
Publication number
DK166370B DK025689A DK25689A DK166370B DK 166370 B DK166370 B DK 166370B DK 025689 A DK025689 A DK 025689A DK 25689 A DK25689 A DK 25689A DK 166370 B DK166370 B DK 166370B
Prior art keywords
wheel disc
Prior art date
Application number
Other languages
Danish (da)
Other versions
DK25689A (en
DK166370C (en
DK25689D0 (en
Rolf Schraut
Otto Braun
Egbert Sonder
Original Assignee
Duewag Ag
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
Filing date
Publication date
Priority claimed from DE19883801833 external-priority patent/DE3801833A1/en
Application filed by Duewag Ag filed Critical Duewag Ag
Publication of DK25689D0 publication Critical patent/DK25689D0/en
Publication of DK25689A publication Critical patent/DK25689A/en
Publication of DK166370B publication Critical patent/DK166370B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK166370C publication Critical patent/DK166370C/en



    • B61H5/00Applications or arrangements of brakes with substantially radial braking surfaces pressed together in axial direction, e.g. disc brakes
    • B61H13/00Actuating rail vehicle brakes
    • B61H13/02Hand or other personal actuation
    • B61H13/00Actuating rail vehicle brakes
    • B61H13/20Transmitting mechanisms
    • B61H13/24Transmitting mechanisms for cars with two axles or bogies with two axles and braking cylinder(s) for each bogie, the mechanisms at each side being interconnected
    • F16D55/00Brakes with substantially-radial braking surfaces pressed together in axial direction, e.g. disc brakes
    • F16D55/02Brakes with substantially-radial braking surfaces pressed together in axial direction, e.g. disc brakes with axially-movable discs or pads pressed against axially-located rotating members
    • F16D55/22Brakes with substantially-radial braking surfaces pressed together in axial direction, e.g. disc brakes with axially-movable discs or pads pressed against axially-located rotating members by clamping an axially-located rotating disc between movable braking members, e.g. movable brake discs or brake pads
    • F16D55/224Brakes with substantially-radial braking surfaces pressed together in axial direction, e.g. disc brakes with axially-movable discs or pads pressed against axially-located rotating members by clamping an axially-located rotating disc between movable braking members, e.g. movable brake discs or brake pads with a common actuating member for the braking members
    • F16D55/2245Brakes with substantially-radial braking surfaces pressed together in axial direction, e.g. disc brakes with axially-movable discs or pads pressed against axially-located rotating members by clamping an axially-located rotating disc between movable braking members, e.g. movable brake discs or brake pads with a common actuating member for the braking members in which the common actuating member acts on two levers carrying the braking members, e.g. tong-type brakes


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Braking Arrangements (AREA)
  • Handcart (AREA)
  • Toys (AREA)



DK 166370 BDK 166370 B

Den foreliggende opfindelse angår et bogielignende understel til skinnekøretøjer, hvis ramme har arme, som gaffel-delt omslutter et hjul og er forsynet med lejer til hjulet, og som er udformet til modtagelse af en i det væsentlige af 5 en bremsecylinder, en bremsetang og bremsebakker bestående hjulskivebremse.BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a bogie-like chassis for rail vehicles, the frame of which has arms, which fork-part encloses a wheel and is provided with bearings for the wheel, and which is designed to receive an essentially 5 brake cylinder, a brake tong and brake pads. existing wheel disc brake.

Et understel med ovennævnte kendetegn er kendt fra europæisk patentskrift nr. 0.050.727, idet hjul skivebremsen i dette patentskrift dog kun omtales perifert. Den omtalte 10 bremse strækker sig i det tilhørende hjuls horisontale midterniveau- Understelsrammen har tillige udsparinger, der kan bruges ved bremsetangens gennemføring og afstivning. En sådan bremseanordning har nogle ulemper: På grund af de ovennævnte udsparinger svækkes under-15 stelsrammen.A chassis with the above characteristics is known from European Patent Specification No. 0.050,727, however, the wheel disc brake in this patent specification is referred to only peripherally. The mentioned 10 brake extends into the horizontal center level of the associated wheel. The chassis frame also has recesses that can be used in the braking plunger insertion and stiffening. Such a braking device has some drawbacks: Due to the above recesses, the support frame is weakened.

