FI90217C - Tire Chain - Google Patents

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FI90217C FI910541A FI910541A FI90217C FI 90217 C FI90217 C FI 90217C FI 910541 A FI910541 A FI 910541A FI 910541 A FI910541 A FI 910541A FI 90217 C FI90217 C FI 90217C
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FI910541A0 (en
FI90217B (en
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Niilo Heikki Teeri
Original Assignee
Teeri Niilo H
Gyros Instmsto Oy
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Application filed by Teeri Niilo H, Gyros Instmsto Oy filed Critical Teeri Niilo H
Priority to FI910541A priority Critical patent/FI90217C/en
Publication of FI910541A0 publication Critical patent/FI910541A0/en
Priority to PCT/FI1992/000030 priority patent/WO1992013729A1/en
Publication of FI910541A publication Critical patent/FI910541A/en
Publication of FI90217B publication Critical patent/FI90217B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of FI90217C publication Critical patent/FI90217C/en



    • B60C11/00Tyre tread bands; Tread patterns; Anti-skid inserts
    • B60C11/14Anti-skid inserts, e.g. vulcanised into the tread band
    • B60C11/16Anti-skid inserts, e.g. vulcanised into the tread band of plug form, e.g. made from metal, textile


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Tires In General (AREA)


Liukueste ^ pi o ^Non-slip ^ pi o ^

Ajoneuvojen liukuesteet perustuvat suurelta osalta renkaan kulutuspintaosasta ulos tyontyviin piikkimSisiin karkiin, joissa yksittSisen liukuesteen karjen muodostaa noin 2-3 mm vahvuinen kovametallitappi. Haittana naille on halkaisijal-taan pienen kovametallikarjen aiheuttama tiehen kohdistuva suhteellisen suuri pintapaine, joka kuluttaa voimakkaasti jaa-tontå tieta, sekS toisaalta liukkaan kovametallikarjen lahes olematon tartunta tien pinnassa satunnaisesti esiintyvaan erittain ohueen ns. mustaan jåahan.The anti-slip devices of the vehicles are largely based on spiked carcasses protruding from the tread portion of the tire, where the individual anti-slip bar is formed by a carbide pin with a thickness of about 2-3 mm. The disadvantage for them is the relatively high surface pressure on the road caused by the small diameter carbide bear, which consumes heavily undivided road, on the one hand, and the almost non-existent adhesion of the slippery carbide bear to the occasional very thin so-called black ice.

Toisen suurehkon ryhman liukuesteratkaisuja muodostavat renkaan koko kulutuspinnan kasittavinS tai osittaisina alueina kulutuspintaan IShinna vulkanoinnin yhteydessa kiinnitetyt, pSaasiassa kumin ja muun aineen seokset, jotka seokset sisal-tavåt kitkanmuodostusta jaata vastaan parantavia kovia par-tikkeleja. NSiden haittana on ollut, ettd kiinnityksen kulutuspintaan on tapahduttava yleensa jo renkaan valmistuksen tai pinnoituksen yhteydessa, ja ettå tallaisten liukuesteiden asentaminen valmiisiin tunnettuihin talvirenkaisiin on vai-valloista ja kallista.Another relatively large group of anti-slip solutions is formed by mixtures of rubber and other material attached to the tread in the course of vulcanization, which contain hard particles which improve the formation of friction. The disadvantage of these has been that the attachment to the tread must usually take place already during the manufacture or retreading of the tire, and that the installation of such anti-slip devices on the finished known winter tires is cumbersome and expensive.

Esilla olevan keksinnon mukainen liukueste vahentaa em. haittoja, ja se perustuu ratkaisuun, jonka tuntomerkit on esitetty patenttiselostuksessa ja patenttivaatimuksissa.The anti-slip device according to the present invention reduces the above-mentioned disadvantages and is based on a solution, the features of which are set out in the patent specification and claims.

Keksintoa selitetSan lahemmin seuraavassa viitaten oheisiin kuviin, joista kuva 1 esittaa keksinnon mukaista liukuestetta halkileikkauk- sena sivulta katsottuna, kuva 2 esittaa samaa pSSlta katsottuna, kuva 3 esittaa liukuestetta ajoneuvon renkaaseen asennettuna ja kosketuksessa jSiseen tien pintaan, kuva 4 esittaa ajoneuvon renkaan kumissa olevaa pohjareikaa, johon liukueste asennetaan kuvat 5 ... 9 esittavat liukuesteen muita perusratkaisuja, ja kuva 10 esittåa keksinnon mukaista liukuestetta varustet-tuna kovakeraamisella, kovametallisella tms. taydentavalia tappiesteellS.The invention will be explained in more detail below with reference to the accompanying figures, in which Figure 1 shows a side view of a non-slip barrier according to the invention, Figure 2 shows the same as seen from the pSS, Figure 3 shows a non-slip device mounted on a vehicle tire and in contact to which the anti-slip device is mounted Figs. 5 to 9 show other basic solutions of the anti-slip device, and Fig. 10 shows an anti-slip device according to the invention provided with a hard ceramic, carbide or the like additional pin barrier.

