figure 0004488560
(7) Hair tonic
Figure 0004488560
(8) Example of bath preparation (A type)
Figure 0004488560
(9) Example of bath preparation (B type)
Figure 0004488560
(10) Examples of face wash production
Figure 0004488560
(11) Examples of mouthwash production
Figure 0004488560
(12) Tableware detergent production examples
Figure 0004488560
Use test of various external preparation compositions
(1) Implementation guidelines
The emulsions, bath preparations A, shampoos, rinses, hair tonics, and dishwashing detergents produced in the examples were used as test products (a), and a use test was conducted by male and female panelists (10 persons in total). In the formulation of each external preparation composition as a comparative product (b), prepare the one excluding the moisturizing plant extract or extract of the present invention, and prepare the test product (a) for 1 month after the start of the test, then the next For one month, the comparison product (b) was used under the following conditions, and a questionnaire response was requested.
(2) Usage conditions
Emulsion: Immediately after washing in the morning, bathing at night, applied to the face. 3mL each, once per day
Bath preparation A: Bathing in bath water, 30g, once / day
Shampoo: Used at the time of washing hair, 10mL, once / day
Rinse: Use immediately after shampooing, 10 mL, once / day
Hair tonic: Use after washing hair, 10mL, once / day
Detergent for tableware: as needed
(3) Questionnaire results
Table 3 shows the answer results from the questionnaire.
<Table 3>
Figure 0004488560
【The invention's effect】
The cosmetic composition and bath preparation of the present invention contain a moisturizing plant component that maintains a moisturizing effect for a long time, and for the skin, such as dryness, rough skin, cracks, red snapper, dandruff, kayumi, inflammatory diseases, etc. It is effective for prevention, mitigation or improvement, and for hair, such as drying, dryness, split ends, cut hair, and gloss. In addition, even in household detergents that have been concerned about skin problems such as rough skin, cracks, and redheads, a moisturizing plant extract has been eased so that such troubles are unlikely to occur, and a detergent composition that touches the skin. Can be provided.
[Brief description of the drawings]
[FIG. 1] Time course of skin electrical conductivity at the site of application of plant extract of red clover, gerbera, color, and fennel (Example: Moisturizing 1 of plant extract)
[FIG. 2] Change with time of skin electrical conductivity at the site of application of plant extracts of cosmos, dahlia, tulip, daisy (Example: Moisturizing property of plant extract 1)
[Fig. 3] Change with time of skin electrical conductivity of plant extract application sites of Eustoma grandiflorum, Hygurmadaria, sunflower and margaret (Example: Moisturizing 1 of plant extract)
[Fig. 4] Change with time in skin electrical conductivity at sites where plant extracts of Aristolomeria, morning glory and hydrangea are applied (Example: Moisturizing property of plant extract 1)
FIG. 5: Changes over time in skin electrical conductivity of plant extract application sites of rape, carnation, gaku hydrangea and white clover (Example: Moisturizing 1 of plant extract)
[Fig. 6] Time-dependent change in skin electrical conductivity at the site of application of plant extracts of Yoshino cherry, rose, Enju, and Kikutaniku (Example: Moisturizing 1 of plant extract)
[Fig. 7] Time-dependent change in skin electrical conductivity at sites where plant extracts of shimoklen, violet violet, borage and malein are applied (Example: Moisturizing 1 of plant extract)

Claims (1)

ガーベラ、カラー、トルコギキョウ、アリストロメリアの中から選ばれる1種又は2種以上の植物抽出物を含有する化粧料組成物。A cosmetic composition containing one or more plant extracts selected from gerbera, color, eustoma and aristolomeria .
JP30353799A 1999-10-26 1999-10-26 Cosmetic composition containing moisturizing plant extract Expired - Lifetime JP4488560B2 (en)

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Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
JP30353799A JP4488560B2 (en) 1999-10-26 1999-10-26 Cosmetic composition containing moisturizing plant extract

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JP30353799A JP4488560B2 (en) 1999-10-26 1999-10-26 Cosmetic composition containing moisturizing plant extract

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JP2001122730A JP2001122730A (en) 2001-05-08
JP4488560B2 true JP4488560B2 (en) 2010-06-23



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JP30353799A Expired - Lifetime JP4488560B2 (en) 1999-10-26 1999-10-26 Cosmetic composition containing moisturizing plant extract

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