Rammens arme skal have et, i det mindste ved begge bremsebakkers tykkeste sted udvidet frirum mod hinanden.The arms of the frame must have at least at the thickest place of both brake trays extended clearance against each other.

- Hjulskivebremsen er dårligt tilgængelig, hvorved indbygningen og pasningen deraf vanskeliggøres.- The wheel disc brake is poorly accessible, making it difficult to install and fit.

20 - Bremsebakkerne ligger bag hjulakslen, dvs. ikke i luft strømmen og kan derfor hurtigere blive varme.20 - The brake pads are behind the wheel axle, ie. not in the air stream and can therefore heat faster.

- De relativt nært over skinneoverkanten anbragte bremse-belægninger bliver tidligere snavset.- The brake pads placed relatively close above the rail edge are previously dirty.

Opfindelsen har til formål at udforme et understel på en 25 mest mulig enkel måde således, at ovennævnte ulemper undgås. Derudover skal bremsetangen friholdes fra de fra den aktive forbindelse bremsebe lægninger-hjul skive forekommende reaktionskræfter, for så vidt der således ikke stilles krav til bøjning.The invention has for its object to design a frame in the simplest possible way so as to avoid the above disadvantages. In addition, the braking tongs must be kept free of the reaction forces occurring from the brake linings-wheel disc resulting from the active connection, insofar as no bending requirements are required.

30 Formålet opnås ifølge opfindelse ved, at hjulskivebremsen er anbragt oven for hjulets midterniveau på armene og det til disse grænsende område af understelsrammen, hvorved alle i længderetningen forekommende bremsereaktionskræfterThe object is achieved according to the invention in that the wheel disc brake is positioned above the middle level of the wheel on the arms and the adjacent region of the frame frame, whereby all longitudinal braking reaction forces occur.

DK 166370 BDK 166370 B

2 ledes direkte ind i understelsranunen gennem anslag, som er opadragende fastgjort til armene og samvirker formtæt med bremsebakkerne.2 is directed directly into the chassis runner through stops which are upwardly secured to the arms and cooperate tightly with the brake trays.

Der opnås en særdeles robust og til monteringen gunstig 5 anbringelse af bremsebakkerne ifølge en udførelsesform af opfindelsen ved, at hver af de to arme har en lejebuk, ved hvilken der er ophængt en bremsebakke svingende på tværs.An extremely robust and convenient mounting of the brake trays according to one embodiment of the invention is achieved in that each of the two arms has a bearing bracket on which a braking tray is suspended transversely.

Ifølge en anden udformning af opfindelsen er lejebukken affjedret oven over armens overside, f.eks. gennem et deri-10 mellem anbragt lag af elastisk materiale. Ved hjælp af denne kompakte affjedring, som passer ind i rummet mellem understelsrammen og køretøjsopbygningen, bliver den ufjedrede masse, hvortil den ganske vist lette, umiddelbart på hjulakslen afstivede understelsramme hører, så lille som 15 mulig.According to another embodiment of the invention, the bearing bracket is sprung above the upper side of the arm, e.g. through an intermediate layer of elastic material disposed therein. By means of this compact suspension which fits into the space between the chassis frame and the vehicle structure, the sprung mass to which the lightweight, immediately stiffened chassis frame immediately on the wheel axle belongs, becomes as small as possible.

Opfindelsen kan fremfor alt med henblik på en lang pasningsfri brug af bremsen desuden udformes således, at der mellem ans lagene og bremsebakkerne er et tværspil lerum svarende til det tilladelige slid på bremsebelægningen.Above all, the invention can, for the purpose of a long pass-free use of the brake, be designed such that there is an interplay between the abutments and the brake pads corresponding to the permissible wear of the brake lining.

20 I en anden udførelsesform af opfindelsen har det op til armene grænsende område af understelsrammen en afstivning, som bærer den ende af hjul skivebremsen, der vender ud mod bremsecylinderen.In another embodiment of the invention, the region adjacent the arms of the frame frame has a brace which supports the end of the wheel disc brake facing the brake cylinder.