2 902172 90217

Keksinnon mukaisen liukuesteen tartunta jaisen tien pintaan perustuu pehmeåhkollå lumijåållå ensisijaisesti sen taso-maisen kårjen 1 rosoisuuteen ja ohuella pintajåållå kovan jåisen tien aiheuttaman pintapaineen ansiosta karkialueesta 1 ulos tyontyviin kitka-ainekappaleisiin 2, jotka takertu-vat hiekkaan tai soraan verrattavalla tavalla ohueenkin jaapintaan, synnyttåen lukuisan måårånså ansiosta tehokkaan kitkan jåisen tien ja ajoneuvon renkaan vålisesså kosketus-tasossa.The adhesion of the anti-slip device according to the invention to the surface of the soft road is based primarily on the roughness of its planar tip 1 and the surface pressure caused by the hard icy road on the thin surface. due to its effective friction in the contact plane between the icy road and the vehicle tire.

Raemaiset tai muun muotoiset kitka-ainekappaleet 2 on perusmassan valmistuksen yhteydesså saatettu kiinnittymåån liukuesteen kinunoisaan perusaineeseen 3 diffundoitumalla, liimautumalla, varsinaisella kemiallisella vulkanoitumisel-la, kitkakapoaleissa olevilla kiinnikkeillå tai muulla mahdollisella tavalla. Perusaine 3 voi olla ajoneuvon renkaan kulutuspintakumin kaltaista ainetta tai muuta sopivan kovaa kimmoisaa ainetta. Raemaiset tai mtiun muotoiset kitka-kappaleet 2 voivat olla perusainetta kulutuskeståvåmpåå kovaa ainetta, kuten esim. kovakeraamista ainetta, kova-metallia, sopivaa kiviainesta, perusainetta kovempaa kumia jne. tai niiden sopivaa sekoitusta. Kitkakappaleet voivat olla tai osa niistå voi olla myos kovaa tai haurasta, perusainetta nopeammin tienpintaa vastaan kuluvaa ainetta, joka kuluessaan sopivalla tavalla yllåpitåå pinnan 1 epå-tasaisuutta eli rosoisuutta. Kitka-ainekappaleiden koko voi myos vaihdella pienistå alle 1 mm kokoisista siruista suurem-piin usean millimetrin kokoisiin paloihin mm. liukuesteen koosta riippuen. My5s perusaineen måårån suhde kitkakappa-leiden mååråån voi vaihdella tavoitteista riippuen.In the course of the production of the base mass, the granular or other shaped friction material bodies 2 are made to adhere to the non-slip base material 3 by diffusion, gluing, actual chemical vulcanization, fasteners in the friction pieces or in any other possible way. The base material 3 may be a substance similar to the tread rubber of a vehicle tire or another suitably hard elastic material. The granular or m-shaped friction pieces 2 may be a hard material more durable than the base material, such as a hard ceramic material, a hard metal, a suitable aggregate, a rubber harder than the base material, etc., or a suitable mixture thereof. The friction pieces can be or some of them can also be a hard or brittle material that wears against the road surface faster than the base material, which, when worn, maintains the unevenness or roughness of the surface 1 in a suitable manner. The size of the friction pieces can also vary from small chips smaller than 1 mm to larger pieces of several millimeters, e.g. depending on the size of the anti-slip. The ratio of the amount of My5s base material to the number of friction pieces can vary depending on the targets.

Kuvassa 3 on esitetty liukueste asennettuna ajoneuvon renkaan kulutuspintaan. Koska liukueste on kovien kitkakappa-leittensa ansiosta våhemmån kuluvaa kuin kulutuspinnan 4 materiaali, pysyy se aina jonkin verran kulutuspinnan pintatasosta 5 ulkonevana. Pehmeåån lumijååhån osuessaan toimii liukuesteen ulkonema a ja rosoinen pinta 1 sellaise-naan liukuesteena. Kovaan ohueen jååpintaan 6 osuessaan 9021 7 liukuesteen pintatason 1 rosoisuus korostuu tienpinnan 6 liukuesteeseen synnyttåmån pintapaineen painaessa kimmoisaa runkoainetta 3 poispain tienpinnasta, jolloin kitkakappaleet 2 painuvat pienina kappaleina ohuen jååpinnan 6 sisåan, vahan mutta runsaslukuisina.Figure 3 shows a non-slip device mounted on the tread of a vehicle tire. Since the anti-slip is less abrasive than the tread material 4 due to its hard friction pads, it always remains somewhat protruding from the tread surface 5. When hit by soft snow, the protrusion α of the anti-slip and the rough surface 1 act as such as a non-slip. Upon hitting the hard thin ice surface 6 9021 7, the roughness of the surface 1 of the anti-slip surface is accentuated by the surface pressure generated by the road surface 6 in the anti-slip surface.