Ovennævnte afstivning opnås med et minimum af byggedele og 25 samtidig i overensstemmelse med den allerede omtalte affjedring af bremsen over for understelsrammen ifølge en yderligere udformning af opfindelsen ved, at afstivningen har en prismatisk udformet fjederkrop og en forbindelsesdel, som på den ene side omslutter fjederkroppen tagagtigt 30 og på den anden side er forbundet med bremsetangens fikspunktsarm ved bremsecy1inderen.The aforementioned bracing is achieved with a minimum of construction parts and simultaneously with the suspension of the brake mentioned above against the frame frame according to a further embodiment of the invention, in that the bracing has a prismatic shaped spring body and a connecting part which on one side encloses the spring body tautly. 30 and, on the other hand, is connected to the fixing point arm of the brake tong at the brake cylinder.

DK 166370 BDK 166370 B


Ifølge en yderligere udformning af opfindelsen er hjulskivebremserne ved hjælp af en gennem et bremsegear betjenbar fjernbetjening således koblet, at de i længderetningen på hver understelsside liggende hjulskivebremser udgør et 5 bremsepar. Gennem den således skabte manuelt betjenbare bremseindretning sikres det, at understelrammens og de derpå lejrede enkelthjuls vertikalt bestående frie bevægelighed ikke er hæmmet.According to a further embodiment of the invention, the wheel disc brakes are coupled by means of a remote control operable through a brake gear such that the longitudinal wheel disc brakes which lie on each bottom side constitute a 5 brake pair. By means of the manually operated braking device thus created, it is ensured that the free movement of the chassis frame and the single-wheeled vertical vertical movement is not hampered.

Der opnås en særdeles enkel og funktionssikker fjernbetje-10 ning ifølge en udførelsesform af opfindelsen ved, at fjernbetjeningen til hvert bremsepar har en i understel rammens længderetning anbragt forbindelsesarm og bremsetræk, som er ført i de fastholdte kapper vendende ud mod rammen, og som for det enes vedkommende sættes fast ved forbinde Ises armens 15 ender og ved de tilsvarende hjul skivebremser - f.eks. ved bremsecylinderens bremsestang - og for det andets vedkommende er tilsluttet i midten ved forbindelsesarmen og ved bremsegearet.An extremely simple and functional safe remote control according to one embodiment of the invention is obtained in that the remote control for each brake pair has a connecting arm and brake pull arranged in the longitudinal frame of the frame, which are guided in the retaining caps facing the frame and which the one in question is fixed at the ends of the Ises arm 15 and the corresponding wheel disc brakes - e.g. at the brake cylinder brake lever - and for the other is connected in the middle by the connecting arm and by the brake gear.

I en supplerende udformning af opfindelsen er der tilveje-20 bragt en forbindelsesarm, som er ført på understelsrammens giideflader i dennes tværretning.In a supplemental embodiment of the invention, a connecting arm is provided which is guided on the guide surfaces of the frame frame in its transverse direction.

De med den foreliggende opfindelses genstand opnåelige fordele ligger især i, at understelsrammen er formbar gennemgående uden afsvækkende udsparinger, idet dens arme, som 25 omslutter et hjul, og dermed også hjul lejerne kan være anbragt direkte ved siden af hjulet. Alt dette begunstiger understelsrammens lette byggemåde. Hjulskivebremsen kan også nemt indbygges og udbygges ved et understel, hvor køretøjet er under opbygning, og er tilgængelig for vediΙ-ΒΟ geholdelse. Bremsebelægningerne ligger godt nedkølet i luftstrømmen og er beskyttet for snavs højt over skinneoverkanten.The advantages of the object of the present invention are in particular that the frame frame is malleable throughout without attenuating recesses, its arms enclosing a wheel and thus also the wheel bearings being positioned directly adjacent to the wheel. All this favors the lightweight frame construction. The wheel disc brake can also be easily installed and extended by a chassis where the vehicle is under construction and is available for maintenance. The brake pads are well cooled in the airflow and are protected from dirt high above the rail edge.