Kuvassa 4 on esttetty renkaan kulutuspintaan tehty pohja-reika 7, johon liukueste asennetaan tavalliseen tapaan. Pohjareika voi olla tavanomaista huomattavasti suurempi, koska liukuesteen kokonaishalkaisija voidaan kosketustapansa ja materiaalinsa ansiosta tehda hyvinkin suureksi.Figure 4 shows a bottom hole 7 made in the tread of the tire, in which the anti-slip device is mounted in the usual way. The bottom hole can be considerably larger than usual, because the total diameter of the anti-slip can be made very large due to its method of contact and material.

Kuvien 1 ja 2 mukainen muodoltaan tulppamainen liukueste on varustettu kiinnityslaipalla 8, joka on tehty kiinnik-keineen 9 metallilevystå. Kuvan 5 mukaisessa liukuesteesså on lisaksi ohennus 10 liukuesteen kiinnittymisen vahvista-miseksi pohjareikåan.7 kuvassa 4.The plug-shaped non-slip barrier according to Figures 1 and 2 is provided with a fastening flange 8 made of metal plate with its fasteners 9. The anti-slip device of Figure 5 further has a thinner 10 to strengthen the attachment of the anti-slip device to the bottom hole.7 in Figure 4.

Kuva 6 esittaa ratkaisua, jossa kiinnityslaipan muodostaa laipallinen holkki 11 ja kitka-aineena on kovakeraaminen lankamuru 12. Perusaine 3 on tarttunut holkkiin 11 tavalliseen tapaan vulkanoinnin yhteydessa. Kuvassa 7 laippa-holkki muodostaa samalla kiinnitysta tehostavan ohennuksen 12. Kuvassa 8 liukueste on kokonaisuudessaan vulkanoitu metallikuoren 13 sisalle. Kuvassa 9 kiinnityslaipan muodostaa metallinen tai muusta sopivasta aineesta tehty hattu 14.Figure 6 shows a solution in which the fastening flange is formed by a flanged sleeve 11 and the friction material is a hard ceramic wire crumb 12. The base material 3 adheres to the sleeve 11 in the usual way during vulcanization. In Fig. 7, the flange sleeve at the same time forms a thinning-enhancing thinning 12. In Fig. 8, the anti-slip is completely vulcanized inside the metal shell 13. In Figure 9, the fastening flange is formed by a hat 14 made of metal or other suitable material.

Kuvassa 10 on esitetty keksinnon mukainen liukueste, jonka ytimena on keraamisesta aineesta, kovametallista tms. tehty liikkuva tappi 15. Tapin 15 tarkoituksena on toimia pehmealla eli paksulla jSSpinnalla siihen uppoutuvana piikkiesteenS tavanomaisen ns. nastaliukuesteen tapaan. Kun ajoneuvo jou tuu ohuelle ns. mustalle jaMlle, johon tappi 15 ei pysty painumaan, nousee se asentoon 16, ja liukuesteen kitkakappaleet 2 synnyttåvåt tartunnan mustaan jaahSn aikaisem-min selostetulla tavalla. Tapin 15 pistovoimaa voidaan s^cltaa tapin ylapaan halkaisijalla 17, joka tyontyy ajoneuvon renkaan kumia vastaan. Tapin 15 ollessa suhteellisen kevyttaFigure 10 shows a non-slip barrier according to the invention, the core of which is a movable pin 15 made of a ceramic material, carbide or the like. like a pin anti-slip device. When the vehicle becomes thin, the so-called for the black jar, into which the pin 15 cannot be pressed, it rises to the position 16, and the friction pieces 2 of the anti-slip device engage the black jaakS as previously described. The puncture force of the pin 15 can be applied to the top of the pin by a diameter 17 which projects against the rubber of the vehicle tire. Pin 15 is relatively light

Claims (5)