DK 166370BDK 166370B


Opfindelsen, skal i det følgende forklares nærmere under henvisning til tegningen, på hvilken fig. 1 viser en del af et understel med en hjulskivebremse set fra siden, 5 fig. 2 viser en plantegning til fig. 1, fig. 3 viser udførelsesformen ifølge fig. 1 set forfra, fig. 4 viser et snit ifølge linien IV-IV i fig. 1, og fig. 5 viser en skematisk plantegning af et understel med en bremseindretning til hjulskivebremserne.The invention will now be explained in more detail with reference to the drawing, in which 1 is a side view of a part of a chassis with a wheel disc brake; FIG. 2 is a plan view of FIG. 1, FIG. 3 shows the embodiment of FIG. 1 is a front view; FIG. 4 shows a section along line IV-IV in FIG. 1, and FIG. 5 is a schematic plan view of a chassis with a braking device for the wheel disc brakes.

10 Understellets ramme 2 (se fig. 5) består i det væsentlige af rammevanger 2j, gaffeldelt udformede arme 2a og udliggere 2k, som er smidigt lejret i de overfor liggende rammevangers 2j længdemidte, således at understelsrammen 2 vertikalt er fri bevægelig. Rammen 2 bærer en køretøjsopbyg-15 ning 9 (se fig. 1) over i dette eksempel en luftfjeder 10. Understelsrammens 2 gaffeldelte arme 2a har lejer 2b til modtagelse af en hjulaksel la fra et enkelthjul. Der er på armene 2a og det til disse grænsende område af understelsrammen 2 anbragt en hjul skivebremse, som i det væsentlige 20 består af en bremsecylinder 3, en bremsetang 4 - fikspunktsarm 4a, cylinderarm 4b og bremsestangsforbinder 4c -og bremsebakker 5.The frame frame 2 (see Fig. 5) consists essentially of frame arms 2j, fork-shaped arms 2a and outriggers 2k, which are conveniently mounted in the longitudinal center of the opposite frame wings 2j, so that the frame frame 2 is vertically free to move. The frame 2 carries a vehicle structure 9 (see Fig. 1) in this example an air spring 10. The fork-shaped arms 2a of the frame frame 2 have bearings 2b for receiving a wheel axle 1a from a single wheel. A wheel disc brake is provided on the arms 2a and the adjacent area of the frame frame 2, which consists essentially of a brake cylinder 3, a brake tong 4 - fixed point arm 4a, cylinder arm 4b and brake rod connector 4c and brake trays 5.

De af en bremsebelægning 5a og en belægningsholder 5b dannede bremsebakker 5 er ophængt svingende ved lejebukke 25 2d, som er skruet på armene 2a. Mellem lejebukkens påskru- ningsplade 2d' og dens opad rettede del, som har en bøsning 2d" ovenfor, befinder der sig et på begge sider forvulkaniseret lag 2e af gummi. Ved en ved bøsningen 2d" sat aksel 2g sættes belægningsholderens 5b hængelasker 5b’ fat.The brake pads 5 formed by a brake lining 5a and a coating holder 5b are suspended pivotally by bearing brackets 2d screwed onto the arms 2a. Between the mounting plate 2d 'of the bearing body and its upwardly directed portion, which has a sleeve 2d "above, there is a rubberized layer 2e of both sides. .

30 I det til armene 2a grænsende område af understelsrammen 2 er der en afstivning 2f til hjul skivebremsens ende vendende ud mod bremsecylinderen. Denne afstivning 2f består af en prismatisk dannet fjederkrop 2f', som via en fastgørelsesplade er skruet fast på rammens 2 foringsstykker, og en30 In the region adjacent to the arms 2a of the frame frame 2 there is a stiffener 2f for the wheels of the disc brake facing towards the brake cylinder. This stiffener 2f consists of a prismatically formed spring body 2f 'which is screwed onto a casing of the frame 2 via a fastening plate, and a

DK 166370 BDK 166370 B

5 forbindelsesdel 2f", som på den ene side tagagtigt omslutter fjederkroppen 2f' og på den anden side sammen med bremsetangens 4 fikspunktsarm 4a er tilsluttet bolte 3a, som er skruet ind i bremsecylinderen 3.5 connecting part 2f ", which on one side roofly encloses the spring body 2f 'and on the other side is connected with bolts 3a of the brake tong 4a bolts 3a which are screwed into the brake cylinder 3.