1. I fordonsdacks slitbana på sedvanligt sått i monteringsfårdigt bottenhål (7) monterbart, med gripflåns fdrsett slirskydd, kånnetecknat av en kombination vari slirskyddet bildas av ett proppformigt med en gripflåns (8, 11, 14) forsett slirskydd, vilket proppformiga slirskydd år framstållt på ett i och for sig kånt sått. av ett basmaterial (3) av slitbansgummityp eller annat elastiskt material med låmplig hårdhet, varvid basmaterialet in- nehåller åmneskroppar, m.a.o. friktionskroppar (2), med t.ex. kornform, vilka friktionskroppar år fåsta vid det av slirskyddet bildade basmaterialet (3) genom dif fundering, fastklibbning, egentlig kemisk vulkanisering, medels fåstanordningar i frik-tionskropparna eller på något annat mojligt sått.1. In the vehicle roof tread, as usual, in the mounting bottom hole (7), mountable, with the sliding cover's provided slip guard, characterized by a combination wherein the slip guard is formed by a plug-shaped sliding guard (8, 11, 14) provided with a slip-resistant front sliding guard. one in itself known sweetly. of a base material (3) of tread rubber type or other elastic material of suitable hardness, wherein the base material contains worm bodies, i.a. friction bodies (2), e.g. grain form, which friction bodies are attached to the base material (3) formed by the slip protection by diffusion, bonding, actual chemical vulcanization, by means of fasteners in the friction bodies or in some other possible way. 2. Slirskydd enligt patentkrav 1, kånnetecknat av att till de i basmaterialet (3) ingående friktionskropparna (2) som pressas mot vågytan våljs ett sådant material att kropparnas slitage mot vagytan biir mindre ån det elastiska basmaterialets (3).2. Slip guard according to claim 1, characterized in that the friction bodies (2) included in the base material (2) pressed against the wave surface are selected such that the wear of the bodies against the rock surface contributes less than that of the elastic base material (3). 3. Slirskydd enligt patentkraven 1 och 2, kånnetecknat av att till en del av friktionskropparna (2) eller alla av dem (2) våljs ett sådant material att kropparnas slitage mot vågytan biir storre ån det elastiska basmaterialets (3).Anti-slip protection according to claims 1 and 2, characterized in that, in some or all of the friction bodies (2), a material is selected such that the wear of the bodies against the wave surface contributes greater than that of the elastic base material (3). 4. Slirskydd enligt patentkrav 1, kånnetecknat av att till friktionskropparna (2) våljs ett stenmaterial sorn rnotsvarar det-samma i vågytan eller annat låmpligt ndtningsbeståndigt material, vårs friktionskoefficient mot en våt vågyta år stdrre an densamma hos gummit i dackets slitbana. 1 Slirskydd enligt patentkraven 1...4, kånnetecknat av att innanfdr ett hål i slirskyddets mittdel ar en rorlig tappliknan-de del (15) av hård kerarn eller annat låmpligt material anord -nad, vilken del vid korning på hård, tunn is, nar den tråffar isen, trycks mot dackets gummi och drar sig undan i nivå med slirskyddets spetsyta (1).4. Slip guard according to Claim 1, characterized in that a rock material which is similar to the same in the wave surface or other low impact resistant material is selected for the friction bodies (2), the coefficient of friction against a wet wave surface is greater than that of the rubber in the tread. A slip guard according to claims 1 ... 4, characterized in that a hole in the middle part of the slip guard is a movable pin-like part (15) of hard core or other suitable material, which part when grinding on hard, thin ice, when it hits the ice, press against the rubber of the roof and pull away in level with the tip surface of the slip guard (1).
FI910541A 1991-02-05 1991-02-05 Tire Chain FI90217C (en)

Priority Applications (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
FI910541A FI90217C (en) 1991-02-05 1991-02-05 Tire Chain
PCT/FI1992/000030 WO1992013729A1 (en) 1991-02-05 1992-02-04 Anti-skid stud

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
FI910541A FI90217C (en) 1991-02-05 1991-02-05 Tire Chain
FI910541 1991-02-05

Publications (4)

Publication Number Publication Date
FI910541A0 FI910541A0 (en) 1991-02-05
FI910541A FI910541A (en) 1992-08-06
FI90217B FI90217B (en) 1993-09-30
FI90217C true FI90217C (en) 1994-01-10



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FI910541A FI90217C (en) 1991-02-05 1991-02-05 Tire Chain

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FI (1) FI90217C (en)
WO (1) WO1992013729A1 (en)

Families Citing this family (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE102009016065A1 (en) * 2009-04-03 2010-10-28 Sitek Spikes Gmbh & Co. Kg Spike arrangement and method for its production
KR101775617B1 (en) * 2015-11-23 2017-09-06 문대용 Cermic stud for tire
EP3578392B1 (en) * 2018-06-08 2020-07-29 Nokian Renkaat Oyj A method for inserting an insert into a tire

Family Cites Families (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
NO135815C (en) * 1971-12-21 1977-06-08 Dunlop Ltd
ATE36140T1 (en) * 1983-06-27 1988-08-15 Eugen Mohrlok TIRES FOR VEHICLE WHEELS.

Also Published As

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FI910541A0 (en) 1991-02-05
FI90217B (en) 1993-09-30
FI910541A (en) 1992-08-06
WO1992013729A1 (en) 1992-08-20

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