5 De ved bremsen i længderetningen forekommende reaktionskræfter ledes direkte ind i understelsrammen 2 gennem anslag 2c, som er opadragende fastgjort til understellets 2 arme 2a og griber ind i belægningsholderens 5b noter 5b". Mellem stopperne 2c og bremsebakkens 5 belægningsholder 5b 10 er der et tværspillerum svarende til det tilladelige slid på bremsebelægningen 5a.5 The reaction forces occurring at the brake in the longitudinal direction are directed directly into the frame frame 2 through stop 2c, which is mounted upwardly to the arms 2a of the chassis 2 and engages in the grooves 5b "of notes 5b". Between stops 2c and brake tray 5 corresponding to the allowable wear of the brake lining 5a.

Som det ses i fig. 5 er hvert hjul 1 tildelt en hjul skivebremse, som er afstivet i et her symbolsk betegnet fikspunkt 8 i understelsrammen 2, og har en bremsecy linder 3, 15 bremsetang 4 og bremsebakker 5. Understellets bremses under kørslen ved hjælp af trykluft. Da der ikke, især når toget har været standset i længere tid, er trykluft til rådighed, er der tilvejebragt en arretering af bremsetangen 4 ved hjælp af følgende mekanik: Ved bremsecy Underne 3 er der 20 påsat bremsestænger 3b, som via bremsetrækkene 6’ er koblet sammen med enderne af ialt to forbindelsesarme 7. I disse armes 7 længdemidte er fastsatte yderligere bremsetræk 6" sluttet til et ikke vist, fortrinsvis i karosseriets indre anbragt bremsegear, som f.eks. kan betjenes ved hjælp af et 25 håndhjul. Ved betjeningen af bremsegearet forskydes de på de understelsvendte glideflader 2h førte forbindelsesarme 7 i retning af de viste pile, og bremsestængerne 3b bevæger de fra bremsecylinderens 3 bund fremspringende stempelstænger 3c i overensstemmelse med den ønskede afstivning af 30 bremsetangen 4 med deres bremsebakker 5 mod·hjulenes 1 skiver. Inden i bremsecy linderen 3 er der sædvanligvis tilvejebragt tilbagetrækningsfjedre til bremsetængerne 4. Tilbagetrækningsfjedrene og yderligere, mellem bremsecylin-As seen in FIG. 5, each wheel 1 is provided with a wheel disc brake, which is stiffened at a symbolically designated fixing point 8 in the frame frame 2, and has a brake cycle liner 3, 15 brake pliers 4 and brake trays 5. The chassis is braked during driving by compressed air. Since, especially when the train has been stopped for a long period of time, compressed air is available, an arresting of the brake tong 4 is provided by the following mechanics: In the brake cycle Subs 3 there are 20 brake rods 3b which are fitted via the brake pulls 6 '. coupled to the ends of a total of two connecting arms 7. In the longitudinal center of these arms, additional braking features 6 "are connected to a braking gear not shown, preferably in the interior of the body of the body, which can be operated, for example, by means of a handwheel. of the brake gear, the connecting arms 7 guided on the lower sliding surfaces 2h are moved in the direction of the arrows shown, and the brake rods 3b move the piston rods 3c projecting from the bottom of the brake cylinder 3 in accordance with the desired stiffening of the brake rod 4 with their brake trays 5 towards the wheels. Within the brake cycle liner 3, retraction springs are usually provided for the brake actuators 4. kningsfjedrene and further, between bremsecylin-

DK 166370BDK 166370B

6 dernes 3 bund og bremsestængerne 3a anbragte trykfjedre bevirker, at forbindeXsesarmene 7 vender tilbage i den viste udgangsstilling. Trykfjedrene 3d sørger i øvrigt for, at bremses tængerne 3b og bremsetrækkene 6 forbliver under 5 spænding ved bremsninger med trykluft.The bottom of the 6 of the 6 and the brake springs 3a arranged in the spring cause the connecting arms 7 to return to the starting position shown. In addition, the compression springs 3d ensure that the pliers 3b are braked and the braking features 6 remain below 5 in the case of compressed air brakes.

Bremsetrækkene 6 føres i kapper, som holdes i fikspunkter 2m vendende mod rammen, således at bremsetrækkene 6 kun er anbragt ombøjet under overholdelse af mindsteradier.The brake trunks 6 are placed in sheaths which are held at fixing points 2m facing the frame, so that the brake trunks 6 are placed bending only with respect to minimum radii.

Claims (9)

1. Bogielignende understel til skinnekøretøjer, hvis ramme (2) har arme (2a), som gaffeldelt omslutter et hjul (1) og er forsynet med lejer (2b) til hjulet (1), og som er 5 udformet til modtagelse af en i det væsentlige af en brem-secylinder (3), en bremsetang (4) og bremsebakker (5) bestående hjulskivebremse, kendetegnet ved, at hjul skivebremsen (3, 4 og 5) er anbragt oven for hjulets (1) midterniveau på armene (2a) og det til disse grænsende 10 område af understelsrammen (2), hvorved alle i længderetningen forekommende bremsereaktionskræfter'ledes direkte ind i understelsrammen (2) gennem anslag (2c), som er opadragende fastgjort til armene (2a) og samvirker formtæt med bremsebakkerne (5).A bogie-like chassis for rail vehicles, the frame (2) having arms (2a), which fork member encloses a wheel (1) and is provided with bearings (2b) for the wheel (1), and which is designed to receive a essentially a brake cylinder (3), a brake tong (4) and brake discs (5) comprising wheel disc brake, characterized in that the wheels of the disc brake (3, 4 and 5) are placed above the middle level of the wheels (1) on the arms (2a) ) and the adjacent region 10 of the frame frame (2) whereby all longitudinal braking reaction forces are directed directly into the frame frame (2) through abutments (2c) which are upwardly attached to the arms (2a) and cooperate tightly with the brake trays ( 5). 2. Understel ifølge krav 1, kendetegnet ved, at de to arme (2a) har en lejebuk (2d), ved hvilken en bremsebakke er ophængt svingende på tværs.Chassis according to claim 1, characterized in that the two arms (2a) have a bearing bracket (2d), on which a brake tray is suspended swinging transversely. 3. Understel ifølge krav 2, kendetegnet ved, at lejebukken (2d) er affjedret oven for armens (2a) 20 overside, f.eks. gennem et derimellem anbragt lag (2e) af elastisk materiale.Chassis according to claim 2, characterized in that the bearing bracket (2d) is sprung above the upper side of the arm (2a), e.g. through an intermediate layer (2e) of resilient material. 4. Understel ifølge et af kravene 1 til 3, kendetegnet ved, at der mellem anslagene (2c) og bremse-bakkerne (5) er et tværspillerum svarende til det tillade- 25 lige slid på bremsebelægningen (5a).Chassis according to one of claims 1 to 3, characterized in that between the stops (2c) and the brake trays (5) there is a transverse clearance space corresponding to the permissible wear of the brake lining (5a). 5. Understel ifølge et af kravene 1 til 4, kendetegnet ved, at det til armene (2a) grænsende område af understelsrammen (2) har en afstivning (2f), som bærer hjulskivebremsens ende vendende ud mod bremsecylinderen 30 (3). DK 166370 B 8Frame according to one of claims 1 to 4, characterized in that the area adjacent to the arms (2a) of the frame frame (2) has a support (2f) which carries the end of the wheel disc brake facing the brake cylinder 30 (3). DK 166370 B 8 6. Understel ifølge krav 5, kendetegnet ved, at afstivningen (2f) har en prismatisk udformet fjederkrop (2f*) og en forbindelsesdel (2f"), som på den ene side omslutter fjederkroppen (2f’) tagagtigt og på den 5 anden side er forbundet med bremsetangens (4) fikspunktsarm (4a) ved bremsecylinderen (3).Frame according to claim 5, characterized in that the brace (2f) has a prismatic shaped spring body (2f *) and a connecting part (2f ") which on one side encloses the spring body (2f ') in a roof and on the other side is connected to the fixed point arm (4a) of the brake tong (4) at the brake cylinder (3). 7. Understel ifølge et af kravene 1 til 6, kendetegnet ved, at hjulskivebremserne ved hjælp af en gennem et bremsegear betjenbar fjernbetjening (bremsetræk 10 6, forbindelsesarm 7) er således koblet, at de i længderet ningen på hver understelsside liggende hjul'skivebremser udgør et bremsepar.Chassis according to one of claims 1 to 6, characterized in that the wheel disc brakes are coupled by means of a remote control operable through a brake gear (brake pull 106, connecting arm 7) such that the longitudinal discs of the wheel disc constitute on each lower side. a pair of brakes. 8. Understel ifølge krav 7, kendetegnet ved, at fjernbetjeningen til hvert bremsepar har en i 15 understelsrammens (2) længderetning anbragt forbindelsesarm (7) og bremsetræk (6), som er holdt i fastholdte kapper (6a) vendende ud mod rammen, og som for det enes vedkommende (bremsetræk 6’) sættes fast ved forbindelsesarmens (7) ender og ved de tilsvarende hjul skivebremser - f.eks. ved 20 bremsecylinderens (3) bremsestang (3b) - og for det andets vedkommende (bremsetræk 6") er tilsluttet i midten ved forbindelsesarmen (7) og ved bremsegearet.Frame according to Claim 7, characterized in that the remote control for each brake pair has a connecting arm (7) and brake pull (6) arranged in the longitudinal direction of the frame frame (2), which are held in fixed caps (6a) facing the frame, and which in the case of one (brake pull 6 ') is fixed at the ends of the connecting arm (7) and at the corresponding wheel disc brakes - e.g. at the brake cylinder (3) of the brake cylinder (3) - and for the other (brake pull 6 ") is connected in the middle by the connecting arm (7) and by the brake gear. 9. Understel ifølge krav 8, kendetegnet ved, at forbindelsesarmen (7) er ført på understelsrammens 25 (2) glideflader (2h) i dennes tværretning.Frame according to claim 8, characterized in that the connecting arm (7) is guided on the sliding faces (2h) of the frame frame 25 (2) in its transverse direction.
DK025689A 1988-01-22 1989-01-20 BOGILE-LIKE FRAME FOR SKIN VEHICLES DK166370C (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (4)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DE19883801833 DE3801833A1 (en) 1988-01-22 1988-01-22 Bogie-like running gear for rail vehicles
DE3801833 1988-01-22
DE3821955A DE3821955A1 (en) 1988-01-22 1988-06-29 Bogie-type undercarriage for rail vehicles
DE3821955 1988-06-29

Publications (4)

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DK25689D0 DK25689D0 (en) 1989-01-20
DK25689A DK25689A (en) 1989-07-23
DK166370B true DK166370B (en) 1993-04-19
DK166370C DK166370C (en) 1993-09-06



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
DK025689A DK166370C (en) 1988-01-22 1989-01-20 BOGILE-LIKE FRAME FOR SKIN VEHICLES

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EP (1) EP0325117B1 (en)
JP (1) JPH01215664A (en)
KR (1) KR890011750A (en)
DE (2) DE3821955A1 (en)
DK (1) DK166370C (en)
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NO (1) NO170720C (en)

Families Citing this family (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
EP0879751A1 (en) * 1997-05-24 1998-11-25 Powell Duffryn Standard Limited Improvements in bogie trucks for rail vehicles
KR100614611B1 (en) * 2004-12-30 2006-08-21 한국철도기술연구원 The end of axle braking system for railway vehicle
SE531450C2 (en) 2006-04-07 2009-04-07 Faiveley Transport Nordic Ab disc brake caliper

Family Cites Families (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US3939779A (en) * 1974-12-20 1976-02-24 United States Steel Corporation Railway truck assembly
SE423515B (en) * 1980-10-16 1982-05-10 Knorr Bremse Gmbh SUSPENSION BODY FOR A DISC BRAKE UNIT OF A RAILWAY VEHICLE

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NO885316D0 (en) 1988-11-29
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ES2026282T3 (en) 1992-04-16
DE3821955A1 (en) 1990-01-04
EP0325117A2 (en) 1989-07-26
KR890011750A (en) 1989-08-22
EP0325117B1 (en) 1991-10-16
DK166370C (en) 1993-09-06
DK25689D0 (en) 1989-01-20
JPH01215664A (en) 1989-08-29
NO885316L (en) 1989-07-24
NO170720B (en) 1992-08-17

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